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Andy - Final Week (Part 2 & 3 of HoH winner) WINNER OF BB15


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you speak for me and a lot of us :cheers:

come on Stevea11..how in the world is bashing someone 24-7 gameplay?..his bashing did nothing for his game but make him look like a creep..between the last 3 of course he won..i don't think we'll see him in all-stars ..

Andy as well a GM and Spencer said pretty nasty things about Ellisa although I admit Andys's trash talk was far worse. Andy was more or less following the others dislike of Ellisa and if trashing her kept him on the good side of GM and Spencer then so be it. If, GM and Spencer NEVER aid anything nasty about Ellisa but instead praised her Andy would had ot said such bad things. It's that "mob mentality" that they they all had towards Ellisa and sever other HG's.

Does that clear things up fo you Edieann?

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Andy as well a GM and Spencer said pretty nasty things about Ellisa although I admit Andys's trash talk was far worse. Andy was more or less following the others dislike of Ellisa and if trashing her kept him on the good side of GM and Spencer then so be it. If, GM and Spencer NEVER aid anything nasty about Ellisa but instead praised her Andy would had ot said such bad things. It's that "mob mentality" that they they all had towards Ellisa and sever other HG's.

Does that clear things up fo you Edieann?

i get the "mob mentality" thing we saw a lot of it this seasom ..except i don't think Andy was following them ..in fact i think we would have heard a lot less of Elissa bashing if he hadn't started it...he was the culprit ..he just couldn't stop ..i think gm and fatboy more or less followed him what makes me mad is they got the fallout from what they did and he walked out free ..and he is still lying about it :censored:

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I believe Julie said the ratings were up 500%. Based simply on that alone, I am willing to bet that more than 1 person from this season will be back. Please don't mistake the perception of the crowd at Morty's and Sucks with all viewers. Remember, the crowd that watches the feeds are a small fraction of the people who watch the recorded show and based on the ratings, the majority of viewers probably liked the product that CBS served up 3 times a week.

Are you sure CBS could not find any sponsors or they did not try to find any sponsors?

Julie said the voting for AFP was up 500%, not the ratings. I think that was BB's way of telling the cast that it was more than the brenchel fans who voted for Elissa.

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Julie said the voting for AFP was up 500%, not the ratings. I think that was BB's way of telling the cast that it was more than the brenchel fans who voted for Elissa.

You are correct, Julie did say AFP voting. I don't know why BB would need to tell the cast that that more than Brenchal voted for Elissa, I don't think it will change any of HG opinion of her. I think they all believe she sucked at the game and when they watch the show, it will just reinforce that opinion.

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Julie said the voting for AFP was up 500%, not the ratings. I think that was BB's way of telling the cast that it was more than the brenchel fans who voted for Elissa.

i agree and i love it if it p'd them off! as far as gameplay Elissa played a lot better than most of them..most were just floaters including the last 3! ..she outlasted most of them and played her own hoh ..something none of them can claim especially Aaryn...Aaryn played for Amanda ..Elissa deserved AF...CONGRATS TO HER :clap:

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