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Gary POV Unsuccessful?

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Well we don't know when they started the 24 hour countdown. If the countdown was after winning POV, then I don't think he was successful. However, he had already been awake for several hours prior to the POV, so it's possible that his 24 hour countdown ended this morning and his sleeping this morning did not count against his POV.

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Gary seems to think Canada wants him to win the game because we voted him back in..... I voted for him because I have always liked him AND I did not want Alec getting back in, but I do not want Gary to win. I think it was very poor production to send someone back in the house when down to final four, and that someone who has been in the jury house! As I have said before, he has had time to decompress, relax, rest etc which is a huge advantage, he has inside information as to how the jury is thinking of voting and he gets to lie to everyone about it!! WAY to late in the game for this kinda move by production!

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Gary seems to think Canada wants him to win the game because we voted him back in..... I voted for him because I have always liked him AND I did not want Alec getting back in, but I do not want Gary to win. I think it was very poor production to send someone back in the house when down to final four, and that someone who has been in the jury house! As I have said before, he has had time to decompress, relax, rest etc which is a huge advantage, he has inside information as to how the jury is thinking of voting and he gets to lie to everyone about it!! WAY to late in the game for this kinda move by production!

Totally agree with you, as I have said before....way too late in the game to send someone back in. BBC has screwed up a few times - but this is the biggest of them. I know people say all the time that if This person or that goes then they won't watch the show any longer....but I say it sincerely. If Andrew goes because Gary came back in the game then I'm out. Emmet, Jillian, and Andrew played the game....(sorry Talla fans, she did not) and to have any of their games screwed up this late in the game is just wrong. (Settle down Morty - I know it's a game with rules that are subject to change - but IMHO it was too late to pull this one.) Love you though Morty....hugssss

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I think sending someone in from the Jury house was a great twist. Andrew has gotten on my nerves lately, talla is a mess, Geary is a mess, and Jillian is a liar who does not stand behind her word. Even though Emmet has acted like a baby a few times he has played the best game and has stood by Jillian. I hope he wins the rest of them are scrubs and Peter is an awful weird guy.

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I'm not even sure who I'm rooting for anymore. Definitely not Andrew. He is obnoxious, negative, cynical, and just plain blind/stupid. He literally just said to Emmett and Jillian: "No one here has been playing this game by using others to do their dirty work". Obviously he's completely blind to the fact that Emmett has been doing just that all season long!

I would agree with Emmett winning, except he's a cheater. He's been DQ'd 3 times, and apparently his first HOH letter was coded by his mom to tell him he should stick with Gary. The letter said "We like Gary, he cleans up after himself". Which made no sense, because Gary was the messiest. And apparently, Emmett confessed to Dan that this was coding.

Jillian is not only a liar, which I'm OK with in the BB house, but she's a hypocrite. She doesn't like when others lie to her, yet she has done the most lying of them all. And then cries about how hard it is to lie....

Talla, unfortunately, hasn't done much. However, whether her ditzy/dumb routine is a ploy or not, it has worked in her favor and has been carried pretty far in the game. So her social game is not the worst, because most people like her, even though some people think she's annoying. Her strategy talks with Dan were pretty good, and you could tell she actually thinks strategy a lot more than she lets on.

Gary, I would root for him a lot more if it wasn't for the fact that he's already been to the jury house. I wouldn't cry if he won, it's just his advantage is so much bigger than everyone else's. But a Gary win wouldn't be the worst thing.

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Maybe Emmet's letter was coded but what about Alec's mom doing the shield sign when he got a video message with his HoH win? As pointed out by just about everyone, the production team has been very poor. Emmet may have been DQ'd 3 times so call him a cheater, but he never gained an advantage from his "cheating". My fav was Gary, even when he had a meltdown over his first time on slop, he lost me for a bit but not long, that being said, I don't want him to win. If they absolutely wanted someone back in the house when they got down to final 4 then they could have had Canada vote to send someone back in, then tell the remaining houseguests they could vote on allowing who Canada voted back in or keeping the houseguest they just evicted. At least then if they chose the person who has been in the jury house, (foolish) at least it would have been game play that put them in the situation they are facing. Just MO

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Brookteag, that would have been a cool idea. They would have to choose between Peter staying or having someone from the jury come back. They did that in BBUS back in season 9 if I remember correctly.

"Emmet may have been DQ'd 3 times so call him a cheater, but he never gained an advantage from his "cheating"." Well, he would have if he hadn't been caught. I understand that most of his "cheating" was "heat of the moment" kind of things, but it still doesn't matter. It shows a disregard of the rules whether he did it out of adrenaline or if it was with ill-intent. And I don't think the Alec thing is comparable, because it didn't give him any advice as to how to proceed. Emmett's letter did.

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I have been a Big Brother fan since session 6. I always watch the live feeds and feel that I know this game fairly well. I tuned into Big Brother Canada just to see what the differences and similarities would be. I really have been enjoying most of the season until now. How can production bring back someone who has been in the jury house for two weeks. This is so ridiculous and completely ruins and destroys the entire Big Brother concept. You have a house guest who is back after spending two weeks with angry bitter jury members and is given free range to lie and deceive the remaining house guests as to who the jury will vote for. I can't believe that Canada production saw no problem with this theme. The whole idea of Big Brother is that someone is voted out each week and goes home or later in the game goes to the jury house. Having twists and surprises can be fun but Canada please take it easy. Too much, too soon, too often gets tired and annoying real fast. It looks as though Gary will stay and Andrew will be voted out this week. I don't blame Andrew for being angry and becoming emotional. I am angry and annoyed for him. I am not sure I am going to continue watching Big Brother Canada and many of my friends feel the same way. This is not the Big Brother we know and love.

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Well, you are right. This isn't the Big Brother that you know and love, because this is Big Brother Canada. I think they are trying to make it their own show. Taking most concepts from BBUS, and some from BBUK. BBUK brings in people all the freaking time. I watched one season in which there were at least 7 new people that came in throughout the season. I think it just boils down to the fact that BBCAN did not want to be a carbon copy of BBUS. We still have BBUS coming up this summer, so we still do have the Big Brother we know and love.

Edit: Also, Andrew is just a baby about everything. Literally, he gets mad with everything that happens and is just a cynical person. He has said that he hated every single twist this season.

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silgado, I believe you are right about BB9. I have watched BB since the very first season where we the audience had a lot of say and it did not work, hence the change starting in season 2. I spent months in the UK last year and watched their version and it is completely differently but I did enjoy it.

Alec's mother doing the shield sign was her way of saying trust the shield, whatever else could she have meant.

It wasn't just Emmet that held balls in his hand during the Bee competition, it was others as well but Emmet had won Hoh so it was only really talked about it being him. Also this last HoH people are talking about how Emmet turned over a piece of the puzzle, they were all over it, forwarding pictures to BBCanada, talking about it etc. Last night on the show we SAW Talla do the same thing but yet nobody ever mentioned that! A lot of double standards coming from viewers.

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I think sending someone in from the Jury house was a great twist. Andrew has gotten on my nerves lately, talla is a mess, Geary is a mess, and Jillian is a liar who does not stand behind her word. Even though Emmet has acted like a baby a few times he has played the best game and has stood by Jillian. I hope he wins the rest of them are scrubs and Peter is an awful weird guy

.How anyone lives with Talla is beyond me! Jillian lying doesn't bother me, it's a game, and that's part of it! Andrew has been mad about this twist, he could see it disrupted the delicate balance of the final four, and could ( AND DID) hurt him personally. I would've been mad too! Emmett has been showing me something lately, not just the meat head I saw him to be, he rolled with the twist, winning HOH didn't hurt of course. Gary is entertaining, but I find this an obvious example of production deciding they wanted entertainment back in. And.....I started this topic with Gary slept during his 24 hour POV, he talked about now getting to sleep.....him keeping the benefits of POV seems unfair, breaking their precious rules. Gary should remain on the block!!
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You'd think a houseguest or two would complain to get his veto revoked if he'd violated the terms ...

Andrew has mentioned it.....

How do you know he broke the POV rules? Again, we haven't seen the POV on the show yet, so we don't know what the 24 hour countdown was. So watch the show, and then accuse of cheating, not the other way around.

You're quite right, I don't know, I never said cheat, and I thought this was a forum to discuss opinions.....just saying.

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It seems to me that there are more pots and kettles in this game than an English teahouse, but it is a game, and most of the cast went in there to win no matter what they had to do to win it. (I say most, as a few seemed to have secondary dreams of stardom). Of course, tempers will fly along with the numerous and various accusations as well, but I must say, there are personality traits that come out and separate a favorite from the rest.

My initial concern with BBC was the treatment of the contestants. Constant and unbearable heat, being left in pain for unreasonable amounts of time, sleep deprivation, giving unfair advantages to boost ratings, (The Topaz 15 min HOH thing was just wrong in my opinion), and a ton of other things that went on for the longest time, and then admonish/punish them if they complained or were lethargic afterwards. I wrote BBC a nasty one after the shower incident with Emmett and Jillian, and since then, BBC seems to have cleaned up their act a bit. (Not sure if that is coincidence or not, but whatever, as long as they fixed that part up at least).

Who deserves to win? Again, in my opinion, anyone but Gary or Talla. Talla did nothing but prance around and talk incessantly with either the voice of a four pack a day 60 year old truck driver, or an even more annoying, and constant interrupting preschooler. How she has been permitted to live her life unsupervised all these years is beyond me.

Gary had his chance and blew it, end of story. I voted for AJ to return as he was sort of blindsided in the first place, and also because I thought he could or would do the least amount of damage to the game already in play. (No matter who they brought in there would be some damage, and give someone else an advantage as well as having their own, but I thought AJ would be the most insignificant of those factors).

Arguments can be made for the remaining three, but in my opinion, Andrew has lost my vote big time.

From the beginning, it was easy to see that he needed about a gallon of dip to go with all those chips on his shoulder, but after a few weeks and a few wins, he started giving them up and became much more personable, and almost charming. He goes from being the open mike stand up champ, to taking offense to anyone who won’t consider him the old and wise Sage of BBC. He complains that all the “punks” don’t respect or listen to him, but does it constantly to everyone else, as though he is entitled to just for achieving the ripe ol’ age of 38. OMG, I hate to admit it but I have socks older than he is, give me a break. I wasn’t too fussy about his reasons to Dan as to why he deserves to stay either.

“ I am playing and busting my butt because I have a house that I am trying to furnish and I need to help out my twin brother and his family”…seriously? Isn’t that the sort of thing he complained about Suzette for? Whatever, I guess you gotta say and do whatever you have to in order to survive in that game… I just don’t like him much. He does deserve to win, but in a final two with Emmett or Jillian, he would not get my vote.

Jillian is another who I wonder how she lives an independent life. I think in her own element, she’s probably outgoing, bubbly, and very caring though, and I don’t fault her for the lies and broken promises as she has been doing most of it on the suggestion of Emmett to benefit them both. Anyone is fair game in BB, but she has remained loyal and true to Emmett, regardless if she agreed or not with his logic, and as far as I am concerned, that says more about her than the lies she has told to the others. She too deserves to win, and just as much as Emmett, so either way, I would be happy with that.

That being said, Emmett is my number one vote and as well, deserves to win. He played a spectacular game, and though Jillian was a huge factor to his success so far, she has equally been a heavy weight too. He has managed to play his game, keep her safe, calm all her fears and impending meltdowns, keep track of all that is said in the house, pick up and carry on regardless of the twists and challenge setbacks he’s had, and continues to be a quiet and steady rock of strategy and support for him and Jillian. I don’t usually like the big muscle bound glory boys, and especially those who seem to have had every advantage in life. But in this case, I have to give credit where credit is due. He may owe something from the benefit of a solid foundation of family morals and ethics, but he is his own man, and has played according to his own mind and spirit, rather than others who spoke of “what would Dan do”, “what would Daddy say” or “what will my fans think of me”.

...just my take on it all.

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An opinion is: "If Gary broke the POV rules, he should lose POV."

You wrote: "him keeping the benefits of POV seems unfair, breaking their precious rules. Gary should remain on the block!!" Opinions stated as facts are neither opinions nor facts....

People that don't watch feeds could have very well taken your statement to mean that you know for sure he broke the rules. Yet, none of us know that.

To me, the fact that his POV has not been taken away probably means he hasn't broken rules. We have first hand knowledge that BB takes rules seriously and have taken away HOH in the past for breaking rules. However, maybe we'll see on Wednesday.

Also, very well said Drummergirl. I agree with most of it. Maybe I was a bit harsh in outright calling Emmett a cheater, because he has played a very good game overall regardless.

Also, I 100% agree about Andrew. Definitely my least favorite right now.

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MAybe BBCanada does not have the winnings to give the winner. Gary would be happy with fame, so they strike a deal with him, send you back into the house! When it comes to the 24hrs, sorry not buying what anyone is selling. Gary did not wake up in the BB house the morning he went back in. Again another unfair advantage. The other houseguest know what time their alarm goes off each morning but they have no clue about Gary.. Maybe there was no clause in the POV that you would lose your POV if you slept, just that BB wouldn't let you sleep, well great, so if Gary keeps the alarm going off (which he did) then EVERYONE gets punished! I have seen 4 different international versions of this game, I am a proud Canadian but have been very disappointed with Canada's version.

At least it was Gary who was voted back in, I may not be happy with the show but he was my favorite.

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The POV wasn't played the same day that Gary went back in. Gary went back in on Thursday night and slept there with everyone else. POV then was played on Saturday afternoon. So yes, we do know that Gary woke up at the same time as everyone else Saturday morning before he was punished with the 24 hour sleeping rule. Also the alarm going off only happened in the have-not room, where Gary was sleeping. So it's not a punishment for everyone.

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My initial concern with BBC was the treatment of the contestants. Constant and unbearable heat, being left in pain for unreasonable amounts of time, sleep deprivation, giving unfair advantages to boost ratings, (The Topaz 15 min HOH thing was just wrong in my opinion), and a ton of other things that went on for the longest time, and then admonish/punish them if they complained or were lethargic afterwards. I wrote BBC a nasty one after the shower incident with Emmett and Jillian, and since then, BBC seems to have cleaned up their act a bit. (Not sure if that is coincidence or not, but whatever, as long as they fixed that part up at least).

What on earth are you talking about?

As for Gary - if he accepted a challenge as part of the PoV and failed to complete it he should definately be disqualified, and BB Canada producers have shown so far they aren't afraid to disqualify people. Really it should have been done before or during the Veto Ceremony, but still possible it could be revoked come eviction night, though whether it would mean anyone else picks up the Veto remains to be seen. Would be funny if Talla had won it, saves Andrew and Jillian goes up - though I still think Gary would go unless Andrew really had the balls to vote her out.

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