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8/5 - Live Feeds / BB After Dark


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2:41BBT Frank at the kitchen sink, he still doesnt have the spritard back on, its in the washer. Sorority talk continues. Shane and Wil fixing something to eat.

Ash and Jani talking. General talk about last night. Jani said they laughed so loud they woke everyone in the room up. Jani is excited about Frank leaving.

Jani was reading the bible, she says its time for a nap.....back to sorority talk........

Dan says After After party at the Geisha house. Mike says different discounts for different ones. Then says if its ever close and he needs a vote-keys to the liqueur room.

3:04BBT Dani and Brit in HOH. Jani is the leader of that whole other crew if she goes they will scramble. Mike said that if Frank goes he wants to work with them. Jani told Brit that Mike didnt seem to want to work with her. she doesnt trust Frank or MIke. Dani says she honestly doesnt care either way. Last night wiped her out.

Dan comes out of HOH WC. Brit going to try to talk to Mike today, tell him Frank could go home and where will he go after that?

Dan asks her if this makes her nervous that this is Mikes master plan? Brit says she doesnt trust him. Dani asks if she should put up MIke? Dan says and not guarantee Frank wont go home.

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Dan says as far as we dont trust jani she hasnt done anything yet. Dani says she doesnt mind keeping them the same.

Dan says. this is a random ass scheme. Put up Mike and watch him work Ian for the vote. Brit says when she says Jani says you have to take it with a grain of salt.

Dan says he wouldnt be as concerned with Mike if Frank would go home, where would he go? Brit says Jani said is going after Jenn.

Brit goes to look for her flip flops. Dan says She changes her mind all the time. Brit was talking to Jani for an hour. Dan says he trusts Jani as her #2 is Ash, he doesnt trust Mike as his #2 is Frank.

3:18BBT Shane comes in and Dan tells him their talk with Brit. Dani says she doesnt know what to do. Shane says if Jani hasnt come after them .....Dani says Jani emotions and they way she looks at her she doesnt know. Shane says she would put him up in heart beat.

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Mike comes in. Asks Dan what his thought are. Dan says he is 50/50. 50 to get out Frank. Mike asks what he is thinking. Dan says us vs. them. Mike says the vote will be 7 to 2.

Mike: would you rather she gets power? Why not take out Queen B, unless she has some value to Dan, she is trouble and a lier.

MIke: Why would you want to lose Frank when he will be such a warrior for you. Dan says he is undecided. Mike says he got ppl excited over it and now Dan isnt. this could be super powerful.

3:35BBT Basically...its same talk, different hour.

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3:35BBT Dan tells Boogie that Wil hasn't competed very well but Boogie says you never know. Dani asks if he would have hard feelings if they didn't save Frank but took off Will for Janelle? He says no. I don't think we need to disguise their connection (by not taking Frank off) but if that is what it takes, OK. Ian sitting in his doghouse talking with Jenn by the pool. A six pack and a bottle of wine is a nite out for most people. They can't believe it's August already, Day 30. Boogie says if that is what it takes to demonstrate a level of trust, he's OK.

In BY. Ian going thru the rule book, chatting with Jenn and Wil. Jenn and Wil take the dog for a walk.

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Ian and Jenn go to look at the time. Wil and Frank start to walk. Frank still doesnt have the spiritard on.

3:47BBT Frank talks about his daily routine then gets called to DR. Jenn says they prob want you to wear that thing, Frank says its in the dryer. Ian talks about how his unitard dried between the rain fall when they were on the HOH ship.

in HOH Mike is still pitching his deal. In BY Ian, Wil and Jenn walking and talking nonsense. Wil mostly doing his voices.

Mike leaves HOH, and they go over what he said. Brit says Mike says the same thing about Jani that Jani says about Mike.

Mike goes outside to the couch. Says this is where he misses Dr. Will the most, he could always knock them over the edge to where he wanted them. W/o Brit and Dan he would have Dani and Frank do what he wants. Maybe he should get rid of the coaches and the others will be more malleable then.

4:04BBT Mike wants to use threats and intimidation but he is going to be a good boy. He thanks Brit for the idea of using them for 2 wks, He will get out Jani then Joe, snatch up Joe and Wil and then take out her.

4:10BBT Brit really pushing for Jani to go up. She will go after them, so will Frank and Mike. (I feel like I am attached to a fan blade....round and round and round and going no where)

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4:19 PM BBT In HOH - just the rehash of who to put up. In the BY Boogie and Frank talking Boogie and Dan's convo. Dan told him that he doesn't like to play a game where you draw a line in the sand.

Frank now has the spiritard back on. Boogie telling Frank that Boogie suggested to Dan that Wil comes off and Jani goes up. Ian comes up. Boogie tells ian that before Ian has to get rid of the costume - BB wants tot do a funny bit with Boogie/Frank/Ian - we get FOTH. They practice a "Chilltown" type DR.

4:25 PM BBT Jani comes into HOH to complain that she was trying to nap but Joe came in and he snores which made it impossible for her to nap. Brit tells Jani that Boogie was just there to save Frank. Brit complains that Boogie wants them to give him Frank for the 3rd week in a row.

4:30 PM BBT We keep getting FOTH as the HG talk about the "non-eviction" night. Jani says that you didn't hear them unlock the door. HG saying it was lame. Brit says she knew America would vote yes to allow the coaches in before the card was even open. Jani says that the eviction should have happened before the coaches came in. Brt says its not right that there are 12 players for 7 weeks.

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4:34 PM BBT Jani says that if we take away Frank - Boogie will end up in bed all season because Frank is Dr. Will's sub for Boogie. Brit says that Frank smells (as she gets up and pulls her sparkly shorts down). All the HG chowing on the HOH snacks. Discussion about Dr. Will and what kind of Dr he is. Jani saying to BB if she wins HOH what she wants for her snacks.

4:38 PM BBT Discussion in the BY about the spiritard and the color. Ian telling Frank he is a good sport for wearing the Spiritard. Frank says he loves the game and is just bummed that he came in 2nd on the POV and was so close.

4:44 PM BBT Dan/Brit talking in WCA - Brit says they are looking like fools considering to keep Frank. Brit says that Jani will keep them safe for a few more weeks.

4:51 PM BBT Brit goes into the BY and Brit tells Boogie and Frank about the Sprinter story (the van with the 7 recliners). Brit explaining what a Sprinter is in detail (she didn't know what it was the other night but she has all sorts of info now). Frank says that he just found out Joe says he created "I Can't Believe It's Not Butter". Brit says the doors open from the side - Brit says she knows it's not true (the other night she had no idea what the van looked like so not sure how she knows it not to be true).

4:55 PM BBT Some more Joe bashing. Frank says is he the only one that notices some things about Joe that are not clean - Brit says that he would be the one to notice. Brit says do not look at the cutting board.

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5:04 PM BBT Jani leaves the HOH room - Dani offers her snickers before she leaves and she turns them down and says she is trying to watch her weight (she has just enjoyed snacking on Cheez-its) and heads downstairs to cut up some veggies. In the BY - discussion about the unitard and being evicted in the unitard.

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5:10 PM BBT Brit complaining about being bruised. Says (in a mocking voice) "Its an easy Summer Brit - no comps no stress - just a relaxing Summer" (Guess she forgot she pushed the button) Boogie says that he looked wrong at his contract it seems. Brit says :At least we aren't here until false pretenses"

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6:16pm BBT: Dani is saying if she takes him off the block and they dont agree with her then she is screwed too. frank says if we work together no one will know that we are together. dani says yeah no one will know not even Brit or dan will know

6:19pm BBT:Dani tells Frank none of us have talked any deals with Jani

6:20pm BBT: Dani tells frank she is not going to play this game ugly. Frank says preesh and leaves the hoh rm

6:30pm BBT: Jani and Brit on hammock talking about Rach and Brendon and then about everyone in the house now. Mike and dan on by couch talking about a show Boogie was on Joe in kt making bbq chicken quasadillas for dinner

6:41pm BBT: all hg in kt waiting for dinner to be ready and making drinks Dani went to get cokes from the sr

6:51pm BBT Hg sitting at the table eating while Joe is making the Quesidellas for each hg. Ian must be in dr hg say its sad that the dog day is over

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7:09pm BBT Hg still eating just general chit chat about shopping, food and places to go.wil is in the mbr laying down with a bandana over his eyes picking at his hair.

7:11pm BBT HG in kt now talking about Joes bb cookbook and how they will endorse their favorite recipies. Joe telling of other things he will add to the book also.

7:18pm BBT Boogie , Frank , dan and Ian in lvr Dan reading the bible Shane in kt washing dishes Jenn clearing the table. Jani says you doing dishes tonight shane says yeah Jani says thank you shane.

7:28pm BBT Frank and Boogie in hnr Frank telling Boogie about what dani said earlier when he was in hoh talking to her

7:35pm BBT : frank told mike he is going to play on sympathy since he has to wear the spirit tard and Dani in wca talking to brit brit says you have got to to like jani and keep noms the same

7:38pmBBT:old is over the dog house is now gone from the by Boogie goes to talk to jenn trying to get her vote for frank jenn says well ya'll was going to trade me boogie says no no we told wil that we wasnt going to do it i want to clear the air and go back to the relationship we had before obviously i was just saying things to get wils vote to keep frank in this game

7:45pm BBT:Boogie telling Jenn how to get to the end of the game with him and frank in by . Shane and Dani whispering in by on lounger . Brit going to go find Boogie to talk to him now

7:47pm BBT: Brit goes into crane rm talking to Dan she says i am getting nervous now there is to much go between dan is whispering really low

7: 50pm BBT: Dani in by telling shane that Ash complains all the time and is always taking advil. Dani tells shane that it is funny he is so scared of relationships shane says you are too your afraid of commitment

7:52pm BBT: Shane tells Dani he looked into her eyes lastnight dani giggles he says he looked at her boobies too dani says thats fine you can look at those too.

7:57pm BBT: dan and Brit in crane rm Brit wondering if they should tell Jani that Boogie wants her backdoored this week. In the by shane says maybe we should play spin the bottle again tonight Dani says no way i dont want to kiss in front of everyone anymore shane says you only kiss me when your drunk Dani laughs and says i do not

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8:05 PM BBT Frank and Boogie in the BY. Frank tells Boogie that he has noticed that Joe doesn't wash his hands after the bathroom. Boogie says that they better make sure he doesn't cook anymore.

8:11 PM BBT Dani and Shane talking about the weight they gained in college and how it affected them. On the other feeds - Frank and Boogie - nothing has changed - just the same convo round and round.

8:20 PM BBT Brit/Jani/Frank/Dan in the WCA talking about dating online. Frank says he has tried it but never met anyone. Brit offers that there is a difference between the ones you pay for and the free ones. Brit says that if you google Brit - one of the pictures that comes up is a man in panties with a porno background.

Frank tries to offer that maybe it comes up because of the Haines underwear. Brit says it's spelled differently. She is explaining that there are ugly legs in the picture and it isn't her.

8:26 PM BBT Correction - Ashley is in the WCA with the others. Not Jani. Discussing pictures that come up of them if you google them. Ashley says only two pictures come up of her.

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8:39 PM BBT In the BY Dani/Shane continue to talk about their lives and dating. In the WCA the HG giving Frank a hard time for saying to he would go to one more prom if the girl was 18.

8:51 PM BBT We are getting FOTH a lot as the Hg talk about home lives. And now Frank sings and we get more FOTH.

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