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Having Trouble With Live Feeds


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Hi, I got my Live Feeds Late Thursday night ( from here) Everything was fine, and was fine Friday, until early evening. I tried to check things out and all it does is stream ( I think that is what it is called). I tried to go to the chats to see if anyone was there. A window came up, and it said "connecting to all the rooms". It done that for the longest time, so I left. I don't know what to do, does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks

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Done an online chat with a Melody Rose Cabahit. She took forever responding, then all she could tell me to do was reset my browser. I went through the "Help" in the Super pass, and done all of that, and told her so, but she asked me to do it again, and I did. Nothing seemed to work, because she kept having me do the same things I done before the online chat. Finally I told her that it was taking way too long, honestly, it was an hour, and she only had me do a few things. Not sure what she was doing, unless she was trying to help several of us at the same time. Ahhhh, yes, dealing with Real Player can be one big pain. I still cannot access anything, and my free trial will be up tomorrow. So, I won't be renewing it. Bummer.

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You shouldn't require realplayer to access the feeds. I really have little understanding of how these things work, but last year things were great using bblite and I'm under the impression it will continue this way.

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ROFL! Thanks for your last post, Morty. I've been racking my brain trying to remember the name for the BB player and was too chicken to ask anybody, lol I thought I had kept a link in my favorites but for some reason it wasn't there. Now I can feel better about starting BB feeds without having to watch it in my browser! :hurray:

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You shouldn't require realplayer to access the feeds. I really have little understanding of how these things work, but last year things were great using bblite and I'm under the impression it will continue this way.

Love me BBLite... and popout chat !!

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I still have the BBLite pinned to my taskbar from last summer. I was watching some last year replays the other day. Got my Real Player summer pass from here. If you want to watch BB from an away from home computer (like work) Facebook has a good portal.


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I tried to download BBLite last night and had all kinds of issues with it downloading properly. I really want to have it since it's soooo much better than the feeds in a browser. I checked out that link you gave us Marty and they said they don't know if they are going to update it to use it this year. I hope they do.

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