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How Much Money Did The Houseguests Make In Bb10


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BB 10

Dan won $520,000

Memphis won $50,000 and a Miny Condition 1969 Chevrolet Camaro worth $60,000 = $110,000

Keesha won $25,000

Jury Members not counting Keesha (Jerry,Renny,Ollie,Michelle,April, & Libra) get $9,750 each)

Jerry is $9,750 + $4,000 = 13,750

Libra is $9,750 + $1,000 + Trip to Hawaii

April is $9,750 + $5,000 + Designer cloths

Jesse(4 weeks & 1 week he played a gorilla in Comp) gets $3,750

Angie(3 weeks) gets $2,250

Steven(2 weeks) gets $1,500

Brian(1 week) gets $750

Big Brother 10 Tab for Houseguests being paided for BB10 is $731,250 + April's Clothes & Libra's Trip)

Still BB has to pay Producers,Cameraman,PA's & Others + All the stuff they used in Comps + FOOD(Each slop bucket is $40 each) (Ted & Debbie's Food was FREE)

CBS also has to pay Millions to get right to show from Endemol USA (Big Brother Australia was canned this year as Network Ten dint want to pay the Price for BB from Endemol South Pacific)

BUT BBUSA is still a very cheap show to produce and as Les Moonves(CBS/Viacom President, Julie Chen's husband) said "its a Cash Cow"

Big Brother 10 still = PRICELESS (For Us loyal Fans)

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add jerry gold bar to his tabbed

and aprils , libra gold bar


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it was awarded at a pov which jerry won


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Wow, I thought the jurors ended up making more than that. One year I know someone posted something that showed that 3rd place person got almost as much as the runner up. Maybe that was All Stars, cause wasn't their pay scale different?

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yes she keep $9750

the ac is a bonus


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the car that Memphis won has hit a snag according to tmz BB didnt own the car and it has been painted since the show started now they are trying to buy the car from the owner. here is the link to the storyhttp://www.tmz.com/2008/09/18/big-bro-walk...mphis/#comments

update: i guess memphis has choiceing to take money over the car here is hte link http://www.tmz.com/2008/09/18/memphis-take...-ride/#comments

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