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Sunday, April 20th


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OK, I'm back to disliking Sheila again. I feel sorry for Adam having to deal with her hormonal outrages. Just when I was hoping that they would be F2, she starts being a raving negative person. She totally takes ZERO responsibility for her attitude, actions, etc. She really does have an entitlement attitude. The tears are ready to come and I have NO sympathy for the SheBOT!

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i could understand if she was putting out :lol:

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and the guys attitude is good? They are not deserving of any back talk? They are obnoxious and rude and crude. The woman in the house always get the negative talk.

This is a little while ago and they still are stressing on the pre-existing relationship and Sheila is getting the blame.


Sharon has been squeezing her boobs together all day today. :lol:

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They all have bad attitudes. They all suck. I don't want any of them to win. I've been such a big fan last year and this year. I really enjoy posting and doing live feed updates on Morty's but maybe I get to emotionally involved about people I don't even know. Then I get upset about other people's posts. Maybe it's time to give up the BB crack pipe...

Well, at least until July for BB10...

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I'm with ya, MD. I am disenchanted this season, but I'm still here. And I have gotten emotionally invested also...and irritated with some folks' posts too! *LOL* My kids tell me to get a life.....maybe I should.

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adam is lame

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OK, lets look at this from the hamsters point of view.

Adam is looking out for Adam. (He is the most intelligent of the bunch)

Sheila is looking out for Sheila. (Sheila is there, but the game left her after the first HOH)

Sharon is looking out for Sharon. (No more coattails to ride, so her game is over)

Ryan is looking out for Ryan. (Is only there because he was in the boys club)

This is very simplistic but I think they are doing the best they can with the limited brain trust they have left between them. They all sucked from day ONE. Why should we expect anything different from them. I for one do not see any grand strategy coming from this group, Ryan and Adam will be left as the final two only because they are boys. That will be their final strategy, just like they played on the playground when they were in grade school.

Come on BB10! Give us some real HG's with some intelligence and strategic vision for the end game.

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if both hg have deal with sharon

who wins? sharon

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ditto BBinMiami!

The guys have to report back to each other every thing the woman are doing and laughing at them. They are just so full of themselves and the power they have over the 'bitches".

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Some get emotionally invested in these people, yes. Myself included at time. That's why BB is such a big hit with the audience. And yes, sometimes the frustration comes out, but from what I've seen here at Morty's, its nothing like at SS where all are reamed a new one just for not being part of the clique even if you do agree with what everyone else says.

So being frustrated is normal. Being at Morty's is good too, because so far, we are all allowed our differing opinions on each HG without having to battle boardmates as well.

Conerning the HG's in general..they ALL suck and NONE deserve a dime. But that isn't up to us, is it? So therefore, one must win. Which is the least worst of them all? I know. That's a difficult question, isn't it? :lol:

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i tend not get emotional invested until next season currently at 70% :lol:

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mortys ok but it doesnt have bb 365 coverage

thats only issue i find here

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I like it here too. I read SS, but I won't ever participate again. They think I'm a wuss for not battling. I call it them not being worth the battle. heh

To answer my own question on which one to win? Adam. He plans on giving it to charity.

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Conerning the HG's in general..they ALL suck and NONE deserve a dime. But that isn't up to us, is it? So therefore, one must win. Which is the least

worst of them all? I know. That's a difficult question, isn't it?

I would have to say Sharon...

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lol adam got caught

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