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February 28 - Live Feed Updates


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All four feeds are on the kicthen and general chit chat. People getting breakfast and such.


Ry enters kitchen. Good mornings all around. Then Ally enters to no greetings.

Nat rehashing arguement with Matt to Ally in BR. Shelia comes in & starts drying her hair.


Ally goes up to Josh and says "that was funny last night, our acting. No one thinks we are aligned together." Josh walked away. He is now in HOH room with Sharon & says "She is crazy!"


11:41 am BBT - She and Josh talking in kitchen, rehashing how crazy Alli is, Alli comes out of DR She says to Alli "Josh does really want to be your friend. Alli - Yeah I want to be your friend too, close friends... Josh - yes close enough to send you home, close enough to put you on the plane home to that wonderful place you live. Alli - Just wait until you get out of the house, you'll have a rude awakening. Josh - what are you going to sue me? Alli - you just wait! Josh - you just forgot you signed your life away. Alli - that is what you think. FOTH... we continue to get their bagging back and forth. Josh - Keep putting make up on, put make up on that mole flap you freakin cyclops! Josh - the more your make up you put on the uglier you get. Alli - I wonder who chase is F****** fight now? Who is Chase F******? Josh - I don't know? Who is he f******? Josh - Why don't you get in my 5 ft, it goes both ways Alli - oh no it doesn't the producers told me that YOU have to stay away from me! Alli - Josh why did you go off on me? What just started this? Josh - YOU Alli you are a f**** CUNT! More baggin!


11:50 am BBT - Meeting just called in HoH sand Alli and Ry. Everybody heads up there and Josh offers refreshments. Then we get F***** FOTH!


ADD ON to Myss911 11:50 am BBT

I didn't get Foth. While Josh was getting everyone.. ryan said are we not invited, and Josh said NO you are not. Once everyone (except ali and ryan) was up in the HOH Josh offered food and drink and told everyone they are welcome to get food if they want it. Then Josh told everyone that they need to plan out this week, and he does not need any surprises, and doesn't want to surprise any one about who will be nom. today.. NO body wants to be a pawn, but they talk about percentage of different plans.

By the time everyone was leaving to get ready for what they hoped was food comp. they agree to not put ali on block, because then there will only be a 25% chance that they will get to play for POV. that is only if they pull there ball out. and they will use pov on one of the other couple and put ali and ryan up with no chance of pov. if a tie, josh will break tie voting out ali. some talk about nexts week HOH, and etc.. (way to far ahead of them selves) Everyone seems to be on same page.. or so they acted. Matt stayed behind to try to give a different plan, he wants a week off.. to stress ful on block.. Matt said he had to change clothes for food comp.. Sharon told him to hurry .. this maybe be it. and she looked down at her mic.. and then we get the FOTH... We have had it since then well trivia..

on another feed I saw ryan and ali just sitting down stairs.. she was trying to place blame on everyone else but herself.. Ryan was just laying there with eyes closed. (look like trying to ignore her)


at about 2:10pmBBT Food comp ended it was a non physcial food comp. they won Bevages. all girld dressed in green leotards except ZJosh/Sharon in overalls. all guys in aprons. later inside Josh says plan is get rid of Allison/Ryan and if they win veto its matt/nat

downstairs Shelia says they lost bread & cewraeal

2:30 Allison heads up 2 HOH room. Alli says she dosent lie and that Josh has ben her best friend since day 1. Josh calls her out on the lesbian thing and that she lied 2 his face numberous times. Alli says she only watch BB 1 season and she dint know it was this much backstabbing. she says she mad at Shelia 4 backstabbing her. Alliosn says Shelia startyed lesbian alliance. Alli says entire time she was against lesbian alliance but Shelia pulled her in every time. Alli says it was stupid nd she felt bad every time saying she wsa a lesbian. Josh says she played the gay card against him. Alli says she dint want 2 do it but Shelia threated her and Amanda raped he with words.(how u can be raped by words now) Sharon says everything Alli says is used and twisted 4 Allison own use. that she lies. Allison says Nat lying and she wants Matt/Nat out. Alli says she never wanted Josh/Sharon out. Allison says u2 are my bf's i never woyuld want u2 gone(lol she lying her butt off)(Sharon gettin angry at Allison shes rasin her voice) Allison still keeos saying she NEVER lied 2 Josh that it was Amanda & Natalie.(Josh is squuezing his mooose) Sharon says that Allison is puttin everyu1 against each other. Allison says Shelia lied about lesbian allivance that she stared it. Allison swears on her parents that she dosent lie and that Shelia started lesbian alliance.(breaking news Allison parents have been in a accident) Allison keeps throwin Shelia under the bus. Sayin she wanted no part in lesbian allinace. Allison says Shelia's 2 much. Allison says Ryan lied last night.(Josh isnt even lookin at Alli, hes just playing with his moose) Alli says her & Ryan really arent partners. Alli says Ryan is the key holder he picks who they vote out. Alli says she wanted 2 keep Amanda/Alex*(but Josh/Sharon saw they saw diffent as J/S watched from balcony tues. night) Alli says Ryan was the erson who decided who left. Alli says if she won HOH she would of got rid of Adam/Shelia or Maatt/Nat

still at 3pm Sharon sayin that Alli wanted Amanda/Alex.

3:30pmBBT still above convo

Josh says BB told him he did nothing wrong and they showed him the tape and said he said nothin wrong othewrwise he would be gone. Josh said he made up the 5 feet rule


3:50 pm BBT: Alli is still in HOH room lieing her butt off. Sharon is telling her where she lied, etc. Josh is just laying there. He finally says "I am not coming after you anymore Allison." Now Alli is saying for them to play it off like he is still mad at her. She is pleading her case to stay in house. Josh still silent. Chel is saying the biggest mistake we've made in this house is not getting rid of Matt & Nat. Alli agrees 100%! Sharon & Chel telling her Nat told them that Alli was gunning for them. Sharon says don't start shit, I'm not in the mood for it. Alli calling Shelia & Adam floaters. Josh called to the DR.

Allison told them that Ryan called all the shots last week. She was sick and it was Ry's decision to keep Matt & Nat. (LIAR!)


3:58 pm BBT: Allison pleading her case in HOH to stay saying that her and Adam are not strong and don't get along at all. They can't work as a team. She is making a pact with the girls against Sheila and Natalie. Don't know if they are just going along or if it is for real.


4:02 pm BBT: Chelsia & Sharon believe her and think they should get Matt & Nat out. James comes in and says "Are you all smoking crack?!" Chelsia & Sharon want Matt & Nat out. James says no. Stick to plan.


4:05 pm BBT: Cheslia said "I'm pissed now" as James said Chelsia GOT drunk 1 night and spilled beans on plan Cheslie goes screaming downstairs at Allison and yells at Allison.


4:08 pm BBT: James said Alli was downstairs telling everyone that when Chelsia was drunk she said Chelsia, James, Sharon & Josh were going to be final 2. Chelsia goes to Alli and calls her out. Alli lies again and denies it. Alli talking her way out of it.

Chelsia buys it!


4:15 pm BBT - Chelsia goes to the kitchen wanting to set the air straight about the rumor that when she was drunk that she told Allison that they had an alliance with Josh and Sharon. Allison is denying that she ever said that Chelsia said final four. Chelsia is pissed off. Chelsia said that it really was (while laughing): final two: Joshua and Allison. HGs are eating burgers. Chelsia went back to her room and said,


4:30 PM BBT: I turn on the feeds to see Sharon and Josh in the HoH Bathroom. Sharon is starting to shower. Sharon is trash talking Chelsia to Josh. Sharon says that the water is not getting hot. Josh says that this game is changing and that you have to win competitions to stay. Sharon says that Allison was putting all the blame on Ryan about the votes. Josh says he doesnt want to be final 2 with Allison and Ryan (Why not?!!? EVERYONE in the house HATES them and NEVER give them the money.) They are contemimplating whether or not Nat really said something or if Allison said that and said that it was Nat. Allison also said that she was backstabbed by Chelsia. (This conversation is really going nowhere.) Allsion said that she was REALLY mad at Shelia (yet on the other feed I see Allison hanging out with Shelia in there normal spot in the Bathroom....) The feeds switch to the BY.


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