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Monday, September 3rd


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Lackadaisical night. I think we have POV ceremony later today though!!!

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I didn't hear her but, I wouldn't put it past her... I was typing and listening at the same time so, I didn't catch it all... but, Jess and Jameka were dissing the hg's inside. I did hear Jess say that she'd be just fine if she didn't talk to anyone left in the game except her (Jameka) and Eric.

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I don't think Eric can win with her at this point (no not the game), everything he does is wrong and seems to get her mad. If anything, if he knew she was going to go home for sure, I wouldn't put it past him to try and get himself put up.

They are in such a foul mood right now that it isn't very much fun.

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Dick told Jameka that he and Daniele are sending her to jury this week because of the relationships she has built in the house.
by Cajun

huh.... this is a huge mistake if jess wins D&D will go up.

EDIT:anybody watching the Mac & cheese on the stove? burn house burn hahaha

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Nah, I don't think they are voting out Jameka. Dani already talked with her Dad and they plan to vote out Jessica and take Zach with them to the final 3. Unless, something has changed again. They just don't want Jess to know she's the one going home.

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I think it's mean any way around and I hope it bites them in the ass, hard. There's no reason to play this game on a hateful/ hurtful level. I was a bit fan if Dick in the beginning, and I was starting to like him again in the past few weeks, but he has gone completely down the tubes.

If you want to make Jessica feel safe, tell Jessica you're evicting Jam. I don't know why hurting someone makes their work easier. And I don't think their 11th hour "deal" with Jameka will happen. If you want to vote Jessica out, Dick should TRY to be a man about it. But I guess being a real man isn't something Dick is capable of.

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They(D&D) plan on making Jameka swear on the Bible in front of the camera and all of the viewers about 10 times if they save her. If Jameka does that she won't go back on her word. I hope Jameka doesn't take their deal because they plan on taking Zach to the final 3 and are just using Jameka. They don't think they can win the jury votes if either one of them are up against Jameka. Whether Jameka takes their deal or not, I still think Jess is going to sequester Thursday. But with Double Eviction maybe there is a chance to send one of the Donatos there, too.

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dont blame dick its all Dani idea to make jessica feel safe.

If it's Danielle's idea, how come Zach said she was having doubts. Either way it's mean and unnecessary. Making Jameka swear onthe Bible?? WTF?? I really doubt Jameka would come close to swearing on a Bible,a nd to try to force her to do so it just pathetic. I swear, I dn;t think it's possible for Dick to be any less of a man and still have a penis. Could some please remove it?

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