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Why Do The Obvious Threats Make-it So Far?


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Getting back on topic, Why Do The Obvious Threats Make-it So Far?

1. Because they are often the leaders in the house ( not always in a positive way, Dick )

2. Because the other houseguest hide behind the leaders ( herd mentality )

3. The ability to win Comps when they really need it ( whether by skill, smarts or luck )

Why is it that we always see everyone vote the same way in the beginning? Many people don't stay true to their alliance. Mrs. Robertson could have worked if they all would have stayed true to each other.

On these boards we are alway going to have a majority, us against them, mentality as it usually comes down to two alliances and some floaters.

AP has made an impact on this game!

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i think even without the america's player thing, the particular cluster of people in the house this summer were just really weak in comparison to the D/D duo....and they were all scared of what one would do if they kicked the other out, so they all wanted to be that person aligned with D/D.....its all THEIR fault, THEY all chose to let them BOTH stay hoping to be their no. 3 somehow

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Xal........You are my hero!!!!!! (again)

I don't think Dani could have done this without Dick,

Dick has had to play for both of them, and with her constant abuse.

That's why the obvious threats make it so far.

Dick and dani...can fight but can trust each other has their back

same as Will & Boogie.......unfair advantage to all other players that come into

the house no matter what season.

how many of us have bitched or fought with a member of our family or

long time friend ...yet when you need to count on them ..or they need you...

you're right there. Not the same with a new friendship, even a genuine one

aka.......Eric & Jess.

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Funny, visit the political threads on this board and "America" is called stupid many a time for voting Bush in.

No thank you Ginger... I don't like being called stupid so I stay out of there...

Xal I agree with you about Daniele and the way she is treating her Dad... She's 21 and needs to grow up and stop acting like a 12 year old... Talk to the man and tell him what your problem is so you can work through it, instead of saying I can't do this and walking away... If you can't do that then don't talk to him again... It's only opening old wounds if you do...

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People are afraid to trust each other and no wonder it has been proven season after season on BB and Survivor that you can't completely trust. It definately does give a player and advantage if they come in with their best friend or family member.

I guess the only time we have seen a family not stick together was Nokomis and Michael but in all fairness they didn't know each other previously.

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There is no doubt that Dani has issues and is snotty.

But to say," Dani, on the other hand, is genuinely mean spirited and nasty.

She showed compassion to Amber when Dustbag left and consoled

Jameka as well when Amber was evicted.

She also let Eric use the HOH was he was upset to campaign to save himself.

So there is a good side to everyone.

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The 'America's Stupid' comment. That is a very generalized statement and in fact implies all of America. The poster that posted it was probably referring to those that have voted to oust any player other then Dick or Daniele but please can we forget it. If you are a Dick/Dani fan you know that you aren't stupid just as the Eric/Jess fans are not. That poster has not posted one other comment on this thread. Please don't take it personal. I am sorry if you feel hurt by that statement. Can we put it to rest?

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Umm, it's not a genuinely nice thing to do all those things when an hour later you complain and start saying how much you hate them all.

I can give my worst enemy a slop pass but the moment she turns around if I call her names and say how much I hate her, that doesn't make me a nice person. At least if you're going to be a nasty person, do it to their face like Dick does. Dani doesn't do that all the time. Sometimes she'll kiss up or act like she's listening and concerned and then turn around and say how much she hates them.

Jessica has been nice most of the game. Jameka has been nice most of the game. Even Zach has been nice, albeit creepy. Dani? Half the time she's around the others she acts like she doesn't want to be there and is being forced to mingle.

Dani is a pretty face and it's my opinion people often look past the attitude when it's attached to a pretty face and a tiny body. Dani is an adorable little thing until she opens her mouth, or when she gets that nasty frown on her face. The irony is her pretty face won't be pretty in two years with all those frown furrows on her forehead and cheeks.

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Xal, your sounding stressed again

Not at all. I'm sitting here on the couch watching the Yankees/Rays game with some friends and tapping away at my laptop. I don't have a care in the world right now. I just love to type and talk. You should hear me during discussions offline. Sometimes my friends or family members need to stuff a cork in my mouth.

I have my laptop going so often, as a matter of fact, that people I know have given up asking me "what are you doing?". They just assume it's something inane or illegal :stirthepot:

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as for the stupid-calling, I wouldn't take it personally cuz I think stupid has become just an expression of frustration. lots of people have become accustomed to calling anything they don't like stupid.

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Thatguy come on back in... I have moved on... I won't say anything else in here about that subject... Xal and I agreeing on something here and that's a good thing :)...

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