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(Sorry everyone...I completely lost my internet connection for a bit...came back to new thread! lol I have Sho2 on now too just in case anything good happens & I lose connection again.)

On Sho2 all HGs are eating dinner, light banter....

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Dick in BY smoking after dinner, by himself. Says to BB in general... "F'ing annoying...why didn't you guys move me in here w/ one of my ex wives? It would've been the same shit....then again....maybe that's the twist coming up!" (lol) Burbing & farting ensues....

Dick talking to himself (or us) outside, but I'm on quads & Jess is talking/giggling too loud for me to hear him, maybe someone else caught it?

Caught a little of Dick repeating 'one more month, one more month' then we went to FOTH (I think because Jess was singing Macho Macho Mug...)

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HGs eating dinner, rumor has it that they have 24 beers and a bottle of wine. (sounds like they are in for a fun night).

Amber and Dani are doing dishes while eric and Jess clean up. Jameka is still eating

Talking about tonights game of chandeliers and the rules and stuff.

dick is outside smoking.

Jess starts talk about Macho Mug, and then sings, and we get FotH

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Dick went into little room totalk to Dani. Apparently he was making some jokes/comments at dinner and she made negative comments towards him. He asks why she's been acting shitty towards him all day. She completely ignores him & he asks...am I here?? Why can't you just talk to me? She tells him not to hang around w/ her if she put him in such a crappy mood. She starts yelling at him & he says can't you speak to me like a normal person instead of being such a snot....he walks out of room & says to himself (or to us) the answer is no. He goes back out for another cig.

Dick talking w/ Amber about Dani's attitude and asked Amber if she thought his comment was bad? Apparently said something that Dani thought he compared a waitress to a stripper. Amber says she didn't take offense, but can understand why Dani took it wrong. Dick says he's sure he's getting on Dani's nerves & she is most definitely getting on his. Amber asks if he needs hug, he says no, I need a zanax.

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At dinner, Jess told a story about a girl scout convention. She was called on stage and asked what she wanted to be when she grows up. She said the first woman president...or a waitress. Everyone laughs. Dick says yeah president or stripper. Danielle then makes a comment that waitresses are strippers. Dick gets offended by her comment/attitude. They are now bickering after dinner...Dick outside smoking, talking to Amber about Danielle and the way she treats him. Amber says she defended Dick's comments to Dani. Amber offers Dick a hug, he says no he needs a xanax (sp?)

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Amber and Jameka talking strategy...Amber says her goal is to get Eric out; he is the problem, he is the questionable one. With Dick, he is for Dani and they know where he stands. Jameka says the problem is with the votes.Amber says Eric is brainwashing Jessica and what she is doing is for him. He is playing his game through her. Jameka says they agreed to that, so...Amber insists Jessica is being used. She is convinced they will keep her here this week.

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Around 9:20 BBT.

in the dining room Jameka, Jess and Eric are at the table, amber is now cleaning the table, dani is ???

Eric is trying to pronounce that stuff that they have in diet pop, i don't know how to spell it.

Talking about doctorates and how some people who have one, don't like to be called Dr. , like Eric's dad.

back from foth again

Zach has joined the table, and the topic is... the games that are going to happen.

Amber releases 3, almost dick like, burps, and then excuses her self 3 times.

Zach is talking about his haircut, and Eric interrupts him numerous times

9:40 BBT

Jameka and Zach wondering when they are going to excerise

Dick comes back inside and Jameka goes up stairs to Jess's room to listen to music, amber burps as she walks in and jameka is rehashing her conversation with jess about how she is not happy with the nominations right now. Amber states that god is making her stronger through the house, and how eric needs to go. Jameka tells amber how when she makes it through this week, she will be stronger than ever. Amber states that she discreetly (yeah right) hinted to dani that she wants eric gone.

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Jameka says she will be nominated with Amber next week if Eric wins. Amber says Eric won't try for hoh b/c he feels safe with D&D. Jameka says the only way he won't try is if Amber is gone. She says something isn't right about the situation. Someone coming (Jess), they pretend to be playing music. Amber says "hurry up" about turning on the cd player as Jess walks in.

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Talk among the three girls about D&D at dinner...general chit chat, no game talk. Wondering where Dani is and talking about the amount of clothes she has. Jameka says she has the most clothes here. Jess said it is b/c she didn't have to fly. She had to fly so she had to have less baggage. Amber asks what she thinks about Eric voting. Jess says he keeps saying he hasn't decided. She tells them Eric knows Amber IS NOT her target. Jameka: did you all here him say this week I will respect the hoh. as if it is only this week, not all weeks.

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Jess says Eric hasn't spoken to Zach. Amber says if Eric keeps Zach over her he is crazy. Jameka says Eric might just not care as he is not threatened by either of them. Amber talking about "good people" again (ugh) and Jess says he always says that to me about good people. Amber says he tells her all the time he hates these people and they are good people....Amber sick of being on the block. Jess says she will break the tie to keep Amber. Says Zach tells her it will be a tie...talk of whether D&D will vote out eachother. Amber says Dick is fighting for Dani. Dick interrupts...a bunch of bs talk going on with Dick. He wants them to come play games. I guess they are waiting for Jess to start drinking.

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Dick leaves...Amber says she is not mad at Jess (even though she told D&D earlier she wants Jess gone). Saying she wouldn't put Jess up, so she was surprised when she was nominated. She cares about Jess. She is not saying Eric is taking advantage of her but, like with Dustin, Eric words things to always prove points to what he was saying (ie, she says he is manipulating her). She says she hopes Eric isn't playing the game through her, she cares about her...keeps telling her not to tell Eric anything she says. Talking about Eric's pics if he wins hoh might be of Cheryl and Jess would see them, says Eric said he was scared to win hoh b/c of the pics and maybe he is playing the game through her...(alot of nonsense talk trying to make Jess doubt Eric). Talk of everyone Eric wanted gone is gone (they are just figuring this out!). Amber repeats it a couple times, saying Eric hasn't lost anyone. She lost Dustin, D&D lost Nick, Jess lost Joe, etc. Amber says anyone Eric felt threatened by is gone.

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More talk of Eric and Cheryl and whether she is his girlfriend. What he said to Jen, etc. Jess says she is playing for herself, there are some things Eric doesn't know. More talk about Cheryl, that Eric said he doesn't know if they are together, if they are when he get out of the house, that is fine, if not then fine. Jameka brings up Dani's last hoh and no pics of her bf...says the producers won't put it there if there isn't a reason. Jameka saying Eric might have a side deal with D&D. Amber asks Jess about Dick saying "the debt has been paid" about J/E/D&D (she knows about the alliance and is testing Jess). Jess claims she doesn't know what that means. She insists she doesn't know. Jameka again says Eric has a side deal. Amber says if she goes home, god help them, Jameka can't play hoh. Amber says they tried to backdoor Eric, how can he keep them. Something doesn't add up.

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Jam/Amber in HOH. Jam telling Amber that she spoke to Jess & Jess told her she felt like she made the wrong decision about noms. Jam wonders why Eric didn't use POV on anyone. Didn't catch it all & of course Sho2 was on commercial. It sounds like Jam gave Jess advice on what to do if she felt like she was in trouble w/ them (D/D?) then.....blah blah, feeds messing up. Amber says now that Jess feels that way, she shouldn't just be able to jump on your (Jam's) bandwagon. Jam says, yeah, but it's all about the numbers. Amber says her first target to get out is Eric. Jam says it's all about the votes. They're talking about who Amber would put up if she won POV. Jam says she thinks Eric is general w/ Jess too & doesn't tell her everything. Amber says he's brainwashing her (Jess) she put up who he wanted. She says Eric is playing through her (Jess). Jam says, but ifshe agreed to the deal w/ D/D then it's on her too.

Jameka asks how Dani is, Amber says she's fine. Jam says that was the wrong time for that story (Dick's earlier faux pax).

Amber says if D/D keep her around they will then target Eric because she will make sure of that, she can sway them, especially now that she apologized to Dick for keeping Eric in because of swearing on her daughter. She says if/WHEN I get through this week, I have to leave it in God's hands. She believes that D/D will possibly go after Eric. Jam says strategically best for D/D to go after Eric/Jess. Jam says she will definitely look out for Jess. She says if Eric gets HOH next week he will put up Jam & Amber again. Amber says Eric won't go for HOH. Jam says if Amber is still here, he will. If she's gone, maybe he won't try to win. Now they listen to Jess' CD real quick cause they see Jess coming on spy cam.

They pretend like Jam was listening to music while Amber laying on bed resting.

Jess asks what happened between D & D? Jam & Amber explain that Dick didn't mean it that way, but she took it wrong.

Jam fake yawns & says she was sleeping (ugh).

They're now talking about how much clothes Dani brought w/ her. They assume it was because she didn't have to fly.

Amber asks Jess if she talked to Eric about his vote. She says she did a little bit, but he hasn't given her a straight answer (waiting for AP). Jess says she's pushing for him to keep Amber.

Jam asks did you all hear him say, 'this week, I'm gonna respect the HOH'. They talk about how Eric said even if Dick & Jess were on the block, he'd give them both the opportunity to plead their case to stay w/ him. Jess thought that would be a no brainer.

Jess had told Amber to try to get Dani's vote just in case. Jam says maybe he doesn't trust either of you (Amber/Zach) and that's why he's not sure.

Jess keeps saying she doesn't know what he's thinking. Amber says Eric has told her how he hates the ppl in the house & is glad Amber's always there for him. Jess says he obviously says the same thing to her.

Amber is grumbling she's sick of being on the block. Jess promises her that she will keep her if it's a tie.

They're talking about if D&D are gonna start playing for themselves yet. Amber starts to ask Jess something, but they see Dick coming to the HOH, so they shut up. Dick says they're ready to 'start this thing' (drinking). They talk about how good Dick's hair looks (Amber cut & colored it earlier). Jam says, you did a great job, Amber. Amber replies, 'I did, didn't I? I know'.

Dick trying to get the girls up & moving to go downstairs. Jam tells him she needs at least 30 min. after dinner to rest.Dick leaves. Amber goes back to asking Jess...why did you put me & Zach up this week? Jess says something about not wanting to put D&D up again like she did last time. She says she was mad at Eric all week cause he wouldn't use POV. Jess says she thought cause it didn't work last time, so she thought she's try it this way, but it backfired again this time. Jess says she's been so mad b/c she didn't want either Amber or Zach to go home this week. Amber says Eric told her that he was gonna talk to Jess first b/f he decided on using POV or not. Jess says, yeah, hmmm, well, I don't know, I guess he didn't want to use it. Amber says she doesn't care, she's not mad at all, but she doesn't understand because she could see Eric putting them both up, but not Jess. She says Jess & Zach are close & Amber & Jess are close & she throws in there that she hopes she isn't playing Eric's game. Amber says she looks back & sees that when Dustin was there, he would convince her to do things his way & now that he's gone, she has really stepped up & plays her own game. She really hopes Jess is playing her own game. It's scary. Amber telling Jess that Eric said he was worried about getting HOH because he would have pics of his girlfriend from home sent. He doesn't want Jess to have to see that. That made Amber think maybe he is playing his game through Jess., since he doesn't want to win HOH.

Jam having an epiphany...she says...'oh my God, I just realized. Eric & Jen had a conversation about Nick playing both sides & that he didn't have to win HOH because no one would put him up. Jam believes Eric is doing the same thing now. Jam says everyone that Eric wanted out has gotten out. Amber saying she lost Nick & Dustin. Jess lost Joe and Eric has everyone left to watch his back.

Hard to keep up w/ the cross talking but they're double-teaming Jess talking about how Eric won't get HOH cause Eric doesn't want to get those pics. Jen said it's his girlfriend. Jess wondering why Jen wouldn't have said anything all along since she called out Dani about Kris & Nick. Amber keeps begging Jess not to tell Eric anything. Jess says she doesn't tell Eric everything & that she's playing the game for herself & there's still stuff he doesn't know. Jess kind of jumping in says she spoke to Eric & he said it's not his girlfriend. Jess says, I know about the pics, he already told me. (Jess seems to be defending Eric, but can't tell if she means it or it's for their benefit-ed.) Jam says something about the last HOH (Dani) there were no pics from her boyfriend, so if there's nothing there, there's nothing there. So if there was nothing there w/ Eric & his girlfriend, then there shouldn't be pics. Amber telling Jess that Dick said the debt's been paid. Jess says, I don't know what that means. The girls telling Jess that they think Eric/Dick had a deal & Dick told Amber that now the debt has been paid. Jess asking why Dick would've said that...what does it mean? Jam says Dick said the debt was paid that you & Eric don't owe them anything & they don't owe you anything since you all didn't up each other up the last two weeks. Jess says, 'hmmm. that's weird" (imo, she's looking worried now)

(sorry this is so long, trying to get whole convo for you)

They keep talking about numbers & Amber convincing Jess if Amber goes this week, she (Jess) will be in trouble. They're telling her that D&D will NOT put up Zach next week, they will put up Eric & Jess. They're saying if any of them are put up next week, they'll vote to keep each other, but if they're up against each other, they'll be in trouble. Amber apologizing for all of this, Jess says she's glad they'retelling her. Amber says she's never done anything wrong to Eric, ever...ever....ever, ever, ever...

She doesn't understand why she was put up & not taken off w/ POV. They ask Jess to swear she didn't have a deal w Dick. Jess says no, so they tell her then Eric definitely did. Amber continues to retell the story that Dick told her about having a deal w/ Jess & Eric. Jess seems (imo) to be aggitated & keeps checking spy cam. Amber reiterating that Dick said we wouldn't put THEM up (J&E) and THEY (J&E) wouldn't put us up. Now this week, the debt is paid since Dani didn't put them up last week & Eric convinced Jess not to put them up this week. Amber telling Jess Eric used her to make a deal without her knowledge. Jess says she feels terrible because she feels she made a big mistake this week. Jess asking are you sure it was a deal? Amber says yes, Dick says it was a deal! Retelling her again...what Dick said. Says the deal was for one week. Amber says this started when Eric stayed. Dustin made the deal w/ D&D and then Eric must've made the same deal after Dustin left.

Ok, feeds cutting out again....sorry for the length again... Hope someone is there to take over, I'm out & going to bed!

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Amber/Jameka trying to convince Jess D&D won't put up Zach next week. Jameka says Eric is playing all sides, he's watched all seasons and knows how to play. Amber now apologizing saying she doesn't want to offend her but she wants good people to win and Eric obviously doesn't want good people to win. Why wouldn't he way out his options? Do you swear you didn't make a deal? Jess says no i didn't. Amber says please don't say anything to Eric. Amber now saying Dick said something about making a deal to stay and the debts been paid. She says if you weren't part of that deal, Eric is playing the game through you because he told them you wouldn't put them up (Amber & Jameka actually believe this). Amber says if you weren't part of it, then Eric is working a side deal. Jess says this was the worst mistake of the game. Amber: some deal was made....feeds go to Eric, Zach, Dick playing drinking games. Jess looks nervous about the D&D alliance...

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Jameka and Amber are really working over Jess trying to convince her to doubt Eric. Amber keeps bringing up Cheryl and says Eric keeps bringing her up and is worried what she sees on tv with Jess (I saw that once this week but Amber says it was several times). Amber says her goal is Zach this week and if she is gone, there is your answer about Eric. They say they need to talk to Dani about keeping Amber. Says Eric threw all the hoh's b/c of cheryl and will not win an hoh.

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Amber says she will die if she leaves thursday. Jess says i will b/c i did this (but she says this in her "i'm saying this to please you" voice). Jameka says Jess needs to talk to Eric about voting out Zach. Says D&D will put up Jess and Jameka. Amber says if she leaves, they can't compete, Eric sold them out and the two nominees are J&J.Amber says Eric had to fight to keep the nominations the same b/c he had a deal with D&D (hello, so did Jess). By Eric winning pov it saved everything and kept him safe this week. Jess still playing dumb. Talk about how Eric, by not using the veto, kept the numbers the same so he can play both sides. Amber says she knows Eric won't vote to keep her, that's why he won't commit to a vote. she says she knows it, they have a deal. Jess says you talk to Dani, i will talk to Eric. Amber AGAIN brings up the Cheryl thing...says imagine your parents, they wouldn't want you to be controlled by Eric. Same conversation over and over. They are trying extremely hard, but I don't think Jess is falling for it...

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10:30 BBT

The last 1/2 hour Jameka and Amber have been trying to convince her Eric has a deal with D&D...."if Amber goes home we are done" says Jameka....Trying to convince her that they need Amber or Jameka and Jess will be nominated since neither can compete for HOH..

Amber saying "that POV could have been thrown to me" she could have saved herself and they could have backdoored either Dick and Daniele ..now which proves he has adeal with them...Eric "kept them safe" ...Jameka saying "he still has the numbers on both sides"......."he's going to evict me" Amber says that about Eric."I fucken just know it" and Jameka agrees and now Amber is saying Daniele will not vote for her....

Jess "you talk to Daniele and I'll talk to Eric" Amber "Eric is playing the game thru you" and Jess "I'm starting to see that"

Amber "jen is not a liar" so Amber is saying that thing about his "girlfriend" is true..........."I real realy really think Eric is doing that to you" Amber saying that her parents are probably going crazy she's listening to Eric..

Amber says she "Manipulated for 3.5 years" and she use to be.. "I know how to read one Eric is one" "I refuse to allow" Eric to take advantage of you"

Jameka saying last night he keeps saying he's "cool with the ladies" jameka annoyed by it.

Amber saying "its happening agin" like it did with Nick...Amber "we are three good people" and Eric doesn't like good people..

Jameka saying "I guarantee you" Eric wants to be in final 2 with "ED"

Amber "if I stay I have to win HOH end of story"

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Amber says she used to be a master manipulator and she knows one when she sees one (haha). She cares about Jess and refuses to let her be used by one (Eric). Amber now talks about the week Eric was nominated and the stuff she brought up (mystery votes, mustard, etc.) and says it is all coming up again now. Says Eric is not a good person and knows he's not, so he is scared to be next to a good person in the end. Jameka says Eric wants to take Dick to the final two. Now more talk about why Jess would nominate Amber saying they knew the whole time Eric was playing her and making her nominate Amber.

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Amber convinced she will go home with a 3-1 vote, and it was Eric's plan all along with D&D. Dick, Eric and Zach laughing as Zach tries to interrupt the 3 girls in hoh. Jess comes out for a minute. Eric says they've had 8 already (beers?) and hurry up. Jess looks like she wants to go down but goes back in and says she will try to talk to Eric about Zach. Jameka says do you see things in a different perspective now. Jess says yes, an outside source is good....

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10:41 BBT

Amber's and Jameka's tag team campaign is in full swing in the HOH to Jess.

Downstairs the drinking has started with the guys ..

"zach is going to stay this week" says Amber

Zach comes in to see "if something fishy" was going on...

talking about how confident Zach is and Jameka says it was like when ED was ...

Again Jameka saying it would benefit them if Amber says and jameka tells her to threaten Eric "to reavaluate" their alliance...

Amber saying his game was to get her and Zach nominated and Jameka says "they comcocted" these noms [Dick and Eric]

Zach comes back Jameka "give me a break" and Zach who's playing the game "I just checking something fishy is going on"

and Jess yells "who made that rule up" guys laugh saying they already made 8 rules up..

Jameka "they are trying to gets us out one by one" [ding ligt bulb goes off ..2 weeks too late]

Jameka "they want the to be the final two" and they are not threatned by him

Eric "saddle up bitch I'm ready to ride"[ drinking game rule]

Jamek bringing up calling Jess a whore......"just do it yoy fucking whore" Jess "I did not hear that" and "piece of shit" Jameka and didn't hear but I remember I did..

Zach "there's nothing fishy going on in here" Eric "sadlle up bitches I'm ready to ride"

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Eric now coming up...Jess says she better go down there. Eric comes in "saddle up b--ch i'm ready to ride" (obviously been drinking). They laugh. He leaves...comes back with Zach and says it again (both a bit tipsy). Amber says Zach is too confident, just like Kail. Boys back downstairs. They will go upstairs every third turn to interrupt. Eric says Dick has to go upstairs and make an obscene gesture and yell "thar she blows" every third time from zach (not sure what they are playing).

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Jameka and Amber tell Jess to keep acting like Eric is controlling her because they know that's what he has been doing. They are giving her directions in how to catch Eric and figure out if he is really a master manipulator. Amber is now giving manipulation technique lessons. Jameka says that Jess will have to act the same and not different.

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