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August 29, Live Feed Updates

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at 12:15 amber and jameka leave the room Amber goes to the BR and weighs her self at around 165, and then paces around the BR, and ADLs. Amber goes outside to fold her clothes, and all 4 feeds follow her

JAM and Amber are bashing Jess, talking about how eric was running Jess's HOH, and how dick did the same thing to dani. (I think she is saying that Dick=Eric) Jameka is going over her future conversation with eric. Amber gets yelled at by bb for obstructing her mic, and when she unobstructs it, she wants a thank you. Amber wishes that she would have used her "master manipulating" skills in this house. Amber is hoping that Dani doesn't go to her dad about their conversation last night, and they hope it doesn't get to eric, that they think eric is a threat. They say that eric, D&D are in the "Don't care about Jury votes" alliance. and they speculate about what would happen if they make it to the final 2.

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12:25pm bbt

*I came in on Jameka/Amber on the patio*

Jam: which is why they can't have one of us there, cause they know we would get it... Amber, you don't understand, for them to say, Julie, final 4, Jameka you have just won HOH... die, I will die, if I should make it that far, if Amber should still be here I pray final 3, it's done, it's a rap.. it's not too much to ask HOH then, for us to win Veto, I believe we can do it...

BB: Eric, please go to the DR

Jam: that means Jess is up...

*Jameka tells a story about her pastor, including a song, which gives a brief FOTH... and my feeds again die on me* :bigcry::dontgetit:

Some of Amber/Jameka's logic on the final 2:

Eric vs Zach: Amber would get in Jen's ear, only other HG that could influence Jen is Eric, and he wouldn't be there, so Zach would have votes of Amber, Jameka, Dustin, and Jen, that's 4... no way Amber would vote for Eric over Zach... even if it was Eric vs Dick in the final 2

Eric vs Jameka: Amber states Jameka would have Amber, Jen, Dustin, Jessica hello! (the hello was 'like it is sooo obvious that Jessica would give Jameka her vote over Eric) Jameka adds that Jessica would have been nominated by Eric and so Jessica would be upset at him

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Amber and Jameka inside fixing something to eat for breakfast. Jam gets called to the DR. Jam is annoyed because it's always before she gets ready to eat. Amber said, "They are trying to tell you something." Jam says, "Yeah, ain't that something?" She leaves to go in DR. All 4 feeds now on Amber by herself in kitchen eating cereal alone. (Wow, how interesting.)

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Amber recounts last night where she heard dani, and eric in the KT talking for a couple of minutes, and when she got up dani was making cookies. Amber thought dani was telling him everything, and she was wondering "why god why?" (feeds cutting out) restart...

12:33 BBT

Amber recycles the conversation she had with jess last night. Says that Jess isn't a talker, and how shy she is. (is she getting the vibe that jess was not really listening to what she said last night?)


Talk turns to how they think eric will get rid of jess before he wins HOH. (why would he do that???). Amber swears that no one will vote for eric, saying that she would vote for ED before she voted for eric. goes back to eric bashing. Weather talk and how hot it is.

They go inside

They are excited for dinner tonight. JAm is looking for "Tostie O's" while microwaving something. Amber starts talking about JEss, but Jameka interupts her saying "well are you going to do anything about it?" "yea" "well then shut up until you do"

Jam called to DR at 12:45 and she complains about how it is always right before she is going to eat.

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not much worth noting, amber counting something gets to 12 and then laughs, amber says she is bored (and so am i) AMB and JAM talk about how amber offered to watch dani's dog after Bb cause she has no place to live.

okay i'm out. its been what feels like for ever. hopefully someone else is here.

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All four feeds on Daniele and Zach in kitchen, trading idle chit-chat

1:45 BBT

Looks like Daniele is going through the Bow-Flex instruction manual... she claims she wants to be as buff as Nick and Mike. Zach adds in but not as much as Jen. Daniele agrees. Zach says she looks like one of the American Gladiators.

Dick's now in the kitchen, so there should be more interesting convo.

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All feeds on Dani and Zach at kitchen counter. She is reading, and he is eating. She is joking about being a speed reader. They also discuss the show American Gladiators, Dani hates it, Zach loves it.

Doing Julie potential questions. Dani says Julie asks about the mood in the house, and Daniele says she "doesn't care, you do the math." Dick comes in, says he was up early. Daniele leaves since Dick came in, and went to work out room. She says her shins are killing her, but she is on the treadmill. Amber is in there. Daniele starts to tell of a dream she had about the wrap party, and she met James. We get brief FoTH.

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Dani is walking s l o w l y on the treadmill, and says she has already burned 7 calories. She and Amber are talking about Jessica doing her blog, then she will get the camera. Dani said the camera is fun, but after a while, you try to think of things you haven't done yet. She got some good ones last week. She liked the one of Zach with the cake in his mouth that had Nick's picture on it. Amber asked if she kept the picture, she said she thought Zach threw it away, as the cake was ruined. Not much talk.

(Earlier, in the kitchen, Dick noted that he would be awake for the camera this week)

Amber continues to do her make-up for the pictures. (Last week Daniele deleted most of the ones with Amber in them).

Amber is talking about having only 20 minutes to pack, as she didn't have anything done early. She didn't bring anything that matches, and she is upset over that. She was limited on her bags because she was flying. Dani didn't have to fly, and called to make sure there wasn't a bag restriction, then she went out and bought another bag so she could bring a lot with her.

All 4 feeds on Daniele walking on the treadmill. She is trying to walk off the soreness from doing too much yesterday.

No one was talking...boring...then we got FoTH Trivia.

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Back..Dani told Zach that she has burned 75 calories. He asked if that was all, she said she was WALKING, she didn't know she was there to impress him.

Feeds now on Dick and Zach in kitchen. Dick said it is hot out, and his shoes are almost dry. Laughing about that is what happens when they get a case of beer. Dick is going to fix a roast beef sandwich. Zach doesn't like beef very much, prefers lobster. Dick said he forgot about the dinner tonight, woohoo. He wonders what time they will get it. Zach hopes they get another case of beer. Dick said they would be smart not to. Dick said they lost a $4000 mic. Zach said it would be smart to give Dick a waterproof mic.

Dick has found more ants. He is upset BB didn't leave the ant spray. He said he has ants on his night stand, and that is probably why he was itching. He couldn't find any, so he is smashing them. He goes into his bedroom, and is killing ants in there. He said there is no food in there, he doesn't know why they are in there. He wonders if Jen left food. He doesn't know where they are coming from, or why. On his way back to the kitchen, he tells Amber that he woke up thinking there were ants in his room, and f'ing A, there were. She did not respond.

Dick goes outside and complains about being hot, and it stinking outside. Ranting about the smell. Goes back inside.

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All 4 feeds have been following Dick around. Maybe because he at least talks to the camera when alone. He is separating his laundry, colors and whites. Dick is humming mindlessly, and we get FoTH. He is still going around the room, throwing clothes into piles.

Amber gets called to the DR. Dick said everyone seems to be in and out of there, he had a marathon session. He is complaining about his belt buckle, and more humming.

Feeds switch to Dani and Zach in workout room. He is running on treadmill (told Dick earlier he had to burn off a thousand calories for the 12 beers last night). Dani gets ready to leave, he said why doesn't she just walk, she said she did, but she doesn't want to sweat right now. She then goes outside to BY hammock. (IMO She told Zach she didn't want to sweat, yet Dick was complaining about how hot it was outside, and she is now in the sun. Maybe she was just trying to get away from Zach???)

FoTH Trivia....

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Daniele, obviously bored, gets out of the hammock. She is barefoot, and the fake grass is hot. she is running on her toes, saying ow, ow, ow. She goes back to workout room, tells Zach to run faster, then says she is bored. She gets on the elliptical, and says it is fun. The machine looks too big for her. Dani said it is hot outside, but nice. Zach seems surprised. He is running and wiping the sweat from his brow with his shirt. Dani comments the machine seems like you are going to go around, but it never does. She asks if everyone has gone now (DR), then answers herself she thinks so. Zach isn't saying much, too busy running.

Again...all 4 feed on same thing.....

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2:50 BBT

Jessica just came downstairs and goes to the gym to find Zach to take pictures. She tells him he's her first picture. Jess goes outside where Dick is smoking and Dani and Amber are sun bathing. Jess comes out and says Hey everyone, it's picture time.

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Jessica has been taking pictures the last 45 minutes or so. She just got called to the SR, so it is time to turn in the camera. Everyone has been posing, Jessica even changed clothes for other pics. Daniele stayed outside after pics were taken there, and complains it is hot to Amber and she joins Dani in the sun.

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Jessica went to HoH room to take a nap. it was 3:47 BBt, and she wants them to wake her up at 6:00. Jameka is cleaning the refrigerator, and asked Eric to stick around to chat with her. Zach went to DR to see what time dinner is, and to ask for more cups. When he came back, he offered to help Jameka. She said that was ok, but she could leave some for him. He talks about his roommate that would take meat out of the freezer, then let it sit in the fridge, and it would bleed all over everything.

Amber is outside in the sun, Dani came in, think she is back for the afternoon. Zach is talking about not remembering what he requested for HoH, he doesn't know what candy or music he asked for. Said Eric and Jameka and him haven't won anything in so long, they know what he is talking about. (didn't Eric just win the PoV???) Discussing musical groups while Jameka cleans.

I am out......

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Around 4:00 BBT

On feeds 1 and 2:Zach, eric and Jameka, are in the KT talking about music, and their requests for HOH. Jameka is cleaning the fridge.

music talk leads to show tunes, and eric talks about all the plays he has seen, rent, hairspray, lion king etc.. eric mentions that he isn't that fond of other art, like dancing and art. Dick comes in and zach remembers his laundry, but dick's stuff won't be dry for around 30 minutes. More music talk, this time about musical instruments

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Art talk continues, and then zach gets called to the DR to find out what time dinner is, and we get FotH. Dinner is at 6:00. Dani exclaims that she hates charcoal drawings. Dani checks out her tan, and says that she needs to incorporate "oh my knees" tomorrow during the live show. They figure out today is the 29th. (eric left sometime during the FotH) Dani says she is breaking out due to all the stress in the house. talk about dinner tonight and how zach hates steak, but loves lobster, dani says that it depends what kind of steak, and where it came from.


Dani recounts a story where she was working, and she left her number with a guy who was eating dinner with a family. Eric is sitting on the couch for Julie to appear, or so he says. Eric is biting his toenails. (ewww). Restraunt talk between Dani and Zach, and the camera reveals a nasty bruise on dani's left leg

4:27... nothing real different...

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Zach asks eric where he was on 9-11-01 talking about how it is sadder when you know people, and know places that were affected by the tradjity. dani and zach leave jameka, dani to the gym and zach to eric in the LR. dick out of the DR. eric starts to talk about someone, and we get FotH, at 4:40 bbt.

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in the past 10 minutes, the most interesting topic of discussion between eric and zach is about how one of zach's buddies has a remote controlled toilet, and how if you see some one zooming down the road on a toilet, it is him. (kind of funny IMO) robot talk.

Jameka is still cleaning the fridge, which dani said that she cleaned 2 days ago.

5:00 bbt eric goes outside to the HT and Zach meows, just like this morning, (why is he going out to the HT even though it is almost 100 degrees outside the BB house)

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5:05 BBTdani and zach proceed to the memory wall and look at nicks picture, zach notices that nick had the stash before he came into the house, dani proposes that zach is going to marry nick, move to minnesota, and have all his babies. zach says he would never move to mn :o (i'm from MN)

Zach goes to the HT and talks to eric about votes. Jameka will vote to keep amber, eric is voting to keep zach, dick and dani are still up in the air. zach is saying that he has to convince jess to keep him incase of a tie, and eric says he will work on this tonight. eric's goal is to get to the final four, and if he gets there and doesn't win HOH or veto, he knows he is going home. Zach knows he can't win against jameka or amber, but can against dick. They both talk about votes they have and won't have, and then we get FotH. Zach deal breaking. More of the usual voting talk...

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