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Wednesday, August 9th


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Lot's of excitement this evening. Erika is seeing the "ghost" of Alison... then Jase. Will seems to be missing... wonder what else is in store for the houseguests tonight... muwhahahahhahahahaaaa :o

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Guest StarBaby

I just turned on the feeds for the first time, and was wondering if they voted today, or is it live vote again?

PS - It was funny last night when they couldn't find Will, and he was in the crapper the whole time.

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I feel so bad for Janie & Kaysar, Will just told Janie that Dani said to vote out James. Dani told Will to say that to her, so they would not know James & Dani are together. Now Jan & Kay are feeling bad for not trusting James! The absolute only upside to this, if there is one, is on Thursday, even if it's too late, Howie & Janelle will know exactly where James is coming from.

Also, I think that James is probably waiting to attack until Kay is out of the house. I really don't think James gives a rats behind about the other two (isn't it obvious).

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I have never been so confused about who is with who. Chill Town has me flipping back and forth wondering. I think tomorrow will tell a big story.

Is anyone else suffering from BB anxiety?

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It looks like chilltown is absolutely with Danielle. I suspect they are simply using James as a tool to eliminate the rest of the sovs (Janelle especially). It appears to have been all pre-arranged by the way Danielle and Will are acting.

I believe Kaysar will be evicted, and I'm hoping at that point Janelle and Howie know without any doubt that chilltown has been playing them. In fact, this week is where chilltown must show their cards, they have no choice. They're either voting with the sovs or against them since they know Kaysar is a more important component to Janelle and Howie than James. And clearly they are going to vote Kaysar out. This should speak volumes to Janelle, and I am hoping she gets HOH and puts them both up with no mercy whatsoever. Chilltown MUST be dealt with for double-crossing Janelle and Howie, and Janelle should make them pay a price.

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Leave it to CT to turn the tide. Whoever they are "alligned" with or not... Thursday has got to be good. Get CT out? Why? They have been the number 1 form of entertainment while rising the ladder of power. Keep them. If for nothing else...the phone skits!!! :lol:

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Sorry, they're simply not worth it. Chilltown needs to go. Their act is tired already. And you're speaking to a Will maniac from BB2. I LOVED Will that year, but he hasn't aged well -- emotionally that is. He needs to go.

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If Chilltown (and specifically Will) were to be voted out - who would provide our entertainment? Howie is emotionally stunted and so yesterday, Erika is just a bump on a log, Marcellas is just a overly-and over-dramatic, James is just a poor loser (and he will lose) and George, as sweet as he is, is just a child. I don't care if Will wins but I do want him to remain until close to the end, regardless of his wheeling and dealing! JMHO

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Normally I would agree with you about chilltown's entertainment contribution to the show, but at this point I would rather see Will's ego take a beating than to have any remaining entertainment he adds. As far as the season going bust, the producers should have thought about that as they were casting.

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At first I thought CT would have to "show their cards" on Thursday....but they really don't . Unless one of the floaters votes for Kaysar to stay the CT votes are worthless. They can vote "with" Janelle...but then it would be a tie (because James will nullify Janelle"s vote).....or everyone but Janelle and Howie vote out Kaysar.

CT can convince Danielle that voting with Janelle will throw them (the Sovs) off the Legion of Doom (or whatever it's called.) Look for CT to do this...Janelle will think CT is with her and so will Dani.

So, once again, CT does not have to win any comps or show their cards! They are safe. <_<

I can't believe they convinced Dani that Marc won the prizes. If she knew they won...she would have put up one of CT!

I still can't believe that Janelle would align with Will. She knows the game...He says he's going to lie...and he does! What's so hard about that! :blink:

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I think Will's attitude and demeanor are part of his game. Whether or not he's remained ...or how about not grown since BB2 is irrevelant. He's playing the same game, because he can. If the other Superstars didn't watch BB2 or rent DVD's (if available) to see how others play...then they weren't smart enough. I may not care - in a very general way - morally with the things he has done, but he's a winner. He plays them all like a Master. It makes me cringe to watch them (SOV and Floaters) almost eagerly nod their heads in asscent when Will has an idea for a play or a screw job. Ya have to chuckle...he excellent.

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No joke. The man plays them all brilliantly... I am amazed that these people are so easily blindsided by him... i almost hope he makes it to the final 2 b/c at this point, no one is more deserving

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