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Does BB care about the outcome of the comps?


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I was catching up on the feeds yesterday, after having gone off and done some 'real life' stuff (I know, shame on me for not being online 24/7, afterall I did pay for 24/7 feeds, right? lol How can I complain about the feeds not being available 24/7, if I'm not going to be here lol)

anyway... Janelle and others were 'conspiring' on how to beat the "Majority Rules" game... 6 of them got the idea, that if they all answer with the second choice, they WILL be the majority, and could get farther in the HOH comp than the other HGs... then someone(James I think?) said since BB has heard us, they probably won't play Majority Rules now, and Janelle said to stop talking about it/etc...

so my question... since BB DOES have the ability to listen to all the conversations in the house, hears the HGs studying... Does BB intentionally ask and/or avoid questions during the HOH comps that they know the HGs have studied?

Afterall, if BB KNOWS which HGs have studied, say, how many ants are on the wall, they could ask that question with the idea of who would have a better chance of getting it right? Or... knowing that no HGs has 'studied' <insert detail of the house that hasn't been heard>, that makes it a good question for the comp...

or does BB bother to get that involved?

It would be cool if after the HGs went in the house, BB gave the viewers a list of all planned comps/questions for the future. Would help promote the 'integrity' of the game, and would allow us to plan/try to figure out the answers. Kind of like trivia questions for us as the game is going on... who wouldn't love to know what the HOH questions for tonight were going to be?

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the producers can cheat if they want too. they been doing it for years

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Yes the producers cheat. In the final part of the HOH comp in BB5, it was between Drew and Cowboy. They asked questions that gave Drew the advantage. For example they asked Drew and Cowboy: "Who would Nak rather see outside of the house? Drew or Cowboy" This was not a fair question, why in the world would Cowboy say Drew when that's his sister? There were several questions that made it that much easier for Drew to win HOH instead Cowboy.

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I think even if the comp creators worked hard to avoid bias, the game may be influenced. If a trivia person had a personal favourite of Janelle, for example, and when seeing her study a certain question decided to avoid that questions in order not to be letting his bias show, that is still having an impact on the game.

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with bb they get arrange as they go along

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I do enjoy seeing BB incorporate variations of games the HGs create in the comps, (like the Coaster Toss last season). But I hate hearing the complaints about BB 'rigging' this or that comp, intentionally having it be physical or mental or endurance to favor one HG or another... since the show is unique in that it is kinda/sorta interactive with the viewers and real time, it would be interesting if BB provided a list/summary of what it was planning to do for the season. I'd think that would only draw the viewers in more, anticipation of what's to come...

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I agree with those who said that BB should provide a summary of the competitions after the HGs enter the house.

It could be a nice little page on BB's website. It could have the week number and the type of competition, then the actual competition. So, for example: Week 2, POV: HouseGuests play golf with oversized clubs/balls.

Whatever. They just need to develop it and show us all so we know for a fact that they're not being baised.

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So funny if you think about the psychology behind the comp's so far this year being "All Stars".

1. knocking people off their pedestals - knocking down these big egos right off the bat

2. scrounging through garbage - all these big egos knee deep in garbage

3. sticking your whole head into slop to get the rat - this was the worst one and really gross

4. and the last one was golf - gave them an easy one

Marcellas and a few others have made comments that they thought they would be treated more special because it's all stars when in fact these were some of the grossest comp's they've ever had

Marcellas has been very vocal about it (and everything else which is why he loses credibility)

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ohhhh, very good points cindyannie! It's like BB is saying, you may think you are allstars, but if you want to win, you will have to lower yourself in the comps :)

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I think the questions are prearranged, but I don't know how far in advance of the competition.

One of the funniest moments last night was Howie and Janelle very seriously trying to figure out exactly how much slop they dove into. Howie said "about a ton" and I lost it.

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Now my question is IF they do rig stuff then wouldn't they have done that last year so they didn't lose viewers at the end when it ended up being boring Maggie and Ivette at the end of the game?

That is a VERY, VERY good point. I'm sure that a majority of the watchers were rooting for Janelle to win. If they were rigging it, they would have had her win (I'm sure).

Of course, there's always the possiblity that they just couldn't rig it without it being obvious. I dunno.

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i dont think they meant that like you think.

i think it was because they studied all season last year and if anyone should have won a question type comp it would be janelle. all she did was study study study. so when they were talking the other night about that, i think thats what they meant.

Howie: "you were suppose to win that comp" (cause she studied and should have known the answers)

Janie: " yeah, i know" (cause she studied and should have known the answers)

i dont know.. that is what i got from it.

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I don't think the competitions are rigged or favor anyone. All the HGs have the ability to study what's in the house. We have only really seen it emerge with Janelle last season who has watched every BB, and that's when we saw the first house study sessions.

If BB would rig competitions clearly Janelle a top favorite last year would have won the last competition. Noone in their right mind would have subjected us to a Maggie/Ivette finale. (Personally I didn't mind Ivette wish she was in the house right now)

For me personally every season after BB3 was a disappointment in the last ones standing. Didn't like the finale of June/Allison, didn't like Drew/Cowboy, but that's how the cookie crumbles.

Every one has their own opinion rigged or not rigged. Does BB care of the outcome, of course they do, if it is a fan favorite, BB boards go crazy, if it is a villain, everyone groans. Good for BB either way! Will we still watch next year, of course we will :D

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i dont think they meant that like you think.

i think it was because they studied all season last year and if anyone should have won a question type comp it would be janelle. all she did was study study study. so when they were talking the other night about that, i think thats what they meant.

Howie: "you were suppose to win that comp" (cause she studied and should have known the answers)

Janie: " yeah, i know" (cause she studied and should have known the answers)

i dont know.. that is what i got from it.

I wasn't watching the feeds when this happened, and I haven't seen a clip. But what I think everyone's wondering about is why Janelle told Howie to "shhh."

But I dunno. It might have been a joke or it might have been because she didn't want everyone to hop on her bandwagon and study the house. Once again, I didn't actually see it.

but that's how the cookie crumbles.

Haha! That was a good movie, I liked/like it.

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I agree with finales usually ending badly. The only reality show that ended with two people I was happy with was Survivor Pearl Islands because Sandra was in the final 2. Other than that I have never liked the final 2. (although BB3 I did like Lisa and Danielle, but didn't follow the show like I do now) In BB5 when the final 3 was Diane, Drew, and Cowboy I thought omg, the last three episodes of this show are going to be so boring. And they were. Except for seeing Diane get back what she dished out, which is being backstabbed.

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i've been wondering the same thing since last year when howie and janelle made it all about studying the house, the hg's, etc

personally i think that bb will NEVER use a question that ANYONE has said or studied in the house

i love janey, but for example, if tonights hoh is all of the questions her and howie have studied, i would be mad

i want her to win, but i want her to win fair and square

not quite getting the majority rules thing they are talking about

for maj. rules...does julie just ask questions like...do the hg's like dogs (or whatever)

then if more ppl answer yes then no RIGHT THEN...the ones who answered yes stay in the game?

if that's right, then how do they ever get to a winner?

and if they are all going to answer B, then they will all stay tied every question

maybe i am reading into this all wrong

would love for someone to explain it to me

as i thought the majority rules, were based on q and a's that had been asked and answered PRIOR to the show

not based on their answers right then and there

for ex

before the show they asked the houseguests if they liked dogs

and then they all have to answer yes or no if they thought more ppl said yes or no BEFORE the show

and the answer was the majority of yess or no's from the questionnaire filled out before they came into the house

i dunno

hope this makes sense

i have been a huge bb fan for 5 yrs now and i have never been so confused as i am this yr

makes my head spin!

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For majority rules...

Julie askes the HouseGuests a series of questions. For example, "Do the majority of the HouseGuests like dogs or cats?"

You have to pick the answer you believe most of the HouseGuests will say. So, for example, if you believe that everyone will say dogs, you answer dogs. You want to be with the group with the most numbers.

The fixing of the competition by the HGs would work like this...

Julie asks the HouseGuests "Do the majority of the HouseGuests like dogs or cats?"

All the involved HGs say "cats," because it is the second option. All those who said dogs would be eliminated. Slowly, all the uninvolved HGs would be removed from the competition. Then, when only the involved HGs remain, it wouldn't matter what they said, because only the people they wanted to win the competition can win the competition.

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Good explanation :)

And I'm trying to remember/guessing, once it get's down to final 2 HGs(or Julie is told they are out of time), it becomes a tie-breaker question with closest to the right answer winning?

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