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What are your thoughts?


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This may of already been posted. If so I apologize for that. My computer is running slowly so I am not able to browse the posts as well today.

But what are your thoughts on Will saying...

"Trust me when I tell you, this show should be the least important thing in anyone's life. I'm absolutely embarrased that I'm in here, I'm appalled by the behavior this house causes. (big sigh) I dislike myself for being here, and it makes you realize that family and friends are the most important things in the world. Not that any of my family or friends are watching, cause they're actually normal, but I miss them very much, and I look forward to seeing them in one week, because I'm getting myself thrown out of here, or I'm breaking out. "


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lol i laugh at that... Will and his buddy Boggie are the apalling ones. they are the ones that are making the show what it is. Will has single handedly been the cause of most of the live feeds cutting to fire. he does things on purpose just to mess with the viewers. i hope bb tosses him on his butt soon. and if they dont, i hope he walks. <_<

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I love Will, but I still think he's full of crap. If this is such an embarrassment to him, why'd he agree to come back? Why did he put his life on hold for just one week? I could see if he had some sort of deal w/ CBS where they agreed to pay him more just to come in and cause his unique brand of trouble for a week, but I don't see them doing that.

Someone as competitive as he is, wouldn't drop everything just to waste a week hanging in a house w/ people he doesn't even care about, for even a day, if it didn't benefit him somehow.

I think he just gets off on being the Evil Dr... and he's giving us exactly what we want, someone to hate, start threads about, and watch.

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and, if he hates it so much why not just leave??? i mean, how many times has he said he is not in it for the money.. he doesnt need the money? so leave. every minute you waste is another dollar earned on the outside.

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Yana, Lisa on the chat yesterday confirmed about the secret alliances in the house. She said that Mr and Mrs Smith alliance is true, and it is between Jase and Diane like we know. Alison was also in, as a back up, just in case one of them gets eliminated.

Lisa said that she was supposed to be in the alliance with Marcellas, one guy from BB6 (james), one girl who's in the block this week (Diane), and Will & Boogie. In case some of them didn't make it in the show, they had back ups, for example, Diane replaced Lisa. She also said that a part of that alliance is exposed (Will & Mike) and other part is under the radar. She said that they don't talk to each other (like James does not stratigize with Will, or Diane, or even Marcellas does not stratigize with Mike & Will, but they are in a alliance together)..

This is why Marcellas decided to keep Diane.

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Still that's no different than the rest of them that had alliances before coming into the house... Like I said before all of them expect George has them... I am almost sure James and Danielle have one too... Just a guest...

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I hear a lot of talk from Will about how he's getting out, he's gonna take a penalty nomination, he's gonna get sent home, and all this BS, but I never see him doing anything. All he has is talk. He hasn't won anything yet and he's still there. His strategy is confusion and chaos. I'm waiting for him to put his money where his mouth is.

As for all the "secret alliances" that are rumored, everybody is reported to be in a pre-arranged alliance, you can't keep up with them. Lisa is saying one thing, Toni, the 15th houseguest, is saying somethingf else, this morning Marcellus is in one. It's taken on a life of it's own. And I don't think any of it is credible. Who knows what kind of agendas these outside people have. I believe what I see. Theories are only that until they're proven by observable behavior. The only person I see playing "oddly", a little out of character, is Kaysar. And that, by itself means very little. It is, however, a lot of fun to speculate about.

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Personally I'm tried of listening to Will whether he's trying to add drama or not. If he thinks the people that watch Big Brother are abnormal then he shouldn't be playing the game. If anyone is abnormal in my opinion and definitely (who isn't a fan of any reality tv) is Will and the rest of them. It is not normal to put a halt to your life to live in a house hoping to win money. Regardless I think CBS needs to have Will tone down the complaints a little otherwise I suggest we all band to together storm the fort and drag the abnormal idiot out of the house so everyone else can go ahead and play.

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Guest StarBaby

Why should I respect Will or anyone else just because he is a physician? He is still a big old arsehole, and I would tell him that to his face if I ever had a chance. As for Carvin's physician worship, I have known or known of physicians who were drug addicts, murderers, arsonists, etc. They put their pants on just like everybody else, and they have flaws, just like everybody else. If Will or any other doctor wants my respect they will only get it if they earn it, just like anyone else.

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