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Calling Jenny Craig!!


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How much do you figure CBS spends on these people a week for groceries? Maybe it's just been kinda dead this week..but these people wake up and eat (fine, breakfast) then get a mid-morning snack, they have to grab a snack for outside lockdown, then as soon as it's over they run back in to the kitchen. The winner is gonna spend their money getting lipo from Dr. Will and the rest oughta be enough to pay off Jenny Craig :D I live on the east coast.....so I'm pretty curious about the grocery prices on the west coast....

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Well they may seem to eat alot but there is really nothing else to do as well. All they can do is play pool, swim, sunbathe, eat, sleep and workout. But it does seem that they do work out everyday so its not like the food is going to waste. They prolly exercise more in BB house then they do in the real world. hahaha :P
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I think thats why we see people who have never worked out before on the treadmills, they eat cause they are bored and then try to work it off (and that helps boredom too). BTW, bb7bliss...you are killing my eyes with your little font and italics! I'd love to know your opinion but I can't read it :(

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i dont know.. sometimes its who delivers it that makes it funny. if it was someone that liked janelle, it would be funny to me... but having it come from a person that doesnt like her.. i see that as mean.


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