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Friday, August 19, 2022 - Big Brother 24 Live Feed Updates

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5:58pm BBT Brittany and Taylor are talking up in the loft. She is scared the doors are going to open and Joseph won't be there. That would mean everything bad that could happen did. He hasn't won anything yet, so I really hope that he wins veto. 


6:01pm BBT the Dyre Fest crew are sitting around the table in the BY. The shower is rough. They have nothing to season their food with. Everything is tough and bland. Meanwhile, Michael tried to find out what time BB was going to wake them up tomorrow. BB wouldn't say.


6:06pm BBT Turner and Joseph talk in the BY. Turner says that he thinks Joseph is going to be fine. He thinks he is the target. Joseph says that being on the block is harder than he thought that it would be. 


6:07pm BBT The BY crew are talking about what they think are the worst parts about living outdoors. Alyssa says it is sharing a port a potty with 4 guys. The guys think it is the food, or the lack therefore. But it is better than being on slop so they are grateful. 


6:13pm BBT Taylor, Michael and Brittany are in the loft trying to figure out what Terrance is going to do. They feel that he is pretty close to Turner so hopefully he is safe. But, he picked Turner first so that is concerning. Maybe he thinks Turner would do what he wants.


6:18pm BBT Jasmine tells Brittany and Michael that she can't believe Fyre Fest is part of their season. She tells them that they have to watch the documentary about it. It is about a fraudulent luxury festival. People didn't even have access to water. 


6:26pm BBT Taylor, Jasmine and Michael hope that Indy has made it the jury house. That is luxury. Don't have to take care of anyone but yourself. Wake up when you want. It should feel really good to her after her week of punishment. 

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7:54PM BBT

The Dyre Fest HGs complain about hte food provisions.

Joe: When we first walked in, it was like....

Kyle: We have plenty of food (insert sarcasm)

Joe: Oh shit! It hasn't even been 24 hours.

Alyssa: Just Beanie Weenies

Joe: Like, it's not even enough

They discuss how weird it will be to not see the others for a full week

Joe: I wonder what they are doing in there

Alyssa: Taylor is probably stoked to have some alone time

Joe: The house will feel so empty

Turner and Alyssa begin pretending to focus in on each other with their imaginary binoculars

Kyle: I want a freakin' coke or something; a Coca Cola





8:05PM - 11:15PM BBT

We had RCHS on the feeds this entire time for the Brochella Veto Competition.


11:16PM BBT

Jasmine: I t was so hot in there. I feel like I am still trying to cool off.

Monte: What are we to do? Now we are back to the same boring nonsense.

Jasmine: That was so cool.

Monte: They did block off the Have Not Room

Michael: It's like the VIP Lounge

Monte: You said she is from Detroit, too?

Jasmine: I can't believe she laughed at something I said.


Alone in the HoHR, Michael whispers to the cams while celebrating quietly...

Michael: That's my Bestie! I could have had my 5th veto, but that's okay. Now Brittany has a comp win. I am so proud of her. She crushed it!





11:18PM BBT

Michael and Brittany celebrate in the HOHR

Tiffany was part of the Brochella Veto Competition which was some sort of betting on numbers of things where you could fold.

Michael: Oh my God. That was so good!

Michael says he was worried for a bit. Britt says Jasmine was too focused on what one-liner she would say to Tiffany.

Britt: This is good!

Michael: As long as Monte or Jasmine don't win, we're good. If we get rid of Jasmine and then Alyssa, we are still Leftover strong.





Britt says that Kyle has expressed an interest in turning against The Leftovers before final 7 and could probably convince Alyssa to help which would make Terrance happy. They discuss scenarios...

Britt: We do Jasmine and they do Joseph then Taylor and Monte will be mad.

Michael: We have Monte and Taylor

Britt: If they do Kyle, Taylor is probably not gonna be too upset. We would lose a number, but...

*The cameras move to Taylor and Monte in the Car Design Bedroom.





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