morty Posted August 11, 2022 Share Posted August 11, 2022 Please post ONLY Live Feed, televised show, Big Brother 24 observations, and screen captures here! If you post opinions or off-topic messages, I will move them here: you are adding personal comments, please keep them to a minimum and use brackets [personal comment] around the text. Remember your time zones. Big Brother Time (BBT) is Pacific Daylight Saving Time (See Map Here). Please be careful in identifying who is speaking, and do not use confusing abbreviations or nicknames not used in the house. To better help you identify the HGs, Fuskie made this guide you can print out and refer to until you get to know who's who. Mortys-TV-BB24-HG-Reference-Guide.pdf Try to be consistent with abbreviations, like: Dining Table (DT) Head of House Room (HOHR) Indoor Lock Down (ILD) Kitchen (KT) Living Room (LR) Outdoor Lock Down (OLD) Storage Room (SR) Washroom Area (WA) Water Closet [toilet] (WC) Tiki Bar across from the HoH Room (TB) Car theme bedroom (CBR) Space age theme bedroom (SBR) It only takes a few good posts to earn your "Live Feed Updater" badge and LFU status. Also, all registered members of the forums have access to our chat rooms, at Stop in talk to SMVanBoyz, Fuskie, and I'm in there from time-to-time too. It's fun to be able to watch the feeds at dish the HGs at the same time. Please feel free to post info for other updaters to let them know how long you can update, or when you're taking a break and you want someone else to take over. ...And pictures, screen caps are welcome here too. Thank you!-Morty Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MamaLong Posted August 12, 2022 Share Posted August 12, 2022 8:00AM BBT The HGs are still sleeping. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MamaLong Posted August 12, 2022 Share Posted August 12, 2022 9:56AM BBT Taylor is in the kitchen getting coffee. She tells Kyle it’s really nice in the HoHR but too quiet, “you can hear everything…the mice in the walls and the cameras move.” She says the cameras follow her everywhere she goes. Kyle jokes that he can see her messing with the cameras by running in and out of the bathroom. Turner asks if she is sore. Taylor says she isn’t sore at all, “maybe later today…it’s crazy.” Kyle calls her Superwoman. 10:00AM BBT Taylor enters the HoHR saying, “How am I even going to do this efficiently?” Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Loki13 Posted August 12, 2022 Share Posted August 12, 2022 1:15 BBT Taylor and Joe in HOH Discussing speech Taylor should give when putting Indy and Terrance up. [I have heard Indy’s name several times for noms but earlier, it was Monte not Terrance] 1:20 BBT Joe: we need to hold off about revealing the leftovers Taylor: I agree Joe: Indy knows she’s going up and she isn’t counting votes or going against each other. Taylor: mmmhmm Joe & Taylor continue discussing game play and people becoming cocky. Discussing others walking around being intimidating before they left the house. (Nicole/Ameerah). 1:25 Terrance, Monte kitchen Monte - what she says in her speech will be very revealing. Indy/Alyssa in WC Indy can’t wait for the backyard to open so she can wash her shoes. Alyssa agrees and says she needs to wash her clothes. Alyssa leaves, Indy doing her makeup. Terrance asks Indy how to get the garlic out. She leaves WC to go to the kitchen to show him. Terrance whispers, I think you’re fine, I promise. Indy says I don’t know. All while they are peeling the garlic. Terrance says he’s never peeled garlic before. Indy shows him how to do it correctly. Monte and Terrance in kitchen: Terrance - this doesn’t seem like a strategic move, putting me back up right now. Whatever the hate agenda is, I can’t fulfill it. Monte - you always have to wonder what someone’s intentions are. Terrance - you’re supposed to be building your resume for the jury house. Monte - it’s so hard because she has always been a wild card. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MamaLong Posted August 12, 2022 Share Posted August 12, 2022 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Loki13 Posted August 12, 2022 Share Posted August 12, 2022 1:40PM BBT Taylor and Joe in the HOH discussing how make moves this week. Discussing the girls (Alysssa, Jasmine and Indy) will be looking for another number after this week. (Six in the City). Joe tells Taylor they are looking at her or Turner and he thinks they will lean more towards her. They (the girls) don't trust Brittany and want to leave her on the outside. Taylor: I have to play this game for MY jury Joe: yes you do Joe is leaving to go back downstairs and start talking to the others. Joe is going to pitch adding Taylor to the other alliance (?), he will say Monte is still her target. Joes says you owe Turner one because he didn't feel comfortable going on the block. Joe asks Taylor if there is anything else he needs to go back with because he knows they are going to pounce on him the minute he leaves the room. 1:50PM BBT Doomsday is if Terrance goes (per Joe and Taylor's conversation). Joe exits the room. Joe is going to give the house "the plan". Joe goes to talk with Kyle/Alyssa/Indy Kyle and Alyssa are snuggling in bed..Cameras change as Joe walks out and into the other room with Jasmine Joe relays the not putting Turner up story to Jas. Indy walks in and the convo restarts. Turner is sleeping (snoring) in the bed in the same room. LOL Joe to Jaz and Indy - telling Indy Taylor says she hopes Indy stays that she doesn't have anything against her. Terrance is going up because at some point she thinks he (Terrance) wanted Nicole to stay over her. Joe to Indy, she really hope you win the vet, but she knows a lot of people want Monte up and if one of them (the noms) win the veto, there is a chance she will put Monte up. (Joe working it really good in order to get Indy and Jas to trust Taylor after this HOH). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MamaLong Posted August 12, 2022 Share Posted August 12, 2022 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Loki13 Posted August 12, 2022 Share Posted August 12, 2022 2:15PM BBT Jas/Indy/Joe in Golf room (Turner is there also, but he is asleep) Indy and Joe exits...leaving Jas to think. she cleans her sunglasses and puts them on.... Kyel /Alyssa snuggling - Chicken little is discussed and Alyssa says I love that movie. Cameras cut to HOH room...Brit/Tay/Joe Joe reports back that all is good. They arleady think that Brit is a number for Taylor. Joes states he thinks they will start the whole targetting Monte v Turner. They think bringing Taylor brings you (Brit) because they already think they Michael. Joe- other option is get them all to blow up and not be so cocky and start to scramble. They think Taylor is spilling the beans to Joe because he has pretty eyes and eyelashes. He tells them they are pushing him to be her (Taylors) eye candy and find out as much info as they can. Monte and Turner are already dead to them (the girls) and Joes doesn't think he can revive that. Right now he thinks he can convince them cut Indy/Jas in the golf room. Turner still snoring, Jas laying with her glasses on, Indy sitting on the bed indian style with a blanket around talking going on. Back to HOH - still Joe/TaylorBrit Girls are not even entertaining Monte right now. They are already talking about sending Terrance home. Joe said Terrance knows he will be on the block and he will ignore everyone. Indy is ignoring the veto (in earlier convo, Indy said she didn't care about the veto, she was focused on Thursday). Joe rehashes his convo with Jas and Indy to Brit and Taylor. Brit asks what is the ultimate reward for Joe to fake work with them and Joe states they are going to find out regardless when they get to jury what he was doing. Brit asks how does Monte and Turner feel about the girls now targeting them....Joe states they were already on the radar of them....just now there is only 2 on the radar not 4. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MamaLong Posted August 12, 2022 Share Posted August 12, 2022 2:32PM BBT Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Loki13 Posted August 12, 2022 Share Posted August 12, 2022 2:30PM BBT Feeds are on Jas resting in the bed and HOH. Joe/Taylor/Brit still discussing riding out the whole "fake" alliance task at hand. Brit states they cannot get comfortable with the power because if they win HOH next week, they could get cocky again but with them there really is no protection because they betray their own members. Cameras switch to Kyle/Alyssa still snuggled up in bed. They are laughing and whispering..hard to understand the convo...talking about someone going somewhere 2 hrs away.... Kyle saying something about guys and girls can't be friends and then we get the We'll Be Right Back screen...... 2:35pm BBT - cameras are back.....only on K/A 2:36PM BBT Alyssa laughing at Kyle's stretching....Kyle says don't judge my stretches and says he is sore (I am assuming from the Wall last night) Back to HOH Still the same crew (Tay/Joe/Brit) Taylor is working on her hair as the convo goes on about all the stuff Joe has been putting in place. Joe says he hopes the optics is in place as he isn't joking and laughing with them as much. Assuming Taylor is getting ready for the Nomination Ceremony as she has had her robe on most of the day with some cute heels. She has taken her robe off and has on a pink dress. Curling her hair and adding her extensions back in now that she has washed and dried them from all the goo from last night. Brit and Joe discussing how easily Jas/Alyssa/Indy turn on people even when they are still with them. Joe tells Brit he can only imagine how she felt when she didn't have the Leftovers. Brit says it was awful. Joe tells T/B his purpose is always for the leftovers, never just him. He just has to play the waiting game for them to blow up..which shouldn't take long. Brit doesn't want anyone to get caught up in their lies. Joe said he doesn't really have to do anything, they self implode basically and turn on themselves. Joe talking about Jasmine turning on Pooch and she had an alliance with him. Brit gives Joe a hug and tells him she really appreciates him. Brit doesn't want everything Joe is doing to implode on him. Brit asks if Joe has talked to Monte and Turner yet? Joe has not and he plans on it and hopes they just trust him and understand why he is doing what he is. Joe says Terrance won't even talk to him. Indy has went to the kitchen. Joe leaves HOH room to go down. 2:54PM BBT Indy alone in the kitchen. Cutting up some fruit, then goes to the storage room to add something else to it. Back to the kitchen. Joe is in there now. General chit chat between the 2. Indy says she is tired. Not a lot of convo going on between the 2. Joe is eating a piece of bread, Indy is scraping her bowl. Brit leaves the HOH and comes downstairs saying Taylor just got called (to star noms) so we will probably get FOH soon. Joe says they (BoB) is probably about to wake up the whole house....He states everyone has been sleeping today. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MamaLong Posted August 12, 2022 Share Posted August 12, 2022 12:32AM BBT Taylor got her HoH Room with a picture of her Great Grandma Lulu and a picture of her mom. Her music is Janet Jackson Design of a Decade Her letter is from her mom. My Dearest, Beautiful, Wonderful Buba, YOU DID IT! I knew you could do it. You're HoH! Yayyyy! You are strong and resilient. Luxuriate in your HoH Room and enjoy your snacks. Soak in a nice bubble bath, and put on a nice sheet mask. Pamper yourself! I am so proud and happy for you. I love and miss you so much. Everyone loves you and supports you and sends you hugs and kisses. I am so super proud of you for always being yourself. I am so happy that you are getting to play the game and hope you have fun. On the homefront, I am up and walking. My toe is healed, and I can drive now. Grandma Betty is doing great. She is everywhere and traveling to Niagra Falls and is having a ball lunching and brunching, of course. Your family and all of your family and friends, the entire community, love watch and support you. Keep being yourself. Show the world your intellect, beauty, grace, charm, heart and style. Be your funny, honest, astute self. Laugh, workout, hydrate, sleep and always take care of yourself. Remember, YOU are Taylor Hale. And, you are my daughter. Show your style, your essence, your class. Never dim your light for anyone. I love you like a crazy, and I can't wait to shower you with even more love. You are my heart and soul. I love, love, love. and miss, miss, miss, miss you so much. Forever proud and always your stan, Your loving Mom Taylor's HoH Basket includes: a hat, socks she will never wear, applesauce, dark chocolate, Skinny Pop, Lay's Popables, fruit snacks, licorice, nail polish. makeup products. The fridge/freezer has spring rolls, strawberry and mango mochi, apple cinnamon oatmeal bites, ice cream, chicken drumettes, mac & cheese bites, kombucha, kiwi, veggie egg rolls, So Delicious coconut yogurt, nectarines, chocolate bon bons, mango fruit bars, sushi, cheeese, pineapple and lots of Lay's potato chips. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Loki13 Posted August 12, 2022 Share Posted August 12, 2022 3:00PM BBT Brit/Indy/Joe in kitchen. Indy and Brit talking about Indy being nominated (she hasn't yet). Indy said she would talk to Taylor after the noms but not before. Brit says "you've got me". Indy says, I don't want to be the first person in Jury....Brit says I don't want to be the first person in there with Terrance. Indy and Brit discussing something that happened outside...not sure exactly what they are talking about. Sounds like one of the guys made a comment that Indy didn't agree with and she said something about it. Brit said I was biting my tongue so hard it hurts. (Brit about Taylor to Indy)It's hard too, because I am close with her, I am good friends with her. She is very strong and independent and does what she wants to do. There is very little swaying her. Terrance tried to pull one on her last minute. Brit says she knows how it is being a pawn and it sucks. They start counting the votes to keep Indy....they think they have them. Brit says the game is only going to get harder and harder because everyone that stays are the people you really love. Per Indy and Brit, veto is tomorrow at 7AM. They will all need to go to bed tonight at a decent time. Indy says at least she is going to have one more show, Brit told her not to talk like that. Brit says all the people that make jury are the memorable ones...Indy says I hope so. They also get to be the ones there on finale night not on the Zoom call. Indy said she would prefer to be on the Zoom call. Brit asks why....Indy shrugs it off. Indy states she hopes it is a fun comp tomorrow and Brit agrees...Brit hopes she gets to play...she wants to play. Indy said then we can all relax afterwards. Taylor comes downstairs in the HOH Robe, her pink dress and heels. Brit tells her to wear the robe for Noms...Taylor said she is going too. Indy washes her dishes and looks to see where Taylor and Brit went. Terrance joins Indy i the kitchen and Indy asks him if he is ready....Terrance says yeah...Indy walks out and Terrance is putting something he cooked earlier into a ziplock bag. Indy goes into bedroom with Michael, Joe, Kyleand Alyssa. I tuned in as they ask if Astronauts can get boners (LMAO). They are talking about space research. General space travel conversation. Talking about how Joe would be in space for 5 years but his body would only age a month....(I am kinda confused). We get the Shelter pets on feeds....Nomination Time! Feeds went to Shelter at 3:15PM BBT. Assuming Nomination Ceremony is going on as at 3 BB called Taylor. If talk in the house is accurate, Taylor will nominate Indy and Terrance. I am out for a bit..hoping my updates make sense and helps out some! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MamaLong Posted August 12, 2022 Share Posted August 12, 2022 3:11PM BBT Rancho Coastal Humane Society is on the feeds for the Nomination Ceremony. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MamaLong Posted August 12, 2022 Share Posted August 12, 2022 4:29PM BBT The feeds have returned after the nomination ceremony. 4:40PM BBT Indy is talking with Taylor in the HoHR. Taylor tells her she knows it is not ideal, but Turner refused the idea to be up as a pawn, and she didn't want to put up Jasmine on her birthday week. Indy tells her that she has had her back and she will see it later when she watches the season back. Indy says she never told her stuff becuase she didn't want to be that mean girl and wanted her to follow her own heart so she wiould really know how she feels. 'I just want you to know I had your back even if we not playing together." Taylor: Okay. Okay. Thank you! Indy: It was never the girls for me. Even if we don't click...anyways.... Taylor: All that being said. We know who the target is this week. Indy: I know. Taylor tells Indy that she will not let a girl go to the jury house first on her HoH. Indy tells her that she didn't want to tell her before because she didn't want to change her mind. They agree to spend time together outside fo the house. Taylor: You're gonna be so sick of me. Once Indy leaves the room... Taylor: Holy shit Jasmine enters the HoHR, "Oh my God, that speech." Jasmine pointgs out that they are the only two black women in the house. Taylor: That's what I said last night. Jasmine suggests they make history. Taylor confirms with Jasmine that Monte is her target. Jasmine asks Taylor who she would guess would be the top 5. Taylor says, "Well, Monte is gonna be gone this week, so it's not him. Me and Michael and then...this is'm trying not to say you next. I think I would put Kyle in there. He is surprisingly good at comps. I have 4. I am just trying to pick the last one now. Me, Michael, Kyle, you and Alyssa. Jasmine: What about Joseph? You don't think? Taylor: No. I don't see him doing as well in the comps as I expected him to. Taylor tells Jasmine that she has her in there because of the way she hand;ed Pooch the second week. Jasmine: Really? 4:58PM BBT I am out for the night. -MamaLong Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fuskie Posted August 13, 2022 Share Posted August 13, 2022 Overnights from early this morning: 12:25am BBT Joe says Terrance's *ss-kissing with Taylor is annoying. He wouldn't talk with her before and now he's all nice. Joe hates the fake (oh the irony!). Taylor says it's time for her HoH room. The queen has arisen, Monte teases. The HG all go up to the HoH door. 12:30am BBT Taylor leads the HG into her HoH room. She has a picture with her Great Grandma who passed away while she was in college. She was Taylor's rock growing up. Taylor cries. There's a picture of Grandma Betty and her mom when she lost Miss USA. They partied after. 12:35am BBT Taylor's letter is from her mom. You did it, Mom says! You are strong. I love you and am super proud of you. Taylor is crying. Mom broker her toe but she's walking now and can drive. Her family and pageant friends are supporting her. 12:36am BBT Mom says you are Taylor Hale. You are my daughter, and I cannot wait to shower you with love. Always standing w/you, your loving mom. Taylor got a new hat, flaming hot Lays (of course), Janet Jackson music, KIND bars and nail polish socks (she doesn't know why). 12:40am BBT Her fridge has Mochi, ice cream, chicken, Mac'n'Cheese bites and fruit. She also got a pink HoH robe. She jokes she should get a Lays sponsorship by now. She wants to chill for about 20m, then do 1-on-1's tonight. 12:45am BBT Taylor says her grandma is 82 & works eery day, travelling as a receptionist. She tells the other HG that this wk will be hard. She plays an honest game. She started drinking ciders in college after she got her ownplace. Jasmine didn't even drink at her wedding. 1:00am BBT The HG leave and Terrance tells her to listen to her mom and don't let her light dim. Stay who you are, move how you want to move. It's your game. Taylor sits on her bed, waiving her arms in celebration. 1:05am BBT It's time for Terrence's 1-on-1. There are people who are expendable, she tells him. I had to fight for my life in this game. Terrance says people tell him what the plan is and he rocks with it. He has no otehr allegience expcept her. 1:07am BBT Terrance says Michael told him last week she & Brittany could go far. Taylor asks if the house has a target. Terrance says everyone was on Monte & then went to Daniel (after Monte was saved). He admits he got overzealous. There's an easy showmance, an easy move. 1:09am BBT Taylor says everyone is fair game - there are no more Besties. Terrance tells her to take her shots and let him know what she wants him to do. They hug and she tells him to send up the circus. After he exits, Taylor dances a little more. 1:11am BBT Indy is next. I have an idea who people want out, Taylor says, but what if he plays Veto? BD him, Indy suggests. He has already won HoH, Taylor says, he's big and strong. Who could be a pawn? She wants 2 guys as pawns. Indy suggests Kyle and Turner. 1:13am BBT Taylor says Turner's a good option. If he stays up, he's just here. Don't make the show boring, Indy says, echoing Daniel. Taylor promises it will be an exciting week. Monte is #1 on her list, she just needs to find a #2. 1:15am BBT Taylor tells Indy she told Alyssa to have an easy week and go kiss Kyle. She says she made a deal with Kyle to keep him safe. She says let's put the boys on permanent vacation. 1:20am BBT Alyssa comes up to HoH and Taylor says she knows Kyle didn't hear her promise him safety. Alyss asks if any girls will go up as pawns. 2 boys, Taylor says, no plans for Kyle or Alyssa. She wants to remain a number for them. 1:22am BBT Taylor asks Alyssa if there's a house target. How's your relationship with Monte, Alyssa strategically counters. We can get Monte later, Taylor says, she's not worried. Alyssa says she's in the middle but doesn't see the divide. She likes all the girls. 1:24am BBT Alyssa tells Tayor she's worried about going home as pawn. Front or back, Taylor says, I don't want you touching the block. And not Kyle either, not even as a pawn. I love him. I did ott see us becoing friends but he's my homie now. Alyssa will touch base later. 1:30am BBT Taylor is moving quickly through the HG. Jasmine is next. Taylor says two Black women were HoH. I will always root for the underdog, Jasmine says, from on the block to the next female HoH. We didn't get off to a good start but now we're cool. (you better hope). 1:35am BBT Jasmine is explaining her HoH to Taylor> She put up Taylor as a pawn to get a guy out. She knew Taylor would be safe and everyone said they would vote out Pooch before she did it (flat out not true). Taylor asks who is the house target? 1:37am BBT Jasmine says there were 2 targets last week (Monte and Daniel) and one is gone. So the other one is the house target. Taylor wants to BD her target. She wants 2 guys. She wants to win Veto as HoH. How can the guys say no to being a pawn? 1:40am BBT Jasmine wants to represent women without tearing each other down (that boat done sailed). We can be like the Cookout, Taylor agrees. If Monte is safe, Jasmine asks, taking the cue, then who? Joe/Kyle are safe, Taylor says. You have a thing for Joe, says Jasmine. 1:43am BBT Turner? then? Put Michael up, Jasmine suggests. No, Taylor says, Michael wins Vetos. Jasmine worries that if it's Turner against Monte, the house will evict Turner (she isn't concerned about Turner, she just doesn't want Monte staying). 1:45am BBT Talor and Jasmine think Turner will be level-headed being a pawn. Taylor wants to talk to Brittany next. I always liked you, Jasmine coos as they hug. 1:55am BBT Brittany comes up to HoH says officially, I have been summoned. Taylor is impatient to get her cider cold. She says Jasmine/Indy/Alyssa to her to target Monte. I would have gone after Jasmine, Brittany says. Taylor told them the truth, she wants 2 guys as pawns. 2:00am BBT Turner joins Taylor/Brittany in HoH. Taylor asks if he dropped or fell. He fell. Once it was them at the end, he know it was OK to fall, but was still trying when he actually did fall. 2:03am BBT Monte joins Taylor/Brittany/Turner in HoH. Taylor tells them she made a deal with Kyle that he did not hear. This is a sexless house and she won't get the showmance out. She tells Monte the girls brought him up. She told them it's 2 guys as pawn, Monte as the BD. 2:06am BBT Taylor says what she told the girls isn't exactly true. She wants to get Jasmine out this week but won't. It's likely Turner/Terrance on the block. Turner wonders if the house will think Terrance is the target because Turner saved her. Talor doesn't think so. 2:09am BBT What if Terrance wins Veto, Turner asks Taylor. F*ck, says Taylor. Then maybe she puts up Monte with Terrance. What if noms don't change, Turner asks, playing Devil's Advocate. I didn't think of any of this, Taylor admits. 2:11am BBT Turner suggests Taylor nom Indy/Alyssa and turn the girls against each other. They'll implode. Monte says she has to think about keeping the Leftovers safe. The girls you are protecting aren't protecting you, Brittany adds. They are so different behind your back. 2:13am BBT Monte agrees, just ask Joe/Kyle what they say about her. It's your HoH, Turner says, but he'd put up 2 of the 4 and let them fight it out. Brittany says Alyssa is already trying to distance herself from Jasmine. 2:15am BBT Taylor is tired of this resistance and says she wants to not have any more talks tonight. Brittany doesn't want Tayor to put herself into a pickle. I am what is left, Taylor says. You are a Leftover, Monte says. 2:17am BBT Taylor says she doesn't mind lying to Terrance or Indy; they lie to her. I guess I protect more boys than girls. She wants to hear from Joe/Kyle. They'll have more info for her, Monte says. Turner notes Indy did well on the Wall. Terrance/Indy, Taylor says. 2:30am BBT Michael is next in HoH. She describes her plan and Michael says it might not be best for her to win the Veto. He already has a huge target on his back and winning HoH and Veto might put one on her too. 2:55am BBT Taylor tells Kyle he didn't hear her but she promised him safety if she won. Taylor says she gave a shout-out to Kyle's mom. Kyle says his mom was probably rooting for her to win. She loves comeback stories. He's happy he got to share the moment with her. 3:00am BBT Kyle echo's the idea of putting up 2 of the 4 (even though Alyssa is one of the 4). Taylor says it has to be Indy. Kyle say he can help manage her, or Joe can. He asks if Indy or Terrance is the target? Taylor says Terrance unless Indy Pooches herself. 3:08am BBT Kyle says Indy has been spying on him and Alyssa. He could never work with her. Tayor says with Great Power comes Great Responsibility. They have power in the house and in the Jury House. 3:10am BBT Taylor doesn't see the girls going against Indy. They don't want to be on the wrong side of the house, Kyle counters. I like Alyssa, he says, but in the end, I'll explore all options. 3:12am BBT Taylor doesn't think double-playing is necessary any more. Kyle agrees but Joe is all-in, he's a fly on the wall. They talk game to Joe but not him. He hopes he's not being portrayed like an idiot. Kyle says he tried so hard but is happy Taylor won. 3:14am BBT Kyle says it's refreshing to talk to a level-headed person. There's so much grey on the wall, Kyle says (meaning no clear choices). We'll see more grey as we go on, Taylor says. 3:15am BBT Indy/Jasmine talk to Joe, who says Alyssa gets his humor (why doesn't Indy?). Kyle comes down and sends up Joseph. Indy says the vibe is so weird now. Joe goes up to HoH. He says he did a crybaby DR about her winning. She says get cozy and takes out the cider. 3:17am BBT Taylor wants her name emboridered on her HoH robe - she earned it. She updates Joe that Kyle/Alyssa are safe. It's your HoH, Joe says, as long as we get to F7 he's good. Taylor says it's Indy/Terrance. Joe says it's one thing to hate gameplay but cut the sh*t. 3:19am BBT Joe tells Taylor that Jasmine told him he should sleep in HoH and get info for her. He said no, he's a nice, shy guy. Taylor says her convos with the girls were BS. Alyssa was the only one who worried about being a pawn. Joe says Alyssa told him the same thing. 3:21am BBT Alyssa is not going up, Taylor tells Joe, and not Jasmine either, no matter how much she talks about me. I just can't. Monte joins them. Joe says the girls are watching them. It's Day 2 of The Fly Swatters, Taylor says. it's tiring, Joe says. Indy, Monte says. 3:23am BBT The girls are watching everything, Joe says. They think Monte and Taylor are together and nominating Monte is a test. Jasmine is not as nice as Taylor is. The goal is getting the 7 to next week, Monte says. They (the 4) can't do anything. 3:25am BBT Monte continues to push Indy as a viable target. Terrance is not a threat, he says. Indy/Terrance have social games, and Indy/Alyssa have physical games. Monte says Indy scares him. Joe says Jasmine's foot is better than she's letting on. 3:30am BBT Turner joins Monte/Taylor in HoH. Taylor jokes Joe should sleep up in HoH with her to keep the girls from coming up. What do they want? They want names, Joe says, they want you to prove you're not working w/anyone. Monte? And Brittany. They're watching her too. 3:45am BBT Monte says put Indy/Alyssa up if she doesn't want to nom Terrance. F*ck my morals, Taylor says, I want Jasmine to explode. Joe says we can get Jasmine to yelp. That alliance has to explode, Taylor says. 3:50am BBT Brittany tells Taylor she doesn't want to get caught in all their drama. They have the numbers, it's not necessary. If any of the 4 win HoH, they'll go after the guys. 3:55am BBT Joe asks Taylor what reasons she'll give for Terrance/Indy. Everything Terrance says is BS, Monte replies. Down in the KT, Kyle stands on a chair and makes a face into the camera. Taylor, watching on the HoH spy cam, laughs. Kyle joins them in HoH. 4:00am BBT Kyle says he was sent up to HoH (by the others) to spy. Terrance/Indy/Alyssa/Jasmine are all discussing options downstairs. He only joined the other side in case they won HoH but they never did. He doesn't like the spying. Even Joe says he's thinking about it. #BB23 4:10am BBT Taylor asks Monte if he'll be on the block with her. He doesn't plan on letting the other side win HoH (they never do). Alyssa comes up to HoH. Terrance is asleep, she announces. Kyle says Indy kicked her out of the Space BR so she could sleep. 4:15am BBT Michael comes into HoH. He was just with Jasmine. She's never up this late, Joe says, she must be nervous. Talk turns into just a group of friends for the next half hour, breaking up about 4:45am. Turner/Michael/Monte/Brittany finally leave after 5am. 5:35am BBT Taylor has brought her clothes up to HoH. All cams are dark downstairs. It's weird sleeping along again, Taylor says, this is nice. She locks the HoH door then slips into bed. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fuskie Posted August 13, 2022 Share Posted August 13, 2022 Here's the morning report: 9:56am BBT Taylor tells Kyle in the KT over coffee that HoH is nice but too quiet. you hear everything, the mice in the walls, the cameras move. They follow her everywhere she goes. She's says she's not sore at all yet. You're a superwoman, Kyle tells her. 11:21am BBT Terrance asks Taylor, worst case scenario, if he's on the block and wins Veto, what happens? He doesn't want to mess up Taylor's game. She knows it's scary to be on the block. She assures him she won't throw the Veto. 11:23am BBT Taylor warns Indy may be a little testy with it but what can I do? I was on the block and I'm still here. Terrance says he'll be OK. They hug. All love, she tells him, all love. 11:25am BBT Jasmine comes into HoH. Taylor says she won't be used as a pawn. She's thinking Indy. Jasmine says that's fine, a guy and a girl. Indy is strong, Taylor says, confidently. She'll tell Indy it won't be fun but it will help build her resume. 11:27am BBT Taylor tells Jasmine she didn't warn Indy yet. She promised the girls safety last night but the more she thought about it, they can't let the guys play Veto. She picked Indy/Alyssa to be her besties as good will but she can't not touch the girls. 11:298pm BBT Jasmine asks Taylor if Monte is still the taret. Yes, everyone said his name, but it's not in her hands. Someone needs to use the Veto. Everyone, asks Jasmine? Everyone, confirms Taylor. They want Monte out because it's a big game move. 11:31am BBT Jasmine guesses putting him up after the Veto is OK. She's starting her Bday countdown tomorrow. She asks what happened with Joe? Nothing, Taylor says, she wants to have time to get closer to him. 11:33am BBT In the KT, Alyssa promises to make Turner breakfast tomorrow. Fire, he says. Michael is in HoH. Things are going waell. Indy is frustrated being a pawn. She told Indy to stack her resume and win Veto. Taylor wouldn't answer who she'd target if Monte is safe. 11:35am BBT Michael had told Indy he thought it would be Turner/Terrance. Taylor is fine if Indy leaves instead of Terrance. She will be calm with her nom speech, but she'll go for blood at the Veto meeting. The week will go fast, Michael tells her, enjoy it. 11:37am BBT Kyle rings into HoH. He apologizes for leaving early last night. Taylor says Brittany stayed the longest. Taylor says she told Indy the pawn choices were her, Brittany or Turner and she picked Indy to help her build her resume. 11:39am BBT Taylor describes to Michael how she pumped up Terrance to win Veto. Indy didn't overreact. She had told the girls they wouldn't touch the block but passed it off as not wanting the guys to play Veto. She may pick Alyssa to play for her. 11:41am BBT Michael goes downstairs and finds Terrance on the bike in the gym. He's p*sed. Tat's a good way to channel it, Michael says. I'm not a Daniel, Terrance says. Michael pulls Indy aside and asks what happened since last night? Indy wasn't expecting that. 11:43am BBT Indy doesn't think Taylor's explanation makes sense. She doesn't want to be the first person in the jury. She can't trust Taylor. Michael says Terrance thinks he's going up and isn't happy either. Michael says if noms stay the same, he thinks she'll be OK. 11:45am BBT Indy tells Michael she wanted Monte up. He asks what he can do to help. Taylor made promises, Indy complains, but that's OK, it's life. 12:10pm BBT Jasmine/Monte says BB fed them lines to use in their nom speeches. Monte didn't like the lines so he used his own words. Turner says the best part of HoH was the music. He imagined he was driving, listening to music in his car. 12:30pm In the WA, Joe tells Indy to win Veto. Jasmine says, over the water, something changed from last night. Alyssa assures Indy, no matter what happens, you're not going home. Indy hopes she can make enough money to bring her parents to LA. 12:31pm BBT Terrance tells Jasmine it's basic jury management - you don't promise one thing and do something else. Alyssa says Taylor made promises she couldn't keep. Terrance says he'll have a lot to say on the Jury. He says he's not a pawn, he's f*cked. 12:33pm BBT Alyssa offers to play for him if he gets HG Choice. Terrance wants to see Tracy (his wife). Their anniversary was July 19th. They want to go on a cruise in January. Terrance says he's thinking of the girls, he doesn't want the other side taking them out. 12:45pm BBT Indy tells Joe she loves him but they're not good roomies. She's not mad, it is what it is. But she thought Taylor would follow her promises. It's what happens to people when they get power. They change. Jasmine thinks Terrance is up because he voted for Daniel. 12:50pm BBT Jasmine wonders who told Taylor about Terrance's vote. Maybe it was Brittany. Joe doesn't know about all this stuff with women's rights. Jasmine wonders if Taylor is targeing Terrance and Indy just got caught in the way. 12:55pm BBT Joe tells Indy and Jasmine that during Turner's HoH, both Daniel/Nicole called Taylor a b*tch. I defended her, Indy says. I cried when Daniel put her up (that's not exactly defending). I told Daniel I wouldn't vote her out (there was no eviction, so...) 1:00pm BBT Joe tells Taylor Indy thinks she has the numbers. She counts Joe, Michael and Kyle. She doesn't trust Taylor anymore. They think the other side is broken up. Joe says we can blindside them. You take Terrance down, put Alyssa up. That would be wild, Taylor says. 1:05pm BBT Taylor wants to blow it up on Monday, telling Terrance he was trashing her and Indy, they don't have a relationship. Joe says today, stay vaugue with your reasons. Taylor agrees. You're doing a lot of work, she observes. 1:45pm BBT Tayor tells Joe that he's in the line of fire. Some of the guys says he's gone wild. Joe says he's the guy who whooped them all on the Wall. Joe finally leaves HoH and Taylor lies down to think. 1:50pm BBT Joe updates Jasmine on Taylor. Turner didn't put her up so she won't put him up. Taylor has no problem working with Indy. Terrance wanted Nicole to stay over her, so he's her target. He hopes Indy wins Veto. 1:55pm BBT Jasmine asks, what about Monte? Joe tells her that Taylor is willing to work with him. Then who else does Taylor want, Jasmine wonders. In HoH, Brittany updates Taylor on Terrance in the KT. He isn't a threat and doesn't understand why he's nom. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fuskie Posted August 13, 2022 Share Posted August 13, 2022 Current: 5:05pm BBT Indy promises Michael candy if she comes to the Space BR with her. She tells him about her convo with Taylor. Michael says Indy is staying even if noms stay the same. #BB224 5:07pm BBT Alyssa interrupts and Indy asks if she'd use the Veto on her. I don't want to be on the block on Thursday (who does?). 5:25pm BBT IN the WA, Terrance asks Joe to use the Veto on him to force Taylor to show her cards. Joe heads up to HoH to tell Taylor what Terrance said. Taylor wonders if they would have the votes to keep Monte. Joe says they do. They consider different scenarios. 5:30pm BBT To prove he trusts Taylor, Joe ways, he'll be a pawn. He promises to not win the Veto so she can sub him in and hide the alliance. (wouldn't it be entertaining if she takes him up on his offer but instead of saving Indy, she saves Terrance?) 6:15pm BBT Doing Indy's toenails, Jasmine says Alyssa never talks F2 with her. She wonders if Alyssa is working with Taylor. 7:40pm BBT Joe tells Taylor he thinks The Leftovers are getting to the end of their goal. He's talked more game with her than any other Leftover. They need start thinking about Chapter 2 of the game a few weeks before they make it to F7. 7:42pm BBT Joe tells Taylor he loves Michael/Brittany and thinks they could work together. Taylor says if something comes from their fauxmance, it would be wild. It would have to be real if they were to go on Amazing Race together. 8:00pm BBT Taylor/Michael/Turner/Alyssa/Brittany/Monte/Kyle/Indy are in the KT. Jasmine has the yellow gloves on and is thoroughly cleaning the WA showers. Terrance is helping but mostly watching. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fuskie Posted August 13, 2022 Share Posted August 13, 2022 8:00pm BBT Taylor/Michael/Turner/Alyssa/Brittany/Monte/Kyle/Indy are in the KT. Jasmine has the yellow gloves on and is thoroughly cleaning the WA showers. Terrance is helping but mostly watching. 8:10pm BBT The HG ask if Joe would go to space. He says if he could take Indy w/him. For what, she asks. For entertainment, he deadpans. No romance, Alyssa/Michael ask? No, Joe insists. Alyssa asks, what if he's not paid to go into space? Being in space is its own reward. 8:13pm BBT In the WA, Jasmine rhetorically asks if someone didn't just preach about chipping in on the chores? She & Terrance are cleaning the WA by themselves. Jasmine asks if Terrance has had a hearing test. No, he just asks people to speak more clearly. Because of DJing. 8:15pm BBT Joe tells Michael no, he wouldn't freeze himself 100 years to live in the future. He could get hit by a meteor while he's frozen. Alyssa asks if any of the HG would give up their cell phone to go live in a house with strangers to win money. Never, the all laugh. 8:20pm BBT Joe brings up a scenario where you move under the ocean if you could bring your family and would be immune from health risks. Jasmine comes to the KT and Taylor asks what she's doing. Cleaning the WA before leaving. 8:22pm BBT Jasmine updates the scenario. If, to ensure the survival of the human race, they are splitting humans between earth and underwater, which would you choose? Turner says it depends on who's going underwater. Joe clarifies the government wouldn't release names. 8:24pm BBT Alyssa a throws out a new sceneario: would you enjoy a week being rich if you also had to spend a week being poor? Depends on which comes first, and where. Terrance could live on $50 in Guatamala. 8:26pm BBT Joe asks would you go 100 yrs into the future or 100 ys into the past? Everyone says the future. In the past, you could make money knowing the future. Michael asks about the movie where everyone forgot The Beatles. It was Yesterday, Turner says, and it was Fire! 8:35pm BBT Terrance chats with Alyssa in the WA. He'll pick her if he gets HG Choice. Alyssa knocks on HoH but Taylor is asleep. She goes downstairs and says Taylor is down for the count, sleeping with the music on. In the KT, the HG start playing Chinese Checkers. 8:40pm BBT Indy/Joe head to the Space BR with Jasmine. Indy asks if Taylor has said anything. Joe says she's being very guarded. In the KT, Kyle complains his head barely touches the pillow and BB says no napping. Taylor is sleeping upstairs (It's good to be HoH). 8:45pm BBT BB warns about moving furniture around for Chinese Checkers game. The HG pull the DT chairs into a circle in front of the Memory Wall instead. In the Space BR, Joe tells Indy/Jasmine that Taylor doesn't know how she feels about Monte. 8:47pm BBT Jsmine complains that she and Terrance cleaned the WA by themselves. Joe apologizes for not helping. Jasmine says it was very dirty work and wishes more people would say thank you. She's not going to ask because that's not her thing. 8:52pm BBT Indy tells Joe/Jasmine she doesn't want to be on the block on Thursday. Joe tells her she'd be better off up against Monte than Terrance. Taylor just wants big threats out, he says, and neither Indy nor Terrance are big threats. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
grannysue1154 Posted August 13, 2022 Share Posted August 13, 2022 9:27pm Terrance on bed, giving shout out to his wife. He hopes she is having an amazing summer. He misses his kids as well. Joe in lavatory area, Jasmine comes into the room,he says he is chilling because the room is warm. Jasmine comes in to use the loo. She turns the water on before going in. Cameras move to Terrance, who is talking to the cameras. He says there is a cultural divide in the world and no matter how many stories you tell, people can't relate to it. Joe has moved to the bedroom, Jasmine is removing her boot and getting ready to lie down as well. She says she is thinking of straightening her hair next week although no one in the house likes it that way. She says straight hair makes her feel like a sexy boss. Kyle and Alyssa head to the other bedroom but Indy is in there, so Kyle fumbles out of the room. 9:38pm Brittany and Kyle in the storage room. Kyle finds cookies, Brittany says she throws away the candy no one eats but keeps the dark chocolate. Kyle looks for snacks. Michael has joined Brittany in the storage room. They are discussing who should go this week. Brittany says Joseph is covering why he needs to do "this covert thing." Michael says if Terrance comes down and Joe goes up they would be very happy about that, but he doesn't want to mess up Taylor's HOH Michael has no plan to say anything about the possibility of Joe going up until after veto. Michael says if Joe goes up against Terrance it seems like it would be Joe going home. Brittany says she is worried about the reaction of the Leftovers. Brittany says Taylor is not close to Turner and Monte, they showed fear when they talked to her.o Brittany says Joe is super overplaying righ now. Michael and Brittany are skeptical about Joe's closeness and honesty. Brittany and Michael hope that by spending time with the girls they will promote that. Michael says Indy expects him to take her down if he wins the veto, if he does, he will go to them and make deals for using it. Brittany says Joe is more important to them than Terrance right now, she says Joe is adding drama to the Leftovers. If the Leftovers remain strong after sending Joe out, it would be a good idea. Michael says Joe is playing for the Leftovers but he is also putting them (Michael and Brittany) at risk. The girls may decide to cut Michael and Brittany to keep Joe. Brittany says Joe is overplaying "hardddd", she wants to do whatever makes the two of them safer. Michael says they should lay low until the veto is played, Brittany says Taylor doesn't want to put another girl up. Michael says Taylor will not put up Jasmine or Alyssa. Brittany says they need Alyssa out of them for their own game. Michael says Turner has a photographic memory or something, Brittany says she has noticed that too. 9:54pm Brittany says they could be working with Monte, Turner and Kyle at some point soon. Brittany says she needs to just lower her resisitance in this, there is so much going on here and Joe seems to be getting sloppy. Michael says Joe goes rogue, the other side plays sloppy, the Leftovers can't do that. Michael says Kyle is concerned about Joe's ability to lie, he sees them lying to the girls all the time. He thinks Kyle has moved the priority of Alyssa leaving lower. They continue to talk the pros and cons of Indy, Alyssa, Jasmine and Terrance staying or going. Michael plans to tell Indy he would be happy for her to choose him as House guest's choice in the veto. Michael says he trusts what Kyle will say, even though he will leave things out to protect Alyssa. Brittany says she trusts what Joe says at this point. Brittany says they have to be careful not to put themselves in a position where the Leftovers are against them. They would rather have Jasmine against them. 10:00pm Michael and Brittany both say they are reluctant to go up against Monte and Turner, they are well rounded competition. Monte and Turner are in the lavatory, Turner in the shower, Monte talking to him. Monte says he plans to play dumb with Terrance. 10:06pm Terrance and Taylor are in the bedroom, Terrance asks what the HOH will do, Taylor says Indy asked her to take her down. Terrance says he just wanted to make sure they (him and Taylor) are still cool. Taylor leaves the room. (Not sure who he is referring to:::Terrance tells Monte he plans to have a conversation with "him", he will tell him he is a man and should walk like a man....) Terrance tells Monte that the conversation was, he asked if she was planning to protect the culture and Taylor told him it would be protected. Terrance continues with an awkward conversation about what Ameerah said earlier about Taylor's stance on removing a black man first in the game. 10:15pm Brittany joins Taylor in the HOH room. Taylor says she had been looking for her (Brittany) Taylor says she just talked to Terrance, she is fine with either Indy or Terrance going home. She says Indy asked her to take her down, and that might have been a lie. Taylor says when he sees Joe go up to replace the person that is taken down Terrance will just think she is nuts. Taylor says "If I win, I just can't keep the noms the same." Brittany agrees. Brittany tells Taylor to keep her options open. Taylor says if Indy goes more secrets will come out. Taylor says Joe brought up being a pawn to her, he told her that if Monte was up and came down, the girls would know Taylor and Monte are working together. Joe told her he didn't want anyone looking at the Leftovers. 10:19pm Michael comes in. Michael says Monte and Terrance were talking game with the door open. Taylor says she will be interested in seeing what Monte has to say. Taylor tells Brittany if she wins the veto to use it on whoever she wants, the other will go home. Michael says the other side has talked about it being a great TV moment, none of them have a problem with it. Taylor says if someone wins the veto and takes one of the nominees down she will put Joe up. When Joe doesn't go home she will act upset and shocked. People will think she took a shot at a big player and missed. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
grannysue1154 Posted August 13, 2022 Share Posted August 13, 2022 10:22pm Taylor and Brittany continue to talk about the pros and cons of pushing Indy out first. Michael says Indy could be the priority, she can win competitions. Taylor says Terrance has upset her by coming after her, she feels a little blinded by revenge. She says say she can also move those feelings towards Indy. Taylor says she really didn't want to send a girl out this week, but how it falls is how it falls. Michael says Indy told him she is interested in protecting him and that is good for all three of them (Taylor, Brittany and himself). He says it could be a lie, she may just want him to use the veto on her. Taylor says she feels she isn't a good HOH, she is having decision troubles. 10:30pm The three of them think there will be a twist next week. Michael wonders if it will be a special power, and will they be able to get the the power holder to spill it to them. Taylor is tickled with herself for winning the wall. She says it was on the live feeds and she knows how glued she was when she watched the wall on Celebrity Big Brother. (we are tickled too!!) General gossip 11:00pm Kyle and Alyssa in the lavatory. They are talking about what will happen when they leave the Big Brother House. Kyle says there will be distractions on the outside that arent' there in the house. They whisper about the HOH room. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fuskie Posted August 13, 2022 Share Posted August 13, 2022 11:05pm BBT Kyle/Alysa are in the WA and he steals a kiss. he feels like his whole family is watching him. When we get the HoH room, she says, they'll talk. Kyle says he really did try to win HoH. He thinks the Veto will have punishments. 11:10pm BBT Alyssa teases if it is Hide and Go Veto, she won't tell him where she hid hers. She talks about places past HG hid theirs. Kyle says he'd just put it under a cushion. They wonder what Zingbot would say to them. 11:13pm BBT Monte comes in and talk turns to HNs. Neither Taylor nor Brittany were HNs. Alyssa says Brittany said she'd do it on her own just for the experience. In the KT, Kyle throws out a bowl of cut fruit before ants can get to it. He washes plates. 11:20pm BBT Kyle strips to his underwear and gets in bed in the Golf BR. In HoH, Taylor can't believe she got press-on nails. Turner says he got socks. She says she wants noms to change. Turner suggets he could take down Terrance and they would think he's working with him. 11:22pm BBT Turner is presenting Taylor/Michael/Brittany with an idea that would put the target on him and Terrance next week. He also suggests Indy might like the quiet of the JH. Brittany says BB didn't like her GB msg for Kyle and made her record it a second time. 11:45pm BBT Monte joins HoH, says Terrance was sounding defeated. Maybe he's looking for sympathy ahead of the Veto. Taylor says she told him she already promised to use the Veto on Indy. Indy is the better choice to go, Monte suggests. 11:50pm BBT Tayor says a friend told her if someone wants to leave the house, keep them in the game. She'd like to see Joe/Indy on the block. She wants the season to be not boring and it will be fun to nom Joe and say their showmance is dead, and then he stays. 8:00pm BBT Taylor/Michael/Turner/Alyssa/Brittany/Monte/Kyle/Indy are in the KT. Jasmine has the yellow gloves on and is thoroughly cleaning the WA showers. Terrance is helping but mostly watching. 8:10pm BBT The HG ask if Joe would go to space. He says if he could take Indy w/him. For what, she asks. For entertainment, he deadpans. No romance, Alyssa/Michael ask? No, Joe insists. Alyssa asks, what if he's not paid to go into space? Being in space is its own reward. 8:13pm BBT In the WA, Jasmine rhetorically asks if someone didn't just preach about chipping in on the chores? She & Terrance are cleaning the WA by themselves. Jasmine asks if Terrance has had a hearing test. No, he just asks people to speak more clearly. Because of DJing. 8:15pm BBT Joe tells Michael no, he wouldn't freeze himself 100 years to live in the future. He could get hit by a meteor while he's frozen. Alyssa asks if any of the HG would give up their cell phone to go live in a house with strangers to win money. Never, the all laugh. 8:20pm BBT Joe brings up a scenario where you move under the ocean if you could bring your family and would be immune from health risks. Jasmine comes to the KT and Taylor asks what she's doing. Cleaning the WA before leaving. 8:22pm BBT Jasmine updates the scenario. If, to ensure the survival of the human race, they are splitting humans between earth and underwater, which would you choose? Turner says it depends on who's going underwater. Joe clarifies the government wouldn't release names. 8:24pm BBT Alyssa a throws out a new sceneario: would you enjoy a week being rich if you also had to spend a week being poor? Depends on which comes first, and where. Terrance could live on $50 in Guatamala. 8:26pm BBT Joe asks would you go 100 yrs into the future or 100 ys into the past? Everyone says the future. In the past, you could make money knowing the future. Michael asks about the movie where everyone forgot The Beatles. It was Yesterday, Turner says, and it was Fire! 8:35pm BBT Terrance chats with Alyssa in the WA. He'll pick her if he gets HG Choice. Alyssa knocks on HoH but Taylor is asleep. She goes downstairs and says Taylor is down for the count, sleeping with the music on. In the KT, the HG start playing Chinese Checkers. 8:40pm BBT Indy/Joe head to the Space BR with Jasmine. Indy asks if Taylor has said anything. Joe says she's being very guarded. In the KT, Kyle complains his head barely touches the pillow and BB says no napping. Taylor is sleeping upstairs (It's good to be HoH). 8:45pm BBT BB warns about moving furniture around for Chinese Checkers game. The HG pull the DT chairs into a circle in front of the Memory Wall instead. In the Space BR, Joe tells Indy/Jasmine that Taylor doesn't know how she feels about Monte. 8:47pm BBT Jsmine complains that she and Terrance cleaned the WA by themselves. Joe apologizes for not helping. Jasmine says it was very dirty work and wishes more people would say thank you. She's not going to ask because that's not her thing. 8:52pm BBT Indy tells Joe/Jasmine she doesn't want to be on the block on Thursday. Joe tells her she'd be better off up against Monte than Terrance. Taylor just wants big threats out, he says, and neither Indy nor Terrance are big threats. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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