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Monday, August 1, 2022 - Big Brother 24 Live Feed Updates

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Please post ONLY Live Feed, televised show, Big Brother 24 observations, and screen captures here! If you post opinions or off-topic messages, I will move them here:  https://www.tvfanforums.net/topic/143552-general-bb-discussion/

If you are adding personal comments, please keep them to a minimum and use brackets [personal commentaround the text.

Remember your time zones. Big Brother Time (BBT) is Pacific Daylight Saving Time (See Map Here).

Please be careful in identifying who is speaking, and do not use confusing abbreviations or nicknames not used in the house.

To better help you identify the HGs, Fuskie made this guide you can print out and refer to until you get to know who's who.  Mortys-TV-BB24-HG-Reference-Guide.pdf

Try to be consistent with abbreviations, like:
Dining Table (DT)
Head of House Room (HOHR)
Indoor Lock Down (ILD)
Kitchen (KT)
Living Room (LR)
Outdoor Lock Down (OLD)
Storage Room (SR)
Washroom Area (WA)
Water Closet [toilet] (WC)
Tiki Bar across from the HoH Room (TB)
Car theme bedroom (CBR)
Space age theme bedroom (SBR)


It only takes a few good posts to earn your "Live Feed Updater" badge and LFU status. 


Also, all registered members of the forums have access to our chat rooms, at https://www.tvfanforums.net/chatbox/room/1-lobby/ Stop in talk to SMVanBoyz, Fuskie, and I'm in there from time-to-time too. It's fun to be able to watch the feeds at dish the HGs at the same time.  


Please feel free to post info for other updaters to let them know how long you can update, or when you're taking a break and you want someone else to take over.


...And pictures, screen caps are welcome here too.

Thank you!

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12:00AM BBT

The HGs have a birthday party for Michael in the HoH Room.  They are all wearing little hats and Britt is manning the house camera.

Michael: I have a request. I want to recreate a Big Brother moment

The HGs cheer

Michael: So there is a famous moment from Big Brother history from Season 10. So,  there is this woman, Keesha, and it was her birthday on August 1st, so we have the same birthday. And that day like the house blew up and there was a big fight and at the end of it they had a cake and everyone sang happy irthday. It was the, like, saddest happy birthday ever...so Taylor is gonna do the "does anyone want cake?" and I want a sad-happy rendition.


They all sing happy birthday in a sad monotone, then Taylor delivers her line. They all cheer and yell Happy Birthday. We love you Michael."

"Speech, Speech, Speech"


Michael says he didn't really prepare a speech, "I guess just really excited to be here with everyone, and I know I have told a few people, like, goal number one was not to go home first, and goal number two was to make it to celebrate my birthday in the house. So, I am on a good roll, so far, with my checklist. I never really like to make a big deal about my birthday. Back home I just keep it super low key. But, I am excited to celebrate with everyone. Back home, I have my little circle of friends and I don't really open to people super easily and make all these new friends all the time. Just being here with everyone has been a dream come true for me. Everyone has welcomed me with open arms and it means a lot to me. I love you all and thank you!"

Everyone cheers and claps

Michael: Thank you for celebrating my birthday and let's have drinks and cake.

They all cheer again.

Joseph tries to break an egg on Michael's head but it doesn't break and breaks in Joe's hand instead. Michael says it must be because he isn't Brazilian. (It is a tradiition in Brazil to bust eggs on people for their birthday)

Indy: I warned him
















Brittany took pics of Michael with all of the HGs. The birthday party lasted until 2:39AM when HGs started going to bed.


3:02AM BBT

Kyle is cuddling Alyssa in his bed in the Car Design bedroom. Alyssa tells Kyle that she doesn't want to be vulnerable with everyone. "I hate talking about my life. I hate people knowing about me, I guess. The more people know about you the more they can hurt you is my perception."

Kyle: That is a sad reality. Is that been your experience? Like, you open up to someone and they hurt you?

Alyssa says she feels like the more she gives of herself to somebody else the more that she has to become emotionally invested. She wants to open up so people know her, but at the same time she is like, what's the point. I just don't get it. There's like only three people that really know me. Jenna is the most. I wish I could bring Jenna in here.

Kyle: Only three?

Alyssa: Do you have a Jenna? (meaning a close friend, and, btw, this is "her person" mentioned on last night's show  -ML)

Kyle says he has a few close friends but a lot of homies but he doesn't share emotional stuff with friends. He says he is closest to her and Turner in the house.

Alyssa: We are your friends?

Kyle: I like you guys

Alyssa: I'm glad

Kyle asks Alyssa if she has ever let a guy in (emotionally close). She says only once and it went badly. 

Kyle tells her she is guarded. Alyssa agrees. She says she will share more with him. He asks if she will share one of her poems.

Alyssa: We are not there yet

Kyle: WHY?

Alyssa: Because that's a lot. You will ask, why did you write that and I'll have to go in depth.

*Cams move to the HoHR





3:06AM BBT

Monte, Michael, Britt, Taylor and Joe are talking about next week and trying to get Indy to choose one of them to pair up with once her bestie is gone. 

They go through every scenario of partners for Indy. They figure that Indy will have to join to make a threesome, but maybe she will actually have to break up a threesome. (Lots of speculating here)


There was a lot of conversations into the wee hours of the morning.  (nothing new)


5:12AM BBT

Monte says goodnight and gets ready for bed.


5:40AM BBT

Taylor is the last one awake. She is prepping for bed in  the bathroom.


5:50AM BBT

The BB24 House is finally dark and silent.


9:01AM BBT

WBRB for "Wakey, Wakey Houseguests"


9:12AM BBT

The feeds return to the sleepy HGs starting their day.

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9:18AM BBT

Daniel is making coffee. Monte is talking with Kyle in the HoHR. He says he will head down first seeing that Dan is up.

He asks Dan who is up. He says only his and Kyle's batteries are taken.

Monte tells Dan he wants to talk later because he is getting a bit paranoid about the veto and hasn't had a chance to talk with Kyle, yet. (LIES! He was just talking with him in the HoHR)

Dan: Cool, yeah

Monte says he will make breakfast 

They say they got a buzz from the alcohol last night

Monte: We did the damn thing

Dan: It was definitely needed

Monte: For sure

They discover more ants 

Monte offers Dan eggs with spinach and replies, "Hell, yeah"

Monte calls Dan the House Barista

Dan: I will say, not may favorite three songs

Monte: Yeah, The Cardi B song was popular because it was raunchy but I don't want to wake up to that one.

Terrance joins them in the kitchen.

Dan: I can't remember what the second one was. The last one was Dynamite by BTS, my niece loves them.

Monte starts humming Dan & Shay Tequila

Dan: That was it! I thought it was Jonas brothers, or something



9:26AM BBT

In the backyard, Kyle catches a bug in the pool using a metal cage. Dan comes out and tells him that he wants to talk to him, "I guess things are shifting...he said he heard some things, and i guess it was when we were both in our bedrooms. He said I know you want to use the veto, but we gotta talk."

Kyle: What? Do you think he doesn't want us to use the veto?

Dan: I'll hear him out. I don't get it. I thought it was an automatic, 'let's get her out.' But, I will fill you in. He is probably gonna want to talk to you, too.

Kyle asks, "What could have happened...what could people have said?"

Dan: It was the way he was talking. I'll try to fill you in as soon as possible.

Kyle: I'm just trying to think what value it could have leaving those two on the block.





9:29AM BBT

Bob: Houseguests, please lower the awnings in the backyard.

Daniel: I gotta pee

Kyle: Terrance they caught us

Terrance: Let's do this, ain't no one else gonna come outside right now.


9:57AM BBT

Monte joins Nicole and Daniel in the HoHR to talk.


Monte tells them he has an urgent conversation to have with them. He tells Dan that the power is in his hands and he knows he will need to talk with Kyle. Monte says that through conversations, he has discovered that Alyssa was the one to "spill the beans" about Po's Pack. He says there is some paranoia about what Ameerah said on the way out and it seems she said "Don't trust Daniel and Nicole." Monte tells them that both Indy and Alyssa indicated they can't trust Nicole. 'Which makes me feel uncomfortable putting you up this week, which was exactly your concern."

Nicole: So that just confirms with me what Brittany said to me the other day (That Ameerah told a group setting that she and Daniel can't be trusted)

Monte says that if he puts Nicole and Taylor on the block, Nicole could be evicted, "I don't want to look like a fool putting up you and Taylor and then Taylor is still here, again."


Monte feels like Daniel and Nicole have become the targets and he is not comfortable with Nicole now going on the block.

Nicole: I would be happy with you not using the veto. It is very clear that Ameerah is my demise because of what she said walking out.

Monte: It just gets less blood on my hands.  

Monte says he feels he has to leave the noms the same and wants to know what they think.

Nicole thanks Monte for the heads up and says she, obviously, does not want to go on the block.

Dan: When did Jasmine tell you all of this?

Monte says that everyone probably saw how long he chatted with Nicole and people got in panic mode and started saying things. "After having a conversation with Nicole yesterday morning, why is it all of the sudden Jasmine and Indy wants to talk game?"

Dan: Right!

Monte says it all happened yesterday. He says he wanted to catch them early and talk about this before the veto meeting. "Do you feel good about it because I know him and Alyssa are tight?"

Dan: That's the hard part

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Monte: If we go forward with the plan thinking Taylor is going out and the opposite happens and I am left looking like an idiot.

Nicole: Yeah

Monte offers to be present for Dan's talk with Kyle. He says he knows he will leave Indy and Alyssa upset leaving them on the block but prefers it that way than getting two others upset.

Nicole; Since we are putting things out on the table, I have never told Daniel about Po's Pack. Did Jasmine say she knew everyone that is in Po's Pack?

Monte: I am assuming so now. She may not trust me, either. But she came up to me and wanted to confirm that she doesn't trust you and she had suspicion. (meaning Jasmine)

Nicole: I am just shocked that the whispering continues. Going forward, they don't use the veto, I am safe another week. I fight going forward.


10:15AM BBT

Nicole is frustrated and wants the veto to not be used. "Both of those girls are talking behind my back then smiling to my face. I've said it before and I'll say it again, if you don't have anything to say to me, why are you even speaking to me? I don't need to hear anybody's bullshit. Cool! That's what this game is. I love Big Brother. I love this game so much. It's just comical to me."

Monte says the evidence just stacks up. I'm not gonna say any names. You can read in between the lines.  I don't know if them planting seeds is like hey I am telling you this but maybe they should have just waited until after the ceremony when you guys were already up.

Nicole: It just goes into the cockiness.

Nicole brings up how Indy told Monte "don't ever put me on the block again. Bitch, you might not ever be here again. Fuck"


10:18AM BBT

Monte: I really wanted a straight forward HoH week. It's just, you got three people acting a little strange telling me they can't trust the person I want to keep. I am just not for that this week. 

Daniel thanks Monte for telling him all of this. Let's say I don't want to use it and Kyle wants to. I was hoping you would only have to replace one person, but they are not going to do that.

Nicole says no one tells her anything, "I'm like the fucking mother around her and people hide in corners, and I'm like, "I see you"

Dan: If the goal would be Indy and we can all align that way?

Monte; Yeah

Dan says this is all shit he would never know (if not for Monte)

Monte: With Kyle, I just don't know where his head is at.

Dan: Me either, and I'm his bestie



Monte says the sales job to Kyle will be important and hopefully he won't be upset leaving Alyssa on the block

[He won't. This was all Kyle's plan. He wants Alyssa out. -MamaLong]


Nicole says it just sucks that over the past several days all three of them (Jasmine/Indy/Alyssa) have done a lot to make her feel good, and now she just doesn't know.

Monte suggests that she fact check everything. "Next week, you have mission impossible but it needs to be mission possible. You need HoH"

Nicole: yeah

Monte: Alyssa is going to be pissed at me, but oh well. I am at a point where I really don't care.

Monte tells them to go and talk with them and see how they act.

Dan: Dude, thank you so much. It's early but I needed it.

Nicole: I know I needed it.

They hug and share appreciation and love for each other.


10:30AM BBT

Daniel whispers with Kyle in the Car Design Bedroom. He tells him about the conversation with Monte.

Dan tells Kyle he saw straight through it all because he feels tight with Jasmine and that she is real, "He says he is trying to protect us. SInce when? If you could see him trying to come up with stuff...bro, it's so fake. He is trying to plant seeds to get us to not trust the people we trust. He wants the noms to stay the same."

Kyle: Really?



Daniel: Indy, Alyssa and Jasmine are bad for my game (to lose any of them) so he wants to ......He is realizing if this changes today, he doesn't have the numbers moving forward. It's like, bro. You want to keep Taylor all the sudden because she is workig with you. It's so obvious there is a line in the sand. I am aware you are floating..not in th egame, but emotionally

Kyle: Yeah

Dan: It's funny to me that he is going to come up with this elaborate lie to get us to lose numbers for us. 

Dan tells Kyle he talked with Alyssa and she is on board to keep Nicole knowing Monte would steamroll. Dan says their game is so obvious and they can't even keep it discreet.

Kyle: So they don't have thenumbers

Dan: at all...I want to use the power of veto. I trust Indy more than ever.

Kyle: Is Nicole cool with this? Did she buy any of it?

Dan: No dude...I told her just hear just him out. At this point Indy is gung ho. Here is the thing, it's either he puts up Nicole and Taylor or we save Alyssa/Indy and he doesn't put up Nicole and Taylor. Here's the thing, he is working with Turner. I think we still have the numbers. I don't think it changes, it just makes Monte look even worse. He won't put up Michael and Brittany.

Kyle: Let's see what he says to me.

Dan tells him he offered to talk to Kyle with him. "Yo, this is crazy."


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Dan: I respect the game play he is doing, but, bro, the votes are in our favor.


[What's going on, you ask? Well, Monte's real target is Nicole, but Nicole and Dan both know that. Monte now wants to leave the noms the same to oust Alyssa. Dan/Nicole are totally on to Monte's game play, but they are not aware that Kyle is actually in on Monte's plan or that he is part of the Leftovers Alliance.  They have pieced everything together except for Kyle's involvement. -MamaLong]


Kyle says it would be 6 votes to 4 votes if Taylor/Nicole are on the block.

Dan says if he puts up Nicole and Taylor they will lose Taylor, one of their numbers.

Kyle: This is like some secret, weird, backdoor funky shit. So are we using it?

Dan: Dude, I have to. Even Nicole is like, this is a joke. Who is going up? And they won't put up Michael and Brittany because both are their numbers. 


"He would be dumb to put up Jasmine and Turner, dude."

Kyle: For sure!

Kyle and Dan leave the room to go talk to people

Kyle: Thanks for filling me in. That's crazy!


10:51AM BBT

Kyle heads straight to the HoHR to talk with Monte. "He is using it"

Monte: He is?

Kyle:  1000%

Kyle tells him that Daniel is piecing it all together. He relays everything Daniel says.

Monte: So he believed Jasmine?

Kyle: Yes

Monte: Their loss

Kyle: He is excited though. He is like I got this week.

Monte: They are gonna look like fools when Nicole goes home


10:53AM BBT

*WBRB then Rancho Coastal Humane Society for the Power of Veto Meeting


[I expect that Daniel will use the power of veto to remove Indy and Alyssa from the block, and Monte will nominate Nicole and Taylor as the replacement noms. -ML]

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12:28PM BBT

The feeds have returned after the Power of Veto Meeting.


Daniel did not use the Power of Veto. "I didn't have enough time to talk to everyone, and just because, if Taylor is the common enemy, it doesn't hurt anyone."


[Wow! What a turn of events! -ML]


[This is confusing because now I am seeing conversation with Taylor assuring her she is safe. -ML]


12:54PM BBT

Okay, I apologize. Daniel DID use the veto. Sorry! His conversation earlier was about any sort of justification he would have to have if he did not use it. -ML


In the bathroom, Indy tells Daniel she is trying to reorganize her brain, "because I was just on the block 2 minutes ago."

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1:03PM BBT

*I am out for the day. I don't want to misrepresent what is going on, and I have a lot of drama to deal with, myself. Perhaps I am not in the right head space to provide accurate coverage. Hopefully someone else will take over.  Much love,  MamaLong

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12:28pm BBT Feeds return after the Veto mtg. Daniel used the Veto, saying he didn't have enough time to talk to eeryone but Taylor being everyone's enemy doesn't hurt anyone. Daniel is in the Cars BR explaining why he used the Veto to Terrance/Joe. He hopes Monte isn't mad.

12:30pm BBT Daniel tells Terrance/Joe to play the game like normal to get Taylor out. Terrance is going to get into the pool. Joe is going to talk to the kid (Kyle). In the WA, Indy is trying to reorganize her brain because she was just on the block 2 min ago.

12:35pm BBT Nicole tells Daniel she told the girls (Alyssa/Indy/Jasmine) that she had been a police officer. Now that Nicole/Taylor are nom, she didn't want any secrets.  Joe tells Brittany/Taylor that Daniel played himself so hard. Monte warned him.

12:36pm BBT Joe tells Brittany/Taylor Daniel said he decided to get out the common enemy and figure out the facts later. He explains how Monte used reverse psychology and pushed him to not use the Veto and now he thinks Monte was playing him and he stopped him.

12:37pm BBT Brittany/Taylor says now they have to figure out a way to pin the extra votes (to evict Nicole) on the girls. Joe says Monte talked to Daniel right before the Veto mtg and he had no time to think. Joe says when Nicole goes home, Monte can say he warned Daniel.

12:38pm BBT Nicole says BB wouldn't let them talk (while Daniel/Kyle did their pre-Veto routine) so she couldn't fact check what Monte told her (Monte told her to fact check). Right before the meeting, she told Daniel to use the Veto.

12:39pm BBT Brittany tells Joe/Taylor that Nicole will get increasingly paranoid now & let her undo herself. Joe says he told Terrance they were voting out Nicole. Nicole tells Daniel she loves they didn't get to talk. She baited Michael. Don't get comfortable, Daniel says.

12:45pm BBT Brittany/Taylor hug in the SR. Joe gives Taylor a hug. They both assure her Nicole's days are numbered. Nicole is called to the DR and Daniel tells her to give 'em h*ll. Daniel turns to the camera and says he'll ride this out and adapt. He loves this game.

12:50pm BBT Joe says it's tanning day. Any excuse to take the shirt off. Daniel is light-headed. He needs to eat but wants the sun. Someone's slop is burning. Daniel yells for Turner. Indy says they have 10,000 packs of cereal but no granola. Daniel wants a bananna.

1:00pm BBT Joe check sin with Turner. Turner says he's gained weight on slop. How does that happen? He's gained 4.5lbs. It depends on how you flavor the slop, Joe says. Joe tells Turner it takes 3-4 months to start losing muscle after you stop exercising. 

#B24 1:15pm BBT Joe tells Jasmine he doesn't want to overthink today. He doesn't have enough info to put everything together. Daniel wants to work out but he's waiting to be called to the DR. Maybe he & Kyle can go together. Kyle says he hasn't been in yet. 

1:20pm BBT Joe wants to know what Jasmine thinks (about Nicole/Taylor being replacement noms). She's says she's talking to herself, not going crazy. She's dying for real food. Slop affects your social game, Kyle says, you're handling it better than me. 

1:22pm BBT In the Cars BR, Joe tells Michael Daniel screwed up. Michael wonders if/when they tell him they're voting out Nicole. Joe says Jasmine asked if he trusts Nicole. He said he didn't know. Joe wants to keep Michael/Brittany far away from the game for his birthday.

1:25pm BBT Taylor is sunbathing (no chips). Monte/Indy/Alyssa/Turner/Terrance are in the pool. Joe gives Michael a comp necklace for his birthday. He knows Michael wants to collect BB memorabalia. 

1:30pm BBT Kyle tells Joe that the second Monte started talking this morning, Daniel was skeptical. He said he needed to fact check or he'd stick with the original plan. He said changing plans at the last minute is what doomed Ameerah. 

1:35pm BBT Joe tells Kyle he told Daniel he slept in this morning and wasn't able to be at the meetng with Monte. Kyle says the other side is more solid than they thought. Daniel went right to Indy/Alyssa and told them Monte doesn't want him to use the Veto. 

1:37pm BBT Taylor tells Joe she knows this was the original plan but she'll always be worried when on the block. If Kyle flips, she's gone. Kyle says not a chance. He knows he's the swing vote but he's only swinging her way.

1:40pm BBT Kyle apologizes to Taylor she's on the block. Now there will be drama, Taylor says, you had a chance to not use it. There was no chance Daniel wouldn't use it, Kyle says. We tried, Kyle says, Daniel did it to himself. He doesn't know why Daniel would trust him.

1:45pm BB If you're keeping track, Kyle/Monte discussed changing the plan last night to not use the Veto by telling Daniel abt Alyssa/Indy not trusting Daniel/Nicole. Instead of turning Alyssa/Indy into targets, Daniel assumed Monte was lying & cemented his using the Veto.

1:50pm BBT In the Car BR, Michael/Brittany discuss how Daniel will react when Nicole is evicted. Michael says Daniel thinks the vote will be 7-3 against Taylor but it will be 6-4 against Nicole. They try to figure who Daniel will suspect voted against her.

1:55pm BBT Brittany says she shouldn't have panicked. Now Monte trusts them more since Daniel didn't believe the info he was given. They don't want to be blamed for the bote and become Daniel or Jasmine's target. They don't want Monte to say I told you so to the other side.

2:00pm BBT Nicole tells Terrance that Joe/Monte/Taylor/Michael/Brittany are working together. She tells him Monte told her Jasmine/Indy/Alyssa were trying to get her out. Meanwhile, Daniel tells Jasmine Monte wanted to evict Indy. Jasmine is shocked.

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3:33 PM BBT Brittany and Turner are chatting by the pool. Discussing former Big Brother contestants making money after BB (Turner tells Brittany many of them have Cameo in the Social Media Bios)

Terrance and Alyssa are setting up the workout equipment in the Backyard.  Alyssa says they should try to convince Birthday Boy Michael to join them, she says it won't take much to convince him.  Terrance is doubtful but invites him - Michael immediately says he'll join.  

3:37 PM BBT Terrance and Joseph are talking in the storage room.  Terrance says, "Monte said, 'What's the fucking point of setting this up again and again.  Get it over with."

Joseph tells Joseph there are rumors Nicole and Ameerah were working together.  Joseph says, "It's up to Nicole and whether she 'Pooch's herself'" [POOCH'S HERSELF!!!!!! I predict a BB term for forever! - SometimesITeach] 

Joseph (rehashing a convo previously held with Monte) says, "Out of everybody Terrance knows Nicole the best and whether thats good in the long term or not..."

Terrance responds, "that I don't know. She talked about putting us on the block."

Joseph says, "That's the thing.  Keep that in mind."

Terrance says, "Yeah, I want to keep that in mind."

Both chortle.

Joseph says, "Another thing to keep in mind, and I've got to share this with Monte, is when they get three people up there it'll be double eviction so only one of us might come down, which can really really screw us."

Terrance says, "Will definitely screw us."

Joseph says he doesn't want to share that with too many people. "I do think they when they get their first three people locked in, that's going to be the double. Especially if jury is after this week. That would be one go home, one go to jury." 

Terrance says, "That's make perfect sense. Let's not put ourselves in that perdicament." 

Joseph says, "By the way, she still has not told me that she plans on putting us up." 

Terrance says she told Indy.

Joseph says that as on now she hasn't done anything for him not to trust him.  He says in the past everyone was so sure Taylor was going home.  This week it seems like the house is waiting to see if Nicole was working with Ameerah. Nicole told Joseph that Ameerah tried walking out the door and fucking her (Nicole's) game up.  Joseph says, "If it turns out that was a lie, that's not going to look good on Nicole."

Terrance agrees. He says he thinks Nicole and Ameerah were working together and now she's trying to distance herself from here. Daniel walks in and breaks the conversation up. He leaves and they continue. Joseph tells Terrance and tells him to be honest with the house because if Terrance goes up, Joseph goes up. He asks Terrance to tell him if he hears the house is leaning toward voting Taylor out. 


3:46 PM BBT Terrance says if Nicole leaves Daniel will be a better player.  Joseph agrees and says, "He would probably gravitate towards us."

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3:43 PM BBT Nicole and Jasmine are in the backyard watching the "MoJo (with the Jo part)" workout commenting on the exercising houseguests.

Nicole says, "Michael couldn't even do a squat two weeks ago.  This is so amazing to watch this shit. Watch this." 

Jasmine turns to watch and says, "His back is like Joseph's back."

Nicole says, "Uh huh, but he literally just did a squat and like two weeks ago couldn't do a squat. He's going to go home a new man to Hayden. Oh my god this is amazing."




3:47 PM BBT Nicole asks Jasmine if Monte said anything to her.  She says they talked and he said he didn't throw her under the bus and Nicole & Daniel had said her name. Nicole scoffs and Jasmine says, "Oh girl, you know I was like whatever. I already talked to Daniel and Daniel said that was not what happened." Jasmine says she was basically told to open her eyes because she can't trust who she thinks she can trust but she doesn't believe them.

3:49 PM BBT Nicole and Jasmine are talking about conversations with Brittany. They are still trying to figure out the Ameerah vote.

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3:35 PM BBT Jasmine says, "So wait. If you win HOH, no HOH, if you stay, not if, when, I'm claiming it, WHEN you stay are you still going join Michael and Brittany." Nicole says it's crazy she's asking that because that was going to be her conversation today.  "Where would you like me to go.  Since you're injured would you like me to join you and help you out for an HOH or join Brittany knowing they are working with the other side of the house because I can keep them close and can't take a jab at them myself."

Nicole asks Jasmine what's beneficial for her (Jasmine's) game. "Is it better for me to protect you from the outside or the inside?"


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4:47PM BBT

Michael is sleeping in the backyard.

Indy motions for the cameras t follow her, and she gets Michael with birthday eggs.

Indy: I'm sorry baby. I was waiting for the perfect time.

Michael laughs and everyone sings happy birthday to him, again.

Indy: That's how we do it in Brazil!

He washes off outside using the outdoor shower.








5:08PM BBT

Tunrer and Aluyssa are chatting in the backyard. Nicole snuck up on them and scared Alyssa, again. This time Alyssa elbowed Nicole in the eye. Nicole says she might have a bruise from that.

Terrance: You better stop playin' or you're gonna have some messed up DRs.

Indy and Joseph cut up fruit and delivered it to the Haves in the backyard.

(Can't help but notice how dirty Turner's feet are. Ew! -MamaLong)


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5:25PM BBT

Kyle is filling in Brittany and Michael on what happened this morning. Kyle tells them that Daniel has pretty much figured it all out and he is just trying to play low key. Kyle warns them that they are not safe and not to be caught talking in a big group anymore.


5:26PM BBT

In the Space Age Bedroom, Jasmine tells Alyssa they have to figure out who is best to keep for their game. Alyssa says Nicole is better to keep.

Jasmine: Absolutely




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5:33PM BBT

Most of The Leftovers are in the HoHR trying to figure out how to get a "landslide" Nicole eviction.

Monte: That's my plan

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2:30pm BBT Daniel tells Terrance he will never turn on him, he can always come to him & Nicole. When the Besties break up, it'll be back to the Old Skool alliance. The three of them are F3. 

2:35pm BBT Nicole is talking to Michael. Do not Pooch me, she asks. She says after Taylor is evicted, she could choose Besties Turner/Jasmine and become her third foot. She' glad Kyle used the Veto. Michael says she needs 6 votes and has him.

2:40pm BBT Nicole tells Michael shes' going to talk with everyone. She has nothing to offer but her honesty. She was shaded by Ameerah and now is enemy #1. Michael says th house wants Taylor out. But they could also keep her as a shield. 

2:42pm BBT Nicole tells Michael that Monte was afraid to put her on the block. She's done talking to Taylor. Besties are over. She feels bad for the position she's in - she picked Taylor as her Bestie - she put them in that position. She hopes she didn't Pooch herself.

2:44pm BBT Nicole tells Michael she thought Po's Pack was good but now Alyssa doesn't trust her. What can I do? Thank goodness for Monte, who is sure Taylor will go home over her. She doesn't know about Kyle though. She never talked to Daniel about the Veto, just Kyle.

2:46pm BBT Nicole claims she and Daniel are just friends and don't talk game. Michael thinks if it's a tie, Monte will vote in your favor. Nicole loves and hates the this game. Michael will keep his ears and eyes open for her. Nicole says she believes Brittany now.

2:48pm BBT Nicole tells Michael she believes she has Joe & Terrance but doesn't trust Daniel now (because his Veto put her on the block). Why would Daniel keep Taylor, Michael wonders. 

2:50pm BBT In the BY, Monte tells Terrance about Daniel/Nicole coming to him confused about the Veto. She denied Po's Pack and he knew she was lying. Now she's throwing him under the bus. Terrance says they were told not to use the Veto and went rogue. 

2:52pm BBT Terrance tells Monte that Daniel was told not to use the Veto & did anyway and now he's worried for Nicole. Terrance says he had 2 beers (at Michael's Bday party last night) and that still did not make sense. Daniel told him Alyysa was the target. The house baby?

2:54pm BBT Nicole tells Michael Monte told her to fact check what he was saying but she couldn't ask Jsmine because she shot herself in the foot w/her. Jasmine know Nicole lied to her (about being a police officer). She can't talk about it or her family would be in danger.

3:10pm BBT Monte & Turner. What if we could see WiFi signals? Turner says where there is energy, there's life. There are 126 colors that humans can see. Animals can see infinite colors (except those that are color blind). 

3:13pm BBT Turner wonders if you dissect an eyeball, do you see prisms? Monte says they've done scans of the brain and can treat depression by identifying patterns in the brain. Turner says everything is brands. Walk down the street, in the BB House, brands everywhere.

3:20pm BBT Turner says he goes often to the Lowes just a few minutes from his store. Brittany says Lowe's is for women, Home Depot is for men. Turner went to a HD before 6am and fell asleep waiting for it to open. He woke up and it was noon & he was dying in the hot car.

3:30pm BBT Michael has been sunning himself shirtless hoping for a tan. Alyssa & Monte are working out in the BY. They decide to pressure Michael into a Bday workout. Michael agrees. That was easy, Monte says. 

3:40pm BBT Terrance/Joe in the SR talk about a future DE. Joe says Nicole hasn't Pooched herself yet. Ppl say Taylor is going home but maybe not because of Ameerah. If Nicole is lying about Ameerah, it will not look good on her. Joe tells Terrance to keep his eyes open.

3:42pm BBT Joe says he & Monte are ready to evict Nicole if Terrance says so. Terrance says Taylor gives you a good convo but with Nicole, you neer know. Joe says Taylor 100% hasn't backstabbed anyone. They talk about how to avoid getting backdoored next week.

3:50pm BBT Nicole says to Jasmine she heard she was thrown under the bus. Jasmine doesn't know what she means. I can't talk to you, Nicole says. Jasmine doesn't know what's going on. Nicole says Brittany told her Ameerah said Daniel/Nicole couldn't be trusted.

3:52pm BBT Jasmine says that's the exact opposite of what Ameerah said. She's not talking to Monte anymore. Monte didn't tells us that, Nicole says. I trusted you. Jasmine asks if that means she's joining Michael/Brittany after Taylor is evicted?

3:54pm BBT Nicole says if I go with you & Turner, I can keep you safe. If I go with Michael/Brittany, we can even up the numbers. Jasmine has the boot off her foot. 

4:13pm BBT The Alyssa/Monte workout of Michael continues. He's getting ripped on his birthday, Alyssa jokes. Indy comes out and breaks an egg over Michael's head. It's a Brazilian birthday thing, she explains. I love Brazil - that's how we do it there!

4:50pm BBT How did you get through Slop, Jasmine complains to Indy. She doesn't know. Don't pick me again, she begs. Jasmine woudn't put anyone through this. Nicole says BB blogs capture nude shots of the HG. Terrance says he was caught once while changing. 

5:05pm BBT Joe brings out a tray of fruit and offers it to the HG in the BY. Nicole says thanks, but she's wearing her retainer. In the SR, Brittany tells Michael they have 6 of the 11 playing HoH this week. We have to prepare for if one of them wins, Michael says. 

5:15pm BBT Jasmine tells Indy about her convo w/ Nicole. I don't know what to beleive anymore, she says. Kyle tells Michael/Brittany in HoH that Daniel came down from HoH this morning & said there's no way Monte was telling the truth. There was no way to tell him otherwise.

5:20pm BBT Kyle tells Michael/Brittany he had 3m to talk to Monte, 20s to talk to Joe and then had to make his Veto choice. He felt bad last night about using the Veto and putting Taylor back up. He ultimately decided not to use it. 

5:22pm BBT When the other 6 were in HoH so long, Kyle says to Michael/Brittany, others started to figure out they were working together. Nicole tells Turner Monte told Daniel directly, do not use the Veto, Nicole/Turner will go up. Sounds like he had your back, Turner says.

5:50pm BBT Turner made French Toast sticks out of Slop and Taylor/Joe are impresssed. Taylor says they really taste like french toast (if you use enough syrup). Turner tells Taylor that Nicole is trippin' b*lls. 

6:00pm BBT Alyssa says thank you for using the Veto on her. She's happy to be off the block. Michael says he understands. Post show, she needs to gain control over her life. She's glad her family & friends can watch her 24x7. Monte says his mom has Paramount+. 

6:05pm BBT Michael says the feeds are only available on computer (he knows better). Alyssa corrects him and says they are available on the phone & computer but not TV (they are available on TV too through apps). They wonder when HOH letters are written. 

6:07pm BBT Monte just watches the show, not the feeds. Michael says his parents are not tech-savvy and probably don't watch. But he has friends who are probably watching. Alyssa says her parents won't watch when they're up late.

6:20pm BBT Daniel tells Nicole it's their only shot. She says be careful. Daniel doesn't trust Turner but the need his vote. Daniel says Monte won't look or talk to him. Daniel wants to tell Monte he didn't give him time to fact check.

6:28pm BBT Daniel says he's building a resume backdooring big people. He'll win HoH again. (Correct me if I'm wrong, but nobody actually was evicted during Daniel's HoH).  

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7:55pm BBT Brittany tells Turner/Taylor she's got to win HoH this week. That would be sick, Turner says. I'm tired of hiding, Brittany continues, I want to hang with the people I want to hang with.

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8:55pm BBT Brittany to Taylor: "No matter what combination of jury, I still see people that I know will not vote for me in the end. And there's nothing I can do about it. Just because of the game I've been forced to play.

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#BB24 10:15pm BBT In the BY, Brittany/Taylor discuss how to get her more votes. Taylor wonders how she can win over Alyssa. Alyssa's target is Daniel, she thinks. Brittany suggets promising to keep Kyle safe. 

#BB24 10:16pm BBT Nicole tells Terrance that Michael thinks she's wrapped around his finger. Terrance says Michael thinks the same of him. Nicole says Joe's flirting won't work with her - the only guy in her bed is Daniel because he's more metro than she is.

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