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Big brother now becomes “My big Racist Brother” I was a fan Since the show started, but watching this racist BS is killing me. It’s hard to watch a show that has to do with race and not strategy. My favorite big brother contestant is Big D. I am rooting for him, I liked him from the very beginning. Watch what happens to Big Brother next season, moving forward it’s going to be Whites vs Blacks. Good job Big Brother for making this show a racist show. 

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I also am sickened that this game has become about race.  I haven't missed a season since this show started and I am absolutely disgusted by what I am seeing here.  X's comments the other night about the jury looking around and realizing it was only black people left in the house left me absolutely floored.  If the situation were reversed and it was a white person stating that the jury wouldn't know what hit them til they looked around and realized it was only white people in the house we would have been looking at a full scale lynch mob and likely a player being tossed for being racist.  How is the reverse situation ok????? If there was a clear all white alliance like the cookout was clearly built SPECIFICALLY as an all black alliance -- OMG I can't even imagine the backlash.  How is this ok when the shoe is on the other foot?


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This show has been racist every season. Now that the white people aren't the ones with the advantage people are mad. Gross. 


BTW white people are not marginalized, therfore black people cannot be racist to white people 

I am so disgusted by the amount of people that believe that reverse racism is real. There have been countless people in this site that were racist and didn't get the boot. CBS just places a disclaimer and allows actual racist attacks and comments take place. White contestants have written black face etc. To be outraged at this is ridiculous. Also, using the word lynch mob is disgusting too. White fragility

Blah contestants have had to hide their anger and not stand up for themselves beefsteak if stereotypes and fear but did anyone care? 


God forbid blah people get one season out of 23. Of course not. God forbid that they band together to make history in this show. Meanwhile alliances that are not inclusive are formed every year and no one blinks an eye

Anyone notice that the season we get a bunch of minorities the nastiness of the show all but disappears too? Wow

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So are you actually trying to say that if the situation was reversed and there was an alliance formed with the SOLE purpose of eliminating black people and ensuring a white person wins, that it would be ok???  You are truly delusional if you think so.  And yes - reverse racism IS a thing.  I can't believe you would even suggest that it's not. 


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I agree with Alysse007 on this. On previous seasons some of the white HGs would talk around the subject, but I knew what they meant.  They just won't say it openly because they knew there would be repercussions. 


Just settle down and look at this season as the interesting social experiment that it is. Maybe right, maybe wrong, but either way we can learn from it. 



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I gotta agree with Vinnie. This game has always been about strategy before, not race. I couldn’t give two figs the race of any players or winners, but having an entire alliance picking off other players based solely on which skin color they have is racist straight up. 

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17 hours ago, BBFaninCan said:

So are you actually trying to say that if the situation was reversed and there was an alliance formed with the SOLE purpose of eliminating black people and ensuring a white person wins, that it would be ok???  You are truly delusional if you think so.  And yes - reverse racism IS a thing.  I can't believe you would even suggest that it's not. 


White people are not a marginalized population. White Americans are set to for the win. How minorities choose to maneuver around that to gain success is NOT racist. White people enjoy white privilege. How black people combat that is not racist. If they did not stick together they would have been picked off 100%. LIKE IN NEARLY EVERY SINGLE SEASON BEFORE. where was the outrage when white cast members were being flat out racist and abusing people due to the color of their skin? When people were mocked and called ghetto and wearing black face? When people talked about how dark they were? 

White people should be allowed to do whatever they want and then cry fowel and play victim when the victims of their actions figure out a way around it? It isn't varied reverse racism, it's called survival. But I can see how white fragility calls for white tears to be cried!

12 hours ago, desertrose0601 said:

I gotta agree with Vinnie. This game has always been about strategy before, not race. I couldn’t give two figs the race of any players or winners, but having an entire alliance picking off other players based solely on which skin color they have is racist straight up. 

You must be white. If you were black you couldn't possibly watch this show and say it was never about race. 

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Big Brother as a show made this season all about race by making a point to cast 50% "people of color." We might have around 60% white people in the USA, but white people account for less than 10% of the world population so who is the minority? Nobody I know really cares about race, but nobody likes to see blatant racism either. This whole season and the Cookout itself seems to have productions fingerprints all over it. Looks like Big Brother is going the way of many of the sports leagues and getting "woke" and ratings will suffer. I know this is the first season I did not purchase the live feeds and I will be checking out early this season. Not sure if I'll give it a go next year or not, but I have not missed sports so I bet I can live without Big Brother too.

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2 hours ago, Huntasan said:

Big Brother as a show made this season all about race by making a point to cast 50% "people of color." We might have around 60% white people in the USA, but white people account for less than 10% of the world population so who is the minority? Nobody I know really cares about race, but nobody likes to see blatant racism either. This whole season and the Cookout itself seems to have productions fingerprints all over it. Looks like Big Brother is going the way of many of the sports leagues and getting "woke" and ratings will suffer. I know this is the first season I did not purchase the live feeds and I will be checking out early this season. Not sure if I'll give it a go next year or not, but I have not missed sports so I bet I can live without Big Brother too.

Oh PLEASE. boo hoo


Good for you boycotting their effort of being inclusive! That doesn't make you racist AT ALL!

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2 hours ago, Alysse007 said:

Oh PLEASE. boo hoo


Good for you boycotting their effort of being inclusive! That doesn't make you racist AT ALL!


 It has been this way since the early BB seasons. There are people who refuse to see the blatant racism that happened constantly in the BB house. BB often tried to ignore it. Then they would "warn" HGs about their behavior. They posted disclaimers about how it was the opinion and actions of the HGs and CBS didn't condone such things. But until now, they still put just 2 or 3 minorities in the house with 12+ white people and those minorities had no options but to try to cling onto the outer edges of a few of the white alliances. And now that the black HGs finally can have a true alliance and finally have a real chance of one or maybe two of them getting to those final two chairs, some of the white fans are crying out about how unfair it all is. 😒

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As a longtime fan of the show, I have seen and heard racist comments/behavior by white houseguests.  Yes, there have been all white people alliances in the past. However, I do not recall any of them targeting the black hg's solely on their race.  In my opinion, they were targeted for poor gameplay or seen as a physical threat.  Swaggy C was somewhat of a physical threat but his narcissistic personality is what did him in.  Dayvonne and Bailey said too much and that got them targeted.  David was treated horribly by Jackson and his mob. But in All Stars, he was out of his league.  I am all for a black winner but would have liked to see it happen organically rather than forced due to a "cause".  The BLM cause is one I agree with.  But the cause is for the end of police brutality against black people and for the end of discrimination.  Wanting inclusivity would be the ultimate goal I would think.  Plus, this is a reality TV show.  I don't see where the "cause" had to be brought in. This cast is the most inclusive I've seen at the beginning and even currently with the non-CO hg's.  The non- CO +1's are being used because of the color of their skin. That, in my opinion, is discrimination.  I've heard Azah say that Kyland and Hannah shouldn't be a part of the CO because they are mixed. That is discrimination too.  

I am rooting for Alyssa and X. And I have to give it to the CO for making it this far undetected.  

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1 hour ago, Kas67 said:

As a longtime fan of the show, I have seen and heard racist comments/behavior by white houseguests.  Yes, there have been all white people alliances in the past. However, I do not recall any of them targeting the black hg's solely on their race.  In my opinion, they were targeted for poor gameplay or seen as a physical threat.  Swaggy C was somewhat of a physical threat but his narcissistic personality is what did him in.  Dayvonne and Bailey said too much and that got them targeted.  David was treated horribly by Jackson and his mob. But in All Stars, he was out of his league.  I am all for a black winner but would have liked to see it happen organically rather than forced due to a "cause".  The BLM cause is one I agree with.  But the cause is for the end of police brutality against black people and for the end of discrimination.  Wanting inclusivity would be the ultimate goal I would think.  Plus, this is a reality TV show.  I don't see where the "cause" had to be brought in. This cast is the most inclusive I've seen at the beginning and even currently with the non-CO hg's.  The non- CO +1's are being used because of the color of their skin. That, in my opinion, is discrimination.  I've heard Azah say that Kyland and Hannah shouldn't be a part of the CO because they are mixed. That is discrimination too.  

I am rooting for Alyssa and X. And I have to give it to the CO for making it this far undetected.  

Why did you put cause in quotations?

Reframe your thinking. They aren't targeting white people, they are just refusing to target black ones. Strange you can justify the targeting of all the black contestants. Derek x is a threat. Christian was a threat. You want to blame all those gadgets as ONLY being due to their whiteness, but won't say the black people were targeted due to their blackness. How does that make sense? Not to mention Derek x is not white. Not to mention they have not had power at every step. They have firm an alliance and have been killing it, period. They have had personal problems and still have started the course. Most alliances aren't able to di that. They have remained undetected and not lost ANY members and secured at least a jury spot for each of them. GREAT. 

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20 hours ago, Alysse007 said:

Why did you put cause in quotations?

Reframe your thinking. They aren't targeting white people, they are just refusing to target black ones. Strange you can justify the targeting of all the black contestants. Derek x is a threat. Christian was a threat. You want to blame all those gadgets as ONLY being due to their whiteness, but won't say the black people were targeted due to their blackness. How does that make sense? Not to mention Derek x is not white. Not to mention they have not had power at every step. They have firm an alliance and have been killing it, period. They have had personal problems and still have started the course. Most alliances aren't able to di that. They have remained undetected and not lost ANY members and secured at least a jury spot for each of them. GREAT. 

I put quotations around cause because that's their mission and have said it as an excuse/explanation to the live feeds for what they are doing.  I'm not saying that white people, Asians, Hispanic hg's haven't been targeted for being threats or bad game play.  I understand that aspect of the game.  I get that Christian and DX are threats to everyone's game who isn't aligned with them.  My pointing out some the recent past black contestants who were evicted was, in my opinion, due to being threats or just bad at the game.  Not solely due to the color of their skin as has been said by Frenchie and others.  

I do think their alliance is killing it even if they don't get along with each other.  

I still think that the mission for all of the marches last year was to bring people together. Not divide.  If the non-CO hg's don't feel bad about how the game went, then that's great.  If the 4 CO who go to jury are fine with losing the money for the cause, that's great too.  I've never liked steamroll seasons which seems to be the BB way as of late.

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5 hours ago, Kas67 said:

I put quotations around cause because that's their mission and have said it as an excuse/explanation to the live feeds for what they are doing.  I'm not saying that white people, Asians, Hispanic hg's haven't been targeted for being threats or bad game play.  I understand that aspect of the game.  I get that Christian and DX are threats to everyone's game who isn't aligned with them.  My pointing out some the recent past black contestants who were evicted was, in my opinion, due to being threats or just bad at the game.  Not solely due to the color of their skin as has been said by Frenchie and others.  

I do think their alliance is killing it even if they don't get along with each other.  

I still think that the mission for all of the marches last year was to bring people together. Not divide.  If the non-CO hg's don't feel bad about how the game went, then that's great.  If the 4 CO who go to jury are fine with losing the money for the cause, that's great too.  I've never liked steamroll seasons which seems to be the BB way as of late.

They are targeting non alliance members, isn't that how the game is played? We gave all white alliances all the time. All boy alliances, all girls alliances. No one says boo, but complain about an all black one? White fragility. Period. 

This was done out if a need. White people don't get to be racist then complain about how black people decide to respond to and combat that racism. 

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I'm quite surprised that this topic was even started in this venue.  Granted I don't get live feeds so maybe you hear and see more than I do and that's fine.  But except for the fact that BB woke up and for once have the HGs equally divided between white and POC I have yet to notice any grand show of racism that has not appeared in one fashion or another in any other season for the last 22 years.


I look at them all equally and how they play the game.  I don't like Tiffany and would not be sorry to see Claire or SB go.  I was happy to see Brittiny go too.  My favorite to win so far is Xavier.   So having said that don't we get enough of this crap on TV, Internet, in the news, almost everywhere that we can't enjoy a mindless bit of entertainment in a reality tv show without the race card being pulled up.  Isn't there enough to worry about with the virus and lockdowns and masks and restrictions that we can't have 3 hours a week without any of that stuff coming up. 


Just to be clear, I'm not dismissing the racial issues currently ongoing.  They are absolutely important and should be discussed, however, I didn't think it was a subject in this particular BB season.  JMHO

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On 8/30/2021 at 12:01 PM, HeleneL said:

I'm quite surprised that this topic was even started in this venue.  Granted I don't get live feeds so maybe you hear and see more than I do and that's fine.  But except for the fact that BB woke up and for once have the HGs equally divided between white and POC I have yet to notice any grand show of racism that has not appeared in one fashion or another in any other season for the last 22 years.


I look at them all equally and how they play the game.  I don't like Tiffany and would not be sorry to see Claire or SB go.  I was happy to see Brittiny go too.  My favorite to win so far is Xavier.   So having said that don't we get enough of this crap on TV, Internet, in the news, almost everywhere that we can't enjoy a mindless bit of entertainment in a reality tv show without the race card being pulled up.  Isn't there enough to worry about with the virus and lockdowns and masks and restrictions that we can't have 3 hours a week without any of that stuff coming up. 


Just to be clear, I'm not dismissing the racial issues currently ongoing.  They are absolutely important and should be discussed, however, I didn't think it was a subject in this particular BB season.  JMHO


The Cookout was started as an all black alliance.  That's fine.  We've seen alliances formed based on gender too.  That's fine too.  That the HGs find common ground doesn't bother me at all.  


I just enjoy watching the game, and it doesn't matter to me what race, gender, or sexual orientation the ultimate winner is.   I've never picked my favorites based on any of those things.  


That said, I have to admit that I was bothered at one point about how many times the b-word came out of Big D's mouth.  It's offensive, and I hope someone mentioned it to him.  


All-in-all, though, I feel this has been the most inclusive group of HGs in recent history.  They seem accepting and respectful of each other.  At least that's what it seems to be from where I sit.  



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I agree. I just find it difficult to watch at how predictable it is. They’re in an alliance because of their race, that is all. Tiff and Big D don’t get along. Tiff and Azah don’t trust each other. Hannah never would have let Derrick X go. Kyland wants SB to stay. Kyland and X should be targets considering they’re both strong men. The game would be very very different  without this alliance. And the only reason it exists is because the color of their skin. I KNOW that if roles were reversed and a group of white people did this, it would be the end of the world. It’s old. It’s a double standard and it’s old. They’re playing for the six, not even themselves at this point and what’s going to happen? They’re so focused on making sure a black person wins that they’re not even concerned about their own games at this point. I’m sure Kyland and X will start winning when there’s 6 left and go to the end with Big D and take him as a final 2 because beating Big D will be easy in final 2 considering he hasn’t and most likely won’t win anything. So predictable and boringggg. 

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6 hours ago, Mir said:

I agree. I just find it difficult to watch at how predictable it is. They’re in an alliance because of their race, that is all. Tiff and Big D don’t get along. Tiff and Azah don’t trust each other. Hannah never would have let Derrick X go. Kyland wants SB to stay. Kyland and X should be targets considering they’re both strong men. The game would be very very different  without this alliance. And the only reason it exists is because the color of their skin. I KNOW that if roles were reversed and a group of white people did this, it would be the end of the world. It’s old. It’s a double standard and it’s old. They’re playing for the six, not even themselves at this point and what’s going to happen? They’re so focused on making sure a black person wins that they’re not even concerned about their own games at this point. I’m sure Kyland and X will start winning when there’s 6 left and go to the end with Big D and take him as a final 2 because beating Big D will be easy in final 2 considering he hasn’t and most likely won’t win anything. So predictable and boringggg. 


I think the fact that the alliance was formed so early is an important thing to consider.  They didn't know each other well enough to know if they'd actually like each other.  They formed an alliance based on what they DID know about each other.  It's done all the time in BB.  Women will form an "all girl" alliance, and "jocks" (for lack of a better word) will form an alliance.  This has been the first time that it was possible to form a powerful alliance based on race because there were finally enough POC in the house to do so.  Honestly, I don't see anything to criticize about it.  


In the past, alliances initially formed on the basis of the aforementioned common ground tend to break apart relatively early.  The personalities of the HGs come out.  They start realizing that just because they share a common bond doesn't mean that they actually like each other.   They get to know the other HGs and develop bonds outside of their alliance.   Their loyalties to their alliance break down.    


I think it's amazing that The Cookout was able to keep such a large alliance, which was formed so early, together for so long.  It's all going to be changing in this next week.  


I just find this all very fascinating.  Sure, BB is very entertaining (to me, anyway), but I continue to learn more and more about human behavior.  I don't find it boring at all.  

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Save your sanctimony sista (Alysse007.) You seem to miss the whole point here. Yes, I do have a problem with all boy or all girl alliances as well as racial alliances. Don't you think it's kind of strange that this alliance formed from day one and there has been no point when they have gotten together to form strategy? Seems too perfect... seems like perhaps this alliance has been pushed by production. Do you think they are not talking about The Cookout in the DR? My point is that this season has been by far the most divisive season yet and I think that is the intention. Production wanted this divisive outcome to show that a black person could win Big Brother. Instead of casting likeable black folks they decided this route. I feel bad for the players that have tried to play this season with no idea that their fate was sealed from the beginning. Not by the normal type of alliance, but a contrived alliance based on skin color. Here in the real world 99.9% of people are not racist, but that is changing quickly thanks to so many people falling for this Marxist Critical Theory crap.

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Alysse007, hopefully you enjoy watching this season. Because I can almost guarantee from here on out, playing this way will never work again. In fact, next season I expect minorities to be targeted early and often if someone Caucasian wins HoH. As long as you won't have issue with that, cool.  You act like a minority has NEVER won BB. Sure, an African American hasn't won, but other minority groups have. But, what do I know? To you, I'm just another racist white guy. Yeah... Nothing racist at all about painting all of us with the same brush.........

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18 hours ago, Mir said:

I agree. I just find it difficult to watch at how predictable it is. They’re in an alliance because of their race, that is all. Tiff and Big D don’t get along. Tiff and Azah don’t trust each other. Hannah never would have let Derrick X go. Kyland wants SB to stay. Kyland and X should be targets considering they’re both strong men. The game would be very very different  without this alliance. And the only reason it exists is because the color of their skin. I KNOW that if roles were reversed and a group of white people did this, it would be the end of the world. It’s old. It’s a double standard and it’s old. They’re playing for the six, not even themselves at this point and what’s going to happen? They’re so focused on making sure a black person wins that they’re not even concerned about their own games at this point. I’m sure Kyland and X will start winning when there’s 6 left and go to the end with Big D and take him as a final 2 because beating Big D will be easy in final 2 considering he hasn’t and most likely won’t win anything. So predictable and boringggg. 

Lmao, white people being targets is old? There have always been white alliances. Come on. There are always boy alliances. 

White fragility 

2 hours ago, SuperSloth said:

Alysse007, hopefully you enjoy watching this season. Because I can almost guarantee from here on out, playing this way will never work again. In fact, next season I expect minorities to be targeted early and often if someone Caucasian wins HoH. As long as you won't have issue with that, cool.  You act like a minority has NEVER won BB. Sure, an African American hasn't won, but other minority groups have. But, what do I know? To you, I'm just another racist white guy. Yeah... Nothing racist at all about painting all of us with the same brush.........

So your still don't even know what being racist means. You think black people should be satisfied because an Asian person won something? We can't want something of our own? I'm not Asian. I do not look Asian. My daughter did not look Asian. We are not all the same just because we are minorities and shame in your for suggesting that we should be satisfied at the scraps thrown another minorities way. Shame on you for not thinking we are deserving of our own. So yes, what you've said sounds about white and racist. 

And how gross that you think black people should say forget progression because of how white people may or may not react to it. Should Obama not have run for president or if great that if he screwed up there would never be another? Check yourself. Do some reflection. Educate yourself on being anti racist, because you aren't. If you are white in America you enjoy white privilege and you befit from systemic racism. How dare you try to say how black people should respond to be placed in a position of disadvantage. But again, i see how white America tells you you get to tell black people how to live and respond to your racist ways. You have to actively fight against racism, because it is so integrated in your world you don't even notice it. Instead of wanting to be right, how about you listen to this black voice?

9 hours ago, Huntasan said:

Save your sanctimony sista (Alysse007.) You seem to miss the whole point here. Yes, I do have a problem with all boy or all girl alliances as well as racial alliances. Don't you think it's kind of strange that this alliance formed from day one and there has been no point when they have gotten together to form strategy? Seems too perfect... seems like perhaps this alliance has been pushed by production. Do you think they are not talking about The Cookout in the DR? My point is that this season has been by far the most divisive season yet and I think that is the intention. Production wanted this divisive outcome to show that a black person could win Big Brother. Instead of casting likeable black folks they decided this route. I feel bad for the players that have tried to play this season with no idea that their fate was sealed from the beginning. Not by the normal type of alliance, but a contrived alliance based on skin color. Here in the real world 99.9% of people are not racist, but that is changing quickly thanks to so many people falling for this Marxist Critical Theory crap.

Sista? Really?

9 hours ago, Huntasan said:

Save your sanctimony sista (Alysse007.) You seem to miss the whole point here. Yes, I do have a problem with all boy or all girl alliances as well as racial alliances. Don't you think it's kind of strange that this alliance formed from day one and there has been no point when they have gotten together to form strategy? Seems too perfect... seems like perhaps this alliance has been pushed by production. Do you think they are not talking about The Cookout in the DR? My point is that this season has been by far the most divisive season yet and I think that is the intention. Production wanted this divisive outcome to show that a black person could win Big Brother. Instead of casting likeable black folks they decided this route. I feel bad for the players that have tried to play this season with no idea that their fate was sealed from the beginning. Not by the normal type of alliance, but a contrived alliance based on skin color. Here in the real world 99.9% of people are not racist, but that is changing quickly thanks to so many people falling for this Marxist Critical Theory crap.

And 99.9% of people aren't racist? Really easy to think that when people that look like you aren't being killed in the street for possessing the wrong skin color. You've got to be kidding me. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

The producers are following a national trend of having more minorities in the spotlight more often. Its prevalent through mainstream media\entertainment industry for the past couple of years. Credit a very recent former president for unintentionally being the #1 factor in this socially healthy improvement to the American culture. 


This season BB went further than just having the typical 2-3 minorities; this season the producers filled the BB house with a near 50\50 ratio. 


I 100% support the producer's selection of the HGs, and it's clear they intentionally stacked the deck with minorities knowing that there was an extreme high probability that a minority alliance would form.


A lot of credit should go the vetting process because having just a couple of HGs with negative racial tendencies (black or white), the season could have quickly turned in a race war. IMO, the casting process specific vetted out anyone who would select their targets based on race as a high priority. Even Tiffany, who is very strong willed, has been on the edge of betraying the Cookout when voting out non members wasn't to her benefit. IMO, she would have flipped on the Cookout if she saw it as a path to winning.


BTW, I want to point out that every BB season has a stacked deck of potential winners (4-5) who have all BB qualities and skills to make it to the final 2-3; all the rest of the HGs chosen because they have quality\skills that make for great spoilers and entertainment; they keep the show interesting because their personality flaws inject a lot of unpredictability into the game. If BB was played by great masterminds who are also great at comps, it would be like watching people play chess for 3 months; saying and doing nothing 99% of the time except for the rare moments 1-2 times per day when they make a subtle comment that is a highly calculated move. That would be sooooo boring to watch.

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  • 1 year later...

Looks like big brother is stacking the deck again for the black people to win. I am sick of the racist attitude of this CBS station this will be my last year to watch. And then on top of that they put in the winner of Survivor and her son wow talk about racism that's Reverse Racism that just doesn't quit!! This game used to be fun to watch but now it's turned into such a racist piece of junk it's really hard to watch. You don't think it's racist against white people when all the blacks form an alliance? Are you living under a rock? They are just as racist as they claim that white people are. Bye bye Big Brother!

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