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About Alysse007

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  1. How is she a bully?
  2. Lmao, white people being targets is old? There have always been white alliances. Come on. There are always boy alliances. White fragility So your still don't even know what being racist means. You think black people should be satisfied because an Asian person won something? We can't want something of our own? I'm not Asian. I do not look Asian. My daughter did not look Asian. We are not all the same just because we are minorities and shame in your for suggesting that we should be satisfied at the scraps thrown another minorities way. Shame on you for not thinking we are deserving of our own. So yes, what you've said sounds about white and racist. And how gross that you think black people should say forget progression because of how white people may or may not react to it. Should Obama not have run for president or if great that if he screwed up there would never be another? Check yourself. Do some reflection. Educate yourself on being anti racist, because you aren't. If you are white in America you enjoy white privilege and you befit from systemic racism. How dare you try to say how black people should respond to be placed in a position of disadvantage. But again, i see how white America tells you you get to tell black people how to live and respond to your racist ways. You have to actively fight against racism, because it is so integrated in your world you don't even notice it. Instead of wanting to be right, how about you listen to this black voice? Sista? Really? And 99.9% of people aren't racist? Really easy to think that when people that look like you aren't being killed in the street for possessing the wrong skin color. You've got to be kidding me.
  3. They are targeting non alliance members, isn't that how the game is played? We gave all white alliances all the time. All boy alliances, all girls alliances. No one says boo, but complain about an all black one? White fragility. Period. This was done out if a need. White people don't get to be racist then complain about how black people decide to respond to and combat that racism.
  4. Why did you put cause in quotations? Reframe your thinking. They aren't targeting white people, they are just refusing to target black ones. Strange you can justify the targeting of all the black contestants. Derek x is a threat. Christian was a threat. You want to blame all those gadgets as ONLY being due to their whiteness, but won't say the black people were targeted due to their blackness. How does that make sense? Not to mention Derek x is not white. Not to mention they have not had power at every step. They have firm an alliance and have been killing it, period. They have had personal problems and still have started the course. Most alliances aren't able to di that. They have remained undetected and not lost ANY members and secured at least a jury spot for each of them. GREAT.
  5. Oh PLEASE. boo hoo Good for you boycotting their effort of being inclusive! That doesn't make you racist AT ALL!
  6. White people are not a marginalized population. White Americans are set to for the win. How minorities choose to maneuver around that to gain success is NOT racist. White people enjoy white privilege. How black people combat that is not racist. If they did not stick together they would have been picked off 100%. LIKE IN NEARLY EVERY SINGLE SEASON BEFORE. where was the outrage when white cast members were being flat out racist and abusing people due to the color of their skin? When people were mocked and called ghetto and wearing black face? When people talked about how dark they were? White people should be allowed to do whatever they want and then cry fowel and play victim when the victims of their actions figure out a way around it? It isn't varied reverse racism, it's called survival. But I can see how white fragility calls for white tears to be cried! You must be white. If you were black you couldn't possibly watch this show and say it was never about race.
  7. This show has been racist every season. Now that the white people aren't the ones with the advantage people are mad. Gross. BTW white people are not marginalized, therfore black people cannot be racist to white people I am so disgusted by the amount of people that believe that reverse racism is real. There have been countless people in this site that were racist and didn't get the boot. CBS just places a disclaimer and allows actual racist attacks and comments take place. White contestants have written black face etc. To be outraged at this is ridiculous. Also, using the word lynch mob is disgusting too. White fragility Blah contestants have had to hide their anger and not stand up for themselves beefsteak if stereotypes and fear but did anyone care? God forbid blah people get one season out of 23. Of course not. God forbid that they band together to make history in this show. Meanwhile alliances that are not inclusive are formed every year and no one blinks an eye Anyone notice that the season we get a bunch of minorities the nastiness of the show all but disappears too? Wow
  8. Right, they actually have a chance to play the game!
  9. But why couldn't she just be angry? Why should the color of her skin matter? You keep trying to push this as if reverse racism is a thing though. You may want to ask yourself why you are speaking out against people of color doing the same thing that white people have always done and being appalled by it. It's pretty disgusting. They've made an agreement to protect themselves, which they need. But of course, black people shouldn't be allowed to do what white people do. and imagine, for once then getting to enter the house knowing their skin color won't be working against them
  10. It doesn't have to be stated aloud by the hg. When they target poc back to back weeks it soaks volumes. Racism has run a muck in the bb house for decades. Just last year when a hg should have been able to cuss a white hg out she was unable to because of well. "Angry black aggressive woman =threat "
  11. good thing reverse racism isn't a thing then huh? Every year there are ask white alliances. Come on now. The cast is usually majority white and the minorities are usually isolated and taken out.
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