Lmao, white people being targets is old? There have always been white alliances. Come on. There are always boy alliances.
White fragility
So your still don't even know what being racist means. You think black people should be satisfied because an Asian person won something? We can't want something of our own? I'm not Asian. I do not look Asian. My daughter did not look Asian. We are not all the same just because we are minorities and shame in your for suggesting that we should be satisfied at the scraps thrown another minorities way. Shame on you for not thinking we are deserving of our own. So yes, what you've said sounds about white and racist.
And how gross that you think black people should say forget progression because of how white people may or may not react to it. Should Obama not have run for president or if great that if he screwed up there would never be another? Check yourself. Do some reflection. Educate yourself on being anti racist, because you aren't. If you are white in America you enjoy white privilege and you befit from systemic racism. How dare you try to say how black people should respond to be placed in a position of disadvantage. But again, i see how white America tells you you get to tell black people how to live and respond to your racist ways. You have to actively fight against racism, because it is so integrated in your world you don't even notice it. Instead of wanting to be right, how about you listen to this black voice?
Sista? Really?
And 99.9% of people aren't racist? Really easy to think that when people that look like you aren't being killed in the street for possessing the wrong skin color. You've got to be kidding me.