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Saturday, August 22, 2020 Big Brother 22 All-Stars Live Feed Updates

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Most HGs are eating or preparing food in the kitchen.



3:58 PM BBT

Dani and Nicole ask Christmas about her breast augmentation in the SR. She tells them they're a full B but she asked for a full A.

Nicole- but don't they have to do what you say   [I always wonder this, too.....so many women claim surgeons don't do what they ask for]

Christmas- I want them smaller

Dani says they look perfect on her...."they look small"

Christmas says she wants smaller

Dani: Really?.....they are perfect......I figured they were fake though, those are too high 

Christmas says they look just like hers  [doesn't makes sense...I mean why get surgery then....I think she means the position of her breasts  -MamaLong]

Christmas- well I still want to downsize

Dani says when she is done having kids she will get a lift but never get something put inside her


4:04 PM BBT

Memphis talks with Nicole and Christmas in the SR. He tells the girls he talked with Tyler....They all agree that Janelle is a more dangerous player and should be the one to go. Memphis says when Janelle leaves Kaysar will spin out of control.

Nicole- she can do more damage....that's how I feel

Christmas- I agree...I agree

Memphis- okay   (they all leave the storage room)

Christmas and Nicole go straight to the PBR. They discuss that Memphis is just saying all of that because he knows it's what the whole house wants. They think he is just trying to cover his ass after "not taking care of that last week" when he had the chance to backdoor Janelle.


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4:26 PM BBT

In the Have Not room Enzo is complaining that he had "shit chips" for dinner   [slop chips with salsa]

Bay- but they were good, though

Bayleigh tucks in Enzo into his bed. They discuss the comp, and Bayleigh said it was good, but she felt like Memphis was trying to throw the comp to Janelle.

Enzo "Really"...but it's locked in now




4:34 PM BBT

Janelle heads up to the loft to talk with Kaysar. He says he is really bummed and tired. Janelle asks if there is anything she can do to help him feel better. He says "no, it just sucks" then proposes they present a hail mary to Tyler to keep them in the house as huge targets. "What's the worst that could happen at this point?"

Jani: here is what I think. They want one of us gone so we are split up

Kaysar- that I totally agree with....but the plan is that it is better to keep us together because we are a huge target

Jani- Tyler wouldn't do that.....I really don't think they would go for it

Kaysar- So, it's not worth asking?

Jani- you can....I'm not gonna ask Memphis be backdoored

Kaysar- I'm not gonna suggest that...I'm not gonna ask for that....it's a long shot

Jani- yeah, it literally is...I don't see it happening at all


Kaysar asks Jani again if it's even worth trying

Jani says "here's the thing....Kaysar, I think the target is me...I think it's better for your game if I leave"

Kaysar- this sucks

Jani- I know

Kaysar- what if I try to convince them to send me out?

Jani- what? that would backfire....they are not going to use it (the veto)

Kaysar- I mean, you don't think you can get further in this game than I can

Jani- I'm a massive target

In the PBR, Ian is teaching Nicole, Christmas, Cody and Kevin how to play Password (the game show) and then Password Plus.

They think it sounds fun and try playing a round.


4:48 PM BBT

Jani and Kaysar continue chatting

Kaysar- I have to say I am bitter about this

Jani- well don't be....look at the bright side....we have both played a few times

Kaysar- I was just hoping there would be more pairs


4:50 PM BBT

The feeds change to kittens   (not sure what this is about)

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4:00PM BBT: Dani, Nicole, and Christmas in the SR talking about Memphis. They think he blew the veto comp on purpose, so he didn't have the power, and didn't expose his alliance. They asked if Kaysar is setting himself up to leave so he can be with his kids, and Nicole says "he's not going home, so it doesn't matter."

4:06PM BBT: Memphis, Christmas, and Nicole in the SR talking about the if they will send Kaysar and Janelle home. They said Janelle is more dangerous than Kaysar because she can do more damage, and Kaysar can't win comps.

4:08PM BBT: Christmas and Nicole talking in the SMR about how if Memphis did his job last week, they wouldn't have to be dealing with Janelle this week. David comes in, and they laugh about him getting stuck in the shower

4:12PM BBT: Nicole asking Christmas what to do if Janelle approaches her. Dani tell her to say "You're going homeeee." Nicole is nervous that Janelle will try to approach her in a hostile, or aggressive way.

4:22PM BBT: Nicole, Christmas, and Cody in the SMR. Nicole tells Cody he did a good job at the POV comp and she was trying not to show how excited she was. They say Kaysar was right behind Cody and thought he had it, but he was wrong. Nic tells Cody she owes him one because she's grateful he won the veto. He says he thinks he might use it, and both girls tell him he won't. 

4:23PM BBT: Nicole says that Memphis approached her saying their choice this week needs to be unanimous and they should vote out Janelle. She says "yeah, now you want to work together. But at least he's on board with us now." Christmas says she heard from a very reliable source that Janelle was waiting to unleash chaos on the house.

4:31PM BBT: Enzo and Bay in the HN room talking about how they think the next HOH comp will be endurance. 

4:32PM BBT: Kaysar in the upstairs lounge. Janelle walks up and asks him if he's okay. He tells her he is doing the impossible puzzles to try and feel better. The two start talking about how much the house hates them and one of them are leaving. 

4:35PM BBT: Janelle and Kaysar want to try to have Memphis backdoored, but they don't want to ask for it to happen.

4:38PM BBT: Janelle says "Kaysar, I think the target is me. I think it's better for your game if I leave and you stay." She tells him he has the votes to stay. He tells her "what if I ask to be sent out?" She tells him she feels like it would backfire.

4:43PM BBT: Kaysar tells Janelle they were in trouble walking into the doors. Janelle says she was sorry that she should have said no to coming back so he had a chance. He tells her he is glad she came back because he hasn't seen her in forever. Kaysar says he is very fortunate to be in the house with Janelle because he's never been in the house without her. Janelle tells Kaysar he needs to stop trying to be so aggressive. He says he knows he needs to go rogue, but he wants to be vengeful to the house for voting Janelle out.

4:49PM BBT: Kaysar tells Janelle he's annoyed they are both up this week. Janelle tells him to look at the good side and that they both have amazing lives outside the house.


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5:19 PM BBT

The feeds are back, and it looks like the outage had to do with Christmas' punishment; she has a Star baby to take care of

There is a lot of baby gear in SR for her, too "okay, Girl, let's go get your room set up"




Da'Vonne tells Nicole she will have to get used to the baby crying in the middle of the night and she'll get to see what it's like (Christmas and Nicole are in the same room)


Enzo is carrying the star baby and says "Okay, well look at this...we had a baby shower...bottle to feed her"

Cody- this is not at all what any of us expected

Christmas begins singing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star





Christmas- At least I know what to do

Da'Vonne- you got bottles, diapers, bibs...they hooked you up, Girl


Jani has gone to bed in the Have Not Room where Bayleigh is wrapped up in her blanket reading her Bible "it's freezing in here"


Kaysar and David begin bowling with one of the big ball pillows in the hallway by the Love Lounge. They stop soon after fearing they would get yelled at by BB to "Stop That"



[I'm out for the night y'all! Hate to miss all the needy Star baby crying (NOT)  -MamaLong]

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5:19PM BBT: Feeds are back. Christmas has a star baby in a stroller she must care for as her punishment. There's a ton of baby items in the SR. A highchair, a swing, a baby harness, a bed, and a bouncer. 

5:32PM BBT: The new star baby is all the buzz in the CBR. Nicole, Christmas, and Kevin are talking about the baby and what to name her. Kevin says he likes the name Starla.

5:38PM BBT: Cody, Enzo, and Tyler in the HOH room talking about what to do with the POV. Cody says he didn't want to win the POV, but after he got the first puzzle done, he couldn't slow down and let people know he was working with Tyler. They then talk about how Memphis tried to throw the comp to Janelle, but he still beat her. They think Memphis wanted to keep her in the house to keep a target so he wasn't a target. 

5:43PM BBT: Cody telling Enzo and Tyler that they already sent home 2 girls, if they send home 3 girls in a row it will make the other girls nervous. He says they should let the other girls make the choice to get rid of Janelle. Enzo says the three of them need to stick together and let the girls go after each other because they can't trust them. Cody says he has no problem going after the other girls. Cody then says if you don't win comps, you hold no power and they hold the power.

5:45PM BBT: Enzo tells Tyler and Cody that Day'Vonne wants to be tight with everyone, but she is acting off. Day wants to be the person that talks to everyone and had Kevin in the SMR for hours last night talking to him. 

5:53PM BBT: Tyler, Cody, and Enzo talk again about Memphis and the POV comp. They said Dani said that he threw the comp horribly. Memphis tried to throw the comp to Janelle, then realized he couldn't. Memphis got his puzzle done, then started unstacking them. They then talk about possibly Keeping Janelle and how that could work to their advantage because she's still going to be a bigger target. They then come to the conclusion that the girls might team up if they keep Janelle and have her go after the guys.

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6:01PM BBT:  Christmas is in the HOHR with Cody and Tyler rehashing the week.   Tyler says that he's already seen Kaysar starting pull people aside.  Janelle, Bay and Kaysar are chatting in the HNR.  Kevin and Day are talking in the WA.


6:04PM BBT:  Kevin says to Da' that there are pairings in the house of people who have known each other for years.  Kevin teases Da' that David wants her to work out with him, but she's not interested.  She brings up her "bleeding" and that she's eating beets to get more iron since she's deficient. 


6:07PM BBT: In the HOHR, Tyler, Christmas and Cody talk about how there were rumors floating around about an all guys alliance.  Christmas says she would like for more girls to stay, but they weren't willing to work with her.   Tyler reinforces "they were against you!".   They continue to work through theories.  


6:11PM BBT: Kaysar, Bay and Janelle are laughing in the HNR about all of the times that Kaysar and Jani have been on the block together through the seasons.  Jani remembers exactly what she wore each time Kaysar was evicted, as well as the size and how she wore her hair.  Kaysar asks Bay if Da' has been going back to the other side of the house and giving them information.  Bay says no, they've just put stuff together based on various things they've heard.


6:15PM BBT:  Enzo, Tyler and Cody tell Christmas that they'll throw the next HOH to her.  THey worry that it might be a question/answer comp.  They start questioning Da' and Bay's loyalty and think that they may need to go up on the block next.


6:27PM BBT:  Christmas is called to change her baby's diaper, so leaves the HOHR.  Tyler and Enzo continue talking with Enzo saying "I just wanna win sh*t, yo, that's it bro. Yo.  Bro.  Yo.  You know what I mean, bro?".    He feels that the girls are riding their coat tails. 


6:30PM BBT:  Janelle asks Kaysar and Bay that if she was a mastermind, then why would she befriend a young girl and then go upstairs and tell Memphis to put her up.  Bay tells her that she thought Kaysar and Jani had psychological issues.  Janie responds "I'm a parent, I'm not here to do some diabolical damage to someone's brain."


6:55PM BBT: Tyler tells Cody that he doesn't believe that America will vote for him to have any powers this year because he's the "good gone evil guy" now.  Meanwhile, back in the HNR, Bay explains to Kaysar and Jani that Tyler played a good game, but took advantage of people and abused their trust.


6:58PM BBT: Cody and Tyler agree in the HOHR that Bayleigh threw the POV comp.


7:04PM BBT: Cody and Dani are whispering in the KT.  Tyler joins them and they joke about him coming down to make his "Tyler special". Tyler and Cody leave,   Enzo comes in and starts to make his slop.  He explains to Dani that Da' was mad at him for using his safety on Christmas.


7:13PM BBT: Back in the HNR, Kaysar says that he doesn't want to give a dad vibe.  Bay and Jani tells him that half the house has kids.  He says "Enzo has 2 kids, but he doesn't give off a dad vibe".  The gals laugh at him and say "oh yes he does!".    Kaysar says he doesn't have any friends, so will go full on Swaggy K if Jani leaves.


7:18PM BBT: Lots of laughs in the HNR.  Jani asks Kaysar to choose NicF as a HN next week.  Jani smells slop cooking and Kaysar says he's going downstairs and for her to take a moment, calling her Swaggy J.

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7:20PM BBT:  Jani and Kaysar continue talking in the HNR.  She doesn't want to make it to jury, if she were to stay. She wants NicF out, no matter what.  If needed, she would put Nic up against Enzo.  But she feels it's her going home this week.  "no offense, but I'm a bigger target".    They laugh.


7:30PM BBT: Kaysar tells Jani that he will make everyone think that he's lost his motivation to be in the house and play the game.  Jani says "then they'll for sure vote to keep you".  "I know".  


7:33PM BBT: Jani tells Kaysar that she doesn't do a lot of social drinking anymore, that she cares more about how she looks.  She would just rather stay home, read a book and pet her bunny.  She feeds her pet bunny fresh veggies/kale and Kaysar says that now he wants a bunny too.


7:36PM BBT: Cody, Memphis and Enzo are at the KTT, and Christmas, Tyler, Dani, Nic and Bay are in the KT.  Ian joins them in the KT, just in time for the star baby to start crying for Christmas rock and feed.


7:43PM BBT: Christmas feeds her baby star beets, baby talking to it the whole time.


7:53PM BBT: Most of the HG are in the KT helping Christmas out with her baby while she cooks dinner.  They are trying to think of a good name for her.


7:55PM BBT: Production calls David out for napping and he joins the others in the KT. He is in a bit of a fog.

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8:01pm BBT: Hg all gathering in the Kt to eat dinner now. Cody goes upstairs to get the backgammon game then goes to the LVR to play Ian. Memphis laying in the floor yawning. 
8:08pm BBT: Enzo talking about tomorrow being Sunday and they get the BY tomorrow all day, Christmas says  yeah and we should get it early. In the KT talk mostly about food and In the LVR Ian teaching Cody how to play backgammon.
8:11pm BBT: In the CBR Nicole and dani talking about apologizing to bayleigh about comments she made last night. In the KT HG are eating and the Baby starts crying again
8:18pm BBT: Enzo and day in the loft talking about getting rid of Janelle  this week and how dani is scared of Janelle and wants her out. Day ask how he feels about everything else thats going on and Enzo says i think we are doing good we are dominating this house and dani did really good in that comp. So we just have to keep moving now the six of us.
8:24pm BBT: Enzo repeating himself about not trusting Christmas and  how they need to dominate and win next week too, IN the LVR Christmas and Ian now playing backgammon as BB says the STR is now available, They get  beer and wine.

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8:09pm Big Brother Time


House guests are in the kitchen eating or cooking.  Enzo has Christmas's baby on his lap, he seems very drowsy.


Cody and Ian are playing backgammon.


Nicole F and Danielle are in the cartoon bedroom whispering about Baleigh and the conversation from last night.  Danielle says Baleigh has claimed to have been joking, but Nicole F says Davonne said "she was pissed."  Nicole F says she doesn't like the idea of approaching Baleigh first, that it was not her conversation, she inserted herself into it.


Christmas's baby is crying in the background.


Nicole F says Baleigh gets really cranky on slop, Danielle says Tyler told her (Danielle) that Baleigh seems really nice, but when things don't go her way things change.  Danielle adds that he is not able to put Baleigh up because he is worried about the haters.


Camera moves to upstairs loft where Enzo and Davonne are talking about evicting Janelle this week.  Enzo is worried about some kind of power that will be given to Janelle, but if Janelle stays, she will go after Nicole F and Nicole F will go after Janelle.  He says Danielle is determined that she wants Janelle to go no matter what.


They think Nicole F and Ian are tight, they say Memphis talks nice, but no game.  Enzo likes David, but David is afraid to play.  Enzo says David likes Davonne and Davonne says "if that becomes a problem he has to go."


Enzo says the next competition will be set up for a girl.  Enzo says Christmas scares him the most, she is good for endurance competitions.  He says she talks to him, but not game.  Enzo doesn't think there are straight up alliances in the house, there are strings of pairs.


Enzo thinks Memphis tried to throw the competition to Janelle, but isn't sure.


Enzo says Christmas is everywhere in the house.  She interrupts conversations ll over the place.

Davonne whispers, we can't hear her, but Enzo is agreeing.


Davonne goes downstairs to get some of the wine the house just received from Big Brother, Baleigh comes up to the room with Enzo.  She is unhappy because the house got more alcohol and there are less people.  She is counting how many of everything they received.


When Enzo says he thinks they should evict Janelle, Baleigh says that keeping Janelle is a better pereson to keep because of her being a target for othere girls in the house.



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8:38pm Big Brother Time


Camera moves to kitchen, house guests are sipping their alcohol, talking about alcohol.




Camera returns to Baleigh and Enzo.


They are talking about how other players play, where they are strong or weak in the competitions.


General rehashing of their position and opinions.


Baleigh heads to the have not room when Christmas's baby cries.


Christmas has to take her baby star around and show everyone how cute she is.  Every time she hands her to Cody BOB makes a baby crying sound.


After Christmas gets the baby tucked in Cody goes into the living room area and yells "Boo!!" to the star baby.  Star baby cries.  Tyler says, "This is why she doesn't like you Cody."  Everyone chuckles.



Camera moves to bedroom where Kaysar and Janelle are talking.  Janelle tells Kaysar to think happy thoughts and not over think.  He says it is hard to turn off the brain.  He is worried about over playing again, he is thinking about the stress of the house, is his son okay or if he is worrying about where Kaysar is.  He worries that his son is missing Kaysar putting him to bed at night.  He is also worried that people are saying bad things about him (Kaysar).  He says that can hurt his family if it is happening.  



The back yard is open---


Kaysar says the dynamics in this house are much like being in an insane asylum.  His real life is so busy and different he would never have time for some of the conversations he has heard or been drawn into.  He is starting to question why he agreed to come back into the Big Brother house.  He wanted to use it as a platform. (Kaysar is showing signs of having real buyers remorse).


They both agreed they did not come back to win, but there are no other targets in the house. There is nowhere to hide in this house.  


Janelle says that for those who are selling it on Instagram, Big Brother is a career.  For them it is not.  They agree they are not going to sell trinkets after they are on the show this time. He is upset that he has not had the opportunity to bring issues that he feels are important forward, he underestimated the pressure of being on the show.


Janelle says everything in the house is fake, their fake conversations, and so on.


Davonne comes to tell them the back yard is open.


Kaysar shows quite a bit of emotion over Nicole A and her experience in the house.  He says it isn't fun or interesting any more.  He wipes tears from his eyes.  He says he doesn't care about leaving, but he did not want to see a person "break" like that in the house.  Janelle says she understands, they share a box of tissues.  Both of them know that Nicole A knows the truth now that she is out of the house, but are still very angry about what happened to her.

(It is obvious how much these two people have come to love Nicole A.--Grannysue)


Kaysar is feeling very bad about not being at home with his son.  Janelle tells him to do his best here for his son. They both say they are not here for the money and they know that others are.  Janelle says her plan was to make a cameo appearance on the show, and she told her husband as much.





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9:15pm Big Brother Time


Kaysar and Janelle continue to support one another.


In the back yard Christmas is running back and forth with her star baby while the camera follows her.  She is counting, so it must be part of her punishment. She finishes and kisses her star baby, she puts her down and asks her star baby if they had a good run.  (she is talking to this star baby like it is a real baby and it is incredibly cute).  She returns to her backgammon game with Nicole F.


Davonne joins them and just general chit chat.


Camera moves to Danielle and Memphis are on the outside sofa talking about Janelle.  Danielle is complaining that she doesn't understand why Janelle came out of the gate playing hard so fast.  She says she cannot work with Janelle because Janelle has said her name.


Memphis says Janelle and Kaysar both believed they were the number one target.  Because they talked about it, it became real.


Danielle and Cody trade insults (in fun).  Danielle returns to her conversation with Memphis, continuing to complain about Janelle and Kaysar being selected to be on the show.  



Cameras return to Baleigh, Christmas and Nicole F are talking about babies.  Baleigh says she was a nanny when she was young and was left with a baby for weeks at a time.  


Cameras move to outdoor sofa where Cody and Danielle are talking.  Danielle whispers Davonne's name, Cody says "nuh umm" They are joined by Janelle.

The three of them say there have been no diary room sessions for anyone today.


Talk moves to the weather, then the taste of alcohol brands and flavors then house guests sleeping patterns.


Ian and Kevin are on the hammock.  

Kevin thinks they have the next two weeks in the house, Ian verifies that Kevin wa a vote for Nicole A to stay.  He says no one holds it against him because he was upfront with them.


Kevin says that because Nicole A invested in him and he was not going to hang her out to dry.


Ian says things will start to split apart soon.  Ian says he says he has seen it before, and was on the wrong side because he received junk information.  He says no one respected him in the game until near the end.  Ian tells Kevin that not being in an alliance is a strong position. Ian says financially it is not a real risk to take a chance to go out in 13th as it would to not take the risk and go out 6th.


They talk in generalities about opening night, rooms in the upstairs, and the first competition.


Camera moves to the billiard table area. Tyler, Kaysar and David are playing.


Davonne has joined Kevin on the hammock.  She has a drink with her, she tells him it is a fruity alcohol drink.


Kevin says he is happy to be outside. 


Davonne says, "I think I am attracted to him."


Kevin tells the camera,  "she has been lying to him for days"


Davonne says he would be fun to hang out in the house with but not for after.  She says David did not stand up for Kimmie, she goes on to explain to Kevin that he stood aside during that time. Davonne tells him David was in a photo with two "not nice boys" later.


Kevin asks her why it would be fun, Davonne says because she is bored, and he is a good looking man.  Davonne says she needs a hundred percent full blown man.


They continue to talk about David's attributes.


Davonne says she is rude to David because she is worried about being lasered in the house about it.  


The star baby cries, Davonne shows her annoyance.  baby star wants to be talked to like a baby.  Kevin says it is annoying, not cute.


Talk moves to the possibility that David does not have soft lips.  Davonne says she has dreamed about him in the house.  Davonne says she was in the house with David, and he told her the first thing he was doing was sitting on the hammock.  When the yard opened and he looked at her, Davonne says she looked the other way.


Kevin says he is going to go grab David, but Davonne says no.


The boys have decided to use the billiard balls to play boccie ball.


Cameras move to outdoor sofa, Cody is complaining about slop.  Janelle says it isn't that bad.  Cody says he will just drag through the week. Cody is upset about the dark circles under his eyes.


10:29pm Big Brother Time


David has gone to sit on the ground beside the hammock. (Davonne is sitting on the hammock).


David asks if Baleigh is okay, Davonne says she is okay. 


David talks about drinking, he says he prefers marijuana.  He goes over his day.

David says he got up this morning, had coffee and avocado toast, did a few other things and went to sleep. He says he feels better this evening.


Davonne tells him all the good stuff happens late at night.


Davonne demands that David tells her a story, a good one.


He talks about moving for a job, he says it is rewarding.


Davonne wants him to tell her a story about his family.


David tells her about a visit with his family.  He says he likes to do photography..

He tells her that he bought a camera in college, started taking pictures at different venues.  


Camera moves back to backyard sofa with Cody, Danielle and Janelle.  Cody and Danielle are giving each other a hard time. Cody goes to check on his laundry. Janelle leaves the sofa and goes into the house.  She says she is getting tired and wonders what the time is.


Christmas comes by complaining that they are all on slop but do all the cleanup in the kitchen. 


Camera returns to David and Davonne.


general chit chat.











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Janelle and Kaysar crying in the KBR about NicoleA    [this is an amazing conversation; if you have flashback ability go to 8:55 PM]




9:05 PM

In the backyard

Baby (from speakers): Mommy! Take me for a walk in....50 laps in the backyard.

Christmas- oh gosh, I need my shoes and I need to pee

Nicole: 50 Laps? I'll go get the stroller

Christmas goes in the house to get her shoes and meets up with Da'Vonne in the bathroom "Will you watch her while I pee?"

Day: mm hmm Come on little girl....come on little girl...I'm still trying to get those kisses

Christmas finishes and gets the baby "run in jeans...that's what moms do....Thanks" (to Day)

Christmas begins runnin her laps and Baby calls out "FACES! I need funny faces"

Christmas starts blowing raspberries and making silly faces





Christmas: see all the lovely things Mommy does for you?  #13

Baby: thank you

Christmas: you're welcome

Someone asks if it's 15 laps or  50 

Baby: take me for a walk...50 laps in the backyard

Christmas: okay, this is 14......I just want to get it done

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