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BB6 Prayer


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Dear God,

We have a few request of the new BB season

1. Please no more slumber parties in the HOH room !!!!!!!! :angry:

2. Please no more dumb prizes hid in the safes, cbs has lots of $$ make the prizes something worthwhile :o

3. make sure this years' nerd herd, has alittle more going for them then wanta be desperate housewives <_<

this is a starter any more ideas, before we end in amen?

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Guest janey_doll

let them go to bed EARLIER THAN 3 AM (their time) which is 5AM my time!!!!


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Dear God

Please don't let anyone hook up this year!

Don't let there be any scary incidents, ( like Kristal stegal knife incident)

No fights about religion or politics!

I hope God has better things to do.

roflol......I bet he does Carvin!

That made me think of Terri Clark's song

~I could wash my car in the rain...

change my new guitar strings

mow the lawn just the same

as I did yesterday

I don't need to waste my time crying over you

I got better things to do~

blah bblah blah

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Please God, let everyone wash their hands after being in the bathroom stall alone....and if they don't please don't let the camera focus in on them.

Please, let there be something more for them to do besides set and complain how there is nothing to do

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Dear God - Please give CBS the best possible solution to blocking the feeds besides the chicken coop, FOH and fishtank... could you wisper in their ear what BB/AU is doing?.

And please God don`t let them bring back the theme song from the first several years. We have lost so many from jumping off bridges because of that...

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Dear God, Please let our families understand that pizza is a good meal to have night after night cause something just might happen in the house that we can't miss,

or make a bigger varity of pizza (3 months worth of different flavors). then everyone will be happy

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**edited to remove quoted text***

HAHA, my kids wont eat pizza. One will eat half a piece, the other wont touch it at all! We do have an awesome pizza place with lots of variety here too.. ah such a waste :P

You gotta learn to cook while the HG's are sleeping!! Then just have the family heat their meal in the microwave....sheesh, maybe this should be posted in the you know your'e addicted thread ;)

My prayer is that we get 2 people from each season and there is lots of drama, and to see many more competitions then last year (food comps. ect)!

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You gotta learn to cook while the HG's are sleeping!! Then just have the family heat their meal in the microwave

Cook????? Screw that.....Stoffer's makes tasty meals....all they have to do is put them in the microwave. Plenty of variety too.

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Drop the PB&j... The have been there before and at least deserve a ham and cheese sandwich. Also, let there be more athletic competitions. Too many thinking games last year.. let's get physical, or mix it up more!!

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LOL I'd eat PB & J any day over ham & cheese... but, I'm so crazy I rarely eat 'boxed' food either.. ROFL

I like the thinking games, but I have to agree with them needing more athletic comps... I am for MANY more comps of different varieties.

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Please let there be no chess board in the house this year-----and if there is, please do not have a camera trained on it whenever somebody is playing, and bore the live-feeders to tears.

good one!! I hated when all 4 feeds were stuck on a completely silent game of chess

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Yeah, they began to get too repetitive. I would love to see some new stuff! I did like the one where they were locked in the box last season, with the flies, fish, etc...

I would have hated that but loved some of the prizes! I like the thinking games but some of the questions seem to be really stupid. I guess good for them if you have nothing to do but count things in the house and go over things people have said and done.

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