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Please post ONLY Live Feed, televised show, Big Brother 21 observations and screen captures here! If you post opinions or off-topic messages, I will move them here:  https://www.tvfanforums.net/index.php?/forum/248-big-brother-usa-season-21-conversation/

If you are adding personal comments, please keep them to a minimum and use brackets [personal commentaround the text.

Remember your time zones. Big Brother Time (BBT) is West Coast Daylight Saving (See Map Here).

Please be careful in identifying who is speaking, and do not use confusing abbreviations or nicknames not used in the house.


To better help you identify the HGs, we made this guide you can print out and refer to until you get to know who's who.  Mortys-TV-BB21-HG-Reference-Guide.pdf

Try to be consistent with abbreviations, like:

Washroom Area (WA)
Water Closet (WC)

Kitchen (KT)
Dining Table (DT)
Living Room (LR)
Target Bedroom (TBR)
Camper Bedroom (CBR)
Boat Room Lounge (BRL)
Tree House Balcony (THB)
Indoor Lock Down (ILD)
Outdoor Lock Down (OLD)
Head of House Room (HOHR)
Storage Room (SR)

It only takes a few good posts to earn your "Live Feed Updater" badge and LFU status. 


Also, all registered members of the forums have access to our chat rooms, at http://www.tvfanforums.net/index.php?/chat.html/ Stop in talk to SMVanBoyz, Fuskie, and I'm in there from time-to-time too. It's fun to be able to watch the feeds at dish the HGs at the same time.  


Please feel free to post info for other updaters to let them know how long you can update, or when you're taking a break and you want someone else to take over.


...And pictures, screen caps are welcome here too.

Thank you!


12:34 AM BBT The HGs got the backyard back.    (Cliff has a very noticeable limp)

Christie- oooh, it's cold out....Hello backyard...

Holly- fresh air

Jess- oh my gosh, ....we're so happy

Kat- I tell ya, it really was a good day

Christie- it will never get old coming outside after being cooped up for days...never...love it

Christie- wait, there is only one canoe again...I don't get it   [they have kayaks, not canoes]

Jess- Oh this is the first time outside without Ovi

Cliff- Hey Big Brother, a hot jacuzzi would feel great on my leg

Jess goes to boil a pot of hot water for the jacuzzi [not kidding] and Christie starts making fun of her knowing it wouldn't help the jacuzzi get hot


1:00 AM BBT Tommy and Sam in the hammock in the BY

Sam is talking about how he hung out with Nickella because he wanted to laugh and they are so funny  "and it is so boring in here" But, now....

Sam- at this point I'm going to start associating myself with everyone else

*fireworks are going off in the distance

Christie and Jack join them in the hammock

Tommy- Hi...I'm warning you, this hammock is wonky

Christie- oh, fireworks

Tommy-  fireworks?     F I R E !

Sam to Christie- are you getting on?

Christie- (to Sam) yeah, move the f* over   you "lint licker"  [I miss that commercial with the cootie queen showdown  -MamaLong]

Tommy- I don't know what's going on

Sam- okay I'm gonna shift my legs over you, ....wait, what is this

Christie- what's a goin' on?  [they are having trouble getting comfortable]

Tommy- Jack's legs...oh, a pillow

Sam- it's gotta go  (throws pillow off)

Tommy- this is actually great; are you guys good

Christie- am I good? am I crushing anybody?

Tommy- you're good

Jack- whatever

Sam- you're like 100 pounds

Christie- I wish...I'm not 100 pounds but I wish a bitch was....

Tommy to Jack- are you comfy?

Jack- yeah actually I am

Tommy- I agree

Christie- what am I crushing here?....a pelvis?

Tommy- my butt....and my body... and my penis is.....

Jack- this poor hammock

Christie- there's a toe in my pits






1:35 AM BBT Holly and Jackson in the Have Not Room

There is some noticeable pelvic grinding with the lights on then the cameras switch to another room [thanks BB...I'd like to keep  my supper down  -MamaLong]



12:47 AM BBT Bella and Nick whisper in the CBR. Bella tells him that they are going to work with Nicole now because they need her number. Nick says he never would have put up Holly or Sis before this. Nick and Bella discuss their intended conversation with Christie. They are not going to let her just use the power and not take the blame for Bella going up. They are going to tell her that her using the power is the same as putting up there herself and she swore on her sister that she would never do that. 


1:49 AM BBT  Jack and SIs in the Target Bedroom

They talk about needing to win an HOH

Sis- are you happy you decided to come on this?

Jack- that's a good question....I don't know....I think I needed space from home.....time away from my life and reality...reestablish what I need to value  [AMEN]

Sam comes in to get his towel then leaves

Jack- our conversation was boring

Sis- with him?  (Sam)

Jack- I tried...I think he's funny...I feel he has a guard up with me and I with him

Sis- you don't trust him?

Jack- I think he suggested I be put up on the block this week    [he did]

Sis- you really think that? I don't think that. Whenever I talk to him he acts like he really, really likes you

Jack- I don't know how to really read people

Sis- I feel like everyone is faking how they really are




2:20 AM BBT Jack and Sis sleeping with hands intertwined. Jack has major sleep apnea. He needs  a CPAP!


2:30 AM BBT Kat is hanging out on the couch claiming she will stay awake all night. she said the have not room smells like farts and Febreeze

Christie is talking to Tommy about a fight between Kat and Jackson and how Jackson is such a horrible person. Christie mentions that Cliff doesn't like Jackson because he talks about hooking up with the girls and how he used to want to work with him but now he doesn't want.

Christie- I'm not in to the way he treats people

Tommy- he fucked up though  (Cliff)  he bought himself 2 weeks when he could have had 3 or 4...but don't get rid of him too soon

Michie comes in and Christie leaves....

Tommy- did you talk to her

Michie- yeah (he sprays the Febreeze all over but Tommy asks him to stop...that he would rather smell the farts)

Christie and Kat come back in

Kat- I'm not mad, I just don't want to smell farts

*They are alternating beds so everyone gets a turn on the more comfortable mattress

Tommy- I love our Have Not room

Kat- I'm sorry y'all thought I was getting mad at the farts

Jackson- you blew up... Tommy?

Tommy- yeah, you were really mad

Kat- y'all think that was me blowing up   (she laughs)

Jackson to Kat- you love me...it's a love hate relationship

Kat- I have to agree

Jackson- I just took 4 Gas-X

They continue talking about the non-stop farts   [welcome to Jackson on Slop]


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2:00 AM BBT Feeds 1 and 2 are on Tommy and Michie in the CC room. Feeds 3 and 4 show Jack and Sis snuggling in the TBR with the lights out. Michie tells Tommy that he is tired of Jess. She just talks and talks behind his back. Tommy agrees but says that Holly is a bigger threat. Tommy "The 6 of us will hopefully be here after this week and we have to win the next HoH. I will be fighting fighting fighting." Michie "I swear if it is endurance and I am on fu**ing slop." Tommy "Doesn't matter. I can do it. I feel fine." 


2:11 PM BBT Michie and Tommy talk in the CC room. Tommy says that Cliff is caught between a rock and a hard place. Michie says that it was worst case scenario that he came back in the house and win HoH. It was worst case scenario for him to put up Jack and Jackson and one of them wins the veto. 


2:22 PM BBT Feeds 1 and 2 show Kat sleeping in the THB. She has exited the CC room because of the smell. Feeds 3 and 4 switch from Jack and Sis sleeping to the CC room where Michie is spraying air freshener. He exits the room and sprays some more down the hallway leading up to their room. He sprays it on the beds that no one is sleeping on as well. He tells her that she better get back in there. She says she won't because it stinks in there. Michie "You are going to get a penalty nom." Kat "I am not sure why you are concerned about that." 


2:27 AM BBT Christie goes to the THB and talks to Tommy. She tells him that Michie is saying that Kat is all about the drama and sleeping in the hall. It doesn't smell that bad in here. Tommy tells her that Michie sprayed an entire can of Febreeze in there. She says that Michie is out of control. Tommy cautions her not to keep talking to people about her intentions with the power. If she gets caught it could lead to trouble. Christie tells him that Cliff doesn't care for Michie either and the way he treats the girls. She says she has no problem putting Michie on the block. He is not a team players. He casts a rogue vote and finds it funny to start drama. 


2:30 AM BBT Tommy and Christie are talking Michie. She tells him that he would have been blown away by her conversation with Cliff. Tommy says that Cliff should not have done what he did. He bought himself 2 weeks. He could have bought 3 or 4. 


2:32 AM BBT Christie tells Kat that she can come back into the CC room now. It really doesn't smell that bad anymore. Kat goes back in. She tells them she was laying down in the THB because of the smell and not because she was mad. Christie is making her bed up to go to sleep.


2:38 AM BBT The 4 in the HoH are laughing and carrying on. Tommy tells Christie and Kat that they both farted in their sleep last night. They ask him what is sounded like. Kat's had like a squeak to it and it was multi-toned. He gives imitations of what each girl's passing gas sounds like. Michie "The feeds are 100% honest." Tommy says but none of yours smelled though. 


2:42 AM BBT Michie is explaining to the girls why they are so gassy. They are consuming 50 grams of fiber for every 2000 calories. The girls are eating as much fiber as he would in a normal day and he would consume two times as many calories. He tells them to let them fly in there and don't think nothing about it. They count 1, 2, 3 clap clap (imitating a clapper to turn off the lights). They do this 5 or 6 times hoping BB would catch the hint that they want the lights off. 


2:47 AM BBT All the lights are out. Everyone is in bed. 


2:44 AM BBT The Have Not group keeps clapping for lights off, (The Clapper Style) and Michie is leading the synchronized clapping

Jackson-  3, 2, 1   (they clap twice)

Production is not turning the lights off and they are getting frustrated  (they need to stop talking)

Christie- good night fam, I love you a lot


2:47 PM BBT The lights finally go out

Michie- thank you

Christie- Thanks


3:00 AM BBT The house is dark and silent


6:50 AM BBT  Jackson gets out of bed and heads to kitchen; rummages through fridge; munches on slop with the door open; drops some on the floor "No! Slob!".....then back to bed [he is very loud] without cleaning the mess


8:30 AM BBT  All HGs still sleeping


9:30 AM BBT Everyone is asleep except Nick who whispers to Bella that she is snoring. She apologizes.  It appears that BB is letting them sleep in. 


10:02 AM BBT Still no wake up call.


10:13 AM BBT Wake up call.


10:23 AM BBT Feeds return. The HGs are up and getting dressed. 


10:27 AM BBT The HGs have noticed that they are once again locked out of the BY. Tommy tells Nick that he hopes they aren't stuck inside all day because someone pushed the wrong button and no one noticed. 


10:30 AM BBT Tommy has gone into the TBR where Jack, Analyse and Holly are still laying down. One of them asks Tommy if anyone has started their laundry yet. Tommy shares with them that they are on IDLD. Jack "Pop up luxury comp?"


10:33 AM BBT BB has opened up the BY for the HGs.


10:38 AM BBT Tommy is making his rounds telling the HGs this morning and giving out hugs. Jessica asks him how he is doing while being on slop. He replies that he is perfectly fine. He misses food but his body is doing good.


10:42 AM BBT The HGs are starting to do their ADL's. Jack is standing at the sink and hums Blue Swede's version of "Hooked on a Feeling" and then gargles some water saying that his throat is dry.


10:52 AM BBT Holly and Tommy are talking in the BY. She is telling him how sweet Michie is. Maybe she is just not used to sweet guys. She admits that she has no idea what is aired on the live feeds because she has never watched them ever. She is beating herself up over what those on the feeds may have shown. None of this was on her radar. 


10:55 AM BBT Holly, Christie, Jack and Tommy are sitting in the BY. Christie retells her conversation with Nicole where she got the feeling they can't count on Nicole's vote. She tells Holly how this made her uncomfortable so she felt she needed to talk to Cliff. She says that it was a productive talk. She retells her conversation with Cliff. Cliff told her that Jack is the biggest threat. While she continues to tell her story, Jack mumbles "Jackson has just proven that he is" in reference to the biggest threat. 


10:59 AM BBT Christie continues her story to Holly about how she told Cliff that she was going to use her power. She says that Cliff asked her if she could promise him safety and get Jack to do the same. If she could do that, he would give his blessing for Bella to go up. Cliff told her that Bella is bad for their game and that if they offer safety for 2 weeks, then in exchange she won't have to use her power and in turn he offers them the same safety. 


11:05 AM BBT Jack, Analyse, Holly, Tommy and Jessica are sitting on the BY patio. Jack thinks the reason the hot tub is cold is because they shut it off at like 6 AM to conserve energy. It gets so cold outside that the temperature drops quickly. 


11:13 AM BBT Just general chit chat this morning. Jessica and Tommy discuss trying to laugh without smiling. They try to get Analyse to try chuckling without smiling. Jack tells them that BB was really keyed in on their conversations last night. Christie got a zing from BB last night. Christie told Jack that watching paint dry was more entertaining then their conversation and BB responded "Zing". Then later Jack whispered "I hate your guts" into his microphone and BB responded "Whoah". 


11:20 AM BBT Christie tells the others on the BY patio that Bella has caught on to the fact that she is going home. She told Christie this morning that Christie was going to miss her. She told someone that she expected to go home this week. 


11:23 AM BBT The group in the BY are talking about how she (Bella?) has multiple social media accounts. She has one just for shopping so her main page isn't overrun with ads and such. She also has a social media account just for trolling. Bella, Cliff and Sam join them in the BY as well.


11:30 AM BBT Cliff is nursing a wounded leg today. Jack says that he asked BB for some gel packs so that he can alternate between cool and warm compresses. 


11:38 AM BBT Christie and Sam are now alone in the BY. Christie asks him to confirm that Tommy told Nick about the 5. Sam said yes. Tommy told Nick that he (Tommy) was confronted by Jack. He told Jack there was a fake alliance of 5 and that Christie knows that it is not real. 


11:42 AM BBT Sam tells Christie that he is putting a lot of trust in her right now. Sam tells her that they need to put up Tommy to make sure that Jack goes. "We cannot beat Jack, we cannot beat him. If he does not go then we are screwed." 


11:45 AM BBT Christie tells Sam that either way, she is going to have half the house mad at her one side or half the house mad at her on the other side. Sam asks her if she could just save her power for the next two weeks. Christie tells him that Jack practically had her in tears yelling at her yesterday and that if she doesn't use it then Jack and Sis are coming after her. 


11:47 AM BBT Sam tells Christie that the minority is now the majority. If she doesn't use it, she will have 3 people mad at her instead of 7 or 8.


11:50 AM BBT Christie tells Sam that Bella is a poison. If they get rid of Bella, it makes them (Sam, Nick) stronger. It clears the pathway to get rid of toxicity in the house. She tells him that all the girls are over her antics and being so reckless. Sam tells Christie that Bella is a bigger target than Christie ever will be. Christie "Not if she is coming after me." Sam says that he and Nick could make sure that Bella never targets her. 100%. If they don't take this opportunity, this may be their only chance at a golden opportunity. 


11:55 AM BBT Sam tells Christie that no one has any beef with her and no one would stay upset with her if they make this move now. The conversation ends when Cliff and Nicole join them. 

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12:03 PM BBT Sam and Cliff are talking about the POV. Both of them were confused what they were going to have to do with the jet ski. From across the yard Tommy tells Christie that he made up the stories about hearing Christie and Kat farting in their sleep. He says that he made it up so no one would feel bad about it when it happened. The whole part where he described what their farts sounded like was entirely made up.


12:10 PM BBT Cliff and Nicole are now alone on the BY patio. He tells her that he trusts her more than Jess. Nicole tells him that they weren't real happy with her yesterday because she wouldn't commit her vote yet. Cliff tells her to play her own game. Cliff admits he would like to know how the vote would go because that would make it easier for him to decide. Nicole asks her if Christie told him what she was going to do with the power. Cliff responds that she isn't sure yet. He hopes that she doesn't use it. 


12:15 PM BBT Cliff and Nicole work out the votes if the power is used and Bella goes up.Cliff says: You, Jess, Me, Sam and Nick want Jack out. They can't count on Kat going along with it but they can't get it done without her. Cliff tells Nicole that if she uses the power, they are screwed. If she doesn't then they are okay. He admits to promising not to put up either Christie or Tommy if she chose not to use the power. If Bella is up there, she goes home. Which isn't the worst, but the numbers game worries them. 


12:19 PM BBT Cliff tells Nicole they also have the option to outright backdoor Bella. Maybe get the others to offer them a little protection. Nicole wonders what would happen if Bella stays, would she go after them (the 6). Cliff says he thinks so. And everyone is going to be going after her. 


12:21 PM BBT In the BY, Cliff tells Nicole that regardless of what happens, there are 4 people out there that look at the two of them like they are at the very bottom.

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12:28 AM BBT Cliff tells Tommy and Nicole that a family member worked for NASA. They got to be at Mission Control while a flight was going on. The public can get in there for a tour but not when a flight is in process. There was no talking aloud. They just could go in and look.


12:31 PM BBT Nick says that he has a friend who lives a couple houses down whose father was one of the flight directors that helped to save Apollo 13. His friend has a picture of his father on a stage with President Nixon. His friend told him that Nixon had 2 speeches prepared that day, one for the crew making it back alive and one if they didn't. 


12:39 PM BBT Nicole explains her job to Tommy and Cliff. There is a teacher, and TA and then her with 9 special needs students. She says that she is the low one on the totem pole. What she does is she works 1:1. She works with that one child, every day, all day long.


12:48 PM BBT Christie, Kat and Jessica are in the KT. Cliff is talking to them from down the hall. He asks her if she ever sees herself getting married. She said that she loves love and the idea of love so yeah, she sees herself getting married one day. She starts to discuss her ex and we get WBRB. 


12:51 PM BBT In the KT Christie tells Cliff, Kat and Jessica that if she ever decides to marry, she will want a minimal ceremony of their love. She will accept input from family but at the end of the day, she will not be doing anything just because. And she doesn't want some expensive wedding. Cliff jokes that he is going to ask his daughter to talk to her. BB calls Cliff to the DR downstairs. 


12:55 PM BBT All 4 feeds are now on Jackson, Analyse, Bella and Nick in the BY. Jackson is in the pool and the others are laying out next to it. Jackson says that he doesn't go for gym girls because that it his quiet place. It is his therapy. His craziest ex was a gym girl. Plus, there is a lot of sexual tension at the gym because you are surrounded by people focused on their appearance. That complicates relationships. 


12:41 PM BBT Nicole is sharing how rewarding her job as one-to-one TA with a special needs child is for her. She says she wants to be an advocate for kids with special needs. Cliff adds how great it was to work with spectrum kids in scouting. Nicole adds that the inclusion program is good for both the special needs kids and the general ed kids. Tommy begins talking about the movie Split, and how it addressed the idea that people labeled with a "disability" are actually people with more abilities, "greater than, in some ways". 




1:01 PM BBT  Christie/Jess/Kat/Jack in the Boat Room

Christie goes over yesterday's conversation with Cliff

She tells the girls that in talking with Sam she confirmed that Bella is coming after her. Christie said she is tired of Bella dragging down others with her.

Sis comes in asking Kat if she can using her tanning product (Kat agreed)

Sis- aren't y'all gonna come tan

Christie- yeah, I'm just filling them in on my hatred for Bella  (Sis leaves)

Christie goes on and repeats all the same negative sentiments and reasons for those sentiments to Kat and Jess. She reveals to them that she and Cliff have a common interest in not wanting Bella to go to jury "she doesn't deserve it". Christie says that she told Cliff she has interest in working with Jess and Kat and Nicole, too (if Cliff trusts her then she can, too). SHe tells the girls about her talk with Nicole, as well.

Christie- I still haven't decided what I'm gonna do ....I am willing to use my power if it assures that Bella goes...I literally cannot play this game with her


Cliff and Tommy come in. Cliff says he will meet them outside. Everyone is complimenting Tommy's tan.

Tommy to Kat- I love you. I think you're beautiful inside and out


They leave to go get some sun.





1:15 PM BBT  Tommy and Cliff in the HOH Room

Cliff- here is what I'm faced with...and I'm sure I'm not telling you anything you aren't already aware of. I've got no special love for Bella. NIck, I like...I feel has been roped in

Tommy- I love Nick

Cliff- I think Bella has not helped his game any and she continues to create conflicts that seem completely unnecessary. I have no problem getting rid of her. My concern is that Jack, Sis, Michie, Holly I'm worried about repercussions  at this point because I took a shot, and I feel a shot was taken at me so I feel tit for tat...I want to play with you and Christie, but I do worry about those two guys...I just don't know what y'all's plan is to get those guys out...it worries me

Tommy- yeah

Cliff- we talked about backdooring Bella

Tommy- yeah but what does that mean for the future...Nick would be a free agent...let me just say to you and I hope this stays between us...

Cliff- I've made promises to Christie not to say stuff and I'll do the same for you

Tommy- I don't need to stay with the 6 the whole game

Cliff- but how long do you...that's my fear. Say I flip on Bella, then next week I can easily see Nick and myself being put up

Tommy- no

Cliff- I'm right at the bottom of the pecking order again...if I do this, all it does is make me a target moving forward. I don't need safety all the way, but if I felt I was safe for a couple of weeks

Tommy- absolutely, Christie did tell me about the two week thing that you guys spoke about

Cliff- well, I know her things is good for two weeks so she would swear up and down that she would help me out

Tommy- I promise our intention was not to come after you but because Nicole was not being treated fairly. Otherwise, you would have stayed. I promise you

Cliff- moving forward, where is my place compared to a Jess, Nicole, Kat, Nick? AM I a target if I go with y'all because there is not a bigger target

Tommy- okay, I got to give you some information. Whenever people ask me, if you win HOH who would you put up...I've been hesitant  to say who my targets are....I hope this stays between us....Nicole said she would have to really think about it (how she would vote even though the 6 saved her)...at that point, it showed ...little things like that (Nicole not sure how to vote)  I love her and I'm obsessed with her but

Cliff- as a person I love Nicole but I would rather see her go than me

Tommy- I'm here for myself...if down the line everyone wants to get Christie out, I'll go with that

Cliff- it makes perfect sense that you and Christie would be tight; everyone needs someone to rely on

Tommy- I respect her game

Cliff- here's the thing....I trust Christie and I trust y'all....even though y'all were part of the vote to send me out, I get it. Water under the bridge. If I turn around and let Christie not use her power and backdoor Bella, I hope that buys me some credit with y'all. I'm not worried about y'all. I'm worried about Michie and especially Jack...and Sis.


1:33 PM BBT

Tommy- my plan is not to win competitions. Also, I wanted to align myself with a bigger target than me, and that's Jack. That's my plan right now. I trust his heart. I like who he is. I think there is room for more, but it's just Jack. Not anybody else. It's tough to say that because I don't wanna get thrown under the bus. I will not be coming after you and I will protect you moving forward....whatever you two decide. It sounds like a great deal to me.

Cliff- there is always a risk that  if I make any promise to her and she could choose not to use her power and I could still go after Jack or Sis...so she has to trust me. I swear to God. If I make a commitment to do this, it gets done

Tommy- I'm not worried about that....I can tell a person of integrity. Moving forward, I will not sit up here and put people down, but I will speak highly of the ones I love and hope you can gauge where I'm at   [love this kid  -MamaLong]


Cliff admits to Tommy that putting up Jack/Michie was his response to a shot at the bow. He is worried about the numbers and knows he has to get rid of a number.

Tommy- and you want it to be a good number


2:03 PM BBT  Cliff/Michie in the HOH Room   

They are discussing the possible Backdooor Bella plan

Michie- if I were to win HOH in the next few weeks, you were not and will not be put up; if I had won HOH my targets were Nick/Bella...I've made it clear where I stand

Cliff and Jackson both agree they are not here to pussyfoot around or sit on their thumb

Michie- if I'm gonna go out, I'd rather die on my feet than live on my knees

Cliff- next week- I'm not gonna be going for HOH and will need protection

Michie- I gotcha

Cliff- I need the next two weeks guaranteed

Michie- absolutely...maybe 4 or 5




2:08 PM BBT

Michie- we are good to go...I'm gonna use the veto on myself

Cliff- I am seeing my path...I'm not gonna go around and tell everyone.....I'll tell Christie. So, if you see she doesn't use her power then you'll know where it's going. I won't do anything sneaky. You've got my word.



2:15 PM BBT   RV Bdrm  (Cliff/Nicole)

Cliff tells Nicole that he thinks Christie will use her power "she doesn't like not being liked"

Nicole- so if she uses it, she puts Bella up?

Cliff- yeah, absolutely

Cliff tells Nicole that he tried to get her to not use her power to buy them some safety, but he feels strongly that she will use it. He says that he won't count on her using the power to save either of them, but his gut tells him she will use it this week. 'If no one knew about it, she wouldn't." [too late for that]

Nicole- so, the vote...what if it's Jack vs Bella?

Cliff- Everyone is going to vote against Bella and you should too.....I don't think we have the numbers. Bella has pissed off Jess and Kat....Bella's gone, so you have to get on board. If Bella is up there either way, it's just a done deal.


2:43 PM BBT Jackson and Nick in the Kitchen

After a brief visit with Cliff, Nick feels out Michie in regards to the veto. He tells Jackson that he would not be mad at it (putting up him or Bella). 

Michie- you are not going up. On my word, you are not going up.

Nick then tells Jackson that he won't be mad about Bella, either, but he will vote for her. Jackson says he understands.


2:46 PM BBT Cliff approaches Kat and insinuates that Christie will use her power...asks where her vote will be if it's Jack vs. Bella

Kat- I am much more threatened by Bella than Jack

Cliff- I don't see you voting and Jess against Bella on the block

Kat- I may vote to protect our alliance....but Bella would be horrible in jury and she would mess things up

Cliff- if that power is used, the only way Jack goes home

Kat- do you want Jack to go home

Cliff- I want Jack to go home but I don't want to be hung out to dry

Kat- I want to vote where you want me to vote....it doesn't affect my game either way. Bella is a filthy player. I don't want to be associated with her in the game.

Cliff- I am going back and forth but I don't want to make decisions without your input. We have to be working together.

Kat- I'll be honest, I do still somewhat work with Jackson and Holly so I'm not really threatened by that 6 but I see you have the opportunity....I mean once they get out Nick and Bella they are going to come after us. So, it's hard because this may be the only chance we have to get Jack out. But, I'm not worried about getting him out pre-jury as much as Bella, because he is not toxic. I'm afraid if I vote against Jack my game will be blown up...that will turn Sis against me...Jackson against me. Jackson is obsessed with Jack. He wants him to stay so bad. Jackson has said he needs to get Christie out because she is in Jack's ear. I love Christie...so it's very confusing. So Jackson is dangerous in that regard, but not yet. If Jackson turns against me...that's my connection with that whole thing.

Cliff- I get your position

Kat- the other thing about getting Bella out this week is that on the negative it's one less number for us but I don't necessarily trust them with the numbers. Bella is such a good talker...she is trying to mend things. Things in here move so fast. She's just waiting for me or Jess ot slip up so she can pull us under.

Cliff- I don't mind Nick but working with Bella worries me. Bella discounted me. SHe makes me feel she sees me as a token little person.

Kat- and I don't think CHristie and Tommy are necessarily tied to Jack so I see them as floaters

Cliff- I do, too

Kat- I probably trust Christie the most...if we were to get Bella out we might replace Bella with Christie on our side. However, with that being said, one of us would have to win HOH next week

Cliff- next week there is a possibility that Nick will be the target

Kat- Holly and Jackson have been bickering...a lot can happen in two weeks



2:57 PM BBT 

Kat- I think Holly is too caught up in Jackson's game right now and is not playing her own game, and I hate that. I don't think that those 6 are as tight as we think.

Cliff- what's good for you is good for me and vise versa

Kat- I hate taking someone's word in a game but if you were able to get a deal with Jack....I do think it would be beneficial to get Bella out. 

Kat tells Cliff that she is a lot smarter than people give her credit for and she is okay to play that game.

Cliff- play that game [he knows it is working]  keep the smarts under wraps and you will go a long way

Kat- it's hard because I hate it when people assume I am dumb...I see through a lot of people's BS...I'm not indebted to any of those people who think they have me in their pocket. I don't think anyone is gonna mess with you for awhile.


Cliff- I'm looking at the possibility of working some kind of deal with CHristie that could possibly get us some safety for the next few weeks.

Kat- they will be the only ones mad (Nick and Bella)...talk to Sam

Cliff- yeah, I will talk to Sam...I'll tell him vote counts and do we even have a chance at that (not having the numbers to get rid of Jack)

Kat- right now it is a house decision to put Bella up

Cliff- I don't want you to jeopardize your game...I think if Bella goes up she goes home 9-1 (Nick will vote to keep her) Sam doesn't want to be seen as too tight with Nick and Bella. It's probably going to be Bella versus Jack.

3:12 PM BBT Backyard: Nick and Sis in the hammock

Nick tells Sis that it's probably gonna be Bella but that's okay because he is playing his own game.

Sis- it will be okay

Nick- I did fuck up



3:47 PM BBT Sis and Christie in the Target Room

Sis tells Christie about her conversation with Nick and how Nick understands that Bella will likely be put on the block and be leaving, but he wants to secure his position with them for the rest of the game

Kat joins them 

Christie- I knew he had just spoken to Cliff

Sis- whatever happens, he...

Kat- is it for sure happening tomorrow?

Christie- yeah, tomorrow....today let's just enjoy the pool

Kat- I meant to tell you...I'm so excited that Bella is getting out


3:51 PM BBT  Nick and Jack at the Hammock

Nick notices that Jack cut his leg shaving again.

Jack- I feel your energy. What's up?

Nick tells Jack about his talk with Sis and how he understands that Bella is probably going up and out, but he's playing his own game....."it just sucks because I love Bella...I'll have to love her outside of the house." Nick proposes that once Bella is gone, he won't be mad and wants to stay and work with them. "I know you guys trust me. I was playing too hard. It got me into a hole."



I'm out for now. These conversations are all pretty much the same, just different verbiage.  I'll pick back up later tonight or first thing in the morning and do my best to fill in the gaps.  -MamaLong


6:28 pm BBT- Camera 2- Jack in hammock with Jessica and Nicole. Nick sitting next to them. Talking about summer camps and activities at camps. Now switch to talking about comps they have done. 


6:35 Camera switches to Sam in shower and Bella at sink. 

Camera 3 and 4- Tommy, Christie, Kat, Holly and Sis in the bedroom talking about dinner and other random topics. 


6:39 pm BBT- Camera 3 and 4 now switch back to hammock discussion. Jessica talking about difficulty hanging on to log in first competition due to her big boobs. 


6:52 pm BBT- all cameras on Sam and Bella playing corn hole in the back yard. 


7:06 pm BBT- camera 1 and 2 on backyard corn hole game. Camera 3 and 4- Tommy, Holly and Jack rehashing events of the week in target bedroom. Holly asking Jack to go see her dog if he accidentally goes home this week or any of the next few weeks. Now talking about her parents living in a cabin in the middle of no where "off the grid" and not watching her on Big Brother. Telling the others about planning meals, trips to town, using propane lanterns, etc. 


7:14 pm BBT- Now Jack admitting he is a little nervous about going home. Asking Tommy how he thought their discussion with Cliff went this morning. Recounting that after a discussion with Sis and Jack this morning, NIck is aware that Bella will be the one going up and going home this week. Suddenly Cliff enters with the Snap chat glasses. The four pose for a selfie. All smiles!


7:21 PM BBT Cliff is taking pics with the SnapChat glasses

Nick and Bella are playing Cornhole; Sam and Sis are playing pool.

Kat made slop stir fry and plans to make "chips and slopsa"  [she is creative]

The general mood in the house tonight is cheerful. Everyone is having fun.





7:29 PM BBT  Cliff no longer has the wrap on his injured leg and he is walking much better.

7:44 PM BBT Nicole and Sis in the WA

Nicole is gathering her things to take a shower upstairs in the HOH room

Sis- have fun

Nicole- thank you;  I've never taken a shower up there and Cliff is nice enough to let me use it

Sis- Is this your first time?

Nicole- yeah, it's my first time...I always felt weird asking about it....I don't know;  I'm getting better

Sis- if I ever win, you are always more than welcome to use the restroom

Nicole-  Aw, thank you so much

Sis- and use the shower....you don't even have to ask

Nicole- thanks Sis, Same...right back at ya



7:54 PM BBT Holly burned her backside, especially her butt, pretty bad by the pool today.




8:00 PM BBT The feeds are cutting in and out to WBRB fish a lot tonight, so I'm out until the morning.    -MamaLong


8:13pm BBT


Jessica is telling about her experience in a marathon. She says there were “balloon ladies”, men dressed up like Disney princesses.


In the bathroom lounge Kat is telling Holly that after Bella leaves she feels she (Kat) will be target. Holly denies, tells her that she worries how she would deal with Holly and Michie being on the block. Holly says when it gets to the 7, they have no idea what they will be working with, some of the 7 could be gone.


Kat says her success in the competitions has caused people to talk with her more, Holly says people talk game to her too, and she thinks it is …

Kat tells Holly that Sam mentioned a final two named Cheeto with her but she thought it was a joke. Holly says she has been asking other people is Sam has a final two with them too. Kat says she won't ask about it. Holly starts to undress and Kat offers to talk game so production will film her.


Christie is flossing, tells Sis to drink lemon water to help her tummy.



In the back yard Jack, Nick, Sam and Bella are talking about the hot tub, and making jokes about boom operators on reality tv, they mention Jersey Shores.


Sam asks why planes have headlights.....they all laugh about signal lights and crowded skies. They talk about the I phone not really changing for quite a long time, outsourcing, consumer spending and other general chatter. After a few minutes they decide they will play corn hole.


Cliff joins the girls in the bathroom lounge, he mentions “Charlie's Angels.” Sis says, “There was a show?” (precious child)


They are all talking about posters they had in bedrooms, Jack comes into the room with impressive flatulence and every one stops talking and then the room is filled with laughing. They continue talking about stars and musicians they have interacted with.


Nicole is in the HOH room giving a shout out to Cliff's family. She tells them she loves them all and hopes she gets to sit next to Cliff in a final two.


Camera moves to back yard where corn hole is in progress.

General chatting in bathroom lounge area.


Cliff is missing his wife, he says this is the longest period of time he has ever not seen or talked to her.


In the back yard Jack and Sis are on the hammock, not talking, just relaxing to the sounds of corn hole.


Jack finally says he has to continues to remind himself of 500 grand, Sis whines she is bored and has had enough. More silence.





Christie and Nicole are in the boat bed lounge.


Christie is telling Nicole she doesn't want to mess up Cliff's HOH. She does not want to go to the end with couples, she knows it has worked her far. Christie says she has personally heard Bella say her name, and another person also said they heard it. Christie insists that she is not using the power to save anyone, she wants to use it to evict someone. She repeats that she doesn't plan to go to the end with couples. Christie says she wants to back door one of the guys if she wins HOH. She would be willing to throw an HOH to someone else who would take the shot. Christie says she really needs Bella out of the house, and she doesn't want to use the power if it not a sure thing. She says if she does it and Jack goes she has lost and ally and kept an enemy.


Both of them agree that Bella leaving is a reset button for Nick. Christie says she told Cliff she is using it, but maybe Cliff would put her (Bella) up without the power.


Nicole says she knows the 6 kept her, and for her it is a morals issue.


Christie tells her she owes nothing to “them” (not “us”).

She says again she doesn't want Nicole to indebted to “them” after this week. Christie says a vote against Jack this week could be a disaster. (would it?). Christie says if Cliff makes the agreement, she can save her power. Christie says she would like to have it in case there is a double eviction in two weeks because it would be quick and no one would remain in the house for days after.


Nicole says she wants this HOH, and she would not put up Christie.


Christie asks who she would put up.


Nicole says she has ideas, there could be repercussions (names).


Christie says Michie is not someone she wants to remain in the game, he talks down to Kat, he cast the rogue vote, he is sneaky. She says he cast the vote (she thinks) just for fun


Nicole asks Christie if Jack or Michie said they wanted her (Nicole) up there (on the block). Christie says not that she knows, but she thinks she would know if it did. Christie repeats that Michie cast the rogue vote.


Sam comes in, but leaves to give them space.


Christie says Michie planned to blame Nicole, he allowed the others to think that. Christie says when Jack was HOH he kissed their arses, saying he wanted to work with them. Christie says Nick and Bella played both sides since week 2.


Nicole says Nick seems to have moved past the blow up, and has said he is sorry about Bella's role.


Christie tells Nicole that Cliff is a person she would like to work with when Nicole verifies that Cliff is thinking about putting Bella up.


Christie says when the blow up with the 8 started she bought in, but it wasn't long before she started questioning what was said. Christie says she had questions about Bella acting out in the rv. Christie insists that she was upset about what happened and tells Nicole that their families will see it on the episodes.





8:31pm BBT


Talk between Nicole and Christie continues.


Nicole seems skeptical that the group will not vote her out, but she says she is here to represent people who are bullied. Nicole says there is good in Bella, she has said as much to the cameras. Christie says she can't tolerate Bella in the house and the game.


Nick comes into the room, they tell him he can join them, they are just talking.


Christie says her tummy is bothered, she has potty trouble. She says she is having bleeding from trying.


Camera changes to bathroom lounge area then returns to bed boat lounge.


Nicole says the slopsa and nuggets were not bad, Christie laughs and says they are not good. Nicole says maybe a blender, but Christie says no because of audio issues.


Cliff comes in and joins them.


They are talking about the wall competition they think is coming up. Cliff says he would like to compete in that just to see how well he would do. Cliff says the come back competition was stressful and David, who trains with Navy Seals, never thought Cliff would beat him.


They all say David grew on them.


Sam comes in and joins the group, he is followed by Jessica.


Subject of conversation is about straight men who work in gay bars, gay men who strip in women's clubs, straight men who do gay lap dances. (fascinating because I am such a sheltered old lady).



In the back yard Michie and Holly are talking, Michie is telling Holly he needs to make a decision for her (about game). He says he is just helping her out, she is going back and forth on a decision. Holly says she doesn't think she buys that. Michie says he is not selling anything. Holly calls it BS, Michie says she wants to initiate things and regrets it the next day. Michie says if she is having trouble making a decision he will just make one for her. Holly says his option seems to be “bye” (I think they are talking about sexual activity). Holly says it needs to be in a place off camera, Michie insists there is not.


Camera moves for a few seconds, then returns to their conversation.


Michie is insisting he is trying to help her out, she continues to say she doesn't buy that.


Holly says the damage has already been done, she wants to be more cognizant of situations going forward. Michie says she is confusing him. Holly says it is good to know he is not phased by this, he says he doesn't take it personally. Holly, “Good to know.” Michie says her heart and her mind are playing tricks on her about what she wants and what she needs.


Holly says she feels better after talking to “a friend” today (code word for production). She says she had a conversation with “another friend”.


Michie says there are two people involved in this situation, she can't go back and forth on this. Holly says she is worried about her reputation, Michie says that they should just “nip it.” Holly is not happy with that, even though he says they live under a microscope in the house. Michie tells her to make a decision and stick with it, it isn't fair to him. He says making a person feel like a regret is not okay, Holly says she didn't mean to do that. Michie tells her to take her time making a decision then get back to her, he isn't taking it personally. Holly says, “i see that...”.


Michie tells Holly that there is more to this house than what she personally wants, he tells her all he wants is her vote in jury. Holly, “ohhhohhh, zinggg.” They laugh. Holly makes a comment we can't hear and Michie jumps up, saying he is done with this. He says he has not eaten or slept in days. Holly tells them she lifted up his shirt and said “I miss the old Michie.”, and that is why he is angry.


9:44pm BBT


Holly apologizes to Michie and follows him upstairs to the have not room. Michie is throwing a fit about being teased about mentioning an eating disorder.


Michie. “goodnight. I don't have my mic on, I don't want to get in trouble, I'm goin to bed.”

Holly, “alright” She stomps downstairs.



8:40PM BBT Jackson and Bella in the backyard playing cornhole and trying to figure out who is using all the condoms since neither of them has been using them in their repeated unprotected sex [Jackson with Kat day two, and later with Beth frequently until she contracted a crotch "rash" and cut him off, and Bella with Nick.  And Jackson's "Bush administration" timeline would mean he started having sex at around 12?].


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