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Monday, August 20, 2018 Big Brother 20 Live Feed Updates


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Please post ONLY Live Feed, televised show, Big Brother After Dark observations and screen captures here !

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Remember your time zones. Big Brother Time (BBT) is West Coast Daylight Saving Time (See Map Here).

Please be careful in identifying who is speaking, and do not use confusing abbreviations. We may have several HGs with names which start with the same letter.


Try to be consistent with abbreviations, like:
Washroom Area (WA)
Water Closet (WC)

Kitchen (KT)
Living Room (LR)
Back Yard (BY)
Bedroom (BR)
Indoor Lock Down (ILD)
Outdoor Lock Down (OLD)
Head of House Room (HOHR)
Storage Room (SR)
Blue bedroom  (BBR)

Pink bedroom (PBR)

The combined bedroom is (CBR)

The fidget spinner bedroom is (SBR)

It only takes a few good posts to earn your "Live Feed Updater" badge and LFU status. 


Also, all registered members of the forums have access to our chat rooms, at http://www.tvfanforums.net/index.php?/chat.html/ Stop in talk to SMVanBoyz, Fuskie, and I'm in there from time-to-time too. It's fun to be able to watch the feeds at dish the HGs at the same time.  


Please feel free to post info for other updaters to let them know how long you can update, or when you're taking a break and you want someone else to take over.


...And pictures, screen caps are welcome here too.

Thank you!

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9:50 am BBT  Kaycee is up and in the BY.  She has her cup of coffee.  She talks out loud, that she is probably going up on the block today.  She says she might as well start off her day with a game of pool.  Sam comes out, can't hear her.  Kaycee said she likes the different type of weather.  It appears cloudy.  Kaycee is giving a running commentary on her pool game, as Sam sits on the couches and has her coffee and cigarette.

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9:54 am BBT  Angela and Haleigh are in the WA doing ADLs  As Haleigh goes into the WC, Angela goes to the KT.    She heads outside, feeds go PBR and sleeping HG's.    Angela and Sam just chatting.  Sam asks if they get a fall her, Angela said no, it gets cold in the winter (in the 50's)  She said it is cold, you can't wear a dress.  Sam talks about summers in western Virginia.

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9:57 am BBT  Angela asks how Sam slept in the Have Not room (Sam, Tyler and JC are Have-nots this week).  Sam said she was comfortable in her saucer.  She hopes JC was ok, she made his as comfortable as possible.  Tyler slept in the big saucer.  Angela tells of a dream that she was skydiving.  Sam said she had a nightmare, but she doesn't remember it, which is probably just as well.  Sam asks what happens today, the Veto ceremony?  She said is that today or tomorrow.  Angela said it should be today (after 2 month she should know IMHO)

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10:02 am BBT  Sam says she is in the "slop slump".  Angela offered to make slop cookies after the ceremony.  Sam thanks her.  Sam said she might attempt the granola bar thing.  JC and Tyler comes to the door.  They think it might rain today.  JC is talking, but doesn's have his mic on.  BB tells him twice to put it on.  Sam complains about the handful of vitamins she has to take, calling them big o horse pills.  All 4 feeds switch to Tyler in the KT.  As JC comes in, Fessy up in HOH is talking to them over the video screen.  He is telling them to exercise.  He plays some of his music. Feeds cut to Angela and Sam talking about hoping it will rain.  Haleigh has joined them.  Angela loves a good thunderstorm, they discuss the smell right before it rains.  Sam is talking about how going to the beach is a rare vacation, whereas Angela lives there. 

Feeds go to Fessy in the KT telling Tyler he slept all night with the lights on.  He got up, turned them off, and as soon as he crawled back in bed, the wake up music started.

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10:10 am BBT  Tyler is in the BY, trying to get something, (a bug?) with a towel. They are cheering him on.  Kaycee says it is August 20, time has really flown.  They are trying to decide if it is day 62 or 63.  They settle on 62.  Sam went inside to make more coffee.  Tyler is over with Kaycee at the pool table.  Kaycee keeps singing Monday Monday by the Mamas and Papas, but doesn't get called out for it.  They comment when the sun pops out.  Haleigh is talking to Angela about the "gremlin" took her comforter.  She said Brett covered her up.  Angela offered for Haleigh to sleep with her if she wants to.  BB asked for the awnings to be put up, since the sun came out.  As Tyler and Kaycee put up the awnings on one side, they talk in code about the noms.  They say if Sam goes up, she will probably stop playing again.  They don't know if Hand F will do that.  They say they need a plan in case there is a DE. 

Kaycee swings her cue stick at a large beetle, and we can hear it smack it.  She feels bad because she hit it, but didn't kill it.  She didn't want it hurt.  They say it is a good thing Sam wasn't out there. 

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10:18 am BBT  Tyler is talking about sleeping in the big saucer.  He said every time JC moved it woke him up because he groans.  He said if JC got up, he would wake him, especially to get batteries.  Haleigh comments about Angela gaining weight in her booty, she said that isn't a bad thing.  Angela said if she has to gain weight, it is ok that it is in her ass.  She goes inside and says good morning to her angels. 

Fessy is in the HOH room watching the TV (not socializing...another case of HOHitits).  He is eating a banana.

Angela and Kaycee go to the BBR to find clothes to wear.  Haleigh joins them and climbs in bed.  Kaycee said should she be a peanut orwear her unitard today.  Angela still trying to decide what to wear.  Haleigh said she hopes Angela knows she meant that as a compliment (her butt gaining weight).  Can't hear the response.  Kaycee still trying to decide what to wear, and which bandana.  Angela gets into bed to change underwear, then gets up to put on some shorts.  Haleigh asks what brand are they, Angela says cheap.  Kaycee laughs at that.  Angela complains about how tight they are, and does her butt hang out.  Kaycee asks if her butt is showing (her shorts are to her knees).  They said almost, but that is just the right amount.  Angela puts a shirt around her waist, and tells the girls they have to be on nip patrol today.  She is upset her clothes don't fit anymore.  Angela asks for a bandana.  Haleigh wants to know what to wear.  While Angela and Kaycee discuss bandanas, Haleigh again says she needs to find something to wear.

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10:29 am BBT  Kaycee is done getting dressed, and Haleigh again says she needs to get dressed.  Haleigh says her 7 shorts don't fit anymore, and she only has one other pair. Haleigh goes to get dressed, as Brett is called to the DR (Veto ceremony?)  He and Scottie get up, they had been sleeping. Brett gets some clothes to wear, while Haleigh is trying to find clothes before the ceremony.

Kaycee goes to the WA, Tyler is in there.  Tyler asks if it is game time, Kaycee said probably.  Sings It is game time!  Scottie comes in, goes into the WC.  Brett comes in, asks if anyone is in there, Tyler sys yes.  Tyler asks if he got called in, he said yes. Brett wants to know what he has to do, Tyler explaining about putting the Veto on, staring at the memory wall.... Tyler isn't sure what they do since Brett is on the block. 

All 4 feeds switch to Haleigh getting ready in the PBR.  Angela asks where her coffee is, and she leaves.   Scottie comes in to find something to wear.  He asks Haleigh if she wants some tea.  They talk about going to the "shade" room. Scottie gets dressed without removing his mic, so we get a lot of noise.  Haleigh asks if he thinks "it" will work, can't hear his response. 

Haleigh says it looks like they are going to the beach.  Tyler getting dressed in the BBR.  Haleigh goes into the LR, says hi to Scottie, and he gives her a hug.  She asks what his speech is, he mouths the words, can't hear.  Scottie then goes into the BBR and asks Tyler if he has the votes if Sam goes up.  Tyler deflects, and said she told him she is ready to play the game.  Scottie whispers about his speech, and what he has had to say.  Brett comes in, asks if JC is up,no one knows for sure where he is.  Brett gets called to the DR again.  Sam said she hasn't even brushed her teeth, and they will be locked down.  Scottie gets called out to put on his mic.

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11:44 am BBT  Feeds are back.  All feeds on Scottie stirring a protein shake.  Tyler gives him a hug, Scottie said he tried.  Angela in the KT looking for something.  Kaycee and Haleigh come in.  Scottie asks Kaycee if he told her last night he was putting her up, she said no.  Looks like Brett came down and Kaycee went up.

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11:45AM BBT In KT, Scottie practicing his "Get Out" hypnosis skills totally wrong. He's not controlling anyone like this.


11:46AM BBT KC confirms she's on the block (apparently Sam almost got put up). She wanders into the WA and whispers to Hay, "Pass that on to Fess"


11:48AM BBT In Backyard, Sam says "I guess...I really can't do anything like I said. I thought I was going to start to play, but I can't because so much has happened that I don't understand...or know about before this, so now...I can't...I can't make any like...(throws hands up and trails off) 


Sam continues, " And every time I think I've got something figured out, it's not like that."


Tyler encourages, "Sounds like you are playing Big Brother" and tries to make her feel better.

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11:46 am BBT  Angela goes outside, Haleigh in WA, has on her bikini top.   Feed goes outside.  Sam said she is confused.  She thought she was playing Big Brother, but she is so confused by what went on, she guesses she isn't.  Tyler said she is playing BB, as that is how everyone feels.  Sam tried to make a big move (get Haleigh nominated) but it didn't work.  Tyler said she made it to top 8 and isn't on the block, so no reason to be sad.

Feeds go back to KT.  Kaycee is looking out the door, says she wants to lay out, but she wants to cook and eat. 

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11:52 am BBT  Kaycee said she wants to stay away from carbs this week.  Tyler is fixing a protein shake (he is a have not).  Haleigh was looking for a pan.  She is going to fry eggs for herself and Scottie.  She asks how he likes his eggs, he said any way she fixes them.  She said she will go easy on he garlic salt.  He was surprised she uses garlic salt on her eggs, she was surprised he didn't.  He starts to tell a college roommate story, all 4 feeds switch to Brett and Angela in the BY.

Angela wanted to know if "she" will freak out now.  Brett says no.  He said she didn't get nominated.  They discuss the nomination ceremony.  She asked if he was scared.  He said no, until they said to look at the screen.  They said Scottie must not have an app, Brett said or it expired.  He said Bayleigh's expired last week, and she was the last to get it.  They were afraid JC was going to use one, but glad he didn't.

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11:50 am BBT.  Haleigh goes into the HOHR, Faysal is in there. She says Scottie just asked Kaycee if she knew she was going up and she told him no.  Kaycee told Haleigh to pass that along to Faysal that if Scottie asks him to say he didn’t tell her in advance.  Faysal asks if Haleigh is on his team.  She says quit asking me or I won’t be on your team.  He says is that how it works?  She says I thought for a minute u were gonna nominate Sam.  Haleigh says the way this game has been going Sam will probably win.  He says no the way this game is going it’s gonna go good for us.  U will win or JC will win, something good will happen so don’t worry.  

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11:57 am BBT.  Brett and Angela talking in the BY.  Angela wonders if Sam will freak out now?  He says no bcuz she is safe.   Brett says it was so hard saying Scottie I’ll give u a chance to tell me why I should save u?   They say they were told to look at the screen and they got worried someone had a power for a minute.  Brett says he hadn’t thought about that.  Angela says that Scottie either never had an app or it expired.  Brett says Bayleigh go the last one and hers is gone & expired.  Brett says they are all gone now.  Brett says he planned this bcuz he knew Faysal would put him an Tyler up.  So, he wanted to go up with Scottie.  Brett said he encouraged Scottie to throw Haleigh under the bus, his only vote, yeah go ahead and do that Scottie (says that sarcastically).  

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12:02 pm BBT.  In the BY are Tyler, Brett and Angela.  They discuss how Sam was trying to get them to go tell Faysal to put Haleigh up.  Tyler says he called it, that Sam would say she’s not playing any more.  Tyler says we are sitting pretty good.  They think it may be a unanimous vote against Scottie.  Tyler says Scottie won’t go quietly, he’ll try to throw some random stuff out there.  Tyler says he may keep Scottie thinking he has his vote.  Brett says oh yeah me too.  Brett says he thought a power app had been used.  Tyler says he would’ve used it by now.  Brett says they are gone.  It expired if he had one.  

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12:05 pm BBT.  In the BY, they are saying this is Scottie’s 3rd time on the block, but his 1st time sitting there on eviction night.  In the KT people are eating.  Brett says he is scared if there is a battle back.  Angela says she doesn’t think so.  Tyler says he thinks there has to be one.  Angela says she still has to do her taxes.  

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