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Ivette's Web Post


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I don't know the link or anything, but I got this from another site. This is her actual post:

To: Ivette_Corredero@yahoogroups.com

From: "maggie" <blanchdebauch@yahoo.com> Add to Address Book Add Mobile Alert

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Date: Sat, 01 Oct 2005 04:04:04 -0000

Subject: [ivette_Corredero] it's me ivette...

hi everyone...

let me begin by thanking you all for your wonderful support and

dedication to the show. i'm so thrilled that i was able to entertain

you guys for the summer. thank you as well for sharing your thoughts

with my tushy-butt and making her summer easier. so now about me...we

just got back on monday and i have so much catching up to do. the

bills started pouring in, friends have been calling, family has wanted

to see me and the tush has needed some long over due lovin. i've been

meaning to write and get to know you guys but i've just needed some

time away from anything having to do with big brother. this isn't

going to be a long post but i just wanted to touch base. i want to

clear up any mis-understandings or mis-conceptions that people have

been having about me. I WAS NOT THE ONLY PERSON who made negative

comments about others in the house. kaysar, micheal, and janelle made

their fair share of "racist"/offensive comments towards me. "that

latin chick/girl", "ghetto cuban", "carpet muncher", "rug chomper",


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Hey, Ivette baby! I notice that you mention something about 'the bills pouring it.' Well, it's hard to feel pity when you make a $500,000 mistake by not taking Janelle with you. But hey, at least our friend Ivette still has her integrity, right???

I hope she was still feeling good about that after she had a chance to really watch the show and observe how Maggie manipulated everyone of them, including her friends! I wonder if she enjoyed getting it up the ass with Maggie's strap on... :rolleyes:

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"I was not the only one who called people names"...

Excuses, Excuses. I thought it would be the one who claimed "integrity" throughout the entire show and afterward would be the one with the guts to stand up and be honorable about all the "crap" she pulled in that house. Why justify? Yes, everyone has their bed to lie in, but that in no way would give Ivette one excuse for her deplorable behavior. I am not of the Latino community, but I was excited that they had a shot to be represented very well. That community was let down and she "shamed" her people. Living in Florida brings me great opportunity to intermingle with the "latino" community and in no way are the classy, hard working, families anything like that piece of work on that show. In my opionion there is never any time for self-righteousness, pride, and arrogance. Everyone in that house had all three of those. Some more than others. Where does Ivette get off writing this long letter excusing behavior that I would not tolerate from my 7 and 9 year old children. Ivette is still acting like she acted in the house. Poor, poor, pitiful me. Look Ivette its like this. For 11years I have sat in hospitals with my children. All 3 have terrible chronic diseases. They have had tumors removed, bones reformed in the brain, ears worked on, and many other things. I also buried my first son when he was 14months old when he died in surgery. We have lost houses, cars, and many more. Never, ever, would I take my circumstances and see it as a reason to treat people the way that you did in that house. You were the lesser person. You should be ashamed of yourself and find a way to see your loses as your gains. That is how you become a winner, that is how you overcome.

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she wouldn't have had to pick janelle. janelle suggested to her to throw the hoh competition, and she would then take her with her. that way the friendship wouldn't be upset with ivette, for picking janelle to go to the final 2.

There's my answer Wizard, just didn't want to repeat myself.

Hey, Ivette was no better or worse than many in the house. She was just rather naive about how she was coming off, and she definitely let herself get taken advantage of. But like I said, she still has her 'integrity.'

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Whose to say Janelle wouldn't have said hey guys, she threw the competition so you guys wouldn't be mad?

How do you know Janelle wouldn't have done that, to insure her a win? Then ivette would have not only came in second, but also would have been a liar and to top it off, let Janelle win. Which is what sov fans really want. For the sov to have won something, and they didn't win squat. Tuffy Titty said the kitty, and someday the people who love those sovs will hopefully be fine.

Calling Ivette names like Evilette and Mouthette doesn't do anything but show peoples immturity and stupidity. Ivette won $50,000, more than what I have right now. Her and Maggie were the winners and that's all that their is to it. It's a shame some self righteous people are so incredibly upset about this stupid game this much. They won fair and square.

If Janelle told them she threw the game that would have shown that Ivette actually made a move to play the game. That would have endured her James' vote.

Maggie is forever preaching that Janelle doe snothign to lie- so to believe her over Ivette would make her more of a hypocrite then she already is.

So she'd have gotton Maggie's vote.

Jennifer would have voted Ivette over Janelle without a doubt.

Beau would have voted for her.

There; she would have won. I'm sure April would have voted for her as well. The only votes Janell ewould have had in that case was Howie & Rach

BTW Ivette did NOT win, Maggie won. Maggie was the ONLY winner.

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Whose to say Janelle wouldn't have said hey guys, she threw the competition so you guys wouldn't be mad?

How do you know Janelle wouldn't have done that, to insure her a win? Then ivette would have not only came in second, but also would have been a liar and to top it off, let Janelle win. Which is what sov fans really want. For the sov to have won something, and they didn't win squat. Tuffy Titty said the kitty, and someday the people who love those sovs will hopefully be fine.

Calling Ivette names like Evilette and Mouthette doesn't do anything but show peoples immturity and stupidity. Ivette won $50,000, more than what I have right now. Her and Maggie were the winners and that's all that their is to it. It's a shame some self righteous people are so incredibly upset about this stupid game this much. They won fair and square.

*Looks around confused* Why Wizard, I don't remember calling Ivette anything in this thread (other than naive - which she was.) All I was doing is pointing out why she posted that 'Maggie broke her heart.' That doesn't really have anything to do with the Sov 6, right??

Oh, I forgot. If one ill word is spoken about 'the friendship' then you are automatically a big Sov fan. Do I have it right now???

Boy try to be nice and this is what I get...

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Here's is a serious question. Don't not answer it either. Do you seriously think theirs any chance in hell Ivette would have won by backstabbing her team and taking Janelle to the final two? Yes or no? I'm even going to make a poll about it. Since people keeping saying this nonsense about it being a mistake and implying Ivette would have some how won.

It was a miatake. She woulda had jenn's vote. Maggie may have come around when she reaized the reason ivette did it and voted for her. Is she just woulda told maggie ahead of time or simply lost the hoh competition. Janelle liked maggie better but wouldn't have taken her. Hell james woulda took janelle and april. April whom he can't stand. She obviously woulda had beau's vote. April is 50/50. she kinda didn't like ivette in the 1st place so doing that woulda gave her cause. Or jenn coulda maybe convinced her to vote for ivette and not her BB nemisis. James is 50/50 too. He woulda voted for janelle strategically or ivette personally. We know where howie and rachel stand.

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Here's is a serious question. Don't not answer it either. Do you seriously think theirs any chance in hell Ivette would have won by backstabbing her team and taking Janelle to the final two? Yes or no? I'm even going to make a poll about it. Since people keeping saying this nonsense about it being a mistake and implying Ivette would have some how won.

Didn't Jen feel that Maggie was lying and still gave her the vote. Didn't april have issues with Maggie and still gave her the vote. I think Ivette would have got all her teammates votes in the end.

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Whose to say Janelle wouldn't have said hey guys, she threw the competition so you guys wouldn't be mad?

So what if she did!! They prided themselves on saying Janelle was a "liar". Why in the hell would they choose that time to believe what she said?????

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