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Thursday September 29, 2016 Big Brother OTT Live Feed Updates


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This forum thread is for posting live feed updates & screen caps that reflect what's going on in the BB house.  Comments and BBOTT discussions are in the Big Brother OTT Discussion section.

If you are adding personal comments, please keep them to a minimum and use brackets [personal comment] around the text.

Remember your time zones. Big Brother OTT Time is West Coast Daylight Saving Time (See Map Here).


Please be careful in identifying who is speaking, and do not use confusing abbreviations.


To better help you identify the HGs, we made this guide you can print out and refer to until you get to know who's who. Download PDF.

Try to be consistent with abbreviations, like:
Washroom Area (WA)
Water Closet (WC)
Kitchen Area (KA)
Kitchen (KT)
Dining Table (DT)
Living Room (LR)
Back Yard (BY)
Bedroom (BR)

Tokyo Bedroom (TBR)

British Bedroom (UKBR)
Workout Room (WOR)
Indoor Lock Down (ILD)
Outdoor Lock Down (OLD)
Head of House Room (HOHR)
Storage Room (SR)


You are all encouraged to add info in your posts letting others know that you can only stay an hour, or, "I'm done, can someone else take over!" or whatever, so that lurkers, or "floaters" will be encouraged to fill the gaps.  


There's something new this season, at the top of this page is a "Chatbox," a window that lets you communicate and coordinate your updating times and schedules. Although you can make comments in the chatbox, it's preferable that if you want to carry on a conversation, you do it in the chat room


Just to clarify, to post an update, you type it in the box below, that says, "Reply to this topic" you use the chatbox to communicate with other updaters, if you want to.


It only takes a few good posts to earn your "Live Feed Updater" badge and LFU status. 

Also, all registered members of the forums have access to our chat rooms, at  http://www.tvfanforums.net/index.php?/chat.html/ Stop in talk to SMVanBoyz, Fuskie, and I'm in there from time-to-time too. It's fun to be able to watch the feeds and dish about the HGs at the same time.  


Thank you!

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The HG's luggage has arrived.

Alex has already slipped and called her sister "Mo" Shelby caught it and said, "Aww you guys already have cute nicknames." 


Shortly after Jason calls Justin "girlfriend" and Justin didn't take it as the compliment Jason intended. "Don't call me girl. I don't like that!"
Jason goes outside and Justin gripes, "That motherfucker called me a girl! I got nothing but dick and balls. I don't like that."


Here are your tips of the day: 1.) Don't call Justin "girl" 2.) It's easy to take screen captures when you watch the live feed on Liquid8's BBViewer.  The BBViewer is free (send him some beer money if you find it useful), and you can download it here:  http://m1h.us/bbviewer

Sometimes Windows and virus software warn you about the viewer as it's "Unkown," but I've been using Liquid8's software for years without problems or adware in them.



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The HGs get to know each other as Jason tells them what it like to be on BB and be an internet celebrity.  He does offer some good advice, he tells them the mics pick up their chewing sounds, so when eating they may want to move their mic to the side.


Later, Jason is looking at the memory wall and says, "Are Morgan and Alex the same person? 'Cause they look like it in these photos ."

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Shane is cooking [Shirtless :) -Moonpetal] 

Shelby is trying get an avocado out of the skin. 

Monte is eating eggs Shane made. 

Cornbread is having coffee. 

Scott is sitting at the  peninsula not saying much. 


Storage room

Kryssie Whitney, Alex and Morgan are changing batteries and looking for food. 


Neeley is in the bathroom getting ready. 


9:56 am 


Shane, Monte, Shelby, Scott, Alex, Morgan, Danielle, Cornbread & Whitney eating and talking about what the upcoming competition could be. 


Kryssie is walking around the house between the bathroom and bedroom. Then back to storage room where Justin is changing his batteries. 




*I'll be away for about an hour or so. I will have feeds on and listening, if I hear a competition starting I'll jump in with updates  *



BB announces "houseguest must be awake between 10am and 10 pm "

[the new BB voice is so quiet. -Moonpetal]



storage room

Jason, cornbread, Danielle and Shelby are changing batteries. 





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a blue bottle appears. They all  start talking about what to do with it. Jason tells then someone must drink it. Finally Shane gets up and chugs it then he is called to the DR room. 


[house theme Seems to be  wonderland -moonpetal] 


* right in the middle of my workout and fortunately cannot cover this I will be back on in 20 to 30 minutes *




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1:23 PM BBT Shane comes out of the DR with a card. The first Head of Household competition is called BB Bug, and it has begun. I drank the potion and have been infected with the BB Bug which means I cannot be HOH this week. The next time the alarm sounds, I must immediately give the BB Bug to another houseguest infecting them, thus making them ineligible to become the HOH this week. Every time the alarm sounds the person wearing the BB Bug must pass it to an uninfected HG thus preventing that person from becoming HOH this week. Alarms will go off periodically until 12 of us have been given the bug leaving one uninfected person. When only one uninfected HG remains, that person becomes the first HOH. If you become the HOH you are safe for the week, but must nominate two HG for eviction.


He says there are additional rules if you want to hear them. If a HG gives you the BB Bug you may not refuse it. Once infected, you must wear the bug until the alarm sounds and you chose whom to infect next. At some point after you've been infected, you'll be called to the DR to put on a BB T-shirt which you should wear until the HOH competition is over. If anyone has questions about this competition you can go to the DR to get clarification. Luckily for everyone, the BB Bug only lasts for 24 hours so at 1 pm tomorrow the first HOH will be crowned.

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2:45 PM BBT Shane infects Danielle.

3:32 PM BBT Alarm goes off and Danielle infects Justin.


(I don't know when anyone else was infected, but that is the first three. I am going through to find times for the others and will edit this post when I have the info.)

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Here's what happened on the Season Premiere of Big Brother Over The Top. Thirteen HG's began the battle for a quarter of a million dollars. There was the virgin, the Texas cheerleader, the roofer, the high-end sales clerk, the Law School grad, the country boy, the rocker, the southern bell, the creole cook, the gamer, the Mississippi stud muffin, & the Pre-School Teacher. But, two of them harbor a secret.


Morgan says it's so awkward when you sister comes up to you & says she's Alex & you say I'm Morgan. She is so scared that if they are standing next to each other that someone will think they kind of look the similar, & they are both from Texas. Alex says she doesn't want to tell people they are related, because it's puts an instant target on their back. She wants to go into this game with her own personality, playing her own game & she doesn't want to be known as the sisters. She wants to be known as Alex & Morgan.


The 12 newbees had no idea America had been voting to bring back a Vet. And Jason from BB17 became the final HG. Scott says he was so excited to see Jason walk through those doors. He says he might be one of the only people that's a bigger superfan than he is. He says he feels that he definitely has something to prove this time & he doesn't think he really wants to work with him that tightly. 


As the champagne flowed the HG's got to know a little more about each other. Neeley says it's so fun & exciting & she's enjoying the moment. She says she wants to get to know people before she has to tear their eyes out.


Julie popped in to officially welcome everyone to the first ever season of BBOTT. She then dropped some game changing news...Julie tells everyone on BBOTT there is no jury, when you're out of the game, you're out of the game for good. That's because on Finale night America will be choosing the winner of BBOTT. 


As the night went on, the New Orleans Chef started heating things up with Danielle. Danielle says she likes Justin's New Orleans accent & she didn't listen to much that he was saying because his accent is soo cute & his eyes are soo pretty. Justin says he's big into Danielle & he just likes her. He says she is so beautiful & captivating.


Meanwhile, Jason started to get suspicious of the secret siblings. Jason says one of the girls has a red hat on in her picture & the other one had on cowboy boots. He says she is having Liz & Julia flashbacks. And he quickly spread the news.


Late in the night, Monte, Shane, Scott & Cornbread form the first alliance of OTT. Monte says there are 7 girls & 6 guys in the house & the guys need to stick together & it's nothing they can't handle. Shane says he hasn't been in the house for 24 hours yet & he already has an alliance. He says they are physical, mental & it's going to be amazing. And they set their sites on their first potential target (Danielle & Justin).


Meanwhile, Whitney & Alex had a target of their own (Jason). Whitney says everyone in the house right now is really happy to be there, & excited just to be around new people, as she is. But, she knows that may only last until tomorrow, or maybe not, she doesn't know. She says it's not going to stick.


As a new day began the power would soon be up for grabs. Cornbread said Julie told them about the HOH being today. He says things are heating up & it's really getting real. And a mysterious clue began the first HOH Competition. The card said, "Only one may drink expect the unexpected."


What does it all mean & who will become the first HOH? Keep watching Live right now, & check out the next BBOTT replay tomorrow night at 10 PM EST/7 PST to find out.


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workout room

Shane, Monte and Alex are talking and Alex says the trust them. They tell her they have her back. 

Monte is trying to be the first HOH and it seems like Alex and Shane agree. Alex saying they would protect him. 

Monte wants to target Jason. He says Jason is nice but he's played before and is a threat. 

They name Kryisse, Jason and Neeley as the top three to get out. 


Whitney comes in and Monte starts talking game. Hard to make out what he says but she's down for it. 

She agrees one of the three named needs to go. 


[i have the volume up but it's really hard to hear what they are saying as Alex and Shane was talking too]



Monte says they (him & Shane) have Scot taken care of. 

More talk about who to pull in. 

Monte says him and Shane on alpha males.  [hard to tell if he's joking] Alex tells him not to say that out there. 


Cornbread & Shelby come in and talk turns to random conversation and chapstick. 



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