morty Posted July 24, 2016 Share Posted July 24, 2016 This forum thread is for posting live feed updates & screen caps that reflect what's going on in the BB house. Comments and BB18 discussions are in the Big Brother 18 Discussion section. If you are adding personal comments, please keep them to a minimum and use brackets [personal comment] around the text. Remember your time zones. Big Brother 18 Time is West Coast Daylight Saving Time (See Map Here). Please be careful in identifying who is speaking, and do not use confusing abbreviations. We may have several HGs with names which start with the same letter. I've been tripped up not knowing if "B" is Bronte or Bridgette. To better help you identify the HGs, we made this guide you can print out and refer to until you get to know who's who. Download PDF And here's DRG's guide by team Cast Cards PDF. Try to be consistent with abbreviations, like: British Bedroom (UKBR) Tokyo Bedroom (TBR) Washroom Area (WA) Water Closet (WC) Kitchen (KT) Dining Table (DT) Living Room (LR) Back Yard (BY) Bedroom (BR) Indoor Lock Down (ILD) Outdoor Lock Down (OLD) Head of House Room (HOHR) Storage Room (SR) When referring to Da'Vonne, you can use "Da," "Dav," and, of course, "Da'Vonne," but for some reason "Da' " with the apostrophe, jams my proofreader program. You are all encouraged to add info in your posts letting others know that you can only stay an hour, or, "I'm done, can someone else take over!" or whatever, so that lurkers, or "floaters" will be encouraged to fill the gaps. It only takes a few good posts to earn your "Live Feed Updater" badge and LFU status. Also, all registered members of the forums have access to our chat rooms, at Stop in talk to SMVanBoyz, Fuskie, and I'm in there from time-to-time too. It's fun to be able to watch the feeds and dish about the HGs at the same time. Thank you! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
wakela Posted July 29, 2016 Share Posted July 29, 2016 9:00AM BBT House is still quiet. Paul & Michelle asleep in HoHR. Nat, Nic, Corey , Paulie & Zak asleep in Have Not Room. 9:04AM BBT Feeds are down. Looks like the HGs are being woken up. 9:00AM BBT Feeds are finally back. Lights are still off in HoHR. Lights are on in TBR. Everyone still asleep. Paul, Nic & Nat are told that there are fresh batteries in the storage room. They get up to get some. 9:21AM BBT Paulie & Zak in WA doing ADLs. Nat called to DR. 9:25AM BBT Nic is called to DR. 9:26AM BBT BB announced that the bedroom lights must remain on during the day. Paul turned on the HoHR lights & went down to get his batteries. 9:35AM BBT All HGs back in bed sleeping. 10:00AM BBT Nat woke up & headed to the KT to put on her mic. Then headed to WA for ADLs. 10:10AM BBT Nat in the upstairs loft area, stretching and exercising while the others sleep. 10:14AM BBT Feeds went back down to FotH. 10:37AM BBT Feeds are back up. Cameras are focusing on HoHR & WA. You can hear someone in the shower. #BB18 10:40AM BBT Mystery solved. Nat walked out of the shower. Grabbed something from the counter & went back in. 10:43AM BBT Zak & Nat in WA doing ADLs. Nat tells Zak that she didn't sleep good last night. She ate too much food before midnight since she was going slop. So she had a tummy ache last night. 10:47AM BBT Vic & Corey in KT. Nat, Nic, Zak, & Michelle in WA doing ADLs. Corey left KT to go do ADLs in WA too. Vic making breakfast. 10:50AM BBT Paulie talking to James in Have Not room. Paulie says that he told Paul that he will be pawn if he puts up Bridgette. James said that Nic also said she would go up too. 10:55AM BBT Paulie told James that Vic told Paul he would be pissed if he was put up as a pawn. So Paul decided not to put Vic up. Paul was called to DR. 10:57AM BBT Paulie told James that everything should go smoothly this week and they will be all set for the double eviction either next week or the week after. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kekila Posted July 29, 2016 Share Posted July 29, 2016 11:13AM BBT Michelle and Z in the WA talking about who will get America's vote. BB has told them about all of them it sounds like. 11:15AM BBT Z and Michelle talk. They said each of them will get one because of the evictions and there are 5 of them. Corey and Nicole are talking. Corey is concerned about going home. Nicole telling him he isn't going. 11:21AM BBT Paulie, Michelle, and James talking about what possibly the care package will be. Michelle is sure it will go to Bridgette because America knows she is going on the block. Da says that a HN pass would be the least one that anyone can get. 11:34AM BBT Bridgette washing dishes in the KT. James and Michelle general talking about girls. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kekila Posted July 29, 2016 Share Posted July 29, 2016 11:43PM BBT In the KT Bridgette is still prepping food. Paulie sitting there. They are joking about the care package containing food. We then get FOTH. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kekila Posted July 29, 2016 Share Posted July 29, 2016 11:53AM BBT Natalie got the first care package. She will not have to be a HN for the rest of the summer. She also got socks and then we get FOTH again. 11:55AM BBT Natalie says that she got the care package because America loved her speech when she was on the block. She got socks because James keeps stealing hers and she got stickers from the store Claire's. She says her friend helped packaged the care package because she knows she loves Claire's. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kekila Posted July 29, 2016 Share Posted July 29, 2016 11:59AM BBT The care package was parachuted into the BY. Natalie says she is so surprised. It had dental floss, socks, stickers and her pass in it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
wakela Posted July 29, 2016 Share Posted July 29, 2016 12:00PM BBT Nat in WA complaining that she wasn't wearing a bra when she opened the care package. In TBR, Nic said that when Paul was trying to determine who to put up as a pawn, Nat said that she shouldn't be put up because she is a have not. 12:04PM BBT James has a theory that the reason Nat got the Care Package is because if Nat was a Have Not, then James & Nat couldn't cuddle. Nat told Zak that James is more excited about getting the package than she was. 12:06PM BBT Paulie came into the TBR & told Nic & Corey that Vic was in the KT making eggs plus garlic rice. 12:07PM BBT Paulie said that if he had gotten that package, he would have said "return to sender". 12:16PM BBT In TBR, Michelle asked Paulie, Vic and Nic if they liked Season 15 besides the situation. Vic asked what situation. The others told him "the racism". Paulie told them that after he is done with his DRs for the day, he plans to shave his beard off. He then says that he plans on putting Nat each week for a pawn since she can't be a have not. 12:18M BBT James & Bridgette are in the KT eating. Nat walks into the TBR & asks if everyone in there was mad at her for getting the package. Paulie starts teasing her saying that he is Paul is licking his lips because Nat is now fair game for being put on the block. Nat told him to stop being mean. 12:19PM BBT Vic walks up to HoHR to talk to Paul. He tells him that he walked into a convo between Paulie, Nic, Corey & Michelle. He said that they are all pissed at Nat because she never does anything. Paul said that he knew that they were all pissed. Vic told him that Michelle was thinking about coming up there to tell Paul to put her up. Paul says he would do it if they came up and asked. 12:20PM BBT Vic points out that Nat is now a Never Have Not, the only time she was on the block she was taken down & she doesn't win comps. Paul said that he'll talk to Paulie, but if she is already on their radar then he can let them take care of her. 12:22PM BBT In TBR, Michelle asks Corey when he knew he didn't like Nat. He said literally within the first 30 seconds of talking to her that 1st day. He said the first thing she said to him was "OMG you are so hot". 12:22PM BBT In HoHR, Paul sends Vic downstairs to get Paulie. Vic asks if he can be up there in the room during the convo. Paul says he doesn't care. 12:24PM BBT Cameras switch views. You can see Vic standing in loft area staring down at KT. In KT, Paulie, Nat & James are eating. Nat is asking them what else do they think will be in the boxes & what has BB given as prizes in the past. James mentions $5k (which is actually one of the box prizes, but to be used as a bribe). 12:25PM BBT In TBR, Zak said (in reference to Nat) Floaters grab a life vest. 12:26PM BBT Vic was finally able to get Paulie's attention and motioned for him to come upstairs. Zak had noticed that Vic was standing upstairs watching everyone. Talk in TBR has now turned to Vic and wanting him to be on the block. 12:28PM BBT Vic turns on the HoH TV. Paul notices that Da is downstairs spying on the others. 12:29PM BBT Paulie comes up to HoHR. Paul tells him that his thoughts are that everyone hates Nat. 12:32PM BBT Vic is worried about Paulie being on the block. Paul & Paulie tell Vic that strategically to put Paulie up. They plan on telling James to get better control of his girl because she is becoming too sassy. 12:34PM BBT James & Nat go in Safari Room. James tells Nat that he overheard the others in the TBR saying that Nat needs to go up on the block as a pawn since that is what she is there for. 12:35PM BBT In HoHR, Paulie says that if Bridgette some how gets down, they will put Da up in her place. 1:03PM BBT Vic was telling Paulie & Paul about the goodbye videos. He said that in Nat's goodbye to him, she said that Vic disrespects women. 1:06PM BBT In UKBR,James is explaining to Da what happened about Nat not getting put up. He said that before Paul even spoke to Nat, James talked to Paul and told him that Nat would be willing to go up but she isn't good at comps. So she might lose PoV to Bridgette. Paul said don't worry about it. Da said that she is most pissed that everyone is afraid to put Vic up again. James agreed with her. 1:08PM BBT Vic says to Paulie that she ran his name through the dirt on national TV. There is no way to recover from that. Paulie pointed out that in their contract, they have no say over what anyone says on the show about them. 1:09PM BBT Da told Nat that she should feel intimidated because of the others. She thinks that the only reason Nat isn't doing good at the comps is because she gets too much in her head. 1:11PM BBT Paulie goes down to Safari Room where Bridgette is. He tells her that it looks like it will be the 2 of them up on the block. 1:11PM BBT Paulie tells her that the plan is that 1 of them will get taken off of the block and another person will go up in their place. He tells her if she gets to name someone for PoV comp, to name Vic or Corey. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kekila Posted July 29, 2016 Share Posted July 29, 2016 3:15PM BBT James and Natalie sleeping. James is snoring. Bridgette is doing her nails in the KT. Sitting alone. 3:24PM BBT Natalie and Paulie talking in the KT. Bridgette called to DR. Natalie hugs Paulie. She asks if he is ok. Paulie says he is fine going up. 3:28PM BBT An exciting afternoon in the BB house. Natalie at the KT table mangling an orange. She is taking everything thing off of it, the peel, the lining etc. Not much left. Paulie playing chess by himself. 3:45PM BBT Natalie throws her grapefruit away (it looked like an orange at first) She says the ants are out of control. They are all over where the trash can is. She simply shuts the door. BB has restocked the SR. Bridgette and Natalie go in to check it all out. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kekila Posted July 29, 2016 Share Posted July 29, 2016 4:04PM BBT Z and Bridgette talking about the care package and how many days they have been in the house. Just general chatting. 4:08PM BBT Z asking Bridgette how she stays so positive. Bridgette explains that out of the HG spots - she was picked. She says she feels special that BB picked her and Z should too. Z says she has lost her confidence and wants to get it back. Bridgette told her she should feel good that she got picked. She says high or low, she is excited to be there. 4:24PM BBT Natalie has joined the convo with Z and Bridgette. Talk turns to how they are all huggers. Z and Natalie can't believe that they found people in the house (showmance) General convo in the KT. Just about life. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kekila Posted July 29, 2016 Share Posted July 29, 2016 4:55PM BBT Jeff Reels - time for the nomination ceremony. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fuskie Posted July 30, 2016 Share Posted July 30, 2016 6:10pm BBT Feeds are back and Bridgette and Paulie are nom. Bridgette is up in HoH where Paul is saying he's been perfectly honest with her - she isn't his target, he doesn't play emotionally. Nicole asks Paulie who he would pick to play Veto. She offers to play. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fuskie Posted July 30, 2016 Share Posted July 30, 2016 6:15pm BBT Paul assures Bridgette she has the numbers but says he cannot speak on anyone else's behalf. FotH. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fuskie Posted July 30, 2016 Share Posted July 30, 2016 6:20pm Paul says this is all he's telling her and he won't talk to her again. General chit chat in the HNBR room. Paul says if you trust me, things will be OK. If you get paranoid, things could turn bad. There's a method to my madness and you have my word. James is tossing a ping pong ball against one of the dressers in the HNBR. Paul won't tell Bridgette who his real target is. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fuskie Posted July 30, 2016 Share Posted July 30, 2016 6:25pm BBT Paul tells Bridgette to talk to Da or Paulie if she gets scared. She asks who she should pick if she gets HG Choice for Veto. They agree she should pick Natalie and either Paul or Paulie would pick Corey. Paul says he never listens to what people say other people said, he only goes to the source. Paul talks confidentially as if to say to Bridgette that nothing in the house gets past him. 6:30pm After FotH,Victor is holding his breast and dancing around, swiveling his hips, speaking in Spanish as if he's a male dancer. The other HG joke that BB has a translator checking to see if he's quoting dialog from movies or TV shows. They joke that he has no accent when speaking English but does when speaking Spanish. Paul assures Bridgette he is making smart moves as opposed to wreaking havoc for a week. He wants to think he's controlling himself. Bridgette says he did great. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fuskie Posted July 30, 2016 Share Posted July 30, 2016 6:35pm BBT Bridgette says Paulie warned her she was going up so she's OK. He says his target is not her problem, the more she stays out of it, the better off she is. They hug and she leaves. He does a quick jig in HoH. Corey and Nicole are in the KT. Paul comes down and says he's going to try to cook something. Nicole is stuffing her face while Corey watches. It's James, Victor, Michelle and Paulie in the HNBR. Da also in the KT. 6:38pm BBT Paul pops into the HNBR and joins in the banal discussion about girls and boning. Zak also in the HNBR. Looks like everyone but Nicole, Corey and Da in the HNBR just chatting. Da doing the dishes. Nicole puts some foil over the bowl she was eating out of. Corey just watching. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Goldylucks Posted July 30, 2016 Share Posted July 30, 2016 6:40 PM BBT James, Michelle, Paulie, Victor, Nicole, Corey, and Paul are all in the HN room. Michelle is talking to them about being at Universal Studios. She once rode the Simpsons ride with rapper Future. Victor and Nicole are sharing a bumper car and he is rubbing his fingers through her pony tail. 6:45 PM BBT Bridgette and Da'Vonne are in the KT. Bridgette asks where everyone is. Da'Vonne tells her that everyone is in the HN room. They are both kind of surprised by that. "When does that ever happen?" 6:50 PM BBT Zakiyah tells the gang in the HN room that she loves the HN room. It's her favorite room in the house. They discuss that one of the lights in the room doesn't work through the light switch. Victor turns the lights out and indeed one light remains on. 6:54 PM BBT Da'Vonne and Bridgette are alone in the KT. Da'Vonne is finishing up the dishes and Bridgette is making cookies. She tells Da'Vonne that she wishes that that they had marshmallows in the house. James walks in and asks what she is up to. She says that talking to plants and making cookies is her new strategy. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cassondra0222 Posted July 30, 2016 Share Posted July 30, 2016 7:03 PM BBT In the HNBR, Paul is talking to Corey, Michelle, Zakiyah, Nicole, Victor & Paulie about lingo he uses in his daily life. BB tells someone that they are not allowed to talk about production. Zakiyah begins to twerk. We see FOTH briefly. Paul & Zakiyah leave the HNBR to go cook some food. Michelle says that she tells guys she has a boyfriend, & it works everytime. We see FOTH briefly again. Michelle talks like Paul & Victor have been talking. Michelle wonders if the girls outside the house really like Victor. Nicole says that Zach Rance used to say funny stuff, & he had a lot of people that like him. Michelle asks Nicole if Zach has ever had a girlfriend? She says she thinks so. She says that Zach is really fun & she really likes his sister Payton. Nicole says that girls in America seem to have liked Caleb. She says she's never met anyone like Zach or Paul. Paul walks in & wonders what she is saying. She tells him. Da'Vonne goes in the HNBR & asks if Paul wants the noodles also? He says yes. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cassondra0222 Posted July 30, 2016 Share Posted July 30, 2016 7:11 PM BBT Everyone in the HNBR say that they really like Zach. They talk about his intro video being a little bit cocky. Nicole says that is nothing like his personality. We see FOTH twice briefly. The HG's keep using the word fool before their sentences. Paul says he's not going to waste a beer on his steak when he can put it in his mouth. Michelle says she likes beer battered fries. She says she likes wine. Michelle asks Paul who he is picking for Veto if he gets to choose? Paul sasys, Victor, because he's a good competitor. Nicole asks what they want to do tonight? Paul jokingly says, bone. Michelle tells Paul that he should choose Nicole to host the Veto comp, because she's never hosted. Da'Vonne says that she's making BBQ chicken also, but they need to get the parmesean, because Victor is about to eat it all. Everyone leaves the HNBR, except Paul & Paulie. Paulie tells Paul that Bridgette told him that she only trusts them & Corey, because they are such straight forward guys. They fist bump each other. Paul is walking around with his HOH robe on. They keep talking disgusting in Spanish. Paulie says they are in the corner making d*ck jokes. They leave the HNBR. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cassondra0222 Posted July 30, 2016 Share Posted July 30, 2016 7:17 PM BBT Paul thanks Da'Vonne for cooking. He tells everyone if they want Sushi they can get it from his refrigerator. Paulie goes to the WA, knocks on the WC, & then walks in. Paulie comes out of the WC, washes & dries his hands, & goes to the KT. Michelle asks Paul if she really can have some of his Sushi? He says, yes. Michelle & Nicole get all 3 packages of Paul's sushi. They sit at the coffee table in the HOHR & start hounding it. Michelle spits out hers because it was frozen. Paul goes up to his HOHR & eats some of it. Nicole says they need to eat the sushi today because it says to eat it by today. Paul tells them to go crazy. Michelle says that she is asking for different sushi. Nicole tells Paul that he has to eat it tonight. Michelle says that all of Paul's potato chips are gone already. Michelle finds something crunchy to eat, & starts shoveling the chips into her mouth & chomping into her microphone. She offers the bag to Nicole. Nicole says that she is good. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cassondra0222 Posted July 30, 2016 Share Posted July 30, 2016 7:25 PM BBT Nicole tells Michelle that she thought she would miss Frank, but she really doesn't. Michelle says that she doesn't miss him. Nicole says that she wouldn't have been able to eat an avocado today if he was still there. They go to the upstairs phone booth. Michelle types in Paris & we hear the recorded message. They are trying to see if the Paris room is open. It opens & they go in the tunnel. BB tells Nicole to stop that. Nicole says that you can see the cameras in the tunnel. Michelle goes in the Paris room. We see FOTH on camera 4. Nicole wonders why they called her out like that. Michelle says if they say something they will leave. Michelle says she wonders how long it will be until people notice that they are gone. Michelle says it smells really good in there. Nicole says that you really can't get awy, so it's nice being in that room. Michelle likes the blankets in the room. Michelle wonders if anyone saw them by the phone booth. Michelle is sitting on the lounge chair Nicole is laying on the blanket that has yellow pillows on it. Nicole hears someone. She says it only took 5 minutes for people to wonder where they are. Nicole says someone told them to check Paris. James is dialing Paris on the phone. Nicole tells Michelle not let them in. The door doesn't open for James to go in. He leaves the upstairs phone booth. Paulie & Corey are by the phone booth now trying to get in. Paulie & Corey go to the Paris room now. Nicole tries to hold the door shut. We see FOTH. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cassondra0222 Posted July 30, 2016 Share Posted July 30, 2016 7:34 PM BBT Nicole says that Corey got a stop that because only one person can be in the tunnel at a time. Nicole says that was the second HOHR. Michelle says it was Pandora's box also. We see FOTH again. Nicole says that she didn't find anything. We see FOTH again. Corey & Paulie like hanging out in the Paris room. Michelle says there is a bad ass camera. Paulie says the Paris room is a super chill room. Michelle says it's a secret metting space. Paulie says they should meet there when everyone is sleeping. Corey says, here they come. James goes in the Paris room. He says, "What's up mother f'rs." Michelle says it's supposed to be secret. Michelle asks if anyone followed him? James says, Victor. James says he should hold the screen so no one gets in. BB tells James to stop that. Victor is opening & closing the upstairs phone booth. Paulie says Victor is everywhere, he's like Frankie. Victor leaves the phone booth area. He burps & excuses himself. He says he's trying to block the door so they can't get out. Da'Vonne says that would be funny. Victor says it would be funny, & he would get a stop that. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cassondra0222 Posted July 30, 2016 Share Posted July 30, 2016 7:41 PM BBT Paulie says Victor tries to talk game & call shots. He says that he wants Da'Vonne & short stuff (Natalie) out next. Paulie says he likes the way it feel to have a shaved head. Nicole tells him that his hair style looks really good now. Corey says it looks better with a little hair back on his hair. Michelle says Paulie should put some eyeliner on. Paulie says he doesn't want to draw on his eyeball with eyeliner. Nicole says she doesn't know what it feels like to wake up in the morning & be able to see. She says she is scared that someone is going to take her glasses away. Michelle tells Paulie & Corey they need to sleep in Paul's bed so Victor doesn't. Nicole says that Paul wants his bed to himself. Michelle asks Paulie if he's worried that Victor will put him up next week as revenge? Paulie says, no. Paulie tells Michelle that she should sleep in the HOHR with Paul, so that Victor doesn't sleep up there. Paulie says that he volunteered to go on the block, so when they ask Victor to do, he will tell him he did it so it's no big deal. Michelle says if she wins HOH she will probably put Natalie & Victor up. James says it's tight in the tunnel. Paulie says, "So, this was a second HOHR?" Nicole says, yes, because they had two HOH's. Nicole says that it was nice because she was secluded, but could go out to the regular HOH at any time. Paulie asked where the rewind button was? Nicole says it was in the NNBR. Nicole describes how the second HOHR was set up. She says it brings back memories. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cassondra0222 Posted July 30, 2016 Share Posted July 30, 2016 7:49 PM BBT All the food in the Paris room is made of rubber or foam. James & Michelle tap glasses together pretending to have dated for 1 year. They pretend to drink wine from the glasses. Michelle says she didn't realize that the Big Brother HD logo has mirrors in the name. Michelle tells them that Paul said he will choose Victor if he gets to choose for POV. James says Bridgette will pick Natalie. Michelle says that's good for them. We see FOTH briefly. BB tells Victor to stop that. He is sitting in the KT. James says there is to much stuff helping the HG's now like the round trip ticket & the care packages. He says that last box will be something really good. Paulie says they may be able to evict someone on the spot. James says that's never been done before. Nicole says that's scary. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cassondra0222 Posted July 30, 2016 Share Posted July 30, 2016 7:54 PM BBT Paulie says that it would be cool to be able to axe a vote. We see FOTH. James says that it could be where you take two votes away secretly. Nicole says that nothing is secret, because you have to open them in front of everyone. Michelle says that things are a lot calmer since Tiffany is gone. Paulie says it will be more calm with the next one gone. Michelle says it will be technically 2 gone next week. Paulie says, it should be a double eviction. We see FOTH briefly. Michelle says it's one of 3 people that would go home next week. Michelle says she would like for them to win, they win Veto & Victor goes home. Paulie says they could wait until August 18 to make sure he doesn't come back. James says maybe they got alcohol. Nicole says that Natalie wouldn't be that excited because she doesn't drink. Michelle says that Natalie fakes it a lot, so she doesn't believe her anymore. James tells Michelle not to be another Victor, everyone is having fun. James says he doesn't prank people anymore because Victor tried to have him evicted. Paulie tells him he should keep pranking people. Paul goes to the Paris room. He says that Da'Vonne was asking who were all up there? Paul says that Victor listed it all in numerical order. Paul told them they could lock his HOHR door. Paulie says everyone who is in the Paris room. Michelle says that her & Nicole were trying to see how long they could be in there before people found them. She says, it was 5 minutes. Paul says he though they were messing around in his room, so he knew they were there. BB tells Victor & Natalie to stop that. James asks why everyone is looking at him. He says he can't leave them alone for 2 seconds before Victor is trying to bone his girl. Michelle wants to try Paul's drink. She says it's good. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cassondra0222 Posted July 30, 2016 Share Posted July 30, 2016 8:02 PM BBT Paulie says if they don't have Fast Passes for amusement parks you are screwed. James wonders if the theme parks will be open when they leave the house. Paul says Disney Land is open year round. Paulie says he just realized there is a bird on the bench. Corey pops his toes. Nicole asks Paul is he's naked under his robe? Paul says, yes. Paul asks James if he's going to the BB Canada wrap party? He says he doesn't know. Paul says that he wants to go. He says that he has family in Canada. Nicole asks Paul if she can shower? He tells her that he told her she can. He gives her the key to get in his room. She thanks him. He tells her to put the key on the table in the HOHR. She leaves the Paris room. James says Texas is the Lonestar state. Paul says he finds it funny that Victor is trying to bone. Corey says it's weird because he is so nice to Victor. Paul & James tell Corey they should call Victor out about disrespecting him & his girl. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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