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Monday June 27, 2016 Big Brother 18 Live Feed Updates


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This forum thread is for posting live feed updates & screen caps that reflect what's going on in the BB house.  Comments and BB18 discussions are in the Big Brother 18 Discussion section.

If you are adding personal comments, please keep them to a minimum and use brackets [personal comment] around the text.

Remember your time zones. Big Brother 18 Time is West Coast Daylight Saving Time (See Map Here).

Please be careful in identifying who is speaking, and do not use confusing abbreviations. We may have several HGs with names which start with the same letter. I've been tripped up not knowing if "B" is Bronte or Bridgette.


To better help you identify the HGs, we made this guide you can print out and refer to until you get to know who's who. Download PDF And here's DRG's guide by team Cast Cards PDF.

Try to be consistent with abbreviations, like:

British Bedroom (UKBR)

Washroom Area (WA)
Water Closet (WC)
Kitchen (KT)
Dining Table (DT)
Living Room (LR)
Back Yard (BY)
Bedroom (BR)
Indoor Lock Down (ILD)
Outdoor Lock Down (OLD)
Head of House Room (HOHR)
Storage Room (SR)


When referring to Da'Vonne, you can use "Da," "Dav," and, of course, "Da'Vonne," but for some reason "Da' " with the apostrophe, jams my proofreader program.

You are all encouraged to add info in your posts letting others know that you can only stay an hour, or, "I'm done, can someone else take over!" or whatever, so that lurkers, or "floaters" will be encouraged to fill the gaps.  


It only takes a few good posts to earn your "Live Feed Updater" badge and LFU status. 

Also, all registered members of the forums have access to our chat rooms, at  http://www.tvfanforums.net/index.php?/chat.html/ Stop in talk to SMVanBoyz, Fuskie, and I'm in there from time-to-time too. It's fun to be able to watch the feeds and dish about the HGs at the same time.  


I'm in dire need of late night updaters, newbies always welcome, just start posting, please!

Thank you!


P.S. It is more important to post the time as AM or PM than to include "BBT."

Thanks Again,


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12:00 AM BBT James, Tiffany, Nicole, Paulie, Cory, Michelle, and Zakiyah are in the KT talking about movies they like. Paulie says Tiffany has a lot of Johnny Depp type hats and they bring up some of his movies. . Paulie gets called to the DR. They talk about all the ceremonies being over and nothing until Thursday. James says it's going to be a long campaign week and it'll be shorter after this one. Cory says "Campaign?" NIcole explains about campaigning and the nominees try to talk people into not evicting them. Tiffany says to never give up. We get a brief FOTH. Tiffany explaining you make deals and convince people to keep you. Talk turns to previous seasons. Tiffany asks if they were told to watch season 16 and not 17? They were told to watch 12, 14, and 16. They talk about Derreck and never being nominated. Nicole says she doesn't know why they told her to watch 16. Tiffany said she likes 14 and Zakiyah said it was her favorite. They talk about 13, 10, 6, and 7. Tiffany says 1 was weird. Cory watched 10, 12, 16, and 17 but he didn't watch all of 17. James asked Cory how his game play was. Cory liked him, Johnny Mac, and Clay.


Paul, Bronte, Natalie, Bridgette, Victor are in the BY. Jozea comes out in his dog suit from the veto comp. Paul asks where everyone else is and Jozea says Zakiyah is at the table with the other and Da'Vonne he thinks is upstairs sleeping and Frank is sleeping. Paul says the first thing he did when he came out of the dog seat he peed on michelle because she was a fire hydrant. Paul says Michelle looks like Buzz Lightyear without his helmet. Jozea says you're right. Paul says he hopes there are meme's being made putting her picture next to Buzz Lightyear. Jozea wants Paulie out. He doesn't like him talking, he doesn't like him at meetings, he doesn't like his stare and he just needs to go. And if his brother has a problem with it, then he can go to, he shouldn't have been here in the first place. Jozea says they invited him (Paulie) into the alliance when they first came in and he turned it down. Too late to talk to people now to try and save himself. They are calling themselves the Revolution and Jozea says "THEY" will start asking them about it and we get FOTH. There is more speculation about who nominated Bridgette. Jozea said it's awfully funny when Nicole came down she asked Bronte and Bridgette what happened at the meeting and Nicole started talking about Bridgette and then she was nominated it was just so obvious. Jozea says they tried to get them to turn against Bridgette. Bridgette says she thinks the reason she was nominated was to get rid of Jozea. Natalie says there are a few people that can flip and Jozea says who? They won't flip. Paul says you need to confirm Da'Vonne and Zakiyah and Jozea says he just talked to Zakiyah she isn't going to flip. Bronte says if any of them flip and vote for Paulie, then they will be gone next week and to tell them that. Natalie says Zakiyah is solid and Natalie told her she isn't on the Bachelor, she is on Big Brother. Zakiyah told Jozea she knows Paulie is flirting with her to try and stay and she's not stupid. Paul says what if Da doesn't vote your way and Jozea says he thinks Bridgette will get one vote somewhere. Bronte says I don't think she will and Jozea says you don't think so? Victor thinks Jozea will have a couple and Paulie will have a bunch of votes. Natalie is curious to see how the votes come out, she wants to see the numbers and Paul and Victor say they'll tell us the numbers. Natalie says she heard they weren't doing that this year, and Paul says that was just a rumor. Jozea thinks James will vote with his team but Paul says he doesn't trust that guy at all. Victor said James would be smart to vote with them to save himself from future nominations.

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12:10 AM BBT Victor says if he doesn't vote their way, then the team can throw a comp. Bronte agrees and says we can throw a comp and put him up. Paul says Michelle is weird and Natalie says she may be weird but she's very intelligent. Victor says I don't know about that. Natalie says she's had conversations with her and she has common sense, she may look like a space cadet but she's not. Jozea says Michelle likes him and he makes her laugh and he thinks she'll vote Paulie out because she doesn't care what group she's in because she is an airhead. Jozea said she's just floating around. Paul says you don't need to talk to us anymore you need to talk to them. Natalie says if anyone in this group is flip flopping just go punch yourself in the face. Jozea says Frank is a church going man and he isn't going to lie. Inside crew just having general chit chat still. They talk about Clay and that he mumbled a lot and no one could understand him. Tiffany decides to go outside. Paul tells a story about getting lost in a gypsy van during Mardi Gras. Paul and Victor go in to make Pizza. Natalie joins Tiffany in the hammock. Jozea says Tiffany came out to listen and Paul says he hates that girl so much and if she died right now, he wouldn't care because he hates her. Jozea asked the DR if they can use the Revolution and they are supposed to confirm and once they confirm they will start asking the others in the alliance. "HG you are not allowed to talk about production".

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12:20 AM BBT Natalie and Tiffany talking about how gross the guys are. Natalie says Big Brother brings you down to caveman status because of a lack of electronic and communication devices. They talk about the roadkill competition and struggling to hold the buttons. Natalie says she wants to see the rocket because James head was in her butt and Tiffany says she doesn't want to see it because she was the first one off. Natalie says Tiffany has a strong team and Tiffany says she doesn't think there will be anymore team comps since Nicole can't play and Glenn is gone. Natalie is calling the roadkill competition roach coach. We switch to the LR and Cory is popping MIchelle's back and Michelle says Nicole it doesn't hurt. Cory promises not to hurt her. NIcole tells James to go first. Victor comes in to watch. Nicole says does it feel good right away and James says YES! Victor lays down for his turn. NIcole is nervous. Cory tells her to relax. We get a loud pop and Nicole freaks out and they all start laughing. Victor says that's years of built up tension. Nicole says she does feel better and thanks him. Bronte is waiting for Paulie to come ask for her vote and he hasn't yet. Paul wants to play Ninja and Zakiyah says she is tired and she is going to bed. Bronte doesn't want to play Ninja. Paul gets called to the DR. Bronte said she told Paul to quit being paranoid or he will drive the flip flops away. Victor says they dispersed when he went into the kitchen. Victor tells Jozea he should go upstairs and talk to Da. Bronte says when she goes back and watch the roadkill episode and finds out who won they better hope she doesn't have their address. They think its Paulie because he's walking around so confident. Bronte says she reminds Paulie how's he going to feel to go home to Cody when Cody finished second and Paulie will be second one out. If Bronte makes him mad and he wants to come for her, then come for her. Victor says we're majority strong and when he goes out they don't need six votes anymore, they'll only need five.


Up in the HOH Da and Zakiyah are talking and Zakiyah says Paul is constantly pressing asking whether Da is solid. Zakiyah filling Da in on their conversation and tells Bronte talking about Paulie and Michelle passing out. Bridgette says she'd resuscitate and then shave off her eyebrow. Jozea comes in to talk to Da and Zakiyah and says Nicole followed him up there. Michelle said she needs to take her birth control and Jozea asks why and Michelle says for skin and cramps. After Jozea leaves, Nicole said I thought you called us up for a meeting and Zakiyah said I did, I don't know why Jozea came up. Zakiyah tells Michelle about Paul's and Bridgette's comment about her. Zakiyah is passing all the information she got during the time she sat there with them.

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12:40 AM BBT Jozea comes back down because Nicole "ran" upstairs. Jozea doesn't think he should have had that conversation with her and that it was pointless. Bridgette says it's ok, then you're the bigger person. Victor says the votes will not flip and that's saying Frank and James won't vote on their side, and they won't do that. Jozea just doesn't know if he can be cool for her and Bridgette said just to ignore her. Victor says the conversation doesn't matter because they are the majority. Jozea said he was upstairs to talk to Da and Nicole literally ran upstairs. Bronte says we have 72 hours before the vote we're going to get to Da "sweetheart". Victor reminds Jozea that Nicole is not her number one threat and tells Bridgette that James in their number one threat because he's the mastermind because he's the only one with the military background. Victor says Nicole isn't that crafty. Victor can't go after James because they are on the same team, then Tiffany is Victor's number one target. Victor swears they have Franks vote and Bridgette asks how do you know and they said it's a "faith" thing. Victor said it's because Frank was always a target on his season and Frank it's grateful to be a part of the majority. Jozea still thinks Bridgette will get a vote and Victor says she will get a vote because someone won't want to decide between Jozea and Paulie. Victor says he thinks Bridgette was set up as a pawn. Victor says they only have three votes. Jozea wants to ask Nicole why she's chasing him. Jozea says Michelle is obsessed with the color of his skin and so she keeps trying to lay out and tan, but she is turning red. They go into the KT to check the pizza and snack. Bronte is called to the DR.


Zakiyah telling Nicole Bridgette says not to trust her and Nicole said when she came up after the meeting she made it sound like she was getting bullied and Nicole told her good for her that she left. Nicole says she would never vote to keep Jozea in the house. They are complaining about the guys in general and how hateful they are. Zakiyah forgets who Paul was saying he hated and tells Michelle he was talking about her. She tells them Tiffany was a rat because she came out to spy. Zakiyah says Bronte is smarter than she puts on and was eyeing her and mimicked her. [She did a fair imitation of Bronte's voice] Michelle says she's glad she's not part of that group. Da'Vonne said there's a difference between being catty and playing big brother. Nicole says she can't pretend to like them anymore. Zakiyah says she can't handle it anymore. Zakiyah says it was mainly Paul and Bronte making mean comments. Da'Vonne says all of this is going to make Thursday seem so much better. Zakiyah tells them the name of their alliance. (Apparently, they wanted Death Row but couldn't get that approved?) James said they need throw a comp so he can put his team on slop because Victor loves his food. They talk about how annoying Victor is and that he's judgemental. Michelle says they should all go up to Cory and flirt with him to make Victor jealous because they think Victor thinks he's the sexiest in the house. Nicole goes in to take a shower. Michelle says she wouldn't want to watch the show because of them.




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1:00 AM BBT Nicole says it is not ok for them to talk about Michelle because she'd been sick, either in the house or outside the house. Michelle said she hopes Bridgette loses her job for her comments. They wonder if Tiffany is finding anything out. Zakiyah says they are "trying" to be strategic. Zakiyah said she knew Bridgette had an ugly side. They talk about Frank trusting Bridgette and they need to talk to Frank. Zakiyah and Da'Vonne watching everyone in the KT on the tv in the HOH room. Da'Vonne is counting numbers and they are listing Victor, Bronte, Paul, and Natalie. Nicole and Michelle go down for a few items to get ready for bed. Da'Vonne and Zakiyah re-hashing everything again. Michelle asks Da'Vonne how she held herself back on her season. Da says I didn't that's what got me voted off. Da asks Michelle what day they got their pixels on and they are trying to figure it out. Nicole comes back up with some cream on her face for her zits. General chit-chat about hair care.


Paul joins Bridgette, Jozea, and Victor in the KT. General chit-chat about nothing in the KT. They talk about James putting mayonnaise in a lotion bottle that Natalie and Bronte used. Cory comes into the KT area and joins them. Paulie also joins them. Victor talks about how full his day is tomorrow with working out, playing pool, laying out by the pool, eating...Bronte says her mom is going to be furious if she keeps going into the DR like that. Bronte says she's 'hangry" and Paulie laughs and she makes fun of his laugh. She goes around to hug Paulie and Paulie says your time is coming Bronte and she says you won't be around to see it. Everybody laughs and Bronte says she's just playing, it's just her personality she doesn't mean it. Jozea says Michelle came stomping down and said something must have happened upstairs. Jozea said she was evicted. Bronte keeps saying she's just playing with Paulie. Bronte and Bridgette go outside and join Tiffany and Natalie by the hammock. Bronte goes to repeat the story about when she came out of the DR and how Paulie said Bronte might go home and her butt will be on the line and she said you won't be around to see it and they all laugh. Bronte says obviously she doesn't mean it and he got snooty after that. She only says it to the boys but not to the girls because she doesn't like boys.

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1:20 AM BBT General talk in the KT. They are discussing various Kermit meme's with the "but that's none of my business" on them. They're talking about how many followers they have and how many likes they get on Instagram. Jozea thinks Twitter is too confusing. He'd be a bird if he wanted to tweet. Victor asks if Natalie is still outside. Paul says yeah they are probably talking crap about us and girls are taking first place this year and good joke. Cory says good luck winning a challenge. [Did he miss Nicole winning the first challenge? Or is he not aware she's a girl?] Jozea says don't underestimate. Victor mentions he didn't see who won the NBA finals and Cory says he has a good feeling Golden State won again because they were so dang hot. [Won't they be surprised!]  Cory goes off to bed. Natalie, Bridgette, and Tiffany come inside. Bronte goes to bed. Paulie comes in to the Tokyo BR and says to Cory and Tiffany can you believe Bronte said that stuff? Tiffany and Cory say it's ok she was joking and he says it was an ill-timed joke. Paulie says its going to take all his effort to bite his tongue. Cory said it'll be that much sweeter when it doesn't happen. Paulie says that's the kind of stuff he snaps on in real life. Bridgette walks through to go to bed. Paulie asks if there's any way Zakiyah and Da would be with them and Cory says no way. Paulie thanks Cory for them keeping his head straight. Paulie says they are rubbing it in is eating at him. Paulie still complaining about Bronte and Cory says maybe the guys are rubbing off on her or maybe she's coming out of her shell and that's how she is. Cory says they casted all them (the other alliance) because they don't know what they're doing.


In the HOH room, the girls are talking about Bronte again. Michelle says she looks like a bush baby. Da'Vonne says Bronte thinks all the guys love her and Michelle adds if she were a guy she wouldn't be attracted to Bronte. Nicole said let's not get personal and stoop to their level. Da'Vonne says there's no way she works with kids and she does some kind of cardio or fitness. Nicole says Cory's massage was so good. Nicole says if Victor won HOH that he'd put up two girls and Da says me and you. Nicole says or he could put Cory up because Victor said Cory was on his radar. Zakiyah said if Jozea was the HOH he'd think he was the president of the house. They start talking about the veto and how hard it was with the spinning. Nicole says she can't imagine Paul saying mean things and Zakiyah said she saw his other side tonight. Michelle doesn't want to sleep with Bridgette. They agree they aren't going to tell Tiffany about the insults because she'll get upset. They tell Michelle she has to start reading faces and body language. Tiffany joins the HOH room. Tiffany says the other girls have a separate alliance and they are trying to keep it from their guys. Zakiyah starts to fill Tiffany in on Jozea's paranoia. Victor told Nicole that Bronte is all about getting the Vets out and Zakiyah said they aren't bright by telling everyone their game plan.

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1:40 AM BBT They go over numbers again and talk about who Jozea thinks they have and how many votes they really have. Zakiyah says while they were in the Jacuzzi Jozea told Bridgette you might get two votes but you'll be ok. Tiffany says she can't figure Bridgette out. And they re-hash the same conversation from earlier. Lots of general girl talk. Nicole asks Tiffany to grab pita chips, hummus, and salsa. Tiffany comes back up with Paulie. Tiffany asks if Da'Vonne hangs out with Jason since the show. She says no he's on the east coast and they ask if he went back to his job. Da says he did but he makes his own schedule or something because he still travels to the events. Da said she seen her name as a rumore to return and Nicole said she never seen her name. They talk about when they flew in and we get FotH. They want more pita chips so Da says she'll go look in the SR. Tiffany says Nicole and Michelle could be sisters and that she was convinced they were related when she first came in. Paulie complains to the girls about the Bronte incident.


Jozea in the shower and Paul and Victor sitting on the bench in the WA. Just general talk going on. Frank woke up and is talking to Cory and Paulie about Have-nots and general chit chat. Frank got up to go to the WC and stops to chat. He gets told to put on his microphone and he goes back to bed. Paul says he feels like they are at a summer camp without Jason Voorhies. Paul says they should have him so it could spice the game up. Jozea please put on your microphone. Still general chat while Jozea does after show stuff.

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2:00 AM BBT Jozea, Victor, and Paul in the KT. Paul says hello to the live feeds and says this is the friendship realm. They move outside to play pool. Jozea is trying to get Victor to get in the Jacuzzi and he says only if Paul agrees to get in. Paul says he can't get in because of his tattoos. They are too fresh. Paul asks where Paulie is and Jozea says the UKBR. Paul says no he's not and they figure he's upstairs in the HOH. Paul says he doesn't like it that Paulie is too confident and Victor says I think it's just because he doesn't know. Jozea says Frank went to the WA because Cory and Paulie were talking and he didn't want to be involved. Victor says Frank is loyal. Victor teaches Paul and Jozea how to play cutthroat. Jozea says when Cody sees all of the DR's and what they said about Paulie he's going to flip out. Jozea said he had one chance and one chance only to stay with the group. Victor says you don't disappear for a week and expect to still be good.


Paulie still complaining about how cocky the other side is to the HOH girls. Da says she's proud of Paulie for keeping his composure. Paulie having the same conversation with the girls he had with Cory downstairs in the Tokyo BR. Paulie would rather they talk about him behind his back. Paulie said its going to be ugly after HOH and he wants to bait Victor in swinging on him. Paulie said Victor told James he was getting stir crazy from being locked in the house so Victor is on the verge. Paulie says they swung below the belt and Tiffany says they are trying to work on your psyche. They told Paulie about the insults from earlier with Tiffany in the room [So much for not telling Tiffany]. Tiffany asks who found all this out and Zakiyah says when she was in the hammock. Tiffany says are you sure they weren't talking about me? Zakiyah says no. Tiffany asks if they said anything about her and they said no. Paulie says Jozea isn't a celebrity make-up artist because he interviewed Jozea during his casting call. Paulie says he's a make up artist, just not a celebrity make-up artist and he does not know Frankie. We get the HG you are not allowed to talk about production. Michelle still doesn't want to sleep in Bridgette's bed. Tiffany asks Paulie if any of them talk to him. Paulie says not really individually. They are talking about Jozea using his status to connect. For example, he calls the girls his sisters, and Da and Zakiyah because they are a minority, and Victor and Natalie because they speak Spanish.

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2:20 AM BBT More of the same chit chat in the HOH room. They are still talking about the others and how they are so confident they have the majority. Tiffany says Jozea is narcissistic. They go back to talking about Jozea's meeting and how several of the uninvited HG crashed the meeting. Paulie said Frank is having fun egging them on too. Paulie tells them about Frank said look at Nicole sitting there like the Queen of Sheba and they started bashing her. Paulie kind of knows Natalie outside the house because she works at a company he used to work for and he's heard stories about her. Michelle keeps prying Paulie for a story about Natalie and he's not saying anything.


In the BY, the guys continue to play pool and general talk. Jozea doesn't think Nicole is pretty, he says she looks like the mouse thing from Harry Potter. Paul says Tiffany needs to die. Victor doesn't care for Michelle. Paul and Jozea have been down to two balls for like five minutes now. Paul finally wins and say he's tired and ready to go to bed. Paul calls whoever left dishes out slobs. They all agree and decide to head off to bed.

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2:47 AM BBT Michelle says Bronte's dad is a mafia lord.


3:00 AM BBT Michelle and Tiffany go downstairs to get ready for bed. Zakiyah cuddling with Paulie in the HOH room. Nicole in bed with Da at the foot of the bed.


3:10 AM BBT Tiffany and Michelle off to bed, Tiffany with James and Michelle with Bridgette. Paulie in bed between Zakiyah and Nicole.

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10:28AM BBT: Victor and Jozea working out in the backyard. Paul giving Frank, Paul, Corey, and Bridgette a run down of all the matching tattoos his family has and where on the Backyard couch. Frank starts complaining about the cleanliness of the house and people dumping things in the sink that they shouldn't Bridgette says it was her with the coffee cake. Paul and Frank complaining about the backyard couch cushions. Michelle keeps getting called to the diary room. 

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10:50AM BBT: Bronte up and eating cereal in the backyard while watching Jozea and Victor work out. Other houseguests must be sleeping as the feeds are both on outside for a while now and we keep getting fish.

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10:57AM BBT: Back from fish and Jozea and Paul are alone on the couch outside in the backyard recounting conversations from earlier. Jozea hopes to talk to Da today. Jozea assures Paul that Da is with them and won't flip. Jozea says last year that Da was voted out because it wasn't a diverse cast. Paul says at the end of the day they are a team. Paul just wants to get back to the game and winning. Paul would love from Bronte to win. They are laughing about what Bronte said to Paulie yesterday about going home. Bronte asked Jozea if she should apologize and Jozea said she can stay in reality or go to fantasy land. Victor walks over and starts admiring his muscles. Paul tells him he needs to work more on his abs. Victor leaves and Paul and Jozea start talking game again. Paul says he is in trouble if Jozea leaves. Jozea is one of his friends but also one of his friends. Jozea is confident. Paul says that Jozea needs to work on his speech because Paulie will be pulling on heartstrings. They say that it worked well for them that Bridgette was the replacement nominee. Jozea says that Corey is really big and clumsy and isn't a threat to anyone. Paul says his two targets are Tiff and James when he gets HOH immediately. Jozea says he told his team not to hide if they got roadkill from the alliance. Paul says hiding it from your alliance is shady. Paul says he will never second guess Jozea or Vic. Jozea says one wrong move means throwing everything away. Paul says that if Tiff and James are up and the newbies win roadkill, they should target a flip flopper and not a vet. Paul says either way they lose a flip flopper or a vet and they are happy. Paul says the other side would have to asses if saving a vet or saving a flip flopper would be more valuable. Jozea wants to know if Paul wants Tiff or James gone first, Paul says James because he is the mastermind.

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11:08AM BBT: Paulie and Bronte talking on the eviction chairs about whether they will be friends outside of the house. Bronte was worried that Paulie would be mad after her comment yesterday about him going home. Paulie assures her that he is over it. Bronte is glad. Bronte says when she goes up that Paulie is allowed to make fun of her. Paulie says that if he survives this week that he will be up for eviction again soon. Bronte says that she doesn't want to Paulie to go and he will see that when he sees her diary room sessions. Bronte says she is in denial that he may be leaving and that if she is joking about it, maybe it won't happen. Paulie keeps assuring her that they are all good. They hug and leave the room.

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11:11AM BBT: Bronte and Victor are in the KT talking about the conversation with Paulie. Bronte says the conversation went well and he was just upset because no one took it as a joke so he got nervous. Bronte says if she were HOH that she would have never put up Paulie because she likes him. Victor is cooking for Jozea and he tells Bronte 3 more days until eviction night. Both resume their activities with not much discussion. 

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11:17AM BBT: Paulie and Corey working out in the backyard. Corey is asking about the conversation with Bronte. Paulie says that he feels like when you have Jozea pulling shit then it is very easy to get caught up in the popular crowd perception. He thinks Bronte, Vic, and Natalie are caught up in it. He says that group feels like they the popular crowd and are sitting pretty. Paulie says that he and Corey are lucky because the girls on their side have their backs. Paulie says they just need to beast it and win the comps. The only scary thing to Paulie is that once the other side is out, there won't be that many guys/big targets left. Corey keeps agreeing but isn't saying much.

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11:25AM BBT: Vic and Jozea in the KT while Vic cooks for them. Jozea complaining that he needs another drawer but they are all taken. Vic says drawers will start opening up as people leave. Jozea says usually Paulie works out with them but he didn't start until after they were done. Vic and Jozea start saying things in Spanish. Jozea is speculating that Frank is lying about his job but Vic says he can't do that since he has been on the show before.

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11:35AM BBT: Frank and Bridgette in the Bathroom. Bridgette is nervous about going home but Frank is assuring her that she has the vets vote. Frank says he is going with the vote of the majority of the house. Frank says that he is going to gauge the temperature of the house before voting. He says you just don't know because things change. He says that he would hate to vote out Paulie but if that is what the house wants then that is what he will do. Frank says you don't want to be on the wrong side if the whole house is together. Paul joins them and starts talking about how they are good people and don't talk crap and how it was crazy that Evil Dick won when he was so crazy and mean. Paul says it is a mixture of being a good person and a good game player. Frank says you never know how the house will go before Thursday. Frank saying he told Jozea to chill out because he is confident but that confidence may turn people off. Paul says that right now there is a solid six and they just need a seven. Paul saying that Jozea is psyching himself out and that they have Da and Zakiyah even though Jozea seems to think they don't. Paul is counting Frank as the 7th vote. Frank jokes that he is going to flip his vote because of Paul assuming he has the vote. Frank and Paul counting votes. Paul says he is so stressed because he wants people he trusts around him in case he goes up. Frank talking about his season and not trusting people too much.

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9:55AMBBT Frank & Paul in BY. Paul was saying that Nicole cried when he was put up on the block and that he was shocked that she did.
10:00AMBBT Jozea, zak & Da in have not room. Jozea telling them that he saw Bronte last night go up to Paulie saying "that was funny as if you will be here next week." Jozea said that Bronte said that because Paulie started with her first.
10:05AMBBT  Frank, Bridgette, Paul & Corey in BY talking about how the 4th of July is coming up.  Frank said that in his prior season, they gave them BBQ and there was a concert going on in the area that they could hear, but they were made to go in house once BB realized that they could hear the music.  Paul said that they should make their own fireworks.  
10:10AMBBT  Frank called to DR
10:13AMBBT In BY, Bridgette talking with Paul, Paulie & Corey that there is only 26 more hours to wear the pixels.
10:19AMBBT  Bronte is called to DR
10:24AMBBT  Tiffany is called to DR
10:28AMBBT  Michelle is called to DR
10:32AMBBT Michelle is called to DR 2nd time.
10:33AMBBT  WBRB showed for about a minute
10:38AMBBT In BY, Frank gives a shout out to his mom, nana, sister & rest of family & friends.
10:46AMBBT  Vic & Jozea working out in BY.  While, Frank, Corey, Bridgette, Paulie & Paul sitting in green chairs in BY have general convo.
10:53AMBBT  WBRB showing again.
10:57AMBBT Feeds back. Jozea & Paul in BY talking. Jozea tells Paul that he talked to Zak about having each other's back. Paul asked if he believed her. He said most definitely he did.
11:00AMBBT  In BY, Jozea asks Paul who would he pick for nom if he got HoH.  Paul said Tiff & James.
11:06AMBBT In LR, Bronte apologized to Paulie for the comment she made last night about him not being in the house next week.  She said she feels terrible because everyone is still talking about it.  Paulie said he took it as a joke.
11:17AMBBT  In BY, Paulie tells Corey about Bronte apologizing.  He said that she is being pulled in by what she has been told.  He said it is all because of Paul, Nicole, Jozea & Vic doing it.
11:33AMBBT  In WC, Bridgette asks Frank why was she put up on the block.  He told her not to worry about it because she will not be voted out this week.  
11:51AMBBT  Frank is called to DR

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12:30pm - 12:40pm BBT: Hg just sitting around general talk while frank is in the pool trying to make a large float with all the floats.

 12:44pm BBt: Jozea and Vic  lounging in the BY talking general talk. Nicole walks out and goes to the pool.

 12:52pm BBT: Paul and Bronte in the BR talking about if they throw comps then they will not be safe but they need to stay together to be safe. Bronte tells Paul that if there is a 6-5 vote and Jozae stays then he will go looking for them not us and Paul agrees.

12:58pm BBT: Victor and Jozae now in the KT cleaning and talking about cutting up chicken with a butter knife.

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1:05pm BBT: Nicole and Corey by the pool talking. Corey ask who the other Hg think won the roadkill comp and Nicole says Michelle. Corey ask if they really think that? Nicole says yeah they do but i do not like to spread crap.

1:12pm BBT: Bronte in the KT making herself something to eat while Victor is washing dishes and cleaning the KT.

Paul is in the BR talking to Zakiyah about where the votes will be this week and who needs to leave he ask her if she trust him and she says yeah i trust you. He starts whispering to her about keeping Jozea.

1:27pm BBT: Most hg around the pool lounging and sunbathing.  general talk going on about laying in the sun getting tan.

1:35pm BBT: frank and Nicole in the pool. Frank dunks Nicole and then picks her up on his shoulder then slams her into the pool as  other HG are watching and laughing.

1:47pm BBT: Jozea and Bridgette are playing chess.  Frank, Paulie, Paul, Bronte are all at the pool just general talk going on.

1:59pm BBT: frank, Paulie and Bronte floating in the pool. Jozea and Bridgette still playing  chess. not much talking going on.

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3:02PM BBT Corey, Nicole and Michelle sitting in BY. General chat about sports in school. In the KT, gen chit chat about laundry.


3:07PM BBT Tiffany and Frank in the HOH room. Frank concerned that Bridgette is buying into what Jozea is selling. He says he has tried to tell her she is ok.


3:09PM BBT TIffany leaves the HOH. Da starts telling Frank that she is concerned that Zak and Paulie were cuddling in the HOH last night all night. She says that Zak is young and Da is not there to stick her neck out there for a showmance.


3:20PM BBT Corey and James talking. Corey telling James that Victor hates that James pranks and other stuff James does. James says that he hates that Victor won't tell him that to his face.


3:28PM BBT Tiffany and Michelle are in the BY chatting about how Jozea is acting. Tiffany says the group has no idea how to act the first week. They need to chill.


3:46PM BBT Paulie is cleaning up the KT. Nicole is putting on make up in the WCA. (This is as exciting as it gets at the moment)



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4:06PM BBT James in the pool with Bronte and Natalie on the side of the pool. General chatting and being a bit flirty with the girls.


4:18PM BBT Da leaves the HOH room. Zak asleep on the HOH bed.


4:43PM BBT Nicole and Michelle in the BY. They are talking about dating and boyfriends. Michelle was in love when she was a teenager but didn't date again until she was 19.



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