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Jackie Ibarra {TAR} (Week 6)

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I thought Jackie was the biggest waste of space in the house the first couple weeks but I'm glad to see the fiery temper starting to come out. Now she seems like the only person in the minority willing to call out people on their crap! Don't get me wrong, she is a horrible game player and doesn't have a shot in hell at winning but for the last few seasons the house has been made up of a select few game players and then a bunch of useless minnows that are actually much worse than floaters. They just sit around getting picked off, too scared to win a comp, too scared to talk game with anyone, just waiting to rollover and die when their number is called. I want people to get pissed off and start calling people out when they get stabbed in the back. Not because it is good game play but because the feeds need it! BB doesn't cast nearly enough hotheads like Amanda and Willie and Jeremy and Russell and Evil Dick, etc. One or two per season is not enough. Now that Audrey is gone, Jackie is the closest thing we have to someone that will stir up drama and she'll likely be gone soon too...

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I want Jackie to win the HOH comp tonight. I really wanna see a strong woman as HOH with no crying in the HOH room this week.

I like that Jackie rocked that silver "armor-tard" this past week without a lot of excess complaining. Good sportsmanship in this game is always a plus in my book.

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Yeah. I bet if it would be Vanessa & Shelli if she stays (ugh!) or Vanessa and Austin if Clay stays.  Fun fun fun  (maybe steve instead of austin but i hope not)

I think Jackie, like James, isn't gonna be conniving and scheming with far out back door plans.


I loved what James said... My daddy taught me you go in through the front door. You can still get in through the backdoor, but only if you don't have the key.  (something like that.)

Usually country and/or southern adages make me groan (think dr. phil) but this one I like. :)

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Jackie is a very strong physical competitor. When James & Jackie won their BOB comp. I was impressed. Jackie is clearly not intimidated by Vanessa and if they got into a heated argument - my money's on Jackie.

The other girls in the house, Liz, Julia, Meg, Becky and to some extent Shelli are all afraid of having a confrontation with Vanessa. I think Jackie is primed and ready to be drenched in Vanessa's blood. Jackie is not scared, and Vanessa knows it.

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