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Please post ONLY Live Feed, televised show, and Big Brother After Dark observations here !

If you are adding personal comments, please keep them to a minimum and use brackets [personal comment]around the text.

Remember your time zones. Big Brother Canada Time is East Coast Standard Time (See Map Here).

Please be careful in identifying who is speaking, and do not use confusing abbreviations. We may have several HGs with names which start with the same letter.


To better help you identify the HGs, we made this guide you can print out and refer to until you get to know who's who.  http://mortystv.com/...houseguests.pdf

Try to be consistent with abbreviations, like:

Washroom Area (WA)
Water Closet (WC)

Vault Room (VR)

Kitchen (KT)
Dining Table (DT)
Living Room (LR)
Back Yard (BY)
Bedroom (BR)
Indoor Lock Down (ILD)
Outdoor Lock Down (OLD)
Head of House Room (HOHR)
Storage Room (SR)

Please post pictures in the open thread of the following forum! http://www.tvfanforu...hread-week-one/

If you post questions or start conversations with each other here, they will be deleted.

Thank you!


5:00AM BBT: We are still on the "Some things are best kept secret, the live feeds will return shortly" screen. Either BB is asleep, or there is one heck of a battle going on for the POV!


12:10PM BBT Ashleigh has won the POV and Sarah's plan is to put Pili up as the replacement and still have Godfrey and Britt vote Zach out.


 8:30 am BBT Good Morning Canada! The feeds are finally back up but the lights are off and the houseguests are still sleeping.

 8:50 am BBT There hasn’t been any change, the lights are still off and the houseguests are still sleeping.

 8:58 am BBT We are still waiting for the lights to come on and the houseguests to wake up!

 9:21 am BBT The lights are still off and the houseguests are still sleeping.

 9:29 am BBT No change at all, snoozefest!

 9:45 am BBT Brittnee fell asleep with her mic on so we can hear her snoring.

 9:50 am BBT The houseguests either had a long night or they are in for a long day because BB usually never lets them sleep this late.  

 9:59 am BBT Still snoozing with the lights out.

 11:03 am BBT Yep, there has been no change. The lights are still out with the houseguests still sleeping.

 11:17 am BBT The lights are now on!

 11:33 am BBT We see Brittnee still in bed in the have not room with her eyes open and then the feeds go to FotH.

 11:44 am BBT The feeds are back up and on feed three Godfrey told Pilar that she did good in so many challenges. Godfrey went first in the challenge and he did not know if he was ahead or behind and when Pilar came in after ten minutes he knew that he did not win so he just went to bed. On feed one Brittnee is in the HOH room giving Sarah new batteries and Sarah told Brittnee that they don’t have to trust Godfrey and Brittnee is going to vote Zach out and do they trust Ashleigh. If Sarah puts Pilar up on the block and she goes home this week, it is Ashleigh’s fault. Brittnee said that it breaks her heart, and they can’t get too confident that he is going home but it is the right game move. Then Brittnee left the HOH room and the feeds went back to FotH.

 11:52 am BBT From the sound of Sarah and Brittnee’s discussion Ashleigh will be coming down off of the block and Sarah is going to replace her with Pilar and if Pilar gets voted out, it will be because of Ashleigh’s vote because Brittnee is for sure voting for Zach to leave.  

 11:55 am BBT Feeds are back up and on feed one Godfrey is in the HOH room talking to Brittnee and Sarah about the puzzle that they had to do. Sarah said that she rocked out the puzzle because her time was 38. Godfrey said the hair messed him up. On feed two we see Ashleigh crawling out of bed and BB told her to put on her mic. She replied that she is going to have a shower but she put it on anyway. She is going through her clothes to find something to wear.

 11:59 am BBT Ashleigh is getting in the shower while Godfrey Sarah and Brittnee are still in the HOH room talking about if Godfrey was upset with the Bruno thing and Godfrey said to be honest he was upset because they were supposed to be going after Zach.

 12:02 pm BBT Sarah and Brittnee told Godfrey not to feel like he is alone. Godfrey said that Zach was devastated that Bruno was gone and he did not understand why Zach was so devastated unless he really had a thing with the boys.

 12:15 pm BBT Brittnee Sarah and Godfrey are still in the HOH room talking about the chop shop being done and Sarah is hoping that Godfrey or Brittnee win the next HOH. The HOH three are talking about jury and that they know how smart Ashleigh is.

 12:19 pm BBT Ashleigh is in the wash area by herself doing her makeup. Sarah, Godfrey and Brittnee are still in the HoH room talking about the comp and about having to get Zach out. Sarah told Godfrey and Brittnee that Ashleigh said she has come to terms and it is time to get Zach out. Sarah said that Pilar came in and asked her if this is the four girls that they want to stay in the house. They think that Pilar threw the PoV comp. Sarah said that they finally have the numbers. Brittnee can’t believe how much she underestimated Ashleigh.

 12:25 pm BBT The HoH Group is talking about past BB winners. Ashleigh is still in the wash area doing her makeup and hair.


12:42 PM BBT Godfrey and Zach in WA. Zach says he's out the door, and Godfrey says he doesn't know where they messed up in the comp.  Godfrey tells Zach that Sarah is putting Pili is the replacement nom.  Godfrey asks Zach if Ash would vote to evict Zach. Zach sidesteps the question and says it just depends on who Godfrey wants to roll with.

3:49 PM BBT Ashleigh is crying.  She's with Godfrey, Pili, Sarah and Britt on the LR couches telling them about opening a door to pitch blackness and then all of a sudden a spotlight comes up and her mom is standing there!  They had a huge hug and lots of tears.  Godfrey got a visit with his sister in the BY as well. This must be their reward for the Pizza task!!


4:20 PM BBT Godfrey and Zach upstairs, leaning over the railing.  Godfrey wants Zach to Ashleigh, but he won't talk about it unless he knows Godfrey is in.  Zach pressing Godfrey to flip on Sarah and Britt.  It would mean that Ash has to agree with Pili going home.  


4:28 PM BBT Zach and Ashleigh in the KT.  Zach tells Ashleigh that Godfrey has told Sarah and Britt that Godfrey will vote Zach out, but that Godfrey came to Zach and offered to keep Zach if Ashleigh chooses to keep Zach. Zach wants to leak Godfrey's willingness to flip to Britt to hopefully influence the replacement nom to be Godfrey instead of Pili.


4:36 PM BBT Zach and Ashleigh talking in the KT.  Zach plans to hang out with Godfrey all day to make sure Sarah sees Zach and Godfrey together to give her supporting evidence of Godfrey's betrayal.  They plan a delayed implementation so that Sarah and Britt don't have time to go back to Godfrey.  They plan not only what to say, but who will say it.  Pili will be the one to go to Sarah and say she's worried she'll go home because she saw Zach and Godfrey hanging out so much together and that Pili is worried Ashleigh might choose to keep Zach.

4:42 PM BBT Ashleigh brings Pili over to Zach in KT so that he can fill Pili in on the plan.  Godfrey is willing to flip because Sarah was pushing hard and telling him that if she keeps him off the block, he has to vote the way she wants.  Godfrey feeling used by Sarah, so he is willing to flip to the Diaper Alliance.  Pili is on board and excited about it.  

4:45 PM BBT Sarah and Britt in the HOH room.  Sarah thinks the only twist that might come into play would be if Zach has a secret veto.  Sarah and Britt both think that if Godfrey and Zach were on the block together that they would keep Zach.  

4:50 PM BBT Godfrey joins Sarah and Britt in the HOH room.  Godfrey tells them that Zach approached Godfrey to ask for Godfrey's vote, if he could get Ash's vote. He then tells Sarah that he turned Zach down and couldn't make Zach any promises because Britt just saved him from the block.  Godfrey says he has no friends on the jury.  

5:26 PM BBT All the houseguests in the HT area.  General conversations interspersed with private conversations as different houseguests come and go.

6:26 PM BBT Godfrey, Sarah and Britt talking in the HT area. Sarah says "we're so lucky"  They are thankful to Canada for the special power that Britt won.  They are feeling grateful to be in the house.  

6:40 PM BBT Godfrey, Sarah, Britt and Zach in the HT area talking about Survivor Blood vs. Water. Sarah and Britt leave Zach and Godfrey by the HT.  Godfrey asks Zach if he would do anything differently.  Zach says it's hard to say because it's so unpredictable. Godfrey thinks he would have tried to set up an alliance in the first week...that's what Godfrey would do differently. They talk about players they admire.  Zach tells Godfrey that Sarah was campaigning against Godfrey.  Godfrey doesn't see Sarah and Britt as different from Pili and Ash.  Godfrey thinks both pairs are loyal to each other but that there is a slightly greater chance that Sarah and Britt would turn against each other.  Godfrey says he doesn't feel any safer than Zach.  Godfrey anxious for Zach to get Ashleigh on board with keeping Zach over Pili [the expected replacement nominee] and plans to confirm with Ashleigh himself.


9:04PM BBT Feeds come back to Zach Godfrey downstairs chatting about the BY while Ash is shown asleep in the bedroom. Godfrey gets up and goes to check the time and reports back that it is 8:20.  BB tells the HGs to please wake up nap time is over. Ashleigh turns over but no one else moves. BB calls out to Pilar who responds with "sorry." Ash says she is so tired and then Godfrey enters the bedroom. Pili tells him she is crazing Hazelnut spread right now.  


Britt remains horizontal on the red couch while Zach is on the brown couch by the stairs. 


Godfrey tells Pili that she has two and a half hours before she can go to sleep and the BB acutally let them sleep a lot today.  Looks to be another quiet night in the cabin on Lake Who'll Be Gone. Even the commercials are loading slowly and stalling. 


Britt is vertical and checks the stove top befoe looking into the slop bucket. 


Ash, Godfrey and Bruno appear to be transfixed looking at the ceiling in the bedroom.


Sarah on feed one now putting on a her mic then heading upstairs and off camera.


Britt working on something in the kitchen but all we see is her back. 


Godfrey and Ash talking about keeping Zach vs. Pili. They both are saying that if they keep Zach then the best they can hope for is playing for second place.  Godfrey saying if we think we can win comps on our own then it would be possible to keep Zach. Ash points out that Britt was a beast last night and she only beat her by 10 minutes even though Britt is on slop this week.  Pili comes into the room as the feeds go to FOTH.


9:47PM BBTFeeds back with everyone downstairs in wild costumes over bathing suits.  Godfrey trying to come up with a rap.  Looks like a task to come up with a musical number. Gals have see through yellow skin tight dresses over green bathing suits while the guys have yellow speedos with green chaps and yellow man-thongs over their shoulders like pro wrestlers.  Ladies coming up with dance moves while Zach and Godfrey working on some lyrics. They are trying to put the finishing touches on the number as they have only about 8 minutes remaining to be ready. Feeds fade to FOTH presumably when their prep time was over.


10.00PM BBt Feeds back with cast starting their dress rehearsal. They get through it once and the feeds cut out again. 


10:05PM BBT Feeds back for another run through with editing still going on. More FOTH 


10:16PM BBT Feeds back with everyone in the kitchen checking their outfits and rehearsing.  They hear a sound over the speakers which they think is their cue to perform and the feeds cut out once again.


10:21PM BBT Feeds back in the middle of another run through in the living room. They finish and skippy once more leans on the button to give us FOTH.


10:23PM BBT  Feeds back to start of another run through. Britt flubs her line and asks to start over and more FOTH.


10:26PM BBT Back again to more of the same. They finish the number and ask BB if they passes. Sarah wants to know if they can keep the costumes. Godfrey talks about being able to do the Godfrey then says he has been doing the kegel exercises. (TMI dude, TMI - DRG) They are standing around waiting for word from BB and begging for the doors to open to a nice prize.  Now they decide they should have finished with the splits. Now they tease BB for never telling them he loves them when saying good night and waking them in the mornings. 


Godfrey talks about his cat licking him and how a cat's toungue is  rough. Sarah says her cat used to lick her eye and Godfrey says that is the worst.  Now Sarah telling how her parents took one of her former cats to a farm. (Really you still believe that one girl? - DRG) They start wondering what this task was for and whether people are voting or not. Britt apologizes to her mom for the attire. Godfrey reviewing the events of the past week and thinks that Canada must be voting for some of the things that happened. He says is something strange happens tomorrow they will know for sure.  They think that the BY is likely closed for this task. Sarah wants to know if they passed or failed. 


Godfrey is called to the DR and wonders if he can take his costume off and Sarah says of course not that is the whole point. Pili is asked to repeat her line and Godfrey returns saying he is aloud to put a shirt over the man-thong. They are getting restless to know how they did and BB tells them to stop talking about production. Not learning Pili asks if they can change and there is no response.  Sarah says that she is not changing. Pili does not want to start changing and then get a STOP THAT from BB.


Sarah wants the doors to open and to see about 12 big beers and two bottles of wine and some vodka. Pili says they have the ceremony tomorrow and Sarah says it is just a ceremony.  They have been given alcohol three times according to Sarah and only when they had just a task the next day.  (At this point I'd pay a dollar to see some drunken campaigning or anything else for that matter. DRG) 


Sarah says they have to move the furninture in the BY and BB tells them to stop talking about production. (I'm sure you all still believe the fairies do it all, right? - DRG)  Zach and Ash are now horizontal again as is Britt. Sarah says that they are not getting any of this back (her outfit and makeup.) 

Pili remarks that she guesses BB is satisfied with it following a long silence and another long silence follows her remark. 


Britt asks about Godfrey's line where he rhymed Alisa Cox with dirty sox.  Zach tells her the line and silence once again rules the house. Sarah says this is our life doing shit like this with zero explanation and being OK with it. Ash agrees and Pili wonders how they come up with the outfits Britt says no idea and Sarah says genius.


BB comes on and tells the HGs to go the the HOH and they spring to life and bolt up the stairs with squeels from a few of the girls.  Pili tells Ash that she has an extension falling once they enter the HOH.


Zach speculating that they have a big meal for them out there and he will be eating in about 10 minutes (have not this week.) Britt says she does wish she had a bikini like this. Sarah in a British accent says the weather outside is rather nipply. They hear Godfrey coming and Ash gets up to hide at the door and scare him once he enters the room. She jokes that he will just clock her with the door. She grabs some snacks from the table and returns to the door to wait.  Now they are complimenting themselves for how well the did on the last performance and Sarah says they will be getting booked.  They decide that Godfrey is not coming up now and Ash sits down again. Everyone else horizontal on one surface or another in the room and Ash lies down of the sofa now as well.


Britt says she is going to get some serious snuggs when she gets out of here and Sarah asks from who.  She says she has several folks in the running and then wonders what folks at home know about where she has been.  Pili is nervous about getting out and Sarah says that she is really excited.  They all agree they were really excited to see who else was going into the house. Ash was worried she would be so much younger than everyone else.  Now they think the first time they do normal things will be so exciting like going to the movies or turning on their phones.  Pili says everything is so much to look forward to and Ash says it will be so bumping and she will try to go the whole summer without working. Zach figures they earned about 6 grand in here and Sarah says to take 2 off of that.  Sarah thinks it is 700 every 10 days and BB tells them to stop talking about production. 



10:00PM BBT: The HGs are dressed up in yellow, and green outfits, They are doing raps of some kind. They are wearing yellow, pink headbands, They are now raping, rapping chill big brother chill big brother, Brittnee rapping about being on slop. they are practing for something. And they are wearing yellow and green body thongs.


10:05PM BBT: They are blowing their lines in the BB rap, we still don't know what this is. But they are clearly practing for something. FotH.


10:10PM BBT: the practing continues, now Brittnee is to say Oh Big Brother at the beginning. To Kick it off.


10:15PM BBT: They are still trying to get the BB rap down, They are having problems with the first and last lines and we get the FotH again. 


10:20PM BBT: Feeds back on and they are still dressed in their throngs, and feeds go off has they get in front of the TV screen.


10:25 we continue to get short clips of them

practing their rap, which they still don't have right. And then it goes back to the FotH.


10:31PM BBT: the feeds continue to go in and out, has the HGs keep trying to get their rap down and they keep changing their lines.


10:35PM BBT: They finally got their rap down, now they are just waiting for word from BB rather or not they passed, Sarah wants to keep her thong.


10:40PM BBT: The HGs are just sitting around, waiting to hear word from BB, They are just talking. Godfrey is now called to the DR.


10:45PM BBT: They are still just sitting there waiting to hear from BB, or Godfrey to come out of the DR and tell them something.


10:50PM BBT: HGs are told to go to the the HoH room which they are now in. 


10:55PM BBT: The HGs are now locked into the the HoH room


Ashleigh wanted to scare Godfrey has he came back, but then figured out that the door was locked.



10:59PM BBT Britt comments that she is feeling awful sentimental about all of you and the others agree. Sarah says every time she burps she will think about Ash.  Pili talking about needing to Skype or Facetime all of them when she gets out. Ash wonders what time it is. Sarah hopes Scott posted something on his social media so everyone will know.  Ash is sure her sister did all of that.  Ash says she just got a really spicy snack and Sarah thinks it is Jalapeno cheddar.  


Godfrey enters the room and Ash is disappointed she did not hear him coming.  They are speaking in broken Spanish with Pili helping them when asked. Godfrey hopes it will be something good and is sure that Canada has been voting for stuff especially with the clown coming in two days in a row. Sarah thinks that would be fast voting to have the clown come in the night after the HOH comp.  Godfrey says the clown only came in once the night of the HOH and then the next day they went all out. Ash thinks they knew who was scared of clowns and made sure she saw him.  Sarah is called to the DR. (Surprised BB has not told them to stop talking about production. - DRG) 


Godfrey wonders what is going on and hopes they are getting food of some sort. They don't want to get their hopes up too much since sometimes BB sends them to the HOH for no apparent reason.

#BBCAN3 11:05pm Godfrey is back from the DR,

Pilar is practing how to say jalapeno Godfrey is saying that he thinks its CA voting on tasks for them. Like the clown thing.

#BBCAN3 11:10pm Godfrey says his throng is hurting his Butte, "No Mercy" 

#BBCAN3 11:15pm Sarah comes back and Ash goes

into the DR, Sarah has to put back on her hair stuff. 

#BBCAN3 11:20pm nothing new they are just talking about what fast food places they want to go to after the show ends, Zach says he is going to get really drunk on beers. He is talking about how he is when he drinks beers. Ash comes in Zach is called to the DR.

#BBCAN3 11:25pm Brit, re reads the card that BB gave them for the task, Godfrey says he has a bad feeling about this, Something is going on.

#BBCAN3 11:30pm Zach comes in wearing a white t-shirt, they asked if he went into the vault no. Just the DR.

#BBCAN3 11:35pm BB plays a bell sound now, after playing the sticks hitting sound, the HGs still dont know whats going on they think they have to repete the rap.

#BBCAN3 11:40pm Feeds are back the HG are downstairs and they got Pizza.

They got a card in the BY its numbers, in the BY

60 * 8 *v * stop time something and the sticks hitting sound is going off. its a clock ticking

and we get Brunos voice saying you look sick.

bell ringing again

#BBCAN3 11:50pm HGs now think something is hiden in the house, they are looking all over the house now. They think its something in the vault.

#BBCAN3 11:55pm 60 is 60 minutes, they think they have to stop some timer that is going off.

#BBCAN3 12:00am HG this is your final warming the BY is now off limits.


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