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Posts posted by Goldylucks

  1. 8:00 AM BBT Good morning friends. All four of our feeds are on sleeping HGs this morning. There is some tossing and turning going on in the Have-Not BR as blankets are being adjusted.

    8:30 AM BBT Still sleeping

    8:38 AM BBT Derrick gets up from the bed in the Have-Not room and props the door open. He goes back to bed. WBRB When the feeds return Derrick is again heading back to bed, this time with the door closed. It appears BB doesn't want the Have-Not door propped open.

    9:00 AM BBT WBRB Possibly a wake up call.

    9:21 AM BBT The feeds return with all the lights on in the house. The BY is open. Frankie and Caleb are there. Frankie wants to make sure Amber is not told she is the replacement nominee. He says it will be a day of hell if she knows. Amber, Nicole and Donny are in the KT.

    9:25 AM BBT Frankie tells Derrick that he is sorry he didn't tell him sooner. Amber went on the date with him to spare his feelings. "It's no secret she treats you like $hit and you don't deserve that." Frankie tells him not to confront her on it today. Wait until tomorrow. [Maybe he is setting the stage for a POV meeting argument as part of Team America--Goldylucks]

    9:30 PM BBT While playing pool, Derrick notices he and Frankie have similar style boxers. Frankie says his has vasoline all over his. Amber "Does it still hurt? Frankie "Yes." Donny "Are you going to the movies? You are picking your seat."

    9:32 AM BBT Frankie and Caleb are still talking about Amber and Caleb's wounded heart. Frankie says he couldn't keep it to himself any longer because of his heart. Caleb says he is glad the real Amber is coming out and that viewers at home must not like her because of it. Amber and Donny have gotten a load in the washer. Amber climbs back in bed.

    9:37 AM BBT Frankie heads back up to bed. He tells Zach that he told Caleb to sleep all day long and they will deal with this tomorrow after the POV meeting [Team America challenge?]. Frankie says he told Caleb it will only cause her to scramble and go crazy all day. Save it for tomorrow.

    9:45 AM BBT Donny is up doing his ADLs. Everyone else has gone back to bed.

    10:05 AM BBT Feeds 1/2 are on Frankie and Zach sleeping in the HoH. Feed 3 is Donny moving the clothes from the washer to the dryer. Feed 4 is of a sleeping Amber in the rock BR.

    10:15 AM BBT Donny is sitting in the BY alone while the rest of the house is in bed.

    10:26 AM We have watched Donny pop his knuckles, take a sip of water, check on the laundry, and use the free weights. That's it folks. The rest are still in bed.

    10:38 AM BBT Donny is pacing. He is walking back and forth from the weight bench to the patio where the washer and dryer is. Back and forth, back and forth. Sometimes he stops and picks up the free weights again. Now he has the slinky and is playing with it while he walks.

    10:45 AM BBT Donny has taken his clean sheets inside and is making his bed. Everyone else is still asleep.

    10:52 PM BBT Donny has switched out his tennis shoes for a pair of flip flops and put on a clean shirt. He grabs his water bottle and heads back into the BY. Everyone else is still asleep.

  2. 5:38 PM BBT WBRB

    5:57 PM BBT Still WBRB. It has been 20 minutes.

    6:05 PM BBT The feeds return with the Have-Not alternative foods laid out on the KT table. It's deep fried pizza. The Have-Nots get an unlimited supply of pizza dough and canned seafood.

    6:08 PM BBT Christine is happy and thanking BB. She got some gluten free pizza crusts. The Have-Nots are excited because they have a lot to work with. Nicole "America is so good to us." Derrick and Nicole are clapping and jumping up and down.

    6:10 PM BBT Zach and Cody are in the beehive. Zach is upset with Caleb. He says Caleb is telling people that Beast Mode Cowboy wins every competition and is the toughest competitor in the game. They discuss if Caleb would be winning to vote out Amber. Cody says no, he would be the only one not to.

    6:15 PM BBT Amber has decided she is going to attempt to use Have-Not approved ingredients to make them some garlic bread. Zach and Derrick are now alone in the SR. Zach says he is going to honor Caleb's request and talk to Amber for him. He then is going to misconstrue everything she says and report back to him. Derrick, it would so be so much easier of Caleb wants her gone.

    6:21 PM BBT Caleb and Zach are in the SR. Caleb has been bugging Zach to talk to Amber on his behalf. Zach says he will tell her that Caleb is 99% of the reason that she is still in this game. Caleb says to hit the bullet points that he is the strongest competitor in the house and the only guy that Amber can trust, and he is the one she is not talking to. Caleb gives him a million things to say but then tells Zach to make his conversation with her short and sweet.

    6:25 PM BBT Zach tells Caleb that he will talk to Amber for him. He is going to wait until the BY is open again so that everyone is spread out. Caleb is the only Have-Not who isn't pleased with the food choices. None of the fish is bass and he doesn't eat sardines.

    6:27 PM BBT As Caleb and Zach are talking about Amber in the SR, Amber walks in. Zach asks if Amber heard what they are talking about and Caleb says she must have. He also says that Amber has doesn't anything to stay in the house. Zach asks if he feels that way, then why not cut her loose and get her out. Caleb says he doesn't want to get rid of her anymore than he does Cody and Zach. They are all part of it.

    6:30 PM BBT Frankie is walking around with a crab. Zach "Do you crabs?" Frankie "Sorry, yes, I have crabs." He hands the crab to Zach "Here, I gave you crabs." Zach grabs the crab and sets in on the ground near the base of the stairs in the fake grass.

    6:33 PM BBT In the KT Frankie says his a$$ feels like he has been riding a horse. He then says he hopes he hasn't embarrassed himself in the homosexual community. When asked why, he says "For losing in the riding competition."

    6:38 PM BBT Nicole joins Frankie in the HoH. She tells Frankie that she is okay with both people staying on the block and she is also okay with Amber being on the block. Frankie "I'm not sure Amber isn't going on the block." Nicole says that Amber has been driving her batty.

    6:40 PM BBT Nicole and Frankie are trying to decide which of the boys Amber would be willing to nominate. Frankie says she would put up Caleb. Nicole says no way. She wouldn't want to give up that safety net.

    6:43 PM BBT Nicole tells Frankie that putting up someone and Jocasta leaving instead is a dangerous situation for him. Frankie says tomorrow he is going to pull everyone up to the HoH to talk to them. Last will be Caleb. He is going to tell Caleb how Amber really feels and that he is being an a$$ in the house. He is going to tell Caleb that Amber going up is a house decision. He is going to tell Jocasta that she is totally safe because he is putting a big threat up against her and no one will be able to resist getting rid of her.

    6:47 PM BBT Frankie wraps a pink bandanna around his eyes so he can take a nap. He says out loud that he is exhausted and that his a$$ hurts. Hayden and Victoria are also going to take a nap. Zach, Cody, and Caleb are in the LR talking a unfortunate event involving some baby pigs that someone gave Caleb. WBRB.

    6:51 PM BBT Nicole is talking to Christine in the fire BR. Nicole tells her that Hayden is using the veto on Victoria and Frankie is putting up Amber. Christine approves because Amber has been driving her crazy.

    6:53 PM BBT Nicole sees that Hayden has gone to bed without her. Cody is in bed too and asks her to snuggle. Nicole "At least somebody asked me to snuggle." Nicole teases Hayden by climbing into bed with Cody and Cody wraps his arms around her. Hayden "Are you guys going to start mooning over there?" They then tease her by talking about her moaning in her sleep. They embarrass her all the way out of the room. Even after she leaves, they talk about her sleep moans.

    6:56 PM BBT Hayden and Cody are in bed but still talking. BB tells them to put their microphones on. Derrick "Hayden and Cody, quit talking game in there." They yell to BB that they are going to sleep. Amber walks in and gets in bed too, resting her head on the center of Hayden's back.

  3. 1:45 PM BBT Most of the HGs are in the LR playing around. They are taking turns playing "Nomination Ceremony". They take turns nominating people and they do it for ridiculous reasons. At one point Hayden nominates Cody and Cody. Unable to be at two places at once, Cody lays across the two nominee chairs and asks when the POV is. Hayden says there isn't one. Cody has to go home.

    2:17 PM BBT Hayden sees that Nicole is coming through the LR with a glass of water. Hayden ducks down next to the stump and chain saw. He jumps out at her. She screams and throws her water on him. They end up wrestling on the floor and he drags her fanny through the water spill.

    2:21 PM BBT Nicole is walking around telling Hayden "You are going down." Amber notices a split end and says Holy Moley and WBRB.

    2:28 PM BBT Frankie, Caleb, Zach, and Cody are all snuggled into the nest in the HoH room. Cody is listening to Frankie's CD. Nicole, Victoria, Chrstine, Donny, Amber, and Hayden are sitting in the LR. The HGs are still on IDLD. They are trying to come up with a game to play.

    2:31 PM BBT Amber is called to the DR. The HGs clap and cheer. She is hosting the POV and they hope this means the POV is right around the corner.

    2:36 PM BBT Donny asks Nicole what she thinks the POV will be about because she was spot on last time. She says she feels like Hayden is going to win it and it is going to involve running. Donny "anything that doesn't involve giant dice and Christine can win it."

    2:38 PM BBT WBRB turns to Jeff's highlight reel. Might be time for the POV.

    3:58 PM BBT They have been playing for the POV for just under an hour an a half.

    4:19 PM BBT The feeds have returned. Jocasta is in bed and Donny appears to be getting some ice packs prepared for her. He places one in her armpit and one on the back of her neck. He fans her with a hat. In the HoH Hayden tells Frankie that he is going to use the veto on Victoria. She chose him to play and he will use it on her.

    4:23 PM BBT The HGs are dressed in denim with chaps, button down plaid shirts, and cowboy hats. The POV must have had some kind of Western theme. Donny is telling Jocasta to drink some Gatorade. It appears she may be suffering from some heat exhaustion. In the HoH room, Frankie and Hayden entertain the idea of seeing if they can get Caleb on board to getting rid of Amber. They will talk again after photo booth fun day.

    4:27 PM BBT Donny is talking to BB. He doesn't like Jocasta's eyes. He says they are jerky, dark, and round. Hayden leaves the HoH room and Zach goes in. Frankie tells him that Hayden is using the veto on Victoria and that their options are now Jocasta and Amber.

    4:32 PM BBT Amber joins Hayden, Frankie, and Zach in the HoH room so the back door Amber talk has ceased. Caleb is talking to Cody in the KT. Caleb wants Cody to speak to Amber on his behalf. He wants her to know that he has been nothing but nice to her from Day one.

    4:34 PM BBT Caleb finds a gallon of milk in the KT. It was out in the open the whole time they were outside. In the HoH Hayden is bummed that he left his cowboy hat outside.

    4:36 PM BBT Frankie is wrapped in a towel. BB tells him to get his microphone on. Frankie "Rose, my anus is bleeding and I have a towel on. Give me thirty seconds please."

    4:38 PM BBT Nicole and Christine are in the WA. I get the impression the competition consisted of riding mechanical horses or bulls. Nicole says Hayden's was really shaky. Christine says hers was really steady. Christine is feeling sick.

    4:43 PM BBT Amber leaves the HoH leaving Frankie, Zach, and Hayden. He tells them that if he puts up Amber or Caleb then he will have blood over his entire body. Hayden disagrees. Nicole and Christine come into the room.

  4. Between 10:15 AM BBT and Noon the HGs picked players for the veto. Playing for the veto is Frankie, Jocasta, Victoria, Hayden, Christine, and Donny.

    12:00 PM BBT Christine, Victoria, Hayden, Donny, Jocasta, Nicole, Derrick, and Caleb are sitting in the LR talking general chit chat, mostly about Devin. Cody, Frankie, and Amber are cleaning up the KT. They are on IDLD.

    12:05 PM BBT Frankie is entering the HGs with his French accent. Cody appears to be frying up some bacon. The HGs in the LR are talking about people outside of the house so the feeds keep changing to all four feeds on Cody.

    12:16 PM BBT The HGs in the LR are talking about Brittany and swapping stories about her. They say she kept forgetting her sad story tales. She told some she lived in an apartment and didn't know if her bills were being paid. She told others that she owned a house and her Dad was paying for everything. She again told others she had to take money from her kids' piggy banks for groceries. Jocasta says she got that story directly from her. Christina says Brittany gets no pitty party from her.

    12:24 PM BBT Jocasta is having a breakdown with Amber in the beehive. Earlier she told the story about having to take her kids' piggy bank money for groceries. She says it was the worst thing she has ever done. She cries uncontrollably. Amber walks out to get her some tissues. Jocasta prays out loud thanking God for this opportunity and for His love. She has a brief heart to heart with Amber and then dries her eyes and they leave the beehive.

    12:33 PM BBT Hayden is pumped up to be able to play in the POV. It will be his first one. He is walking around the house saying "Let's Go...I'm Pumped." Christine is upset that she "looks like crap" for the POV meeting to pick players. She didn't do anything to dress up because she really didn't think she was going to be picked or get camera time. BB tells Nicole that sleeping is only allowed in the BRs. Nicole is laying down in the LR but is clearly not sleeping. She tells BB exactly that.

    12:38 PM BBT the feeds switch to Jeff's highlight reel.

    12:40 PM BBT I don't think it's the POV because BB switched it from the highlight reel to WBRB.

    12:44 PM BBT Jocasta is not happy with Brittany and shares her feelings with Cody. She found out that Brittany has someone paying her bills, drives around in a new car, and used Jocasta's life experience about using her kids' piggy bank money as her own story to bolster pity. Jocasta says she feels bad Brittany was going through a divorce but at this point, she doesn't know if that is true either.

    12:48 PM BBT Cody gives Jocasta, whom he calls Mama J, a supportive hug. Amber walks by wet and wrapped in a towel. Cody says "Something smells good mmmhmm."

    12:50 PM BBT Jocasta goes upstairs to the HoH with Frankie and they lay in the nest. Frankie snuggles with her. He tells her "come here, that was hard to hear too." She tears up again.

    12:54 PM BBT Jocasta tells Frankie that she is really pissed. She said she only talked to Brittany about her kids because she didn't completely trust her. She feels betrayed that Brittany took something that happened in her real life, in confidence, and used it to her advantage. Frankie says she told people different things. She says "I knew if I opened my mouth about game she would flip it. I didn't know if I opened my mouth personally she would take it." They wonder if she even has kids. Jocasta thinks she threw the Deviled Egg competition because she couldn't explain why she wouldn't be getting pictures of the kids in the HoH room. Jocasta said she didn't drop any the entire time until the two she dropped at the very end when they had a lead.

    1:03 PM BBT Frankie "She dropped those eggs to cover her a$$ and then she goes home. That's karma for you." Frankie does a shout out to Brittany's kids who he no longer thinks exists.

    1:08 PM BBT Frankie and Jocasta are still in the HoH together. He says he is very blessed because he got to speak to his Grandfather. When BB took his cellphone away he told them they weren't taking him until he said goodbye to him. He says they (BB) filmed it so he will forever have that final conversation he had with him.

  5. 5:01 PM BBT Nicole and Christine are in the Have-Not room celebrating their BotB win. Victoria is up in the HoH helping herself to some of the snacks. Caleb is laying in the nest on his belly. Frankie, Cody, and Jocasta are in the Fire BR. Jocasta says she lost the comp because she was "woman down" and she was surprised Zach didn't end up with a concussion.

    5:08 PM BBT Jocasta and Frankie are in the Fire BR. Derrick joins them. Jocasta is in bed with a swollen knee. Frankie says it's the wrong color. Jocasta talks to us. She says she isn't pissed she lost the competition. She's pissed they didn't catch her and she fell.

    5:10 PM BBT Jocasta is telling Frankie and Derrick that they lost because Victoria refused to listen to her. She listened to other people when Jocasta knew "things didn't go there." They were straight and Victoria just wouldn't listen. Jocasta is worried about being injured for the POV.

    5:17 PM BBT Frankie joins Nicole and Hayden in the Have-Not room. Hayden asks Frankie what he is thinking this week. Frankie says he is going to wait to see who implodes. They think it would be a piece a cake to get another unanimous vote. Frankie doesn't want to do a big move this week if it isn't going to be supported. Hayden and Nicole drop the names of Amber and Zach as being untrustworthy.

    5:20 PM BBT Hayden tells Frankie he considers Amber, Jocasta, and Caleb as his three biggest targets. Frankie says "Me too." Frankie just wants another unanimous vote because if it's a split vote he is dead. Hayden stresses that getting rid of Victoria is a wasted HoH because she can literally be swayed to do anything.

    5:29 PM BBT Caleb and Zach are in the HoH room. Caleb is speculating that the girls are still trying to get something together because they think the guys are running the house. Caleb "Which, we are." His fear is that two girls will win HoH and put up four guys.

    5:31 PM BBT Without even consulting the current HoH (Frankie) Caleb and Zach have worked out the next few days. Victoria goes home unless she wins the POV. If she does miraculously win, Donny goes up as the pawn again and Jocasta goes home. Zach asks him if he talked to Amber today. He says not at all and he isn't even going to try to. He doesn't want to look like an idiot on television.

    5:35 PM BBT Caleb has spent the better part of the last ten minutes talking about how much Amber doesn't appreciate what he has done for her. Frankie comes upstairs to tell Zach that BB wants his music, his HoH robe, and his key.

    5:43 PM BBT Game talk has turned to chit chat. Frankie, Caleb, and Zach are talking about twitter and Donny, Cody, and Christine are cleaning the KT.

    5:50 PM BBT Frankie and Zach are in the HoH room talking about the day they learned Whitney Houston died. Derrick walks in. Frankie tells him to leave until he comes in with his pants down. Derrick goes back out and comes back in with his pants around his ankles. Frankie "I love being HoH." [Derrick is wearing knee length shorts under his sweat pants.]

    5:58 PM Cody comes into the HoH room to ask Frankie about cooking fish. Zach asks him to bring him a plate. Cody tells him to suck his d**k and leaves. Most of the HGs are in the KT eating. Derrick, Frankie, and Zach remain in the HoH room to talk about Victoria some more.

    6:07 PM BBT Derrick, Frankie and Zach are in the HoH room. Frankie says they better get some swag when they get out of the house. Zach says they have already gotten a lot. Frankie "We got sunglasses and cups." "We are working for free....we would be getting ten grand a line if this was a real TV show."

    6:11 PM BBT Victoria is venting to Hayden in the beehive. She tells him that Jocasta was not talking strategy to her and they didn't communicate at all. All Jocasta was concerned with was being hot and her harness. Hayden tells her that she is not the target this week but that people are starting to consider her an emotional train wreck. He tells her the calm one is the one that stays in the house.

    6:14 PM BBT In the beehive Hayden is telling Victoria that she is golden if she can just calm down and not freak out. If she continues to freak out then she will be making herself a target. Victoria says she understands but it's just so hard.

    6:15 PM BBT Hayden is telling Victoria that people talk and they are talking about her being a wreck. He tells her that she isn't the target. In fact she isn't even the second or third option. However if she keeps pulling people aside to complain, and keeps crying, she is making herself a target.

    6:20 PM BBT Hayden tells Victoria that the backdoor is always the ultimate target. If it doesn't happen and it remains her and Jocasta then more people want Jocasta gone. [Which is the exact opposite of what the Detonators have been saying all day]. Victoria thanks Hayden for the heart to heart and they share a nice long hug.

    6:22 PM BBT Zach is in the HoH telling Derrick that he never wanted to put Donny up because Donny is a good guy and the sole reason that Devin went home. Hayden comes up there and they start talking about how often they have boners in the house. It is happening to Hayden quite frequently.

    6:31 PM BBT Caleb is still talking to Zach and Derrick in the HoH room. He says that worse case scenario is Jocasta staying and winning HoH with Donny. They will hate that because they have had him on the block twice already and walked.

    6:33 PM BBT Christine and Frankie are talking in the WA. He is complimenting her on how well she did in the BotB with Nicole. He says it was impressive and production is probably pissed they got it right the first time. He then tells her that the guys are probably not behind the idea of backdooring Caleb right now, as long as he is behaving. Christine says that is fine as long as he never wins HoH again. She can't handle his power trips. [Personally, I think it's because Frankie doesn't want that kind of blood on his hands in case it backfires.--Goldlucks]

    6:40 PM BBT Frankie notices Jocasta's big bowl of icecream. He doesn't understand how she can be so thin. Jocasta says she can't "go" in this house. She is lactose intolerant. The ice cream makes sure she can go. Plain milk only gives her cramps.

    6:44 PM BBT In the WA and in the HoH room, the HGs are talking about life outside the house. This causes several WBRBs.

    6:50 PM BBT 6:50 PM BBT Just general chit chat in the BB house. Donny and Cody are comparing notes on how to complete Sudoku puzzles.

    6:58 PM BBT Donny and Cody are in the LR talking about Sudoku. Hayden comes by because he wants to request some toe nail clippers from BB. BB won't unlocked the DR room door. Donny "Tell them you want a nap and they will surely call you in." Hayden keeps pushing the button. Nothing. He goes to go into the SR. BB locks that door too. "I love it that BB screws with us." Hayden is finally let into the DR and BB says they will put in a request for him. Donny "That means you'll get them on Thursday.

  6. Just to draw attention to the memes contest, I captured these images on the feeds on Sunday and asked the members of our FB group and friends of Morty Port to caption these two images. Thanks to Malissa for "Kick Me Baby One More Time" and to Star for "Photo Bomb."



    And here is another from Andrew, a member of Morty's TV Facebook Group.


    And another from Andrew


  7. 5:00 PM BBT Victoria, Hayden, Nicole and Donny are in the KT. Victoria says she won't date guys that aren't attractive because she wants a beautiful family. Handsome people make the prettiest babies. She says physical attraction is the first thing you notice about a person and after that, you determine if you connect as a couple. Jocasta is alone at the hammock reading her bible.

    5:10 PM BBT Christine goes into the KT to make a bowl of cereal. As soon as she pours in the milk BB calls her into the DR. She asks BB to hold on so she doesn't have to throw soggy cereal away since food and drink are not allowed in there. Hayden tells her he was in there just recently talking to them while eating a mango.

    5:20 PM BBT Not much is going on in the BB house. Jocasta is in the hammock reading the bible. Occasionally she reads a passage out loud. She is currently reading about what one might be willing to give up their soul for. Donny, Nicole, Christine, Hayden, Frankie, Derrick, and Victoria are in the KT. Derrick and Hayden take their turns giving shout outs to loved ones back home.

    5:29 PM BBT The HGs in the KT are talking about Cody and Brittany because she has been in the HoH for a long time. Frankie says he hope he is getting some. Christine says probably not because he can't vote this week. The HGs say there is a lot of dishes in the sink but not that many since they haven't washed all the dishes in four days. They've only been washing a few at a time.

    5:33 PM BBT Donny goes outside with a bag of chips and Hayden joins him out there so they can share a bag of pink cotton candy on the patio. Donny says he needs to get his tennis shoes on and walk around because he hasn't done anything all day. He needs to wear himself out so he can sleep.

    5:37 PM BBT Victoria, Nicole, and Christine are talking about Brittany and how mean she is. Victoria says at least her hair doesn't look like a rats nest every morning when she wakes up. They can't believe that someone who is the mother of three people can be so nasty. They are saying that she is mad at Victoria for winning the POV and made at Nicole for taking it away from her.

    5:40 PM BBT The Brittany bashing is not limited to the ladies in the KT. It is now taking place in the BY as well between Derrick and Hayden. Donny reminds them what she went through yesterday and that she got absolutely nothing out of it.

    5:51 PM BBT Brittany bashing has come to an end. Feeds 1 and 2 show Hayden, Derrick, Victoria, Donny, Christine and Nicole are sitting at the patio. Hayden and Victoria get into a pillow fight. Feeds 3 and 4 show Cody and Amber napping in the bird's nest.

    5:55 PM BBT Derrick is telling the HGs about how he became engaged to his wife. He gives the full proposal story. The best part was after the proposal. He had both sides of their families waiting for them at the restaurant where they had their very first date.

    5:58 PM BBT Christine's proposal story was not nearly so romantic. They were in the mountains with a car that was broken down and several hours before AAA could be there. They had to go into a field to pee and that is where he proposed because he just couldn't wait any longer. [To propose or to pee--Goldylucks]

    6:01 PM BBT The HGs in the BY are talking about a lot of people outside of the house. We go from WBRB to all four feeds on the HoH where Cody is napping. So is Brittany. So, please excuse my earlier report. It is Cody and Brittany sleeping in the bird's nest. Not Cody and Amber.

    6:15 PM BBT We got ten minutes of watching Cody and Amber sleep. When the feeds switch Amber has joined the crew in the BY and they talk general chit chat. Donny walks a little and goes to the weight bench for some arm curls.

    6:21 PM BBT Hayden, Christine, Donny and Derrick are talking about Dan Gheesling and Dr. Will. They hope they get to talk to him afterwards. They think Dan is the best BB player and Dr. Will was smart but rude.

    6:23 PM BBT The crew in the BY are talking about production so we get all four feeds on Zach and Amber making a snack in the KT.

    6:36 PM BBT After ten minutes the feeds finally switch. Christine is in the hammock and Zach is sitting next to her on a bean bag chair. Christine says Brittany is going to be up Cody's butt until Thursday because it worked with Devin. Zach says it makes no sense because he has no vote.

    6:44 PM BBT Zach and Christine in the BY he is saying "I'm not going to do anything for the next few days." Zach asks if Amber said anything today. Christine: "promise me you will keep your mouth shut, she said I wish it was Zach on the block" Christine laughs.

    6:45 PM BBT Amber shows up at exactly the same time Zach and Christine are talking about her.

    6:45 PM BBT BB asks the HGs to replace the awnings. Donny and Hayden remark in shock "Victoria is putting up the awnings?" Hayden to Victoria "Victoria, you are one of my best workers."

    6:56 PM BBT All four feeds are on Donny and Hayden playing pool. Donny says he never claimed to be a good pool player. He then says you should hear me sing country. I kill hogs. Meanwhile Zach has turned Derrick in for napping in the BY."BB, we have a sleeper in the BY." BB gives a reminder that sleeping is only allowed in the bedrooms.

  8. 5:09 PM BBT Brittany has 15 goals to go. Cody goes to gather everyone out of the house to help her count down her last few kicks. You can hear someone screaming for Nicole to wake up. Ten to go.

    5:10 PM BBT The house is lines up by the goal post. She has 6 to go. Lots of whoops and hollers. They sing "Let's Go Brittany, Let's Go clap clap." Repeat. 2397, 2398, 2399. One more to go. The whole house is screaming. She lines up for her last kick. She hits is backwards in the center of the goal. The whole house swarms her. They grab her and start singing "In the pool, in the pool, in the pool." Amber takes her microphone off her and Brittany jumps in the pool. Frankie "and with that, fish is served."

    5:14 PM The house has gone wild for Brittany, she has jumped into the pool. She says that was the hardest thing that she has ever done. The feeds go to WBRB. When the feeds return, Brittany appears to be off camera.

    5:17 PM BBT Cody is talking to Derrick and Donny about how sore she is going to be a few day. He talks about how he still has five hours to go. He says she slept for about five hours and got a good amount of sleep. He kept getting woken up every time he tried to laid down. Penalty Kick. It doesn't sound like he is downplaying her situation but up-playing his own. Donny reminds them that when she started at 8:30 this morning she was only at 1000. Brittany is seen in the house wrapped in a towel.

    5:24 PM BBT Penalty kick. Frankie says he will gladly rub him down afterwards if he needs. Cody says that no, he would not like that. Most of the HGs are inside eating now. Derrick, Cody, and Amber are still sitting outside.

    5:32 PM BBT Derrick, Cody, and Amber are still sitting outside. Cody says he feels like he has no control and everything is out of his hands. Derrick is just glad he gets to play HoH next week. They think that there won't be anymore dual HoHs. There will only be 10 people to choose 4 nominees from. Most of the HGs are in the KT and listening to Hayden talking about tattoos.

    5:39 PM BBT Most of the HGs are in the KT. Brittany is still off camera. Amber, Derrick, and Cody are in the yard and Amber is telling Cody that Brittany is not trustworthy. Brittany was just talking to her about him last night. Cody goes inside to get a bite to eat. BB has other plans. Penalty Kick!

    5:47 PM BBT Derrick, Donny, and Amber are outside sitting . Amber gives shout out to our competitors who shall remain nameless. We have been in out of WBRB for the last 7 or 8 minutes. Christine is in the hammock and Caleb is sitting next to her. When the feeds returned Christine says she doesn't want to be associated as being with "her" but I don't know who she is talking about.

    5:52 PM BBT All four cameras on Caleb and Christine at the hammock. He tells her that the rest of the alliance wants Amber gone because they don't trust her. She is starting to align herself with the other side of the house too much. They don't trust her to put the alliance first. They both were so looking forward to seeing Victoria gone.

    5:55 PM BBT Off camera Cody, Derrick, and someone else is yelling to Caleb that he ate a fly. Caleb denies it and says this is Big Brother not Survivor, why would he eat a fly? Cody "I saw it Jockstrap." Derrick replies calling Cody a John Travolta look alike.

    6:00 PM BBT All four feeds are still on Caleb and Christine. They both hope that Victoria goes before jury. They don't understand why no one else is going after Victoria except that she is a vote they can manipulate. Christine says she could support Brittany staying in the house if they can get Brittany to not go after her.

    Can anyone cover? I really need to take off.

  9. 3:10 PM BBT Brittany stops to redo her bandage. She is at 2012 kicks. She is now kicking with her back to the net and using the back of her foot. Donny congratulates her on doing over a thousand shots since 8:30 this morning. Donny says this backwards kick of hers is almost 100%. He tells Zach that she has almost lost a toenail. She says she has blood blisters under them too.

    3:15 PM Cody is talking about his penalty kicks so BB gives him another whistle. Donny stands behind him and just smiles and giggles. Cody "I feel like I am punishing myself. Sorry mom." Cody says he wants to put up Caleb so bad. He says he is only in the predicament because he only cares about himself. "Keeping Caleb here I am risking my game the most. If I keep her here, I am risking everyone's else's. I am risking my game for everybody else." He says his decision is to hurt his game for the alliance. Christine says an alliance is a good thing but he has to play his own game. If he puts Caleb up she will totally support him. He worries what Caleb would say if he did that.

    3:24 PM BBT Brittany is coming close 2100 shots. Donny is going to put his feet in the pool. Brittany is still kicking the ball from behind with the back of her foot. Cody is whispering to Christine. He says he may kick everyone out of his room tonight. He is HoH and he is sleeping on just a small portion of the bed. He tells her that Caleb is screwing up his game. BB "Brittany, five hours to go." Donny "You got that. 350 in five hours." Brittany "339."

    3:29 PM BBT Brittany has tried using her left leg to backwards kick the ball but she isn't nearly as consistent. She goes back to using her right foot. Cody is still whispering to Christine. He says it will probably come back to bite him not getting rid of Caleb this week. He is going to not nominate Caleb and then Caleb is going to get him out the door the next week.

    3:35 PM BBT Brittany tries a volleyball serve with the soccer ball and it goes wide. Donny "Brittany, what was that?" She says she figured she would try since there is nothing soccer about kicking the ball backwards. Donny has fetched her the first aid kit. She is going to replace some bandaids on the her next break. She stops at 2100 goals.

    3:40 PM BBT Cody and Christine are still sitting at the patio. He says maybe it will be okay if he gets rid of Brittany and trusts in his alliance to keep him safe. The photo booth is open. Nicole says she isn't doing anymore photos because there is only so much you can do with a sausage and beer stein.

    3:51 PM BBT Hayden says he is going to give her a Dan Gheesling motivational speech. "Brittany, you have been out here since 8 o'clock last night. Did anyone think you can do it? Even you didn't think you can do. I had my doubts. And you are almost at 2200 points. Now look at you. Every shot is going in. Every single shot. You have until 8 o'clock tonight. You don't need it. Cause you are a fighter. You haven't gone inside. You haven't broken the rules. You are going to be a winner. Because that is what you do Brittany. You win and you never give up." Brittany says "Amen, I am going to go for the 2400 and not even stop at 2200. Who needs toenails? I haven't peed since 9AM. I probably said the F word 47 times." Donny "More than that." Brittany "I probably cried 12 times." Donny "More than that." Brittany "You are skating on thin ice Donny."

    3:58 PM BBT Caleb comes outside in his open denim shirt. He said he knew it was her favorite so he came out to cheer her on. She said he can't distract her. He says all he needs is some pom poms. Penalty Kick. Brittany "Yeah, about time he gets his ass kicked." Frankie yells that he has been waiting for this and him doing it shirtless is his dream come true. Frankie stands behind him cheering the whole time. Cody asks if anyone wants a kick just for fun. Several say yes but it isn't allowed. Frankie runs up to it and says hurry, just once before they (BB) finds out.

    4:06 PM BBT Nicole is in the WA trying to clean off her suit. She spilled her apple juice on it. Frankie thought BB gave Cody 5 hours off last night. Cody disagrees and is talking about them calling him three times in a row while he was trying to go to lay down. BB "Penalty Kick". Cody has put two and two together that anytime he even mentions it they call him.

    4:10 PM BBT Jocasta is giving Brittany a pep talk pulpit style. God will give her back what was taken from her. God will restore her because she is being diligent and strong.

    4:15 PM BBT Jocasta gives Brittany a pulpit style pep talk. When you think you are alone and no one is around, this is nothing. When you feel down, this is nothing. Amber backs it up with scripture reading from Timothy I chapter 3. Jocasta follows that with a psalm and Amber again with James I.

    4:26 PM BBT BB "Brittany, four hours to go." They tell her that she is going to have two hours to spare. Christine cheers for her and Brittany thanks her. WBRB as Brittany starts to sing Jennifer Lopez.

    4:34 PM BBT 2293 goals. The girls are still reading to Brittany from the bible. At 4:35 she reaches 2300 goals and gets a big cheer from everyone in the yard. She has only 100 to go. Frankie says the food will be ready in 25 minutes. Brittany says she is going to hop into the pool right afterwards. Jocasta says she is going to put fresh sheets on her bed so when she lays down it will be heaven. Brittany says she is going to ask for a beer or a bottle of wine.

    4:37 PM The house starts cheering for Brittany in unison. "Lets go Brittany clap clap, clap clap clap Lets go Brittany clap clap, clap, clap clap" "Gimme a B....Gimme and R...." etc. Frankie starts cheering for her to kick her blue balls into his net. This is really entertaining. I encourage anyone to flashback. The camera doesn't matter, it's the same on all four.

    4:43 PM BBT Frankie is singing about Big Brother Blue Balls and has everyone clapping along with him. WBRB.

    4:45 PM BBT Brittany is at 2333 and decides to take a break. She hasn't peed since this morning and want to put on her bathing suit. As soon as she hits 2400 she is jumping in the pool. Jocasta says she is going to get another cheer prepared for her. Frankie says Fish is for Dinner. He quotes Finding Nemo "Fish are friends, not food." BB doesn't call him out on it.

    4:47 PM BBT Frankie, Zach, and Cody are all talking about having blue balls right now. Frankie says his are more blue and more swollen that Brittany's soccer ball. BB reminds them that sleeping is only allowed in the bedrooms.

    4:50 PM BBT Penalty Kick. Cody "Come on. You completely took a dive." Frankie sounds like he is getting a little too much enjoyment with it. He tells Cody that he may have to stop. Frankie "See you in the Jack Shack."

    4:54 PM BBT Frankie says this is probably why no one is a Have-Not this week. If she was a Have-Not Brittany would be dead right now. Cody would be dead right now. He would be dead because he basically got up with Cody each time he did. [No he didn't, just saying--Goldylucks]

    4:55 PM BBT Brittany resumes kicking her ball and tells the HGs that she has huge blood blisters and has a toenail hanging off. She has 2335 goals. She says it would be great if BB told her in congratulation of her 2400 kicks she gets to replace herself on the block with someone of her choice. Zach "Who would you pick, me?" Brittany "I wouldn't pick you Zach."

    4:58 PM BBT Penalty Kick! The kick apparatus is not as strong as it used to be and now needs stabilized by a third party unless he can reach behind and hold it up. As soon as he lays back down BB calls for another penalty kick. Cody walks away massaging his bottom. He goes to lay down again.

  10. 2:06 PM BBT Brittany is particularly frustrated. When she changes techniques she just wastes energy because she misses more. Christine and Donny are with her now. Christine says she thought Cody would be getting more kicks than he has gotten. Brittany says there is no way she can do 600 more kicks. She'll make it to 2300 and not be able to finish. In the Fire BR Hayden tells Nicole that it is particularly hard on Brittany because she sucks so bad at kicking the ball. She is breaking toes inside her shoes because she tries to kick it so hard. She needs to just barely pass it through. If it were given to someone else, it wouldn't have taken nearly as long.

    2:10 PM BBT The June bug buzzes her again. She grabs a shoe to go to war again. She grabs the soccer ball and throws it. She nails the June bug. Donny says she should get extra points for that one. In the fire BR Hayden is flirting with Nicole. How can she snuggle with him and not kiss him. She says on National Television, No. She says that would definitely make the cut and she is not looking for air time here. He says "No sexual tension at all?" She says No.

  11. 12:10 PM BBT Cody gets another whistle. Hayden joins the HGs outside. He congratulates Brittany on her kicks and to Cody "This is what I've been waiting for. That is the best thing ever. Good job guys." Brittany's break is over and she vows she will do another 200 before she takes another break. After 20 in a row without missing Donny is going to 10 jumping jacks for her. Brittany puts some weights behind the net because once in a while the ball goes under it and she has farther to retrieve it.

    12:14 PM BBT BB tells Brittany she has eight hours to go. She is trying to find the sweet spot on the net where the net is tightest. This causes the ball to come mostly straight back to her. Correction, the weights are to tighten up the net, not to prevent the ball from going through.

    12:20 PM BBT Penalty Kick!! Cody does his kicks and goes to lay back down under the "funeral tent". It's a canopy set up in the BY with a cot under it. Brittany is quickly approaching 1600 goals. She is 3 away from Donny doing jumping jacks.

    12:24 PM BBT Brittany gets her 20 goals in a row so Donny gets up to do his 10 jumping jacks. "That about wrecked me right there." Brittany "No more jumping jacks then." BB helps her celebrating by giving Cody 3 penalty kicks in a row, which comes out to 30 kicks in the rear with a size 16 shoe.

    12:27 PM BBT Cody starts to head back to bed so BB gives him another whistle for 10 more penalty kicks. "Holy f*ing mother of f*ck." He goes back inside and as soon as he starts to close the sliding glass doors BB whistles again. Cody hits the railing for the spiral steps that lead up the HoH room. Donny asks Brittany what she has named the ball. She says she hasn't named it but maybe she should. Maybe they would bond better if she named it. Donny recommends Blue and Brittany likes it. "Come on blue, I have faith in you." BB calls out to Nicole because she is up and not in her unitard yet. Brittany reaches 1600 goals.

    12:30 AM BBT Christine is awake and joins Nicole in the WA. "I was outside with her for a little bit but she was complaining so much that I went back to bed. I'm over it." [Essentially she is complaining about Brittany's complaining and only one of them has grounds to complain if you ask me--Goldylucks]

    12:34 PM BBT Penalty Kick!! Brittany "He's been coming down every couple of minutes now." Jocasta is up and doing some laundry.

    12:37 PM BBT Brittany tells Jocasta "If you had been out at about 9 o'clock, Satan was winning. I was giving up but Donny talked me out of it." Jocasta "He can't win because you are already saved." Donny is called into the DR.

    12:45 AM BBT Jocasta, Nicole, Victoria, and Christine are all up now doing their ADLs. Brittany has been awake and kicking almost non-stop for five hours. Brittany has rearranged the weights behind the net to take up some of the slack. When the net is tight the ball rolls back farther to her. Now, she has the net so tight that the ball practically rolls all the way back to her without her having to chase it down. She has 1678 goals.

    12:52 PM BBT Brittany runs some hypotheticals with Jocasta. She says it would be nice to hear BB say Brittany, you got 2400 goals in 24 hours, you are safe this week. Or you got 2400 in 24 hours, you get $2400.00. She said she would leave on Thursday with a smile on her face. She says it would be nice if America got to vote and kept her but kicked out a boy, particularly Zach. Jocasta "that would be crazy."

    12:56 PM BBT Brittany takes a break from her kicking to declare war on two June bugs. She is armed with a throw pillow and she isn't afraid to use it. After a few swings, she resumes kicking and has reached 1700 goals. 700 more to go.

    1:02 PM BBT Donny is out of the DR. Since there was no more ice in the house he brings her out some frozen grapes to keep her water cool. She is glad he is there to keep her pepped up because the sun is out and it is slowing her down. Jocasta says they have never had something so strenuous like this before on BB.

    1:06 PM BBT Donny is sitting behind the net, trying to tighten it up and fix a soft spot where a hole is forming. Brittany gives it a strong kick and the ball literally bounced off Donny's head. She apologizes to him but he says it's fine. Kick away. It felt good. Jocasta is talking to Brittany about Nicole. They still don't understand why she took the veto knowing that Victoria was behind her and would without any doubt take it from her. Jocasta says Nicole said she didn't want to be a target by taking a luxury prize. Jocasta says that would have made perfect sense if that was her excuse from the get go. It took her hours to come up with that reasoning.

    1:12 PM BBT Brittany sees a lady bug. She says it makes her think of her Grandfather. When he passed away she says she saw them everywhere. They would fall on her, be in her car. She says that may be her Grandfather's way to say to keep it up. Ladybugs make her think of him and Hummingbirds make her thing of her Grandmother.

    1:17 PM BBT Victoria and Nicole are in the WA. Victoria says going into the POV with a positive attitude changed everything. Nicole admits the rest of the house thinks she is stupid for not taking the vacation. Brittany says she thinks when she is done she will lose toenails on both of the big toes. She has seven hours to go and she thanks BB for the reminder.

    1:24 PM BBT Brittany is fast approaching 1800 goals. She will take a break then. She is going to take 10 minutes then go 200 break 200 break 200. She says it's not because she's tired, She just feels broken. In the WA Victoria says she doesn't understand why people are saying she doesn't deserve to be there. Why does anyone deserve to be there? Nicole is getting some laundry together.

    1:30 PM BBT WBRB

    1:41 PM BBT Feeds are still on WBRB. Right before it went to FotH Brittany ways saying there was a second hole forming in the net. Maybe BB is fixing it. The feeds return and the weights Brittany had keeping the net tight are moved away. I do believe BB worked on the net. Brittany moves the weights back into place keeping the net nice and tight. The tighter it is, the farther the ball rolls back to her when she makes a good kick.

    1:52 PM BBT Brittany is really starting to feel the pain in her feet. She says you would think she was going for half a million dollars. Brittany takes a chance and hits the ball off her knee instead of her foot. To her, Donny's and Jocasta's amazement, she gets credit for the kicks. However, after two goals that way, she misses the next two.

    1:57 PM BBT Brittany has gone back to using her foot. Using her knee did feel better but she missed as many goals as she got. The only tried and true, yet very painful way, is to keep using her feet. Her feet are wrapped in gauze and she is wearing Donny's shoes.

  12. 9:00 AM BBT Feeds 1 and 2 are on sleeping HGs. Feeds 3 and 4 are on the BY. Cody and Donny are sitting outside watching Brittany as she kicks her soccer ball. She says she woke up about 8. Donny is called to the DR. He brings out something that is supposed to help her, but I can't tell what it is. Cody asks her if he ankle hurts. She says everything hurts including her legs and hips. Donny says "You said you tried everything, have you tried backwards?" Brittany "Yep, I just wear myself out because I miss it every time."

    9:05 AM BBT Brittany's goal counter reads 1075.

    9:10 AM BBT Brittany to Donny "Can you believe my daughter is as stubborn as I am?" Donny says yes and that she is quite the competitor. Donny cringes when Brittany misses a goal. He tells her that he hates watching that ball go by. Brittany is now wearing Donny's tennis shoes. Her feet are swollen and the longer shoe gives her a little bit of space between her foot and the ball.

    9:16 AM BBT Brittany reaches 1100 goals. Brittany is now dropping the ball on the ground and kicking it with the top of her foot when it bounces up. That is the only part of her foot that isn't hurting. Brittany asks Donny to tell a story but before he can really get into it, she realizes it is after 9 already and she is at risk of not making her 2400 goals. Donny says she did about 100 over the last hour.

    9:25AM BBT the whistle blows again and Cody goes for his penalty kicks. Brittany is hurting from head to toe. Donny is just watching her and Brittany is missing about one out of 4 or 5 shots since she keeps trying to find new, less painful techniques. She doesn't think she is going to make it.

    9:40 AM BBT Donny is trying to give Brittany some hope. He tells her that maybe after so many hours they could starts fetching the ball for her. Brittany says she doubts it. The goal clock is on 1175.

    9:47 AM BBT Goal clock reaches 1200. Brittany says "halfway" and gets a drink and resumes kicking. She does another kick that was particularly painful. Donny "This is my least favorite episode."

    9:51 AM BBT Brittany asks Donny for advice. Brittany is starting to think that it really doesn't matter if she just stops. She isn't going to be staying anyway. The penalty for not finishing won't really matter if she is going home Thursday anyway. Should she keep kicking for the next ten hours because of pride or just stop? Donny says pride is a good thing. She keeps kicking for now.

    10:00 AM BBT Brittany has reached 1238 kicks. She is at risk of not making her 2400 goals in 24 hours. She is beginning to debate the point and if this is really worth it. She expects she is going home Thursday anyway. After another missed kick she says "That's it. I give up." Donny encourages her to just take a little break. She lays down on the blue mat and rests her head one of the bean bag chairs. She says her feet hurt so badly she isn't even going to be able to wear heels when she walks out the door. Cody doesn't have anyone he can put that she could rally the votes over.

    10:05 AM BBT Donny is trying to talk Brittany out of quitting. She doesn't know for sure she is going home. HGs may change their mind. However, quitting might even hurt it when it comes to the votes. They might say she isn't trying hard enough to stay. Donny "you know your body, but you don't know your fate." She asks him to get her a yogurt.

    10:10 AM BBT Donny has brought Brittany some yogurt and a banana. The whistle blows for more penalty kicks for Cody. Feeds 1 and 2 are still on the darkened HoH room. Donny says that maybe when enough people wake up they can lay people out around the goal so that the ball can't travel as far when she misses. Cody sleeps through the whistle so BB gives him another whistle. He comes down from the HoH room, does his ten kicks, and then goes back up to bed. No sooner does Cody lay back down that BB calls for more penalty kicks. BB tells Brittany that she has ten hours to go. She is trying to do the math, calculating how long it took her to get halfway minus the five hours she slept.

    10:17 AM BBT Amber wakes up and joins Donny and Brittany outside. Brittany's break is over and she resumes kicking. She misses her first 2 out of 3 kicks. WBRB

    10:30 AM BBT We have been on WBRB for almost 15 minutes. Probably their wake up call.

    10:35 AM BBT Frankie and Christine have joined Donny and Brittany outside. Brittany is on 1258 goals. BB tells them to retrieve their activity trackers from the SR. BB also reminds them that bedroom lights must remain on during the day. The lights in the Fire BR and HoH room were still off.

    10:42 AM BBT Cody comes outside. He asks them "Did it just go off?" They tell him that no, they didn't hear anything. He says that he doesn't know I he is hearing things or not. They tell him that maybe it was just in his room. Cody "F it, I'm just going to do it. This is ridiculous."

    10:45 AM BBT Cody goes back inside after his penalty kick without a whistle. He tells Frankie that he thinks he just did them because he is hearing things. BB blows the whistle again. Meanwhile, Brittany is telling Donny, Christine, and Amber that this might all be worth it if it was for money or something. It is just for pride now and that just frustrates her. Brittany says it feels like she is breaking another bone every time she kicks. Donny says she took some Advil at eight so she can take another at twelve. She sits down to re-wrap her foot. She has 1290 goals.

    10:52 AM BBT Brittany to her best friend outside the house "Thanks Amber for talking me into doing this freaking show. I'm loving you right now girlfriend." Amber asks her what she thinks her friend is thinking right now. Brittany says her friend is thinking that she is going home right now.

    10:56 AM BBT Most of the HGs are still in or have gone back to bed. Amber and Donny remain outside with Brittany. Brittany is being harassed by a bug. She has her tennis shoe in her hand and is trying to hit it. Brittany has reached1300 goals. She knows that at this pass she needs seven more hours and has nine hours to do it.

    11:05 AM BBT 1337 goals. The blue ball is showing some wear and tear. There are cracks in it and you can see that the ball was pink before it was blue. She says she doesn't care what BB says, she is keeping that ball afterwards. Donny starts playing a game within a game with her. If she gets twenty in a row he will run a lap around the pool for her. Brittany gets to 18 kicks. "Donny may have to start running." Donny "I hope I do." She misses on attempt 19 and has to start over.

    11:14 PM BBT Amber goes inside and Brittany asks her for a large glass of ice and another yogurt. BB tells her that she has nine hours to go. Donny says he is going to run around the pool anyway to motivate her. She starts to pick up the pace again because she plans to take a break at 1400 goals to change and eat something. They are now counting down for her to 1400 goals.

    11:23 AM BBT Brittany has reached 1400 goals. She is taking a five minute break. She says that her first 200 this morning was much worse than her second 200 because of Donny getting her Advil and his pep talk. She comes right back outside again and says she wants to do some more. She will kick another 50 and maybe then take a break. Her bug is back.

    11:28 AM BBT Brittany tells Donny that 2 years ago she had surgery on both of her feet and already suffers from arthritis. She had doubts about her ability to do this competition from the beginning. Donny can hear some of production laughing behind the wall. Brittany "You better not be laughing at me." Brittany is getting to where she is just as good with her left leg as she is with her right. Now that her mood has increased a bit and has her bearded cheerleader, she is kicking more accurately.

    11:34 AM BBT BB blows the whistle for another set of penalty kicks. Brittany tells Donny she missed her son's birthday. Brittany to Cody "They haven't called you as much as I thought." Cody "Really, I feel like I've been called so much." Cody says when Brittany went to bed, they called him almost non-stop. She said she didn't hear it. He said that's good because she needed the rest.

    11:35 AM BBT Cody gets to back to back whistle blows. Brittany can't help herself but laugh because she had just commented that she thought he would have been called more than he has. She says she may have started something. She apologizes to Cody and Cody says he is glad to see her laughing and smiling.

    11:45 AM BBT Brittany says if she ends up staying she will be the luckiest BB player in history. Donny says that she will have deserved it. She just wants to make it to jury. That was her short term goal. Donny says there were five evictions last year and everyone after that went to jury. She makes a bad kick and has to retrieve the ball. Donny laughs and apologizes. Brittany says "If you can't laugh about it" She is almost at 500 since she woke up. She admits the first 230 was very rough and inconsistent. Donny says she has been at 80-85% lately. She is at 1495 goals.

    11:49 AM BBT Brittany reaches 1500 goals. She is hoping this will be the reason they will not have a Have-Not this week. Donny says that there has to be some kind of surprise at the end. Brittany is taking a break to eat her yogurt.

    11:54 AM BBT Brittany says she would have rather had the penalty kick but she appreciates this challenge more. She never would have challenged herself like this. Cody is in bed in the HoH room. He gets called for more penalty kicks. Donny has gone inside to make a sandwich. He is going to refill Brittany's ice and grab her a bag of chips. Cody finishes his kicks and lays down on the grass near her. He tells her it is amazing she has 1500. She says she had fully given up but Donny had talked her out of it.

    11:59 AM BBT BB "Have you changed your batteries?" Cody "No." Donny "We don't even know what day it is." Brittany says it is Donny's shoes that have helped her get this far. Donny "You are going to do it. You are going to get the next 100 in less than 45 minutes." Cody reminds her at one point last night she got 250 in under an hour. Donny "She was a lot younger last night though. These days are weeks."

    12:03 PM BBT It's noon in the BB house. Brittany has done 1501 goals and is in good spirits now that she can see the light at the end of the tunnel. She has eight hours to get 900 more goals. Cody was kept awake for the better part of the night so he can get kicked in the rear by a size 16 shoe. Cody gets called for more penalty kicks. "I hate this." Most of the HGs are in bed still with the lights on. Hayden rises with the latest whistle and heads in the SR to put on his tracker. Another set of penalty kicks for Cody almost as soon as he finishes the previous set. It almost appears that BB is using Cody to cheer on Brittany because she is laughing at him when he gets called.

  13. 7:00 PM BBT It is now time for Nicole to be upset by Brittany. She doesn't understand why Brittany was mad at her for taking the veto. "Why wouldn't I take the veto?" In the HoH Frankie is telling Cody that Brittany is going to keep using the pity card. It worked with Devin. She went from being in the hot seat to him using the veto on her. "But it won't work on Calzone."

    7:10 PM BBT Jocasta has a unique method for drying her toe nails. She has the oven door open and is sitting on a stool hanging her foot over the opening of the oven. Other than that, it's mostly more hashing and rehashing previous conversations and Brittany or Amber bashing.

    7:20 PM BBT In the KT Caleb is downplaying Victoria's win of the POV. He says he actually won it but chose the money over the power. She didn't really win it because he could have taken it from her. It is more important to him that he be able to finish his chopper when he gets home. It is going to say "RIP Mark" on it. The HGs are getting called into the DR one at a time and they are still waiting to see Nicole's unitard and Cody's and Nicole's punishments to begin.

    7:30 PM BBT Feeds switch to WBRB. When the feeds return feeds 1 and 2 are on Jocasta, Nicole, and Hayden in the fire BR. Feeds 3 and 4 are on the fish tank. Hayden is making fun of Nicole. He is trying to quote things she has said using her voice. Jocasta asks Nicole (Hayden) questions and she (he) answers them. Nicole (Hayden) talks about how hot Hayden is. Some of his comments are enough that Nicole hits him with a yellow throw pillow. Eventually Nicole plays along. She starts playing the role of Hayden. Jocasta "He is awesome at being Nicole. Who is the best Nicole in the whole house? Not Nicole. It's Hayden."

    7:51 PM BBT The BY is open. The HGs go outside and see a soccer ball and goal. There is also a large timer with a big zero on it. It seems Brittany's 2400 kicks in 24 hours has started. WBRB. When feeds return Brittany is up to 4 already. She has to do 100 kicks in an hour. After kick five a whistle goes off and Cody heads to a stand where there is a level with a tennis shoe at the end of it. He stands in front of it, pulls the handle, and the shoe kicks him in the rear.

    7:56 PM BBT Brittany is up to 21 goals. The whistle goes off again and Cody gets another ten kicks in the rear. He walks away for maybe 15 seconds and the whistle sounds off again. He says "Sarah, I know what you are doing" WBRB When Brittany makes a kick no one is allowed to chase down the ball for her. Also, kicks that miss the goal don't count. Cody has agreed to spend the night outside with Brittany since he will be answering to a whistle all night. Brittany is going to sleep on the hammock. Jocasta is considering sleeping outside on the hammock with her. Brittany is up to 39 goals and says her ankle is already hurting. Cody says his rear is going to be hurting when it's all done. Meanwhile Hayden is giving Frankie a butt massage, and then pays attention to the area where Frankie has a pulled muscle.

    8:06 PM BBT Brittany is up to 60 kicks in about 15 minutes. At 8:10 PM BBT Nicole is called to the DR, probably for her German-tard.

    8:14 PM BBT Brittany reaches 100 goals in roughly 20 minutes. She decides not to stop. She wants to keep going. She doesn't want to be doing this in the heat of the sun. She says she will probably go for about three hours without stopping. Zach tells her if she keeps going at this speed she could get it done in as little as eight hours.

    8:17 PM BBT Amber is having a little freak out with Frankie in the HoH who is about to have a bath. She is freaking out because she feels her position in the alliance is in jeopardy because she is also friends with the girls. Frankie says she needs to stay calm or she will only make it worse. He goes to feed the fish.

    8:26 PM BBT Caleb, Derrick, Zach, and Christine are in the LR. They have rehashed all their different conversations with or about Brittany or Amber throughout the day. Derrick says that the soccer ball punishment is better than the chum bath or solitary confinement. Meanwhile in the HoH room Amber and Frankie are saying that all they need to do is keep it cool for the next two weeks and then they go to war.

    8:32 PM BBT Nicole "Who wants to see my German-tard." Nicole comes out in her tan bottoms, a white shirt style with suspenders, a Peter Pan hat, and a Beer stein. She has a very large weenie on a skewer as well. Frankie "You are the cutest German ever."

    8:35 PM BBT Nicole's Beer Stein has actual beer in it. She is not allowed to share and when she is done with the beer she has to keep some kind of liquid in it. In the HoH room Frankie is getting in the tub and Caleb is sitting in a chair on the side. Frankie rehashes his conversations with Amber and that she needs to stop worrying until they get down to the final eight. That is when the war will start and there will be casualties everywhere.

    8:39 PM BBT Jocasta comes to the door of the BY. She shows that BB has delivered beer and wine. The whistle blows again and Cody reports for his penalty kicks in the bottom.

    8:48 PM BBT Brittany is still kicking her goals because she doesn't want to have to do it in the heat of the day. We can't see the counter but Zach tells her she has 2156 more kicks to go. That means she has reached 244 kicks. BB: "Brittany, 23 hours to go." Brittany realizes she has done 250 in an hour.

    8:52 PM BBT The feeds on camera 1 switch to Derrick who is talking to himself in the SR. He says "Treat her right. You want to get her out, don't act like an A$$ clown." I think he is talking about Zach because Zach has been giving Brittany a hard time all evening.

    8:56 PM BBT Nicole reveals that she has to replace the beer in her stein with beer or apple juice, because apple juice is beer colored. Many of the HGs are envious of her unlimited beer supply. Meanwhile Zach and Christine are now in the HoH with Frankie. He rehashes his conversation with Amber. He quotes that he told Amber she is shooting herself in the foot by campaigning for Brittany.

  14. 5:00 PM BBT Amber and Caleb are in the fire room. Amber tells Caleb that she told Brittany if she wants to stay that she really needs to start playing the game. Brittany is offering to make deals in order to stay. Donny is stirring up stuff but Brittany is working with anyone and is willing to. Caleb tells her that the guys have it in their head that they don’t want Brittany here.

    5:02 PM BBT Frankie, Christine, Victoria, Cody, and Zach are in the HoH room. Derrick has taken the stuffed monkey and is waving it front of the camera so that it shows up on the spy screen. He gives the monkey a close up. Derrick continues to entertain the HGs with the stuffed monkey.

    5:08 PM BBT Caleb and Amber are still discussing who the replacement nominee will be. Amber says at some point all the boys are going to turn on her. Caleb asks her if Brittany can help her get to the end. He says she couldn’t. Amber says she could make it further with her than any of the guys.

    5:15 PM BBT Derrick, Hayden, and Donnie are lying on the floor in between the KT and LR. They are looking up at the ceiling and talking about movies. Derrick is still playing with the stuffed monkey. Meanwhile Victoria and Zach are in the SR. She said she considered making a deal for the veto but it didn’t work out. She says this is her second time on the block and this time she saved herself.

    5:16 PM BBT BB "Nicole, please go to the DR." Frankie "Oh, the germitard." Meanwhile Victoria is venting to Zach in the SR. She is tired of being perceived as one who is safe to put on the block. Zach says they didn't have a choice and it wasn't personal. Victoria tells him that there are plenty of people who have never been on the block. She is concerned that Cody doesn't appear happy she won the veto. Zach says it's because it derails the plan to get rid of Brittany. It has nothing to do with Victoria.

    5:20 PM BBT Brittany and Jocasta are talking in the fire BR. Brittany says she had a conversation with Nicole. She reminded her that she gave Hayden the swirly because she couldn't do that to a girl. She didn't want Nicole to have to stick her head in a toilet. To repay her, she gets stuck outside just so Nicole doesn't lose her bed buddy. Brittany has lost faith in Nicole and Christine both.

    5:24 PM BBT Victoria and Zach are still in the SR. They both agree that they just want to make it to jury. At jury they can make phone calls. They also like that they can't talk game there so no one can try to influence them.

    5:26 PM BBT In the fire BR Brittany tells Jocasta that Nicole is a little hooch. She flirts with both Hayden and Cody. Brittany says the next time she sees Nicole laying down with Hayden that she is going to hop in Cody's lap and start running her fingers through his hair.

    5:31 PM BBT Victoria is now talking to Derrick in the beehive. She says she is happy she saved herself. Derrick responds "I told you that you can do it but you don't listen to me." Victoria "Yes I do." Meanwhile Caleb and Amber are in the Rock BR. Caleb says that is doesn't matter who they put up next to Brittany. Brittany is going home. He is telling her that even though she would want to give Brittany her vote, and has reason to give it to her, she can't. He knows that will feel awful but she has to play her own game.

    5:36 PM BBT Brittany has joined Derrick and Victoria in the beehive. She is fired up that Nicole took the veto from her and gave her the 24 hours outside to kick a ball. Especially when she saved her from a swirly earlier. Not to mention that Victoria was behind her still and there was no way she was going to keep the veto anyway. She says was stupid and should have taken a good prize since keeping the veto would be impossible. So, she's stuck with the unitard. Brittany says she did it because she called her out earlier and getting stuck in the unitard is her Karma.

    5:48 PM BBT Brittany goes up to the HoH room to talk to Cody. She says if she was to stay she would not go after him. She is mad at him, but not for nominating her. She is mad at him for comparing her to Victoria. He reminds her that she has spent almost no time in the HoH room. She says it's because she watches everyone kiss the HoH's a$$ and she isn't like that.

    5:51 PM BBT Cody tells Brittany that she hardly ever talks to him at all. He constantly sees her locked up in the beehive with Donny or Jocasta with the door closed. She tells him that she never talks game to them. They talk about life and she and Jocasta pray together. That's it.

    5:56 PM BBT Nicole comes out of the DR. Everyone is disappointed because she didn't get her unitard yet. BB told her she will get it later. Derrick comes up to the HoH room interrupting the conversation between Cody and Brittany. Caleb and Amber are still alone in the Rock BR. They are discussing how expensive a "free" trip is when you consider meals, etc.

    6:00 PM BBT Brittany tells Cody that she will forgive him if he stays outside with her tonight while she kicks a ball 2400 times. He says that he will. Frankie joins them. Frankie was hoping to wait up to see Nicole in her Germantard but since she isn't getting it for a while, he is going to go to bed.

    6:07 PM BBT Frankie is wearing Icy Hot. He tells Brittany and Cody in the HoH room "Who pulls a quad in a deviled egg competition?I can't believe that I did that." Brittany is hoping the ball she has to hit is on a string and not something she has to kick across the yard and chase down afterwards. She thinks it was be on a string with a counter because no one is going to want to sit there and count her balls. Frankie jokes that he will count her balls. Brittany wants to go lay down but says everytime she does she gets called into the DR. WBRB.

    6:12 PM BBT Frankie, Cody, and Brittany are still hanging out in the nest in the HoH. Frankie's injury is making it hard for him to get comfortable. "I feel like an old man with this malady." Brittany says he should take a hot bath with some Epson salt. He says that is an excellent idea. He goes down to get some. When he leaves Brittany and Cody talk about Frankie showing up anytime he sees two people talking.

    6:17 PM BBT Cody tells Brittany that he doesn't know where she is at because she stopped talking to him after week one. He says Brittany was forced to talk to him because they were on the same sleeping pattern. She said wasn't ever forced to talk to him. Frankie returns with the Epson salt and Amber quickly follows so that conversation ends abruptly.

    6:21 PM BBT Amber has gone back downstairs so Brittany and Cody are alone again. He asks her where her head is at. She tells him that she feels the game started without her. People were working together and she was left to battle it out alone. She knows she is going home. He asks her where she got that idea that her going home was a sure thing. She says the only person she had a chance against was Victoria because she is the one person that everyone wants gone.

    6:25 PM BBT Brittany asks Cody when he started trusting Amber. He says he doesn't. She comes up just because she is trying to break off from Caleb. Brittany says she trusts her now. She used to trust Christine and Nicole but those two are going to carry each other, not her. Cody is concerned that Zach's actions are going to reflect negatively on him. He doesn't like the way Zach talks to people then pretends it's all in joke.

    6:32 PM BBT Cody and Brittany are still in the HoH room. He tells her that his relationship with Caleb is more strained than ever because of Amber. Amber will jump up on his lap or something and then seconds later he walks by. She is making it 80% worse and he isn't there for that. Brittany and Cody are discussing if she will be able to sleep when she is stuck outside kicking a ball 2400 times in 24 hours. He thinks she will be allowed to sleep on the hammock between kicks.

    6:35 PM BBT In the Fire BR Frankie, Derrick, and Victoria are talking to Zach about Brittany be up in the HoH room for so long. They say that Zach is an a$$hole and he needs to be one and go up there. Zach goes upstairs into the HoH room. He says he is there for Sourpatch Kids and "Imagine that" Brittany is there. He tells her that she totally has his vote. She reminds him he said the same thing to Devin. He says, but I lied to Devin. She says he lies every time he opens his mouth. He says he is going to sit outside and laugh at her every time she misses a kick. She tells him that she is going to laugh at him when he walks out the door. Cody tells Zach that is enough. Brittany is called to the DR. When she is gone Cody tells him that he needs to lay off her. Cody doesn't like that one bit. She knows she is going home and to F*ck with her like that is a D*ck move.

    6:45 PM BBT Cody, Zach, and Frankie are talking about Brittany always saying she deserves to be in the house. Zach hates that. They says that no one deserves to be there. They have to earn it. Frankie "It's not like you are applying for a grant for $500K and it will go to the one who is the most deserving." They start talking about their stipend and BB tells them they aren't allowed to talk about production.

  15. 1:04 PM BBT Jocasta, Derrick, and Brittany are sitting at the KT counter. Just general chit chat.

    1:15 PM BBT More stories and chit chat in the KT. Christine goes into the Have-Not room and sits on the edge of the bed. She is wrapped in a blanket and she seems to just stare at the wall. After several moments Victoria walks in there and they begin to whisper. WBRB.

    1:20 PM BBT The feeds return. Chrisine and Victoria and laughing in the Have-Not room. Victoria is talking about Brittany. She doesn't understand why Brittany refers compares her to a second Pao-Pao. She says Brittany is giving off bad energy. Had it not been for that bad energy then they might have won the BotB. She says that Brittany acts like she is so much better than her. Victoria says that the only thing Brittany does is shove stuff in her mind to confuse her.

    1:27 PM BBT Victoria is not happy that Brittany and others are acting like Victoria is a weak player. She says she was just one letter away from winning the spelling comp. She had the longest word and just couldn't find the one letter she needed. "Pao-pao said we were the smallest players and we suck. No, you suck." Victoria "I am so frustrated. The girls in this house are so catty."

    1:30 PM BBT Brittany bashing continues between Victoria and Christine in the Have-Not room. We get a brief WRBR followed immediately by Jeff's highlight reels. The caption says the HGs are playing a game. Maybe it's time for the POV.


  16. 9:00 AM BBT It's mostly quiet in the BB house this morning. The lights are on but it appears that only Donny is awake. He is in the WA brushing his teeth. BB reminds the HGs that the lights must stay on during the day.

    9:08 AM BBT BB "The bedroom lights must remain on during the day. Donny replies "They are on." Donny goes to sit in the LR alone and is reading a yellow paper that might be some instructions from BB to the HGs.

    9:15 AM BBT BB asks Donny to go up and turn on the HoH lights. Donny goes upstairs and does what BB asks. BB "Donny, thank you." WBRB.

    9:18 AM BBT The feeds return to Donny putting something in the microwave. Victoria and Amber are up and moving around.

    9:24 AM BBT Christine, Amber, Victoria, and Donny are up doing their ADLs. Amber says she never went to bed last night. Christine says she needs earplugs because of the snoring that kept her awake.

    9:28 PM BBT Cody and Frankie are stirring in the HoH room. Frankie lets him know that Brittany and Amber pulled an all nighter. Donny and Amber are sitting in the orange chairs in the LR speculating about their day and what BB has in store for them.

    9:33 AM BBT Frankie has gone downstairs. Donny apologizes for turning the lights on and says he snuck in quietly because he didn't want them to know it was him that did it. Frankie laughs quoting Big Brother "Donny, thank you." Frankie "I had no idea it was you Donny, no clue," BB "Have you changed your batteries." Cody raises his voice in a tone of frustration "No, I haven't."

    9:38 AM BBT Cody and Amber sneak into the SR for a chat. Amber tells him that she spoke to Brittany a lot last night. She says that Brittany has no problems with Cody. Brittany wanted Amber to tell him that Cody is not a target of hers. Donny walks in and the conversation abruptly changes to Amber requesting that she NOT be picked to host the POV. Donny leaves and Jocasta walks into the SR. Cody hugs Jocasta and asks her if she wants to host the POV.

    9:45 AM BBT Derrick joins Cody in the SR. Cody repeats his conversation with Amber. He tells him that Brittany sent her to inform him that Cody isn't or ever will be Brittany's target. Cody implies that this a tactic for someone like Devin and not him. "I'm not Devin. She is sealing her fate. And Amber needs to go next week."

    9:48 AM BBT Cody goes up to the HoH room to talk to Frankie. He repeats the Amber conversation. Amber doesn't want to host the competition because she wants to play in it. "I don't think she understand the concept. She can only be a host if she isn't picked to play. She wants to play so she can save Brittany. Does she not realize I have no part in who gets to play?" Frankie asks if she is hoping Cody will pick her as HG choice. Cody says that is never ever going to happen.

    9:53 AM BBT Derrick and Brittany are in the Fire BR. Brittany says Cody said he was going to nominate weak players but then nominated people justifying it's because they are fierce competitors. It's contradictory. She expected to be nominated by Frankie, not him. Derrick says he was expecting to be nominated by Frankie too. Brittany says she isn't mad at Cody but does not want to be considered partners with people like Victoria and Donny simply because the others started playing the game and didn't include her. Derrick tells her that she doesn't owe anyone an explanation. If she wins the POV she can go tell them to go F**k themselves. She doesn't have to campaign to him.

    10:02 AM BBT I believe everyone is up now doing ADLs. The only HG I haven't seen yet is Derrick. Cody goes to the backdoor and it is dark. They are on IDLD. Brittany is in the WA with Jocasta and says "There are some shady people." Jocasta doesn't respond or acknowledge that she ever heard her. After a few moments of quiet Jocasta tells Brittany that if she gets HG choice for the veto that she needs to pick Derrick if Victoria hasn't already picked him.

    10:07 AM BBT Derrick goes up to the HoH room where Cody and Frankie are. Derrick tells them that Zach is running his mouth again. Brittany informed him that Zach told her she was the target this week and everyone was going to vote her out. Cody is not happy and tosses his shirt. Derrick says he smoothed things over with Brittany and that Cody never implied that to everyone. They both agree that Zach needs to keep him mouth shut. Derrick and Cody know Amber wants to play in the POV to save Brittany. Based on their intention to target the guys, the targets going forward are Brittany, Jocasta, and Amber. They are going all girls and if they will win they will put up all guys.

    10:12 PM BBT Cody is going to continue to try to smooth things out with Brittany so she doesn't feel that she needs to campaign. Cody is going to talk to Zach. Zach has to learn to keep his mouth closed. It's clearly that the girls are working together and will target 4 boys if any of them win HoH.

    10:15 AM BBT Zach joins Cody, Frankie and Derrick in the HoH room. Zach jokes "I think we need to take Brittany off the block." They say they are voting her out even if they are the only ones. Once an HoH makes someone a target then that person has to go home or the HoH is put in danger the next week. Victoria is harmless and won't care but Brittany is after Cody now.

    10:19 AM BBT Cody tells Derrick and Zach that he doesn't know how long he can continue to play with Amber. Amber is clearly going to start targeting the boys. Derrick says the time to pick players for the POV could be as soon as ten minutes and leaves. Cody says Brittany is as dumb as Devin was. Caleb still can't get over Amber and stop playing with his heart. They are stupid. Caleb is flipping on all of us. Zach "All you need are the four detonators and Hayden. That's all you need."

    10:30 AM BBT All the HGs, including Caleb now, are up and around. They are anticipating picking players for the POV very soon. Amber has told Cody that she doesn't want to be chosen to host the competition because she wants to play in it. [she doesn't seem to understand that being considered a potential host does not limit her chances to play. The host is picked after the players are] Cody has talked to several people this morning and he has one thing on his mind...getting rid of Brittany this week.

    10:39 AM BBT The phrase "Hurry up and wait" comes into mind now. The HGs are anxious to pick players for the POV and most of them are sitting around chit chatting to fill the time. Donny is talking about his dogs. One of them is a large black vicious looking creature and the other is medium sized. Christine and Nicole are whispering in the WA. They are talking about Hayden but it is impossible to figure it out what they are saying.

    10:46 AM BBT Frankie, Amber, Derrick, and Caleb are at the KT counter. They have taken the phrase "I have to pick players for the veto competition" into a tongue twister. It ends up sounding like PEVO instead of Veto.

    10:51 AM BBT Caleb and Frankie are in the beehive room. Caleb is telling him about his conversation with Amber yesterday. He told her that it didn't go well. He told her he feels like she looks at him and kicks him in the nuts every morning he wakes up. He says he has been nothing but nice to her and has sacrificed so much. Meanwhile she follows Cody around like he has her pacifier in his back pocket. He admits to Frankie that was not a good choice of words and it wasn't received well. He says she thanked him for making her look like an idiot and walked off. Caleb says she is making herself look like a victim now.

    10:58 AM BBT WBRB has been on for the last 2 minutes. It is possible they may be picking players for the POV. Too soon to tell. Stay tuned.

  17. 7:05 PM BBT Feeds aren't back yet. Stay tuned.

    7:21 PM BBT Still no feeds. Hopefully they will be back up soon.

    7:35 PM BBT Feeds return. Frankie and Cody are hugging and smiling. Frankie raises his hands in the air and looks straight at the camera with a huge smile. Caleb "Two people in my alliance are HoH." I think it is safe to say that Frankie and Cody may have won.

    7:39 PM BBT Feeds 1 and 2 are showing Christine, Hayden, and Jocasta in the LR. Derrick and Caleb are standing in the KT peeling ash from the bottom of a pair of tennis shoes. Frankie to BB "I want to request 75 things for my basket." WBRB.

    7:41 PM BBT Frankie is dancing around the house. He wants to tell BB to make sure that he has a picture of his grandparents. Frankie and Cody are the new HoHs. Cody to Amber "We were so f*ing close." Cody is at the sink rinsing his hair out in the sink. He tells Nicole that he has torn his hands up on the wire.

    7:44 PM BBT Zach has his microphone in his hand as BB is telling him to put it back on. He tells BB that a piece of his mic has broken off. Nicole says that she and Caleb got as far as nine eggs. Frankie is pacing around the house singing "I am going to be a mess, a mess, going to be a mess, a mess." Brittany is making a pizza.

    7:47 PM BBT In the SR Derrick and Amber are kneeling down in front of the fridge talking about Devin's exit from the house. Caleb says they made peace. No hard feelings. They are pulling more pizzas out of the fridge. Amber doesn't want anything that even remotely resembles the Have-Not food items.

    7:50 PM BBT Feeds 1 and 2 show Derrick, Victoria, Donny, Cody, Hayden, Amber, Jocasta, and Nicole. They are all talking at the same time. Feeds 3 and 4 are on Zach, Brittany, and Caleb are in the KT. Caleb says he has a lump under his left chest. He asks Brittany if she wants to feel his breast cancer. He explains that he has a gland there that is constantly collecting progesterone and forming a lump.

    7:53 PM BBT Frankie and Zach go into the beehive room. Zach congratulates him and says he is so happy that he is safe this week. He starts listing off people that should be nominated. He mentions Amber and Jocasta specifically. Frankie says he doesn't want to say anyone just yet. He just wants to enjoy this moment. Zach agrees and says "Great F*ing job."

    7:55 PM BBT Frankie goes into the Have-Not room to change where Hayden and Amber are. Amber is stunned because the doors to the "Freezer" AKA storage closet pop open on her. Hayden and Amber leave Frankie alone in the room. Frankie to the cameras "I am so happy. What a great week." Frankie goes into the LR where he starts prancing.



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