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Posts posted by Goldylucks

  1. 7:30 AM BBT The HGs are still sound asleep.


    8:00 AM BBT Still sleeping. ZZZZ.


    8:30 AM BBT Still sleeping. Occasionally you can hear some pretty loud banging off in the distance.


    9:00 AM BBT HGs are still asleep.


    9:30 AM BBT The HGs are all still sleeping.


    9:34 AM BBT Wake up call.


    9:48 AM BBT Frankie and Christine are up in the KT. Frankie is talking about Disney music, which was likely included in the wake up call. He asks for music from the Hercules movie tomorrow. Frankie is walking around singing Disney songs. BB is letting him do it. "Wow, that was everything. Thank you. That was awesome." Christine heads back to bed.


    9:52 AM BBT BB calls Victoria to the DR.  Frankie heads back upstairs. On the balcony he looks directly at the camera, puts his hands together to make the shape of a heart and says "I love you. I love you I love you" He goes into the HoH room and does it again. He takes off his pants, crawls into bed, and turns on the spy screen.

  2. 8:03 PM BBT We finally get a good shot of Christine's and Nicole's globes. Christine has a clear lead over her now. She has reached the top of the smile on her snowman's face. Frankie's globe is still off camera. Christine has a really good close call. She doesn't drop her liquid. Caleb has just realized that Derrick is going for the small snowman.


    8:09 PM BBT the feeds went to WBRB. When they return Derrick is trying to get up again. He must have fallen again. Nicole says there is a dead cricket in her lane and Frankie lets out another squeal as he slips and almost falls. Victoria is still trying her best but she really isn't in the running to be able to win. She is too far behind. Frankie has slowed down considerably. Nicole falls. "That freaking cricket." Derrick falls again. He gets up and goes back down again.


    8:18 PM BBT Caleb has almost reached the halfway point on his globe. Derrick, after a dozen falls, has reached halfway on his small globe. He falls again. WBRB.


    8:19 PM BBT the feeds come back and Derrick says "Thank you production, or Heath, whatever." FotH. Nicole whispers "Come on Christine." Frankie stops for a water break. Cody agrees to open her water bottle for Christine because her hands are so slippery.


    8:26 PM BBT Nicole's cricket has gone missing. She fears it may be on the bottom of her shoe. We finally get a good shot of Frankie's globe. He is at the bottom of the nose. Nicole is halfway between the smile and the nose. Victoria hasn't reached the bottom of the smile yet. Caleb is over halfway now, but there is no face on the side of the globe so it is very hard to compare. Frankie asks BB if they can have more water if they run out Gatorade. WBRB.


    8:30 PM BBT Victoria has fallen again. Christine and Caleb have clearly reached the halfway point. They might be the only ones left with a reindeer in this race.


    8:35 PM BBT Caleb has a great technique. He uses his larger hands to keep the liquid in this scoop. He then practically ice skates back to the globe. Nicole is using the slow and steady. Frankie stops himself from falling "I just threw up in my mouth a little again."


    8:39 PM BBT It's between three people now: Frankie, Christine, and Caleb. They are all three at the wide part of the globe now. Christine falls but gets up quickly. Frankie lets out another squeal followed by a "Wow". We hear Christine say "Holy Fudge" off camera. Nicole falls again.


    8:45 PM BBT WBRB


    8:46 PM BBT When the feeds return Christine is almost to the eyes of her snowman. Frankie is at the nose of his. Nicole is also at the nose. Victoria is still just getting to the smile. Caleb is giving himself pep talks "Push through it. Push through the pain." "Don't stop. Don't stop. Don't stop. REPEAT over and over. No pain. No pain. No pain. Push through the pain."


    8:51 PM BBT Christine falls. Caleb to himself "What you talking about? We don't fall. We don't fall." It sounds like Caleb is back at basic training. "To my mom and brothers, to my fallen brothers" Then Caleb falls. He gets back up and begins his chant again. Cody is just watching with little words of encouragement for everyone.


    8:53 PM BBT Nicole says Derrick wins for the most falls. Cody "And the hardest." Derrick jokes he is going to need a medic after this. He wants oxygen and a catheter." Caleb "We don't stop. Stopping is for sissies. Run baby. Just run. Victoria falls off camera. Nicole "We are definitely going to see a clip of this on Thursday."


    8:56 PM BBT it appears to be between Christine and Caleb followed closely by Frankie and then Nicole. Frankie looks over at Cody who isn't completely covered and sweating and says "I hate you."


    8:57 PM BBT Christine has a very ill timed fall and Frankie has been slowly catching up to her. We hear Frankie whisper "Oh go go go." It appears he has realized this fall may be what he needs to catch her.

  3. 7:01 PM BBT The feeds return to Victoria struggling to stay up. Derrick is crawling on the ground. Christine and Nicole are both jogging. Christine busts hard. “Oh, Dang it!”


    7:04 PM BBT Christine has a pretty good pace going but she is breathing really hard. Victoria says “Damn it” as she struggles to get back to her pool and resorts to crawling. Derrick has given up on crawling and is now on his feet again, but he seems to be packing himself. Christine, Nicole, and Frankie are all jogging.


    7:11 PM BBT Nicole and Christine seem to be getting back and forth the fastest. Derrick says "How you doing Christine?" She says she feels like she is going to die. Victoria looks absolutely miserable. Caleb is channeling Beast Mode and has picked up his pace. Cody gives words of encouragement. "You are doing really good, keep it up" when the HGs come back towards him to refill their scoop.


    7:14 PM BBT Caleb falls on his butt. "Dad-gum It." In trying to stand he falls again. "Well, that aint gonna work." He crawls back to his pool after reassuring Frankie that he is uninjured.


    7:17 PM BBT The feeds have been in and out on highlight reels. It appears that Christine and Nicole are keeping the best pace but there still isn't anyone clearly leading at this point. Christine says her shoes are falling part and part of her shoes have folded up under her toe. Frankie is now out packing Nicole.


    7:22 PM BBT Frankie starts to slip and almost grabs Nicole. He tells her, "This is a dream Nicole." She agrees with him. It is too hard to tell who is leading, but it isn't too hard to tell who isn't: Victoria and Derrick.


    7:24 PM BBT Frankie keeps letting outs "Woahs" and "$hit" as he loses some of his liquid in the delivery. Christine has gone from panting to coughing. Nicole appears to have decided to take a slower pace but she is losing less in the walk back than she was before. Derrick is now getting confident enough to start jogging back and forth. Cody continues to give words of encouragement to everyone.


    7:27 PM BBT Frankie lets out another squeal and he almost falls. Christine has a near miss but manages to stay up. Derrick falls and lands flat on his back. His scoop goes flying. Christine has another near miss. Nicole "Good job Christine." We get another two squeals from Frankie. He keeps crashing into his snowman and say "I can't help it. I am afraid I am going to break it."


    7:30 PM BBT With this almost clear color fluid, it is hard to tell who has the lead. Based on what I am seeing it would have to be close between Frankie and Christine. Frankie says "If Amber was playing this she could reach my ball already, those skinny fingers."


    7:32 PM BBT Frankie has the fastest pace and when he runs back for a refill he waves his left arm like a windmill. Christine is still awfully fast. Nicole is the most steady of the group. Victoria is doing a lot better but she slips with almost every pass. Derrick appears to be in no hurry. Caleb is at the very end so he isn't getting as much camera time and it is hard to tell about his progress. Derrick to Cody "Caleb is smoking. So is Frankie and Christine. Nicole is right behind them." Christine falls again.


    7:36 PM BBT Derrick asks Christine how long she thinks this is going to take. He guesses 3 hours. She says one more. Derrick asks Cody to tell a story. He says no. Frankie "I met a magical princess and her name is Elsa." He starts to sing "Let it Snow, Let it Snow" and we get WBRB.


    7:38 PM BBT when the feeds come back Frankie says he thought it would help if he changed the words. It appears BB told him to stop singing. Derrick falls again. When asked if he is alright he says he is good to go. Derrick talks to his family "Jana, don't you dare laugh. Don't you do it. Matt, Amy, kiss my ass."


    7:40 PM BBT Cody hates where he is positioned, behind the pools. "I wish I could see." Cody tells Frankie (I think) "Getting too close on the outside bro." Derrick falls yet again. Frankie "You got it D-nuts." Cody says "He is hurting. He is really hurting. He is taking a lot of falls. And Derrick falls yet again.


    7:43 PM BBT Nicole and Christine have gotten theirs filled up to the bottoms of the snowman's smile. It appears with all the falls, Derrick has decided to go for the small snowman now.


    7:47 PM BBT you can hear Frankie saying a little prayer under his breath "Please help me. Please." Derrick is the only one going for the small man. Frankie compares this to Harry Potter. He says it like the locket in the water that you can't drink. Derrick Frankie to Cody "I feel like I am falling behind." Cody "No, you're fine."


    7:50 PM BBT Caleb has what appears to be a really good pace until you look at Frankie. Frankie is easily twice as fast. Derrick falls again. Caleb "Come on D." Derrick crawls back from this fall with an "Ah...ah F**k you."


    7:54 PM BBT Cody continues to give words of encouragement. "good job Victoria, come on Beast Mode." Derrick falls yet again, this time right in front of his snowman so that entire lap was a waste. Victoria falls and when she gets up she has lost all of her momentum. Christine complains that there is a bee in her lane.


    7:56 PM BBT Nicole falls and lands face first flat on the ground. Victoria falls again as well. Nicole "I'm okay mom if you are watching." We are getting lots of coverage on Nicole and Christine who are pretty much neck and neck. We are also getting plenty of footage of Derrick because he keeps falling and is going after the smaller snowman. We are seeing very little of Frankie's globe or Caleb's. Based on his interactions with Cody, Frankie may be leading.


    7:58 PM BBT It's Frankie's turn to fall. He is back up so fast that I almost missed it. Derrick is still going after the smaller globe and is taking his time with it. He has no competition for it. Derrick falls again. Cody "that sounds like he hit hard." Derrick stays down a moment on this fall. "F*ck." Nicole falls again. "I freaking hate being clumsy."

  4. 3:50 PM BBT The feeds switch to Jeff's highlight reels.


    4:30 PM BBT We are still on Jeff's highlight reels.


    4:36 PM BBT The feeds return. Christina is walking around all wet. Victoria is in the shower. Nicole is waiting for her turn in the shower. Frankie says "My Mom is going to be so pi$$ed. I hope she's a good sport about it." Caleb "That cold water challenge has been going on a while." It seems the HGs might have done the ALS ice bucket challenge.


    4:39 PM BBT The HGs are talking about it being a celebrity from television that dumped the water on them, but they don't know what his name is. Caleb says he is a big actor from CBS.


    4:47 PM BBT Derrick and Cody are talking about the ice bucket challenge. They are talking about how each of them got to challenge one person to participate. They are hoping BB lets them see videos of it. BB tells them that the IDLD is over.


    4:56 PM BBT Donny and Nicole are laying out on the chaise in the BY. Donny is balancing a throw pillow on his head. Caleb and Derrick are playing a game of pool.


    5:06 PM BBT Donny and Nicole have moved to the patio. Nicole is eating slop. Caleb is now playing pool with Cody.


    5:20 PM BBT The HGs believe that all the former evicted HGs have done the ice bucket challenge as well. Caleb is now playing pool with Frankie.


    5:28 PM BBT Derrick, Donny, Cody, Victoria, and Christine are sitting at the patio. They are talking about how people have changed while being in the house. Derrick says Victoria used to never swear. Now she does. He feels he is cussing with just about every other word now.


    5:38 PM BBT Caleb is doing one armed cartwheels in the BY. Cody says he can probably do a roundoff and back handspring but he won't do it on the hard ground. He says it would be his luck he would bust his head on the ground.


    5:44 PM BBBT Victoria has gone over to the hammock to sit alone. Donny, Cody, Frankie, and Christine are sitting on the patio. In the WA Derrick and Nicole are whispering. I can't hear the details.


    5:47 PM BBT Nicole is on a mission. She is trying to "Save a butterfly's life" that has gotten inside. It is by the light above the WC door. She is trying to catch it to take it back outside. When she stands on a chair BB tells her to stop that. She fusses at the butterfly as it flees from here: "I'm trying to help you." She can't catch it.


    5:54 PM BBT Nicole has gone inside and sees the dartboard for the first time. She decides to play and hits the door more than she does the target. She is throwing the darts really hard.


    5:57 PM BBT Derrick and Caleb head inside to give shout outs. Derricks says he hopes to see Caleb's family when they are sitting side by side at the finale. Caleb "Sounds good to me."

  5. We have had a lot of great memes posted and it's really starting to draw some attention. Feel free to make comments here. Which ones are your favorites? This is not a read only forum. For those of you who have been contributing to our memes contest through this forum, or facebook & twitter....keep at it. You never know if one will go viral!

  6. 5:00 PM BBT Cody and Derrick are in the SR. Cody tells him they need to talk later about a conversation he had with Donny earlier. Derrick asks if it was bad or good. Cody says"Ahhhh..." and Derrick says "we'll talk later."


    5:07 PM BBT Donny and Derrick are in the BY. Caleb and Cody are in the LR. Donny says he is concerned about the girls walking in the BY barefoot. He keeps finding screws and nails in the grass. Victoria is called into the DR. Frankie thinks she is called into the DR more than anybody else in the house. Cody asks Victoria why she goes in there all the time. Victoria "You'll never know." Cody "I will know." Victoria is in and out in less than a minute. Cody "Got your next mission huh?" He jokes that it's okay because she is going next week.


    5:19 PM BBT Cody, Christine, Caleb and Frankie are in the LR. They are discussing how they had to turn in all their social media names to BB before they came in. They are hoping the fans are tweeting them. Frankie says this is a big social media season. Meanwhile in the BY Derrick and Donny are talking with Zach about their jobs as groundskeepers.


    5:25 PM BBT Victoria asks Frankie what his questions were. He jokes he was asked if he was gay. Does he prefer top or bottom? Where did he gets who shoes? He then says they really asked if he go back in time and tell himself something, what would it be?


    5:28 PM BBT In the BY Zach is talking about his basketball injuries. Just jumping and landing on someone's foot caused him to re-tear the muscles in his legs. Donny says he tore his meniscus just stepping off a curb.


    5:35 PM BBT Just general chit chat in the house right now. Feeds 1/2 are Caleb, Frankie, Christina and Victoria. They joke they are going to write a song called "Beastmode Cowboy". Frankie yells out that he wants to know what the rest of his sister's album is. So far he only knows about four songs including one that features Nicki Minaj. Feeds 3/4 are Cody, Derrick, Zach and Donny. They are talking about golf.


    5:45 PM BBT Frankie says he really wants to go on tour with his one man show Living La Vida Grande. In the BY Cody is talking about a cross-dresser he met.


    5:55 PM BBT The feeds keep going to WBRB while the HGs talk about people outside the house. When they return all four feeds are on Frankie and Victoria. They are talking about how starting next week there will only be 2 people available as POV replacements. The next week would only be 1. They think there will be 2 more weeks of BotB.

  7. 4:00 PM BBT Frankie, Caleb, Zach and Donny are at the dart board. It seems none of them remember the standard rules for playing darts. They just decide to play to see who can get the closest to the center. Christine and Victoria have taken plates of onions outside to eat on the patio.


    4:05 PM BBT The dart board is hanging on the Have-Not door. Zach walks in there. He opens the door to come back out at the same time that Frankie throws his dart. The dart hits but doesn't injure him. Zach "See, that's why we can't it." Frankie "You're the reason we can't have nice things." I think Zach is referring to the limitations BB has put on the dart board use.


    4:11 PM BBT Derrick explains some rules to different dart games. He says BB is going to get them some official rules to the game. Cody and Christine are sitting outside. Cody says something is about to do down in the house. He is suspicious.


    4:14 PM BBT Cody says to Christine and Donny "Let's play speculate because that is my favorite part of the day." Cody speculates that Julie Chen would enter the game as a contestant. He says she would have 16 years of watching and knows more than any super fan ever would. Donny says they all would be star struck and would keep her to the end. In the KT Caleb and Derrick are talking about the shout outs they got last night. Derrick says they should make a plea to them to stop shouting out to them. They appreciate it but it forces them to get sent back inside. Caleb says the shout outs were "You're the man beast mode cowboy, love you Zach, and Frankie your the best." Derrick says that it may be and they might as well think positive.


    4:20 PM BBT Frankie has joined Cody, Christine and Donny. He says his questions were awesome. She asks him about them we and we get WBRB. Frankie says he tweeted about his mom #bestmomever. He also tweeted "When people throw shade shine brighter."


    4:23 PM BBT Christine says because of Zingbot, Tim is going to get a lot of people looking for his twitter and that should make him happy. Christine "Tim Stinks". Christine and Frankie both say their moms are probably getting into arguments on twitter and chat rooms because of the negative stuff that people may say about them.


    4:30 PM BBT Zach is still searching the house for the hat. Christine is called to the DR. Christine "Are you sure? You want to talk to me?"


    4:34 PM BBT Zach is in the SR with Victoria who is sweeping up a spill. He asks her why she wants to keep the hat when it's sweaty and dirty. She says she can wash it. He asks her if she is going to backdoor him. She says "How old are you?"


    4:42 PM BBT In the KT Cody says he is Zach and starts barking and growling like a dog. We hear Frankie celebrating off camera for getting a bulls eye. Donny is talking to Zach in the BY. Donny says at this point, it is better to be nominated than be the HoH. As HoH you can be dethroned and evicted. At least as a nominee you can play in the BotB and are guaranteed to play in the veto. A dethroned HoH has to get picked to play.


    4:48 PM BBT Donny is talking to Zach about how hopeless it feels. Zach says next week they will target Victoria and Donny. He says is he can survive next week, they will down to six people. He says he needs to try to get Cody and Derrick on his side and he will be gravy. Zach says if he gets to the end he'll win. Donny says it is insurmountable that he would get that far.


    4:52 PM BBT Donny is talking to Zach about how hard it must be for us to keep watching the same group of people gang up on everybody. Zach says "and throw competitions." Zach tells Donny that if anyone can stay strong and make it to the end, it's him."


    4:56 PM BBT Donny and Zach are still alone in the BY. Donny tells him to remind Frankie that his sister makes him the biggest target in the house. If he gets rid of Zach and Donny then who will be left to protect Frankie?No one can sit besides Frankie in the end and win. They aren't going to let him get that far. He has too many HoH wins. He put on too good a show in the house. Donny recommends that Zach make this last ditch effort to save himself by telling Frankie he can't face the 4 guys by himself and make it to the end.



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