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Posts posted by Goldylucks

  1. 8:00 PM BBT Aaryn to Amanda, McCrae, and Judd "They say I have an advantage. They put me in a house with a bunch of hyenas that hate my sister. That's a disadvantage." She later tells them that she isn't here for the money. She's here for the fun and for the entertainment. "The only reason I am still here is because of America. They obviously think I'm entertaining." They discuss how neat it would be if Rachel came back in Pandora's Box or something like that. Elissa "Rachel would say: your plan isn't working. This is MY house."

    8:08 PM BBT Elissa tells McCrae she is primarily here because she loves Rachel's fans. She admits without America she would have been gone last week. She just finds the whole thing with America's votes to be amazing.

    8:20 PM BBT BB is trying to get a close encounter of the freaky kind. Cameras zoom onto the HoH BR shower door as Kaitlin is changing into her bikini in the shower. Aaryn has now told practically the entire house that the bikini she is now wearing constantly results in nip slips. [uhm, then put on a shirt. Sheesh-Goldylucks]

    8:25 PM BBT FotH

  2. 6:25 PM BBT Candice joins Kaitlin and Aaryn in the HoH room. Kaitlin admits that she doesn't trust Candice because they don't hang out anymore. Candice "at first you were just Kaitlin. Now you are Kaitlin and Jeremy. You and Jeremy are always together. What am I supposed to do? Be a cock blocker and join you on the bed?" Candice unloads her frustrations that her name keeps coming up and people are trying to avoid her. "People kept moving further away from me on the couch. That's hurtful."

    6:30 PM BBT Aaryn tells Candice that they don't know where her loyalties lie. Aaryn informs her that they heard it from multiple sources that she did not vote to keep David. Candice "Oh, ok" Candice tells her that she didn't have the first clue what was going on last week. Ultimately any conversation involving Kaitlin or Aaryn and anyone else with a beating heart will always lead to Elissa bashing so at 6:35 PM BBT there is Elissa bashing again in the HoH room.

    6:39 PM BBT Kaitlin mentions that there was one day that Elissa came upstairs and just stood outside the HoH door to listen in one them. Candice tells them it was probably the day she wanted to use their bathroom. She really hates pooping downstairs. "She has poop fear." She wanted to come in but she was afraid so she walked away.

    6:45 PM BBT Candice mentions that she has approached Amanda trying to find out why Amanda doesn't like her. Amanda wouldn't give her an answer and just said she wasn't talking about it. This, of course, leads to more Elissa bashing by Kaitlin and even the authenticity of Elissa's boobs isn't exempt.

    6:50 PM BBT Wait..it's a miracle...the Elissa bashing has actually stopped in the HoH room....oh wait, that's because Kaitlin and Candice left.

    6:55 PM BBT Candice approaches Howard is the Airplane room. She tells him that she is convinced now that Jeremy is working with Nick. She wants Nick to go over Elissa. Andy walks in so that conversation is stopped abruptly. Meanwhile Kaitlin returns to the HoH room and Aaryn admits to her that she feels that Jeremy is playing both of them. Aaryn "at this point, I am playing with ya'll because I have to." Kaitlin assures her that she is with Aaryn and that she will bring up the topic with Jeremy later. How defensive he gets on the subject will tell her a lot. Kaitlin "If he's playing us I will freak the F out."

    7:07 PM BBT HoH room: Aaryn and Kaitlin are still discussing whether or not Jeremy is playing them and how she needs to bring it up to Jeremy without him ending up mad at Aaryn over it. Meanwhile Candice has made her rounds through Elissa, Helen, Howard, Kaitlin, and Aaryn. Now she is with Spencer. Spencer calls her "the calm in the storm around here" and that he appreciates that. "Keep your head up." [This girl came to play today-Goldylucks]

    7:11 PM BBT HoH room: Kaitlin is now in defense of Jeremy and tells Aaryn that he couldn't possibly be playing her. He is so considerate of me like making sure he hides a glass of wine for her every time they get some. Aaryn "that's not saying he isn't playing you, that's saying he wants you tipsy. Guys do that shit all the time." Meanwhile it's Bandana Ball in the BY.

    7:22 PM BBT Jeremy meets with Spencer in the storage room. He tells Spencer flat out that if Elissa stays then he is "out of M.C." Spencer "don't worry about it Bro, I got your back, Howard's got your back."

    7:25 PM BBT Jeremy pulls Nick into the storage room. "I've been hearing some scheming" Jeremy gives him the same line he gives Spencer. "If she doesn't go, I don't care who it is, I'm not down with that. That reflects on me." Nick tells Jeremy he fought hard to win PoV to show his loyalty to M.C. Jeremy "if Elissa doesn't go then I can't trust anyone in M.C." Nick tells Jeremy that somehow he got labeled as the mysterious guy and he's so deep in it he's got no choice but to play the mysterious guy. He has to stay quiet. But, he is with Jeremy.

    7:32 PM BBT Jeremy is making his rounds now. He approaches Judd who is in the shower. He is making his point crystal clear. Now he's off to catch McCrae.

    7:48 PM BBT Jeremy is in the hammock with Kaitlin and they begin to have their talk (as promised by Kaitlin to Aaryn). Aaryn joins them. In an effort to convince them of his undying loyalty he rehashes all his conversations with the M.C. (of course leaving out the M.C. secret alliance part). He informs them that they won't vote against him because they are scared of him. They are eating up. Aaryn "How do you find all this out...you are so smart". He calls them the Triangle of Thrust. He tells them that his next targets will be Candice, Andy, and Amanda. Helen is good with him.

    7:53 PM BBT Jeremy tells Kaitlin and Aaryn that Howard and Spencer are in a little duo alliance and want to work with him. They will do what he says. The girls discover that Jeremy has been walking around all day with the PoV in his pocket.

  3. 5:19 PM BBT Elissa and Amanda on the BY couch. Elissa "I think I really f'ed up putting him up." Amanda "I do too." Elissa mentions that she offered Nick safety if he would throw the PoV. Neither of them think he threw it. Judd and McCrae join them. Elissa is trying to get them to talk to her about who her replacement nominee should be. No one is really biting. They keep changing the subject.

    5:25 PM BBT Helen is in the Airplane Room with Andy. Andy is trying to convince her that it might time for her to think about Elissa going. Andy "Elissa is your kryptonite" He is trying to convince her that it might benefit all of them to go with the rest of the house and let Elissa go. They lessen the targets on their own backs if they do what Aaryn wants for just one week. Helen is admitting to Jeremy that she is one of the main reasons that Elissa put Jeremy up to begin with. Helen just wants more numbers and thinks Elissa can help get their alliance further and not to forget that she is on the block too. Andy "Remember, you, me, Howard, McCrae, Amanda, Judd, Spencer, everyone is solid as a f*ing rock. If you hear something that isn't from one of those people then don't believe it." Andy fears that they are at risk of exposing their alliance too early. Helen "What is the point of having strong numbers if you aren't going after people?"

    5:43 PM BBT Elissa joins Helen and Andy. Elissa hints that she is seriously considering Kaitlin and then walks away. Andy mentions that Nick is a bigger threat and Helen agrees. "I can talk her into that." Two minutes later Elissa walks in and Andy walks out. Helen makes the pitch that Nick is the bigger threat. Candice joins them. Elissa is trying to figure out if Nick actually threw the PoV like she asked him to. [i think she is entertaining putting up Nick but doesn't want to do it if he held up his part of the bargain-Goldylucks] Candice tells her that at first it was obvious he was throwing it "pussy footing" but then he really started trying and got really close. "
    He only had three left at the bottom." Candice leaves.

    6:00 PM BBT It seems that Elissa is leaning towards Helen's suggestion to ignore Kaitlin as a nominee since neither of them see her as a real threat. Helen then wonders aloud what Kaitlin's DR sessions are about. They are probably all about Jeremy and how Aaryn lost her man. Candice returns. Helen and Candice both agree that no one would vote out Kaitlin because of their fear of Jeremy. Elissa, Helen, and Candice are starting to really consider approaching all the girls and trying to get them all to work together. "Amanda is a guys gal. She isn't comfortable with a bunch of girls."

    6:19 PM BBT Elissa exits the showers and goes into the BR where McCrae and Amanda are lying in bed. They started talking strategy again. Amanda: "This is not a good place to talk." [but Amanda doesn't mind a whisperfest with McCrae. Amanda is not even attempting to hide the fact that she is not willing to talk game with Elissa. I don't think this is escaping Elissa's attention.-Goldylucks]

  4. 1:05 PM BBT feeds return. It appears Jeremy won PoV. Elissa is regretting her decision to put Jeremy on the block before POV. Helen "He's a beast" Elissa "I feel so stupid not winning that." Based on Jeremy's descriptions, they wore onesies (Jeremy ripped his) and it involved animals (Amanda's Panda fell) and balancing heavy and light object. Amanda hit the button twice but most not have completed the task.

  5. 7:13 PM BBT Still Trivia.

    7:41 PM BBT Feeds back, 10 minutes shy of 2 hours. Elissa is with Helen in the Have Not room. "I could not image ever doing that to you." Helen "you win PoV and take yourself off. You can't win this game without going on the block. It was our time and it was worth it. We got a big strong player out last week and that is why we are on the block." Elissa "Let's do it girl. I'm so sorry." Helen and Elissa are nominated. [got to say it, these ladies are taking it really well-Goldylucks]

    7:49 PM BBT Helen "this may sound crazy but I'm actually glad I'm on the block. I would rather play for PoV then get backdoored." Elissa makes a plea to camera to give her or Helen MVP. Spencer comes in and advises her to go up and talk to Aaryn. Helen "I won't give her the satisfaction of seeing me upset."

    8:00 PM BBT Elissa keep apologizing to Helen. She tells her that is "not going home." Helen says that she knew that this was going to happen. Their next plan of action is to win MVP. Helen "we get MVP and then I will figure it out."

  6. 5:24 PM BBT All 4 feeds on the BY with Andy, McCrae, and Amanda. General chit chat about crazy dog names.

    5:29 PM BBT Andy replaces Amanda on the BY sofa. They discuss Elissa and Kaitlin not feeling well and how easy it would be if Elissa was going to go ahead and self-evict. They are trying to figure out how nominations would go if she did go ahead and take that dive. Judd assumes it would get rid of a double eviction later on. Meanwhile, in the HoH room Nick, Jeremy, Aaryn, and GM are discussing the ladies' pageant days from the past.

    5:38 PM BBT Feeds 3 and 4 are on Spencer and McCrae. They have decided not to make a decision regarding Jeremy until after nominations and POV. They feel there is no reason to make themselves targets at this point. There is a lot of frustration (particularly from Amanda) that BB has taken so long to get the nomination ceremony started. There is speculation that the delay is because Elissa is sick.

    5:47 PM BBT Amanda and McCrae on the hammock. McCrae to Amanda "you look good today. Amanda "thank you babe" McCrae "you smell good too" Amanda "thanks....you smell stinky....are those the same socks you've been wearing for 4 days?" McCrae "they're good socks". Aaryn has been called back to the DR.

    5:51 PM BBT Trivia. Must be time for noms.

  7. 4:00 PM BBT Most of the HGs are either in the BY or in the kitchen. On the patio couch Spencer is telling Candice how to make fried chicken.

    4:07 PM BBT Aaryn is called to the DR. Someone in the house "UH OH".

    4:12 PM BBT Andy is now heading to DR. Kaitlin is venting to GinaMarie and Aaryn in the HoH room. She says she doesn't feel safe this week and that Jeremy is mad at her for not taking his word for it. "He doesn't understand. He won't touch me. He won't look at me." Aaryn is trying to reassure her and telling her that Jeremy will fight tooth and nail for as long as she shows Jeremy that she trusts him. Kaitlin "he compared me to Jess, do you how that makes me freakin feel?"

    4:17 PM BBT Jeremy comes up to the HoH room to talk to Kaitlin. Jeremy "it's hard to trust someone who doesn't trust me." Kaitlin "that's so stupid......you came at me hard" Jeremy "You aren't just a little worried. You are really worried......I'm sorry you feel I came at you. That's not what I meant.....Worry about your body and that's it because I'm going to take care of you." [And then back to snugglefest and smooches-Goldylucks]

    4:30 PM BBT Aaryn is shaving her legs in the HoH bathtub and rehearsing her nomination ceremony speech with Jessie as Jessie paints her nails. Aaryn "You sent my best friend home so I am putting you up right next to your best friend so you know what it feels like." "Helen, you are getting some fall out for Elissa's decisions." She also plans to include that Elissa's MVP advantage isn't fair and nominating her puts everyone back on the level playing field. [sounds like Elissa and Helen will be her nominations for sure-Goldylucks]

    4:41 PM BBT More nom ceremony rehearsal. It hasn't changed. Jessie is in complete agreement and is helping her clean up the wording a little here and there.

    4:47 PM BBT Amanda and McCrae are on the couches in the BY. Amanda "you are scaring me......you are thinking about straying from the plan." McCrae "stop worrying about it" McCrae "you just need to promise you are going to vote like I say" Amanda "I am not going to vote just because you say so...you don't always think everything through...woman does not come from man's rib." McCrae "we have to vote together." [i tI think they are discussing whether or not to vote to evict Jeremy if MVP puts him up-Goldylucks] Conversation stops when Jessie walks up.

    5:00 PM BBT It's supper time in the BB house. For the have nots: a big pot of lima beans. Helen "Thank you America for the lima beans". It seems they made 2 separate pots worth, one for the haves and one for the have nots because some of the seasoning is not allowed.

  8. 12:50 PM BBT Aaryn in the HoH room with Kaitlin, GM, Nick, and Jeremy. Aaryn "It's July 4th and we need to honor America the right way.......I don't think it's strange that I'm HoH today......because I'm the only American girl."

    Most of the HGs are outside discussing Top 40 songs and their personal favorites. Howard is folding his clothes on the pool table talking about being ready to pop the question to his girlfriend.

    1:01 PM BBT FOTH because while discussing songs Andy can't NOT sing. Just general chit chat outside and ADLs inside.

    1:09 PM BBT While outside with the majority of the HGs Aaryn mentions that DR makes her talk differently. "I don't usually talk that way, they seriously told me it needs to be sensual." Current topic for general discussion in the BY is Disney Movies. Aaryn says that the characters in Ferngully The Last Rainforest were drawn based on a real family that she knows. Disney talk turns to Adam Sandler movies and Andy's personal favorite is Big Daddy. Spencer loves Wedding Singer.

    1:15 PM BBT Not much going on. Just general chit chat. They occasionally hear fireworks in the distance.

  9. 6:35 PM BBT Judd/Nick have filled up the smaller jug completely and are working on the bigger jug. Andy/Elissa's jug is about half way. Amanda's team and Candice's team have not yet reached half way on their large jug, having opted to skip the smaller one. Spencer is still working on the smaller jug. I haven't seen Jeremy's/Aaryn's jug at all.

    6:41 PM BBT Howard has fallen off camera. They really aren't giving us close ups of any jugs except team Andy/Elissa and team Judd/Nick. It appears these 2 teams are the ones in the running to win with Aaryn/Jeremy. Having opted to fill the smaller jug first and now using the larger scoop, team Judd/Nick are catching up.

    6:45 PM BBT Trivia

    6:50 PM BBT Judd/Nick now have a full small jug and half way filled large jug.

    6:54 PM BBT After getting a better view it appears Aaryn/Jeremy are slightly ahead of Adam/Elissa with jugs about 3/4 full. Judd/Nick are catching up with the larger scoop. Trivia

    7:00 PM BBT Andy "come on Elissa, I can touch it girl" meanwhile, Jeremy/Aaryn are almost there and team Jeremy/Aaryn have won the HoH competition at 7:01 PM BBT Trivia

    7:42 PM BBT GinaMarie and Aaryn are in the bedroom trying to determine the votes. Aaryn is adamant that Spencer was not a vote to evict David. GinaMarie is convinced that everything is fixed.

    7:15 PM BBT Feeds have returned. Everyone is cleaning up and/or waiting for their turn in the shower.

    Helen to Elissa "back to the have not room" They discuss not giving "her" the satisfaction of seeing them suffer. [i believe Aaryn got to pick the have nots for this week and that would include Elissa and Helen, not sure of the others-Goldylucks]

    7:25 PM BBT Planning is already in motion. After a heartwarming hug fest between Elissa and Helen they discuss that if either of them get MVP next time they are going to make sure that Jeremy is a back door target. They hope that he would end up a nominee without the privilege of getting to play in the POV. [Not sure how this is possible since his team won HoH this week so HoH must have gone to Aaryn-Goldylucks] Aaryn and Candice are in the shower talking to Spencer. Spencer is acting like he is extremely upset that Elissa was not evicted. Aaryn and Spencer discuss how they can always trust each other. [like his vote to evict David never happened.-Goldylucks]

    7:34 PM BBT There must have been a verbal confrontation after the HoH comp was concluded. Kaitlin is the photo booth crying saying "She called me an F*ing whore on national television." It must have been Elissa or Helen because she mentions that it's a horrible things for a mother to say.

    7:45 PM BBT Aaryn/GinaMarie are in the bedroom trying to count the votes. GinaMarie suspects Spencer as a vote to evict David but Aaryn is quick to jump to his defense. GinaMarie is having a tantrum that everything is fixed. Aaryn assumes that Elissa made deals as the one most likely to win MVP to save herself this week. [The drama princess crown definitely goes to GinaMarie in my opinion. I don't know what she's so upset about. She should know she's safe this week.-Goldylucks]

    8:00 PM BBT Kaitlin is in bed pouting like someone just kicked her puppy. Jeremy "you are too pretty to pout" Jessie is also pouting while laying on the sofa in the living room. [Jeremy has recovered from the shocking eviction well but everyone else that should be celebrating the HoH results are still having fits. Those the most at risk this week appear to be pretty calm. House full of crybabies-Goldylucks]

    8:11 PM BBT Andy is on project damage control. He admits to Aaryn that he voted against David because they never made him feel safe. She assures him that he was never a target and that she understands why he voted like he did. Kaitlin is telling Amanda that she feels bad for McCrae. The others betrayed him.

    8:22 PM BBT Candice approaches Aaryn in the bedroom. She looks to the camera and swears to her, to America, to her Mama, and to everyone that she was a vote to evict Elissa. She is explaining to her that Spencer is the one that told her to evict David.

    8:26 PM BBT Jeremy and Kaitlin are talking. He is trying to calm her down. He tells her she has at least 2 weeks of safety to look forward to. She tells him that they need to figure out who voted against them. "The whole house is against us." Jeremy "no they aren't, they just voted to get out a strong player, it's smart." Kaitlin "how do you know this?" Jeremy "I hear things, I heard them talking. I have big ass F*ing ears". Kaitlin thinks they need to consider nominating Helen for eviction this week.

    8:31 PM BBT Andy, still on operation damage control, has now approached Kaitlin. He informs her that Elissa had offered to work with him and that is why he voted to keep her even though he can't stand her. He tells her that it was fear that caused him to vote as he did.

    I'm out for the night. It's almost midnight my time.



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