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Posts posted by Goldylucks

  1. 10:01 AM BBT The guys are all hanging out in the kitchen while the ladies monopolize the wash area getting ready for the day. Just general chit chat this morning.

    10:20 AM BBT Still just general chit chat and ADLs this morning. Helen is teaching Elissa and Judd how to count to five in Korean.

    10:25 AM BBT FotH

    10:29 AM BBT Feeds returned for just a moment but now we are on Trivia. Must be picking players for POV.

    10:55 AM BBT Feeds return. Spencer is playing. Not sure if he is playing as the 3rd nominee or by token draw. Amanda is the 3rd nominee.

    10:57 AM BBT Based on their conversations I believe Amanda is the 3rd nominee. If I am hearing things correctly: Playing in the POV is Gina Marie as the HoH. Jessie, Candice, and Amanda as the nominees. By token draw I believe Spencer and Judd are also playing.

    11:00 AM BBT Amanda, Helen, Aaryn, Andy, and McCrae are in the HoH. Gina Marie tells them it doesn't matter about MVP because they only need 4 votes. Elissa joins Candice in the cockpit. Elissa does her best Gina Marie impression "I nominate yous because you gots to go. I love you. You's beautiful. Yous love that I love Nick. You's kind. I like yous for all the reasons that I don't like yous."

    11:05 AM BBT Gina Marie tells Amanda that she will only use the POV on her if Amanda can guarantee Aaryn's safety. Amanda goes down to join Elissa, Candice, and Helen in the cockpit. They think Judd is the MVP. Amanda mentions that Judd told her she would use the veto on her if gets it. They think he nominated her as the MVP and then will use the veto on her to cover it up. [because that makes perfect sense NOT-Goldylucks]

    11:11 AM BBT Judd meets up with Gina Marie on the balcony outside the HoH. He tells her that if wins the POV he will make Jessie think he is taking her down but he will actually take down Amanda. He says the replacement nomination will help them figure out who the MVP is. Gina Marie tells him to do with it what is best for his game. In the HoH Jessie asks Aaryn why she is upset. Aaryn "Because everyone is going to use the POV on Amanda. Everyone." Jessie gives a shocked expression but says nothing. She goes back to listening to music.

    11:19 AM BBT Helen joins Gina Marie in the HoH bathroom. She tells her that she has been talking to Candice and wanted her to know that in case she hears it from others. Helen tells Gina Marie that Elissa would never allow her to nominate Candice so this HoH (with Candice leaving) works for her. She assures Gina Marie she will vote with the house to get rid of Candice even though the two of them are friends.

    11:22 AM BBT Elissa and Candice are still talking in the cockpit on feeds 1 and 2. Feed 3 is Gina Marie and Aaryn doing their hair in the HoH bathroom. Feed 4 is Jessie is busting a groove with the headphones on. Funny to watch without any music. She obviously likes it though.

    11:24 AM BBT Candice is telling Elissa that she is a straight shooter and she may go home over it. Candice predicts if Amanda comes off the block then everyone will vote to keep Jessie and Candice will be leaving. Elissa "It would suck if you go home." Meanwhile we now have 2 feeds dedicated to Jessie dancing in the HoH room.

    11:27 AM BBT Andy meets with Amanda in the SR. Andy tells her not to talk to Gina Marie about using the veto anymore in front of Aaryn. He tells her "We have her trust right now. We are going to lose that." Amanda agrees but eventually says "Who would Gina Marie need more in her alliance? Her of me?" Meanwhile Gina Marie and Aaryn are talking in the HoH. Gina Marie (who thinks Candice may be MVP) asks Aaryn "Why would they give it to her over me?" Aaryn supposedly quotes Helen saying that the black vote is very strong. Aaryn "Helen said that, not me." Gina Marie "I lost Nick and got my heart broken and they give it to her?"

    11:35 AM BBT Andy goes to McCrae next for Amanda damage control. He tells McCrae that Aaryn will think Amanda is very selfish and untrustworthy if she continues to talk to Gina Marie about using the veto on her. McCrae is in completely agreement.

    11:40 AM BBT It appears that Gina Marie impersonations are the new thing in the house. Judd tells Spencer in the BR that he is going to look like a D**k for laughing during Gina Marie's nomination speech. Judd "Jessie, you's beautiful and you's nice but you's a tattle tale." Meanwhile McCrae has joined Aaryn and Gina Marie in the HoH bathroom. Gina Marie tells him that as long as they don't turn their backs on her that they are A-OK. They are discussing how dumb Elissa is for publicly saying she won't vote for Candice to go. They say she is putting an even bigger target on herself. Aaryn admits that she is worried.

    11:45 AM Amanda joins McCrae, Gina Marie, and Aaryn in the HoH. Aaryn admits she is worried about Amanda getting taken off the block because she may go up instead. McCrae has told Amanda that she needs to calm down and not worry about it. Amanda "Aaryn, why are you freaking out? McCrae, Why are campaigning so hard for me to stay on the block?" Amanda gets huffy with them and says "Fine, keep it the way it is. I'll get myself off." **Insert several curse words where you see fit.** Amanda storms out.

    11:49 AM BBT Amanda has gone to the Have-Not room and is falling apart. Judd is consoling her. Amanda starts to cry saying that Aaryn is freaking out they may use the veto on her. "Aaryn is telling everyone not to use it on me." She admits that she is so stressed out again like last week. Judd puts his arms around her and assures her that she is going to be 100% safe. Judd tells her that he will use the veto on her if he wins it. Judd switches subjects to guessing who the MVP is. Amanda says she thinks it's Candice and that's why Amanda and Aaryn are the ones in danger for the 3rd nomination. Judd thinks it's Elissa. Amanda "I just don't want to pack my bags again. Just being on the block again....easy target." Judd assures her again that since Jessie and Candice won't be able to vote that she is perfectly fine. Judd "And I will never trust Jessie again in this game. Not after what she did last week. If you go they lose me and McCrae. They aren't going to do that."

    11:55 AM BBT McCrae joins Amanda and Judd in the Have-Not room and asks if they are kissing. Judd "Yeah, we are making Juddies." McCrae fusses at Amanda that she is coming across as some master schemer. Amanda "I don't understand. Where does your loyalty lie?" Amanda accuses McCrae of being afraid he would replace her on the block. McCrae "I don't give a F**** if they put me up." Amanda "I don't understand why you are in the middle of it." McCrae cannot get Amanda to understand that she is rocking the boat and making everyone nervous by campaigning to Gina Marie for the veto. McCrae "You have everyone else playing for you, do you have to have everyone?"

    11:58 PM BBT McCrae explains to Amanda that if the situation was different and McCrae using the POV would put Amanda in jeopardy, would she want him to use it. Amanda admits she wouldn't. McCrae "It's the same F****** thing." Amanda "But it's different, you are my person." McCrae "Gina Marie is her person." Amanda "It's not the same thing."

  2. 5:25 PM BBT Still on Trivia!!

    Want more BB Coverage? Be sure to check out the Morty’s TV Fan Forums and Chat at http://www.tvfanforums.net (New members can register through http://tvfanforums.net/joinchat). Plus, catch up on the live feeds on our Feed Summary Page at http://mortystv.com/bb! And it’s not too late to join the Live Feed fun with a monthly subscription to the BBUS Live Feeds: http://mortystv.com/livefeed. You can also follow BB across the pond at our BBUK page: http://mortystv.com/bbuk. Wherever you want to get your Big Brother news, we have it covered at Morty’s TV!

  3. 7:05 PM BBT Feeds return and everyone is still standing. Aaryn is cheering them on. McCrae says if someone gets the unitard he'll volunteer to wear it.

    7:07 PM BBT Elissa is walking and talking. "Are you sweating Andy?" Andy "Little bit." Elissa "you got long arms." The HGs the log will stop and go backwards at some point.

    7:10 PM BBT the log is moving at a pretty good pace right now. Lots of heavy breathing, especially by Spencer. They are already wearing out a pattern in the log and McCrae is having trouble with his hair getting in his way.

    7:12 PM BBT Judd asks if someone is about to fall. No one responds. Judd says it's a little harder than hanging on to something. McCrae says it's weird. Judd "It's harder on your arms and legs." McCrae and Judd are talking about how they could really use the money but are afraid they'll pick the wrong box. Gina Marie "Here we go." The log has stopped.

    7:14 PM BBT Log starts again going in the same direction. Spencer "Hold tight everybody." Judd "Sounds wild in there. I could use some BOOZE." McCrae asks Aaryn to tell them a story. Aaryn "There once was an HoH and he got lots of food, pictures of his family, and safety for the week. And he gets to host a food competition maybe. Stress free for the week. And he has a bed all to himself with his wife." McCrae "Eww that sounds amazing."

    7:18 PM BBT Everyone is hanging in there. Helen almost slips but recovers well. It appears that those with the shortest arm span are having the most trouble. Helen is switching from hand to hand. Judd and McCrae both look solid. Lots of heavy breathing. McCrae is wondering if anyone brought cigarettes with them.

    7:21 PM BBT Log stops. Helen "Good job everyone." Spencer "Take five."

    7:23 PM BBT McCrae tells us that the log is really slippery. Spencer, Candice, and Helen fall when the log starts up again.

    7:25 PM BBT Amanda is down. Elissa is down. We get a moment of production telling McCrae he can't turn around backwards. McCrae "I'm not." Trivia.

    7:28 PM BBT When feeds return we see Judd is down. Still no clue what all were in the boxes.

    7:30 PM BBT I see that Andy is also down but didn't see him fall. Judd is cheering Jessie on. McCrae tells us he isn't wearing any deodorant. He also says he's like a carnie and has unicyclers in the family. We are down to McCrae, Gina Marie, and Jessie.

    7:35 PM BBT Feeds return from a brief FotH. McCrae tells everyone that's down that they can't smoke any cigarettes while he is up there. Judd "McCrae this ain't crap compared to that popsicle, hang in there."

    7:38 PM BBT The boxes were opened during the FotH. Spencer is holding a bull horn. Judd tells us he was doing great but his feet got too close to the front of the barrel causing him to slip. "I was so comfortable." Aaryn is encouraging them to hang in there because there may be a really good Pandora's box. Jessie, Gina Marie, and McCrae are still hanging in there. Gina Marie tells McCrae that if she wins he is safe this week. He thanks her but has to stay to make sure Amanda stays safe this week too. Gina Marie promises she is.

    7:41 PM BBT Gina Marie promises Jessie safety as well. McCrae "I need some privacy with my wife. Freaking Andy keeps coming in." Gina Marie offers him a night in the HoH room.

    7:45 PM BBT Gina Marie, McCrae, and Jessie are still doing really well. They have completely worn out all the paint on their barrel. They get a brief break as the barrel stops rolling. Lots of recognition from the HGs that are down. "You guys are amazing."

    7:48 PM BBT Jessie falls and it's down to Gina Marie and McCrae. Gina Marie tells McCrae she will give him three nights in the HoH. She tells him to trust her because she has already proven she has his back. She wants the crown and she wants her hair dye. McCrae wants pictures of his family.

    7:51 PM BBT Gina Marie and McCrae still hanging in there. The left box contained the $5K. The middle box is a megaphone. They still have not shown us the contents of the right box.

    7:53 PM BBT Lots of cheering, mostly by Helen and Spencer. Helen "Good job guys, America thinks you are the s***.....in a good way." McCrae tells Gina Marie good job. Gina Marie does the same.

    7:55 PM BBT we finally get a view of the box on the right. We see a picture of a BBQ with a steak on it.

    7:57 PM BBT Gina Marie makes another attempt to make a deal. The HGs joke with them that you never get between a woman and her bleach and a man and his woman. McCrae "no blood on your hands." Gina Marie "I know but I got to win one, I'm not smart enough to win the questions." Gina Marie then offers McCrae to split the nominees. He counters with offering her both nominees. She declines saying she doesn't want the room just the hair dye.

    8:00 PM BBT McCrae falls and proceeds to start stomping on his China cabinet. Gina Marie is HoH.

  4. 6:01 PM BBT Meanwhile in the kitchen Helen, Gina Marie, Andy, and Aaryn and cooking, eating, and talking general chit chat. Judd, McCrae, and Amanda are still in the cockpit. The rest of the HGs are laying down or sleeping off camera.

    6:07 PM BBT In the cockpit Amanda, McCrae, and Judd are talking about MVP again. Once again Howard is mentioned as the likely person. Judd thinks that maybe to counter Elissa getting MVP over and over that BB made it so the same person can't get it two weeks in a row. McCrae jokes that Amanda is MVP this week and put herself up.

    6:10 PM BBT Amanda says she no longer thinks America is MVP. She says no way would there be a MVP twist leading to Elissa ending up on the block. Judd tells her that he knew it wasn't America when Amanda went up.

    6:10 PM BBT Judd is talking to Amanda and McCrae about HoH. He says it's so annoying. You can't take a nap up there because people keep coming in and out over and over. McCrae "I'll lock the door next time I get it." Judd says you can't because then everyone will accuse you of being shady.

    6:22 PM BBT Not much going on in the BB house right now. Andy and Judd in the cock pit. Judd "I want Elissa to cut my hair tomorrow." Andy "NO, I want her to cut mine." Judd "Did you make an appointment?" Andy "YES." They compromise saying that they will make her get up early and take a snip at Andy's hair and then a snip of Judd's.

    6:33 PM BBT Just general chit chat right now. I have learned that Judd bounces checks because he's awful at keeping a checkbook and hates to check the mail. That's all I got.

    6:42 PM BBT Andy and Judd are now alone in the cockpit. Neither one of them are as upset with Candice as the rest of the house is. They both feel pretty safe with her. Andy is hoping to win HoH because he is ready to finally show people that he is willing to play. Judd wants it to shake up the house. Candice joins them. They all expect tomorrow's HoH will be endurance.

    6:48 PM BBT In the cockpit Judd and Candice are talking about how their "partners" are hurting their game. Candice assures Judd that Howard has not said one negative thing about him. Meanwhile in the BR Amanda is beginning to pack her bags for eviction night. McCrae is telling her to pack assuming that it might be really cold tomorrow for the HoH, especially if it's endurance and they get wet.

    6:52 PM BBT Candice and Andy are talking in the cockpit. Candice is venting that she has been hit with so much crap over the last 48 hours. She says it's all fluff.

    6:54 PM BBT Candice is justifying the need for the house meeting. She just wants people to pick a side and stick with it.

    6:56 PM BBT Andy jokes about his plans for the rest of the night tomorrow. He is going to have a late dinner with McCrae and Helen. Then he is going to go to work followed by a nap. He'll strategize and scheme tomorrow. Howard comes in and it's Candice's turn. Candice says she is going to pack tomorrow. Howard "Which means I will be packing for her." Candice "Yes, Howard will pack for me."

    #BB15 Want more BB Coverage? Be sure to check out the Morty’s TV Fan Forums and Chat at http://www.tvfanforums.net (New members can register through http://tvfanforums.net/joinchat). Plus, catch up on the live feeds on our Feed Summary Page at http://mortystv.com/bb! And it’s not too late to join the Live Feed fun with a monthly subscription to the BBUS Live Feeds: http://mortystv.com/livefeed. You can also follow BB across the pond at our BBUK page: http://mortystv.com/bbuk. Wherever you want to get your Big Brother news, we have it covered at Morty’s TV!

  5. 5:00 PM BBT in the cockpit Amanda is telling Andy not to worry so much about Spencer. She expects tomorrow's HoH to be endurance and even IF Spencer was ever targeting Andy he has zero chance of winning tomorrow. McCrae enters the conversation and they start talking about Judd again. They wonder if Judd has some master plan.

    5:05 PM BBT In the cockpit McCrae and Andy are still talking about tomorrow's HoH endurance. McCrae agrees that Spencer has no chance of winning. He says the most ideal situation would be for Elissa to win it. Judd walks in.

    5:08 PM BBT Judd, McCrae, Andy, and Amanda are still in the cockpit. Judd "Spencer told me that Howard was behind Candice's fiasco yesterday." Amanda is digging for information on how the flip situation got started and who was involved and why.

    5:13 PM BBT In the cockpit Judd vents again about Howard implying Judd was too scared to play the game. Twice now Howard has been called by Harold, once by Amanda and once by Judd. When Judd leaves McCrae blows up at Amanda. "Why do you keep doing that? You keep interrogating the person that we need on our side." He tells her that she would have kept on drilling him if he hadn't interrupted. She apologizes and McCrae tells her that she always apologizes but she never quits.

    5:18 PM BBT Spencer is now the topic of conversation in the cockpit. The mention Spencer's "choke to death" comment. Andy "It takes a lot to offend me, he offends me." Judd and McCrae basically agree that Spencer is a vile person who even made offensive comments about a friend who died. As the story is unfolding about Spencer's friends all four feeds switch to the kitchen where Helen, Gina Marie, and Aaryn are throwing out the old to make room for the new.

    5:23 PM BBT when the feeds return to the cockpit Judd is venting "I get sick of having to defend everything I say." He then starts complaining about Jessie. He says that Jessie told him that they are considered a duo and need to run with it. He needs to tell her everything. Judd "Heck no, she's sabotaging my game. We are not a duo."

    5:24 PM BBT Judd about Jessie: "She is telling people I will do whatever she says. B***h no, you do what I say." Andy says the reason that he and Helen works so well together is because she tells Andy what she hears and he tells her whether or not she can trust that information or not. Judd really hopes he wins HoH this time around. He is ready to rock the boat and willing to make moves.

    5:29 PM BBT We still have McCrae, Andy, and Judd in the cockpit. They expect that the votes should be 8-0 for Howard to leave tomorrow. Judd mentions something Spencer told him "He is afraid someone will vote to evict Amanda just so they can frame him for it." McCrae and Andy say they will too. They then joke that they can't because what if others get the same idea. They may accidentally evict Amanda trying to frame Spencer.

    5:32 PM BBT Andy says he wants to play in the POV next week. Judd "Don't worry, you'll be on the block so you can play." Andy "Nevermind, I don't want to play anymore." Judd "I want to get drew." McCrae "Who is Drew?" Judd "I mean drew to play." It takes them a moment to realize Judd wants to play as a token draw and not as a nominee.

    5:40 PM BBT More talk in the cockpit between Judd, Amanda, McCrae, and Andy about the supposed plan to evict Amanda. Andy says he never believed it because he couldn't picture Judd aligning himself with Gina Marie and Spencer of all people. Amanda says that Spencer lies so well and that house meeting yesterday was actually very good for their game. They then rehash the house meeting again.

    5:45 PM BBT Andy to McCrae and Amanda: "Everything thinks I'm an idiot so I just run with it." Amanda "Everyone thinks I'm smarter than I am." Andy "No one gives me enough credit." Amanda "Everyone gives me too much credit." Andy "After the fact I've taken credit for things I shouldn't have."

    5:49 PM BBT Judd vents again about Jessie messing with his game. Andy tells him that she won't. Judd "she is trying big power moves now all of a sudden. It's too early for that." Andy "You just need to stay loyal and lay low." Andy tells him that making his alliance question him is detrimental with this many people still in the house.

    5:53 PM BBT Judd, McCrae, and Amanda are still in the cockpit. Judd is trying to distance himself from Jessie because he says she won't keep her mouth shut. They don't understand why Jessie says so much that can hurt her. She mentions that they can still get Candice out after the big house meeting yesterday. She also went to Helen of all people and asked if it was time to target Amanda yet. Amanda "She really screwed up. I'm closer to Helen than she thinks she is."

    5:58 PM BBT In the cockpit Judd is still trying to distance himself from Jessie even though she implies they are much closer than that. McCrae walks out. Judd tells Amanda that he thinks Helen doesn't trust him anymore. Amanda tells him it's because of Jessie. Jessie makes it look like Judd was involved in the plan to switch the votes to evict Amanda.

  6. 6:02 PM BBT Judd joins Andy and Aaryn in the HoH. Judd is still really upset with Howard. He came upstairs because he got tired of looking at him. Judd jokes that Howard will probably end up having the coup d'etat and if that's the case they better not vote him out. Andy "I may, depends on how you look at me next week."

    6:06 PM BBT Gina Marie is now also in the HoH room. They are talking about Howard accusing everyone about being scared. Andy "The only people I am scared of are Elissa and Clownie." Meanwhile just general chit chat with McCrae and Spencer in the BY. McCrae would love to run a comic book store one day.

    :10 PM BBT Judd "I'm from Tennessee. I'm not afraid of anyone." Gina Marie "Tennessee rocks." Andy "You got to calm down Judd." Gina Marie "yeah Judd, Judd the stud." Aaryn "Judd, what's wrong?" Gina Marie "He's scared." Judd "I'm not scared, I'm mad." They then discuss the stink quality of Gina Marie's farts. Aaryn "I vote to evict the fiber pills."

    6:17 PM BBT All four feeds on Helen and Andy in the SR. They are discussing whether or not Judd was involved in the plan to get rid of Amanda. They know he isn't now but is it because he was never involved or because he realized it wouldn't work. They think that he definitely needs to go soon. They accuse him of being MVP and trying to stack the jury in his favor.

    6:19 PM BBT Helen tells Andy that she would rather go further in the game with Andy than Elissa. She thinks Elissa is leaving soon. She's going to end up freaking out like she did last week. Helen thinks she can get further with Andy. Andy agrees and promises her the same.

    6:23 PM BBT Andy and Helen are in Hypothetical Whirlwind Land. They are planning what is going to happen when Andy gets HoH during the double eviction next week.

    6:27 PM BBT Helen and Andy are wrapping up their talk in the cock pit. It seems they both are in completely that Judd needs to go and it needs to be a complete back door blindside.

    6:37 PM BBT All four feeds on Elissa, Candice, and Jessie in the kitchen. Elissa is cooking a chicken dinner and talking about what she cooks at home for her husband.

    6:40 PM BBT Not much going on. Feeds 1 and 2 are on Helen and Howard playing pool. Feeds 3 and 4 are on Gina Marie, McCrae, and Aaryn in the HoH room. Gina Marie is talking about how she never has liked the taste of alcohol. It burns her mouth, burns her stomach, and makes people stay stupid things.

    6:44 PM BBT In the HoH Gina Marie is telling McCrae that she doesn't understand why everyone talks about Howard like he is some kind of competitive beast about to be unleashed. She reminds McCrae how poorly he has performed at all the competitions. McCrae tells her that Howard has been telling him that he was going to throw competitions in advance. Gina Marie "He just sucks. All those muscles for nothing."

    6:53 PM BBT General chit chat in the house. Gina Marie mentions to McCrae that she is grateful BB gave her permission to drink seltzer water since she can't drink soda. She can do without the soda as long as she has the seltzer. Gina Marie mistakenly called it salsa water twice and McCrae had to correct her. [sprite conspiracy cover up or completely legit? -Goldylucks]

  7. 5:01 PM In the HoH room Aaryn, Jessie, Judd, Andy and Gina Marie are fooling around. Jessie is laying on her stomache on the coach and Andy is playing with her hair. Gina Marie smacks Jessie on the fanny over and over and tells Jessie her fanny is so firm you can bounce quarters off of it. Meanwhile in the BY Helen and McCrae are studying what happened on what day.

    5:05 PM BBT In the HoH room Andy jokes that if he wins HoH he is going to put up Clownie and Jessie. Helen is still drilling for OTEV and tells McCrae she will work with him every single day until he gets it.

    5:09 PM BBT Gina Marie leaves the HoH room and takes all the good spirit with her. Howard bashing begins. Judd tells them that he called Howard out on telling people that Judd is too scared to play. He says Howard denies ever saying it but Judd heard him twice. Judd "I was going to help him pack but he can pack his own $hit." Judd goes to leave and Andy follows. Aaryn yells from the upper balcony "Really Andy, you're leaving me?" Andy laughs.

    5:13 PM BBT At 5pm Judd and Andy were supposed to wake up Spencer. They decide to wake him by opening and slamming the BR door over and over. Andy even kicks the bottom of the door several times. Needless to say Spencer wakes up. They tell him that if they didn't like him they wouldn't screw with him.

    5:16 PM Andy and Spencer are whispering in the BR. They are discussing the downfall of the plan to get rid of Amanda. Spencer admits that he is pretty toxic right now but wants to talk to Andy later if he is willing. Andy "I was down but I was scared. I was turning on people that aren't coming after me." Spencer "I'm not criticizing you but I'm not kissing butt. I want to make it to jury on my own merits." They both think it was Candice that spilled the beans and they both agree that Howard's fate is sealed this week.

    5:24 PM BBT Just general chit chat in the house. Helen is discussing how little is gained when you have a temper tantrum. She uses her marriage as an example. She would rather walk away and cool down but then her husband ends up feeling bad. She said she doesn't do it to manipulate, she just doesn't want it to turn into a screaming match. Spencer "The woman always wins the argument." Judd "All women manipulate."

    5:30 PM BBT In the BY McCrae, Helen and Andy are talking about the competitions and their desire to keep some of the items but BB isn't giving them anything to work with because it will probably end up on Ebay. They all want to keep their paintings from the Veto. Andy jokes "I want it to remind me of my relationship with David."

    5:34 PM BBT Helen, Judd, Aaryn, and McCrae are sitting in the yard. Helen looks like she is trying to sleep. Andy calls her out telling her that he was going to tell production on her. Helen "Thanks Andy." Helen then tells them that one of awnings almost crashed onto her head this morning. She said it never fails that BB always asks her to adjust them while she is in a middle of a run. By the time she is done she doesn't feel like running anymore.

    5:38 PM BBT Judd and Spencer are in the SR. Judd tells him that after what Howard said today, there is no way he can work with Howard. Spencer agrees that he handled the situation poorly. Judd "If you don't do things Howard's way he tells you it's because you're scared. I tried to work with him three times already but things keep going around. I get accused of being shady anytime I talk to somebody. I'm not scared and don't look at the ground when you are talking to me (about Howard). That man has no respect for me." Spencer "I totally understand."

    5:51 PM BBT Aaryn and Gina Marie are in the HoH room. Gina Marie "I enjoyed being with you, Jeremy, and Kaitlin. That's the crew I roll with. That's the crew I'll go down with." Gina Marie says she is going to fight really hard for HoH on Thursday. She says with Candice and Spencer it's an easy week for nominations. Aaryn "Straddle up Spencer." Aaryn says Elissa won't win endurance next week because she cares too much about her appearance. If Gina Marie goes into beast mode she can do it. Gina Marie tells her it will be a wonderful TV moment if Aaryn were to give Gina Marie the key to HoH next.

    5:53 PM BBT Andy comes into the HoH room and sits next to Clownie. He sits there and pretends to have a silent conversation with him. Howard joins Spencer in the BY on the couches. Spencer expresses his displeasure regarding how Candice talked to him today. Spencer "I wish we weren't surrounded by children here. We could rally up and make things happen." Howard "I aint mad at no one. I know some people are feelilng guilty so they don't want to talk to me, but that's their guilt."

  8. 5:02 PM BBT Helen is talking to Aaryn in the HoH room. Helen is telling her that she has no plans to take Amanda out this week. She trust Amanda. Fruthermore, since their deal leaked it would be horrible for Helen's game to keep Howard at this point. They then discuss how they think the deal was leaked to Candice.

    5:09 PM BBT Helen is telling Aaryn that Howard and Spencer are the ones that have no problems about lying to her. She says they prey on Candice and Andy and try to turn them against her when she is the one that has been working with them. Amanda walks in and Helen admits that she has considered that this deal may have been fake and that the whole house was against her. She tells Amanda that if something crazy goes on with the voting and that Amanda goes home then that means the whole house has been lying to her (Helen).

    5:13 PM BBT Helen tells Amanda that she is very safe this week if she is reading the house right. "But you never can tell until you see the vote." Aaryn asks Helen if Elissa is MVP. Helen says she isn't but she and Amanda think it's still possible that Howard may be MVP. Elissa might have been the target last week and Gina Marie was put up just to throw everyone off.

    5:17 PM BBT Amanda informs Aaryn that before Gina Marie was put on the block she was planning on voting against Aaryn. Aaryn is speechless. They also entertain the idea that Amanda was put up by the MVP to frame Howard. Aaryn "If someone is that smart we are screwed." Helen "If the house doesn't do what it is supposed to do this week then I will hit the fan." They decide to all count to three and name the person that they think is MVP. All of them "1, 2, 3, Judd."

    5:29 PM BBT Helen finds it extremely fishy that Judd said that he wanted Spencer and Jessie in jury. "Why Spencer?" If he thinks that Spencer would vote for him maybe it's possible that he also thinks Howard would vote for him also. Judd may have put Amanda up because she wants Spencer out.

    5:26 PM BBT I find myself incapable of following their justification why Judd is the MVP. If you want a good old fashion head-spin flash back to 5:00 PM BBT Camera 1.

    5:31 PM BBT Aaryn "Judd is a brilliant brilliant human being." Amanda "He knew there was a guy alliance day 3." Helen "We need to be super sweet to him." Aaryn "He told me he had a backdoor plan last week but didn't want to tell me what it was in case it didn't work." Amanda "Every time he hears a big word he asks what it means. He knows what it means. He acts like a farmer but he dresses impeccably."

    5:36 PM BBT Amanda "Judd is a genious." Aaryn "I told him that the other day and that the farmer thing was an act. He freaked out and then told Elissa that he wanted me out. I knew he was good at lying. I knew the second he made me believe whatever he wanted." [Really people, stop. I can't take it anymore -Goldylucks]

    5:40 PM BBT Meanwhile in the house Spencer is alone on the BY sofa staring down at his feet and Elissa is in the hammock reading.

    5:44 PM BBT Judd with a bowl of ice cream has joined Spencer in the BY. Just general chit chat. Aaryn, Helen, and Amanda are still in the HoH discussing Judd's brilliance and how he is the only one that makes sense as MVP.

    5:47 PM BBT Helen "He is like three people with his ability to manipulate people."

    5:56 PM BBT In the BY Spencer is talking to Judd about his impeccable work ethic and his charity work. Helen, Amanda, and Aaryn are still discussing Judd's brilliance. They also think that based on the questions Julie asks him that he must be portrayed as a really likeable person to viewers.

    6:06 PM BBT Helen says that Elissa is starting to come around in regards to Aaryn and her willingness to work with her. Helen "She still cries about the racial slurs and stuff." Aaryn "There have been zero racial slurs, zero zero zero."

    6:10 PM BBT They have stopped talking about how brilliant Judd is. In the HoH room Helen, Aaryn, and Amanda are now trash talking Jessie. Jessie is finding ways to make sure that Helen and Aaryn don't talk privately. Helen "Stop taking naps in the day if you don't want us to talk....the second day we get to jury I want to blindside Judd and Jessie. They will have no idea it's coming. They will think they are safe as clams and get the cameras ready because it's going to be war." Helen "I am not letting another Dan Gheesling win this season."

    6:16 PM BBT Aaryn to Helen and Amanda "Jessie knows I'm a good person. Just wait until you see it. She's afraid Candice will figure it out and Candice is afraid Elissa is going to find out." [Really, you can't make this stuff up. -Goldylucks]

    6:21 PM BBT in the HoH Helen tells Aaryn and Amanda that if the votes don't go the way she thinks it is supposed to go that she is going to stand, cuss, and get evicted from the house." They count their votes and determine that they have Spencer, Gina Marie, Andy, and Spencer on board. They all really trust Andy.

    6:24 PM BBT Meanwhile in the BY Jessie and Elissa joke around with Judd and Spencer on the BY couches that the twist this year is that Elissa and Jessie are lesbian sisters.

    6:25 PM BBT Andy has invaded the HoH room. The conspiracy theories had to switch to more generalized topics. Helen goes outside to get in the hot tub. Andy tells Aaryn that he slept a long time and will probably be up very late. He tells Aaryn that he will keep his eyes open for shady stuff to be going on.

    6:30 PM BBT Amanda tells Aaryn and Andy that she is heading downstairs to wake up McCrae. Andy follows her out and they both sneak into the cockpit. Amanda starts telling Andy all about the things she swore upstairs was just between the three ladies. She tells him how Judd has only argued to keep people in the house that would be a jury vote for him. She credits Judd with being the mastermind to get out Kaitlin.

    6:37 PM BBT Amanda is telling Andy in the cockpit why Judd must be the MVP. Amanda "He's really smart, he's scary, I mean he's really smart." Andy says that he or Amanda needs to stay up really late because Judd is so dangerous. [The conspiracy theories have reached an all new level of crazy -Goldylucks]

    6:45 PM BBT Mr. Super Scary Evil Mass Manipulator (Judd) and Aaryn have joined Amanda and Andy in the cockpit. Amanda and Aaryn start drilling Judd. Amanda "Did you talk to Spencer." Judd "Yes. We were the only ones up." Amanda "What did you talk about?" Judd "Regular stuff." Amanda "Bull crap, you schemer."

    6:51 PM BBT Helen, Elissa, and Gina Marie are at the hot tub. Andy, Judd, Amanda, and Aaryn are in the cockpit. Just general chit chat.

    6:58 PM BBT Amanda and Aaryn have left the cockpit. Andy and Judd briefly talk about Howard leaving before Spencer walks in. Amanda goes to wake up McCrae and kissy face ensues.

  9. 5:00 PM BBT All four feeds are on the chair BR where Spencer, Judd, Amanda, McCrae, Andy, and Jessie are talking about movies. The HGs are stuck on indoor LD. Judd is tossing around the beach ball.

    5:05 PM BBT Helen is called to the DR. Judd is bouncing the beach ball off their heads. Jessie tells them that she had a baby sitter make her poop in a cup because she refused to take her to the bathroom. Candice has terrible flash backs every time she is stuck in traffic because once she was stuck in traffic unable to go anywhere and could not go to the bathroom. More bad bathroom talk ensues.

    5:09 PM BBT Elissa had a baby sitter that made her smoke a cigarette. Candice is picking a number between 1-100 and whoever is closest gets a backrub. In the kitchen Kaitlin, Gina Marie, and Aaryn are Elissa bashing in the kitchen. They think Elissa looks down on them. Kaitlin admits she grew up privileged and got everything she ever wanted.

    5:19 PM BBT In the house the HGs are talking about their favorite songs. Of course they can't talk about songs without singing them so we are constantly in and out of FOTH.

    5:23 PM BBT in the BR the HGs are talking about their cellphone oops. Judd sent a text message where he was talking horribly about someone and accidentally sent it to the person he was trashing in the text. Almost all of them have mistakenly sent messages to someone in error. Candice, in a game of would you rather, once said she would rather spend 24 hours in jail then let a guy friend go through her phone.

    5:36 PM BBT In the house Elissa and Helen are playing chess on feeds 1 and 2. Feeds 3 and 4 are Kaitlin and Andy in the Wash Area. Kaitlin still thinks Elissa is the MVP. Andy is explaining how Elissa could have been put up on the block by America yet still get voted MVP every week. Andy says there hasn't been a speck of game talk today because everyone is stuck in close quarters. Kaitlin says she has just about given up. Even if she stays she will just end up defending herself week after week.

    5:43 PM BBT Currently in BR Amanda is quoting the Princess Bride. She says McCrae looks like Inigo Montoya. "My name is Inigo Montoya, you kill my father, prepare to die." "Inconceivable." Meanwhile in the Wash Area Andy is telling Kaitlin not to give up and that he will talk to people on her behalf after the BY opens back up. They are hoping that whenever BB gets whatever built they will put a big screen up and let the HGs back out.

    5:50 PM BBT Crazy conversations in the BR between Amanda and Aaryn. Based on personalities they are trying to determine what everyone's private area should taste like. Morty's is a family friendly sight therefore the comments will not be posted here. Flashback to 5:45 PM BBT Camera 2 if interested.

  10. 5:00 PM BBT All feeds on HGs either napping or attempting to nap. They have been given a bunch of rubber ducks.

    5:04 PM BBT Kaitlin thinks something is missing from above the fridge in the kitchen. Gina Marie said Aaryn noticed some items changing colors. Gina Marie doesn't believe any of it. Howard and Candice are laying down in the lounge room. They are trying who as HoH would keep Howard safe. They determine they are safe with each other, Jessie, and probably Spencer and Andy.

    5:15 PM BBT Candice is telling Howard that some people stay in the house because of the HG's fear to put them up. She says that is how Evil Dick and Rachel won their seasons. Everyone was scared of them. Howard fusses at Candice that she isn't eating enough. He says he wants her to eat seven slop balls, macaroni, and drink electrolytes today. She reluctantly says okay. He leaves to play chess with Helen.

    5:21 PM BBT Feeds 1 and 2 are on Helen and Howard playing chess. Feeds 3 and 4 are on Kaitlin cleaning out the fridge while Gina Marie and Aaryn are having a snack. Kaitlin is having a mini fit because there are multiple bags of the same thing open and blood in the drawer from the roast beef. Candice is walking around in her pink onesie. She says she would rock it if she had a unitard but she wasn't a fan of the afro hippietard.

    5:32 PM BBT Chess match still going, Kaitlin still cleaning kitchen, and Judd has been called to the DR.

    5:36 PM BBT Aaryn and Amanda are in the BY. Amanda says the rest of the house is over-playing their hands. She told Aaryn about another fake alliance in the house that includes, Kaitlin, Gina Marie, Howard, Spencer, and Judd. Aaryn asks if Judd's alliance with her is fake. Amanda says it isn't. Aaryn "if you hear about any fake alliance with me, please tell me." Amanda "I will."

    5:42 PM BBT Round one of chess goes to Helen. She says in seven years she has never beat her husband at chess. She's going to go home a better chess player because of how much she's played in the house. Meanwhile in the BY Amanda and Gina Marie are talking. Gina Marie is bummed that her key is missing. Amanda tells her not to worry. She's not going to get a single vote for eviction on Thursday.

    5:48 PM BBT Not much going on in the BB house. Helen dodges a bullet. Howard missed a chance to take her queen. Meanwhile in the BY Gina Marie is telling Amanda that she still thinks Elissa is the MVP. They briefly discuss the Express HoH competition. Just general chit chat while they paint their nails.

    5:55 PM BBT Howard has been called to the DR mid-game. Since he was called in again Amanda thinks it must be because he's MVP. In the BR Judd is talking to McCrae. Judd says he can't stand Candice because of the way she talks about money. Judd "Candice is a gold digging sl*t" McCrae "Yup, absolutely." Judd thinks Candice is latching onto Howard because he's got some power like the coup d'etat .

    5:59 PM BBT Judd tells McCrae that Elissa needs to get her butt up out of his HoH bed. Judd admits that he is hateful today.

  11. 4:00 PM BBT Aaryn and Judd are talking about Elissa. Aaryn says no one is going to have the nerve to try to get rid of Elissa until they know they have the numbers. "She's scary." Judd "maybe being quiet and conservative is working for her." Judd says he can't understand why so many people hate her. Aaryn says he will see when he watches the show afterwards.

    4:05 PM BBT In the HoH Aaryn, Jessie and Judd are talking about Gina Marie. They say she is angry about her nomination and thinks she is going to be treated like Jeremy. She has a defeatist attitude who wants to go home. Judd would rather keep someone in the house who wants to be there. Judd and Jessie think Gina Marie would be the most bitter jury member ever. Aaryn "She talks about being good at the game yet the only thing she's done is swallowed a bunch of crap down her throat. Who didn't think she would be good at that. Just kidding."

    4:09 PM BBT Aaryn is talking about getting called in for an interview for her dream job just two days before she left for the house. She is upset that she may be leaving soon after passing up that opportunity. Jessie says she owes her mom about $3000.00 to come to the show in rent, getting out of her lease, and bills and that she hasn't even been on the show long enough so far to break even.

    4:13 PM BBT Judd says he will support whoever the house votes out. Jessie says getting out Gina Marie would be a waste but why keep someone who doesn't want to be here. Aaryn reminds them that Kaitlin is a strong competitor. Aaryn says she basically played the mean girl because she didn't want to be like Jessie. Everyone said Jessie was so nice and a strong competitor so she got put up week one. She said she took it too far the other way though.

    4:16 PM BBT Meanwhile in the BY Candice, Howard, and Spencer are talking. Candice is talking about her and Howard's friendmance. She says they bicker too much. Howard "I don't bicker. It don't take two to bicker. You bicker with yourself." Meanwhile upstairs in the HoH Helen has come up and Aaryn leaves. They are bringing Elissa upstairs to finalize their voting plans.

    4:20 PM BBT Elissa, Helen, Jessie, and Judd are talking in the HoH room. Helen and Jessie are beginning to think that Kaitlin is the MVP. They think she is after Helen because she got rid of Jeremy but put Gina Marie up to hide her identity as MVP. They think that Kaitlin may have gotten a lot of TV time last week with Jeremy leaving and that America feels like Kaitlin is an underdog now. Jessie says she's suspected Kaitlin all week but everyone kept insisting Elissa put herself up. Elissa is the opposite. She doesn't think Kaitlin is MVP.

    4:27 PM BBT Helen "Judd, who do you want out Aaryn or Kaitlin?" Judd says he likes Kaitlin better because she gets along better with everyone, has a big heart and no one like to associate with Aaryn. He says Kaitlin is a much stronger competitor. Gamewise he would prefer Kaitlin to go. Elissa wants Aaryn out all day everyday. Elissa "Aaryn effects my game." Judd tells Elissa that no one trusts Aaryn and that she twists everyone words. Jessie "That's why Kaitlin is more a snake in the grass. She is talking to everybody in the house." Jessie says that Kaitlin is much more likely to win HoH than Aaryn.

    4:33 PM BBT Spencer joins them in the HoH. They joking ask him if he's MVP. He said he would be flattered but it did not happen. He said that the only thing that makes sense is America voting but with it being Elissa and Gina Marie who knows. Judd "They can be betraying Gina Marie more than one way, sweet and funny or batshit crazy." Spencer "Everything where America votes you (Elissa) would have the upper hand." Elissa is not buying it that America is the MVP this week. Spencer says "Too many fought to keep you in the house. It doesn't make sense for one of them to nominate you now." Elissa "it's upsetting that America might have voted that way."

    4:40 PM BBT Spencer "First place votes went to Aaryn, Second place votes went to Kaitlin, third place there was a small group of people who don't like you, and Gina Marie got fourth. America might not have known that Aaryn was on the block. We don't have all the variables so we can't solve for X." [uhm, variables or not Spencer, you solved it. Goldylucks]

    4:42 PM BBT Spencer tells Elissa that she needs to get over it. Elissa "It just hurts that people may not like me." They tell her that Aaryn probably got so many votes that it probably only took a few votes to get her nominated. They say everyone probably voted for Aaryn, all Kaitlin did was kiss Jeremy all day, and Gina Marie is crazy. Elissa is wondering if editing may have had made her look bad. Spencer says there are enough sites and blogs out there that the general population has a lot of intimate knowledge about them. [Right again Spencer. You get an "A" for the day. Goldylucks]

    4:46 PM BBT Elissa is still not wanting to accept that America put her up. Spencer says she has to stop taking it so personally. Elissa "You think more people would dislike me over Amanda. I just don't know what to do that people would hate me so much." He tells her that it's hurtful to her but Aaryn probably got 48% of the votes and Kaitlin probably got 46%. He tells her that she has to take the good and the bad. Judd says people are going to vote for the villain. Everyone else probably has a very small percentage compared to them. Elissa won't drop it. "They hate me over the others." Spencer "Out of the three of them (Kaitlin, Aaryn, Gina Marie) they probably hate Gina Marie least."

    4:50 PM BBT Judd "they were probably thinking wouldn't it mess with them if they put the MVP up, watch everyone point fingers at each other." Elissa "I would just put up someone I don't like" Judd "No, put everyone in a frenzy." Elissa "Don't hate me America." Elissa is worried she may be portrayed as someone with a really strong personality. Spencer and Judd are doing a lot trying to stroke her ego. They just can't get her to understand what they are saying. Spencer "You are going to drive yourself crazy."

    4:58 PM BBT Spencer has it nailed all the way down to guessing that they probably could vote up to ten times. Helen "They don't hate you. They voted for Aaryn but she's on the block. They voted for Kaitlin but she's on the block." Elissa is crying because she is afraid someone is going to be mean to her son. Elissa "I can handle it but I don't want them to be mean to my family because they don't like me." Helen reminds her that the superlatives were calling the others dorks and slutty but Elissa got hotness in a magazine. Helen jokes saying "I'll trade you."

    5:07 PM BBT Spencer is telling Elissa that if the MVP is in the house then they aren't talking to anyone. Spencer "If it was someone in the house then they are wasting it on you and Gina Marie. Who would do that?" Spencer "You can't play your game worrying about what America thinks."

    5:09 PM Helen and Spencer to Elissa "Only you and Howard got positive superlatives. Everyone else got borderline offensive. That's a huge compliment." Elissa mentions Aaryn and all her derogatory comments. Judd tells her that Aaryn isn't the only one. He tells her that Gina Marie does too but she's too stupid to realize it. He tells her about the Puerto Rican shower comments and that Judd didn't even know what she was talking about .

    5:13 PM BBT Judd is called to the DR. Helen is talking to Spencer now. Helen tells him not to trust Aaryn and that Aaryn is throwing him under the bus. Helen tells him that Aaryn said he is coming after her (Helen). Spencer denies with several curse words in the mix. Spencer "I'm voting her a** out this week." Helen and Spencer assure each that they are good and that Spencer does not talk game with Aaryn ever. Back to MVP talk again. Elissa says McCrae is the only person that hasn't told her directly that he isn't MVP.

    5:24 PM BBT Spencer to Helen and Elissa in the HoH "so, Aaryn is the target this week?" Helen said that Judd is wanting Kaitlin out this week instead. They are explaining that some think Kaitlin is a bigger threat. Spencer "After what she said to Candice and Howard, I just want to scoot her butt out of the house." Spencer agrees that it's Judd's HoH and they need to make sure that he is okay with it whichever way they go. Elissa says they may lose Candice and Howard if they fail to vote out Aaryn. They may win HoH and put us up for keeping Aaryn here. They just need to get Judd on board.

    5:29 PM BBT Spencer says he told Aaryn that she may not be racist but she said racial things and that she needs to change that by doing things outside like working in urban development or the boys and girls club. Aaryn told him that she wasn't going to do that because she isn't racist. He says that it went in one ear and out the other.

    5:32 PM BBT Helen, Spencer, and Elissa are talking about jury. They know that one of their group won't be able to go. Helen mentions that Amanda is a wild card. Helen "At some point they are going to be tough to beat." Elissa "No one is going to have the balls to put Amanda up." Spencer "Amanda is a strong person and people are afraid to cross her because she will go around and spread venom to everyone. I really like McCrae but I don't think he realizes who he is dealing with." Elissa "Amanda and McCrae basically run this house."

    5:36 PM BBT Helen "One of us can't go to jury. We need to start thinking about who want in the jury." Elissa "You don't want Amanda and Aaryn in jury together." Spencer "When we get to that point I am with you two. As it sits right now, I am not going to rock any boats." Helen "I don't mean now but we need to figure out who that one person is that can't go."

    5:43 PM BBT Judd comes back from DR. He tells Elissa, Spencer, and Helen that Aaryn overheard them talking upstairs. He doesn't think she heard details but the cover story is all they have talked about is Elissa's fear that people will be mean to her family if America nominated her. Jessie and Andy have joined them in the HoH now.

    5:49 PM BBT Andy has to go back downstairs to get his microphone. More MVP conspiracy going on. When Andy comes back into the HoH Spencer looks right at Andy. "Let's ask the MVP himself." Andy "Sure, what do you want to know." Helen "We are never going to figure it out." Elissa "Do you think anyone can have it and keep it secret this long. They will go far because they are sneaky."

    5:54 PM BBT Helen jokes that she feels like the only person in the house that doesn't have an agent. Aaryn talks about her agent all the time. Spencer "That and her publicist are probably pulling their hair out right now."

    5:58 PM BBT the conversation in HoH has changed to general chit chat about people they know outside of the house so we get frequent FOTH. The feeds switch to Kaitliln and Aaryn out by the pool. Aaryn asks her if anyone has told her that she is safe. Kaitlin says no, the only thing she has heard is that Gina Marie is safe.

  12. 4:00 PM BBT The feeds are back. The HGs are wet and some of the ladies had already shed their shirts. I believe I saw Elissa with the POV around her neck.

    4:05 PM BBT I rewound to 3:58PM BBT Camera One and yes, Elissa is wearing the POV.

    4:08 PM BBT Aaryn is in the shower. Helen is wrapped in a towel waiting her turn. So is McCrae. In the Have Not room Candice is talking to Spencer and Howard. She tells Howard not to talk to Andy but to let her do it. She says she is closer to Andy and he will listen to her when she tells him that Amanda, McCrae, Helen, and Elissa have a final four deal. Candice tells them that Amanda will be coming after them because she can't control them. Candice "She can flash her **boobies** at McCrae all she wants."

    4:13 PM BBT Candice, Spencer, and Howard appear to be preparing for Howard to be the replacement nomination. Candice tells Howard that they need to concentrate on Jessie and Andy this week and not to waste time on HGs that won't have a vote.

    4:16 PM BBT Jessie is telling Amanda in the kitchen that they just need to stick to the original plan. It bothers her that they are talking about Howard going up when they had all agreed to the original three. Jessie "But, this is the twist." The POV competition involved a lot of mud and adding up totals. Helen said the most she would have been able to come up with was thirty one.

    4:21 PM BBT Candice, Howard, Andy, and Gina Marie are in the BR. Gina Marie is repeating the rumors that Elissa may have put herself up to take the heat off her. Gina is now claiming that the game wasn't fair and that her time was wrong. "I know I didn't stop at all, I completed that crap in five minutes. I looked at my time and saw nine minutes. No way." It appears that many of the HGs took punishments yet McCrae (I think) took a five thousand dollar cash prize.

    4:26 PM BBT McCrae, Amanda, and Andy are up in the HoH room. McCrae says he feels bad taking the money when everyone else got punishments. Amanda tells him that he didn't have the same options to take punishments. The twenty one was never on his side. Kaitlin comes out of the HoH shower and says they will be able to figure out more about the MVP when they see who the replacement is. If it's someone targeting Elissa then Helen will be next. Kaitlin "I can't believe America would put her up." Amanda "Something must have changed, something must have changed."

    4:29 PM BBT Amanda, Andy, and Kaitlin in the HoH. They agree that if Howard goes up on the block then Elissa is definitely the MVP. Kaitlin wants assurances that Aaryn is the target this week. Amanda and Andy both agree, Aaryn is the target. More talk about Elissa putting herself up. According to Kaitlin Elissa did tell someone that the MVP could nominate themselves. Kaitlin "I find it odd that Elissa knew that rule." Amanda says McCrae is a wreck. He's afraid he will get put it since he took the money."

    4:35PM BBT Candice, Howard, and Helen are in the BR. Candice "I don't understand why everyone is making a big deal about this. We all agreed that Aaryn is going and this was going to be an easy week." Helen "I think I'm going up. Whoever put Elissa up, I'm close to her." Helen says she is comfortable as long as everyone goes with the original plan to get rid of Aaryn.

    4:38 PM BBT Candice to Howard and Helen: "We can't try to get rid of someone because one of us is afraid of them. It was supposed to be an easy week. That will be World War 3 too soon." Meanwhile in the HoH Elissa has joined Amanda, Gina Marie and Andy in the HoH. They ask who Elissa thinks put her up. Elissa says maybe Judd. She doesn't think it was Kaitlin because Kaitlin didn't care at all that she won POV. Andy "Who seemed to care that you won?" Elissa "Candice, Howard, and Spencer."

    4:45 PM BBT Elissa leaves the HoH room to change clothes so she will be ready when DR calls for her. Nobody else in the HoH room thinks that Judd is the MVP. It just doesn't make sense to them. Meanwhile Aaryn is talking about the POV in the BR. She says she thought about discarding the nine but was afraid she wouldn't find a bigger number in those last two minutes. She probably would have found a two and got stuck with the punishment anyway. She was only four points away from a tie. Camera four in the colorful BR is fuzzy and cloudy. BB needs to fix that.

    4:54PM BBT In the HoH Andy, Kaitlin, and Amanda are still talking about the mystery MVP. Kaitlin entertains the idea that maybe the MVP only put Elissa up hoping that increases their chances of getting MVP again. They all seem to come to the conclusion that Elissa has been acting weird this week and has most definitely nominated herself. Andy "Then that makes her a super scary player because she is lying to everyone."

    4:57 PM BBT Elissa is talking to McCrae in the BR. Elissa is telling McCrae that up to this point all the abuse she has taken has been worth it because she knew the fans out there were enjoying her on the show. Now it's different for her. McCrae is telling her that maybe they just gave MVP to the #2 in the votes this week. McCrae reassures Elissa that Judd is not against her, he is just freaking out about the twist. Meanwhile, in the HoH they are still talking about Elissa but now they think she put herself up in order to get an even better power.

    5:03 PM BBT Elissa is telling McCrae that she suspects Judd put her up because he has spent so much time in DR this week. McCrae says no, he was in DR a lot when he was HoH. It comes with the territory of being HoH. McCrae says the Knock Outs need to stay strong. He hugs her and congratulates her on her win. Meanwhile in the HoH they are still obsessed with Elissa nominating herself for another power.

    5:12 PM BBT The new speculation in the Have Not room between Aaryn, Kaitlin, and Amanda is that Elissa did not nominate herself for a power. She did it to devalue herself so she can target another guy, a strong player, and not get blood on her hands. Aaryn says Howard is worried he is going to be backdoored. Aaryn asks if he is nominated will he be leaving. They tell her yes.

    5:14 PM BBT In the HOH they are now talking about the competition. Elissa took the punishment of not playing in the next POV. Aaryn didn't get any punishments because she felt she had pretty big numbers and didn't want to give up any of those numbers to go back in and get stuck with smaller ones. Meanwhile Candice is talking to Elissa in the BR about Howard. Candice "I care about him, I can tame him. At least let him make it jury with me. That's all I want. He's a big guy. I know he's a threat." Andy walks in.

    5:24 PM BBT After a brief FOTH we come back to Aaryn talking about Elissa. "I don't know why I keep taking crap about not getting along with Allyssa." Meanwhile Judd is locked up in the cockpit. He has three loaves of bread, water, slop, electrolytes, a pillow, a blanket, a toilet area surrounded by a curtain, a blindfold for sleeping, and a clock with a snooze button. Andy, Helen, and Jessie are talking to him on the other side of the floor. Helen mentions that when her 8pm curfew comes (a BB penalty from the comp) she will be thinking about him. Helen promises that they will keep him company. Judd didn't get any nicotine patches. Jessie is going to ask DR if she can squeeze him some under the door.

    5:29 PM BBT Judd got eighteen points for agreeing to solitary confinement and came within just two points of Elissa. Helen says she is sorry she didn't win it for him. Judd says it's ok. He'll just pretend he is in jail. Helen "At least you'll get a lot of TV time." Judd "a lot of time of me sleeping and going crazy."

    5:34 PM BBT Elissa bashing in the HoH room. "This whole game is about her. Elissa should have been penalized during the comp for taking a bunch of numbers to her side when she was only supposed to take one." Aaryn mentions seeing signs. Several said Vote for Elissa. McCrae saw one that said Vote for McCrae. Helen is whispering to Elissa in the BR. They are considering they need to backdoor Amanda. Helen tells her that Judd is upset with Amanda because he wants Aaryn out and she keeps pushing him about Howard. Helen says she told Judd this was his HoH, not Amanda's. Helen and Elissa are seriously considering Amanda as the MVP.

    5:40 PM BBT Helen is going to get Jessie to talk to Elissa. They think Jessie is afraid Elissa is getting too close to Amanda when the whole house is starting to consider getting rid of her. They decide to take their meeting to the SR.

    5:44 PM BBT Helen, Elissa, and Jessie are in the SR. Helen "We can't let Amanda know we are on to her. She didn't want me to use the POV on Elissa. Why? What does it matter if Aaryn is supposed to be going home." They also entertain the idea that Amanda is related to Evil Dick because she looks just like him. They discuss the need to backdoor Amanda and they can't let McCrae know. Judd will support them and so will Candice and Howard. Helen finds it odd that Amanda was pushing Helen to win the POV to keep the nominations the same yet McCrae goes and takes the money. Jessie "I don't like how she strong arms everyone and treats everyone's HoH like it's her HoH." Andy comes in so the meeting is over.

    5:49PM BBT Everyone leaves the SR but Andy and Helen. Andy asks her what is going on. Helen says she is going to let him on a little secret but that he can't say anything. Helen tells him to be really careful with Amanda and that the entire house wants her out. He asks her why and it's because too many HGs have caught her telling her lies. Meanwhile Jessie and Candice are talking to Judd through the door. They ask him if the alarm has gone off yet and he says no. They expect it may go off every hour and it has a big snooze button on it. Jessie walks past the crowd in the kitchen "You all are mean why aren't you talking to him."

    5:56 PM BBT Howard is talking to Kaitlin in the BR. Howard tells her that she is not going to go home because Amanda is going to offer her a deal. They discuss Elissa nominating herself to keep the blood off her hands. Howard tells Kaitlin that Helen and McCrae are good hearted people. They need someone who has a cut throat personality. Amanda is that person.

  13. 7:02 PM BBT In the cockpit Amanda and McCrae are throwing out ideas about the MVP this week. They discuss that maybe the MVP can’t be nominated. They also discuss that maybe the MVP gets to change then nominations.

    7:04 PM BBT Jessie bashing in the BR by Aaryn and Kaitlin. Kaitlin says Jessie is going to want to sleep in the HoH room with Judd. Kaitlin can’t stand her.

    7:06 PM BBT Judd is still wearing his crown. He has joined McCrae in the cockpit. Amanda is telling him that it might be a good idea to target Aaryn and Kaitlin and then let Elissa put up Spencer so they can backdoor Howard.

    7:09 PM BBT Lots of talk about the comp. More speculation on Julie Chen’s expect the unexpected. Judd is going to approach Elissa. He wants to talk to Elissa about MVP. He plans to tell her that he wants her to tell him if she gets MVP and not to mess around with him about it. Judd tells Spencer he was not hoping to win HoH this early. Jessie offers Judd some slop. He passes saying he is going to wait until midnight to eat.

    7:18 PM BBT Amanda is now speculating that maybe since Elissa has won the MVP three times in a row BB is throwing in this new twist to make sure someone else gets it.

    7:21 PM BBT Andy was going to cook Veggie chicken nuggets but decides to stop and wait. He hears that Judd wants some and he doesn't want it eaten up before the Have-Nots get their reprieve at midnight. Amanda is talking to Judd again about backdooring Howard.

    7:24 PM BBT Judd is playing with Andy. He tells Andy that he is worried about a special power. He says he might put up Andy and Aaryn so if the noms get a power Andy will get it. Amanda "Are you nuts?" Judd then jokes he will put up Andy against Jessie. Amanda then talks to Elissa. Elissa agrees to possibly put up Spencer. Elissa mentions getting rid of Aaryn. Amanda says no because Aaryn has no one. Howard has Spencer and Candice on his side already so they are three strong. Jessie says she is worried about Kaitlin. Kaitlin has gone to final question twice now. Amanda tells her it's about numbers not about mental ability.

    7:30 PM BBT Jessie, Judd, Elissa, Amanda, and Andy in the cockpit. Amanda has convinced them that as an alliance they need to nominate Aaryn and Kaitlin. They need to warn them in advance that they are pawns so that their real target does not win the POV. Elissa will put up Spencer. When the POV is used Howard will go up. Amanda asks if everyone is in agreement. Everyone is. The backup plan should Howard win POV is to go ahead and get rid of Aaryn.

    7:33 PM BBT Jessie bashing in the Have-Not room between Gina Marie and Aaryn. Gina Marie says Jessie's acting all high and mighty now. Aaryn "She's such a joke." Kaitlin to Judd "How excited are you?" Judd is worried about the surprise. He says "Watch I'll be the first HoH ever to get evicted." Aaryn asked him if he tried really or hard for the HoH or did he win by default. Judd says he didn't try to throw it. He's tired of being a Have Not.

    7:39 PM BBT Judd is trying to figure out what he wants to take upstairs when it's open to him. McCrae is worried about the Have Not comp. He has no energy from being a Have-Not all week and hope it doesn't cause him to do poorly in the food comp.

    7:41 PM BBT Andy is talking to Howard and Spencer in the LR. Andy jokes that if Julie doesn't ask him a question next live eviction night then he is just going to butt in one someone else's question. Earlier he said that if he doesn't play he better be chosen to host the next POV. He is the only one who has not taken any part in any POV so far.

    7:44 PM BBT Amanda is coaching Judd again. He needs to tell Aaryn and Kaitlin that he can't trust Elissa and her MVP choice. He has to put them up as his noms to make sure they aren't put up as backdoor targets by Elissa since Elissa is wishy washy with her nominations. Amanda tells him that they won't be mad at him if he presents it this way. Judd regarding Elissa's nomination last week "It worked out good but it could have messed them up really bad."

    7:49 PM BBT Judd, Jessie, and Elissa are in the cockpit. Judd asked Elissa if she was willing to work with him regarding MVP. Judd wants to make sure they get together early so they both know exactly what the other will be doing. Judd is still throwing out scenarios for the MVP. He has mentioned the Coup D'État twice now. Elissa is thinking something or someone may be unleashed in the house. Elissa "She said expect the unexpected in a way that was like a game changer." Judd to Elissa "We need to know what each other are doing. You have as much power as I do."

    7:49 PM BBT Judd, Jessie, and Elissa are in the cockpit. Judd asked Elissa if she was willing to work with him regarding MVP. Judd wants to make sure they get together early so they both know exactly what the other will be doing. Judd is still throwing out scenarios for the MVP. He has mentioned the Coup D'État twice now. Elissa is thinking something or someone may be unleashed in the house. Elissa "She said expect the unexpected in a way that was like a game changer." Judd to Elissa "We need to know what each other are doing. You have as much power as I do."

    7:58PM BBT Elissa to Judd "You know how you can be so happy about something and then something is going to shake it all up. That's how I feel."

  14. 6:00 PM BBT Feeds one and two are Helen and Andy. Helen has informed Andy that Gina Marie will be speaking to him. Kaitlin is considering voting with the house and voting against Jeremy. Feeds three and four of Howard and Candice in bed.

    6:03 PM BBT Judd comes up to the HoH to talk to Helen. Helen tells Judd that she has heard from a bunch of different people that Aaryn is telling people that she is gunning for Helen and Elissa. Judd thinks Aaryn may just be fishing for information. Helen wants to make sure that Knock Out is strong. Judd thinks it might actually be Jeremy making a last ditch effort to get Aaryn out instead of him.

    6:07 PM BBT Helen rehashes her conversation with Gina Marie to Judd. Aaryn comes into the HoH asking to take a shower because of the plumbing issues downstairs. Aaryn asks Helen if anything has changed since they last talked. Helen says she has been hearing some stuff but she wants to talk to some more people before she talks to Aaryn about it. Aaryn asks if it's about her. Helen assures her that she will talk to her about it and will give her a chance to defend herself. Aaryn "Is it Jeremy saying stuff? Helen again says she will talk to her and let her defend herself.

    6:14 PM BBT Howard goes to the Have Not room to fetch his bible. Feeds change to Andy and Gina Marie in the hammock. Gina Marie asks Andy if she may still have a chance with the kid back home she was talking to or would he be mad about Nick. Andy "Well, you did fall madly in love with somebody." Gina Marie laughs hard. Elissa is in the BR with Candice discussing the upcoming HoH. Helen comes in wanting clarification about Aaryn. Elissa says "Jeremy told me that Aaryn told him that she is still coming after you and me."

    6:37 PM BBT Howard is tickling Candice in the BR. Howard called her a bad girl. She says she is innocent until proven guilty. Howard "So is Lorena Bobbitt." Candice "I'm innocent until proven guilty" "So is O.J. Simpson." They realize that they are both Virgos.

    6:21 PM BBT Helen approaches Kaitlin in the kitchen and asks her if she is ready for tomorrow. Helen offers to request alcohol for her tonight. Elissa asks Helen to remind BB that the showers are overflowing in the downstairs BR. Meanwhile in the BY Spencer and McCrae are talking about Megaman characters.

    6:25 PM BBT Aaryn is fishing for information. She knows Helen has been hearing stuff and wasn't ready to talk to her about it. She asks Amanda in the BR what Helen has heard. Amanda tells her that Helen heard Aaryn was targeting her and Elissa. Aaryn denies it. Amanda tells her not to worry about it. Jessie and Helen are playing pool. Helen "I love it when I see hair extensions laying next to clothes. Only on Big Brother. Are you and I the only ones with real hair and real boobs?"

    6:30 PM Howard is laying on/over Candice in the BR with his head on her chest. Amanda and Aaryn are primping in the WA. Howard had been working out with Aaryn. Candice to Howard "Sorry, you can't train the enemy."

    6:33 PM BBT Candice informs Howard that he is making himself a target by working out with Aaryn every day. Howard says he just doesn't want to be mean by telling her no when she asks. Meanwhile Amanda is still talking to Aaryn in the WA. "Your alliance sucks. You keep throwing each other under the bus."

    6:42 PM BBT Howard and Candice still snuggling. Candice "If we were outside the house and you were picking me up for a date to a city, where would you take me?" Howard "I already told you." Candice "Get my head out of Big Brother for a change." Howard jokes with her that he would pick her up, take her to a strip club, take her out for chicken nuggets and wings, and then to a Football game. But, he at least will take her to a fancy hotel.

    6:45 PM BBT Howard is still telling Candice where he would take her on their imaginary date outside the house. At the end he tells her he would take her home and Candice informs him that "after that you date you wouldn't be getting nothing." He calls her a flirt. Candice "Innocent until proven guilty." Helen and Jessie just finished game two of pool. They have each won one game.

    6:50 PM BBT Howard is playing saying that he is mad at Candice. He then says he wants to see if Elissa might cut his hair. He is going to ask her using his ghetto voice "Can you cut a brother's hair?" He then talks about his barber back home. "You want to pick a fight with a black dude, say something bad about his barber."

    6:53 PM BBT Candice is telling Howard about "Happy Feet" and how the male penguins woo the females by bringing them pebbles. She tells him that he can't sleep in that bed (it was formerly Jessie's) with her unless he brings her a pebble. Howard "I aint no penguin." He reminds her "Just because you've been in a bed from day one doesn't make it your bed."

    6:58PM BBT Howard and Candice are debating on whether or not to take a nap. In the meantime in the BY Jessie, Jeremy, Andy, and Spencer are talking about movies. The current movie topic: Frequency.

  15. 5:57 PM BBT In the HoH Andy is talking about Aaryn. "Every once in a while she acts like she may actually be human and then she will say or do something and I am like you are evil." In the Wash Area Aaryn is talking to Jeremy about trying to find a way for Jeremy to stay. He asks her if she's talked them about it. She tells him she hasn't. He tells her that he has already tried. She wants to tell them that getting rid of Spencer would be the best move in the game. Jeremy tells her to fight hard. Aaryn tells him that he better not give up. He says he isn't. "I'm not lying dead yet. I'm going to talk to Helen again tonight but they are all scared still."

    6:06PM BBT Aaryn joins Kaitlin on the hammock. Aaryn is trying to give her a pep talk. Kaitlin "Nothing is going to change as long as she (Elissa) is here." Aaryn tells her that there is still a way for them to turn this around. She tells them to be patient and then the things could change. Kaitlin says she doesn't want to talk game until after HoH on Thursday. Aaryn "I feel like you are giving up or that I am going to be evicted."

    6:13PM BBT Amanda and Aaryn are in the BY talking about the blocked drain in the shower. Amanda tells them about her first romantic weekend with her ex. They are getting into the bath and she lets one rip by accident. She says that they were together for three years so he must not have been too grossed out about it. There is still a sewage smell in the BY. They think some of the lock downs might have been BBs attempt to fix it.

    6:15 PM BBT Aaryn asks Amanda about why McCrae was claiming to be MVP. Amanda reminds her it was because Elissa didn't want to put a particular person up and they were willing to take the hit for it. She says it didn't matter because Elissa put up the wrong person anyway. Aaryn asks her if she is the primary target. Amanda admits that Aaryn is a target but not the only target. Aaryn "Why do you keep her?" Amanda "Because she isn't coming after us." Aaryn "That makes sense."

    6:18PM BBT Aaryn is making the pitch to Amanda and McCrae to keep Jeremy. "I just wish there was someone that wanted to work with both us, me and Jeremy." Amanda "Not going to happen." Aaryn is trying to convince them that she isn't trying to campaign for him. She is just alone in the game. McCrae "The more you try to keep him the more time you spend on other people's radars." Aaryn "I'm not trying to keep him. I would only talk to you about it." Amanda "You need to drop it and don't bring up the MVP again."

    6:21 PM BBT McCrae gently reminds Aaryn that he and Amanda have the votes. Amanda "As long as certain people stay targets and you aren't gunning for the wrong people then you will stay here." Aaryn "I'm gunning for whoever you tell me to." Aaryn is telling them that Kaitlin has already made deals with Helen, Andy and Elissa. She says that is the only reason she is talking to them right now. No one else will talk to her. Aaryn" The only reason I ask about MVP is because it takes the target off Elissa." Amanda tells her what she told Helen earlier "Let's take it week by week and not get too far ahead."

    6:30 PM BBT Amanda tells Aaryn in the BY to lay low. She tells Aaryn that she makes people feel like she is targeting them. Aaryn disagrees and Amanda uses Judd as an example. Aaryn "Judd talks to me all the time. No one talks to me like he does." Amanda "That's because he thinks you are coming after him." After Amanda leaves Amanda tells McCrae that Amanda will do a lot of dirty work for them. McCrae says he doesn't trust her. He tells Amanda that Aaryn was only coming over to talk to them to get information. He gently accuses Amanda of giving her too much information. Amanda "I really don't like you today."

    6:34PM BBT In the HoH Elissa and Spencer are talking about their favorite pets. Spencer is fond of German Shepherds. Elissa talks about the two shop cats they keep at their office. Meanwhile Andy joins Amanda and McCrae in the BY. Andy compares Elissa to an episode of the Twilight Zone. "She's like that boy that has all those crazy powers. You have to be nice to her or you might blow up."

    6:43 PM BBT Gina Marie and Aaryn are in the hammock. Aaryn is telling her that she overheard a conversation in the storage room. She tells her that she heard Helen tell Kaitlin that she was safe with Helen and Andy and they won't put her up ever. Gina Marie tells her that Kaitlin should makes deals. Aaryn is trying to convince her that it will be just the two of them soon. Aaryn wants her to try to campaign to get rid of Spencer. Amanda "It's not going to work. I've tried. I campaigned for three weeks regarding Nick. The only way they are coming over is if we win HoH and they have to kiss our a**."

    6:50 PM BBT On the hammock Amanda is telling Aaryn that she isn't going to waste her breath trying to campaign for Jeremy because they (other side) will only lie to her face. Gina Marie tells Aaryn that not getting out the MVP week one is the cause of all their problems. Jeremy wouldn't be in danger, Nick would still be there, and so would David. In the HoH Helen, McCrae, Andy are discussing the upcoming eviction. They are going to tell Jeremy and Kaitlin early Thursday that Jeremy should be leaving with an 8-2 vote. They don't want Kaitlin to feel blindsided and vowing revenge on them.

    6:55 PM BBT In the BR Jeremy and Kaitlin are snogging again. There is lots of heaving breathing from Kaitlin and hand action going on under the covers. In the HoH Helen, McCrae, and Andy continue to talk about Howard and Spencer. The meeting in the HoH breaks up and the cameras focus on Andy listening to music and Jessie napping in the Have Not room.

  16. 4:03 PM BBT BB "Houseguests, the lock down is over. You are now free to move about the house." Andy is the first to walk in. "Oh my God!!!" Of course, he is just kidding so Helen tells him "You are evicted!!"

    4:05 PM BBT The lock down may be over but the smokers only went inside long enough to grab a lighter. Helen has been called to the DR. The HGs are walking around looking for the reason behind the lock down. As of yet, they haven't found anything different.

    4:11 PM BBT Aaryn to Kaitlin in the Wash Area "Look at all the former houseguests we don't talk about. Hayden won, we don't talk about him. Who do we talk about? Rachel, Mike, Will, all a**holes."

    4:13 PM 4:15 PM BBT Jeremy is getting out of the shower and with his wet hair Kaitlin thinks he looks like X-Men Wolverine's son. Jeremy would love to wear the baby outfit for Halloween. Upstairs in the HoH Elissa is bummed that they are going to have to postpone the memorial for Nick's hat.

    4:23 PM BBT Helen has returned from her HoH tweet session in the DR. Elissa, Andy, and McCrae are telling Helen that they have named their alliance the Knock Outs. Helen loves it. They give Amanda credit for the name. Helen "Tell her that slop is good for her brain."

    4:29 PM BBT Helen and Andy are talking about the benefit of being a Have Not. You can build relationships together as a Have Not. No one questions you when you go in there and no one follows you. They were able to study the Big Brother Express all night long without anyone else realizing they were working together.

    4:31 PM BBT Amanda has joined McCrae, Helen, Elissa, and Andy in the HoH. They are talking about the next HoH. Helen still thinks the comp will be endurance. Andy think mental because they've already had a lot of physical competitions. McCrae agrees with mental, possibly a Knock-Out comp. Meanwhile Howard and Spencer are playing pool. Judd has now joined the HoH and he is informed of their new alliance name of the Knock Outs. McCrae "Hottest alliance in Big Brother." Judd "Is it just us six, what about Jessie?" Amanda "We'll keep her safe."

    4:38 PM BBT The crew in the HoH are talking about Gina Marie. Judd "I want her gone she is draining me out." Elissa tells them that Gina Marie told her that Aaryn would be her next target. Kaitlin is arguing with BB. They want her to put her microphone on. She recently showered. "I don't even have my pants on!!!"

    4:41 PM BBT On camera one we get a very up close and personal view of Gina Marie's hair/scalp. She tells us she isn't a natural blonde and is pulling out some grays. Meanwhile in the HoH Andy is worried about Gina Marie winning HoH. Helen thinks she has enough control over her that she won't be a problem. Helen to Amanda "You can manage Aaryn." Amanda tells them that they need to think week to week and not plan so far in advance. "We know who our targets are. Let's just keep each other safe."

    4:47 PM BBT In the HoH they are discussing how their alliance is so much stronger than the others because they are solid and really trust each other. Amanda tells them that she was supposed to be going home this week. Amanda "That's why they were bullying me, because I interfered with their moving truck. I refuse to call them Moving Company. They are moving trucks, moving bags."

    4:54 PM BBT In the Wash Area Kaitlin, Gina Marie, and Aaryn are discussing Pandora's Box. They thought with today's lock down that Helen might have gotten one today. They decide against is because there are so many people up there in the HoH right now. Jeremy says he can't wait to watch the show when he gets home. "Can't wait to see how much s**t Kaitlin talks about me in the DR." Kaitlin "I did not. Stop being negative."

    4:58 PM BBT In the HoH Helen, Amanda, and Andy are discussing the possibility that Howard and Spencer are working together against them. They discuss that both Howard and Spencer were throwing Jessie under the bus within minutes of the eviction. They think that it might have been planned by the both of them.

    5:27 PM BBT In the HoH Spencer, Helen, Andy, and McCrae are talking about the POV. Amanda and Helen aren't happy with their pictures. Helen wants to put Zingbot on her resume. Meanwhile Jeremy and Kaitlin are hanging out in the Wash Area. He asks her to tell him a traumatic story. Kaitlin "my alliance got evicted." Jeremy tells her about the time he got stitches on his gonads. He climbed a chain link fence to pet his dogs (gate was broken) with his fly open and managed to get stuck while straddling the fence. His mom called the cops who sent the ambulance and fire department to cut the fence to get him off it. His Dad had to give him the talk about protecting his stuff.

    5:35 PM BBT Aaryn is out of the shower and decides to give a traumatic story of her own. She tells Kaitlin and Jeremy about an accident she had when skating. Her legs went opposite ways and she ripped her vagina. She still has nightmares about it

    5:37 PM BBT When Jeremy was younger he fell into a campfire. He got third degree burns on his hand. His skin was falling off and ended up wearing a cast for an entire year. He's also had every color ball you can imagine from skateboarding accidents including red, yellow, and purple all at one the same time. Meanwhile in the HoH they are talking about their school days.

    5:40 PM BBT Gina Marie comes into the wash area. She is having an emotional moment. She lays on Jeremy and tells him she loves him. "I love you too GMs" She is getting teary. "I tried so hard." We then get a close up of Gina Marie removing her tongue ring.

    5:45PM BBT Aaryn is whispering to Jeremy in the wash area. Aaryn "They think we are stupid. They are going to try to turn us against each other. I don't want that to happen." Jeremy tells her that they are the strongest left in the house. He tells her that are very capable and able to trade out week from week and stay together. They just need to stay together until the others start to split up and turn against each. "Then the numbers will be even." He tells them the "Triangle of Thrust, nothing can come between us." They will be fine as long as the talk to each other.

    5:54 PM BBT In the wash area, Jeremy is coaching Aaryn on how to move forward in the game. He tells her that if she and Kaitlin can work together then she will get far. Aaryn wants Jeremy to keep fighting to stay in the house. Jeremy tells her that he already tried. He's already offered to be in their pocket and give them nominations if he won HoH. Aaryn says they didn't believe him. Meanwhile in the HoH room Andy is talking about his job as a public speaking teacher.

  17. 6:00 PM BBT All four feeds on Aaryn in the WA. Howard comes in and they plan to work out together with Kaitlin. Aaryn wants to warm up on the elliptical first.

    6:04 PM BBT The feeds follow Howard into the bedroom where Spencer is. Spencer is upset that BB is not giving him any more deodorant. Howard points to some and Spencer says he can't use it. "I have sensitive pits." Kaitlin "I just walked into a great conversation."

    6:08 PM BBT In the BY Elissa is telling McCrae that her parents are probably disappointed that she isn't more like her sister. Rachel goes out and finds friends so easily. Elissa is so much more picky. McCrae wants to be the kind of Dad that makes his kids go outside to play a lot. Elissa says her son loves to spend time with Uncle Brendon. They play videogames together.

    6:15 PM BBT Just general chitchat in the BB house: such as Kaitlin hates overhead lamps and prefers lamps but Jeremy is the opposite. Elissa knows some Nascar drivers because she lives near them. Something in BY is giving off a sewage smell.

    6:20 PM BBT In the BY Howard has taken all of the dumbbells and placed them on the grass making mini-hurdles. Howard has Aaryn running the hurdles.

    6:26 PM BBT Amanda is telling Elissa about Gina Marie's math claiming that in real life Nick and Gina Marie have been together for six months to a year comparatively. McCrae has taken the Fruit Loops box and rolled it up into a flyswatter. He says PETA is going to come after him. BB: tells Amanda to stop talking about production (it was actually Elissa). "Oh my gosh BB that wasn't me. You owe me an apology." Elissa "I wouldn't do that. I wouldn't do that to CBS."

    6:37 PM BBT Amanda and McCrae are snuggling on the hammock. Howard is working Aaryn hard running/hopping/squatting over those dumbbells. In the HOH Helen and Andy are talking about the MVP. They are still telling people that McCrae is the MVP. They are considering telling people that Elissa was allowed to give the MVP away. Andy "As long as she doesn't go rogue like last time." Helen "Yeah, she has to use it smart."

    6:43 PM BBT Upstairs in the HoH Helen, Andy, and Elissa are talking about HOH music. Helen picked U2 because there are so many different songs she likes. She hopes next time she gets Mariah Carey. Elissa to Andy "I'll request Carrie Underwood just for you." Andy "I could handle Carrie Underwood." Elissa "I would like Carrie Underwood or Blake Shelton." Andy "NOT BLAKE SHELTON." Helen doesn't know Blake Shelton is.

    6:47 PM BBT Helen and Andy are talking about the former HGs that might be watching them right now. "Mike Boogie is watching us. Dan Gheesling could be watching us. They may not be celebrities exactly but they are to me. I would rather meet Dan Gheesling than Brad Pitt."

    6:53 PM BBT Elissa is giving a Yoga Lesson to someone. Not sure who. Her microphone is projecting her perfectly clear but there is no video of her. She could be giving the lesson to us for all I know. Meanwhile Helen and Andy are strategizing. Kaitlin is probably going to be out for blood but they don't think it's their blood.

    6:58 PM BBT Andy and Helen are trying to speculate what the HoH comp will be this week. Helen is thinking endurance or hockey. Andy thinks they have had a lot of endurance type events lately. He hopes it isn't like the hockey. That would be his worst type of competitions. All four feeds have switched to the HoH.

  18. 2:51 PM BBT BB has called in Indoor Lockdown. Candice wants to know what Kim Kardashian's baby looks like. She also would like to see Chloe and Lamar have a baby. "I don't like when people are in the love and can't have a baby." Elissa "Maybe it's because they are so busy."

    3:00 PM BBT Not much going on, too many HGs stuck into too small a space. Aaryn is showing some Zumba moves in the bedroom and is thinking about holding a class for the others. Everyone is making food, eating, or laying around.

    4:36 PM BBT Andy and Aaryn are discussing their Mid-Slop Week Freak-outs. Judd "I just stayed in bed. I slept through my mid-slop week freak-out."

    3:08 PM BBT Aaryn is talking about deodorant. She prefers men's because they don't make a clear solid that isn't liquidy in women's. She knows because she went to Wal-Mart and opened up one of each them trying to find one. Gina Marie "and did you get thrown out after that?"

    3:11 PM BBT Judd is looking at the items Gina Marie has of Nick's. He calls it the Nick Shrine. Gina Marie "No it's not, it's a freaking memory wall." Aaryn "No, it's a Nick Shrine." Meanwhile in the cockpit Amanda and McCrae are laying down.

    3:20 PM BBT In the bedroom Aaryn and Gina Marie are talking about doing Zumba. Gina Marie is only interested if Aaryn wants to do it for an hour or so and not for just five minutes. In the cockpit Amanda has told Andy about their alliance name of Goof Troop and the fake alliance (with Helen and Elissa) called the Knockouts.

    3:30 PM BBT At the DR table Candice is talking to Aaryn about the different pageants she has been involved in. She is giving Aaryn hints and tips in case she wants to try to get in one of them. Meanwhile in the cockpit Amanda, McCrae, Judd, and Andy are discussing Jessie's lack of BB knowledge. Judd tells us that he had to explain to her that Elissa could not use her MVP all the way to final two. He had to explain step by step about the final three part HoH.

    3:40 PM BBT Most of the HGs are piled up in the cock pit talking about previous events in the house. Candice mentions Aaryn trying to get everyone to raise their hands after her HoH win. "I was like, I didn't vote against your boyfriend...SLOP, what the F***." Everyone, including Aaryn laughs. Amanda "It's fun to look back at your serious stress moments and laugh about them." Aaryn "I am probably responsible for most of them." Amanda "Yeah, you were." (All in good fun people, they are talking all in good fun.)

    3:44 PM BBT They are still just talking about the funny things they have done in the house. For Spencer, his all time favorite moment of the show was "Gina Marie dedicated her 2nd place finish in the Have-Not competition to Nick and pouring out her juice to her homies."

    3:48 PM BBT Helen and Candice are in their swim suits and getting into a bath in the HoH bathroom. Candice and Helen are looking directly into the camera. Candice "Yeah, Helen is HoH" Helen "Hello America...from Have Not room to HoH."

    3:50 PM BBT Helen and Candice are playing Big Brother Superlative in the tub: Most likely to succeed outside of house after the show??? Candice answers: McCrae and Howie. Elissa joins them in the HoH BR and as they are describing what they are doing the camera change.

    3:54 PM BBT Aaryn and Gina Marie in the WA. They are discussing the would-coulda-shoulda of how strong their alliance would be if Nick and David hadn't gone home. Gina Marie "Jeremy screwed it all up. Now all the geeks are in control."

    3:58 PM BBT The Indoor Lockdown is over.

  19. 2:00 PM BBT Not much going on in the BB house this afternoon. Judd, Jessie, Aaryn, Candice, and McCrae are chit chatting in the BY on the couches and Amanda is fixing her hair.

    2:08 PM BBT Jeremy and Kaitlin are snogging in the bedroom. Candice and McCrae are trying to figure out if there will be a double eviction or two based on how many HGs are left and how much time they have left in the house. Howard is in the kitchen making burgers

    2:14PM BBT Helen has joined the crew in the BY on the couches. She is "again" discussing the expected mood of the house once Jeremy is gone. "I want a home. I'm a mom, I want a home not a fraternity full of a**holes." Jeremy bashing ensues.

    2:16 PM BBT Jessie, upon seeing the pizza in the KT starts singing "I will not eat the pizza, I will not eat the pizza, I eat the pizza I get disqualified, I will not eat the pizza, the pizza taste lie s**t." "I really want to eat all this FO-OO-OO-D."

    2:22 PM BBT McCrae's birthday is about a week away. He is excited to be able to spend his birthday in the house. "It's going to be the best birthday ever. Even if everyone is fighting, it will still be the best. That's part of the whole experience." Jessie is cooking a big bowel of slop. Helen heads to the pool. Judd is telling McCrae he had a dream where he staged a fight with him but that McCrae took it to all kinds of levels. Amanda wants to come up with a name for their alliance. They mention Moving Company, Pack Your S**t Up, The Packers, The Referees, etc. I'll let you know if they decide upon something.

    2:37 PM BBT It appears that McCrae, Amanda, and Judd are narrowing their name down. It appears they are leaning towards THE GOOF TROOP. However, this is the name for the four of them (with Andy as member #4). Now they are trying to come up with a name for the big group.

    2:39 PM BBT Candice is rehashing her argument with Jeremy to Elissa. Candice "Don't be lying on me f***er." "The definition of a coward is a rat which is what you did, you ratted out your own alliance (about Jeremy)" Andy, who was sleeping wakes up "I miss everything. I'm never around for this shit."

    2:46 PM BBT Candice to Andy, Elissa, and Gina Marie in the bedroom: "The Moving Company forgot that when you wipe someone's hat on your a** you go home."

  20. 11:00 AM BBT Elissa just carried a heaping amount of laundry out and there is still a lot she had to leave behind. Jessie is cleaning the WA. Judd is folding clothes on the pool table. After being a Have Not so long Elissa is grateful to sleep in a nice bed.

    11:01 AM BBT BB: Houseguest please lower the two awnings behind the hot tub and the adjoining deck. Elissa "What does adjoining mean?"

    11:06 AM BBT Andy is now helping gather all the dirty clothes. Yes, there are enough dirty clothes that it takes both of them more than one trip. Andy "Towel hill is turning into towel mountain." Now Jessie is carrying a handful.

    11:10 AM Helen asks Andy if they should have a quick POV meeting today. He agrees. Helen starts running laps in the BY. She tells Jessie she would like to talk to her for a minutes today in the HoH. No hurry, anytime. Andy goes upstairs to listen to music.

    11:15 AM Elissa is in the HoH room talking to Andy. BB: Elissa, please put on your microphone. They discuss Jeremy. He's been moping and gloomy. Andy "You can't go around, bully people, tell everyone your a great player, and not expect to be backdoored." They agree that the position Jeremy and Aaryn are in right now is Karma. They made it personal.

    11:19 AM BBT Helen and Judd are talking in the BY. They are discussing that they need five votes to get rid of Jeremy. They expect that Kaitlin will vote to evict Spencer. Helen says that Jeremy will work hard to get everyone to vote out Spencer. Judd tells her that his preference would be to target Aaryn next but he would be okay with it being Howard. Helen thinks she can convince Gina Marie to vote with the house by telling her it will show good faith with everyone for a fresh start. It's pointless to vote any other way. He's going and it will make them the next target if they go against the house.

    11:27 AM BBT Elissa is making a cup of coffee. Judd is walking around room to room doing his ADLs but going out of his way to be very quiet by gently opening doors and drawers. Some of the HGs are still sleeping. Judd then jokingly offers Elissa a cigarette which she respectfully declines.

    11:31 AM BBT Elissa is venting to Jessie in the KT. "We need to make a new rule if the garbage can is full you have to take it out, not just lay another one next to the cabinet." Jessie "That's just common sense." Elissa "That's just gross."

    11:38 AM BBT Jeremy and Judd are on the BY couches. Jeremy is telling Judd that Kaitlin has accepted her situation and won't be stupid. She'll use the POV. Judd to Jeremy "Moving Company huh. Glad I wasn't asked to join. I wouldn't have though. Starting an alliance that early in the game is pretty dumb." Jeremy "Not if we had stuck to our guns, we'd still be here." Judd "If you stay, I think you'll see that you were better off."

    11:45 AM BBT Jessie joins Judd and Jeremy in the BY. Jessie to Jeremy "What are you going to do?" Jeremy "just fish and sit around." Jessie "I don't understand why you are mad at me I should be mad at you." Jessie has officially started an argument. :"You lied to me all the time and the one time I did you get mad." Jeremy "Withholding information is not lieing." Jessie "On a personal level, you have zero interest in maintaining a bottom base friendship with me. You have made no effort."

    11:49 AM PPT Jeremy "I don't know why we are having this conversation. You always find little reasons to blow up on me." Jessie "It's obvious how little respect you have for me. Has been for a long time and I just didn't see it." Jeremy "must be". Meanwhile Andy and Helen are preparing their argument for Howard. They plan to tell him that if it isn't a landslide then he'll never make it jury. He has to vote with the house or the entire house will make sure he goes next.

    11:52 AM PPT Andy is concerned Kaitlin will not use the veto. Helen is going to approach her woman to woman. She plans to tell her that Elissa may not always be MVP but anyone that was against Elissa will never get it. She has to know that by now. Andy said he will make sure he talks to her too today.

    11:55 AM BBT. Helen discusses the atmosphere in the house with Andy in the HoH. Everyone is having fun now. It's so much better now that everyone knows that he is leaving. "There is an exorcism going on in the BB house and the evil spirit is leaving on Thursday." "What does it take to get the devil out of Hell."

    11:58 AM BBT Helen and Andy decide that they want to give Kaitlin a week reprieve. They have enough options with Aaryn, Gina Marie, Howard, and Spencer that they can leave Kaitlin off the block. Andy admits he really doesn't want HoH next week. They say that Elissa can't get HoH next week. She won't want to go after Howard. Andy thinks it's because of his religion. Helen "He has no religion, he swears on his bible and he lies to people." They are hoping they can talk some sense into her.

  21. 6:00 PM BBT Still trivia. It's been 5 hours now.

    6:15 PM BBT Feeds return. Kaitlin won POV. The competition involved them jumping on a trampoline and trying to memorize things they saw and then running to a wall and putting things in order. They were timed. They were locked down during the event. [And it appears that the feeds are fixed-Goldylucks]

    6:22 PM BBT Kaitlin is with Jeremy in the BR. She is not talking about remaining on the block. She and Jeremy are discussing making Helen a deal to keep Jeremy off or get rid of someone else.



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