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Posts posted by Goldylucks

  1. 7:19 PM BBT Feeds have not returned yet.

    7:33 PM BBT Feeds are back and Gina Marie is wearing the HOH key. Gina Marie has won the HOH competition. Everyone is congratulating her. Several of the HGs have cuts on their hands from the chicken wire.

    7:35 PM BBT Gina Marie tells Amanda that she thought of her during the competition. She wanted to go fast but made herself slow down. "Slow and steady" She wanted to do it like Amanda did the veto. Meanwhile Judd is talking to Andy and Spencer in the chair BR. Judd tells them that they have to keep them (Amanda and McCrae) away from Gina Marie this week. Judd "All they will do is lie to her." They are leaving it to Judd to talk to Elissa. Andy says Elissa no longer trusts him.

    7:41 PM BBT In the BR Amanda and McCrae are alone for just a moment. Amanda tells him she will be on Gina Marie like flies on shit and "Trust me, she will put Elissa up for sure." Spencer comes in. Amanda "I think she will put up Elissa and Judd." Spencer says he thinks it might be Elissa and him up. Amanda tells him it won't matter if it is.

    7:44 PM BBT Amanda follows Gina Marie into the KT. Andy and Elissa are already in there. Elissa tells Gina Marie she prayed that Gina Marie would win it. Elissa said she wanted to cheer but kept her mouth shut so she wouldn't break her concentration. Gina Marie thanks her and could tell she was pulling for her. Gina Marie is trying to scrape something off the yellow converse with the plastic scissors. She is really struggling.

    7:47 PM BBT Elissa tells Gina Marie she gets to be the boss this week. Gina Marie says she doesn't care about that. She just wants the pictures, the letter, and hair dye. Andy "You don't get to get HOHitis." Elissa is telling Gina Marie what shade dye to ask for. We keep getting FOTH because Spencer keeps talking about production.

    7:50 PM BBT Amanda, McCrae, and Spencer are in the chair BR. Amanda says she is going to remind Gina Marie over and over that Elissa is the reason Aaryn is gone. She uses the same quote as before "I'm going to be on her like flies on shit until tomorrow morning." Spencer "Can we have an HOH comp that I don't suck at, seriously." Gina Marie is walking around the house with the bunny ears. Everyone else has already taken theirs off.

    7:54 PM BBT Gina Marie is working on trying to clean up her yellow converse while Amanda works on her purple ones. Amanda is telling Gina Marie that Elissa has been bitchy yet Amanda gets called out for being a bully. The Elissa bashing has officially begun [again---Goldylucks]

    7:56 PM BBT Spencer says he has one of Aaryn's hats and jokes he will sell it on Ebay. Amanda and Gina Marie have now resorted to nail polish remover to clean up their shoes. Judd must have gotten last place because he says "I dread wearing this chicken suit."

    8:00 PM BBT Gina Marie is struggling trying to clean up her shoes with the polish remover but she has cuts on her hands from the chicken wire. Her hands are burning. Meanwhile Judd is telling McCrae he could tell he wasn't going to win so he just playing to not get last place. He said he almost had it but dropped an egg. He says he is going to take a shower before he gets the suit.

    8:05 PM BBT McCrae approaches Judd in the WA. He says he is going to try to get Gina Marie to nominate Elissa but isn't sure where her head is at. Judd changes the subject saying he has no idea how she finished so fast.

    8:07 PM BBT Elissa and Gina Marie have a moment alone in the KT. Elissa asks her a question but Gina Marie is fixing her hair and her clothes are rubbing against the microphone. Whatever she asked Gina responds Yes (causing Elissa to smile huge) and says while looking in the direction of the BR where Amanda and McCrae are "I am just acting nice to them." Gina Marie she hopes Elissa wins next week and then Gina Marie can play the week after. Gina Marie and Judd both get in the shower. Elissa goes to hang out in the WA with them.

    8:11 PM BBT In the BR Amanda tells Spencer and McCrae that Gina Marie may not want to nominate Elissa but if the entire house wants it, she will do it. [sounds like her plan is to push the entire house to encourage an Elissa nomination--Goldylucks]

    8:16 PM BBT Andy goes to retrieve his bags from the SR. Amanda follows him into the color BR. Amanda tells him she feels Gina Marie will put up Elissa. She asks him who she might up next to her. Andy says all Gina Marie talked about was Elissa last week. Amanda says it might be Judd. Andy says he doesn't know but he will try to find out later. Amanda is called into the DR. Judd comes into the room with Gina Marie and Judd. Gina Marie tells Judd that they better have her back next week because it's double eviction. Judd says they do.

    8:20 PM BBT Andy tells Judd that he will enjoy the chicken suit. Judd says he already sweats like crazy in the house. He is not looking forward to wearing it. [There is some speculation on FB and Twitter that Spencer is also going to be wearing the chicken suit--Goldylucks] When Judd and Gina Marie are alone Judd tells her that Amanda already said she was going to be on her like flies on shit. Gina Marie smiles. He tells her she can dodge her questions by saying BB will not allow her to say who she is nominating.

    8:23 PM BBT Andy and Judd are trying to figure out if anyone else in past seasons have ever won the chicken suit. Gina Marie wonders what the options for us viewers were. She says duck suits or dinosaurs. Judd says "A bunny suit would have more comfortable."

    8:28 PM BBT We get FOTH as Spencer sings "This girl is on fire."

    8:31 PM BBT In the color BR McCrae says he thinks the POV will be a competition on what are you willing to do. Spencer says he wants the chum bath. McCrae says no, that he wants it. Spencer "I guess we'll have to wait and see who pushes the button first. Andy says he doesn't want it so they can go ahead and fight over it.

    8:35 PM BBT Gina Marie goes to the memory wall. She says "Nicholas, got another HOH baby" and kisses his picture. The guys plus Elissa and Gina Marie are still speculated on what the options were besides the chicken suits. They all think the bunny suit was definitely an option. Andy thinks we had a third choice to go with the Easter themed comp. He's thinking a baby lamb or something.

    8:40 PM BBT Andy is asking BB to not make anyone a Have-Not this week.

    8:46 PM BBT Amanda is out of the DR and heads straight for Gina Marie. Amanda tells Gina Marie that she needs to put up Elissa. Gina Marie says she doesn't want to put up Spencer because he's been up so many times. Amanda mentions Judd. She promises Gina Marie safety next week if she doesn't nominate Amanda and McCrae initially. Amanda says if she puts up Elissa and Judd then she volunteers herself as the replacement nomination if the POV is used. Gina Marie mentions that Judd did get a privilege that no one else got....a second chance at the game. Amanda says if either one of them leave no one will be mad. Amanda reminds her that if Amanda or McCrae leave then she has enemies. Amanda tells her not to ruffle any feathers. Amanda says she is so confident that she will volunteer herself as a replacement POV nominee as long as it's Judd or Elissa up there too. Gina Marie changes the subject to how hard it was to vote to evict Aaryn. Amanda brings the topic back telling Gina Marie that Amanda and McCrae have been faithful to Aaryn for so long.

    8:53 PM BBT Amanda tells Gina Marie how sad she is that Aaryn is gone and Gina Marie hugs her. Gina Marie tells her not to cry. Amanda then drills Gina Marie wanting to know if Elissa and Gina Marie made any promises of safety to each this past week during Elissa's HOH.

    8:56 PM BBT Amanda is telling Gina Marie that her and McCrae are two strong votes for Gina Marie and that if they work together the three of them and Andy can go all the way to final four. Amanda promises Gina Marie safety next week during the fast paced double eviction. Amanda tells Gina Marie if she keeps her, McCrae, and Andy safe then the three of them will all support her. "Anyone that strengthens Elissa has to go."

    8:59 PM BBT As soon as Amanda leaves Gina Marie alone in the BR Gina Marie quietly laughs and looks directly at one of the cameras. Gina Marie whispers "Amanda is crazy hahhahaha and she is going up." Gina Marie gives us a thumbs up and smiles before leaving the room. [it wasn't one of our feeds she was directly talking to. We got a side view of it. But A+ for the effort--Goldylucks]

  2. 5:01 PM BBT Judd, Spencer Andy, and McCrae are talking general chit chat in the chair BR. Judd is playing with a slinky. Aaryn just got done painting her nails in the color BR and heads to the WA to do her toes. Gina Marie joins the boys.

    5:06 PM BBT The guys are all hanging out together in the BR together. Andy asks if they think Julie has favorites in the house. Spencer "No doubt, she's asked Judd a bunch of questions." Andy hopes she asks someone besides Judd what it's like having Judd back. Gina Marie has a headache and heads to the color BR to lay down. Andy is going to get her some meds and a swig of soda.

    5:12 PM BBT The HGs know that the Wednesday's episode of BB is on right now. Andy uses his best BB voice to announce it. Aaryn is making a snack. The guys joke with Amanda that out of all the eviction hugs she got the most half butt hug (exchange butt for another word) out of all the half butt hugs. Andy said Jessie should have just punched Amanda in the boob instead.

    5:21 PM BBT Aaryn has joined Gina Marie in the color BR. Gina Marie tells Aaryn she feels bad. Aaryn assures her it isn't her fault. Gina Marie changes the subject to what she wants to do later in life. She wants to open a dance studio. She said she worked at one where 75 percent of the people left after she quit. They ended up closing their doors. Aaryn is called to the DR.

    5:28 PM BBT Amanda tells the guys that production is holding a package of birth control pills for her. Spencer says she should start taking them so she can bust it up in the house now. Amanda laughs. Meanwhile Gina Marie is talking to Aaryn about why Gina Marie voted for who. Gina Marie "I don't want people thinking things because I voted out my best friend." Aaryn "they will use that." Aaryn tells her to explain it's just a game. Gina Marie says the others aren't talking ame to her and won't even answer simple yes and no answers.

    5:34 PM BBT Aaryn says her biggest regret of the game is making herself too big a threat in the game. She advises Gina Marie that she can go far if she doesn't show any of her cards even if she does become really good friends with Elissa. Don't let anyone know what she is thinking. Aaryn says Gina Marie needs to work with Andy or maybe Elissa and Judd. Aaryn "You can beat Elissa or Spencer. You can't beat Amanda or McCrae. You have my vote no matter what." Aaryn says Elissa is smart and is teaming up with people she knows she can beat.

    5:40 PM The guys plus Amanda are talking about what wake up music they would like to hear. Andy says he wants an epic song since it might be his last. They are naming off everything from Christmas Shoes to theme songs from 80s television shows.

    5:49 PM BBT Andy to Gina Marie "I don't want to scare you but your key is missing." She tells him to leave it alone. Spencer comes in and yells at Andy "Quit screwing with my key!"

    5:56 PM BBT Spencer and McCrae are tossing a ball back and forth down the main hallway. BB hasn't told them to Stop That yet. Spencer wants a pizza delivery for celebration on 9/11. Aaryn, it's not a day of celebration. He calls it Patriot Day and it's like the 4th of July. Aaryn tells him it's a day of remembrance.

    5:58 PM BBT Andy has the Jenga game set up and is waiting on Spencer. Spencer says he's ready though he is still tossing the ball with McCrae. Andy "I am not going to play with you while you play with someone else. It's me or nothing" Spencer "Oh I'm sorry Amanda I mean Andy." Meanwhile Aaryn says she is going into the DR. She is going to tell them that since she is being evicted tomorrow she would love an alcohol delivery.

    6:03 PM BBT Andy, McCrae and Spencer are playing Jenga. BB has used a black marker to blot out the word Jenga on each tile. Andy and Spencer are laughing at McCrae's technique. He is playing it safe.

    6:10 PM BBT Spencer tells McCrae to man up and pick a tile halfway down the Jenga tower or lower. He uses minds tricks on Andy. "You cannot save it." Spencer "You gotta be soft, that's the secret. Like butterfly kisses."

    6:14 PM BBT While they play Jenga Andy is eating. Spencer "Can you chew any grosser? You sound like a chupacabra." Andy "I think we are doing well." Spencer "Shut up, haven't you ever heard of the Jenga jinx?

    6:19 PM BBT Andy does in fact suffer the Jenga jinx. He loses. "I freaking hate Jenga." Meanwhile Aaryn approaches Judd who is laying in the color BR. She tells him she has no hard feelings and he deserves to be there. She says she wants to be friends afterwards. He hugs her and says "For sure." Aaryn she says she has accepted it and is happy because she didn't expect to make it this far.

    6:22 PM BBT Aaryn tells Judd he came back at a great time. There are so many targets that he is way down on the list. Andy thinks he plus Amanda and McCrae are the targets and she says no. She tells him not to trust Spencer because he lies about everything. "You are in a really good spot."

    6:24 PM BBT Aaryn says it will be so much better and less stressful to spend her birthday at the jury house. She asks Judd about the jury house but he says he can't talk about it. Meanwhile the boys are bored and are now thinking about playing hot potato.

    6:28 PM BBT Gina Marie has twisted her back and can't remove the hot/cold patches herself. Aaryn helps her and replaces them. She is wearing two, one above the other. She is limping around the house and settles down in the LR where McCrae and Spencer are playing catch.

    6:37 PM BBT Aaryn, Gina Marie, Spencer, Andy, and McCrae are all sitting in the LR. They are discussing sad pet stories. Spencer had a dog get picked up by a hawk that dropped him from about 100 feet. Spencer and Gina Marie both had pets named Max. Andy and a friend of Aaryn's both had dogs named Hannah.

    6:44 PM BBT The HGs are wondering who from production is working the cameras tonight. Andy says one of them is actually facing a wall. Gina Marie calls it the R2D2 camera. Andy would like to know exactly how many people are watching them on the feeds right now.

    6:53 PM BBT Not much going on in the BB house. Aaryn, Spencer, Andy, McCrae, and Amanda are sitting on the LR couches talking. Gina Marie tells Andy that prostitution is legal in Nevada, just not on the strip. Andy is finding it a bit hard to believe. Gina Marie talks about Father's and Sons going to the strip clubs together. Aaryn is distressed by that.

  3. 5:01 PM BBT McCrae and Amanda are in the BY having words. They are discussing how some things Elissa says may be taken the wrong way (regarding asking Jessie if she was on meds). Elissa "I don't have justify it. I won't even take the time to say something nasty." McCrae "That was nasty." Elissa says she won't justify things when they are taken out of context. Elissa defends that she doesn't talk nasty to people and McCrae says he takes offense to all kinds of things.

    5:06 PM BBT Elissa tells McCrae that their goals in life are different. She wanted a family. McCrae says "I'm really good at holding my tongue. Once I went up I didn't have a reason to censure myself anymore." McCrae accuses her of not caring and laughing at him and Amanda when he was showing his fear of being nominated. Elissa apologizes for being insensitive. They tell each other that they think each other is a great person and likes each other.

    5:11 PM BBT McCrae says Elissa has said a lot that he doesn't agree with. He points out that she calls Gina Marie and Amanda freaks which she denies. He brings up her discussion about walking away from jury and how that is disrespectful to the game. Elissa "What you are saying to me and everything you say I do is what you have done. I mean you are sitting here judging me." McCrae says "everyone cares about Rachel's sister in the game. No one cares about McCrae being there." McCrae says Elissa being miserable the first few weeks is part of the game and her wanting to leave means she doesn't care about the game. Elissa says she was excited to be there but then 15 people were talking about her.

    5:16 PM BBT McCrae tells Elissa that he and Amanda wanted her there and that Elissa turned her back on them first. Elissa "You mean Amanda has been saying in DR that she wants me here?" McCrae "Yes." Elissa says he isn't seeing things the way others are seeing things. He claims his being nominated was insurance that either he or Amanda was likely to go and that just made her lots of enemies. Elissa "If you love BB so much how can you say that makes enemies?"

    5:19 PM BBT McCrae tells Elissa that she has made enemies with him and Amanda plus Andy because Aaryn is leaving this week. Elissa says she knows. Elissa "I don't want to have animosity with you and I also don't think it's nice that you are totally judging." McCrae "I don't judge anyone because I have a miserable life. I have nothing." He calls her condescending and not able to hold back anymore.

    5:22 PM BBT the feeds cut from the argument in the BY between Elissa and McCrae. We get 4 cameras in the KT where Gina Marie and Spencer are trying to find items to make checker pieces for the chess board. Feeds go back to Elissa and McCrae. Elissa says she doesn't understand why her family has to watch "That". McCrae "you signed the papers so yes they do." Elissa tells him that having children changes everything and little eyes are always watching you. You have to be a role model. McCrae is called into the DR.

    5:27 PM BBT Elissa says that Amanda has been mean to her since the day she put McCrae up. McCrae blows her off saying she always makes that excuse. McCrae heads to the DR. Meanwhile Aaryn and Gina Marie are whispering at the chess board. Gina Marie says she is going to do the same for Aaryn she did when Nick was on the block even though it didn't work. Gina Marie says she is her best friend in the house. Aaryn says she thinks she is going home. (It's hard to hear here because there is a full house in the KT talking to each other from across the house.)

    5:31 PM BBT Aaryn is really concerned about going home. She asks Gina Marie "What do I do?" Aaryn says something about there being too few people in the house to try to get votes. Gina Marie is begging Aaryn to play checkers with her. Aaryn says she hates checkers but will teach her more about chess. Aaryn makes her first move and Gina Marie asks her "How do I kill you?"

    5:35 PM BBT Gina Marie to Aaryn while playing chess. Gina Marie "Can I kill you now?" Aaryn "I can't be killed right now. But here is how I kill you." Gina Marie "Dang it, I just axed you." Aaryn "That's how you do it, diagonal." [horizontal, straight, or diagonal...I'm dying right now--Goldylucks]

    5:38 PM BBT McCrae is out of the DR and talking to Amanda in the BR now. McCrae tells Amanda that Gina Marie is going to go to Elissa any time Amanda says anything. Amanda fusses at McCrae for apologizing to Elissa. She says she would never apologize to her ever and is annoyed that he did.

    5:41 PM BBT Amanda goes off about Elissa talking about being a mother and using the mother card. Amanda "It just means her vagina is looser than everyone else's." She goes off some more and Aaryn and Gina Marie stop because they can hear her all across the house. Gina Marie tells Aaryn she knows that Elissa is crazy and all but that Amanda is being ridiculous.

    5:44 PM BBT Amanda and McCrae are fighting and it is heard by everyone. Amanda is saying she doesn't care. McCrae says she should care, she is playing the game personal. Amanda says she knows she will be on the block next week. She starts crying saying she never thought she would make it this far and is playing this game her way. Meanwhile Aaryn and Gina Marie are listening from the chess board and shaking their heads. Gina Marie "Give me a break."

    5:49 PM BBT Amanda, McCrae, Andy, and Spencer are in the BY. McCrae starts to rehash his conversation with Elissa and says it was the most annoying conversation in his life. It was like talking to a wall. Amanda says the only people she trusts are the ones she is facing right now. They have to win everything. No more social game. Everyone lies. It's all about winning.

    5:52 PM BBT Amanda says if she is nominated she is going to fight and that she came in second in the HOH and won the POV. She is going to fight like the Dickens. Andy "OK, threat police." Amanda "It's okay. I'm mad and I'm going to be mad until I leave." Andy says he isn't going to be mad. He is going to be quiet and let Aaryn sink her own ship.

    5:56 PM BBT The Elissa bashing is still going on outside. Meanwhile Elissa is sitting with Aaryn and Gina Marie as Aaryn teacher her about chess. Gina Marie "My castle is going into foreclosure here."

  4. 11:00 AM BBT Elissa is up doing ADLs. She is worried that they are running low on fish food. Andy got up long enough to brush his teeth but has gone back to bed. Judd has been called into the DR.

    11:04 AM BBT Judd is out of the DR, shaved, and is hopping in the shower. Elissa is making coffee. Aaryn has been called into the DR.

    11:15 AM BBT Judd is out of the shower. Elissa invites him outside with her for a cup of coffee. He said he would but he's still getting dressed for the day.

    11:23 AM BBT Judd and Elissa are in the KT. Judd still isn't breathing well this morning. That competition yesterday really did him in. They grab their beverages and head into the BY. They see that the hot tub has flooded the patio. Andy turned the hose to fill it up earlier but then went back to bed without turning it off. Elissa goes to the DR to get instructions from BB about what do. Judd is using his feet to push the water over to the grass.

    11:29 AM BBT Elissa comes back and tells Judd to come inside. BB is going to put them on IDLD to take care of the flooded patio. Elissa tells Judd she had a very vivid dream about her son. Judd doesn't remember having a dream last night. They head upstairs to the HOHR.

    11:31 AM BBT Elissa asks Judd if anything happened last night. He said nothing did. Judd tells her that he trusts Spencer but he will vote against Aaryn even if he's the only one. He said he wasn't going to vote the way others tell her. Judd says Amanda is mad that she no longer can tell Judd what to do. He thinks if Andy goes up then they (Amanda and McCrae) will vote to keep him.

    11:35 AM BBT Judd and Elissa are talking about Aaryn. Elissa thinks her ambition in life is to go to the Playboy Mansion. Judd tells her that McCrae offered him safety next week. "He won't and if he doesn't whoop dee do. I'll win HOH and put his butt up."

    11:38 AM BBT Elissa calls Amanda disgusting and gross and could talk about her faults all day all season long. The only good thing she has ever seen from Amanda is that she is funny. Judd calls McCrae a "Big butt (substitute another noun here) floater."

    11:41 AM BBT Judd says it would be a good game move to target Aaryn, Amanda and McCrae. Judd thinks that Andy's eyes were opened up after Zingbot called him a floater.

    11:44 AM BBT Judd and Elissa are discussing the pros and cons of who to nominate as the replacement nominee. Judd doesn't want Gina Marie to go up and thinks if it's Andy, Amanda and McCrae would vote to keep him regardless of what they are currently saying.

    11:50 AM BBT Elissa tells Judd that Amanda pitched to her to nominate Judd claiming Judd would be safe. Judd laughs. Neither believe that for a second. Judd says he trusts Spencer and he would target Amanda and McCrae before he went after Elissa and Judd. He tells her that Aaryn would side them (Amanda and McCrae). Elissa "That's why she needs to go this week."

    11:57 AM BBT Judd is worried that if Andy goes up Aaryn may stay. If Gina Marie goes up then they definitely have the three votes. Elissa says it all comes down to who she trusts more. She says Andy is just as impressionable and maybe more. She tells Judd that Andy claimed to be on Helen's side all along and they all would be better off if Helen had stayed and one of them had gone.

    11:59 AM BBT Elissa to Judd "Best case scenario is us to be sitting there and Amanda and McCrae sitting their butt in jury." She wants to tell Amanda (at the end with Amanda in jury) that she is a trend that people try out and then decide it's the worst decision they ever made. She would never go back in style. Judd says his whole mission is to win first (like everyone else) but to get them (Amanda and McCrae) out. Elissa tells Judd that everyone would vote for McCrae if he made it to the final two because he would claim to be the mastermind of everything. He would get the votes for his game play. Judd still thinks McCrae is just a big floater.

    12:04 PM BBT Judd tells Elissa that if Andy goes up that Amanda and McCrae would vote for him to go because he's never been on the block. Elissa "If Aaryn doesn't go this week then they (Amanda and McCrae) are winning this game because they have the numbers.

    12:06 PM BBT Judd says his family and friends are probably very disappointed in him for working with Amanda in the beginning. Elissa says she wishes she had put her up when she had the chance.

    12:08 PM BBT Judd to Elissa "Do you know how much it ticks me off that I threw it all away by trusting them (Amanda and McCrae)?" He directly blames them for his eviction. Judd says God doesn't care who wins or not but everything happens for a reason.

    12:14 PM BBT Elissa says she can't stand that McCrae would read the Bible and then talk about BB gods. She says he needs to pick something to believe in and stick to it. She says their wedding was so sacrilegious that it made her sick. Judd defends him saying that they took their daily devotionals seriously and never talked game until the Bible was closed.

    12:20 PM BBT Judd tells Elissa that Amanda said he was evicted because of his lies. He says "Find me one person in this house that hasn't lied so I can shake their hand." He takes offense to Amanda claiming he has changed since he came back. Judd says McCrae needs to volunteer as a Have-Not. He doesn't eat. All he does is lay around and take a shower every four or five days.

    12:23 PM BBT More Amanda and McCrae bashing in the HOHR between Amanda and Judd. Meanwhile Aaryn is up doing ADLs.

    12:33 PM BBT Judd tells Elissa that he really thinks that Gina Marie going up is the best case scenario. Elissa says she wants to feel Gina Marie out but that her gut is to put up someone that "really deserves to be there, someone that betrayed her." Judd "Who me?" Elissa "Yes, seriously. You are going up because Aaryn would go home." Judd gives her a surprised look and Elissa laughs.

    12:38 PM BBT Elissa "whoever I put up, if Aaryn stays then they (Elissa and McCrae) will win this." Judd tells her that they can work with Andy. Elissa tells Judd that if he trusts Andy then that makes her question his judgment.

    12:41 PM BBT Elissa tells Judd that he is being manipulated. Judd says he just thinks there are bigger fish to fry. Elissa agrees but questions how that is Gina Marie. Elissa "Andy is a floater, they are not going to vote him out."

    12:48 PM BBT Judd has made his pitch to keep Andy off the block thinking it will give them numbers next week when Elissa can't play. He also says he will support her decision and won't hound her like Amanda does. More Amanda and Aaryn bashing ensues. Judd is scared Aaryn will stay and win the HOH again. Elissa "I just have to do what I think is best." She tells him that Andy has been supporting them (Amanda and McCrae) from the beginning. Judd recommends she talk to Spencer, Gina Marie, and Spencer today before making her decision.

    12:54 PM BBT Judd keeps pitching to Elissa to change her mind. She says her gut and everything inside her is telling her to put Andy up. Elissa "I just have to do what I think is best." Judd "I hope you do what is best for all of us." Regardless of what is decided Judd says his mission is to be a part of getting rid of Amanda and McCrae. It would be something to be proud of. Elissa says Judd is being completely blind sided if he wants to work with Andy more than her. Judd says no, he doesn't completely trust Andy and wants to work with her.

  5. 4:00 PM BBT Andy is crying in the cockpit again. Amanda is with him. Amanda is hugging him. She tells him that he is perfectly safe. She and McCrae will be loyal to him like he has been to them since day 1. The BY is open.

    4:02 PM BBT Andy gets reassurances that he is safe it put up as replacement by both Amanda and McCrae. Meanwhile in the color BR Spencer warns Aaryn not to start campaigning until the replacement goes up. "You don't want to burn any bridges before you have to." Andy is pacing the BY.

    4:06 PM BBT Amanda, McCrae, and Andy are in the BY. Amanda wants to know who has already squealed her plan to get Gina Marie nominated. Amanda suspects that it's Judd. "Judd and Gina Marie cannot win HoH next week."

    4:12 PM BBT McCrae and Spencer are in the BY. McCrae tells him there is no way Andy is leaving. Spencer says Elissa was trying to recruit him but if he wins HOH next week he is going to have short term memory problems. McCrae "It's so scary to talk to Judd. I don't know where he's at." Spencer "He holds his cards really close."

    4:15 PM BBT Aaryn is talking to Amanda in the chair BR. She regrets going upstairs and throwing Gina Marie under the bus. They all believe that Elissa already knows it was a ploy to get Gina Marie nominated. Aaryn "Going up there just made me look stupid." Aaryn has realized that she can't count on Judd to keep her. Aaryn "McCrae would rather have Andy here over me." Amanda "I don't know."

    4:20 PM BBT In the BY Andy is talking to McCrae and Spencer. Andy "I will be so fired up if I go up.' McCrae says the next comp will be questions or a crap shoot. Andy "So I'll be the second to go out." Andy wants to know if he is going to be going out so he can give the most scathing speech ever. Meanwhile Aaryn is still talking to Amanda in the chair BR. She says she feels miserable because they POV competition was so hot.

    4:23 PM BBT Aaryn is really concerned. She knows she doesn't have McCrae's vote if Andy is put up. She doesn't know where Judd and Spencer stand. Meanwhile Andy tells McCrae and Spencer that if he is blindsided and doesn't get his chance to burn Elissa on television then he will not give them his jury vote. Spencer is called to the DR.

    4:26 PM BBT Amanda goes up into the HOHR with Elissa. Elissa says she is dumb if she thinks Aaryn is working with her. Elissa tells her that she is not going to put Gina Marie up and Amanda is stupid if she thinks Aaryn would. Amanda "I don't appreciate that." Elissa "Well, you need to know." Amanda claims she doesn't want Gina Marie nominated. Elissa "I hope Aaryn stays and I hope she takes you out." Amanda "Good."

    4:30 PM BBT Amanda and Elissa are having a controlled argument in the HOHR. Elissa tells Amanda that everything Aaryn says is a lie. Elissa "You are the only one in this house that can tell Andy what to do. I put McCrae up so you would tell everyone to vote Aaryn out." Amanda "I'm not trying to work against you in this house." Elissa "How are you not working against me." Amanda is making it clear she is not happy about Andy going up. Elissa tells her that it is clear where her loyalty lies. Amanda said it happened because she put McCrae up. Amanda threatens her that if Andy goes up then the entire house will be gunning for her next week. Elissa says it's okay because she'll win the veto. Amanda storms out.

    4:36 PM BBT I can hardly keep up with Amanda's scheming. She is in the BY with Andy and McCrae. She wants everyone to make Elissa believe that Andy is going home when actually it will be Aaryn. Andy calls it "brilliant." Elissa comes out and confronts Amanda.

    4:38 PM BBT The Amanda staged fight resumes. Elissa comes outside and confronts Amanda in front of Andy. "Are you telling him (Andy) that you are trying to get him nominated and keeping Aaryn?" Amanda says she is and Andy storms inside saying he can't listen to this right now." Elissa tells Amanda she will enjoy watching Aaryn take her out next week. Elissa follows Andy into the cockpit. Part 2 of the staged event, Andy goes inside and cries to Elissa. Andy begs that Elissa not put him up. Elissa tells him that Amanda will not vote him out. Andy tells Elissa that if he goes up he will go and she loses his vote. Elissa walks out and then walks back in. She asks him directly if he is faking this because she knows he is working with them. He denies it. She isn't buying it.

    4:47 PM BBT Amanda and Spencer go into the SR. She informs Spencer on the "fake it and make it look like Andy will get evicted" scheme. She is trying hard to get everyone involved in keeping Andy off the block. Spencer says very little and they both leave. Elissa goes up into the HOHR. Amanda goes into the BR and talks to Aaryn. Amanda says she doesn't care if the replacement is Gina Marie, Spencer, or Judd. She is going to keep pushing to make sure Andy is not put up.

    4:56 PM BBT Things are quieting down in the BB house. McCrae and Spencer are in the BY. McCrae "Everyone was going to flip this on us this week. That was totally the plan." Spencer tells him that if McCrae and Amanda were up together he would vote to keep McCrae. They talk about how good Gina Marie was doing and how she dropped the ball and almost caught back up to Amanda. They talk about how hot it was outside and how that made the competition so hard. Spencer says he predicted last week that once the first power couple was split they would start going after each other.

  6. 2:00 PM BBT Amanda is talking to Andy in the WA. Amanda wants to make a fake alliance consisting of Elissa, Andy, Gina Marie, Spencer, and Judd. Andy says he wants to talk to Elissa but she won't buy that. He says she will do whatever she wants and put him up or Spencer. The point of the fake alliance will be to get Gina Marie to agree to be a pawn and get rid of her.

    2:04 PM BBT Amanda has brought the fake alliance plan to Spencer and Judd. Amanda says it will give Elissa the impression that she has the votes to get rid of Aaryn. In truth "whoever goes up against Aaryn will be going home." With the fake alliance, Gina Marie goes up since she is a guaranteed vote for her, and then Gina Marie goes home. Spencer and Judd aren't comfortable with this. Spencer "There is a plan in the universe. I'm not sure this is it."

    2:08 PM BBT Amanda is really pushing the fake alliance on Judd. She tells him that Elissa will listen to him. Spencer "She won't listen to me, she hates my guts." Judd may be considering it (or he may just be entertaining Amanda) but tells her that he needs to figure out exactly what he wants to say to Elissa about it. Amanda tells Judd "She loves you." Meanwhile Andy is the color BR talking to McCrae. Andy reminds him that Amanda would be out of the house multiple times if it wasn't for him. McCrae agrees with him. Andy is freaking out because he does think he has a good chance of being the replacement nominee.

    2:12 PM BBT Gina Marie goes up to talk to Elissa in the HOH room. Gina Marie is complaining that everyone is downstairs talking and leaving her out of it. Elissa tells her "You have to win HOH next week." Gina Marie tells her that she will have to agree to work with Aaryn if she stays. Elissa "Amanda is the sluttiest unathletic person." Elissa tells her that if she puts up Gina Marie or Spencer then they will go home and Aaryn will stay. Gina Marie vents that Aaryn has abandoned her.

    2:16 PM BBT Elissa informs Gina Marie that Amanda has already told her that Gina Marie needs to go up. Gina Marie promises not to tell anyone. Elissa tells Gina Marie that she is not option as a replacement nominee. Gina Marie promises her loyalty if she continues to have her back. Gina Marie is upset that Aaryn is playing behind her back even though Gina Marie has been so good to her. Elissa pushes her "So, I have your back to get rid of her?" Gina Marie "Yeah, if this is how she is going to play with me then, yeah." Elissa urges Gina Marie to start separating herself from Aaryn.

    2:20 PM BBT Gina Marie calls Andy a floater who only does what the house wants. Elissa "No, he does what Amanda wants." Gina Marie "Andy's with them?" Elissa "Obviously." Gina Marie "She's got an entire army."

    2:24 PM BBT Gina Marie and Elissa are Amanda and Aaryn bashing in the HOHR. Meanwhile Spencer, Judd, McCrae, and Andy are in the cockpit. They are trying to figure out what Elissa's next move will be. Judd expects he or Andy will be the replacement nominee. Andy "Elissa will not respond well to being threatened." Judd "I'm not in the position to threaten anyone." McCrae just wants to laugh in Elissa's face.

    2:28 PM BBT Gina Marie has a mouth full of pop rocks and is drinking soda trying to get a big reaction. She puts the microphone up to her mouth and we can hear the sizzling. She jokes she wants to blow up like a magician. Andy is planning to go upstairs to pick Elissa's brain.

    2:30 PM BBT Elissa and Spencer are in the KT. The party and cake was for Zingbot's birthday.

    2:36 PM BBT McCrae and Judd are now alone in the cockpit. McCrae is telling Judd what happened in his absence. McCrae tells him that Elissa doesn't care about the show at all and it's like a giant screw you to them that do. Spencer is going upstairs to talk to Elissa.

    2:29 PM BBT Spencer does not get his chance to talk to Elissa alone. Andy pops in. Meanwhile Amanda is the HN room talking to Aaryn. Amanda wants her to get back at Elissa by rubbing it in her face that she has been working with Amanda and McCrae and that she has Gina Marie's vote too. Amanda tells Aaryn to say "Nice try Elissa, maybe next week." Amanda hopes this will cause her to put Gina Marie up as the replacement nom.

    2:44 PM BBT Amanda is pushing hard for Aaryn to start a fight with Elissa. She wants Aaryn to start this fight to make it clear that she will never work with Elissa and that Gina Marie hates her and won't either. This might make Elissa nominate Gina Marie. Meanwhile in the HOHR Andy has left and Spencer gets his alone time with Elissa.

    2:48 PM BBT Elissa and Spencer are in the HOHR. Elissa asks him what he thinks of Amanda and McCrae. He tells her that they would cut his head off in a second. They've kept the blood off their hands by nominating him. Elissa gets him to promise that whomever she puts he votes to get rid of Aaryn. He asks her who she is putting up. She says she has someone in mind. "There is only one person that they (Amanda and McCrae) would try to save more than Aaryn."

    2:51 PM BBT Elissa tells Spencer that they have been using him the entire time. Spencer says "They've never needed me." He asks her what she would do. Elissa tells Spencer "They are going to pick us off one by one." Spencer keeps trying to get Elissa to tell him who the replacement is. Elissa keeps trying to get him to say who he would want to see up. Neither are talking. Spencer does mention that Gina Marie will likely be a vote to keep Aaryn.

    2:57 PM BBT Elissa asks Spencer if he trusts Andy. Spencer tells her that he talk game with Andy and doesn't know where his allegiance lies. He tells her that Andy would probably turn on Amanda and McCrae because he surely doesn't think they will continue to protect him. Spencer tells her that if she is thinking of putting up Andy he will vote to evict Aaryn.

  7. 5:01 PM BBT Elissa is in the HOH shower getting ready for the nomination ceremony. She has just been called to the DR. In the colorful BR Gina Marie is telling Judd about all the pranks she pulled on Spencer in his absence such as filling Spencer's suitcase full of beans and switching the bag tags. Andy and Spencer are looking at the memory wall. Andy says "Oh Helen, you were such a nice mom dictator." Elissa is called to the DR a second time.

    5:06 PM Spencer and McCrae are talking in the chair BR. Spencer tells him there is a big white canopy up in the BY making it hot as crap out there. He speculates that the canopy must have something to do with the veto competition. Meanwhile Judd, Andy, and Gina Marie are hanging out in the color BR while waiting for their ODLD for noms. The camera man on feed one has some fun with us zooming in and out really quickly on Clownie. [Very poltergeisty and further contributing to my hatred of all clowns--Goldylucks]

    5:11 PM BBT BB: "Houseguests, this is a lock down. Please go outside and close the sliding glass doors." Trivia!! It's time for nominations. The next time the feeds come back we should know who Elissa has put on the chopping for eviction.

    6:17 PM BBT The nomination ceremony has taken place and the feeds are back. Amanda is in the color BR looking very upset. Meanwhile Amanda tells McCrae he will be fine either way. It appears that Aaryn and McCrae may be the nominees.

    6:22 PM BBT Gina Marie and Andy talk in the BR. Gina Marie tells them that they need to win the POV and not use it because they are at risk of being replacement nominees. Aaryn has gone to the HN room because she wants to be alone. Amanda and McCrae are laying in bed.

    6:24 PM BBT There is some question amongst the HGs as to where Aaryn is. She disappeared rather quickly after the ceremony. Spencer and Gina Marie congratulate each other on not being nominated. Amanda asks Judd about whether or not he was able to take his medications whenever he wanted in jury and we get FOTH.

    6:29 PM BBT In the HOH room Gina Marie is telling Elissa what she needs to do to get her laundry done by BB. Gina Marie thanks her for not nominating her. Meanwhile in the chair BR Amanda is telling McCrae that she can win the POV to take him down. She reminds him that after a week of slop and no sleep she was second to last in the competition last night amongst eleven people. "I can do it." McCrae says he knows.

    6:31 PM BBT Amanda is ready to go back to sleep. McCrae is sitting in bed reading his bible. Meanwhile Judd and Gina Marie are in the cockpit talking general chit chat. Gina Marie is smacking the green frog around on the pillows and gets scolded by Andy. "Quit hitting him." She immediately throws it at Andy. Judd and Gina Marie are now playing catch with the frog. Gina Marie says she played in the frog veto competition but went out the first round, just like OTEV.

    6:37 PM BBT Judd is called to the DR. Gina Marie asks him to make a request to BB for her hair extensions. Elissa is preparing to cook dinner. Elissa and Andy head into the storage room. She wants reassurance from Andy that her nominations are a good move. Andy agrees it is. Andy asks her what she plans to do if the veto is used and one of them comes down. Elissa refuses to tell him. She says she doesn't want him to have a reason to not feel he needs to fight for the veto. Andy says he has her back and doesn't care if she tells him or not as long as it isn't him.

    6:42 PM BBT Andy immediately reports to McCrae that he got no further information from Elissa. McCrae asks Andy to talk to Spencer. Andy asks to meet with Spencer in the cockpit but Judd quickly joins them followed shortly after by Gina Marie.

    6:46 PM BBT Aaryn has to emerge from the HN room. BB has called her to the DR. Judd decides that he wants to go lay down and take a nap. Judd calls to Aaryn as she passes him to go to the DR but she keeps on walking. Meanwhile the mystery of who farted is taking place in the cockpit between Gina Marie, Andy, and Spencer. Everyone denies it. Andy to Gina Marie "Are you sure it isn't leaking out somewhere?" Gina Marie raises her leg to prove her point then goes "Oh, wait, maybe it was me." Andy "You don't even know you did it?"

    6:52 PM BBT McCrae and Amanda are snuggling and smooching in the chair BR. In the cockpit Andy, Spencer, and Gina Marie are still talking about farts and how to punish each other in vulgar ways for farting in front of each other. Gina Marie "I can still burp though, right?" Andy "Of course." Conversation turns to Helen's slop toots.

    6:54 PM BBT Singing in the cockpit and BB is not interfering and giving us FOTH. Spencer "When you're driving in your Chevy and you feel something heavy, diarrhea. When you're sliding into first and feel something burst, diarrhea." Andy "When you drop your pants to the ground and you see something brown....." [you get the point-Goldylucks]

    6:59 PM BBT Andy shares some stories from grad school to Gina Marie and Spencer in the cockpit. He once accidentally saved a graphic picture to one of the school's computer as the wallpaper and it took him 15-20 minutes to get rid of it. He was scared because he was logged into the computer and it would be linked to him. He also once got in trouble because someone snitched on him for printing an article after administration asked them not to.

  8. 4:01 PM BBT Helen and Amanda are in the KT. Helen is thanking Amanda for helping her to get to day 63 of the game. She mentions Judd, McCrae, Elissa, and McCrae as well. Amanda says she is glad she understands, no one feels good about it, they all love her. Helen is grateful that she was not blindsided and Amanda says that she didn't want that either.

    4:10 PM BBT The Helen and Amanda heart to heart is over. Helen is cooking now. In the HOH room Andy, Gina Marie, Spencer, and Aaryn are talking about what they don't want to see in future competitions such as eating disgusting stuff.

    4:15 PM BBT Elissa has joined Helen in the KT and Helen has explained her heart to heart with Amanda. Elissa is getting teary eyed and Helen says "You need to buck up."

    4:20 PM BBT Not much going on in the BB house. Just general chit chat all around.

    4:25 PM BBT Elissa is crying to Helen again in the KT. "It's the stupidest thing." Meanwhile in the HOH Aaryn is taking responsibility for Helen leaving tomorrow. Amanda tells her that she is not responsible. It's what the house wants. Gina Marie "If it was what he house wants, Elissa would be gone tomorrow." Gina Marie fusses at Amanda for talking to Elissa and apologizing on Elissa's behalf. Gina Marie "If she feels bad, she should apologize." Amanda "You want me to let Aaryn continue to be upset?" Gina Marie "There is no reason to defend Helen while making someone else feel bad."

    4:40 PM BBT Now that Amanda has left the HOH room, Gina Marie is still going on and on about Amanda apologizing and talking to Helen. Spencer "The house is getting too small to play both sides." Gina Marie agrees. They think the entire conversation between Amanda and Helen (regarding her leaving and the Elissa situation) was just a way for Amanda to gain a jury vote before Helen leaves.

    4:50 PM BBT Helen and Elissa are in the HN room. They are reminiscing about all that they have done and accomplished in that room. Elissa is crying very hard now. Helen "But, I've already won in life. I got a chance to play in this game and I'm happy. I've accepted it and you need to accept it too." Helen tells her that it would break her heart if Elissa was the next to walk in the jury. "Fight for me, fight for all the moms out there. Don't you dare come to jury next." Helen tells her that God has blessed her with so much and she hugs Elissa, calling her a sister.

    4:55 PM BBT Helen to Elissa "You may think that all these people leaving is wrong, but you are still here. You need to keep playing this game. Tomorrow you have to win HOH. After you win they will kiss your butt. You do what you have to do to make sure you have a higher probability of staying in this game. You nominate those that will help you do that. Don't nominate people because you are told to." Helen "Who says you are not like your sister? She is proud of you. You have won the veto when you needed to. Buck up and play for your family."

    5:00 PM BBT Elissa says entire time she has been fighting to keep Helen it has been wasted breath. Elissa trashes Aaryn some more. Helen tells her "That's the game. I got played. Everyone knows this can happen when they walk in here."

    5:05 PM BBT Helen and Elissa are still in the HN room. Helen is telling Elissa that she played the game the way she wanted to. She wanted to make big moves. She's going because of it but she doesn't regret it. She also says that they are underestimating Spencer. Meanwhile the crew in the HOH room are still talking general chit chat.

    5:10 PM BBT Helen and Elissa are both red eyed at this point but the tears have momentarily stopped and replaced with smiles. They talk about the past happenings of the house. The things that impacted them so much before are funny now. Meanwhile McCrae "There better some twist action going on tomorrow." Andy "Why do you need a twist?"

    5:15 PM BBT Elissa and Helen are still in the HN room talking about Aaryn. Elissa thinks she is ignorant. Helen doesn't exactly agree with her but says that Amanda has controlled all her HOHs. Elissa says people are going to love to hate Aaryn. She can't think of a single thing she doesn't dislike.

    5:30 PM BBT In the HOH room Andy, McCrae, Spencer, and Amanda are talking about Helen. Andy says that Helen's bullying is very out of character for her. Spencer says he doesn't get his feelings hurt much but Helen hurt his feelings this time.

    5:35 PM BBT Amanda is venting about The Moving Company. She still can't believe that they had five other people to pick from. Why would those stupid **** ****** ***** ****** ***** *** target her?" Meanwhile Helen is teary again. She is packing her bags and re-reading her letter from home from her HOH week. She packs an empty slop bucket saying that is definitely going home with her.

    5:40 PM BBT Helen is upset again as she packs her bag and re-reads her letter from home from her HOH week. She packs an empty slop bucket saying that it is definitely going home again.

    5:50 PM BBT Gina Marie has joined Helen and Elissa. She gives Helen some love. Gina Marie acts like she is sick to death that Helen is leaving and tells Helen she has no idea what caused this.

    5:50 PM BBT Amanda, McCrae, and Andy are still in the HOH room. That wish that Aaryn would stop coming to them every single day wanting to make sure the 3AM alliance is for real. Amanda says that at this point she doesn't care who is in the final four with them as long as these three are there. They want Aaryn to just shut up and trust them already.

    5:55 PM BBT Andy, Amanda, and Spencer are making plans for next week's eviction. They plan to win HOH, nominate Gina Marie and Spencer, then backdoor Elissa. Amanda "The only one that would be shocked by it would be Gina Marie. She is hurting our game."

  9. 4:01 PM BBT In the HOHR Spencer is telling Andy, McCrae, and Aaryn that if Rachel were to come back in the house he would very mad. He says they would see a different kind of Spencer. McCrae says instead of Pandora's Box they probably have Pandora's Player and it's Elissa. Meanwhile in the BY Helen, Amanda, Elissa and Gina Marie are talking general chit chat.

    4:05 PM BBT Spencer bashing in the BY between Amanda and Gina Marie. Amanda doesn't want to work with Spencer she wants to work with Gina Marie. Gina Marie says Spencer just lies to her. Helen bashing in the HOH by Aaryn, Andy, McCrae, and Spencer regarding her threat to Aaryn about throwing the POV for safety. Talk then turns to how the house broke down after Judd left. Spencer said he was too relieved to feel sad for Judd. He might have felt differently if he had been on the voting end.

    4:10 PM BBT Spencer says that of the five times he has been on the block he's only had one vote to evict him. He expects that will change this week. He says that after packing so many times he told BB not to even give him his bags back. Aaryn is called to the DR. Meanwhile in the BY Gina Marie goes inside to get coffee and some insecticide for the ant problems on the patio.

    4:13 PM BBT Andy says he loves sleeping in the color BR. He says jokingly "Jessie knew what was up when she took that bad. It's my bed now. No one's getting my bed." McCrae, Andy, Spencer are back to trash talking about Helen. They don't like the way she talks down to them. Andy says Helen acts like she has carried him the entire game. Spencer says she acts like he is supposed to thank her for still being here.

    4:16 PM BBT Gina Marie comes out and declares war on the ants. Amanda tells her that she has thought of a new game called Towel Bowl or Towel Bowling where they roll pool balls onto different color towels for points. Meanwhile in the HoH they are speculating what would happen if jury members came back. Andy said Gina Marie would attack if Candice came back.

    4:19 PM BBT Amanda goes up into the HOHR to explain her Towel Ball game. They said it sounds cool and will try it later. Amanda says she told BB to give them less pork and more chicken because they don't eat the pork. Spencer says they don't eat it because they never have enough of it. In the BY Helen has decided to join Elissa over on the hammock.

    4:23 PM BBT On the hammock Helen tells Elissa that she thinks they are still on track for Spencer leaving but they have to stay on top of Andy and Gina Marie. Helen says Amanda will probably be chirping in Aaryn's ear a million gazillion times. Helen says that Andy probably doesn't understand that if he works with Amanda and McCrae then he is going to end up leaving right behind them (Helen/Elissa). They discuss that Amanda needs a better attitude in the house. She never compliments anyone and is always starting arguments.

    4:28 PM BBT Helen tells Elissa that Andy has been playing so safe and that he is now willing to vote out his closest allies. Helen says that if she leaves then it is up to Elissa, Aaryn, and Gina Marie to go after "them" because Andy doesn't have the balls. Meanwhile in the HOHR Amanda, Andy, McCrae, Spencer, and Aaryn are talking about an endurance competition. Amanda says it will probably be some yoga like thing where you have to bend or hang and Elissa will win it. Aaryn says to Amanda that she doesn't care if Amanda's arm falls off, not to let Elissa win it.

    4:33 PM BBT In the HOHR Spencer says within the next two weeks Gina Marie will end up standing on the edge of the balcony while wearing Nick's hat and threaten to jump off. Conversation then goes to the Have-Not Black Box competition. In the BY Helen and Elissa leave the hammock and join Gina Marie by the pool. They are trying to figure out how Roscoe got his name. Gina Marie takes credit for it talking about Roscoe's Chicken and Waffles being her inspiration.

    4:42 PM BBT In the HOHR Spencer, Amanda, McCrae, and Andy are talking about Elissa. They think she is crazy and needs to be on meds instead of accusing Jessie of not taking them properly. They then talk about her allergic reaction. Spencer says he is allergic to a bunch of stuff but what Elissa had was not a serious reaction.

    4:45 PM BBT Andy is trying to figure out how to kill Clownie again. Andy tells them that Clownie has already died in the tub with a hair dryer, was hung in the shower, and overdosed on pills. They decide that Clownie needs strangled with a plastic bag this time. Andy likes it and leaves the HOH. Amanda is called to the DR.

    4:48 PM BBT Helen, Elissa, and Gina Marie are still out by the pool but Helen appears to be falling asleep. BB reminds them they aren't allowed to sleep outside. Gina Marie jumps to her defense "She's counting, she's counting." Meanwhile in the HOH Aaryn, Spencer, and McCrae discuss that with certain fonts there is a huge space between the "Y" and "N" and Aaryn's name looks like Aary n. Aaryn agrees that it does look like that. Spencer sings "Aryan Nation" and Aaryn continues "Don't Be Jealous."

    4:56 PM BBT In the HOHR Aaryn is saying that she is glad Helen is leaving on her HOH. She says they can relax and enjoy themselves after Elissa leaves next week because everyone left will be people that are cool with each other. Spencer "I'm going to fight for HoH next week but because of Elissa leaving he won't be upset if someone else he trusts wins it." He says after next week he is going to fight even harder though. Spencer is called to the DR.

    5:00 PM BBT Everyone but Aaryn leaves the HOHR. McCrae and Andy have joined Amanda in the BY. Amanda says Andy ate the last of the slop balls and will never pass up balls in the mouth, even if they are sloppy. Andy "Amen sister." Helen and Elissa have gone inside. Helen is putting on makeup and Elissa says she needs to pluck her eyebrows. Aaryn has found a plastic bag strangled Clownie and takes it outside and hits Andy with it. Aaryn "Andy, how do you keep finding things to do in this house and it blows my mind."

    5:08 PM BBT Aaryn yells out in the BY that her HOH-itis is talking. She says there is no reason for seventy six red Gatorades and not a single orange. She said no one drinks red Gatorade, It is her HOH week and enough with the red Gatorade.

    5:11 PM BBT Strangled Clownie is now sitting at the bar in the KT. Spencer "What happened to you, I thought someone was watching you." Spencer goes into his own red Gatorade fit saying he won't be able to hydrate. Aaryn and Spencer vent together and Spencer threatens to dump all the red Gatorade in the DR. Aaryn compliments Gina Marie on her flat stomach. She said if she could build her own body she would have Amanda's boobs, Gina Marie's stomach, and Elissa's legs and butt. She would keep her own hair. Spencer said if he could make the perfect woman she would look just like Marilyn.

    5:17 PM BBT In the BY Amanda, McCrae, and Gina Marie are talking about what has happened in the house that would be mentioned on The Soup. McCrae thinks "Yous cockaroaches" was definitely on there. Gina Marie says that always tell the dumb things blondes say. McCrae says the Amanda/Candice POV fight was probably on there. McCrae says he hopes he makes it on The Soup just once. McCrae tells them about Hamsterwatch and The Soup mentions and sex act tallies. [Not me, if I was on the show I'd only show love to Morty!!--Goldylucks]

    5:26 PM BBT By the hot tub Aaryn tells Helen and Gina Marie all the different ways that Clownie has bit the dust. Aaryn is surprised she hasn't found him in the pool yet. Helen puts two and two together that Candice's clown unitard was Clownie inspired. Meanwhile Elissa is cooking in the KT and Amanda is called to the DR.

    5:30 PM BBT Aaryn says she is a forgiving person and was over the Candice thing after she had to wear the clown suit for over 24 hours. She started to feel sorry for her. She was over it (being made at her) until Candice pointed her out in her last speech. She says people can't let go of things. Helen "For some people forgiveness for them is blocking it out of their mind but not truly getting over it."

    5:36 PM BBT In the BY Amanda is explaining to Aaryn, Helen, and Gina Marie how she sells homes through a company. They offer her a website to increase her sales and she splits her commission 70/30 with them. There is plenty of talk about people outside of the house so we keep getting frequent FOTH.

    5:41 PM BBT Most of the HGs are in the BY talking about their wake up calls and in what order they have heard what songs. They make some requests and we got FOTH because Andy was singing "I like big butts..."

    5:44 PM BBT Aaryn points out the splotchy spots on her arm like older people get. Spencer says it's liver spots. Her liver is producing too many enzymes because she drinks too much. Aaryn says "I only drink two glasses of wine." Spencer "Historically" Gina Marie tells Aaryn that Spencer is full of crap.

    5:46 PM BBT McCrae freaks out in the BR. Amanda has decided to take a shower completely nude. McCrae fusses at her that they we (us feedsters) can see that. She readjusts the towel she has hanging over the door. McCrae stands up on the stool to look from "our" perspective. McCrae "They can't see now but they sure could see before." Amanda starts singing in the shower so we got FOTH.

    5:50 PM BBT Amanda is out of the shower and using moisturizer on her face. In the BY they are talking movies again and Helen is called to the DR. Helen goes in to change because she doesn't want to do her DR session in her bikini. Aaryn must be bored. She has strangled clownie at the photo booth and she is checking it out. She looks under it, inside it, and spins the seat. She knows BB has cameras in there somewhere probably because they expected people to hide in there to cry.

    5:58 PM BBT Just general chit chat in the BY. In the HOHR Aaryn and Amanda are talking. Aaryn tells her that people are telling her she can't trust Amanda. Amanda reconfirms that she is loyal to Aaryn. Amanda "It sucks when people are pushing so hard against you. It makes you feel like you are really not liked." Aaryn "I don't like it, even when they are a fake target."

  10. 3:56 PM BBT Spencer has joined Andy, Elissa, Gina Marie, and Helen in the HoH. He tells everyone good morning. They ask him the time and can't believe it's almost 4pm already. Amanda and McCrae are in the KT. Amanda is complaining she can't get in the DR to get her meds.

    4:01 PM BBT The ants have taken over the KT. Helen wants to lay out but she doesn't want to get any darker. She is as dark as she wants to be. Amanda asks Elissa if she will make the oatmeal raisin cookies again. Elissa agrees to it after she lays out for a while. Helen talks about giving 10 inches of her hair to Locks For Love just over a year ago.

    4:07 PM BBT Amanda and McCrae head out the BY. McCrae is telling Amanda about his conversation with Spencer earlier. Spencer basically told him that he would be great person to take to final 2 since he hasn't won anything and has no alliances to vote for him. Amanda bashes Spencer saying he was a bully to her for the first month of the game, him and Howard.

    4:11 PM BBT In the BY Amanda and McCrae are debating what would happen if one of them took Aaryn to the finals. McCrae says she would win hands down. Amanda disagrees saying Aaryn doesn't have a social game and downplays her game play. They start talking about the HoH at final 5. McCrae says he doesn't want to win HoH until final 4.[Talk about putting your cart in front of your horse--Goldylucks]

    4:16 PM BBT Aaryn comes into the BY to give Amanda and McCrae a head's up. "Helen is campaigning hard core to stay." Aaryn rehashes the conversation and leaves. McCrae says that Helen is digging her own grave.

    4:18 PM BBT Andy is laying down in the WA. Elissa is laying out in the sun. McCrae and Amanda are still sitting on the BY lounge. Helen calls out to Elissa to ask if the towels are clean or dirty. Helen "Sadly, I smell them and can't tell." McCrae starts singing "It's your birthday today" FOTH.

    4:21 PM BBT Andy and Aaryn go into the cockpit to talk. Andy tells Aaryn that the need to watch McCrae and Amanda. They know that Amanda and McCrae would never consider taking one of them to the final two with them. Andy tells her that he wants everyone to stay as loyal as long as they can but they needs to solidify themselves with Gina Marie. They will have to work together to take out Amanda or McCrae at some point. Andy jokes that the jury is going to freak out if it ends up Andy and Aaryn in the final two.

    4:25 PM BBT Aaryn is the HOH bathroom. She has some kind of eye infection and the pain is starting to get to her. BB has given her some washrags and peroxide. Aaryn is screaming out "Ow, I hate this." Amanda is called to the DR. Spencer and Gina Marie are about to combine their clothes for a load in the washer.

    4:29 PM BBT Feeds one and two are on Aaryn who has a wet wash cloth on her eye. Feeds three and four are on Elissa who is reading the bible in the hammock. Andy gets fussed at by BB for moving the hammock so he can run around it in the BY.

    4:32 PM BBT Andy and Helen both compliment McCrae on his shorts. It's the first time he's worn them. McCrae and Andy join Aaryn in the HoH. Aaryn tells them that her fears are coming true and that Helen is catching on to them. Andy "When is Amanda going to learn that you cannot talk game to Elissa?" Aaryn "I don't want her catching on. She has no idea that I am working with all of you."

    4:37 PM BBT Aaryn, Andy, and McCrae are talking in the HoH. They all say that 3AM alliance is their number one priority. Andy says that this week proves his loyalty because he knows Helen would absolutely take him to the end with her. Aaryn says her stye is causing her the most pain she has been in the whole time she has been in the house.

    4:40 PM BBT Amanda has joined Aaryn, Andy, and McCrae in the HoHR. They are trying to figure out who would be nominated if Elissa were to win HoH next week. Andy says that next week, once Helen is gone, Elissa will only talk to Amanda and him. They plan to use scare tactics to keep her from putting two people from the 3AM alliance on the block together.

    4:43 PM BBT Aaryn is worried that their alliance will be exposed too soon. Amanda says as long as the voting is anonymous it won't be. Aaryn is called to the DR. She jokes that she hopes they are giving her Vicodin then says she is kidding, she wouldn't do that.

    4:47 PM BBT In the HoH they are now talking about Spencer. They say he is out of options. Spencer knows he can't work with Elissa or Gina Marie because they are wild cards. He has no choice but to work with them. McCrae says that Aaryn wants Gina Marie to stay for a really long time but they won't be able to do that. Elissa needs to go next week followed by Spencer and Gina Marie.

    4:52 PM BBT In the HoH Aaryn is laying in the bed treating her stye with a hot compress. Andy, Spencer, McCrae, and Amanda are in there with her trying to determine who Elissa would nominate if she won HoH next week. Helen is making slop balls in the KT and Gina Marie is sitting at the bar with her. Helen tells Gina Marie that McCrae and Amanda are going to sit in the middle and letting everyone do their dirty work. Helen says that she and Gina Marie need to let Aaryn know that Amanda and McCrae are using her like they used Helen and Elissa this whole time. Gina Marie says she tried to talk about getting Amanda out when she was on the block but no one would hear it.

    4:59 PM BBT While making slop balls in the KT Helen tells Gina Marie that they need to be smarter than them.

  11. 11:02 AM BBT Helen is up and changing clothes under the cover of a blanket. Elissa is contemplating taking a cold shower and goes into the KT to make coffee.

    11:05 AM BBT BB: "Hello houseguests. It's going to be hot out there today. Don't forget your sunscreen." Helen decides to get some laundry started.

    11:10 AM BBT BB: "Aaryn, Amanda, McCrae have you changed your batteries?" Elissa is still in the KT cleaning up a water spill on the counter.

    11:12 AM BBT Amanda gets up and heads to the BR. BB: "Houseguests, please clean the bathroom today including the mirror over the sink." "Aaron, please change your batteries."

    11:15 AM BBT Aaryn has gotten up to change her batteries. Helen is in her jogging clothes lowering the awnings in the BY. Elissa is cleaning the mirror over the bathroom sink.

    11:18 AM BBT Helen has begun jogging her figure 8 in the BY. Elissa brings out a big pile of towels from the WA. Elissa points out a new camera in the BY and asks Helen if something is going to take place out there today.

    11:22 AM BBT Aaryn's waffles pop up in the toaster and no sooner does she get them on her plate she is called to the DR.

    11:25 PM BBT Elissa is making all the mirrors/windows in the WA squeaky clean (no pun intended) and Helen is still soldiering on in the BY.

    11:29 AM BBT Aaryn is out of the DR and takes her breakfast upstairs, turns on the spy screen and begins her ADLs.

    11:30 AM BBT Aaryn begins the process of straightening up the HoHR but stops shortly thereafter opting for breakfast in bed while watching the spy screen.

    11:35 AM BBT Helen takes her first break from running for a drink of water. She cools down b but rubbing an ice cube around face and neck....and she's off again.

    11:42 AM BBT Helen stops for another water break. Elissa brings out more dirty towels. Aaryn, as well as most everyone else, is back in bed. Helen gets on the elliptical.

    11:45 AM BBT No sooner does Helen get on the elliptical that she gets right off of it. She says she is too sore. She decides on hand weights and stretches instead.

    11:53 AM BBT Helen has had enough for now and heads back inside. She goes to the WA and finds that Elissa has done a great job cleaning the bathroom. Helen tells her it looks awesome and goes to get the sweeper.

    11:56 AM BBT Elissa is venting to Helen that these HGs are the messiest she has ever seen. "It's the grossest thing ever." Helen says that the two of them and Gina Marie are the only ones that have cleaned it up to now. Elissa "Gina Marie is the messiest of them all so at least she has cleaned it." Elissa says she wouldn't mind cleaning if everyone would just pick up after themselves.

    12:00 PM BBT Elissa and Helen mention that they are on a TV set so they should want to keep it clean. Elissa "America is going to see a bunch of slobs."

    12:03 PM BBT Elissa "EWWWWW nasty blonde hairs EVERYWHERE. Gross."

    12:06 PM BBT In the KT Helen finds that the slop muffins were left open and will have to be tossed. Elissa still cleaning "these razors look like an infestation of bacteria and tetanus." Helen and Elissa are whispering something about overhearing Gina Marie last night but Elissa is not wearing her microphone and her scrubbing is very loud. BB "Elissa, please put on your microphone." Helen tells Elissa that she needs to threaten them to expose alliances if they plan to vote against her.

    12:10 PM BBT Elissa "Don't tell them anything. It will be a fight and I can't stand their trashy behavior. Please don't say anything."

    12:12 PM BBT While still scrubbing (making it really hard to hear) Elissa tells Helen that Spencer feels he is really safe and that is weird. Elissa "Obviously they want to break up our votes."

    12:18 PM Elissa asks Helen if Aaryn and Amanda have ever approached Helen with a final three deal. Helen says no. The only time the three of them worked together was on Judd. Helen says she talked to McCrae and it doesn't make sense. Elissa thinks McCrae wants to keep someone there to get rid of Amanda for him. Helen "If you are alone here you can go any way you want. That's dangerous. It will drive them crazy." BB asks Helen to change her microphone for one in the SR.

    12:27 PM BBT Helen is talking to herself in the BY while working on the laundry. She says she can't trust Gina Marie's vote "Stupid move Gina Marie, stupid move."

    12:32 PM BBT Elissa has decided to stop cleaning for a while and to go back to bed. BB tells Helen to go into the SR for yet another new microphone. Helen returns and is straightening up the KT again.

    12:43 PM BBT Everyone is back in bed except Helen who is still working on the KT and laundry.

    12:56 PM BBT Nothing new to report. Helen is still cleaning the kitchen and everyone else is still sleeping.

  12. 12:02 PM BBT In the KT Amanda tells Elissa that she hopes Elissa wins POV and then wins the next HoH. Elissa says that Aaryn is going to have to go soon or she is going to win the whole thing. Amanda tells her that she and McCrae always wanted Elissa here and have not been stupid flip floppers.

    12:12 PM BBT Amanda is telling Elissa that Helen will be hard core campaigning against her. She tells Elissa how Helen went up to HoH and cried last night about how she can’t save Elissa anymore. Amanda tells Elissa that even if Helen leaves, Elissa is safe next week.

    12:22 PM BBT Amanda tells Elissa “I’m always loyal to people who are loyal to me.” Meanwhile in the HoHR Aaryn is talking to Andy. She is nervous that Gina Marie was included in the final 5 deal. Aaryn says if Gina Marie gets upset about anything she will expose them. Aaryn “Then you and I will be on the block together.”

    12:32 PM BBT In the HoH Aaryn and Spencer are talking about they have to kill this next veto. Aaryn says she admits she has not done well in these veto comps and is due for something that she is good at. Aaryn wants to win it so bad because people are pushing her to put up Gina Marie if the veto is used. Spencer “Oh my God I have to win it today.” Aaryn to Spencer “With me, you, Andy, and Gina Marie we have a good chance. We’ve won way more stuff.” Spencer says Elissa will break down and suck and Helen is the only of the nominees that has a chance of winning.

    12:37 PM BBT Elissa is called in the DR. Andy joins Amanda in the KT. Amanda tells him about her conversation with Elissa. “I told her if she doesn’t win HoH then she is going home so fight hard for it.”

    12:45 PM BBT In the HoH Aaryn and Spencer are discussing how things are going to play out after either Elissa or Helen is gone. Of course Amanda and McCrae are together and Aaryn and Gina Marie are together. Aaryn says Gina Marie is a loose cannon but at least she is a loose cannon that isn’t against her.

    1:00 PM BBT In the KT Andy and Amanda are talking. Amanda tells him about an ex boyfriend starts to cry. Andy hugs her and tells her that she found someone so much better. Meanwhile in the HoHR Aaryn and Spencer are talking. Aaryn is telling him that she is much more scared of "them" than she is of Amanda and McCrae.

    1:07 PM BBT Amanda says that living in Southern Florida warps you because it's such a money hungry area that you are pushed to get involved in with people of wealth. Amanda says her Mom (a Jewish mother) always told her to marry someone with money. Amanda says it's more important to be close to someone and grow together. Meanwhile Aaryn is telling Spencer that his family is going to be so proud of him for getting so far in the game.

    1:12 PM BBT Helen has joined Amanda and Andy in the KT. They are talking about the meltdowns that they have had because they miss their family. In the HOHR Aaryn and Spencer are talking about how his family probably reacted to her winning HoH again. Aaryn expects that his family hates her and thought she was going to nominate him again.

    1:17 PM BBT Amanda is called to the DR. Elissa, Helen, and Andy are talking about what they were doing when the planes hit the World Trade Centers. Helen's parents live close to the Pentagon. Helen also remembers she was at school when the Challenger exploded.

    1:22 PM BBT Elissa has gone into the BR to stretch. In the KT Helen tells Andy that she is losing weight and her clothes fit differently because of the slop diet. "Even if I stay this week I won't be here next week. I'll be just a sliver of myself." They are talking about how long they have been in the house and how things early in game seem to be forever ago. Helen thinks the lock on the SR door is broken. The light is green but the door still won't open.

    1:30 PM BBT Amanda goes in to lay down with McCrae. Spencer is also in there and they are telling the came in the room to be quiet. Helen is alone in the KT cooking.

    1:45 PM BBT Amanda is fussing at McCrae that he is sleeping so much that he's sweaty. She is trying to talk him into getting up. McCrae won't get up for her.

    1:50 PM BBT Gina Marie is talking to Helen in the KT. She says the reason her stomach hurts is that her period has started. That's makes three times since she came into the house. Gina Marie says she keeps getting it because she is so emotional. She tells Helen that she is proud of herself because she thought of Nick outside and didn't fall apart.

    1:55 PM BBT Helen to Gina Marie "Aaryn said I'm not the target this week. Is that true?" Gina Marie says that is true, Helen is not the target. Helen thanks her says we'll talk later and see what happens.

    2:00 PM BBT in the BR Elissa, Amanda, Spencer, and Andy are talking about Have-Not week and how they didn't get anything to work with this week. Amanda wishes they could eat the Ramen again.

    2:08 PM BBT Helen and Gina Marie are talking about what they would or would not eat if they had a food challenge. Gina Marie would have problems if they had to eat something that had of flies on it. Helen asks her if she would eat a worm. Gina Marie said she could if the knew the worm was dead and she could just swallow it. If it was alive she would worry about it living inside of her.

    2:12 PM BBT in the KT Helen says the slop balls are done but not as crispy. She tells Gina Marie that she will probably never want to eat oatmeal again in her life. She'll buy it for her kids but won't eat it. Meanwhile Spencer tells Elissa that he has mastered the grill of the house but Elissa thinks he said he mastered all the girls of the house.

    2:16 PM BBT In the KT Gina Marie, Helen, Aaryn, and Andy are talking about the Have Not foods this week. Gina Marie "How can you eat peppers, that's not normal. People don't eat like that." Helen says she burned her mouth after just one bite of the habanero. Helen says "It better not be OTEV today. She can't deal with it today." Gina Marie doesn't understand so Helen explains that comp to her.

    2:20 PM BBT in the BR Amanda, Spencer, and Elissa are discussing who they think had the biggest melt down this season. Spencer says Helen and Gina Marie. They talk about Gina Marie's Day 21 cockroach meltdown. Elissa jokes "at all of yous cockaroaches."

    2:23 PM BBT In the KT Aaryn tells Helen and Gina Marie that her real ID gets turned down more often than her fake ID ever has. She says she has the information on her fake ID memorized but not her real ID because it was back when she was in her first dorm. She said her fake ID is perfect and they would all think it was her.

    2:26 PM BBT In the BR Amanda and Elissa are again talking about not being able to eat the head cheese and habaneros. Elissa reminds her that she can eat olives and pickles. Amanda forgot about the pickles and gets up to get one.

    2:29 PM BBT In the KT Amanda is explaining to Gina Marie that club soda and seltzer water are the same thing. Gina Marie doesn't understand. Amanda explains it like people calling soft drinks sodas or cokes. It all depends on where you are.

    2:31 PM BBT Amanda is fussing that the chocolate milk is gone and there isn't any in the SR. Gina Marie says she hates it and that it's like drinking gasoline. Amanda "Well, I like that gasoline so I'm going to go ask for some."

    2:35 PM BBT Not much going on in the BB house. They HGs are pretty much just passing the time waiting for the veto comp to start. We have two cameras dedicated to watching Helen search through her hair looking for some grays to pull out.

    2:41 PM BBT We have two cameras on Elissa alone in the KT and two cameras in the HN room of Gina Marie and Helen laying down trying to take a nap.

    2:52 PM BBT It's almost three in the afternoon in the BB house and Elissa is the only one vertical. After checking out several rooms and not finding anyone awake she goes into the chair BR to read the bible.

    2:58 PM BBT Everyone in the house is asleep except for Elissa. You can tell she is bored stiff. She reads the bible, stretches a little, stares at the wall, goes back to reading. Wash, rinse, repeat. [Please BB, throw a mouse in the house or something.--Goldylucks]

    3:01 PM BBT Helen wakes up and goes into the cockpit. It just happens that Elissa is on the other side of the house and doesn't see her. Elissa walks by the door "Oh, you're in there." Aaryn has gotten up also and is soaking her feet in the tub. We get a close up of clownie.

    3:06 PM BBT Elissa joins Helen I the cockpit. Helen goes to shut the door. Helen says that they are going to have to promise safety again if she wins the POV. Elissa "she can't play this next week." Helen "Spencer is alone. If he wins it we can promise him safety and backdoor someone. There's always a way." They agree it isn't even worth thinking about until someone wins this veto.

    3:09 PM BBT Elissa tells Helen that Aaryn informed Elissa she is the target and Helen is the pawn. Helen says that Aaryn told her the same thing. Helen says BB woke them up at 8:30 just to stir them before the veto. Helen "We just got to win this dang veto and get Spencer on the block. I can't believe I pulled his chip. So ridiculous." Elissa leaves Helen to go lay down for a bit.

    3:15 PM BBT BB "McCrae, shut it down." Whatever he is doing is off camera. Helen is washing the green frog in the sink in the bathroom. Aaryn is shaving her legs in the HoH bath.

    3:20 PM BBT The painted decorations are coming off the green frog and Helen is determined to remove every last bit of it. Aaryn is putting on lotion. They are the only two on camera.

    3:37 PM BBT McCrae has joined Helen in the cockpit. They are trying to come up with a BB phrase that starts with every letter for the alphabet B-blood on hands, blind side, etc.

    3:44 PM Helen thinks the upcoming POV will be about what you are willing to sacrifice. Helen says she will probably end up having to cut her hair. She says Elissa will be willing to give up everything to win it. McCrae "I don't believe that for a second."

    3:50 PM BBT In the cockpit Helen is telling McCrae that she might be able to get Gina Marie on board to back door Amanda. "She's getting pretty annoyed with Amanda....don't say anything...because I need Amanda's vote."

    3:52 PM BBT in the cockpit Helen and McCrae are talking about how hard it will be to get rid of Aaryn. Helen says that Aaryn is probably playing both Amanda and her and that Amanda needs to be careful what she says to her. McCrae tells her that it's a big concern of his right now. McCrae tells Helen that he thinks Elissa is more loyal to Amanda now. Helen "She's more loyal to me."

    3:56 PM BBT Helen says it would not be a good idea to get rid of Elissa this week because next week is probably endurance and Elissa should be really good at that and they have her vote. McCrae said he really wants people in the house that love the game.

    3:57 PM BBT Helen tells McCrae that Elissa is playing with extra pressure because she is Rachel's sister. McCrae says her record is so awful she needs to remember that being bad at competitions may actually get her further in the game. She wouldn't have lasted this long if she was a strong player.

  13. 4:47 PM BBT We still have trivia while the HG play in the Have/Have-Not competition.

    5:50 PM BBT Feeds are back. Many of the HG are covered in blue paint and some are covered in mud.

    5:54 PM BBT Whatever it is the HG are covered in, it isn't just rinsing off in the shower and it's thick. Spencer is physically scraping it off his legs in the shower.

    6:00 PM BBT The HGs are given Habaneros and Head Cheese. Amanda said she is going to starve this week so she is definitely a Have-Not. Helen says she doesn't want anything that starts with head which means she may be a HN or just stating an opinion. Elissa says "We have nothing to work with" which means she may also be a HN but she does help others on their HN weeks with cooking so it is not confirmed. McCrae is discussing how they can cook it so he as well may be a HN.

    6:08 PM BBT Helen is telling Andy that the goo is not coming off and it's stuck in her hair. Amanda says she can smell the head cheese all the way in the BR. Spencer is dumping the head cheese and habaneros in the trash can. Andy says "At least the habaneros are pretty". Andy is worried the goo may ruin their shirts. Andy just announced to the HG that the "NOMINATIONS TODAY" sign is up.

    6:13 PM BBT Andy is telling Amanda that she got screwed this week with food. Andy is a HAVE. Andy "Helen is an optimist and even she is unhappy." Helen is a HAVE-NOT. Andy says Spencer helped him and Aaryn win so Spencer, Aaryn, and Andy are HAVES. Amanda is freaked out the food was displayed on the table attached to heads. Andy "Gina Marie is not happy." Gina Marie is a HAVE-NOT.

    6:20 PM BBT Amanda has been called into the DR. Gina Marie will be a Have-Not for her birthday. McCrae put the head statues next to the bed as a prank. Amanda comes in and gags. She says they didn't wash it first and the smell is horrible. She is very close to throwing up. She yells at McCrae that she just took her medication and can't throw up.

    6:25 PM BBT Aaryn is called to the DR. She says she can't go right now unless it's for her Adderall. Amanda is walking around with her nose plugged. She said she likes cheese but that is not cheese. "It's toe cheese and they put it on afreaking mannequin head."

    6:30 PM BBT Helen approaches McCrae in the SR. She tells him that he will have to keep her safe this week. FotH.

    6:30PM BBT It is official, the Have-Nots are Elissa, Helen, Amanda, and Gina Marie. Aaryn played with the boys.

    6:37 PM BBT Aaryn tells Andy that nominations are in fifteen minutes. Andy says he will throw Aaryn the POV if he can as long as Helen and Elissa are not in the running still to win it. Aaryn is rehearsing her nomination speech. She says she will tell them she is nominating a power duo (Helen and Elissa) because she has her own power duo to look out for plus Gina Marie.

    6:42 PM BBT Aaryn tells Andy "I hope McCrae doesn't screw this up." Andy "He won't. He's smarter than that." Aaryn "But he is looking out for himself." Andy assures Aaryn that he has her back. Andy tells Aaryn "I know that like you could help me get to the end of the game."

    6:47 PM BBT McCrae, Amanda, Spencer, and Andy are the cockpit. They are worried that Helen may throw the veto to Elissa. Andy is worried that if he wins POV and doesn't use it then his loyalty to Helen and Elissa will be in question. Amanda tells him that he still has to work for it. He says that he will.

    6:51 PM BBT Spencer says this will be his sixth nomination making it a tie for the most nominations in BB history. Amanda says she can still smell the head cheese and that it's in her brain. Trivia.

  14. 4:55 PM BBT in the color BR Amanda and McCrae are whispering. They say that they trust Spencer more than Gina Marie. McCrae says he doesn't think Spencer would ever put him up. Amanda tells him that he should make a final two with him to solidify it.

    4:58 PM BBT The future according to McCrae: He plans to win HoH and nominate Elissa and Helen. When Elissa wins POV he will replace her with Aaryn. Amanda will act all mad at him and they will begin the charade of distancing themselves from each other.

    5:00 PM BBT Aaryn is heading to bed and asks to be woken up at midnight. Spencer is also planning to take a nap. Aaryn joins Amanda in the BR. Aaryn tells her she is nervous making a final four deal that includes Amanda, McCrae, Gina Marie and her because if Gina Marie is ever nominated she will lose her mind and squeal. Aaryn says Amanda is safe with Gina Marie without having to make a final four deal.

    5:06 PM BBT Amanda tells Aaryn that Spencer will probably never put up McCrae or Amanda but he might be willing to put Aaryn or Amanda. Amanda this this is an ideal week for Spencer to win HoH because they could talk him into putting up Helen and Elissa.

    5:11 PM BBT Amanda goes to Spencer who is laying down in the chair BR. Amanda tells him there is no way that he could possibly end up going home next week. Amanda tells Spencer that she trusts him more than Gina Marie or Aaryn.

    5:22 PM BBT In the house, most of the HGs are hanging out in the HoH room. They are discussing names that they want to name their children. Jessie tried to do the sneak attack to the HoH room door but is busted by Gina Marie on the spy screen. It has become a game with them. Who can sneak up to the door to listen without being seen.

    5:30 PM BBT Lots of talk in the HoH about DR and production so we are getting frequent FotH.

    5:36 PM BBT Just general chit chat in the HoH with Helen, Elissa, McCrae, and Andy about previous Have Not competitions. Andy says Judd was competition poison and always lost.

    5:40 PM BBT In the HoHR they are talking about the frozen yogurt competition. Amanda jokes that McCrae was awful which he, of course, denies. She tells him her boobs took in more frozen yogurt than he did. They can't believe that Andy was the only one that didn't puke.

    5:44 PM BBT In the HoHR they are still talking about previous competitions. Andy says the worst for him was the BB BBQ. He and Elissa had gotten so close and couldn't believe that Jeremy's long fingers got the ball out first. They thought that Andy's skinny fingers would help them win.

    5:46 PM BBT Amanda is called to the SR. She goes in and picks up her medicine. Helen is complaining that her stomach is hurting. In the HoHR the conversation has changed to speculation about what the next HoH competition will be. Helen hopes the next endurance would be the wall or spider web.

    5:58 PM BBT Andy jokes in the HoH with several of the HGs that Helen and Jessie's fight screwed up his Pandora's Box. He jokes that BB thinks he's a pansy and wouldn't open it so why give it to him. McCrae jokes saying he is Brendan's brother.

    6:02 PM BBT In the HoHR Spencer is sitting in the chair next to the bed where Gina Marie is laying. He picks his leg up and Gina Marie swats him telling him to get his foot out of her face. Spencer "I'm sorry, I've only been smelling your farts for 55 days and I get punched for putting my foot near your face." Gina Marie laughs with him.

    6:12 PM BBT There is still a large group of HG in the HoH. Andy tells everyone that 9 to 11 million people watch the show and know their names. Elissa "Andy, 9 million people don't know your name." Everyone laughs. Andy jokes saying that Judd was the saboteur and that is why pulled pranks on people all the time.

    6:16 PM BBT Just general chit chat in the HoHR. Camera one is showing a close up of Spencer's beard followed by a close up of Gina Marie's nose.

    6:18 PM BBT Elissa is talking about the movies and BB episodes she was given in sequester and BB tells her to "Stop That." Spencer says he's probably heard "Spencer Stop That" a million times in his life. Elissa makes fun of how BB sounds. BB responds really loud "Elissa, STOP IT." Everyone laughs saying they didn't hear it and calls for an encore. Aaryn is then called to the DR.

    6:25 PM BBT The conversation in the HoHR has changed to trash talking Jessie about how she flirts with everyone. Amanda says Jessie hasn't like her since she called her out for flirting with McCrae week one.

    6:30 PM BBT In the HoHR Amanda speculates that Jessie was cast by BB simply because they knew she was looking for a showmance and were hoping for jealous cat fights. There is more talk about casting so we get FotH followed by all four feeds on a sleeping Jessie.

    6:36 PM BBT Since almost all the HGs are in the HoH talking about production my four feeds of sleeping Jessie are now all on McCrae standing in front of the fridge. [How rude BB, throw me a bone here--Goldylucks]

    6:38 PM BBT McCrae heads back up to the HoH room so we get a shot of the HoH door. Jessie gets up from her nap for a snack so now all four feeds are dedicated to her.

    6:45 PM BBT We get cameras back in the HoH where the HGs are talking about what they think they have done that might have been mentioned in "The Soup". Andy says Gina Marie is probably on there more than anyone else. Elissa says Rachel was always on there for her comments about her and her man. They all believe that they are getting great ratings similar to other great seasons because of America's involvement with the MVP.

    6:51 PM BBT Andy tells them in the HoHR that it would suck to get off the show to find out that you are the most hated player ever. They say Rachel was hated but it was a good hate. Even those hated her kind of loved her. McCrae jokes that everyone loved The Moving Company and hates Judd and Andy.

    6:52 PM BBT McCrae jokes that America probably loved The Moving Company and hates Andy and Judd. They all think that Nick probably came across as very cocky but Helen says she doesn't even remember what he looks like.

    6:57 PM BBT Gina Marie, Aaryn, and Jessie are in the KT. Aaryn is talking about definitely eating some ice cream after midnight when they aren't Have Nots anymore. She also thinks spaghetti would be amazing.

  15. 4:42 PM BBT Aaryn, Spencer and Andy are talking in the HoH about Jessie. They both agree that Jessie can say whatever she wants to. Jessie doesn't have anything on them and is only losing credibility with everyone in the house. Aaryn says Jessie will regret it later when she sees it on the show afterwards.

    4:46 PM BBT Elissa gets into the shower and lets out a scream. "Oh my gosh, it's cold, it's cold, it's cold." Jessie comes into the HoH and requests to speak with Andy. Jessie calmly confronts Andy about squealing to Helen and Elissa. Andy says he did it because he wanted them to stop being mean to her, not to break that trust.

    4:50 PM BBT Jessie to Andy: "If your intention was to smooth things over then it did the exact opposite. Helen went to Amanda and McCrae and threw me to the wolves." She tells him that she isn't mad at him but is just really confused. Andy said he wasn't around for most of it. Andy denies knowing about everyone planning to vote her out. He tells her he doesn't understand why everyone is flipping. Jessie "I'm not going to sit there and let people throw me under the bus like that."

    4:54 PM BBT Jessie tells Andy that she didn't fabricate any stories. She was simply stating what she knew to be true. She said she was giving him an opportunity but it backfired on her while she was already in a crappy position. Two people she trusted threw her under the bus while she was already on the block. Andy once again denies knowing anything. Jessie says she will not be good with Elissa or Helen until they come clean about their involvement last week. Jessie "it's like me being in dark about a million trillion billion things."

    4:58 PM BBT Jessie says she hasn't lied to anyone. She has masterminded anything. She has no one. She isn't going to let people push her out of the house without saying something. She won't be swept under the rug. Andy continues to tell Jessie that he went to Helen and Elissa to defend Jessie not to spread gossip. Jessie says she still wants to stay and if there is a way she can benefit his game to let her know. Andy reminds her that he doesn't have a vote. Andy tells her to work on the people that she thinks might be willing to keep her there but that she already knows what he will do if it comes to a tie.

    5:07 PM BBT After Jessie leaves HoH Andy goes straight downstairs and meets with Spencer, McCrae and Amanda in the BR. He retells everything he and Jessie just discussed. Andy admits that he covered his own fanny and denied knowing the house was targeting her all along. Spencer suggests it might be best to let Jessie think she still has a chance to be safe this week. Amanda says she doesn't care. Amanda tells Andy that Jessie is trying to make it look he is working with Helen and Elissa so he better make sure he proves otherwise if he gets any power. Amanda admits that she has been entertained by Jessie and wants to encourage her to step it up.

    5:16 PM BBT In the BY Helen and Gina Marie are on the hammock. Helen says she has already forgiven Jessie though it is likely Jessie will never forgive her. Gina Marie says she doesn't understand why Jessie is all up in Elissa's and Helen's grill but is buddy buddy with Amanda and McCrae. Helen says Jessie is hoping they can save her. Amanda is called to the DR. Helen "The name calling is to childish." Gina Marie "I don't like that. Once you start name calling you take it to another level. It's disgusting."

    5:20 PM Gina Marie tells Helen that Jessie is trying to go out with a bang. She's making herself look like a psychopath. Helen "She needs to go out with a bang in a good way, not go out with a bang in a bad way." Helen says BB needs to cast mature adults for the show.

    5:25 PM BBT Gina Marie is telling Helen that she sees something special or unique in every HGs except Jessie. She lists off each HG and says how they contributed to the show and what about their personality got them there. She and Helen neither one can come up with a single reason that BB cast Jessie.

    5:37 PM BBT All four feeds on Gina Marie and Helen still on the hammock. They think that this next HoH will be very rough. Helen expects someone new will win this time around. She is happy Aaryn has had it three times but she hopes everyone gets the chance to experience it.

    5:39 PM BBT Gina Marie asks Helen who the target is for next week. Helen assures that is Spencer. Meanwhile there is just some general chit chat in the KT between McCrae, Andy, and Elissa as Elissa scrubs down the fridge. Jessie is sitting alone by the pool eating chips.

    5:43 PM BBT Andy says that he plans to come clean with Jessie tomorrow. He is tired of her coming to talk strategy with him and him having to lie to her the whole time. He said that it doesn't matter at this point.

    5:45 PM BBT Jessie is alone by the pool. Gina Marie is now alone at the hammock. They are talking to each other across the yard. Jessie "I'm having a pretty tough time right now GM." Jessie says she is bored and then fighting with people on top of it is really depressing. Gina Marie says maybe they'll play Hot Potato later or something.

    5:50 PM BBT Helen can't NOT talk about her fight with Jessie so she has joined Amanda in the WA to talk about it some more. Helen tells her that she hopes something good can come out of it. Amanda is straightening her hair and there is still general chit chat going on in the KT.

    6:02 PM BBT Amanda has gone to the BR to lie down. McCrae joins her in the BR. He asks Amanda if she has received any new information. She said she hasn't and that all she has heard is that Spencer is definitely the target next week. Amanda tells McCrae that they have a 2 week window to get rid of Helen or they are screwed.

    6:08 PM BBT Amanda is pleading with McCrae for cuddles and a kiss. McCrae isn't in the mood. He keeps turning her down. Meanwhile Elissa is still scrubbing the fridge.

    6:29 PM BBT In the BY Helen is setting up for the BB wedding. Helen has made an orange runway with towels and has them help in place with the rubber ducks. Elissa is called to the DR.

    6:34 PM BBT Amanda announces to the house that the wedding will begin at 10:15 if they have had an alcohol delivery by then. She says she will need a drink first. Helen has informed Spencer that a bird has pooped on the pool table.

    6:37PM BBT McCrae and Andy are talking in the SR. It appears that if Helen gets HoH next week they are going to try to get Spencer and GM nominated with the intent to back door Aaryn. In actuality what they are hoping for is that Helen doesn't win it so they can backdoor her instead. They plan to share this info with Aaryn in advance so she doesn't hear about it and freak out. Meanwhile Amanda is trying to figure out how to turn the bed sheet into a wedding gown.

    6:44 PM BBT BB is having trouble with a camera. It is making a terrible grinding noise as they try to follow Amanda dressing up in her gown. Helen and Elissa both think what she has done with the sheet is amazing.

    6:46 PM BBT Amanda has taken her bra off from underneath her bed sheet "wedding gown" that is wrapped like a toga. While attempting to readjust her dress she reveals several shots of her chest including an almost complete frontal shot.

    6:58 PM BBT Amanda is still getting dressed for her BB wedding and BB tells her that she needs to put on her microphone. Meanwhile in the BY Spencer and Andy are talking about the fact that Spencer has never tweeted before and will need to be told how if he had to. Amanda is called into the DR.

  16. 4:01 PM BBT Spencer, McCrae, Amanda and Andy are talking in the HoH. Spencer and Amanda both suffered from chronic ear infections as children. Gina Marie is soaking up the sun in the BY.

    4:06 PM BBT Andy is called to the DR. Andy "I just got out of there." Spencer "You're the power dude." In the HoH they are discussing whether or not HGs from past seasons who went back into the house were sent to jury first. Meanwhile Aaryn has joined them in the HoH. General chit chat in the BY between Helen and Elissa as they lay out in the sun.

    4:10 PM BBT In the BY Gina Marie and Helen discover they have similar tastes in music. They both love the 80s, particularly Starship's "Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now" from Mannequin, Def Leppard, and White Snake. Jessie is more of a Britney Spears kind of girl and prefers pop. Elissa has a soft spot for Bryan Adams. Meanwhile in the HoH they are discussing the likelihood of a HG returning into the game from jury.

    4:14 PM BBT Andy is out of the DR and back in the HoH. Spencer "Have a good DR session?" Andy "Yes, I talked all about you." Aaryn says Jessie lives on a farm and will find the insulated camo one piece useful but isn't sure what Gina Marie would do with it.

    4:18 PM BBT Lots of music talk in the BY amongst the ladies leading to BB saying multiple times "Please Stop Singing." Amanda, McCrae, and Aaryn have left the HoH leaving Andy and Spencer to discuss movies alone. They have gone into the BY. McCrae says he is sick to his stomach and Aaryn says it's probably stress.

    4:28 PM BBT Just general chit chat in the BB house. All four feeds on Spencer and Andy in the HoH talking about Andy's grad school classes.

    4:34 PM BBT Andy and Spencer are still talking in the HoH. They are talking about how Aaryn can slaughter competitions including the double eviction HoH where she won in just 3 questions. Andy says it's a good week to be HoH. Andy asks Spencer who he would put up if he got HoH. Andy promises him total secrecy. Spencer says Helen and Elissa because Helen would beat everyone in final 2 and is good at competitions. Andy and Spencer both agree that Elissa is bad a comps.

    4:37 PM BBT Spencer tells Andy that whomever wins next week with either put up Amanda and McCrae or Elissa and Helen. Spencer and Andy feel like they are both in a good position for next week. Andy tells Spencer that if Helen wins don't be surprised if Andy acts like her best friend to stay safe. They tell each other that they are good with each other and can talk in secret without having to worry about the other spreading stuff.

    4:45 PM BBT Spencer and Andy are still talking in the HoH. Spencer says Helen still doesn't trust him because of him lying to her about David leaving. Andy "That was week one, if she still has a problem with it she can go F herself." Spencer says it's done. No forgiveness needed. McCrae joins them. The other feeds are on Jessie cleaning the kitchen and Gina Marie and Aaryn making a snack.

    4:50 PM BBT Feed watchers are getting a close up of Jessie's "girls" on camera 3. She is in her bikini up on top of the sink cleaning the one way glass. Andy and Spencer are still in the HoH talking about Candice's house meeting. Spencer said to himself during that meeting "What would my Mom want me to say." Andy "Any smart person would know that screwed only her and Howard and made Spencer look good."

    4:54 PM BBT Spencer and Andy are now talking about Howard. He was so big and intimidating looking at first but ended up being awful at competitions. They said he would have done better playing "Road Rules" from MTV. Spencer tells McCrae that he always figured there was more to him than just a pizza boy. Aaryn walks in and tells Andy she has something for his hands. She puts something in his hands and tells him to scrub. Andy hates how it feels. After rinsing Andy has baby soft hands. Aaryn tells him it's a special scrub she made for Amanda to get her tan off. Aaryn offers it to McCrae and calls it "Spa Day Aaryn." McCrae "It hurts, is it supposed to hurt?" Spencer "I need new hands." [Me too, me too--Goldylucks]

    5:00 PM BBT Aaryn to Andy "So, when's your Pandora's Box?" Andy "I hope soon, I want one bad." Aaryn tells him he will fall far when he realizes he isn't getting one. Andy says it was a crazy week going from not getting to do anything to getting to do everything. Spencer calls him King Andy. Andy says he misses regular Andy. They then start talking about Elissa super yoga turds and her awesome farting like cannon shots. Meanwhile Jessie is still cleaning up the KT.

    5:03 PM BBT Gina Marie has joined them in the HoH. They are speculating how they find out about family members coming to the finale. Spencer thinks they will get asked in DR who they want to come. BB "You are not allowed to talk about production." Gina Marie said her family would want to party. Spencer says his parents would want to see the house and would probably be ready to leave early. Andy would like to invite his parents and a friend. Gina Marie would want her nephew there. BB gives them another reminder not to talk about production and we get FotH.

    5:06 PM BBT the guys leave the HoH. They thought they were going to get in trouble for talking about production. Spencer jokes about BB "This is a public service announcement, if you don't shut F up" FotH. The camera booth is working. Amanda is in the booth. McCrae joins her. Andy goes into the BY and talks to Helen. They are trying to figure out which days the photo booth was turned on. 8,15,24,31, 38,45, and 52 days were the days. Helen tells Andy the anagram MAH-JAG-AA is how Helen remembers who won HoH in what order. Andy has trouble pronouncing that so she says do MAH-JAG-double A. Andy and Elissa go to the photo booth together leaving Helen to come up with an anagram for veto winners.

    5:14 PM BBT Next for the photo booth is Spencer and Jessie. He is wearing his sunglasses and she is wearing her green feather bunny ears. Aaryn is waiting in line wearing her mardi gras mask. She takes the picture alone and then replaces the mask with her sombrero. Next up is Andy, Spencer, and McCrae all wearing their sunglasses and dark gray hoodies.

    5:18 PM BBT Next up for their photo is Gina Marie. She takes one with her sombrero, her pink fuzzy bear hat, and Nick's hat. While wearing Nick's hat she makes the heart symbol with her hands. Amanda takes one in her camo hat while kissing the green stuffed frog. Since Aaryn and Andy both won the HoH and POV during their most recent reign they try to do a single 4 pictures sequence with each of them holding the HoH key and POV. Aaryn takes her photo, quickly passes it to Andy for his photo, and then quickly both of them jumping in together. They can't do it in the four seconds between photos without one of them messing it up.

    5:24 PM BBT While more photos are going on, Spencer and Jessie go outside by the pool. They don't think Andy is willing to make a move this week by using the veto to target a bigger threat. He is too afraid he won't have the votes. Jessie admits that she is afraid of bringing it up in case it backfires on her. Spencer says it will be his 4th speech as a nominee. He plans on wishing a family member a happy birthday during this next speech.

    5:28 PM BBT Spencer says it's pathetic that all the guys can fit into the photo booth together. Spencer says there is potential for all girls fighting against each other soon. Jessie "Girl fight." Spencer "I thought Andy would have more of a spine than to do what he did. It sucks dude." Jessie "Totally." Spencer asks her if she heard anything and all they are saying to her is that everyone is going to do what the house wants. Spencer says his feedback has been the same, all generic.

    5:40 PM BBT The photo booth picture session is still in full swing. Amanda and McCrae are discussing their BB wedding. They think it will be weird not having any music. McCrae says he doesn't think "Here Comes The Bride" is copyrighted but Amanda says it doesn't matter. Even when they make up stuff BB tells them to stop singing. They then discuss how to make sourdough. They don't understand how to get the outside brown.

    5:43 PM BBT Gina Marie joins the sourdough pretzel conversation. She says she knows the Famous Anus ones (Famous Amos). When she walks away Amanda says that is the funniest thing out of Gina Marie's mouth this whole time. Meanwhile Elissa and Helen are in the SR to discuss Jessie. Elissa says she would like to play with girls but that Jessie is to unpredictable. Helen "No, she's got to go."

    5:48 PM BBT McCrae and Aaryn join Helen in the SR. They are talking about who Jessie has spoken to about backdooring Amanda. Helen "who is she wanting to backdoor next?" Aaryn tells them that 100% Spencer is more dangerous than Jessie but she will vote out Jessie if that is what they want. Helen admits that they can't let him win HoH next week. Aaryn tells them that she will vote the way that everyone feels is best but that Spencer makes her physically ill. Aaryn leaves and Helen and McCrae are discussing who Jessie would possibly nominate if left in the house.

    5:56 PM BBT McCrae goes up to talk to Andy in the HoH. McCrae tells him that Helen is going to want to talk to him soon about Amanda being too dangerous to take to final 4. According to him Helen said that Aaryn will choose to take Amanda over McCrae. They will all need to get together to talk about it later. McCrae says he has a girl at home that probably hates him now. Andy asks him about his relationship with Amanda after the game. McCrae says he doesn't know. He and Amanda are both there to win so he can never 100% trust her but he knows he has to.

  17. 7:05 PM BBT Feeds are back. It does not appear like the HoH has been played. Lots of crying going on. Gina Marie "Some go out with class and some don't." Helen "It helps everybody's game. This was the biggest move so far in this game." Aaryn is called to the DR. Andy is sitting alone wiping away tears and Amanda says McCrae is upset because he was very close to Judd.

    7:08 PM BBT Some basic discussion on the Summer School comp. McCrae still isn't talking to anyone. Andy about Candice "She left like she was in the house. She kept it real." Gina Marie "That's why she left, that's the way she treated everyone in here. It's disgusting." Andy and McCrae say almost simultaneously "That sucked" about Judd leaving.

    7:10 PM BBT Helen says Judd's mistake was winning HoH that week. That's when all that stuff came out. Amanda says Judd wanted to get rid of girls and was pushing McCrae to distance himself from Amanda. They all tell Jessie that he was pushing to get rid of her too. Jessie "Wow!! All I can say is wow." Helen "He was very good at this game. He was very Fing good."

    7:14 PM BBT Amanda with tears "He would kill to get here again. If someone from jury comes back it will be him. Everyone out there loves him." They all agree that Judd was definitely a floater and played a good game.

    7:17 PM BBT More discussion in the BR about Candice and her flaming speech. Amanda was surprised that she wasn't Candice's speech target. Gina Marie tells her it was because she called Candice a rat. Amanda wants Jessie to tell her if Judd had told her anything. Jessie doesn't give her anything.

    7:25 PM BBT Andy says that he wanted to keep Judd on a personal level but they would have regretted it later if they didn't get rid of him. Jessie asks Helen to explain to her why they kept her in the dark. They let him sleep in the same bed as him when he was trying to get rid of her. Helen "We couldn't tell you because you were so close. You would have turned on us. If you hadn't won veto he was sending you home."

    7:28 PM McCrae tells Amanda and Andy in the cockpit. "That girl was here to play. She just won HoH and veto." Andy is upset he went so fast in the Summer School comp. "I'm sorry America that I suck at everything." Elissa walks in "What do you think about keeping it real?" McCrae "That was awesome."

    7:31 PM BBT Amanda pulls Aaryn into the Have Not room. Amanda hugs her. She says it was a huge move. "I will never doubt you again. McCrae will never doubt you. Andy and Helen will never doubt you." Meanwhile in the KT the HGs are speculating that the next HoH will take place tonight. Andy "I am the worst HoH player ever." Andy hugs Aaryn "That was without a doubt the hardest thing I have ever done in this game."

    7:35PM BBT Aaryn and Spencer are talking in the KT. She tells him that she didn't want to do that to him. Spencer says there is bound to be a shift soon. Aaryn said she wanted to keep it the same because no one would have voted against Spencer and Jessie would have gone home. She says too many people told her not to. She says Judd lied to everyone and had lots of final 2 deals.

    7:38 PM BBT Amanda says out loud to the house. "Way to start jury off right. 2 people there that hate my guts." Helen assures her that Judd hates Helen and Elissa and at least Judd gave her a hug when leaving. Helen tells her that it was a huge move and Aaryn has earned her place there.

    7:42 PM BBT A very shocked Jessie is talking to Andy in the BR. "He was just making out with me." Helen and Aaryn are talking about the old fake alliance with Kaitlin. They insist that Judd made the whole thing up. Andy tells Jessie he feels bad about his goodbye comment to Kaitlin because "she was telling the truth the whole time."

    7:46M BBT McCrae, Spencer, and Amanda are in the cockpit. McCrae is still saying "this sucks". They all predict the HoH will be tonight because they can set the ball/board game up really easy. Amanda is talking about not doing well in the POV. McCrae tells Amanda that she is not good at following directions and she agrees with him. Amanda "He was definitely MVP. Without a doubt."

    7:48 PM BBT Jessie says this may be selfish but is wondering if they are going to get to keep his cigarettes. He still has about 3 weeks left. McCrae said he will ask DR if they are going to get him some for jury house. They change the conversation back to Candice and Gina Marie's fight on National TV. McCrae "that's when I said this IS big brother."

    7:54 PM BBT In the cockpit is Gina Marie, Amanda, Aaryn, Andy, and Spencer. Gina Marie is really trash talking Candice. "She isn't a lady, she's disgusting." Aaryn "All that's going to come out of her mouth is we are monsters." Gina Marie "That's the way she acted, she fought with everyone. I don't act like a mutant." Aaryn "My parents probably feel like they failed as parents because I have done everything in the house I am not supposed to do. They are going to be freaking pi**ed."

    7:57 PM BBT Andy and Spencer are both saying they really want pictures. Spencer would trade the letter for 2 more photos. Andy wouldn't. He wants to hear from home but that he sucks at HoHs. Andy "I'm going to get so much crap when I get home from my friends for sucking so bad." Andy "One thing that Judd and I had in common was our anxiety." They change the subject to speculating if they will have a Have Not competition or a food comp. Andy "BB, how about a food comp. Those have nots suck. We just went through a double eviction. Throw us a bone."

    8:04 PM BBT Amanda and Andy are now alone in the cockpit. She tells him that this big move has really bonded her and Helen but says that McCrae, her, and Andy are still the 3 above all the others. Andy "yeah, duh." They speculate if Gina Marie wins she nominate Jessie and Spencer. Amanda "Jessie can NOT win HoH."

    8:07 PM BBT Amanda tells McCrae and Andy that the only one she is afraid of is Jessie. Andy "I want this HoH so freaking bad. I want a win of some kind." Amanda "We need to make sure that you, me, McCrae, and Aaryn never go up on the block together." Andy tells Amanda about Jessie mentioning to him to get out Amanda this week. Andy says he has influence over her. Amanda "we can trust Aaryn because she has no one to turn to." Andy says he needs to start distancing himself from them and get in good graces with Helen and Spencer.

    8:10 PM BBT Andy tells Amanda and McCrae in the cockpit that DR gives him a chance to talk about this. "Amanda probably thinks I'm just a big idiot that just does what I'm told." They are trying to determine the order they need to get people out. They think the need to get Jessie, and Spencer and THEN go after Helen.

    8:14 PM BBT Most of the HGs are talking and eating in the KT. They are hoping for more generosity from BB in the competitions such as higher cash prizes. Amanda, McCrae, and Andy are still in the cockpit. Andy is just happy that he made it to jury because he will at least get thirteen grand. If he left before jury he wouldn't be able to pay his bills. Andy "I think it will haunt me forever watching Judd plead." McCrae "That will be my nightmare." Andy "If Judd had 4 days like everyone else he would have stayed. He was breaking my heart."

    8:18 PM BBT Aaryn in the KT to Gina Marie and Helen "All the BB stars are aligned." In the cock pit McCrae, Andy, and Amanda are talking about BB Canada and Gary made it jury, came back, and made it to final 2.

    8:23 PM Aaryn tells Elissa and Gina Marie in the KT that it was creepy that Judd kissed her on the mouth. "You don't kiss me on the mouth while making out with someone else." Aaryn is called back to the DR. Amanda suspects that since this is Aaryn's second trip to DR since evictions that they might be about to play HoH. Andy "I'm sick of being irrelevant in this darn show."

    8:25 PM BBT Aaryn is already out of the DR. DR just wanted to tell her that they are preparing something for her for her HoH win. Helen has joined Spencer, Amanda, and McCrae in the cockpit. Helen refers to Aaryn as Janelle 2.0 and that if she was a spectator she would pull for Aaryn. They discuss that this is technically her third HoH win. Aaryn talks to Andy in the SR. She tells him that she is worried that she did all this and will then be on the block next week. Andy tells her she is safe and that she has never given Andy a reason to trust her.

    8:30 PM BBT Jessie tells Andy that the Summer School set with all the desks was so cool. Andy "Yeah, even though you and I sucked it was neat." Helen is doing the math and determining that they have 9 more evictions and 9 more HGs so there can't be another double eviction.

    8:38 PM BBT Jessie in the cockpit "Thanks Judd for being a good partner and not involving me in all the lies and stuff. He didn't even tell me about the Kaitlin thing." Helen "I think he was just playing every side of the house." Jessie "I just don't know what he was thinking." Everyone but Aaryn (in DR) is crammed into the cock pit. Helen about Judd "excellent player, by far the best player so far to leave the game." Spencer "He had all you suckers fooled." Helen "super good, super super super good."

    8:43 PM BBT We have trivia. They might be getting ready to play for HoH.

    8:54 PM BBT Still on trivia. Must be HoH competition under way.

  18. 6:03 PM Helen and Spencer are talking in the cockpit. They are talking about their distrust of Aaryn and Jessie. Helen about Jessie "she has lost a lot of trust from a lot of people." Helen tells him that if she could choose she would vote to keep Spencer over Jessie.

    6:11 PM BBT Judd and McCrae have a brief talk in the Have Not room. Gina Marie and Spencer talk briefly in the LR. Everyone is just securing the votes for tomorrow and no one trusts Jessie anymore.

    6:22 PM BBT We have been on FotH the last 10 minutes.

    6:34 PM BBT Still on FotH.

    7:00 PM BBt Stil FotH for almost an hour.

  19. 4:45 PM BBT BB has called another indoor lockdown. Jessie is getting the laundry out of the dryer before she heads inside.

    4:56 PM BBT McCrae is in the HoHR with Gina Marie. They are going to do a double check with everyone to make sure they have the 4 votes needed to get rid of Candice. McCrae tells Gina Marie "The wording of it makes it sound like a double eviction." Judd and Helen are in the SR. Judd says they all did really well with the board/ball game. Helen said she sucked at it. He also tells Helen it's likely a double eviction.

    4:59 PM BBT Judd has also put it together that jury starts with this eviction. "They wouldn't get rid of two but only put one of them in jury."

    5:01 PM BBT Spencer whispers to Amanda in the BR that if it is a double eviction and he wins the first HoH part he will meet with her and McCrae in the cockpit. He says they'll figure it out together. Spencer and Amanda are discussing the odd quiet of the house. It gives Spencer a weird feeling that he can't put his finger on.

    5:05 PM BBT Spencer, McCrae, and Amanda are in the BR. They feel pretty comfortable that they have the 4 votes to get rid of Candice. They all believe it will be a double eviction tomorrow. In the HoHR Gina Marie has sent Judd to get Jessie. She tells Judd she wants to secure the vote for tomorrow. Jessie comes up and she asks her to tell her where her head is at. Jessie tells her "At this point I just don't feel like discussing it." Gina Marie thanks her and Jessie leaves. Gina Marie asks for Andy next. Jessie tells Andy, Spencer, Amanda, and McCrae in the BR that Gina Marie's power is over.

    5:11 PM BBT Andy comes up tot he HoHR. Gina Marie tells him what Jessie said to her and that she is trouble. Andy confirms he is voting out Candice. Gina Marie says she will share Jessie's reaction to McCrae but plans on not saying anything to Amanda.

    5:13 PM BBT Gina Marie leaves the HoHR and asks to talk to Helen in the SR. She rehashes her conversation with Jessie. Gina Marie tells Helen that Jessie will have a huge target if she votes against the house. Helen wants Gina Marie to know that she is voting out Candice for Gina Marie and to prove she is trustworthy. Gina Marie promises not to put up Helen and has her back.

    5:16 PM BBT Helen is telling Gina Marie again how much of a favor it is that Helen is voting against Candice. They are both worried about Jessie possibly winning tomorrow.

    5:19 PM BBT Gina Marie goes to the Have Not Rom to talk to McCrae and Amanda comes in. Amanda "Someone told me that you hate me." Amanda makes Gina Marie pinky swear not to say anything before she reveals that Aayn was the source of this information. Gina Marie says you can tell who she doesn't like because every time Candice walks into the room Gina Marie leaves. Gina Marie promises that she never said that. Gina Marie tells Amanda that Aaryn said the same thing about Kaitlin all the time and that Aaryn hates everyone. Gina Marie thinks this is all because of jealousy. Aaryn is afraid Gina Marie might be chosen over Aaryn eventually. Gina Marie "If I didn't like you, I would treat you like Candice."

    5:23 PM BBT Amanda to Gina Marie "Don't you Fing say anything to her, even if you are mad." Gina Marie promises and Amanda leaves. Gina Marie tells McCrae that Aaryn told her to put Amanda up. She then rehashes the conversation she had with Jessie and they both leave.

    5:31 PM BBT Amanda tells Elissa, Judd, and Andy that she is worried. "Another blindside, by someone I trust." About Jessie Amanda says "She doesn't have to say what her vote is, it's her vote." Amanda thinks that maybe Gina Marie may be asking everyone about their vote because she is upset that her reign is almost over. Elissa "She didn't even ask me."

    5:34 PM BBT Helen and Aaryn are talking in the cockpit. Helen says they need to play smarter. McCrae could probably rally Spencer, Gina Marie, and Andy at this point. Plus, Amanda can reel McCrae in. Helen is telling her that they need to be careful. They both agree that Candice is leaving and Helen tells her that Elissa and her are voting that way simply to prove their loyalty to Aaryn and Gina Marie.

    5:42 PM BBT Just general chit chat in the house. Gina Marie is starting to take her belongings back downstairs.

    5:54 PM BBT Not much going on in the house. Some of the HGs are packing and moving for tomorrow.

  20. 5:22 PM BBT Spencer and Andy are joking in the BR. Andy says Judd is 0 for 4 in Have Not competitions. They both agree they don't want on his team for Have Not competitions. They want to be on Aaryn. She hasn't lost one yet but she was HoH for two of them.

    5:29 PM BBT Andy, Amanda, and McCrae are all hiding under the covers in the BR. Spencer is (sort of) sneaking up on them and making them scream like little girls. Hey yanks the covers off and Amanda screams bloody murder. Andy is laughing through it all. Amanda "It's just really hard to explain."

    5:31 PM BBT Elissa comes into the BR where Andy, Spencer, Amanda, and McCrae are. She announces the bachelorette party is at 9pm. Andy jokes "Thanks for announcing to Amanda when her party is. Your party is at 9 Amanda whether you are coming or not." Elissa "The only thing that matter is whether or not you are there Andy because you are live entertainment."

    5:33 PM BBT Helen and Judd are laying on the lounge together in the BY. Helen says it will be crazy if Jessie wins HoH Thursday. Judd thinks it may be a knock out round. He tells her that he would want to put Helen up against Jessie because Helen is the smartest and could knock Jessie out. Helen says that what works so well for their alliance is that each person has their own talents. Each are good at something and though the won't win them all, then will win most.

    5:36 PM BBT Andy joins Helen and Judd in the BY. Judd said he is nervous about taking prizes. He said people would tell him to take prizes but it makes him wonder if they want him to take prizes so they can backdoor him. Helen "Please Judd, take prizes so we can backdoor you." Helen and Judd both say that they like Spencer. They hope they can protect him next week. They are afraid that he will go up, especially if Jessie wins.

    5:39 PM BBT Judd tells Helen the key is to get rid of bitter jury people. Helen thinks Jessie would be bitter and would vote a winner based on crazy reasons. She would vote against someone that nominated her. Judd mentions that Elissa once said she didn't want to go to jury. Helen tells him that she doesn't feel that way anymore. She was the biggest target for 3 straight week and was completely miserable. They are discussing how the house would be different if David and Nick had stayed in the house.

    5:45 PM BBT Just general chit chat in the house about why New York has the best pizza. Amanda says it's because of the dirty water. Aaryn is cleaning up the KT.

    5:50 PM BBT In the BY McCrae says he is going to lie down again. Judd jokes that he better take a shower before laying down in his bed. He then says they are going to play a new game called Torture McCrae. Andy says he would be interested in playing that. Meanwhile Elissa is telling Amanda in the WA that she has her wedding all planned out.

    5:55 PM Jessie, Judd, and Aaryn are in the BY talking about Playboy. Aaryn said she doesn't understand why they have to naked. Judd tells her that's the whole point but there is literature in there too. Spencer says it's more classy than magazines. McCrae and Amanda head back to bed.

    6:03 PM BBT Just general chit chat in the house. Gina Marie is talking about her hair and Helen is talking about the people who work really hard but never real make it in the career world.

    6:11 PM BBT McCrae and Amanda are snuggling under the covers again the BR. He tells her she has pizza breath. Helen and Candice are still talking about careers.

    6:18 PM BBT The next round of pizza is done. Candice sings that she likes pizza but that the calories don't like her butt. Amanda and McCrae are still under the covers. Amanda says he is trying to suffocate her. Andy comes walks through and just stares at them. Amanda wants to play tent again.

    6:23 PM BBT Aaryn is telling Spencer in the BY that she doesn't know who she can trust anymore and that she isn't doing anyone's dirty work anymore. Aaryn tells Spencer that Candice is campaigning for him to leave instead of Amanda. Meanwhile Andy joins McCrae and Amanda in the BR so they have to surface out from under the covers.

    6:28 PM BBT Helen and Candice are still talking about their careers. The current topic is Helen's job and her maternity leave. In the BR Andy has found the junk drawer. Andy "The Mother Load!!" McCrae rolls over and Amanda fusses at him "Stop turning your back on me. I hate that so much."

  21. 4:09 PM BBT Still no signal on the feeds. Fear not friends, we will be watching and waiting to report all the current happenings of the house as soon as the feeds return.

    4:29 PM BBT We have a new message on the feeds screen. "Something is technically wrong. We're going to fix it and have things back to normal soon."

    4:30 PM BBT. We have sound. I can hear Helen and Elissa talking. Helen tells her that if given the chance she will throw Thursday's HoH to her. Helen is trying to give Elissa a pep talk. Elissa is down in the dumps.

    4:37 PM BBT Feeds are back!!

    4:38 PM BBT McCrae and Amanda are laying in bed. Helen and Elissa are on the hammock. Elissa is talking about Gina Marie. Gina Marie made her heart melt in showing her appreciation for Elissa doing her hair.

    4:42 PM BBT Helen and Elissa are talking about Gina Marie not even having a credit card or debit card. Helen predicts that Gina Marie will win the fan favorite prize and could really use the money. Elissa tells Helen she doesn't mean to come across as rude but she just isn't interested in talking game with the other people in the house right now.

    4:43 PM BBT Judd comes into the BR where McCrae and Amanda are laying down to change clothes. Amanda jokes with him saying she can see his genital warts.

    4:50 PM BBT Helen and Candice are laying out in the BY talking about the movie "How to lose a guy in 10 days." In the BR Amanda is talking about menstrual cycle mishaps.

    4:54 PM BBT Aaryn and Gina Marie are in the HoHR. Gina Marie says that she hates it that BB has already referred to her as a bonehead and then she has to write stuff (HoH blog, tweets). Aaryn says she would rather be called bonehead instead of egotistical. Aaryn says Candice is jealous that Aaryn is now friends with everyone in the house but her. Aaryn says Candice yells at everyone all the time for no reason. Aaryn says she yells at people because they deserve it. Gina Marie "She hits low".

    4:59 PM BBT Aaryn is nervous that Amanda's attitude is so bad that it's making everyone in the house nervous. She's afraid it might interfere with Candice leaving. She feels something in her gut that things might change with Candice leaving and there is still another whole day ahead.

    5:05 PM BBT In the HoH room Aaryn tells Gina Marie that she has her doubts about Amanda. She thinks that Amanda is playing her. She is beginning to feel like Amanda has her doing her dirty work. Amanda is claiming to do things for Aaryn (like getting rid of Kaitlin) but it is really Amanda doing it for her own game. Aaryn "I am not cool with people using me and that is what it's starting to feel like is happening. Just some shady stuff going on in this house and I don't want to be the brunt of it anymore."

    5:10 PM BBT Aaryn in the HoHR is telling Gina Marie that they have earned credibility in the house. They keep it straight and they are trustworthy. Gina Marie "That's all me every day." Aaryn so many people in the house have no credibility. Gina Marie calls Candice a Rat F***.

    5:16 PM BBT Andy, McCrae, and Spencer are in the BR talking about what Jeremy might be doing now outside of the house. Spencer says Jeremy McGuire is a redneck name. Elissa walks in. They joke about the M & M's having a special power in the house. Spencer asks Elissa if she has done something different with her hair. Elissa says no. Spencer tells her it looks more dirty than usual. Elissa said it is probably the power of the M & M's.

  22. 5:00 PM BBT Just general chit through out the house. Spencer is planning to make hot dogs tonight. Elissa is stretching out in the HoH. Her and Gina Marie are talking about their preparations for the bachelorette party tonight.

    5:04 PM BBT In the BY Spencer is joking with Jessie that he threw her cigarettes in the hot tub. Jessie "I may have to beat your ass and self evict." Also in the BY, Amanda admits that she has cried every day the last few weeks.

    5:06 PM BBT In the BY Amanda and Spencer are talking about Jessie and her obsession about not being on the bottom rung of her alliance. Amanda says that a week ago she was final two material. McCrae comes out and Amanda teases him about wearing his pants too high up on his waste. She says he must have a really belly button.

    5:09 PM BBT In the BY Amanda is showing Jessie her tan lines to Jessie. Jessie tells her she looks like the Coppertone baby. Jessie wishes they had a BB guinea pig or something. Spencer said he wants a dog in the house. Amanda mentions she would like BB dinosaur. Meanwhile Aaryn and Helen are playing chess. Helen says Aaryn is playing too aggressive with her queen.

    5:13 PM BBT Amanda is called back into the tanning booth. Amanda "W...H..A..A...A...T. That some bulls***." The music comes on again and Gina Marie and Jessie fist pump and dance while Gina Marie yells "Jersey!!" Music goes off and back on again and just about everyone is dancing at the ropes like they are clubbing.

    5:18 PM BBT As Amanda exits the tanning booth she is drying off with a towel saying "This isn't 50 shades of Amanda, 50 shades of orange right now....maybe 51 now." Gina Marie runs up to her wanting to know if she is dry already. Gina Marie is rubbing her face all over Amanda's body and then runs to one of the windows in the BY trying to smooth it around. Elissa "Why can't we do it? This is so unfair."

    5:23 PM BBT the coffee cake muffins are done. Jessie says it makes the whole KT smell like a bakery. Spencer and McCrae are still in the BY, not overly excited about the muffins like the rest of them.

    5:27 PM BBT BB calls an IDLD. Spencer thinks they are going to put darker pigment in the spray tan booth. Spencer passes up on the muffins. They have walnuts on them. He hasn't always been allergic to nuts. It's happened just in the last one and a half years. Helen offers to make them without nuts next time. McCrae and Amanda go to lie down in the chair BR.

    5:33 PM BBT McCrae and Amanda are in the BR discussing tan fat vs white fat. Amanda says tan fat looks better. McCrae says it subjective bull crap put out by tanning companies. McCrae doesn't feel good today. Meanwhile everyone else is hanging out in the KT, most of them eating the coffee cake muffins.

    5:42 PM BBT McCrae tells Amanda in the BR that her skin is starting to look like leather. She says she feels like a used leather bomber jacket. Meanwhile Elissa is preparing to dye Gina Marie's hair in the HoHR. McCrae, Spencer, and Andy go into the SR looking for the condoms. They are planning to use it tomorrow as pranks. Spencer laughs saying he is going to put one on a cucumber. Andy notices that four of them are missing. Spencer says Helen used them to make balloon animals.

    5:51 PM BBT Elissa is dyeing Gina Marie's hair in the HoHR. Aaryn tells them that she once dyed her hair so many times her cuticles would no longer take any color. She spent over $300 trying to fix her hair (roots and tips never the same shade) and it came out after the first washing. She says she won't be able to go red again until her hair grows out. Helen says Julie Chen has the best job ever. She's the host of BB, hosts her own talk show, and is married to the President of CBS.

    5:57 PM BBT Helen is telling Gina Marie about The Talk. She explains the panel to her and how Julie Chen is to The Talk like Barbara Walters is of The View. Helen and Elissa both prefer The Talk over The View. Meanwhile Andy, McCrae, Spencer, and Amanda are all hanging out in the chair BR. Just general chit chat.

  23. 5:00 PM Amanda, McCrae, and Judd are sitting in the BY. They are discussing whether or not this week's evictee gets to go to jury. They don't think so. Judd asks Helen if she is still drunk. Helen tells him no. Meanwhile Andy, Gina Marie, and Aaryn are in the HoHR. They are discussing their Head Shots and that photographers are everywhere in New York.

    5:03 PM BBT Amanda get her cue that it is time to tan again. Gina Marie gets all excited and almost gets her cone of shame stuck in the HoHR door trying to get out. She jams to the music yelling "It's Jersey Time!!" Gina Marie is sitting outside the tanning booth hoping to get some mist on her face. Amanda tells BB that it isn't working again. Amanda "This happens every freaking time."

    5:08 PM BBT Amanda goes inside to get the directions and gets the tanning booth working. Everyone else is lined up outside watching her. Judd thinks it smells good. They give her a round of applause when she gets done. With a palm full of spray tan Amanda places her hand on McCrae's cheek. He calls it war paint.

    5:10 PM BBT Candice in her clown-tard is working out on the elliptical and then joins Jessie, Helen, and Aaryn around the hot tub. Just general chit chat. Amanda is cleaning up in the WA from her spray tan.

    5:17 PM BBT Judd is sleeping. Spencer is trying to. BB gives us a close up of Amanda's face. She is significantly paler where she wears her goggles in the tanning booth. Helen is in the HoH listening and whistling to music. Candice, Elissa, and Amanda are just hanging out in the KT. Amanda is afraid her skin is going to start scabbing on her face from the lack of moisturizer that she is used to. She can't shower until 11pm.

    5:22 PM Candice has made some minor modifications to the top of her clown unitard. Candice "Clowny is getting jazzy." Elissa "You couldn't make it better." Candice tells Elissa that she can only take any of it off when she goes to bed.

    5:24 PM BBT In the BY Aaryn is telling Amanda and McCrae that everyone seems to be mad in the house. Everyone but McCrae and Judd are acting different. Amanda "I'm not acting weird am I?" Aaryn "You seem mad this week." Amanda asks if there has been any game talk to today. Aaryn said not since last night. When asked for details Aaryn said she is worried. Everyone seems to be overcompensating that Candice is going. She is concerned they are just trying to make her believe it but that it might not be true.

    5:36 PM BBT Helen and Gina Marie are soaking their feet in the HOH tub. Gina Marie is telling her about the time her family member's dog had surgery and had to wear a cone. Gina Marie tells Helen she never really considered nominating Elissa because she fought to get her off to two straight weeks. At this point, why nominate her when no one would vote her out. She says she is used to Elissa now. In the BY Aaryn is talking to Amanda and McCrae. They are discussing next week's nominations. Amanda tells her that even if Aaryn or she were nominated there will be enough votes to keep them. Aaryn tells Amanda that if given a chance Gina Marie would vote Amanda out. Gina Marie thinks she and Aaryn are alone in the game.

    5:45 PM BBT Aaryn goes into the kitchen. Amanda tells McCrae that she really wants Jessie out next week. McCrae agrees. Aaryn comes back. They are discussing that they may need to ask Andy to throw next week's HoH. They think he would be willing to do it if they can convince him it is best for their alliance. Aaryn is not looking forward to a "knock out" HoH comp. She knows everyone will want to knock her out making it impossible for her to win it. Meanwhile Gina Marie and Helen are still soaking their feet in the HoH tub talking about life outside the house.

    5:50 PM BBT In the BY McCrae again tells Amanda that she is putting a bigger target on herself by constantly talking game to everyone. Aaryn and Amanda are discussing whether keeping Elissa in the game is good for them. Amanda admits that Elissa isn't a good gamer. They discuss that it might be best to keep Spencer in the game because he is on Elissa's radar right now and Aaryn isn't at the moment. In the HOH BR Gina Marie is looking forward to going to the Monster Truck Rally with Nick.

    5:53 PM BBT Amanda wants to talk about possibly getting Gina Marie to put up Judd tomorrow. McCrae says there is no point talking about it. Amanda says she is in serious danger if Judd is the MVP because he's just going to keep putting her up. Aaryn doesn't like that idea because that would mean Candice stays and she would probably end up staying next week too. Aaryn tells Amanda that even if she might not like what Amanda is going to say she would rather hear it anyway than being blindsided.

    5:57 PM BBT Amanda is really afraid that if she is nominated next week that it is very likely that the MVP would put up McCrae. They are trying to determine who (besides themselves) could win HoH and not put one of them up. Amanda says Aaryn is probably safe regardless. No one is going to nominate her because they still think she has no alliances in the house. Aaryn says it will be a knock out round Thursday and she has no chance of winning. Amanda "Judd is the common denominator in all the issues that could break up alliances. He keeps putting me up and that hurts our numbers." Aaryn "What is the only way we can really tell if it is Judd?" Amanda "By getting rid of him."

  24. 5:00 PM BBT In the HoH Judd is talking to Gina Marie. He wanted to reassure her that he already saw Candice couldn't win the veto before he took the cash prize. He says the others are giving him the impression that he may go up because of it. Gina Marie just wants him to keep her safe next week since she can't play HoH and to vote Candice out.

    5:03 PM BBT Gina Marie to Judd "Forget veto, it's just a necklace. You weren't in danger. Your girlfriend isn't in danger." Gina Marie says her speech tomorrow will be very nice. Her cone of shame makes her itch.

    5:06 PM BBT Gina Marie is now venting about Elissa. She says Elissa asks them to DO DO DO and doesn't do anything in return. Aaryn is stressing to Gina Marie that Elissa has promised Aaryn safety and that could be jeopardized if she goes up this week. "Her whole role in life will be to get you out." Gina Marie "If she wants to play dirty, we'll play dirty. Aaryn is trying to convince Gina Marie to put up Spencer.

    5:12 PM BBT Lots of trash talk about Candice in the HoH between Aaryn and Gina Marie with Judd listening in. In the LR we have Helen, Elissa, Andy, and Spencer. Just general chit chat.

    5:16 PM BBT Gina Marie "I can't believe I got out on the first frog toss." Aaryn "That's better than tanning every hour. That means every hour for 2 days she (Amanda) will have to get up and tan." Gina Marie jokes in front of Judd that if he had given up $5,000 for a POV when he has a free week she would have jumped over there and slapped him.

    5:20 PM BBT In the HoH Aaryn is talking about how she coached some of the HGs before the POV. She told them if they could take the veto but someone was still up there that would want it, to go ahead and forget the veto or they would get stuck with something bad. She says Candice would have walked away with the money if she had not taken the veto.

    5:24 PM BBT In the BR Jessie is in bed talking to Andy and Helen. They are talking about how mean Amanda has been lately. Even McCrae told her "shut up Amanda". Jessie says she finds Amanda to be as mean if not meaner than Jeremy was. Aaryn walks in and tells them that she just talked Gina Marie out of nominating Elissa. Helen says she will talk to Elissa and maybe she can get her to agree to vote out Candice. They don't want Gina Marie or Elissa to flip out.

    5:24 PM BBT In the BR Jessie is in bed talking to Andy and Helen. They are talking about how mean Amanda has been lately. Even McCrae told her "shut up Amanda". Jessie says she finds Amanda to be as mean if not meaner than Jeremy was. Aaryn walks in and tells them that she just talked Gina Marie out of nominating Elissa. Helen says she will talk to Elissa and maybe she can get her to agree to vote out Candice. They don't want Gina Marie or Elissa to flip out.

    5:33 PM BBT Helen and Elissa are in the cockpit. Elissa tells her that she feels they really can't trust anyone anymore except Andy. Helen "That's all we need." Helen tells Elissa that she MUST vote with the house this week. Candice is going anyway and she will be public enemy #1 if she is the sole vote for Candice to stay. Helen tells her it's okay to lie to her all week. Candice is bad for their game. She's not a good game player. She threw their names out there during the POV. "She is not for us. I don't know why you think she is. She hasn't done anything for us."

    5:38 PM BBT Elissa understands what Helen is trying to tell her. Helen "we have to stay on the same page." Elissa "I'm on your page." Elissa sees that it's not worth it to turn her back on what the house wants. Everyone will come after her. Elissa "She's got to go. It just sucks so bad."

    5:41 PM BBT As Elissa is leaving the cockpit she tells Helen "I am on board." Meanwhile just general chit chat in the LR between Andy, McCrae, and Spencer.

    5:45 PM BBT Gina Marie has determined there is no way she can do her hair while wearing the cone of shame. She puts on a ballcap. Helen comes up the HoH to let her know that Elissa is now on board to vote out Candice.

    5:50 PM BBT Helen tells Gina Marie how Candice brought her and Elissa's names up when she was arguing with Amanda. Helen said she had to spend 30 minutes doing damage control with Judd because he may be MVP. Gina Marie mentions Candice screaming to Spencer at the house meeting "Keep my ****** name out of your **** mouth." Gina Marie "She needs to keep everyone's names out of her mouth and learn her own lesson."

    5:53 PM BBT Gina Marie tells Helen that when Candice called her a snake she wanted to say that Candice is a rat and it's okay because snakes eat rats. She said she was a better person and kept her mouth shut. Gina Marie about her cone of shame: "I am trooper. I can't be mad at it. Got to take everything as it comes." She continues "I would rather be a dog (with a cone) than a rat." She then barks like a small dog.



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