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Everything posted by Nakomis_Rules

  1. Rachel & Ivette are checkin' out the spycam!
  2. "None of these bitches are my type, ok?" - Beau
  3. LOL!!!! I don't know if I heard this right, my RealPlayer was minimized but here's what i thought I heard: (female hg) Who's earplugs are these? (male hg) What do they taste like?
  4. Eric's talking about how he's been in a few calenders of firemen from his firehouse, & how whenever his wife is looking @ them "she passes right by my ass to look at another guy"
  5. A few HGs are talking about sexuality, & making fun & stereotyping people who are different. Lots of opinions being expressed. Ashlea (i think) just told Beau that she didn't know if he was gay or not, she thought he may just be metrosexual. Now they're talking about Beau being "obviously" gay, but how they didn't want to offend him by asking.
  6. Lol--Scott & Jase did this last year anyways, i.e. Jase wasn't really a firefighter & Scott got the houseguests to believe it was his birthday.
  7. It's funny to me that the majority is liking Howie. He seems like this year's Scott for me.
  8. Thanks! This is definitely going to be an interesting season!
  9. Ever since I saw that one of Ivette's favorite shows was the L-Word I've been hoping she was a lesbian! I dunno, maybe she just likes the show, but a dyke can hope!
  10. OMG I've done this...but I'm too worn out now to add my answers up, lol. Maybe in a lil while...
  11. Hey I think James's pic on CBS is cute!
  12. Hey everyone! I'm watching As the World Turns right now & I was in the kitchen making lunch during a commercial & I heard a commercial w/ the NEW HOUSEGUESTS air!!!! I ran back to the living room but I didn't catch any of it . I'm hoping it airs again soon!
  13. AHHHHHHHH LOOK @ ALL THE HOTTIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is gonna be a good summer :twisted: I also noticed that one of them likes the L-Word! A lesbian in the house??? I can only wish...
  14. I've seen like 3 new ones in the past 48 hours!!! I'm gettin' pumped!!!
  15. Hi Mouse. I know I saw it sometime this evening...like around CSI time. Hope that helps. Maybe it'll be on again tomorrow evening. Or maybe it'll be shown more regularly as premier time approaches.
  16. I think I saw a different commercial. There's a commercial airing on KCTV 5 in Kansas City that has... OMG!!!!!!!!!! As I was typing this the commercial you all are talking about came on! It was cute . Anyways, the one that's been airing a few times here (besides the "fun in the sun" one that's been airing for a few weeks now) was an announcer saying that last year's BB had twists so big they blew the roof off (& showed shots of the BB5 hg's w/ shocked looks on their faces. Then it cuts to Julie saying something like "If you think last year's twists were big, you aint seen nothin' yet" I'm getting SO ANTSY for this season to start! I just wish they'd show the new hg's already!!! As I remember, last year they showed commercials w/ the current hgs about 2 weeks before the show started, so ANY TIME NOW we should be seeing them!
  17. God I love it!!!!!!!!!!!!! If I could download tones on my phone I'd sooooooo do it!!!! Everytime I hear the theme music though, it just doesn't seem complete until I hear Julie Chen saying "Welcome Back"
  18. Congrats on your new career path, Murf!!! I'm sure you'll have much success! Myself on the other hand...I STILL don't have my M.S. I tried & failed Statistics II AGAIN this past spring. And to make matters worse, I'm thinking about TOTALLY redoing my thesis! Different topic and everything! Ugh. And right now I'm in Kansas City trying to start a life here & get a good job. I have some interesting prospects open right now, but nothing I/O related, I'm afraid. Butttt...I applied to be a Victim Advocate with the Kansas City Anti-Violence Project. It's a non-profit group that helps GLBT victims of domestic abuse & hate crimes. There's another position I applied for as well, helping low-income senior citizens find community resources that will help pay for utilities, Medicare, etc. So basically, I'm looking for MEANINGFUL work for now . And hopefully...one day...I'll have those two coveted letters @ the end of my name...
  19. I'm heeeeere!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We seriously need to have a party! I've missed you all so much!
  20. Crazy & Jem...{{{{HUGGLES}}}} It's good to be back! And of course {{{{MURF}}}} Ugh, I'm itching in anticipation for BB6!!! I've been so busy I nearly forgot what a great time I had last summer w/ you all. It'll be great sharing another summer w/ all of you! And it'll be great fun meeting new people here as well! Let's get the party started, shall we?
  21. Wow a legend? Really? Well nice to meet you & thanx for the ego boost, lol!
  22. Boo . I've missed you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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