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Everything posted by StephenV

  1. Mike's done shaving and Jenny says he doesn't look that much different.."just clean"
  2. Mike is about to shave off his goatee. He said he hasn't been without one in years
  3. James, Eric and Kaysar are arguing about the Iraq War. Both Eric and Kaysar are calling out James about his half truths fact sheet. Kaysar than said he didn't want to discuss it with him anymore because "he's (James) irrational." Of course Jame's blaming 9-11 on the Democrats while Kaysar says it was in place with a lot of people knowing including the Saudis. Eric is totally frustrated with James.
  4. On the live feed last night he said he was born in France.
  5. I agree. They could easily made Howie more annoying than they did and Yvette more bitchy than they did, Eric more of an Idiot than than they did, and James more of a hot air pompass chump than they did. But it's hard to cram 24 hrs of live feed into an hour show with 14 people. The portrayals I thought were fairly accurate.
  6. That doesn't mean they aren't linked. . I never said they weren't linked. I know for a fact that they are. My point was I don't think Howie and Rachel are working together (TEAMWORK) like the other teams are. I just think Howie is doing his own thing and will probably vote which ever way he wants and not necessarily Rachel's way. That's just my observation from the live feeds since they are not really communicating from what I've noticed.
  7. Eric and James are talking about prize money taxes and Eric sais the producers said that the amount would be 360k and some change. James says the producers are wrong. Taxes in California are higher he said because they have to pay for the immunization and hospitalization for the immigrants and the Democrats have those federal taxes at 50% Last time I checked the Republicans control congress and the White House. So James spatting more half truths again. Well no truths.
  8. James and Eric talking at the weights. James said that Ivette and Beau are on a need to know basis when it comes to their info. Also James brings up the idea of both him and Eric being put up and when asked who would they choose for veto help Eric says Maggie than quickly changes to Rachel than says either one.
  9. I think it has something to do with those gold books like someone said. But the gumball machine has me stumped. Maybe it reveals the pairs.
  10. Can you imagine if she found the safe clue Rachel might as well wear a bulls eye shirt. I think she may know but is keeping it to herself until the next HOH.
  11. Yvette said CBS said they're not running a porn site. If they are careful by not getting too comfortable or complacent about being naked the cameras will not pick it up. The cameras will usually change when they change and the shower camera will only be used if they are talking in there. Someone else said Kissing too. Missed who that was
  12. Real life is who you are. Yes middle age people hang out and associate with middle age people. But people in their 20's hang out and associate with people in their 20's. As long as the target advertising age is 18-34 those will probably be the ages the producers will aim for.
  13. My guess it's probably the amount of people over 40 who apply to be on the show. I'm guessing that number is pretty low considering the nature of the game and the way past older HG were evicted rather quickly.
  14. It's Kaysar's and Janelle's same strategy talk still going. Speculating they need HOH two weeks in a row for their group to gain charge of the game. On that comment it 3:00am and time for me to hit the hay. Night all!
  15. I think Janelle is the hottest girl in the house. In fact I think she's the hottest girl in the past two seasons. Ashlea, Jenny and Sarah are cute but defintely not in Janelle's league. As far as the rest of the girls..well I think I'll just stop now.
  16. Ashlea states if Eric and Yvette weren't here she would have enjoyed herself a lot more. Jan says they need to put people in like them. Kaysar says if its him he will go out trying to change things.
  17. Just still insignificant chit chat. Boy we need an eviction!!
  18. Mike said he doesn't think it's perverts watching but little girls. Janelle said it's hard core BB fans
  19. Welcome back hermanogrande. Ashlea said she's not afraid of going home because at least she will go get to do something
  20. Ashlea just told Mike that eric is a pompass a$$hole. Mike said Eric is cool.
  21. kaysar is telling Mike he's "tired of being here" Mike asks if he's ok and Kaysar says he just wants to be alone Where are all the other Posters??????
  22. Howie is telling Janelle if he was a women he would use his seductivness and boobies to get his way. I think that was a hint to Janelle.
  23. It cost Howie $2200 to have his lips done.
  24. Howie admits to having his lips tattoed. Janelle doesn't think they have been injected. (with what?)



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