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Everything posted by StephenV

  1. Janelle and Kaysar playing Chess with howie sitting there being kinda quiet by Howie standards. Not too much substantial conversation going on. Overnight posters don't be shy to post here. Remember you can't please everyone. I for one appreciate the effort!
  2. April reassured Kaysar all the dramas over. She said she's going to brush her teeth and get ready for bed. Since it's 11:30 that doesn't sound like a bad idea. Good night til tomorrow.
  3. Howie said (about Beau)" he's not a fag he's gay. James than says "what's the difference"
  4. Howie seemed unaffected by the news of Janelle's panties
  5. No Howie tried but Beau wouldn't let him
  6. Mr "domestic abuse" is now threatnening to Kick Howie in the balls and kick his ass. HYPOCRITE ASS$%^*!!
  7. Unsucessful because Beau's playing hard to get
  8. James said maybe if they gave them a little pivacy than maybe they wouldn't get too excited. Someone needs to alert this idiot that he's on BB and there is no such thing as privacy.
  9. Micheal said Ashlea is looking more like saint compared to some of the rest of these women
  10. Yes Micheal is a stange bird but has not demonstared to me that he's a violent or harassing person. I think the one that has the propensity to be violent is Yvette and said she would kick ass to people she hated.
  11. Listen to Yvette wasn't she offended by Howie not talking about her cooch like he did the rest of the women? What a hypocrite!!!!!
  12. Today has been a 360 of Eric. I started disliking him when he spent all day in the kitchen, cleaning the pool and now causing unnessary trouble. Please I hope the producers kick his overreacting ass to the curb.
  13. Oh God now he's getting Ivette all riled up. Just when her mouth has been shut. Eric and Yvette need to go!!
  14. Maggie and Eric in Bathrrom and she is trying to tell him that Jenny is not making a big deal out of the Micheal situation like Eric is. He said he doesn't give a shit and all Mike's behavior is wrong because he has extensive training in Sexual Harrassment.
  15. Eric started to say he went to the producers about Michael than fish
  16. Jenny was talking about it again. She said Michael said that at home no one ever has complained about his behavior. He wants to talk to the one that complained to Eric about it face to face. They all believe that it didn't soak in and that his behavior isn't going to change. They were talking really soft and the other mics were so loud.
  17. I didn't hear any major shifts. Mostly talk about the next HOH and what they would possibly do.
  18. Not really. We're in limbo until the first eviction and the next HOH to get all the schemming to really start. Just a lot of repetition today.
  19. That would be like the season of Survivor bringing back the outcasts..we all remembered how that sucked. I say Nah!!!
  20. I agree I think it would give them privy to too much info and make the final vote too pridictable!
  21. Michael is talking about finding out all the alliances and putting em up each week. He also says him and Kaysar need to dominate all the challenges to do it.
  22. Howie just asked Yvette if she swam over from Cuba. Too rude
  23. April and Eric think Michael is emtionally unstable.
  24. I thought I heard the male announcer that the couple's will be revealed on Tuesday. Maybe I heard wrong but he did mention something about Tuesday.



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