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Everything posted by sparklet

  1. Who told Howie that red was his color??? He looks sexy in black!!!! Dayum!
  2. Ok she is on it! Using the ducks she said I have to look at the big pic! Calling out a fake alliance when another secret alliance is going on! She said that in front of Andy like she knows and she is not stupid! She didnt say it bluntly like that. Lol! At the end she said all the other ducks die!!! Wow!!! Now Jesse is trying to hit her for info! But she is talking about everything else! Lol! Yeah!!! I think they are on to them!!! Keeping fingers cross!!!
  3. I think she doesn't want to be used!!! She wants to find out for herself if her alliance is lying to her! I don't think she trusts them!!! And if she wasn't MVP she would be gone!
  4. Huh??? Well I turn off my feeds again! Amanda is putting it all on Candice! I hope spencer is paying attention and they are ganging on Kaitlin again without Elissa there!
  5. Do you think Elissa is on to Judd! He is making himself look guilty by avoiding the question!!!
  6. I see they are having a house meeting!!!! What's going on! Just turn on the feeds Ps it needed to be!
  7. I thought Amanda was the one who was pregnant during auditions! She said she was one week but she lost it! And that is why she is on the show!
  8. I getting that Candice has been keeping to herself today! Or not being very social! I guess I will be that way too if everyone bashing me I get it! And she is not the type that can fake it!!! Now on there showmance, it's cute!!! Game wise no matter what they were targets. Candice stopped bring a target becuz of howie! But then he became a target because of Amanda! So they were not looking at Candice! But when Candice told Judd about what she was doing with her money! He got pissed and have been sulken! He Woke up still upset with her and complain to Andy, they both started bashing and I turned the feeds off after that but I assume Andy ran with the bashing! So no matter what these two were targets! Instead of going crazy with paranoia like the rest of the house, they take a break and talk about other things to keep them grounded! That is just my take on it!
  9. I getting that Candice has been keeping to herself today! Or not being very social! I guess I will be that way too if everyone bashing me I get it! And she is not the type that can fake it!!! Now on there showmance, it's cute!!! Game wise no matter what they were targets. Candice stopped bring a target becuz of howie! But then he became a target because of Amanda! So they were not looking at Candice! But when Candice told Judd about what she was doing with her money! He got pissed and have been sulken! He Woke up still upset with her and complain to Andy, they both started bashing and I turned the feeds off after that but I assume Andy ran with the bashing! So no matter what these two were targets! Instead of going crazy with paranoia like the rest of the house, they take a break and talk about other things to keep them grounded! That is just my take on it!
  10. YES IT IS!!!!! What a beautiful specimen!
  11. I agree!!! I'm like you! I turn the feeds off twice because all they were doing was bashing Candice! At two different times!!! What did she do today that create all this bashing????
  12. I haven't seen today's feeds because Twice I turned it on and they were Candice bashing!!! Especially Judd! He is so freakin piss that Candice said if she won the money she would buy a house!!! SO WHAT it's not like you are going to get the whole $500,000! Taxes take a chunk out!
  13. Yeah it's like a lynch mob!!! They are all worked up over nothing!!! Yes!!!!!!
  14. Exactly!!!!! I can't believe she said that!!!!
  15. Ps Amanda has been getting good edits on TV!!! And she's in the show Mance too! And I was wondering why would they have Amanda addressing the racial comments but she's been doing racial and homophobic comments! I don't know time will tell!!!!
  16. No she didn't say that!!!! Most black people I know don't watch BB! So she can't lump us all up together! I'm shock she would say this! Just because she is Asia does that mean only the Asians are going to come out strong and support her! She is really making hate politics! He's black so he automatically got all the black votes!!!! Smh!!! She should know better!!! When will these comments end!!! I tell u the only people I can tolerate right now are Howard Candace Jesse and may be Judd but he is treading! Judd is playing the game but he is pissed off at Candace for the comment she made about what she would do with her money! Lol! But I forgive he just have to let it go!
  17. If Candice or Howard wins The next HOH, McCrae and Amanda are going to be singing like a birds!!!!!! And if they get MVP too and Helen goes up???? THAT WOULD BE HUGE DRAMA AND GOOD TV! To watch them turn on each other!!!
  18. If Candice or Howard wins The next HOH, McCrae and Amanda are going to be singing like a birds!!!!!! And if they get MVP too and Helen goes up???? THAT WOULD BE HUGE DRAMA AND GOOD TV! To watch them turn on each other!!!
  19. If Candice or Howard wins The next HOH, McCrae and Amanda are going to be singing like a birds!!!!!! And if they get MVP too and Helen goes up???? THAT WOULD BE HUGE DRAMA AND GOOD TV! To watch them turn on each other!!!
  20. I don't think that is true!!! In the beginning he called the girl his ex, then out of Loneliness he said to cameras he thinks he is going to marry her so that is how she became the fiancé! But then him and Candace got together! Spencer was asking him about the Two women! In which they didn't know about each other lol! They back home fighting now! But he didn't put them in a good light! Especially the ex He was talking about going back to! It was like I might as well! Right there his tone is changing! Then last night he was telling Candace I'm not with her I'm single! He might have been playing. Idk But his tone is changing! It sounds like Howard was in marriage counseling before and it didn't work. He wanted to get married to the X is sound like she cheated on him. He said that she was still hung up on this X at the time. But he has forgiven her They work through alot! But in my opinion and this is just my opinion Things happen for reason And if Candace is not the one for him I don't think you need to take step back! He wants to pursue his dream and entertainment business so maybe he'll move away from Where is he from again!!! Now stay tune for more updates from The big brother matchmaking edition!
  21. I hope he doesn't throw this one!!!!! exactly! That is why I'm afraid!!! And Candace doesn't look like she could do well too! Haven't you ever heard opposites attract!!!! And it's not where you are from, it's where you are at
  22. You know it's blowing his ego UP!!! He done pull Ms. Louisiana! She trying to protect him!!! And he knows his boys back home are watching!!!! (On a deep voice). YEAH yeah!!!! His cool pts has shot up to the roof!!!!! But he has to be careful when he gets home (and I hope it's not soon) because there is this club called the hater's club(in which im president and founding member) that would try to do damage to him at every turn! I can't control my members!!!



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