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Posts posted by CasperSabe

  1. well actually .. they have the same number of weeks as before, they just already have an extra house guest is what Kaysar means ..

    And I think it means that some weeks this sumer we're going to have double evictions .. but if you think about it, the last week with just just 3 people in the house, we don't need a full week, they need to do HOH .. and then do the POV which if used and they're on the block, basically means they have secured their place in the final 2 .. HG is evicted when they do veto meeting, and then the next night they could have the jury meeting or whatever to decide who wins. They don't need to do a whole week for that.

  2. Rachel, Howie, Kayser, Maggie and Janelle are in the livingroom.

    Rachel says she wont be famous after this.

    If you go to the car dealership .. do you just pick a car and leave? He says no -- you take it for a test drive ... you maybe do a girl for a while .. then if you click sexually you like her then maybe u take her out to dinner.

    Jenny has joined them. Howie says girls are lucky they can get laid any time they want, but a guy has to date a girl for a few weeks .. before he gets a kiss with no titty .. and then maybe a month into it he finally gets to split her ..

    'Oh gross' says Jennifer (I concur)

    Go to a book store, go to a coffee shop Rachel tells Howie to meet a good girl.

    Janelle asks Howie what's the nicest girl he's ever dated, that he hasn't jsut used for sex .. he says he's gone out with a few girls that he likes .. that he hasn't had any feelings for them .. he says I like you, you don't like me .. or she likes me I don't like her .. Janie is cute and all the guys are throwing themselves at her, but it's normally the wrong guys right Janie? Yeah.

    Did anyone really really like you, and then you broke their heart .. yeah. What am I going to do?

    Girls do not want the truth Howie says .. if we've been dating for 4 months and you put on 40 pounds.. you don't want me to tell you that's why we're breaking up.

    Howie says outside the physical act of banging, he doesn't miss the girl if they break up .. he doesn't need a girl .. oh how are you honey, etc ..

  3. I think that housecalls is easy to explain given that they only asked her pre-approved questions, and screened the calls. It's easy for her to have been there and then wisked away to sequester ..

    Didn't they do the same thing last year with evicted HG's who were on their way to the Jury House?

    The winner is usually the only one who goes on letterman .. but the evicted houseguest usually went on the Early Show .. if she wasn't on it, my guess is she was sequestered, for possible inviction later.

    As for the banner plane .. I forget where but morty posted that CBS has forbidden them from looking up at the planes after season 2 or 3 ..

  4. yay!! I made the list! I made the list!! lol (thanks ranster)

    Umm .. off the top of my head:

    Ranster (of course!)


    Nemo!! (Angelo Joe)





    StephenV (There might be an I on the end I forget)

    King 123


    Serenity Now

    Diva Surpreame




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