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Posts posted by CasperSabe

  1. I think that the best twist this season would be for there to not be a POV every week, and it be random based on a spin of the wheel that the HOH had to spin or something.

    Where that element is never a guaranteed. I miss season 2, where people had to actually interact/manipulate each other to get to stay -- and yet at times it was just so clear who was going home that week that it was boring -- so that uncertainty factor could spice things up.

    I also don't really like this whole concept of the "waaaah it's not fair, I got back doored" kind of arguments the HG's make, because the original game never allowed them to be so spoiled to always have a POV that could save them. I don't like the mindset the house-guests get, that they have to be able to play POV to be able to save themselves.

    I'm not real sure on the specifics of how to make it work so it didn't get exploited by the producers, but these house guests get way too comfortable sometimes and don't feel like they have to fight to stay alive. The last few seasons there have too many under the radar trying to coast people.

  2. 1. Rachel .. BB12/BB13. Probably my favorite house guest of all time. Insecure, honest (when a lie would sound better),catty, prone to tears, but at the end of the day time and time again she found a way to pull herself together and push through. She was and is a compeitor, and rarely let people try to fly under the radar, and coast. She may not have understood the social aspects of the game until the second half of season 13, but god bless her for wanting people to win, whom actually played, took some risks, and won some compeitions, instead of whom could nice the other house guests to death.

    2. Nicole season 2, she got her butt off the eviction block, the good ole fashion way, when there was no such thing as a veto, and the whole house hated her. She got them to flip their vote and save her. She wound up in the finals with Will, but because she did most of the "dirty work" people let Will who was more charming win out. Truthfully I've always felt she should of won over Will, much as I loved Will too.

    3. Dr. Will season 2. His charming thing was more annoying during all stars than it was in season 2, but he is definately one of those people who can tell you right to your face he is going to vote you out, and you don't believe him. He has charm in spades.

    4. Allison Season 4. That girl was loud, obnoxious, and no body liked her, and yet somehow, she still appealed to me. She managed to use her goodies to her best advantage, against pretty much every guy in the house, even when they suspected it, they still let her do it. Girl had skills.

    5. Dani, Season 3. Was under the radar, but an intelligent stratigist instead of just a sleep all day and coast to the end. Diary Rooms ruined her chances IMO.

    6. Janelle -- I really didn't like her, heck I really didn't like MOST of season 6. Yet the chemistry of that cast together polarized the whole house, and made for some great tv, near the end she began to gain on me. I list her here, grudgingly because to me, this season will always be tainted by that "malfunctioning" equipment, which has already read to me, like "opps, we didn't get the result we wanted, Janelle will go home because she can't compete this round, so quick we need to redo it so she wins HOH instead of the "NH". After this season/all-stars I found myself losing faith with the production people as the heavy handed nature of the bias just got to be too much for me. I felt they were too invasive so I stopped watching for a few seasons.

    7. Dani/Evil Dick as a joint team their season. I don't like Evil Dick's tactics, there are times where he speaks the truth, and other times where he is simply cruel to be cruel, and that really turns me off about him. Dani, I think has a very good grasp of the game, but she holds grudges too long, and can't seem to keep her mind off of romance enough to focus on the game. She should of beat Rachel last season (much as I am a rachel fan) but she couldn't just coast until she had to compete and had to throw the vets under the bus, thus ruining her chances.

    8. Lawon/Marcellas -- for me they were not the best players, but they both did really dumb things, to great comedic effect and they totally made their seasons for me in different ways.

    9. Jeff and Jordan. I think that they are cute together, and relatively speaking somewhat decent players, but I put them lower on the list, than some, because for me I feel like they are very hypocritcal in their game play. They are very much, we can do whatever we want but if you do the same thing as me, it's on...

    10. Diane Season 5. Was actually pretty good at the game, but got blindsided by hormones. She really should of turned on Drew when she had the chance.

  3. Is it too early to begin the count down? Meh. I need to watch a bunch of grown adults act like two year old's that I don't know! lol

    Am hopeful for an entirely new cast this year, and no returning people.. as much fun as last year was, I think the show needs some new blood.

    People whom hopefully do more than lay around the house sleeping or eating all day..(If I wanted to watch that, or America wanted to watch that, they could just watch a web cam stream of my house)

    What sort of theme do you guys think they will go with this year?

    Any twists you'd like to see?

  4. Not going to lie, not a Porsche fan. I think she wanted to play like Janelle, but lacked Janelle's charm. Kind of a pity. If she'd of beaten Rachel, I'd of been livid at how petty and immature the cast was. Glad that they saw reason, and gave it to the person who in my mind truly earned her keep.

    Anyone who makes it to the final 2 in my opinion did at least something right, but she didn't do as much as Rachel in my book, and so I am glad she didn't walk away with the final prize, though not really happy she won 50k.

  5. CBS: Brenchel wedding special, make it happen! ;)


    Never going to happen.

    But now at least her and Brendon can have a nice wedding, and a nice down payment on a house for when they start their life together.

    I know some people don't like them together, but I think they have their endearing moments. When he cast his vote for her, my mom and I both said awwww, with what he said. I love how excited he was every time he realized Rachel was one step closer to winning. His faith and loyalty and his trust in her was wonderful to see.

    They are a different type of couple than Jeff and Jordan, but in my mind no less sweet. Then again I am a sap, and for me seeing anyone truly in love is wonderful.

  6. I'm glad she was rooting for Rachel in the end. And I'm also glad she came to see Rachel the way I've always seen her, instead of as the person she first perceived her to be. I think those two will remain friends outside of the house and I'm glad. I think Jordan has a great emotional maturity about her, and might rub off on Rachel in positive ways, and I also think that Rachel's worldliness, could be good for Jordan, who always thinks the best of people to her own detriment.

  7. My CBS channel went out during Porsche's speech, no other channel, just CBS... go figure. But I did get to see him show out when he was sent packing. Words fail me. Kind of.

    When he said he would have won it Julie's laugh sounded like she thought it was really, really funny that he thought that. Also saw Julie tell him thank you for sitting down in his chair, they were running out of time, something to that effect...he was acting worse than my 18 mth old toddler grandchild when she gets sugar.

    That guy went from okay to terrible to watch in the last week or so.

    I missed that Wildcat. Am so upset that my channel went out and I don't even have it on DVR to re-watch now. I do think that Adam has quite the temper though, it always seemed to be just below the surface.

    To some degree .. I always feel bad for the third person out. It sucks to spend your whole summer .. to get nothing in the end. That being said, many other third place people have handled it with much more dignity and grace than he did, and the support I had for him, kind of went out the window. I see him being a very bitter person towards Rachel forever and ever, and it's kind of sad, because he wouldn't of gotten as far as he did without the vetrans (they can say the same in reverse I am sure), but he should of been more gracious in his defeat. I do think he's lost his mind if he thinks he will get on All-Stars, he barely won anything, and talked about 3 things all season, tori-spelling, bacon, and rawr/metal stuff. We get it, you like those things.. now how about we see some actual game play dude.

  8. Wow Adam is going to be surprised in the real world to see he is not loved and adored by America.

    He said he would have won in the Final 2 :cookoo: He thinks he has All Stars in the bag? :cookoo:

    I have no clue what went down between Adam and Rachel in the last week in the house since they didn't air it, but you could tell by his body language he wasn't going to vote for Rachel, he was visibly shaking with rage. Neither Porsche or Adam did HALF of what my girl Rachel did, to make it to the end, and she deserved that win.

    Given the comments of the Jury, I am not sure the vote would of wound up any different than it did, if Adam had been in that seat instead of Porsche.

  9. If CBS had scripted this, I don't think they could of done a better job. Also think that they totally kind of planned this so that Shelly would go home, so they could disentangle them from the death threats business.

    I don't like Shelly, I think she's a stupid hypocritical, holier than though, 2 faced Biotch. But I would never call her job, or threaten hers, her daughter's or her families lives. That just crosses the line to crazy-town on a scope even I can't fathom.

    I don't like her, glad to see her go.. but don't think what was done to her family was right either.

    Still I will so :party_smilie: when she leaves on Thursday, cause she put my Rachel in a bad position she so didn't deserve to be in. Rachel does enough to dig herself into trouble without Shelly making it worse, or pinning her own dirty actions on Rachel.

  10. So her cattiness the last two years, and awful behavior the last two years isn't mean? All she did last year was bash other people, and it is various. The other people are directing it just at her. Rachel's meanness and cattiness has hit a lot of different people, who are these people directing their "meanness" at? One person.

    She bashes people game play, not them personally. They attacked her and Brenden first because they found her -personally- annoying. Their bashing was about her personally, not game play stuff. I think that's much worse. Rachel has always stood by those who are on her side. The only time she has ever "thrown J and J under the bus" was when it was R and B or J and J. The rest of the time she has had J and J's back through and through. She has comforted Jordan quite a bit, and even tried to baby-sit jordan, the same way jordan baby-sat Rachel after Brendon left.

    If that doesn't show her heart I don't know what does. She has been a great friend to J and has done her best to protect them in this game. What makes me disgusted about Porsche going on and on about Rachel behind her back is that Rachel was the only one in this house who was nice to her the first few weeks when no one else would talk to her. Dani even admitted to Kalia she enjoyed taking Porsche over to their side because Porsche was HER (Rachel's) friend.

    But again, Rachel's the mean one right?


    Rachel has taken the brunt in the house this season for SO MANY of Shelly's lies it's not even funny. What's worse? Shelly actually believes the BS she's spinning.

  11. I am not really fans of any of them either, I just don't see them as bad people based on the BB experiment. Kalia is a annoying, but I wouldn't say she is a bad person at all. Porsche, who knows. Who knows with any of these people we don't know them, especially in real life situations. I have seen far far worse than Kalia and Porsche on this show, and one of them is still in the house. Rachel is the meanest of them all yet outside the house even I could probably like her just fine, as did Ragan and other members of bb12. It is just a game, judging people based on what happens in this house as an absolute on how they are outside the house isn't fair. IMO, Rachel is the only one of these 13 that is really hard for me to watch.

    Rachel is not the meanest of them all by far. She cries when she doesn't win true, and she has been known to lash out when she feels threatened with a catty comment or two, but she doesn't sit around doing NOTHING ELSE but bash other people. She is not mean imo.

    While we're on the subject of mean .. these "mean girls" you are defending are STEALING her dog and hiding it from her. In that house you latch on to the few things you have from home which remind you of home .. and if people take it, it is the height of disrespect.

    Shelly, who cuddles her bear or whatever from her daughter so preciously said she wanted to take Rachel's puppy, cut it's leg off and pain it with nail polish to look like blood.

    But Rachel's the mean one?

    Yeah right...

    Get a reality check!

  12. Did I miss something? Why do people think Shelly is closer to Porsche than Adam is? From what I've seen Porsche and Adam are working together ... and Shelly just came on board. I so see her being a replacement nom if one of the noms come off the block, my hope however is that Rachel if she goes up, wins the POV. Cause people would vote Rachel out over Shelly simply because they dislike Rachel more, not for game reasons. Where as I think Shelly should be a bigger threat to people than Rachel.



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