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Posts posted by CasperSabe

  1. I'm sitting here wondering if we're going to compare EVERY season of BB with the

    year Evil Dick was on ?

    Also, I'm wondering how all of us got addicted enough to come back year after year

    before he was on ?

    Was just wondering :animated_scratchchin:

    I think that Dick is an interesting character that BB has produced, right up there with Dr. Will/Mike Boogie from season 2, Marcellas and Dani from season 3, Alison from Season 4, Diane from season 5, Janelle, Kayser, James, Howie season 6, Rachel and Brendon from season 12, and I am sure there are others from other seasons I am missing.

    I think the show of Big Brother is one of those shows which inspires fan loyalty in a way no other show on television does for a lot of reasons.. from the clash of cultures, the fly on the wall aspect of the live feeds, the community here at Morty's which for me is forever linked with the BB experience. Every year there is always new posters, but a lot of the same, old familiar faces show every season. I just love the debating which goes on .. and the movable human chess pieces which play each year. Every season is different, even if many of the ingredients put in the big brother pot :stirthepot: are different. I never even saw BB8 until 2 days ago lol so I definitely know I watch BB for more than evil dick.

    I am just disappointed he wont be part of this season's show. I can't help but feel a little cheated not to get the real evil dick experience for bad or good.. cause I am sure that what I saw on the edited version of the aired episodes on CBS was only part of what really went on.

  2. I finally took the time to watch most of his season on youtube the other day (the feeds were kind of boring) and I have to say I finally understand why people love and hate him. I think he was a brilliant strategist in some ways, and in other ways I definitely think that he crossed the line for appropriate behavior. I think his behavior was simply out of line, and because of ratings he was given a pass.

    I also think that much like in season six, where people felt that things were fixed for Janelle, that season 8 had some pretty obvious "fixes" for Dick and Dani to stay safe the way they did via America's player. While it's easy to guess that certain things probably did happen based on America's wishes, I am sure that producers stepped in for America a few times.

    BB always says "it's a game show/competition, we're not allowed to change anything, we don't pick competitions based on whose on the block.. etc .. but I have never, and will never believe that. Why? Because of all of the big brother competitions which have been made over the years out of the made up games the houseguests come up with. They obviously have at least SOME discretion over the competitions which they hold.

  3. There was some discussion amongst the original "regulators" to flip the script and keep Keith because they think Keith is more likely to go after the vets, and that Porche will work with the vets.

    Don't know how serious this discussion is at this time. We'll see how it all plays out...

  4. Is it at all possible they will bring ED back on the show yet? Like maybe he's gone for the moment due to unforcible circumstances, but might yet return? I dunno .. I could see enough fans of the show who gave him an unfair advantage in his season voting for him to come back again, with an unfair advantage again.. if given the option.

  5. I don't in general find black men attractive .. they're just not my "type" but I thought he was pretty handsome in that boy next door kind of way.. until he started talking, and kept talking. It just seems like he talks too fast for others to digest what he's trying to say and they end up wanting to reach for a mute button. He reminds me of a born again Christian guy I roomed with one summer who I was pretty sure was gay, but hid it behind his constant "girl chasing".

    A charlies angels kind of scenario kind of falls under the same category of people who give themselves nicknames. People need to make up your nick name, not the other way around. Just as that situation with a charlies angels approach has to develop on their own, you can't randomly decide you're going to be charlie.

  6. I never got to see evil dick or Danielle in their native season. Or Jeff and Jordan for that matter as I took a long BB break after allstars and last season so I was really excited to see them, as it meant I would finally get to know them as house guests. I am hoping that this is just a twist and that Dick is fine. /fingers crossed.

  7. Well ... it's kinda hard to say who actually watches the show. Since there are millions of viewers according to the ratings, and only a few thousand (tops) that post on the boards and even fewer who can get through on HC, or are home during the day to watch it.

    So it's really hard to get a true idea.

    But I have made the observation that of the internet fans, most of them are women, or are gay men. Not all the men that post are gay however. But I have noticed *more* on reality tv show boards as aposed to say .. Kid Rock's message board.

    I'm not going to draw conclusions though.

  8. Nice theory, however it is possible.

    There are five people, someone goes home sept 9, so then there are four, another person goes home sept 16, then there are only three people left, they could do another HOH and then another veto, but they really only need a VETO, because whomever wins it, gets to determine who they wish to evict basically since whoever wins the veto insures themselves a spot in final two. The other person is then automatically evicted. That's why they usually call the last veto, the diamond veto. The last show is when they determine the winner. They do the last show Sept 20th or sept 22nd. I don't which is the final wrap date. But there is enough time.

  9. I think that playing with partners caused the houseguests to polorize so completely, There haven't really been any real 'floaters' this year with the exception of James. And even he would not have been a *true* floater had Howie not put him and Sarah up. He has said that he would have stayed loyal to the Sov6. He says it in such a matter of fact way that I believe him.

    So basically, under the theory there is strength in numbers the two camps have pretty much huddled together trying to stay out of range of the other teams arrows making them a target. (Metaphor stretched too thin -- sorry).

    Everyone on the friendship side says that they didn't really want to win, that they all came in there for their partners. I think that's a bunch of BS .. but it's what they say. If it were really true, it would explain why they can't win compeitions.

  10. I started to write this really huge post about how Scott has done several things since BB5, and has reason to think that he is a 'star' from BB5. I wrote at length about why Cowboy, Jase and Scott are deffinatly at least partially responsible for Drew's win. The other major quotient being Diane of course. When I realized, that it wasn't worth posting.

    People have whatever opinions they have of a hg, and after the show is over good or bad that impression pretty much always lingers. I enjoyed Scott on BB5. The posts on his own website don't have the best 'flow' and seemed a little ramble-ie .. but I think that's just because he doesn't know how to structure his points.

    In all honesty, I have only ever seen a few posts of his though. He doesn't really post on there compared to all of the others.

    If I had any complaint at all it's that he doesn't post.

  11. Marcie, FYI I saw BB the clown on MTV "Made" as a personal shopper and you should have seen the the outfits he put together...gag!

    Actually the point of his exercise with her, was that if she could be comfortable wearing weird clothes, she could be comfortable struttinger her stuff in anything. He was trying to get her to be comfortable out of her style comfort zone.

  12. Dear Marcellas,

    I don't get the chance to call you or gretchen because I am at work when your show airs, but I was catching up on your past shows in the archive, and I thought of a question -- not sure if you can answer it here, or on the show ..

    But what do you think of the way that CBS is editing the show this year? You and Gretchen mentioned Ivette, and her racist comments ... my question is -- how do you guys feel about CBS not showing this side of Ivette's charchter on the show? I feel that she is being portrayed in a more likeable, and sympathetic role then she comes across on the feeds.

    Also ... do you know what was behind CBS's move to change the theme music? I noticed today that it's finally been updated on HC's .. with a cooler introduction for you two (long past due if you ask me!).

  13. Howie said something about April and missed a shot. Don't get mad, says Sarah when you get mad you use too much force. Don't force the force, Jedi says Kaysar. Sarah says you must clear your mind of negative distraction. She starts reciting, Boobies,Boobies,Boobies,Boobies .. over and over again.

    'Sit B*tch' says howie after a particularly good shot (refering to April)

  14. I think she's a pretty girl .. I have seen 'hotter' girls .. but it's hard to deny that she's a nice looking girl.

    I do understand what Shock was saying about the rib thing though ...


    She looks just a little too skinny .. she looks like she could stand to gain about 10lbs.

  15. I don't think she means best friend .. just closest friend she's made in the house.

    I am probably reading way too much into the subtlties here .. but it does seem like to me that they are sorta replaying the sterotypes of 911 .. Firefighters = heros -- all arab/muslims == shady terrorist types not to be trusted.

    It just seems like they try to paint Kaysar out to be extremely dishonest, deceitful, arrogant, and shady .. where as poor innocent cappy was blindsided, and lied to by the corrupt Iraqi .. and James.

    Mostly it just bothers me .. because they don't show Kaysar the way that he really is a lot of the times on the feeds .. normally he is incredibly, kind -- patient with people who are constantly whinning, lying, backstabbing .. (do I need to mention the crying april has done to him about 'morals'?), intensely intelligent .. and funny.

    I know I am a bit biased .. but I love Kaysar. And I am so annoyed with them portraying him in a negative life. They have litteraly HOURS and HOURS of footage. Why are they trying to pick the stuff that makes him look bad and trying the few things that make eric look like a decent guy?

    They totally twisted why Eric came up to Kaysar after noms were announced and offered to play for Veto .. he was trying to play veto to get maggy off .. to screw james.





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