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Posts posted by CasperSabe

  1. K: Maggie wanted to talk to me, so lets talk all the way in the corner away from everybody. I think what I said to her, shocked her .. she looked pale, and ready to throw up.

    M: I learned about Kaysar, that he was willing to do things that I wasn't willing to do -- to win this game. Kaysar has to deal with his own decesions.

    K: The reason that I did this, was because I felt that he was playing nasty, and the second that he had the chance to come after me, or to decieve anyone else, or hurt anyone else .. he would. I never swore on the Koran.

    E: He swore on his life that I was safe, you live by the sword you die by the sword..

    J: I helped eric get mike out of the house, and now eric was trying to get me out of the house. He put himself in this postion, and I was going to make him hold himself accountable, because he would not be here if he did not try to stab me in the back, plain and simple.

    I: cappy started to let out everybodies secrets, eric stop freaking out .. just relax.

    J: Myself, Sarah, Howie, Rachel, Janelle and Kaysar are going to stay together, we want to be the final six people ... all these weak people who stood by eric, I don't sound arrogant but they really picked the wrong person to screw with.

    I: Kaysar needed to go that first place, and that didn't happen. How stupid were we -- we got rid of Ashlea because she was annoying... this has really changed this house. I feel that if Eric's gone at the end of this week that my base is gone, I feel that I become the easy target for everybody to get out of this game, because I was so connected to him.

    J: If I don't use this veto, I go home. But if Kaysar doesn't put up Eric .. then oh -- it's going to be nuts. Because there is nothing 100% .. someone could have pissed Kaysar off at the last moment and they could be playing me.

    April: It's just really sad that James would sell eric out in order to stay in the game. I am just hoping that Kaysar will see the light.

    E: Unless Kaysar wants to keep mixing up things, I'm going to go on the block with Maggie but you never know with Kaysar, I don't know where he's coming from, because the guy swore on his life that I saw safe, and then I was told to expect to be put up, so anything is possible in this game.

    M: Kaysar has proven that he has turned this house upside down, can he do it again? Absolutely.

    J: To see eric in the nomination chair felt beautiful, he tried to screw me and it backfired on him.

    K: He is upset, he does look defeated as does Maggie, they really felt that they were flying high, that they were untouchable, I took that power away.

    M: I don't want to play this game without eric, if he leaves vs me, it would be the worst thing that I could ever imagine.

    I: If Eric goes home, I'll be absolutely crushed. What do you do when your best friend is being taken out of this house.

    E: I wasn't the first 2 to go, and I might not be the third, I'm sticking to my guns, because they better be careful, you know what they say about payback.

  2. April's instructions:

    It's time to play, Knights moves -- everyone will choose a square on the board to start on, you will then take turns moving like a knight in chess. Knights move in an L shaped path. They can move 2 squares straight, then 1 square to the side, or they can move one square straight then two to the side. You will have 30 seconds to make each move. Each time a HG makes a move, the square they land on will be removed from the board. That square then becomes out of play for the rest of the game. When a HG can't find a square to move to, they are out of the game. Choose your moves like a grand master, and the Veto could be yours.

    Ivette's up first.

    Ja: The first position we want on the board, is to secure our spot on the board, Ivettes a complete moron -- she should have gone right in the middle of the board, that would be the most obvious.

    Next is James

    J: I set myself up, blocking off one of her move.

    K: My stragey one is to make sure that I have the maxium amount of spaces and two, I want to stratgeicly place myself around Ivette

    Howie -- your next

    Ja: Everyone's stratagey is pretty much the same thing -- get Ivette and maggie out so that they don't win the POV so one of us can win it, and free James off the block.

    Last but not least -- maggie

    M: I don't like to lose, especially knowing that I am on the line, I wanted the power of veto more than anything.

    Ivette makes her first move

    Kaysar goes

    K: Knights on a chess board move in an L shape in any direction, and you can move over people -- now the point of the game is not to get stuck without a move, the winner is determined when every other person on the baord is left with no moves.

    Janelle goes

    Maggie goes.

    Success with chess, is anticipating your partners next two moves, so they can move to one where they think they are safe, but after that it's over because they have no more options

    These pirranahs come after me, corner me think two steps ahead of me, and I am out

    Ivette is elimiated

    K: i wasn't surprised Ivette was the first to go, much like her game in the house, she uses very little tact, very little stragey

    Kaysar goes. Howie goes. Janelle goes (circling Maggie)

    E: You could clearly see during the game tha they were trying to box in Maggie, and I knew that this was just getting worse and worse.

    James goes.

    M: As the game went on, I started to realize that people were limiting my plays, on the chess board was when I discovered what was going on.

    Kaysar goes. Kaysar goes.

    Ja: I wanted to guarentee that maggie had no moves when I was moving up into my postions

    M: I was absolutely was mortified. I wanted to go home. I went oh my gosh, the game has taken a drastic turn.

    K: Her breathing was changing, she was sweating hard .. she knew she was toast.

    Maggie declairs she can't make a move. Maggie is out.

    I: When I saw maggie out, I said -- done deal.

    H: When the dangerous pieces were removed from the game, being Ivette and Maggie -- the pressure was off, basically we could have celebrated

    Janelle is out

    Ja: I was still trying to play it off like I had been defeated, that I was so pissed .. when I wanted James to win it you know.

    K: I was trying to throw the game, I am probably one of the best players in the house. I just wanted to look over and watch them squirm a little bit.

    E: Kaysar does not know how to throw a game, it was clearly obviously that James was going to win. Howie ... was a part of what I am calling the evil empire, he was in on the fix the whole time.

    Howie is out.

    James won POV.

    K: It gives me chills .. because things are working out perfectly, and I am so excited, I can't even tell you.

    M: When James won, that was .. that was a horrible feeling.

    J: The house knew at that moment that they tried to screw over the wrong person, eric picked his batles and he picked the wrong one.

    I: Oh no .. things are probably going to get ugly now. James gets that Veto, and all hell breaks loose.

  3. I am doing things a little different tonight .. I am posting quotes of everyone's DR sessions, and I also told Ranster I'd cover the Veto Comp .. here is part 1 .. more to come. Had to come up for air:

    Thought it was pretty self explanitory .. but just in case:

    M=Maggie, J= James S=Sarah Ja= Janelle H=Howie E=Eric, I=Ivete R=Rachel and K= Kaysar

    DR convos:

    M: I couldn't talk to eric, which is all I wanted to

    E: Right after the nom ceramony, you'd have thought that a funneral took place, that he put up James and Maggie, i think that he came way out of left field with this one, I think that the bubble was burst out of everybody's overall game plan

    M: Certian people came up to me to hug me, and I felt which ones meant it.

    J: Nominations were exactly what I fricken expected, kaysar set me up perfectly

    S: Unfortunately James got put up on the nomination block, Kaysar couldn't go wrong by putting up those two nominies, I think it was a great choice for him, bad choice for me.

    K: I nominated James and Maggie essentially because I wanted to expose the pairs and break up the strong alliances in the house.

    I: People's true colors are coming out. It's funny how we crack under pressure. And it's deffinately happening.

    E: When I was HOH I made a deal with kaysar, that if he won HOH he would not nominate me, I am a man of my word, and I agreed not to get involved in changing any of the inital nominations. Because Maggie is my secret partner, it puts me in a hard spot, because I had to honor my deal that I made with Kaysar.

    M: Eric made an agreement with Kaysar, I respect eric for sticking to his word, and I would never judge him for doing that whether it hurts me or not.

    J: I've had an alliance with eric since day one, kaysar told me that he was negatively campaigning against me, as far as i am concerned with Eric and I it's over. The one thing they hated more than Ivette, was Eric.My back is up against the wall, I have to do whatever I can to stay in this game, so I need to turn my enimes into my friends.

    J: He's been the most dirty player in this entire game, he's lied to every single person, I'm sorry he's a liar, he's a backstabber. I wasn't going to be the one sitting in front of Julie talking about how I played this game with integrity, and kept my word to someone who didn't keep his word to anyone, I wasn't going to be that idiot, if eric wanted to play dirty, I was going to beat him at his own game.


    S: When Janelle first asked me if James and I were together, I did lie to her, pretty much because I hadn't talked to James yet.

    J: Sarah actually changed my mind, it's either win or go home so I had to put it all on the line so I was just like, screw it I'm going to tell them.... Kaysar was convinced that her and I knew each other, and he was always going to have that in the back of his mind that I was lying to him, so I came out to Kaysar today and I felt that if I am going to go into this that I need to be 100% straight with him.

    Ja: I never suspected that they were dating, I was really shocked.

    S: It's such a relief to finally be able to talk to people about my boyfriend.

    K: When he finally came out about him and Sarah, I deffinately gained more trust for James, I realized at that point the alliance I'd been working for, was going to come together.

    J: The plan was, that if I win veto, that I take myself off we put eric right on my seat.

    K: Once i got James and sarah on board, I knew that I had to bring on Rachel and Howie.

    R: Well... King Kaysar has called us out, he knew Howie and I were together, as well as Sarah and James. We have to get James off, so he can put Eric up, and then the six of us are in it together.

    K: I am about to excute what I have been planning for the last 2-2.5 weeks. The last step was, I brought Howie into the HOH and I brought him up to date.

    H: Kaysar asks, what do you think about bring James back to the good side of the force, saving him from the darkside, it's good but bad, I thought maybe I was going to get some sleeping time, or some massage time with Sarah, but now that her boyfriend's here that's kind of out of the question... we have the Jedi Council going full throttle against the stiff lords right now.


    K: I did decieve her, I was put in a postion where I had to with my poker face on, I am in a postion where I have to make sure everything goes correctly, I can't give away what I am about to do.

    M: Kaysar is very shady, soI do not trust him as far as I can throw him.


    K: This veto game is obviously trust, and obviously I know that Howie's agenda is in line with my agenda

    M: I picked Ivette to compete with me, because Eric made an agreement with Kaysar that he would not participate, and I will never ask Eric to go against his word.

    J: I had to pick janelle, because this house hates Janelle, I figure if your going to turn on me, I am going to use your worst nightmare against you.

    I: James picks Janelle .. I think I crapped my pants, screw the game, I wanted to go over there and beat James up, I was probably more in shock today than my mother was she found out that I liked girls

    E: As soon as he choose Janelle, I got a pretty bad feeling at that point.

    K: We walk outside, and it's a giant chess set, not only do I play chess, but much of my moves and stragies in this house have been fashioned after chess moves.

    J: i saw the second coming of christ when I walked out in that back yard, Chess? There is no one who can beat me in this house.

    M: I was the Chess Champion of my city, game on

    I: I can't even beat Sarah at Checkers so I am already a mess, what do I look like, Bobby Fischer?

  4. Well @ this point we don't know if Eric is going so...  But I do think Eric has some explaining to do. 

    We stopped the emails because the callers were more entertaining.  You can email me @ the forums @ my website and it could make the show!


    what is your website.I am with diet.Id like to ask a few questions too.

    lol careful jenn .. patsy might get jealous ;)

    Have you seen our man kaysar today? He's looking very cute. :)

    His website is:


  5. Well @ this point we don't know if Eric is going so...  But I do think Eric has some explaining to do. 

    We stopped the emails because the callers were more entertaining.  You can email me @ the forums @ my website and it could make the show!


    Ok .. good to know. :)

    You have to make sure to mention your alpha male theory to Eric .. I have a feeling his head would explode. Ok .. so it wont really explode .. but I do believe he'll mention the word 'integrity' or 'being a man' at least once in your interview.


    Have fun on Friday ..

  6. Personally, I think this "Summer of Secrets" is nothing but a ploy for CBS.  I honestly don't think anything else will happen once CBS reveilles all the partners and the safes.  Look at last year.  CBS claimed they had secrets after the twin twist and CB & nok, did anything else happen?  No. 

    So truthfully I don't think evicted HG will return.  I don't think the sequester house will be any different then the years before.  I HONESTLY believe that the secrets are done after the safes and partners are revealed. 

    lol .. well so far the *only* real twist has been the secret room, and that they all know each other. I do think that someone is coming back though. I have thought this from before the show aired .. and the reason for it .. is the motivation .. if an evicted 'partner' could come back into the house .. once everyone knows about the increased prize money .. it gives them all even more reason to fight to stay together.

  7. Jen and April also confessed last night... That leaves only the lying pair of Beau and Ivette...

    Ivette confessed at least to april, jen and Cappy that her and Beau are paired .. but only through the restuarant and they hardly know each other, and so it's still not fair .. wah, wah, wah ..

  8. Yeah .. well they could sort of tell that when Julie admitted to the evicted houseguest that the prize would be 1 million .. and they had no reaction to that or the fact that everyone was a partner.

    But she has to tell them about the increased prize.

    Also not everyone gets the live feeds they ahve like 10 million viewers for some shows .. and I think only several hunder thousand people get the feeds ..

  9. lol the bible thing was interesting .. except James and Janelle were talking last night on the feeds .. and they said that CBS would not provide them with bibles .. that the Beau as stated above belongs to Beau ...

    Which as a side note sparked an interesting fact that I did not. That the Catholic Bible has additional books in it that aren't in the regular version.

  10. lol ..

    Thanks for the compliment .. we appreciate everyone we get to post with.

    I don't think that this is a reasonable request for this board though, and the reason for that is because this board is an off-shoot of Mortys live feed update site ..

    And .. even were we to try to put spolier in our headings .. the info creeps into threads that aren't labeled that way. It would be too hard for the mods to try to moderate that ..

    They already have their work cut out for them .. (Thanks Jem and Ranster ... I miss you guys in chat!! (Sniffle))



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