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Everything posted by yawnie

  1. While back dooring Amanda was an afterthought, it wouldn't have worked even if the hag had been on the block as we all know where the POV ended up. However, if the move had been made strategically instead of emotionally, the other sheep still would have kept McCrae and sent Aaryn home. Amanda was safe regardless of how she was to be placed on the block.
  2. Edieann, you'd almost be an "amazon" next to me. Never in our home! I know five years olds with more sense and decency than this load of bedroom trash. These are supposed to be intelligent adults. They all should also know better and be ready for repercussions considering they are fully aware that they are on camera and microphone 24/7. What a terrifying thought! The only reason it was never broached before this season is because this type of behaviour may have been seen on the feeds but was never aired on CBS. There was no self-serving in the interview, but it did need to be spoken about because it was viewed by so many millions. "Is he stupid"? HELLO, he's spent at least 18 hours of very one of the past 70 days in bed with Amanda. Elissa's BB connections. Amanda has closer connections to BB than Elissa ever will. Friends with Grodner, used to work for CBS. In a "real" game this wouldn't even be a consideration never mind allowed. Unfortunately, she knows exactly what she's doing. Just as ED's season's Jenn, the show must be all about Amanda, Amanda and only Amanda and she will do whatever she needs to for the attention. It is a pity they spend so much time showing her disgusting behaviour on feeds and on air. We really don't need to be seeing her every body part (eeewww---barf) nor do we need to see and hear every sloppy slurpy noise coming from whatever area of the house her and pizzaface are occupying.
  3. It often seems like a long time because we know the outcome before it airs.
  4. Love your posts, Edieann. Speak your mind and ignore those that think their opinion is the only one that matters. People like and/or dislike people for many reasons. Prerogative is a wonderful thing.
  5. That's exactly right. And if she has money it's because her family have worked their tails off to earn it. And let's face it, if anyone in the house "really needed the money" do you think they would be taking months off of work for a one in 16 chance of winning $500,000, of which after taxes, they may end up with only 50% of it. No, they go on the show for the experience. Unfortunately, the experience is more horrifying for some while a total fun-fest for others. Out of the eight females that entered the house, "Jessie was the only 10" but Elissa still didn't fall into the bottom two either. Says a lot about her feeling of worth that she didn't make herself a ten as well. Simply rude! Not so funny since he travels for his work. Just like anyone who has to enhance any part of their body, which makes more than 50% of American's insecure. (yet oh so arrogant) While I am totally against enhancement surgeries for any reason other than medical due to injury, I find Elissa pretty in both before and after pictures. It is not the physical appearance that makes one beautiful, it is their heart and soul.
  6. This hag is truly the most delusional person I've ever seen. It's like she's stating every rotten thing she has done in the house and said about every other houseguest and just pins every bit of it on Elissa. I truly believe that she could be driving a bus, run McCrae over and blame it on Elissa even though Elissa is vacationing on another continent. Amanda is such good pals with Grodner, then Grodner should be paying for her intense therapy sessions when she leaves the house and realizes what a complete bat-shit-crazy, over the top bully she really is. But come on, we all know that when she sees the show and her behaviour, it will still always and forever be Elissa's fault. She blames Elissa for bullying and talking trash about just about everyone in the house, yet so many have sat in a room with her and carried on the bashing and trash talk. Well all the while Elissa found herself in a different room, usually alone, doing yoga or reading the Bible. So, unless I've missed something in the feeds, on the boards or on the broadcasts, I can't begin to fathom where and when all this trash talking Elissa supposedly did took place. Usually people who behave the way Amanda does and try to get others to believe their version of things are referred to as sociopaths. I truly think this is the case in this instance.
  7. Wow, than it sucks to be a re agent in the states. Are you telling me that the agent for the buyer and the seller get commission off the sale? First I've ever heard of that. As for sharing with another agent on the listing, that is only if it is a MRS listing. If only one agent has the listing, they get the full commission, unless things are way different in the US markets.
  8. The DPOV was first used in season four and then again in season 12. It is used in addition to the veto. The person holding the DPOV can choose to remove one nominee from the block and then the holder of DPOV gets to name the replacement nominee instead of HOH doing so. Come on. If this was more than a conspiracy theory, don't you think that production would have given her the Coup d e'tat? Since they didn't know that McCrae would win POV, it would have given the hag the ability to remove both of them from the block and not just one in case neither of them won the original POV.
  9. Why oh why do the cameras have to spend so much time on the McNasty's. I certainly do not tune in to see the same sloppy affection these two continually carry out. It's disgusting and quite frankly, the worst television ever!
  10. Exactly. If this does happen to be the case, I can see CBS losing a few truck-loads of viewers. Unless they turn the game back to the way it was up until the past few seasons, they may as well cancel the show because I can't see many tuning in for future seasons.
  11. Why is it that in this particular luxury competition that only Spencer received a reward and now you say Amanda has the DPOV. If this is the case, and the other houseguests are not privy to it, I'm sure there will be a lot of backlash from the other players. Again, this is if it is true. It could all be conspiracy perpetrated by you on the part of the producers.
  12. I think GM would take Judd & Elissa to f3. Judd may be the only male that GM trusts over Elissa. I'm quite sure she is aware that Andy and Spencer are practically glued to the McNasty's just in case the current HOH doesn't benefit them. Haven't seen either of them actually win an HOH or POV, but then again, are they really trying? Other than the comp that Amanda had arranged to be thrown to her that Spencer screwed her up on, he has really done nothing other than float along holding Andy's hand.
  13. Exactly, you open the door.... I'm not intentionally trying to bait anyone. I just find it odd that someone will cry foul about a hg's attack on someone and then turn around and comment the same way. And I really don't see anyone making these judgements on Amanda's thread. If I missed them, I missed them. I don't think anyone should be attacking anyone in the house on anything other than their game play and behaviour. I really don't give a damn what someone looks like, it's their behaviour that I'm concerned with and certain hg's and posters behaviours are out of line.
  14. The fact that BB has done nothing about Amanda's behaviour is no the most appalling thing to me. It's the fact that not one person in that house has spoken outright and made a stand against the irrational behaviour. If they are afraid of Amanda, they need to speak up in front of everyone and to production in the DR. It seems the "sheep herd" mentality is at full-strength this year and that is an extremely sad comment on the maturity and sense of right and wrong amongst these houseguests. Is it any wonder Elissa spent so much time alone for so long.
  15. The problem Is that both GM and Elissa are aware that Andy has been playing all sides, but mostly reporting back to McNasty. Helen brought it to Elissa's attention and Aaryn to GM's by outing him as part of 3AM. I don't really think that he will make F2. If he does, there will have to be a stronger player beside him, someone who has at least won some comps. Isn't it the competitive aspect that should play more into a final decision than the floating?
  16. She has just said her dad is a dealer in Vegas. Who knows? However, she is/was a real estate agent and she told McCrae that she already has $20,000 in the bank. She also mentioned that she has commission coming in from the sale of a house at $1 million. With a 6% commission or better (depending on the terms) she hardly needs the BB prize money. As with the debacle with Aaryn, Spencer is again lying. It's hard to know if it actually happened. They were off on jaunts about their grandkids and all other kinds of nonsensical talk. Probably a case of their imaginations running wild. Certainly looks like someone was back there causing movement.
  17. Ten times the player he is? Hardly. 100% bat-shit-crazy? ABSOLUTELY! She teamed with him. Nick didn't want her skanky ass, so McNasty was her second choice. Good move on HER part, not so much on his. I think he would have played a much stronger, competitive game without her. He spends so much time in bed. Yet, once his ass is on the block, he is still in bed but becomes very reliant on reading the Bible. Does he really think GOD has anything to do with the game? And then he's in the backyard telling GM that Elissa is just clinging to her. The only difference between Elissa's clinging and the McNasty's clinging is there are no threats coming from Elissa. I wouldn't put any "surprise" past the producers. However, it would be interesting if they actually let the "game" play out from here without any "help".
  18. Well said, Monk. And though many will disagree with you, having been on the receiving end of the type of hatred and bullying directed at Elissa, I can totally understand her walking away or laughing at the behaviour. I learned to walk away in my later years and found myself of stronger character and well-being. I give kudos to Elissa. I know that I wouldn't have physically done anything to the tormentors, but I definitely would have spoken up regardless of the chances of becoming a target. Respect is earned and I highly doubt that Amanda, in the long run, has any coming from the other houseguests once all is said and done.
  19. Julie did not berate Aaryn, simply questioned her actions. As for Jeff, yes he is homophobic but liked by the ladies? Not this one, not even a "squidge". This "woman" is and always has been a disgusting, unfunny person and the fact that she thinks this is funny just goes to prove she has no couth. There have been very few boos, but I do remember one guest not even getting a response at all. Can't remember who or which season, but it did happen.
  20. While I agree with you Fatcat & Edieann, please do NOT use the excuse of youth and/or immaturity. These people are supposed to be adults. You make choices and you deal with the consequences. It's that plain and simple. There was a lot of disgusting talk and behaviour in that house. Some ignored it/allowed it to continue on without speaking up, which makes them just as guilty as the perpetrators. I don't know why anyone would believe this was entertainment and the only reason I keep watching is to see Karma dealt. I've watch BB since season one and have never been as disgusted in my life as I have been with this season. And that includes a season that showcased Maggie, Ivette & April. I beg to differ Angie. Being called a bitch is something I can accept. Being called a c*nt is not ever called for no matter what that person does. Someone calls me a bitch, I gladly say, "Yes I am, and proud of it" because I stand up for my beliefs and if someone doesn't like it and refers to me as a bitch, I don't really care. Just don't call me a c*nt because that hits my bad side and it ain't pretty. Well said. I'm sure that if any of the other four hgs had been evicted first, they would have been questioned about their behaviour and/or about allowing it to continue on an ongoing basis. That goes for Andy, Amanda, GM and Spencer. It just happened that Aaryn was evicted first and was the original perpetrator. I believe that if Aaryn had made final two, she would have won based on game play and depending on who she was sitting next to. GM has been a strong competitor as has Elissa. Anyone who would vote on a personal basis wasn't really playing the game. No matter how bad her behaviour was, Aaryn was a very strong competitor.
  21. The problem with Julie saying that "other houseguest have accused you..." is that a great deal of Americans and people in other countries witnessed it first hand on live feeds. Therefore, it generalizes it to the house and just think of the excuses Aaryn would have come up with in addition to the Texas/American mantra.
  22. Not only should GM receive the same interview, so should Spencer and even more so, Amanda. She was the worst of all other five HG's behaviour all rolled into one yet hardly aired. I hardly doubt that. People do not have short-term memories and most likely thought that Julie did justice. She didn't attack her even though Julie herself was extremely offended. I think Julie handled the topic with decorum and tact when she very well could have not even interviewed her at all and had someone else do it.
  23. You obviously haven't watched many seasons of BB if you believe that.
  24. Wrong there. Calling a male a pr*ck is no different than calling a female a c*nt. Derogatory and ignorant. No, they are afraid of them because of the great competitiveness. They hate people who demonstrate intolerable behaviour. Learn and know the difference. You're 22 years old. Youth, inexperience and ignorance is never an excuse!



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