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Everything posted by yawnie

  1. The issue with Amanda being on the block has nothing to do with her game play. It's her actions that have made America dislike her so much. If you haven't seen her "after dark" etc, then you wouldn't understand. She has the most vile mouth on any player in BB history. She has disrespectfully used racist, homophobic and rude & ignorant remarks about every female in the house. "Joking" to kill Jessie and use her for unspeakable acts in disgusting and unacceptable. She consistently uses the "f-word" and the "c-word" when speaking of the other female HG's. This is why America voted her as third nominee two consecutive weeks, and I believe it would be three if the MVP twist was still in play.
  2. Then they'd be back to season one. In this season's case, it wouldn't be such a bad idea. Certain people would definitely be long gone and would not make it to jury. I don't think it was a bad idea, especially when America actually got the vote. It's too bad America didn't have the vote from the start, the maybe the bully half of McManda would be long gone. She is Aaryn, GM, Spencer, Jeremy & Kaitlyn all rolled into one amazon of a crazy bullying biotch.
  3. Sorry, that just isn't something that you joke about. He made his own disparaging remarks early in the game about gay people and Hitler. Whether it was meant as a joke or not, it is totally unacceptable, especially on national television or in live feeds that children, or any other human for that matter, may be watching. Like Aaryn & GM, he will learn the price of his actions when he leaves the house. His annoying habit of constantly picking his nose and wiping it anywhere he pleases (ie, the HOH couch, into his beard etc) is absolutely disgusting. Does BB not provide tissues? I know they must have tp in the house. He could use that.
  4. Elissa has come to her senses and distanced herself from the drama in the house. She has a mind of her own, but hasn't used it as of yet other than to distance herself from the others. I feel for her because she is very open-minded and accepting of the differences in everyone. She also knows what she will and will not tolerate and I admire her for distancing herself from the rest of the house. I'd find it hard to live in the cesspool of bigotry, racism and self indulgent narcissism without speaking my mind to those projecting these traits. I hope she gets and HOH very soon and puts out Amanda. Only then would I believe that Helen may actually hold up their deal to be final two.
  5. Love, love, love this. Andy, Andy, Andy. Flip-flopper extrodinaire. I'm with Helen, no Amanda, no Helen, no Spencer...oh I'm with however is ruling the house for the next two minutes, then I'll follow the new leader. They won't catch on and I can float and flip all the way to the end....no wait, jury...no end...no jury..... I will say that I am disappointed in his ability to sit by and laugh at the rude & ignorant comments made about gay people, especially by his best bud, Amanda. Disgusting.
  6. This is just one more HG that will be on Amanda's radar in the coming weeks. Depending on who wins HOH, Jessie could find herself on the block very quickly. How dare she mention that she thinks McCrae is handsome? How dare she sit on a couch next to McCrae? How dare she not be vulnerable to Amanda's bullying and manipulations? How dare she take up on someone else's suggestion that they vote Amanda out? Jessie needs to stick close to Elissa, who seems to be the only one not in the middle of the drama. Then she needs to hope that either she or Elissa wins HOH for both the safety.
  7. Sure she would sacrifice herself, just like Judas did. She latched onto McCrae early because everyone likes him and then locks him away in the bedrooms. She is a bully and he is becoming more and more aware of it. Now, if only he would start thinking with his "upper-head" instead of his "lower-head", he would distance himself from the crazy, bullying biotch. Hopefully, he is not foolish enough to deal with her outside the BB house. He says he has been in relationships like this before, so he should know what he needs to do. If he doesn't wisen up, he will end up in a very volatile relationship. This woman obviously had ADD/ADHD (Adderall coupled with her outbursts) and he needs to step away quickly and do his own thing.
  8. Candace had the right during her plea to stay to call GM out on her nomination speech. GM did say some despicable things during that nom speech. And for GM to cut Candace off was uncalled for. Even more annoying was that Chenbot didn't silence GM and let Candace say what she wanted. Having GM & Aaryn refer to Candice as a "mean girl" was almost laughable but wasn't. And if GM represents the city/town she comes from, I wouldn't want to visit there for any reason. I find it odd that she disrespects different ethnicities, yet insists on playing/speaking/acting like she may be of African decent. "Yo, yo...the Italian staliion....". Give me a break.
  9. Until the last two weeks, I didn't realize he was playing the game. All I ever heard him do was tell people that he was not that close to Jessie. It was sweet to watch him p-off Amanda by giving Jessie the POV. Best move he could have made. As for him "loving up" all over Aaryn, didn't see that and so glad I didn't (eeewww). I missed something, but the game is what it is, and he obviously got under someone's skin the wrong way. Maybe he will come back. If so, better luck second time around.
  10. I wasn't fond of C's game play, but I do have to admire her stance to not take bs from anyone in the house. If I had been in there, there is NO WAY I would have let any of the crap spewing from Aaryn & GM's mouths go. I would have brought the rest of the HG's into the area so they could also hear and then confronted the blondes on their behaviour. Totally unacceptable and hopefully, BB will put a claus in the contracts that doesn't allow this type of behaviour in the house.
  11. Wouldn't you love to see Helen's face when she goes home and sees the season and catches Aaryn and GinaMarie for the racist idiots that they are? She says she was dumb to listen to what other people said about these two. It would be sweet to see what her opinion of them is once she has seen the season from the start.
  12. I only wish that I could be in the room when Helen actually watches the season. Just to see the expression on her face since she has recently declared that it was wrong for her to believe any of the stuff that was said about Aaryn's racist remarks. They are such buddies now, how long will it last when Helen sees the true creature? I also wish I could be there to see Aaryn's face when she finds out she's been fired from not one, but two jobs because of her actions.
  13. Yet another chance to get rid of the house bully and they didn't take the chance to back door her. If they don't lose her within the next two weeks, I can see her getting to the end and it will be everybody's fault. They won't even have to vote for the winner since they will obviously make the crazy bully the winner by default. I will say this for her. She hooked herself onto McCrae immediately and then started to separate themselves from the rest of the house. Smart move since everyone seems to like him. They spend most of all their time in bed, dictating orders (her mostly) and no one seems to realize that everyone else is doing their dirty work. (and Helen's). And I find it amazing that everyone has no problem with McManda taking up the HOH room, no matter who the HOH is. They are aware she is a bully, but they are too afraid of her to do anything about it. Ivette & Maggie used to call everyone sheep. This seasons has the largest herd ever. Someone has to wake up in the next week or two and destroy McManda. And make sure she has plenty of Adderall 'cuz she will go totally ballistic.
  14. She has the most foul mouth of anyone ever in the BB house & that includes the Maggie/Ivette/Cappy season. No respectable female I know would continually refer to her female house mates as "c*nts", "sl*ts" and so on. The "F" word flies out of her mouth faster and more often than most people get a chance to speak. Add in the bullying, lying and manipulating, you would understand why she is so unlikable. The only people she wants out of the house are those too wise to fall under her manipulations. Hopefully, she is America's MVP choice again, and hopefully the other house guests will wisen up and we will watch her walk out the door. It would be best for everyone, especially McCrae, who I'm certain could do so much better.
  15. This is one of the most despicable players in BB history. There is barely a minute where the "F" or "C" word isn't coming out of her mouth. She makes herself look as evil as Aaryn. I'm not really sure, but I don't think there is a person, beside McCrae that hasn't been a subject of her assaults. As for her "Adderall for weight-loss", give us all a break. It's for ADHD & she obviously suffers from gutter mouth as well. If the house doesn't wake up and realize she is nothing but a bully, there are none that will deserve to be in the F4 never mind F2. I wonder if any of them actually go home and watch themselves and realize how rude & disgusting their behaviour is. It doesn't matter if it's a game or not, have some decorum, self-respect and respect for others. BB has made itself a joke this year. Let's hope they've learned their lessons because a lot of his is not even close to entertaining. It's possible that there may be no repercussions for her until she leaves the house. If she is a realtor, she may be independent and the only repercussions she may find will happen when she loses business because people recognize her for the crude piece of work she is.
  16. We really shouldn't be surprised. The majority of the houseguests knew from day one that Elissa was Rachel's sister. She up and admitted it at first eviction for those that may not have known or been sure. Once they figured out Elissa was voted, and would continue to be voted MVP, they decided to use her. Unfortunately for them, Elissa knew this would happen. Amanda & McCrae claim they have saved Elissa. I hardly think so. She, Helen & the other houseguests that have figured out they could use Elissa to do their dirty work have saved her, not McManda. Amanda believes she has so much power in the house. If that were so, Elissa would have put Howard on the block instead of Spencer. At that point, all the houseguests should have realized that Elissa has her own mind and is not so easily manipulated. She also knew she had to win POV this week, otherwise, all those that have wanted her gone from day one would probably have gotten their way. I'm hoping that Elissa gets to stay on for a long haul, and if America gets to vote whom they want for MVP, they choose Elissa again. If America continues to be MVP, hopefully, they will look at the players that really should have been long gone by now and save their votes against Elissa for down the road, if they get to vote later on. Count me in the erroneous group as well. I would love to see Elissa win HOH. She proved with the POV that she is indeed a player.
  17. Quotes about his "mental health" are out of line. People with ADD/ADHD have minds that happen to think way ahead of the deed. If Ian needed to rock, it is understandable since that is part of the symptoms for many people with ADD/ADHD. Ian was saying those things about Dan because he heard Dan talking to Danielle after Shane's eviction. If you noticed, he used the word "scumbag" as well which is a word Dan used while trying to convince Dani he did what was best for both himself & her. I doubt that production had anything to do with it.
  18. Mazes are not geared to anyone. Ian was just smart enough to check out the patterns before hand which is what anyone who does puzzles would have done if they had the same sense. Jenn was not far behind him, so it was just a matter of how quickly one could pick up the route not that the game was geared to one HG over another. LOL, you mean that that comp wasn't geared to favour Ian? How scandalous! And if anyone here was listening, Ian said his foot got caught on something when they got dunked. That caused him to lose his balance. I don't really believe that Ian would be so naive as to believe Dan would take him anywhere considering it has been obvious from the start that Dan has had an agreement with Danielle.
  19. Sour grapes here from moderators of all. Another one that believes the show is "scripted". Then let's not forget that others won POV's & HOH's that may have been tailored to them. Ian happens to be a very bright young man who has watched this show for a long time. He also happens to be adept at memory as well as endurance comps. To say that comps are geared specifcally to one HG is ridiculous. It's a game show. Take it for what it is and stop with the hating. Sorry, don't agree about Dan being in every eviction. Ian's two HOH's, his choices were clear and he got them both out. Dan may think he manipulated Ian, but we all know better as Frank found out. Ian is no ones puppet! He played a very social and strategic game and deserves to win.
  20. Must disagree with you partly ont he other coaches. Janelle was one of the best players. For some reason, she turned into someone that hadn't played before. Her game play this season wasn't up to the par of Season 6 & All Stars. Of course, she did have everyone after her the minute the coaches entered the game, so it's possible they feared her because her game was so good in previous seasons. I wish people would quit with the notion that the producers push the players and the show in the direction they want. If that were the case, I'm sure there would never have been any season ejections for behaviour, like Wilie (S14), Justin (S2) or Scott (S4). There would be way too may lawsuits if the producers were creating the outcomes of any of the show. If it is scripted as most of you claim, they need better writers.
  21. Well, that's something new for her. She usually waits until people are out of ear shot or out of the house before she starts her tirades. She's worse then Ivette, and if she ends up in F2 with Dan, deserves to lose for having no mind of her own and allowing Dan to pull her strings the entire season. He picked his patsy fromt he beginning and has played her like a violin virtuoso.
  22. I don't believe that Ian is exaggerating his condition. I have a son who has dealt with this his entire life. The fact that he has a condition should have no bearing on his game play. He has played as honestly, if not more so than most people in the house. He has been strategic and genuine. He almost knows this game inside and out and is doing a great job. The fact that Ian was responsible for the eviction of two of the people the other players considered the biggest threats says a lot for his abilities. If he wins the final HOH, he should win the $$$ on the fact that he is approachable, social and had good game play. Let's hope that the right decisions are made in the end and not decisions based on jealousy or anger.
  23. Ian said he was thinking of throwing the comp. But, his foot got caught on something sending him off balance causing hime to fall. He may have thought about it, but I don't believe he really would have. Strategy to keep them guessing. He certainly wouldn't throw the second part to either Dan or Dani, so the first part wouldn't have been thrown unless Ian was thinking that second part was more to his brain skills, then he would throw first part. So yes, Ian is very smart. I agree. I think way too many people take the "swearing on whatever/whomever" too seriously. It's a simple statement to make people believe but is never meant in the context that most people take it. Lighten up already. I find it ironic that she is yelling & screaming about Ian having a deal with Dan when she herself has had a deal with Dan since day 1. If she really thinks about it, it's Dan who's done the manipulating and deal making. Both her & Ian should realize this and send Dan packing. As for who would win between them, I believe Dan would beat Dani, Ian would beat Dan & Dani. Ian has made the biggest moves by putting out both of the two players everyone believed to be the strongest, Boogie & Frank. On that merit, Ian deserves to win for his play. That's an insult to Elvira!
  24. I totally disagree with you regarding Ian. If you remember, he was third in the first endurance test, and won the sun contest, so I wouldn't count him out if Dani is smart enough to take him to F3. It's too bad that he got the HOH before this one because he would have rocked last night's contest and solidified his place in F3.
  25. NO WAY!! She's just handed the win to Dan. Getting Ian out is the biggest mistake she'll make. In the end, it will be her and Dan, unless Shane pulls out a big HOH win. If Shane gets final HOH, than Dani will win all. If Dani wins final HOH, Dan can kiss her feet in thanks for giving him the game. Dan's best play, even better than his "funeral", is the way he has played Danielle like a violin. He has manipulated that girl from the get-go. She's has been so easily manipulated, it's like she has to be the centre of someone's universe and Dan picked up on that quickly. She'll feel like a loser when the money goes to Dan. The only reason I can see the other HG's voting to give her the win is if they do it out of spite so Dan can't win twice.



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