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Everything posted by grannysue1154

  1. 10:00 pm General conversation in the HOH room. Turner says he is leaving in two minutes for his chicken nuggets. They check out the cameras to see if anyone is in the living room. Colorful bubbles return 10:16pm Feeds return. Indy, Turner and Alyssa are in one of the bedrooms. When Turner leaves the girls decide to go get Palmoa for a chat. Indy tells Palmoa that when they were upstairs, Palmoa said out loud that Indy was the strongest player. Palmoa tells her no one heard it, Indy says, "no more." Palmoa apologizes. Indy says she needs to have Palmoa present, she talks so much to so many people. Palmoa says she has no power in the game, she says she feels bad. Palmoa says they can vote her off, Alyssa says they just need to keep the girls together. She tells Palmoa that they just need to be closer to her than anyone in the house. Indy tells Palmoa she runs her mouth all over the house, and she needs to be careful about what she says, and to say nothing about them. Indy tells her to only speak well of them to the HOH. Palmoa says everyone wants to be her friend, that they don't all want to talk game. Alyssa tells her to use that on the new HOH. When Palmoa says Indy said she (Palmoa) put her (Indy's) game at risk Indy corrects her immediately. "No I did not say that." she tells Palmoa that people can twist what they hear. Indy also tells Palmoa to listen more than she talks. Palmoa bounces out of the room. Alyssa is impressed by Indy calling her out. Jasmine comes into the room complaining about Brittany being paranoid. She says every time she turns around Brittany is right there. Ameerah has joined the group. Jasmine offers to tell Brittany to chill out. Jasmine says Paloma is refusing to talk game. The other girls think it is because she is on the backstage crew. Jasmine says Turner mentioned Terrance and Brittany being on the block. She wonders why no one mentions Michael. They are all picking their Girl Power Ranger colors. Ameerah tells them they can't use anything branded. They decide to go find a snack. Indy tells them that July 18th will be her one year anniversary being an American citizen. Jasmine tells Ameerah that the guys are talking about putting up Brittany and Indy. Ameerah is surprised, wonders if they can save them. Jasmine also mentions Palmoa's activity in the house, she says it needs to be toned down, Ameerah says it could be her game. They continue to gossip. Ameerah tells Jasmine that Brittany has told Michael about the girls alliance, but she isn't sure if she called it an alliance, or just "the girls". Ameerah says Brittany has brought nothing to the table for them. They think Brittany may have told Pooch secrets and now is suggesting they send him out of the house, maybe because if he is gone he can't tell. Alyssa comes into the room crying over something Pooch said. She is followed by Brittany, who tells her she is there for anything she needs. Alyssa says she is emotional because it is "her time" (my words, not hers..) Some of the girls decide to go to the kitchen, Alyssa grabs her sunglasses and goes. 11:00pm The group in the kitchen are talking about making carbonara tomorrow. Pooch is talking about how perfect it should be. He says he will make it without bacon as well. Pooch and Ameerah talk about food items that put them off. In the bathroom Monte and Joe are talking about Palmoa and her big personality. Back in the kitchen house guests are talking, general conversation Cameras move to the HOH Taylor and Daniel are talking after Nicole leaves the room. Daniel says he is hoping Taylor is not giving up, he is glad she is continuing her social game. He thinks it would be valuable. Taylor says she spent the day yesterday talking to people around the house, she says she took the speech as something calling attention to something she had done. She says after talking to people she realized that it was generally her moving around the guys and not the girls and her attitude in the house. Daniel says she did her part. Taylor says if she stays she will not target Daniel, she likes him. Daniel tells her it is all fight until they see Julie. Daniel wonders if there will be a competition between the nominees and the backstage crew, and the two last finishers go on the block to be voted out. They continue to think about how the backstage crew will play out. Taylor says she knows if she is up against Terrance she will go home. They leave the HOH room and head downstairs.
  2. 9:30 pm Kyle has joined the bedroom group as well. Joe and Monte are in the gym area working out. Indy is giving Kyle's hair a close inspection. The girls tell him he has a little grey hair. Indy is trying to pull one out. She succeeds and shows it to him. The girls talk about hair extensions and the restrictions they create (no saltwater, coming out, maintenance) 9:36 Colorful bubbles join us. 9:48pm Feeds return Pooch is talking to Indy, checking to see if he is safe if she wins HOH. She says she plans to talk to people she likes first, then others. Pooch agrees. Camera moves to HOH Daniel, Ameerah, Terrance and Nicole are talking about Michael. Terrance says Michael told him he doesn't fit in. Terrance told Michael "if you got me I got you." Michael agreed. Nicole says one of them has to win the HOH next week, and one of the others has to be the "boss" as well, even though it does create a target. In the event the backstage is ongoing. They all think there is a live show and they will find out tomorrow. They think that there will be a competition between the three backstage crew, and the loser will go home. Turner comes in, Daniel offers him a snack, he takes a bag, says he is making chicken tenders as well.
  3. 8:22pm Big Brother Time House guests are in the bumper pool game area. General talk like most other nights, first dates, worst habits and so on. Taylor does apologize to the girls for not spending as much time with them as she could have, but she is glad she spent time with the guys because she has learned there are decent men around. There are also jokes about young men and their, can we say private time? Lots of jokes. Other loud, general chatter Daniel goes to the kitchen for tea, Indy goes to the loo downstairs and Taylor is called to the diary room upstairs. Brittany is called to the diary room downstairs. In the bumper pool game room we have riveting conversation about toe size, toe abnormalities, and how useful toes can be for picking up items from the floor. Conversation dissolves into voices and laughter. Jasmine and Turner are in the lavatory, Turner says he has been sleeping all day. Paloma comes out of the loo, she says she is going to bed now. She wants to rebel. Joe and Monte come to the lavatory, Paloma starts in about heart rates. Jasmine and Turner go into the bedroom and start talking about strategy, Turner wants to keep Pooch safe, Jasmine says Ameerah and Alyssa. They agree that they don't talk much to Michael, but like Terrance. Jasmine says the easy names are Michael and Terrance. Turner mentions Brittany and Indy, she says she hasn't really thought about them, and deflects agreement with the other girls. Turner wonders if people are close to Brittany, Jasmine says she talks to her sometimes casually, but she also thinks the house will lean toward Brittany. Turner whispers that he wants Taylor's bed when she leaves. Turner says Brittany and Michael are close, they should go out back to back. Turner mentions Brittany's eyes...they mesmerize him. Turner says Pooch would put her up before Alyssa and Paloma. He says he humors her. Turner wonders who Indy would put up, she is more familiar with Brazil Big Brother than this one. Paloma comes in, they tell her to talk game to her. Michael comes by, Paloma stops him. 9:09pm Cameras move to the bumper pool game room. General conversation about nicknames, no one seems to like "baby girl". (Grandpa has called me that for a very long time, I have always answered, but don't go by me I also answer to "what's for dinner."--Grannysue) Camera moves back to bedroom Michael, Paloma, Brittany and Turner in a non game related conversation. Jasmine says she does not drink caffiene or alcohol. Michael says, "Better than grits on a biscuit in springtime." Jasmine asks him why he has to add a temperature. Michael, "Well bless yur harrrt." The bedroom group breaks apart. Turner goes to the kitchen, Michael also goes to the kitchen area. While Michael is busy at the sink, Jasmine nods to Turner to come back to the bedrooms. Turner tells Jasmine that he wants "his words" to be confidential, Jasmine agrees. She comes back with her snack, and Jasmine expresses her wish to be HOH, as does Turner. He wants a letter from his girlfriend. Jasmine says everyone will go for it this week because it is early. Turner asks Indy who she would put up, she says she doesn't know, but she would not put him up at all. Alyssa comes in, Indy continues to tell Turner she already told him she was interested in connecting with him. Pooch comes in, he tells her he is quick to respond (prank).
  4. 11:00pm After a few minutes of Bright Colored Circles feeds return to the kitchen. The group around the table is still laughing and enjoying themselves.They are sharing first impressions, creating quite a few giggles. After everyone takes a turn talking about first impressions the group begins to split apart. (although some of these first impressions could be partially genuine, it seems to be an exercise in ego stroking). Jasmine and Indy are in the lavatory with more gossip. "he really likes her" Alyssa tells them Ameerah is sound asleep, she wants to clear the air with Brittany. Indy tells her they just need to drop it. They talk about wanting to win the HOH. Michael comes in, the girls tell him he needs to win HOH, he says he plans to try. Alyssa is playing with the hair straightener. She tests it on Jasmine and Turner. Terrance asks her to work with his "ends". The lavatory fills with house guests, general conversation. Taylor and Michael are cleaning up in the kitchen, other house guests are coming to snack, making decisions on whether or not to sleep and checking to see if the back yard was open. Taylor is telling Michael what really happened with Monte and Paloma. Her story is short and sweet (and accurate). 12:00am The house is still a hive of activity, but it is time for me to end my day. My puppies have already gone to my room ahead of me tonight, I guess they got tired of waiting. It is time for me to thank the Lord for my day, snuggle in with them, and close my eyes until morning. Do something today, just out of love for someone. A smile, open a door, a kindness. Goodnight my darlings. hugs--Grannysue
  5. Colorful circles return once again. 9:50 pm Feeds return. House guests start a game of truth or dare. Beginning questions are interesting, so far no embarrassment. Colorful circles continue to pop up, not sure why, could be production giving instructions, I don't hear any singing, name dropping..... Feeds return at 10:15pm Truth or dare continues Alyssa and Jasmine are in the bedroom, general talk and giggling. Game continues in the dining area Paloma and Brittany are cleaning up in the kitchen Jasmine and Alyssa are gossiping in the bedroom. Topics are Daniel, Turner and Brittany, their positions in the house, who they want out. Alyssa makes a pooter, they dissolve into giggles. Alyssa waves the blanket in the air, says "yeah it was just a fart." Jasmine tells her to spray some perfume. They giggle more about Kyle's lips, they plan to offer him a chap stick. Jasmine starts licking her lips saying, "Kyle..Kyle". She says even when he licks his lips they stay "crusteee". They are trying to come up with helpful, although funny, ways to help him out.
  6. 8:52pm Big Brother Time Brittany, Ameerah and Jasmine are gossiping in the bedroom. Jasmine mentions Joe's unwelcome flirting. Brittany calls it harmless Brittany is worried that one of the backstage crew will be forced out of the game. She thinks Paloma and Alyssa are already aligned with him and Turner. They discuss whether or not it is a good idea to approach Pooch, and whether or not he would give a name to the person who is rumored to have said they would put him on the block. They decide not to react to the rumor. The girls leave the room for other parts of the house. Paloma approaches Brittany and Ameerah chattering about the contract they have, no one seems to know what she is talking about. Paloma asks Brittany how she is doing, Brittany admits to being stressed because people are throwing out all kinds of scenarios. Paloma says she advises that they should just admit that they know nothing. She continues to speed talk as she tends to do. Turner comes in, turns on the shower and goes to the loo, the girls laugh, one of them says about the loo, "i just blew that sh*t up". The dining room table is being used for some sort of marble game, house guests come and go amid general conversation. The group is teasing Alyssa for forgetting about a relationship she was building past last November. Cameras move to lavatory area. General conversation. General conversation continues in the kitchen. Feeds are interrupted by colorful circles quite often with no real obvious reason. In the kitchen-- Nicole: "I have a thousand followers on instagram." Jasmine: "Not any more" Kitchen erupts with laughter. Nicole acknowledges that was a good one. In the lavatory area-- General conversation Indy continues her dream of becoming famous. 9:45pm Kitchen still full of laughter
  7. 11:00pm Big Brother Time Cameras move to the bedroom with Alyssa, Indy, Nicole and Ameenah. General talking. Taylor comes into the room to socialize. Cameras move to the back yard. Billiard table is thehot spot, but Monte and Daniel are off to the side. Daniel thanks Monte for his take on the cultural aspect he shared, he tells him it makes him feel better about what he is about to do. Daniel breaks down a little, Monte comforts him (Previously Daniel and Monte had a talk about how putting up two African American people on the block will look. He was worried that doing that would be seen in negative light. Monte told him then that the decision was about game play and would not be seen that way.) Big Circles breaks in and covers the conversation. Monte and Daniel are still talking about the nominations. He says he will make it clear that he (Monte) went to Daniel and said something had to be done. Daniel appreciates Monte being the voice of reason, and he appreciates the people who could be affected are positive. Daniel says everyone in the house (practically), has repeated a comment Taylor has made this week. Calling Jasmine out for her weight Calling Monte a punk of some sort Monte continues to encourage Daniel, he says it means Daniel's heart in the right place with this. He appreciates that Daniel worries what people think. Daniel sobs, says maybe he should put someone else up and let "someone else" do it. Monte tells him again that he will go around the house and work around anyone who has "feelings" about this Daniel says he just wants to play the game, Monte says he also wants to play the game. Monte says that he is a "black man" who wants to look out his people, but he is the one who brought it to Daniel because it was something that had to be done. Daniel thanks him, the conversation ends. Monte takes Jasmine and Ameesha to the storage room and tells them that Daniel is worried about the asthetics. Ameesha says she made a joke and it could be her fault. Monte says Daniel is a decent guy, and is worried that he might be cancelled because of it. Jasmine and Ameesha agree that their goodbye messages are clear. Ameesha says Taylor will run with the two black people being put up and that will happen within 24 hours. Ameesha says Michael mentioned what this will look like because he mentioned it. They say it is good that people are aware. Monte says he has a theory about the origin of Taylor's lie. He thinks it was a move to get his attention. Paloma can't be nominated, can't vote. He wonders why she would plant a seed and even told him to ask Paloma. (ohhh, probably because it was true--Grannysue) The girls say maybe Taylor heard it through whispers, Monty says he doesn't believe it. He continues to deny. Jasmine asks Monte to set up a time for her to go to Daniel and support him in this. All of them say they gave Taylor's name to Daniel. In the HOH Daniel is spilling his heart out to Nicole. Nicole's eyes are full of tears, she tells him she knows he is not a racist, he is doing it for people in the game. Daniel says his speech will not be a blanket statement. He says his decision will have to be respected by the house and America. Daniel says he feels like he doesn't see anyone all day, but all he does is see people all day. He says when he planned to go to bed he was called to the diary room (last night) Nicole thanks him for trusting him and confiding him. She thanks him for being "you being you." She tells him she is always holding space for him no matter where he is in the house. Daniel says he is still glad he is HOH and is playing this game. He says that anyone who would have called Jasmine "fat" would be "outta here" They think Paloma being HOH would be fun to watch, as long as they are safe. Daniel says it took 45 minutes for Paloma to get around to telling him what happened. He says "she don't stop, ever." He says he was aware that Taylor follows Poloma around to gain information. .12:00am Daniel and Nicole are laughing about Paloma calling herself "the little rat". They are worried that the twist will force the nomination and he will not make one at all. (Michael's idea of what could happen). They decide to leave the room and go to the kitchen. 12:00am. My darlings it is time for me to thank the Lord for my day, go find my puppies (my little Meemo has already been sitting on the rug by the sink staring at me with her little sad eyes, just waiting). Sharing Big Brother with all of you is such an honor, I appreciate that you depend on me to tell you what is happening in the house without judgement. That being said, remember that being judgemental is more about who you are than who the person being judged is. We should always live with joy and kindess; just an observation from an old lady who needed to learn that much sooner than she did. Hugs to all of you, thank you for sharing part of your day with me. Grannysue.
  8. 10:00pm Joe and Daniel are talking about the house in general, how to handle the new nomination. They both believe Paloma did not lie about Taylor. Taylor comes into the HOH room, Joe leaves. They talk in generalities. When Taylor asks him how he feels about her, he tells her as of now he feels solid about her, but he is interested in what people downstairs are thinking. He says he plans to pass the power to the people, he can't vote. They hear shouting downstairs and go check to see what is going on. Daniel thanks her for coming upstairs. Daniel goes back into the HOH and says he hates doing "that" and "she will be p**sed". He says Taylor must be a superfan, she knew how to ask the HOH questions. He worries that he is playing a sh***y game. He will find out , he says. Daniel heads downstairs. House guests are upset that Indy keeps a measuring tape in her purse and talked about perfect body in front of the girls who are bigger than her.
  9. 9:15 pm Big Brother Time House guests in the back yard are reminiscing about past seasons.t Taylor is in the yard with them, and is joining in with the fun. They talk about their social media and who is running it for them. Lots of talk about what is happening in their lives outside the house, weddings, anniversaries.... Nicole expresses a wish to be in a costume. Terrance laughs about Joe not being able to keep track of his water bottle. The group breaks up. Taylor says, "see, alone again." Nicole turns around, "well, come on.follow" Taylor decides to do just that. Taylor makes a smart remark about things left in the yard, leaving it instead of bringing it in. She goes inside and Terrance says, "see, that's what I was talkin' bout." He says that's what she does. NIcole mentions Taylor's attitude as well. Terrance says that Nicole has now seen her attitude instantly. Nicole says Michael never talked game before the veto, Terrance says he approached Michael after he won the veto and asked him for his vote. They laugh, Terrance says Michael laughed with him and agreed. Terrance asks Nicole questions about the laundry process, he says he doesn't wash. Terrance says he just throws everything in. They are really enjoying each other. Cameras move to the bumper pool game area. House guests are talking about partners having relationships after they (house guests) pass on. Sounds like they have been having "soul mate" conversation. They are passing a baton and the holder is the speaker. The conversation is a very good one and gives quite a bit of insight to expectations in relationships.
  10. 11:00pm Big Brother Time The HOH continues to be full of laughter and talk. Topics are all over the place....Covid, boyfriends with Covid, 21st birthdays, cancelled flights and believe it or not...Hog head souse on crackers and Nicole clarifies it by saying Head Cheese... Jasmine is throwing out tasty dishes like chittlins...(hog intestines), (i will tell you children, if you are not starving, these things are a hard pass) Now we get info on Tripe (cow intestines)... and with that I will just say general chatter is happening...Jo Daniel has disappeared from the room, he has hidden himself in the storage room with Turner and Pooch. They leave and Joe comes into the storage room. Joe offers his support, he says others might have an agenda, he does not. He will just help Daniel out. Daniel has joined Turner, Pooch and Joe in the kitchen and Terrance wanders by. Joe follows himout of the room. Turner and Pootch are sitting on the kitchen island watching the coffee pot. (I can relate, but I have to stare at mine from the kitchen chairs.-I am so short I need a footstool to get in our little suv.--hahaha. But I look elegant doing it--Grannysue) Coffee seems to be done, Turner is surprised it is hot. (Bless his heart) The two boys stare at the memory wall and whisper for a few seconds. Pooch tells Turner that Daniel wants to make this as smooth as possible. They are counting votes at the wall. Poloma comes by, kisses the onion man, says she is going to bed. They joke about Indy not voting right. The camera moves to the back door, the yard is open but no one seems to realize it yet. They continue to clown around in the kitchen, Pooch says it is the worst cup of coffee he has ever had. They head upstairs, still unaware of the open back yard. Terrance tells Pooch and Ameesha a dad joke. A man has a son with no arms and no legs. On the son's 21st birthday the father takes the son to a bar to celebrate with a drink. They each have a shot of whiskey. The son grows arms and legs. The dad wants to celebrate the son growing his body, so he buys another shot. They drink it and the son dies immediately. Bartender says, "he should have quit while he was a head."---groannnnnn. He says that's all he has. (just as well) at 11:31pm house guests discover the open back yard and race for the hammock. Indy and Alyssa win, they struggle to get on the hammock and adjust themselves comfortably. They invite Kyle to join them and try to scoot over, nearly tipping the hammock. Lots of giggling. In the HOH Michael is talking to Nicole about adjusting to genuine game talk. He says now he feel comfortable, he doesn't need a vote from anyone. NIcole says she is stressing out about the twist. They agree that Daniel has a hard decision to make and someone will be "p**sed, and someone will go home." Nicole says the whole game moved quickly, they have already done the veto, she says she has a "mom role" in the house and people don't tell her things. She feels like she is in a position where she just doesn't know certain things like moods or what is going on in the house. Michael says there may not be moods and such, maybe everyone genuinely likes each other. Alyssa, Poloma and Indy are talking in the living room quietly, they mention Taylor doing whatever she can to manipulate, they need to go tell "him". Alyssa tells Poloma that Daniel told her he wants to put Taylor up. Alyssa says she needs to win HOH, he social game is high. Poloma says Alyssa should give Daniel big sad eyes, get him to put Taylor up and she is gone. They go outside to join the group of house guests scattered around the back yard. Meanwhile Taylor is in the lavatory area, she is leaned over the counter and we can hear her sobbing. She has her face covered but she is crying her heart out. After a few minutes she says a big swear, goes to the loo for toilet tissue and tries to compose herself. In the HOH talk continues between Michael and Nicole. Nicole is talking about the porta potty competition, she says she wanted to win, but she was slimed and that was a Big Brother dream. In the back yard Joe is laughing about sitting on the potty when it was warm from someone else's behind. He thought the bidet warmed the seat. He says his plan going forward will be to hold the door shut tight. Monte tells him the seat does heat. 'Taylor joins the group, she seems relaxed and poised. 12:00pm The Big Brother House is still teeming with activity, the house guests are enjoying the back yard, Nicole and Michael are talking in the HOH room. But in my house it is quiet and the lights are dimmed. It is time for me thank the Lord for this day then collect my puppies and go cuddle. When I was a very young girl my granny said to me, "Look straight ahead, keep your eye on your goals." I think that was such good advice I wanted to share it with you. Tell someone you love them today. Goodnight dears, hugs--Grannysue.
  11. 10:25 pm Big Brother Time. Cameras return and the topic has changed, but we hear just as the camera comes back.... Daniel, "yeah, we figured it out. Nicole has come to the HOH room as well. There is quite a group now, Turner, MIchael, Alyssa, Paloma, Nicole, Ameesha and Daniel. Just general chatter. Indy also joins the group. She says she has asked to sleep later tomorrow. Daniel explains moving from city to city around LA. Turner says he wants to go to Huntington Beach before he leaves for home. Camera moves to Taylor, alone in the lavatory doing her personal care. Ameesha and Pooch join her. Taylor keeps her head down, concentrating on only what she is doing. Everyone leaves without speaking directly to her, she looks around for a second, seemingly the realization strikes her. She sighs. The HOH is still full of people and chatter continues.
  12. 9:00pm Big Brother Time Daniel is meeting with Ameerah in the HOH room. The two of them are talking about the veto competition and how difficult it was. Daniel edges into the conversation by saying that he really likes Terrance and seems relieved that Ameerah says she likes him as well. Daniel explains that he would really like Terrance to stay in the house and hopes that the person who replaces Michael would be the person to leave the house. Ameerah says she is indifferent about Indy leaving. In the bedroom Turner, Pooch and Nicole are talking about the bad habits in the house of not cleaning up after themselves. Topic changes to supporting Daniel when he nominates the replacement. The three of them are discussing the idea of sending Taylor out of the house, they say the girls aren't fond of her. Kyle and Joe come into the room. They bring up Taylor being the replacement. They also mention Indy as a possibility. After a short visit Kyle and Joe leave and pass Jasmine, who comes in as they leave. They tell Jasmine that Daniel hasn't given out any names. She is surprised that he has not. She thinks someone is on his mind he isnt talking about yet. Joe and Kyle go into the storage room, seemingly relieved that they are not going on the block. They leave the storage room quickly. Back in the bedroom the conversation continues. They wonder what the backstage twist will be.Pooch goes to the other bedroom with Alyssa to see if they can count on her support. Taylor's name is being pushed around again. Alyssa agrees to talk to Daniel this evening. Pooch goes back to the group where the conversation is happening. Talk is still moving toward Taylor being evicted if she is nominated. Joe has gone to the HOH room to talk to Daniel. Daniel is telling Joe that he is not real interested in putting up a physical threat this week. Daniel tells Joe he is safe this week. Daniel defers telling Joe who he is thinking of. Poloma comes into the room, Joe leaves. Poloma and Daniel chat for a few minutes about nothing. Poloma says that Michael really showed up, Daniel wonders if Michael may have dropped early on the first HOH. After a few minutes Daniel gets comfortable and ready to talk to Paloma about business. He tells her that Terrance seems to be playing the game and he would like him to stay. He sees Terrance as good for the jury. Conversation moves along to Michael winning the veto competition, Paloma says she saw his energy and just knew he was going to win it. Daniel tells Paloma he is generally asking everyone who they really like, and who they wouldn't mind losing from the house. Paloma says Alyssa is her go to person. He also says he is asking for a unanimous vote to keep Terrance to show they really want him here. Daniel tells Paloma that Taylor is aware of her because Paloma is playing the same game as Taylor. Daniel tells Paloma he has observed it. The doorbell keeps ringing.... In the storage room Pooch and Kyle are gossiping about Taylor. They are so sure Taylor is going on the block. Paloma and Daniel keep talking. Daniel says he has Paloma's back. Paloma says Taylor has not offered to work as a team with her, and Paloma thinks her being in the pagent industry might be a reason for it, since she has had to be an actress of sorts with quick answers. Daniel tells Paloma he is also thinking of Indy as a possibility. Paloma says she has no idea what Indy would do as HOH. Alyssa comes into the room and Daniel welcomes her. 10:00pm Big Brother Time Daniel tells the girls he is concerned that he would be safe next week when he has no power in the game. Alyssa tells Daniel that Taylor could be a problem, since she doesn't really indicate that she wants to work with her (Alyssa). Alyssa says she is hearing Taylor's name all over the house. Alyssa says Taylor has said "a lot of things that rub people the wrong way." Daniel tells them that Taylor is his number one option. The girls are telling Daniel that they can get the votes to evict Tayllor. Daniel says if they put her up, Taylor would only be in the house two days as opposed to a week. Paloma is worried if Taylor would happen to win the HOH, she has no idea what would happen. Complaints continue about Taylor. When Daniel asks about Indy, the girls say she is a wild card. Palomo tells Daniel that Indy considers him her friend. Both girls agree that Indy's game knowledge is limited. In the bedroom Ameerah and Brittany are saying goodnight., Ameerah leaves as Brittany settles in. A group has formed in one of the bedrooms where several houseguests are gathered, everyone is laughing and talking. Back in the HOH Paloma is pushing Daniel to mention Taylor to the house and guage the reaction. He says he would say Taylor doesn't talk game to him. He says Indy never talks game to him, he wants the replacement to go home so Terrance can stay. Ameerah comes into the room, tells them everyone is in the bedroom doing hand and foot massages. Michael comes into the room as well. He seems happy to have won the veto today. He says he has experienced the whole season in four days. Have not, on the block, veto winner.. The group wonders if backstage "pass" will be something "passed" to new people each week with a new boss competition. (As soon as that is mentioned we get those colorful circles and a Be Right Back message--Grannysue)
  13. 11:30 pm Big Brother Time Conversations continue in the HOH room. Ameerah and Terrence are in the lavatory talking about the upcoming competition. Terrence is worried about pulling out a "house guest choice" coin. He plans to ask for volunteers. He is hoping for players in the competition to be easier to beat. Ameerah says Daniel had a small pool of people to choose from since he didn't want to choose the have nots and couldn't choose from the backstage crew members. The two of them join the group in the kitchen where the conversation is as eclectic as it is in the HOH room. People are trickling down from the HOH room, and the kitchen is full of house guests milling around finding snacks. 12:00am Conversation continues in the kitchen. It is time for me to find my puppies, thank the Lord for my blessings today, get all comfy and have some cuddle time. Do something that makes your heart laugh today, then share the laughter with a friend. Goodnight Dears, hugs from Grannysue.
  14. 10:30 Big Brother Time Paloma and Alyssa continue to whisper in the bedroom while other house guests are in kitchen snacking. It sounds like Paloma is clarifying the "buddy system" for Alyssa. Indy comes into the room with Paloma and Alyssa, talk move to tea for tummy aches. In the HOH room Taylor is talking about beauty contests. Turner says his father does security for the Miss Rhode Island. Turner's dad asked him if he wanted to go and Turner told him he had no reason to want to go, but it was great his father could go. He clears it up, he says he didn't have a real reason not to want to go, just he didn't think he should be there. Everyone laughs. Taylor continues to describe the beauty pagent world. She tells them some of the questions she was asked, the ages of different levels, the comments, the rules for contestants. She talks about the different types of competitions. Turner says next time his dad asks him to go he will school him on what is happening there. Turner say the previous winners of Big Brother are the Illuminati and probably have a group chat that is unbelievable. Nicole says Big Brother Canada is haute coutoure, it is elaborate, high end, and the house is unbelievable. She says Wendy's was a sponsor the HOH and a selected house guest get to order from a take out window. She says the format is nearly the same as the US version, but the competitions were very different. 11:00pm Big Brother Time Cameras move to the lavatory area, Ameerah, Jasmine and Terrence are just chatting. The camera moves back to the HOH where the house guests are talking about competitions. Not sure what show they are talking about, but the competitions they are mentioning are really cute. Conversation moves to general areas, just funny blips of experiences with pod casts, tik tok videos, silly things friends have done. 11:13pm We get the circle screen. (I have no idea what to call this, but it is full of very cheerful colors. 11:15pm Feeds return to HOH room, conversation is still revolving around stories, experiences. (Taylor has been very(nicely) talkative and has shared quite a bit of personal information, preferences, and experiences. She is sharing very interesting tid bits) Nicole tells about a pod cast that covers murders and give the history of the victim and suspects. She says they cover quite a few perspectives. Kyle says he also watches this kind of thing, but he gets a little paranoid after viewing them. Conversation in the HOH continues along the lines of pod casts and other media. Brittany says she had a pod cast at one time and she focused on goal setting. She got to interview her favorite author for it. She says she had to drop it because it interfered with work. She says she did less than a hundred episodes before she interrupted the series. She said it was also personally revealing. Several conversations are taking place at the same time, microphones are not consistent in what they pick up so there is no real thread we can follow at this time.
  15. 9:00 pm Big Brother Time T alk about Survivor continues. Jasmine tells them that Monty walked in on her while she was in the loo. Sounds like it was a maximum exposure moment..... Talk moves to "Humans in NY". Jasmine says that is what she wants to do in journalism. Pooch comes to the HOH to talk to Daniel. He says he wants to know who the alternative eviction will be. Daniel says to wait until the veto is played. Pooch says they just want it to sound "reasonable". Daniel says Pooch should not show any knowledge or preference. It sounds like there isn't an alternative in mind, they are speaking only of Terrence and Michael. Daniel is happy with the moment, but he likes Terrence a little more. Pooch says he agrees because he has developed a better relationship with him. Daniel says he wants to get to know Michael a little better, he likes him as well. He says the dinner seems to have reset things. Taylor comes into the room, talk continues. They all agree that there don't seem to be any sourness in either person's attitude. The three of them seem to agree that the dinner was emotional. Daniel is happy that both of the nominees are talking to him. Taylor says they also don't know what will happen with the backstage twist. Taylor says they were all told that (They have no way of knowing that America is voting to save one person.) Pooch seems to be looking for approval of his choices for the backstage crew. Pooch leaves the room, Taylor stays. Daniel says watching the shows is much different than being in the house. Daniel tells Taylor that Michael has come and talked to him. Nicole comes into the room, Daniel tells them that he wants them to know why he made the choice to nominate Michael and Terrence. He is hoping the consequences will be minimal next week. They all seem to prefer to send Michael out, since he is so quiet. They wonder if Michael's silence is the way he plays the game. Taylor says seemed to have been prepared to be nominated, he mentioned to her "history of the show". Alyssa and Kyle come into the room. Taylor says they need to address the hair in the shower, she doesn't like to touch wet things, the wooden tiles make it much better. They all say they need to set up some sort of chore schedule. Kyle wonders how often they should clean the toilet with all the people in the house. Everyone laughs about the bidet. They may not have been expecting cold water. (ours is warm water because we are very old). Joe joins the gang in the HOH room, he shakes hands with Daniel, the girls seem surprised. General conversation. (They are wondering if we are watching......they think we didn't see them at dinner. they think we only see them if the lights are really bright.) Joseph is making fun of himself being emotional at dinner, he calls himself a tomato and thinks his meme will always be his red, teary face. He says he is definitely not watching the show back now. He says if his friends want to see it he will fast forward past it if is broadcast. Turner and Pooch (insert evil Grannysue grin here)--are in the bedroom talking. They are talking about steering the girls away from nominating boys, Pooch says he will talk to Jasmine when he can, but Turner says he isn't concerned with her winning the game. Pooch says he wonders if Joe would be willing to be a pawn to hide alliances. Turner says alliances in the past didn't want to "pawn" each other. They hy ave a plan to assemble the Motley Crew after bed time. Turner wants to clarify that Joe is "on the side". Turner says that if one of the three girls has to go it would be okay if it were Brittany. They don't think putting Brittany up would accomplish anything this week. They plan to talk to Daniel, they will look for an opportunity to do that today. Pooch says Daniel called Joe a "good kid" earlier today. They create a level (in their minds) where Oasis is above Motley Crew, with Motely Crew being a smaller core group. Pooch says Terrence didn't talk much game with Daniel, he also knew Michael was a possibility. In the lavatory area Jasimine, Paloma, Brittany and Ameerah are talking about Taylor, being rude, barging into rooms. They say she is not a girl's girl. 10:00pm Big Brother Time The girls begin whispering, they are sending Alyssa to the HOH room to "get to work". Camera moves to the kitchen. Terrence and Monty are talking about Terrence's position and how to handle his nomination. Monte suggests the possibility that Terrence can make a deal to be taken off the block. Jasmine mentions her tummy troubles to them, she is experiencing cramping and discomfort. Jasmine fibs, says she was just sitting in "there" all by "my lonesome self". Camera moves to Michael talking to Pooch in the storage room, Pooch is encouraging him, saying it isn't over yet. Pooch tells Michael to try and make a deal with someone to take him off with an offer. Michael suggests he might ask someone to throw the competition. Pooch is impressed with that idea, he says no one would want to upset the house. Michael thanks him for his help, Pooch tells him if he needs to talk, let him know. Michael comes back and says he can't get into the storage room,he rang and rang and they didn't let him in. The group in the HOH room is still laughing and joking around about themselves. In the kitchen talk is about the backstage crew and the possibilites for the eviction. Monte realizes there can be three nominees. Quite a bit of loud, unrelated conversation. Some conversation about making slop less horrible by turning it into bread or meatballs. Some of the house guests decide to dance. Monte tries to get Indy to dance the samba, she tells him later. She decides to teach them a different dance. Indy finds the cameras for her dance but space is limited so they are off to the lavatory. Paloma is describing the "buddy system" the Cookout used last year to Alyssa. Paloma tells Alyssa she would put Taylor on the block if she wins HOH. Paloma and Alyssa begin whispering intensely, impossible to hear what they are saying.
  16. 8:35pm Big Brother Time A group is at the bumper pool table game, general chatter. (The entire cast seems to have trouble hearing BOB, it seems the speaker sound is much lower this year) Meanwhile, in the kitchen another group is talking about University, allergy pills, finger nails, and so on. Nicole talks about no having nails because she is cooking. Another group is in the lavatory area talking about the first competition. Ameerah is telling Turner about hanging from the tee shirts. Alyssa and Ameerah are giving Turner good hair advice. Paloma joins the group. Talk turns to budding relationships Paloma and Alyssa are in. In the kitchen Nicole is talking about her mother and her illness, and is sharing some of her personal experience. She loves being a chef. Terrence says "you don't need a degree to drive a bus in the city of Chicago." He says he is a bus driver for the family benefits. He says if he could "spin" every day he would do it. The girls agree that his voice is great for radio, and Terrence gives them a sample. Terrence says he wants morning radio, and tells America he is looking to find a job. Jasmine says she wants to be a television show host like Julie. Terrence says Jeff"Probst is the best host. He continues to make fun of Daniel nominating him because he didn't talk to him. Talk moves on to Survivor.
  17. 10:45pm Brittany and Michael continue to talk game, Daniel passes by and Michael asks him if they can speak later. Daniel agrees. Brittany says she feels that her position is weakened by being selected as a backstage player. Jasmine stops by, she is also worried about who might be nominated. She says there is no one there that is not nice. No one is "not vibin" this season. She adds that she feels like she has no read on people in the house, and she can't figure out what the reasoning will be for nominations. 11:00pm Talk continues about finding ways to maneuver through the game, and how to do that without over stepping. 11:15pm Jasmine, Brittany and Michael continue talking at the table while they wait for Daniel to come out of the diary room. I think this might be the time of night for me to wander off to my bed and get some rest and puppy cuddles. Remember to show love and kindness to one another, when you give your smile to a stranger it is always a gift to yourself as well. Goodnight my darlings. Hugs from Grannysue.--I have missed all of you.
  18. 10:15pm General talk in the lavatory area about having children, beauty care and facials. Indy and Ameerah are in the dining area, Indy is explaining Big Brother and how it works in Brazil. Brittani and Michael are in the dining area (Indy and Ameerah have gone). They are talking about their jobs. (they are both fibbing I think) Brittany is hoping to get both Daniel and Turner to join her and Michael in an alliance. They mention Nicole but are too worried about how well she is liked in the house. Brittany says she is just trying to lay low until they have more info. She wonders how she could be at risk to go home if she is not nominated.
  19. 8:30pm Big Brother Time House guests are finishing dinner, Taylor made tacos. An onion has been decorated and is sitting on the table. Houseguests have provided him with a tiny lawn chair. General chatting and laughing. Nicole plans to work with the slop for the have nots to make interesting food for them this week. 8:45pm General talk and clean up after dinner. 9:00pm General talk about food alergies between Nicole, Kyle and Taylor. NIcole begins a "therapy session" with Indy, Indy answers in Portugese. Comical 9:15pm Monty joins the "therapy session", he has to answer in Spanish. joins in. He says he might know some Spanish, he says if they all work together they can form one full sentence. If you have live feeds, this crazy conversation starts at about 9pm and continues until 9:30. Lots of laughing here. Funny stuff! 9:30pm Kyle leaves, Brittany stops by, decides to stay and Trivia begins. Camera moves to bedroom. Poloma and Alyssa start to talk game but Indy comes into the room. Poloma leaves and Indy stays 9:45pm Jasmine comes into the room. Boy related gossip ensues. Kyle being Mormon, an unidentified twerking but belonging to one of the guys. Camera moves to bumper pool. 10:00pm General talk in the dining area.
  20. 11:15 Big Brother Time Carson is telling funny stories about his experiences. Lamar has left the room., it is just Carson, Cynthia and Shanna Todrick and Miesha continue to talk at the Jacuzzi. 11:27 pm Big Brother Time Feeds return to HOH still talking about travel experiences and where they want to go later. Todrick and Miesha continue talking on the patio. Bubbles again just a few minutes into this conversation. 11:41pm Big Brother Time Feeds return, all conversations continue unchanged. Cameras move to the patio area. Todrick, Miesha and Lamar are talking about the argument earlier today. Todd is there as well. Todrick says he didn't know if Cynthia would believe him or not. Todrick tells them he was up at 3am worried about Miesha going home. Todrick tells them about his tour bus, and his Australian tours, and his New Zealand tours...... Todrick wonders if he (Kirkpatrick) will be apologetic if they ever talk outside the house again. Lamar says “some people think like winners and some people....(insert stammer),,,,and some people.....don't” The HOH group breaks up, Cynthia is going to take a bath in the HOH. The group on the patio continue to complain about Kirkpatrick. Miesha says she is pi**ed. Todrick says he was pi**ed yesterday, got over it, and after hearing more today he is p**ed again. Todrick and Miesha continue to commiserate. Miesha asks if anyone is being nice to “her” (Shanna). She wants to know if anyone is talking to her. Well dears, it is 3am here at my house and I plan to find my quilt and tuck in with my little lovelies. Today is a wonderful day to wake up, take a minute to celebrate being you. Hugs, Grannysue
  21. Todrick and Miesha are dipping their feet into the Jacuzzi. Todrick is talking about the difficulties he had when he came out as gay. He says he wrestled with worry about embarrassing his family and his religion. He tells her that he has only come to terms with that in the last five years.
  22. 10:20pm Big Brother Time Todrick and Miesha continue to talk. Lamar, Cynthia and Carson remain in the HOH Shanna is taking a bath (or shower, not sure which she decided) Carson surprises us: he dated a football player (Atlanta Falcon). He says he wore his Superbowl ring. He says it was fun, but he would be better with an architect or a pediatrician. He says his last relationship was about four years ago. He says he soothed himself with an expensive horse. He says they were too alike and it is better to be friends. Carson says at his age, he wants someone who is 20, maybe Latino, and he says he would be happy with a plumber or electrician, not someone in the industry. Bubbles. (and we were so close to being done with our matchmaking questionnaire) When we return to Carson talking about his sound track., then somehow to their love of art. More general talk.
  23. 9:50pm Big Brother Time Todd comes into the HOH room, Carson explains that the door is open so people would not think he was ignoring them while he was using headphones. Cameras move to the bedroom where Lamar, Todrick and Miesha are talking. They are talking about the wall competition. Lamar leaves and goes to the HOH room. He enjoys some of the wine with Cynthia and Carson. Cynthia wonders if Carson can give a list of music they want to hear tomorrow. They mention a party tomorrow but don't specify. They are talking about horses, Lamar says he will never ride one, says he was with his family and he saw them take off and run. Cynthia says the wall competition was worrisome for her, she is afraid of heights. Lamar says as soon as his shoulder started aching he jumped off, he says he wasn't going to allow it to injure him. Cynthia says being in the house is making her feel her emotions more. Lamar says lack of sleep does that as well. Cynthia says they have no outlets, Lamar says not even books.
  24. 9:00pm Big Brother Time Todrick and Miesha are in the lavatory area talking Just general life talk. Shanna and Todd are outside, for the most part Shanna is silent, using her vape while Todd enjoys the back yard tub. Lamar is in the lavatory area talking, Todd has left the tub in the back yard and has joined him. Shanna finishes her indulgence and returns to the house. Camera moves to Carson in the HOH, he has the door propped open and is listening to his music. In the lavatory Todd, Lamar, Miesha and Todrick are talking, but it is just generally non-game related. Todrick is telling about a burglary at his home and took expensive bags, he says nearly 50k, and may have sold them for very little. He says he did not press charges. Bubbles interrupts the story. On the other two feeds Carson continues to enjoy his solitude. Camera one and two return to Carson as well, then Bubbles interrupts on all cameras. (Seems like the house has settled down quite a bit, none of the early day drama right now. But take heart, we could see some fussing before the night is over). 9:15pm Big Brother Time Cameras have returned once again. Carson is still in the HOH..no change there. In the lavatory area Lamar, Todd, Todrick and Miesha are still just talking, seems like most of the talking is being done by Todrick, who is describing his bed. It sounds over top. He continues to describe (brag about) his house. 9:30pm Big Brother Time Shanna heads to the HOH room with wine and some glasses. Carson thanks her for the wine (2 bottles), Carson tells her he does not want her to feel isolated. Shanna says she won't do that. Cynthia joins them in the room as well. Carson says it has been a crazy day, that no one is dying. Shanna tells Cynthia they gave “us gifts and I wanted to share with you guys.” Carson offers them music if they need it. He tells them it helps them leave the game for a while. Carson sighs, “What a day.” Shanna says she hopes they are excited about the veto. Carson says we can just look at this as a reset, Cynthia says it is like a pressure cooker in her. Shanna says everyone has their day in the Big Brother house. Cynthia says the stress of packing and unpacking, and all the whispering. Shanna says she is going to leave them to enjoy the wine, Carson invites her to stay and enjoy it.' Cameras move to Todrick and Miesha, Miesha mentions that she is helping “them” getting Shanna out this week. Talk moves to the final four and who will remain in the house.. Cameras moves to Carson reading his letter from Big Brother. He realizes the HOH cannot confirm to the people being nominated before the ceremony. Bubbles interrupts
  25. 11:23pm Big Brother Time Lamar comes into the bedroom, tells them the back yard is open and Carson leaves the room. They ask Lamar if he has been to the diary room today, he says no, and he has not “Tweeted” today either. He leaves the room. Cynthia is filing her nails, she looks up as he leaves, when the door shut she says, “he looks sad.” Shannon,”But they were all fine when you were on the block.” Cynthia agrees Lamar returns, tells them he is looking for a pencil. Shannon tells him they have no pencils, but directs him to a marker Miesha uses to track her calories. She says it is on the wall in the storage room. Cynthia asks him who he is sending a message to, he says, “you.” and goes out of the room. Cynthia snorts, “pfffft” It is 11:46 in the Big Brother house and Bubbles has been here for quite some time with no live feeds in between. This is a good time for me to tell all of you goodnight and go find those darling puppies. Remember that beauty fades as we grow older, but what should never fade is our compassion. A compassionate friend will be a beautiful friend forever. Goodnight my dears, Be safe. Hugs, Grannysue.



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