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Everything posted by grannysue1154

  1. I think the duos are as follows: Joseph and Monte Michael and Brittany Turner and Jasmine Ameerah and Terrance Kyle and Daniel- Nicole and Taylor Indy and Alyssa
  2. 11:00pm Conversation between Taylor and Brittany continues, but is lost in the surrounding noise. House guests are filling the kitchen area giving Nicole thir orders for quesadillas while they count down for midnight. Daniel and Terrance thank each other for the support this week. The excitement builds as the clock ticks down to 2 minutes 30 seconds. Terrance gives his radio commentary as the clock ticks down a 10 second countdown and it is time to eat!!!!! 12:00am Darlings, it is time for me to sing out for the night. First I will thank the Lord for my day, then cuddle my puppies so I am ready to greet a new day tomorrow. Set yourself a goal today, if you can dream it you can do it. Have as much faith in yourselves as I do. goodnight Dears,,hugs-Grannysue
  3. 10:00pm Nicole making chicken. Pooch leaves the kitchen. Nicole asks who was the last person to use the oven. The oven knob won't turn. She finally got it to move. Taylor tells her it has been sticking. In the HOH Alyssa continues to complain about Taylor and Kyle flirting. Pooch and Ameerah are in the bedroom. Pooch is counting votes. He plans to talk to Jasmine in case it is a tie. He continues to fast talk at Ameerah. (Turner was supposed to be watching the cookies, he let them burn. Jasmine got upset. Turner got upset. Pooch teased him, he got more upset--cookie story according Pooch) Pooch tells Ameerah that Monte told him to be careful around "Ameerah, she is very smart." He adds that Joe said the same about Alyssa. He says Joe and Monte like Indy Ameerah says she has to go finish dishes. Alyssa leaves with her. Joe asks the camera, "How did the girls find out about Oasis. I gotta go back on everything I said this week, I gotta f***n' lie." He leaves the room. Nicole is cooking, giving a mini cooking lesson... Remove the membrane and seeds from jalepenos to reduce heat. That doesn't work on all hot pepper types Safely using a knife to avoid cutting her fingers In the HOH the girls are gossiping. Taylor is the topic. (IMO Taylor could say it's is cloudy and they would say she scared them with talk of a hurricane...good Heavens--Grannysue) In the lavatory Turner and Pooch point their fingers at Joe as the person who revealed the Oasis to the girls. They think he talks to Brittany quite a bit. Pooch continues to rehash. Michael joins them. Pooch starts the story over. Brittany joins in and hears the majority of his story. Camera returns to kitchen. Nicole is enjoying herself making the meal. Pooch and Daniel go to the storage room to get advacados and limes. Pooch tells Daniel he thinks Joe spilled the beans on the Oasis. Conversation in the kitchen is about whether or not house guests are proficient in Spanish. Pooch and Turner are in the lavatory going over clues. Indy and Alyssa are in the bedroom giggling. They say they have had enough game talk today. Indy says Pooch has not talked to her today, but did give her a hug. Brittany and Taylor are in the Tiki lounge Taylor tells Brittany she is feeling pretty good, but she can't be too confident. Brittany says Pooch has been telling lies about her while he tries to form an alliance with her. (hard to hear, lots of noise coming up from the kitchen) Brittany tells Taylor to be careful, not to flirt with Kyle. She says the flirting in the lavatory was repeated and was an issue. Taylor thanks her for the information. They know this HOH will be crucial.
  4. 9:00pm Pooch and Daniel ae in the have not room talking about Brittany's position in the game. Pooch tells Daniel that the house is divided, the girls are worried about the Oasis, and named it. Pooch wants to know how they got the name. Pooch says he is going to talk to Kyle or Joe..he wonders if Kyle told Alyssa. Daniel says it was not Turner, Pooch agrees. Pooch stomps out of the have not room and heads downstairs Daniel covers his face with his hand, says "Oh my God I feel so bad for him, but bro. Oh my God." "He's gonna blow up and give people even more reason to send him home. I gotta talk to Alyssa." Daniel goes in search of her, he sees her in the kitchen but continues on to the loo, then to other rooms Pooch has Kyle in the storage room, he tells them Alyssa said the word "Oasis", Kyle denies saying anything like that. Pooch says Daniel didn't even know the name of it, that he "Pooch" made the name up. Pooch says he can't ask Joseph, he has been acting weird. They all agree that if Alyssa knows, all the girls know. Pooch says it has to be Joe, then it has to Monte. He says that should have never come up in any conversation. Pooch says he has to do damage control. Taylor comes in with a tray of food, interrupts for a minute. Then conversation continues. Pooch says Alyssa will be straight with him. Daniel and Pooch leave the storage room. Kyle laughs at the camera and makes a face. "Everybody knowwws." Turner is called to the diary room, Pooch stops him, files his complaint. Pooch and Alyssa are in the gym room, Turner asked Alyssa if Pooch is mad at him. Pooch says the guys are throwing him under the bus. The girls are making Brittany feel comfortable for the vote against him this week. He says Brittany feels like an outsider with the girls, she has told him that just today. Pooch is worried that he might not have the votes, he doesn't trust the guys. He fast talks, eventually says Monte is upset at Indy over cookies in the kitchen. Earlier Monte and Terrance were laughing about someone "going home over cookies." (clear as mud) I do have a special report (Pooch found his blue cap. In his short sleeved sweatshirt. The mystery has been solved and all the house guests have been exhonerated from tom foolery...Grannysue--you heard it first here...maybe) Cameras move to the kitchen area, several house guests are milling around, cooking, snacking, getting ready for have nots to be over at midnight tonight. Kyle follows Pooch to the gym room, Pooch tells Kyle that Alyssa said she heard the term "Oasis" on the grapevine but didn't remember who. Pooch continues his meltdown. In the HOH Jasmine is getting her things packed to be moved downstairs. Indy comes to keep her company, Alyssa follows. Alyssa tells them that Pooch approached her, he is worried that the house is flipping. He told her he doesn't trust the guys at all, he named Monte. Alyssa says Pooch followed her to the bikes. Jasmine says Kyle told her to get Alyssa out of there and upstairs. Indy says they should get ready tomorrow in the HOH room. Alyssa says Taylor is flirting with Kyle, she says Kyle told her she only does it when Alyssa sees it. Alyssa is showing quite a bit of jealousy. Alyssa says Kyle didn't want her to be mad at him, she says she wants to stamp his forehead to show her ownership. Jasmine says Turner ate all her mangos, she wanted to save them. Turner even offered Kyle one. Jasmine says he didn't even ask her if she wanted to keep some of them. Then he got smart with her over the cookies. He wiped his fingernail polish on her towels as well. (I have noooo idea what this cookie confrontation/anger creating issue is) Pooch and Monte are in the have not room. Pooch is retelling the "Oasis" story to Monte, he is blaming everyone for telling the girls about it. He says late at night he sees Joe talking to the girls. He tells Monte he doesn't think it was him. (although he did say Monte could have done it earlier). Pooch continues to fast talk about "who said it." Pooch says a couple of the guys might team up with the girls, Monte doesn't believe it, says that writes it's own ending. Pooch says he denied the existence of an alliance called Oasis altogether. Pooch says he offered himself to keep two guys off the block. Monte says the girls may have found out after the veto since it wasn't used. He thinks the girls have always had paranoia about the guys being in an alliance anyway. Monte says he goes to sleep early, he wonders what he misses during that time. Pooch continues to speed talk. (repetititve) They leave the have not room Girl gossip in the HOH Turner rings the bell and come in the HOH. Jasmine tells him all is well. Turner approaches Ameerah in the kitchen. He is telling her that he heard there is an all guy alliance, but there isn't. Ameerah says she has heard there is an all girl alliance. He tells her that Alyssa mentioned it. He is worried that the guys are pushing him out because he is on the block. Nicole interrupts, she may be getting food ready for midnight. Ameerah says she will talk to everyone and see what they are saying. Joe comes to offer help with the dishes as well.
  5. 11:00pm Jasmine and Daniel continue to talk, but just general house gossip with a few little things here and there. Jasmine is hoping Monte sees Daniel leave, that will help the plan on Thursday. Daniel tries to come up with a story (fib), that sounds reasonable. Jasmine and Daniel continue to talk (ego stroking). Ameerah comes into the HOH, Brittany follows her. Brittany tells them the house is out of dish washing soap so dishes aren't being done right now. Daniel thanks Jasmine for the talk and leaves the room. The girls talk about last season. House guests are hanging in the Tiki lounge watching Daniel and Monte playing the bumper pool game. General talk. The three girls continue to gossip. Jasmine says if the girls keep getting HOH.... Jasmine says the guys will be gunning for the next HOH Alyssa comes into the HOH room. The girls tease her about Kyle. They are egging her on to go kiss him. She mentions his chapped legs/lips. Lots of giggles at poor Kyle's expense. The girls tell Alyssa that Kyle thinks he likes her more than she likes him. He told them Alyssa told him she would never go for someone like him outside the house. Alyssa says she has gotten to know him, she thinks he is cute.. Monte comes by to say goodnight. The girls tell him they are talking about cute guys. Kyle comes to say goodnight. In the have not room Terrance and Daniel are talking. They mention "she", who doesn't talk to Daniel now that he is not HOH. Daniel says he tried to feel "her" out and "she" told two people that Daniel was maybe voting...(confusing, but she ratted Daniel out). Monte and Kyle are talkiing in the lavatory, Monte seems to be realizing that Pooch is targeted to go. He says Pooch is unstable, if he wins HOH no one knows what he would do. Monte says he had a conversation with Ameerah and asked her to be more transparent. He thinks Jasmine was the mastermind behind Pooch's eviction and the girls are appeasing her. Kyle feels that the girls are more invested in the girls than they are the alliance of six. Kyle says they sleep together, they spend time together. Kyle is hoping one of the guys wins HOH. Monte wants to know who initiated the narrative to push Pooch out, Ameerah told him "it just happened." Kyle says he hopes the girls being together creates fractures. Kyle and Monte says they have to go with the house to garner favor, but next week if one of the guys wins... Monte calls the Oasis pretty much dead. Kyle asks if Monte will talk to Joe or Turner before the vote. Monte says he might talk to Joe, but is worried about talking to Turner. Kyle suggests they both talk to Turner, they don't want him to be the only vote. They also worry about him being blindsided. Kyle tells Monte "they" (the girls in the HOH) watch the cameras in the house like hawks. Nicole is in the have not room telling Terrance and Daniel that Indy is not in Alyssa's good graces,Terrance says Michael is on board with evicting Pooch. Nicole says she left the HOH because Brittany was in there, she calls Brittany a "mole". Nicole says Ameerah wants Brittany out of the house. They think Michael is being manipulated. The three of them commit to keeping each other safe. 12:00am Darlings, it is time for me to say goodnight. My puppies are impatiently waiting for cuddle time. So I will thank the Lord for my day and give them my attention. Dance and sing sing loud today, show your joy. Goodnight dears--Grannysue.
  6. 10:00pm Taylor joins Alyssa, Indy and Ameerah. General gossip Pooch is in the HOH with Jasmine. He is talking about next week. Jasmine says next week should go smooth, everyone agrees on who they want out. Pooch says he can't wait to eat on Thursday. Jasmine hopes she won't have to eat slop. They go over scenarios related to how have nots will be selected. Pooch says he wants to see how the four girls act while they are on slop. They make jokes about assimilating to real life after they leave. Daniel and Kyle are in the lavatory, Daniel is reassuring Kyle that Pooch is the house target. Kyle is worried about what Taylor will do if she is HOH. Talk stops right before Turner comes into the room. Daniel leaves, Turner goes to the loo Daniel goes to the bedroom where Alyssa is in her bed, she isn't ready to go to bed, she is just relaxing. Indy says she is ready for bed, and Alyssa says she wants to go to bed early. Terrance and Taylor are whispering in another bedroom. Hard to hear, but sound like they are talking about who they don't want to win HOH. Daniel catches Alyssa coming out of the storage room with Monte. He cracks a joke. Indy is talking to the camera. She says it looks like a playground but is more like mean high school. In the dining area Taylor, Brittany, Joe and Michael are sitting around the table. Terrance is standing nearby joining in the conversation. They are talking about married people in the game having support the others don't have. Talk turns to emotions during work outs, whether or not they come to surface. Brittany says it happened when she was working out with Joe earlier. Joe tells her it is normal, you are alone with your thoughts while you do that. House guests snacking in the kitchen Nicole complains about cleaning up the dishes, Taylor tells her to stop and she will take over. Nicole starts working on the slop. Pooch and Jasmine, Daniel and Alyssa are in the HOH room. General gossip. Jasmine and Alyssa are alone in the HOH room. Alyssa tells Jasmine that Monte seems to be protecting Indy, but her name has come up as a strong player. Alyssa says Monte is acting like he is the HOH. They hope Ameerah, Taylor or Nicole win HOH next week. They don't know how to approach Monte, they don't trust him. Daniel comes in, tells them Kyle is on board completely. Jasmine says Monte is freaking out, wants Taylor out. Daniel says that's Monte's game. Jasmine says Joe and Monte are protecting Indy. Jasmine is upset because Pooch made a comment about getting "those queens out of the palace." Daniel says on Thursday before the vote he plans to tell Monte and Turner that the vote has flipped and he (Daniel) is going to vote with the house. He will tell Turner he has his back, and act upset/surprised about the turn of events. He plans to tell them he is voting Pooch out to protect his game Daniel repeats that Kyle is on board, he has no preference. Daniel also says he found out Pooch is the head of the guys alliance, Daniel says he and Michael are not in it. Jasmine keeps spraying Alyssa, thinks she is passing gas (again) Jasmine, Alyssa, Daniel, Ameerah and Nicole have formed an alliance. Daniel offers the name, "femme fatale". He says it is an okay name, he wears makeup and will go with his feminine side. Daniel thinks he can use Turner. Alyssa offers to leave so Daniel can talk to Jasmine "alone". (He told Kyle he would do that, so this is a ploy) Jasmine repeats the line "in the palace". she is obviously upset. Pooch said it. She says Pooch offered himself up, and other people came to her about sending him out.
  7. 8:57pm Lively conversation about whether or not a dirt bike is a motorcycle. Kyle insists that it is. Daniel agrees with Kyle Kyle continues his argument for the little guy. ( ) Pooch has lost his hat.....(Poor Pooch, forever losing things) He has been looking for said hat for days. (If anyone sees a blue hat, it belongs to Pooch. If you happen to find it, please give him a call.Grannysue) In the HOH Nicole, Michael, Ameerah, Indy, Joe, Terrance and Jasmine are having a light hearted conversation. The girls are planning their outfits and hair for Thursday. Joe is asking Indy about her hair extensions. Indy says she will show Joe how it hooks to her hair. Kyle comes in with Taylor, he asks the burning question, "Would you consider a dirt bike a motorcycle?" The room says "no". Question answered, Kyle says "okay" and leaves. Joe follows him out to make sure he doesn't win the argument. Jasmine says Brittany came in crying about her husband, Monte came in and Brittany did not get the clue to leave. Jasmine is fussing. Nicole says she doesn't believe Brittany, she thinks it is misdirection. The group shares reasons to not trust Brittany. Ameerah says Brittany talks to Monte, she may have not wanted to leave him alone with Jasmine. Daniel comes in and they repeat Brittany's visit to him. Daniel says if "I get it, she's out." Other people in the room are saying they don't trust her. Ameerah says she is putting Brittany on the block. Gossip about Indy begins, they says she needs to be back doored. Camera moves to kitchen area. Indy is fussing about dirty dishes being left around the house and the user not washing them. Cameras move back to HOH The group continues to talk about both Brittany and Indy. They think Indy cooks for the guys and makes the sit at the table. Taylor comes into the room, apologizes for not ringing the doorbell. Daniel says he taught her his bad habits. Cameras return to kitchen where Turner is concentrating on the mutilating an orange. With a butter knife. It looks like his goal might be a strange looking salad. Pooch and Kyle are talking in the gym, Pooch wonders what the next competition will be. Cameras return to gossip center in the HOH. They are discussing who they would bring into the house for a private visit. Daniel says he would give them a list. Nicole says she wouldn't call anyone. Taylor smiles a mysterious smile. Conversation changes to the nature and difficulty of competitions. Terrance talks about his wife. He says he misses her. Nicole, Ameerah and Alyssa are in the bedroom fuming because Kyle is in the Tiki lounge talking to Brittany. Nicole says Brittany withholds more information now than she has in the past. They continue to whisper about Brittany, Indy and Taylor. Nicole decides to leave, but before she leaves Indy comes into the room. Indy tells them Michael just made cookies. Nicole settles in, is no longer leaving the room.
  8. 10:00pm Daniel and Nicole are in the have not room. General gossip. Nicole says they caught Pooch in a lie. She repeats the story of Taylor approaching Pooch, and Pooch telling the group in the HOH that Taylor almost made Alyssa cry. (it was not true at all). Daniel does not trust Brittany. He says he saw Brittany and Joe leaving the washroom together. Nicole wonders if Brittany will flip the vote. Daniel doesn't know. Nicole relays that she has heard Brittany ask twice if they have enough votes. Daniel says during a conversation with Monte about the eviction coming up. Monte says he knows the girls are bonding together. He is worried about being on the wrong side of the vote this week. Daniel says Terrance was there and just "rode with it". Daniel says he will pull Monte and Terrance (who is in on it) later and tell them the vote is flipped and he doesn't want to be on the wrong side of it. NIcole thinks Brittany will be a rogue vote this week. Daniel says he told Kyle he has heard some s**t when Kyle asked him if there was any information about the house flipping. Nicole says if there are more than two votes for Pooch to stay this week she will win HOH and "burn this house down." They agree that Monte would go after Brittany and Taylor if he wins HOH. Daniel plans to tell Taylor tomorrow that she has his vote to stay. Nicole is worried if Taylor leaves she will have no allies in the house. Nicole says if Taylor is in the house they may as well use her, Daniel agrees. Nicole and Daniel continue to discuss their worry about Brittany's relationship in the house with Joe. They say she seems so honest, but she tells too much. 10:30pm Brittany and Joe are in the storage room. Joe says the most dangerous person in the house is Taylor. Brittany says other people may have decided that Pooch needs to leave. Brittany says Pooch just needs to lay low. Joe says no one has any idea what Taylor's next move will be, but the.y will know what Pooch would do. He says people are forgetting how strong Taylor is as a player. Brittany tells Joe she feels like people are looking at both options in this eviction. Michael and Kyle are in the Tiki lounge playing the bumper pool game. Cameras return to the storage room, Joe and Brittany are joined by Ameerah. Joe says he will tell Ameerah that Brittany was just asking him how he was feeling, and about Pooch's possible eviction. Joe leaves the room Brittany talks to the cameras. She says she hopes he is out of the loop, and he will remember her. She is hoping Joe takes a shot at Ameerah for her. She knows she is expendable in the Girls' Girls and she just wants to make sure her and Michael are safe. Michael comes into the storage room with Brittany. He tells her that Kyle says he feels good with her. Sr he tells him she had a conversation with Pooch and he must not find out what is happening. She plans to tell him before anyone else to gain trust. Michael leaves the room. House guests in the kitchen are laughing and chatting. Terrance has joined Nicole and Daniel in the have not room. Nicole is going over information we already have. General talk and gossip
  9. 9:00pm Jasmine and Ameerah are whispering in the HOH room. Joe is sleeping at the bottom of the bed. (or is he?) Ameesha tells Jasmine she has a job at Google lined up when she leaves the show. The doorbell rings, it is Pooch. Jasmine doesn't answer. She sees him with his ear to the door. He opens the door and they pretend to be sleeping. BOB helps them out, says "House guests, you must be awake between the hours of 10am and 10pm." Jasmine laughs, "Says, they are going with it,helping us out." They are laughing at the cameras moving around. BOB "No napping house guests." They wake Joe up. Joe doesn't seem thrilled. BOB repeats, "House guests, you must be awake between the hours of 10am and 10pm." All three of them think it is 10pm. Joe asks if it looks like he has a game face. They talk about the covid test. (uncomfortable thing, that) They are wondering if people are behind the windows, Joe says he has seen them. Jasmine, "I see dead people" BOB "You are not allowed to talk about production" (BOB seems to be in high spirits, messing with the group in the HOH) In the Tiki lounge Terrance and Monte are talking. Monte is bothered that he has to approach others, they don't approach him. He says he needs to be cautious. He is worried that Taylor will win HOH next week. He says he can't win when he doesn't know what he is playing, he just wants people in the house he wants to be there with. Monte says he needs to get more aggressive. He continues to pump himself up (my granny called it "fillin' yourself with air") Camera moves to HOH Jasmine says when she got hurt she didn't want to cry on tv, but she could see it swelling up. Big Bubbles interrupts for a few minutes, returns to cameras in the kitchen. Daniel, Nicole and Kyle are in there. Pooch is on another scavenger hunt. (That child loses everything, all the time and is constantly searching.) Brittany and Michael are on the sofa in the Tiki lounge. She is telling Michael that one of the boys is talking about giving Pooch a vote. Michael is counting votes, says the best Pooch can get is tie Jasmine will have to break. Michael thinks Indy is a weak link in the vote. Brittany calls attention to the fact that her and Michael are on the outskirts of the vote. Brittany says Indy is aware she is not the center of the girls group, they agree that they can bring Taylor close to them. They are both hoping "they" take shots at "them". Brittany says they (the girls) feel bad for not telling Joe about the vote. Brittany and Michael talk about Kyle and Alyssa getting close, and he isn't mad at that. Michael says Kyle and Alyssa think Daniel has a crush on Alyssa (that could cause Daniel to be targeted by Kyle) Brittany is worried if Turner is HOH next week. She says that her and Michael are closer to other people in the house than "they" think. They continue to discuss the danger of being on the outer circle of these groups and the idea of getting out "easy" targets. Brittany says the girls think she is with them, and it is okay for them to think that, they may expect her to do their dirty work for them. They talk about the house, and the jobs..who believes whom... . Nicole comes into the lounge, she is annoyed. She doesn't like men lying in Jasmine's bed. She says it is Pooch, and Jasmine is a married woman. She doesn't care if there are other people and he is a few feet away. Nicole says Pooch has been told before and ignored it. Michael tells Nicole he is counting votes, he doesn't see a path for Pooch. Nicole says, "It doesn't hurt my game either way." Michael says Pooch thanked him for not using the veto and keeping his word. Nicole tells them that Taylor has a crush on Daniel but Pooch says Taylor approached him, wanted to know if he would make out with anyone in the house. She tells them that Pooch accused Taylor of almost making Alyssa cry, but Ameerah was there and called him out They continue to gossip about Pooch. Kyle comes into the lounge, they decide to play the bumper pool game. Taylor, Daniel and Terrance are in the bedroom talking about spending time together later.
  10. 11:00pm General talk at the hot tub and on the hammock. Joe is recording bios, Turner keeps messing up. Terrance did a great job. Turner finally gets his bio done. The battery died as soon as he was done. Joe is trying to get the battery. Indy is in the bedroom folding laundry, she is talking to Michael, he says it has been a calm day. He says no one asked him to use the veto,he is happy about that. In the storage room Joe tells Pooch he is staying away from him on purpose. He is worried about the house voting out Pooch and not Taylor. Pooch says the worst that could happen is a tie. Joe tells Pooch that he should not say any names he has in votes. Joe says the girls might be testing the water to see if they can get Pooch out. Joe tells Pooch to go talk to the sway votes. Pooch is getting loud, they keep telling him to be quieter. Joe says they know if Pooch goes the boys have no power. Pooch says he talked to Michael and Brittany, he promised them safety next week. Joe tells Pooch not to be paranoid, but not to be comfortable. General talk at the hammock. Turner and Pooch are still in the storage room, Pooch wonders who else could be put up. Turner says Jasmine would not put up Brittany or Indy. Pooch says the problem is he is sort of a "di*k head". Turner chuckles, and agrees, "yeah." Turner says Jasmine wants him (Pooch) in the house more than Taylor. Pooch is counting on a tie at the very worst. He says Jasmine won't vote for him to leave on a tie. General talk at the hammock. Taylor comes to the hammock to get Nicole to go assist Jasmine. She takes Nicole's place in the hammock. Joe gets on and shares it with her. Pooch has been wandering the house for hours looking for his blue cap. Jasmine is doing her hair in the HOH room, Nicole is with her. Nicole is talking about tepid hot tub. Jasmine asks about the slop thing, Nicole says she doesn't mind the slop, but she is tired, she is having trouble resting. NIcole is wrapping Jasmine's foot, she is bruised above her ankle as well. Alyssa, Indy and Ameerah play around for the camera, they have face masks on. Their plan is to go scare Jasmine. They knock and walk in, saying "boooo". Brittany comes into the HOH Indy says they should let Taylor win next week, but Jasmine says she wants to put a girl up as a pawn. Indy says if they do that, she can't put up a girl. Pooch is in the storage room talking to Kyle. Pooch is asking Kyle what the game would look like with him gone. Terrance comes in and Kyle leaves, Terrance tells Pooch he thinks he will be all right. 12:00am Colorful circles has popped up Darlings this is a good time to say goodnight. It is time for me to thank the Lord for my day, find those puppies, and have my cuddle time. It was a quiet Sunday at my house, we got the rain we needed. I love the smells outside after a good rain, like the world has been cleansed just for us. Everyone of you should have something about yourselves that you love, find that thing today and let it shine. hugs Grannysue
  11. 10:00pm Jasmine, Joe and Ameerah continue to talk in the HOH. The topic is how they find a path to trust in the house. Camera moves to back yard. Brittany and Michael remain in the hammock while Alyssa and Indy sit on a lounge. General talk. Michael leaves for the loo and Indy leaves Taylor, Kyle, Monte and Pooch are playing billiards. General talk in the HOH, candy sharing from Jasmine's basket. Talk about production's instructions for veto ceremony and nomination ceremony, so cameras go back to billiard game. Brittany and Joe are whispering in the bedroom, they are talking about trusting people they are in alliances with. He is worried that Pooch votes may waver. Brittany says she will let him know anything signifcant happens. Joe thinks people are wavering on the vote. He is worried about what Taylor will do, he says he can maneuver around Pooch much easier. (Joe thinks Pooch is staying). The HOH crew is discussing whether Jasmine should tell the people in the house that Pooch is the target, not Taylor. Jasmine says she is thinking of telling Joe, but she doesn't feel she owes Turner anything. Daniel says if she tells Joe, he will tell Pooch. Taylor laughs about eavesdropping on Pooch talking to Michael. She was waiting for the diary room to open and heard them. The diary room light turned green as soon as the conversation ended so she was gone when they came out. Jasmine says she might tell Joe right before the vote, but she says she could just act surprised when the vote happens. Indy says the have nots next week should be people who are called out by production for late wake ups, singing, and getting called out for microphones. The group likes that idea. Indy says the house is babysitting for free. (Jasmine, Indy, Nicole, Daniel and Michael) Indy and Nicole leave the room and conversation turns to general gossip. Nicole and Kyle are in the hammock, they say they might play billiards, but are comfortable where they are. Cameras move to HOH room Michael and Jasmine are the last two remaining house guests. General gossip. Brittany comes into the room to use the loo. Joe comes into the HOH room with the camera. Alyssa and Indy come in with him. Kyle, Nicole and Daniel are in the back yard. General chatter. Topics are first jobs, gas prices, minimum wage changes In the kitchen Joe is opening olives on camera for Pooch. Pooch joins Kyle, Daniel and Nicole at the hammock. Just general chatter. A group of girls are in and around the hot tub. General girl talk.
  12. 8:29pm Workouts continue in the back yard. Joe compliments Terraance on his hard work tonight, encourages him Cameras move to kitchen, general chatter Joe is in the have not room with Nicole and Daniel. They are talking about being have nots while they arrange the new pool floaties. They thank Big Brother for the newest "beds" Terrance arranges his bed and they all leave the room. Talk in the kitchen is still general chatter. Leftovers are for dinner, along with snack foods of all kinds. Joseph brings out the camera. He takes the camera to the lavatory and shows the shower. Terrance comes out of the loo and makes jokes about the smell. Turner goes in and confirms. Joe puts the camera down and gets into the shower. Indy comes in and Joe tells her to video the two of them. (Joe will be the star of this show kids) General conversation in the dining area. Daniel and Kyle are in the bedroom, Kyle is telling Daniel he doesn't want to put him in a bad spot with the Taylor vote. Daniel says Taylor follows him around the house (she doesn't). Kyle says she follows him as well. Camera moves to the laundry area. Michael asks Ameerah and Alyssa if they have talked to Jasmine today, they tell him the last time they talked to her she wants to just keep it the same. Back in the bedroom Kyle is telling Daniel that he is leaning towards voting with the house now. He is just worried about his position with Taylor and Daniel if he does. Daniel tells Kyle that Taylor did not help herself and her words contributed to the whole spiral last week. Camera moves to Pooch and Joe, Pooch is mumbling, fast talking. Hard to understand but he uses the words "girls" Brittany and Michael are on the hammock in the back yard. He tells her he used to work with McCrae, but he has told no one. He says he didn't talk to McCrae about being on the show. Brittany says she was in a film with Meg Mallie(sp), and one with Gem City (also sp) at NYU. Michael tells Brittany about meeting McCrae for the first time in the escape room. He says McCrae is "chill" They continue to talk about previous Big Brother cast members on their "fan list". Brittany says she underestimated the social aspect of the house and where she is in the mix. She thought she would be the funny one but has found herself stepping back. Alyssa and Indy join them and Turner comes into the yard with the camera. Turner and Indy take turns filming house guests (and themselves) walking on the zip line. 9:41pm Jasmine and Ameerah are in the HOH room. Ameerah worries that "she" might not vote for them in jury. Joseph comes in to check and see if Jasmine took her Aleve. Jasmine says she had a dream, but she won't tell what it was. She tells Joseph he was in it and alludes to him doing something unexpected. Joseph reassures her. Kyle and Alyssa are whispering in the lavatory while Kyle stands in the shower. Alyssa tells him he is safe with Jasmine, just do what she wants.. Joseph is in the HOH room giving a list of people in the house he trusts, and doesn't trust.
  13. 11:30pm Pooch is expecting a tie vote because the guys will vote to keep him. Kyle tells Pooch that Terrance has decided to go with the house. Pooch thinks Jasmine's vote will save him in the event of a tie. Pooch knows the smart move is to get him out. Jasmine and Monte are talking about Pooch, she tells Monte that Pooch has suggested him (Monte) as a replacement nominee. She tells Monte that Pooch told her he was interested in working with Kyle and Turner. Jasmine says she just want to be real with him, he could go to Pooch and tell him, causing a problem with Jasmine. Monte says he has to vote for Pooch to gain leverage long term. He doesn't want to show disloyalty to Turner and Kyle with a vote against Pooch. He says he is not loyal to Pooch. Jasmine tells him she doesn't expect him to change his vote, she has the votes already as far as she knows. This is just her being a friend outside the game. Monte says Pooch got really paranoid when all the girls and Michael were in the HOH earlier in the day. Monte calls Pooch a liability. Monte confirms that Pooch is the head of the snake. (Jasmine says she said that earlier today). Mr onte thanks Jasmine for the information. 12:00am Darlings it has been a big day in the Big Brother House. Lots of game talk this evening, lots of fun chat at dinner, and plotting continues. But now it is time for me to do my usual night routine, thank the Lord for my day, find my little puppies, and cuddle. Celebrate yourself today, and all the things you love. Treat yourself to a big high five. goodnight my dears, hugs--Grannysue
  14. 10:30pm Kyle says another week with a girl in the HOH will be ugly for them. In the HOH room house guests are looking at the camera, trying to see who is in the living room. Brittany comes to the HOH and Daniel runs out, Taylor also comes in. Gossip and general chatter continues. Mostly chatter. Daniel has moved to the have not room with Nicole. Daniel says wanting Pooch out is not thinking game, although Nicole says Monte is the person that should be going. Nicole says that this morning she went to Ameerah's room and asked her about an alliance. The name of the alliance is Paloma's Posse. Nicole says Ameerah is very torn. Monte tells Nicole that Ameerah told him that Taylor would back door him if she had the opportunity. He started pushing to take Taylor out and keep Pooch. She says he started barking at her, but she told him that he is in an alliance, it became an argument. Ameerah came in and Monte also started in on her. Nicole says she told Monte they have the numbers to get Pooch out now. She says Kyle also came into the storage room. Nicole confronted Monte about her and Ameerah not being safe from Pooch. Nicole says Ameerah sees now what is happening, that it is possible that Monte is working with the boys primarily. Daniel wants Terrance to know that his conversations with Pooch are game, he is still on board to evict Pooch. Nicole is still angry at Monte. Daniel says Monte is still fuming, that "they" (the guys' alliance)want to take girls out. Nicole says that Pooch's first target is Michael. Nicole says she told Ameerah that she would protect her while she protects her own game. Nicole and Daniel are trying to put together four people, Nicole, Daniel, Ameerah and Jasmine. Nicole calls it "messy", she is worried that Meerah feels loyalty to Monte. Nicole wonders if Monte should go up, but they know Jasmine won't do that. Daniel says Pooch will put up two girls, and he thinks Taylor will put him up against Monte. Nicole says she can protect him, but she expects the same from Daniel. They don't think Jasmine knows Ameerah is in another alliance, when Nicole wanted to tell her about it, Turner walked in. Nicole lists the alliances in the house she knows about, she says they can only trust each other and Michael. Nicole tells Daniel to make it up to Michael and earn trust with him. She adds Terrance to her list of trusted people, but she says they can't tell anyone anything. Daniel says if you don't have power you don't have an alliance. Nicole is worried about what conversations Ameerah is having. Daniel and Nicole feel like they are back on square one. Nicole feels that Michael may not go for HOH next week, he is winning too much. Nicole feels that when she is HOH there may be a blow up with Monte. The two of them talk a little about past seasons. Nicole says she thinks Brittany is trying to create a riff in the house, Brittany questioned them earlier about whether they are voting out Pooch for sure. Nicole says she told her the people who are voting Pooch out are saying it out loud, so they would know who did not vote for him to leave. Nicole is worried that Brittany has lied, and was caught, and could be doing that again. Daniel thinks if Monte is out they could pull in Kyle. Nicole says Kyle is struggling with his loyalty to Monte. She thinks it is because of the conversation in the storage room. 11:11pm More rehashing. Daniel is not enamoured with Indy's game. Nicole says Indy would be a good HOH, she would do crazy stuff. Daniel says he would make out with her to stay safe. (he laughs). Nicole says Ameerah just says "yes" to anyone. Daniel, "Maybe I should make out with Ameerah. She is cute." Nicole says Daniel needs to have a conversation with Jasmine. He decides to go to the HOH room and see who is in there. He goes to the loo first, though (downstairs). Daniel comes out of the loo, asks Taylor (who is brushing her teeth) where the party is, she tells him HOH, does he want to come? He says he is socialed out. Daniel reports back to Nicole that everyone is in the HOH, he could hear male voices in there, but then again everyone is in there. They decide to try and get some sleep and lie back on their chosen blow up pool toy weirdness. They continue to talk,but it is just general chatter.
  15. 9:30pm Talk about mountain hiking and climbing continue. Terrance is not impressed, especially when they mention a 7 day hike. He asks if they have confused days with hours. "So you wasted 7 days of your life..." Nicole is talking about skydiving, she says she has done it twice. House guests are making plans to go to a nude/clothing optional beach. Indy says they need to go around the table and tell what they have learned this last two weeks. Big D-Trust the process Brittany-I need to pick up the pace at home Jasmine-I need to be more selfless at home Joe-Vulnerability is not a bad thing...so far Kyle- I don't need as much sleep as I thought Michael- I don't need to be closed off with people Turner-I need to clean my sh*t up more, and not take people's time for granted Monte-I learned yoga, how to cut an onion, how to make coffee. Taylor-I need sunlight every day, and not to be afraid to show your whole self. Indy-I can love different kind of people and people who don't agree with me and don't have a same lifestyle, sun and not as much chocolate. Daniel-Even on slop I don't know what I want to eat Pooch-would like to see more of the world Meesha-there are good men in Mississippi Jasmine asks who they would bring from home to help them in the house. Jasmine-her sister Brittany-Stephen Joe-one of his siblings Kyle-my mom Turner-Meghan Monte-oumbled the friend's name Taylor-my friend Chioma Indy-Suzannahs Daniel-one of Indy's Brazilian friends, probably the red head Pooch-Beans Poocrh Nicole-a gay boyfriend or her sister Terrance-his little siste Ameerah-her mom Alyssa-her sister The group starts to break up, they realize it is 10pm. Jasmine hobbles up the stairs. Pooch offers to help her, but she says production doesn't want them to do that. She decides to go up on her bum with Pooch right there guarding her. In the HOH conversation is about Taylor over acting her worry about leaving by yelling at production. Daniel is upset by it. Terrance make a point that Pooch is in their crosshairs this week. Several people have a different name Pooch has suggested to replace the nominee that is being removed from the block. Nicole tells them that Pooch told her and Daniel that there were stronger people in the house to put up, they told him to go tell Jasmine. Turner comes into the room. They are acting worried that Taylor may come into the HOH room. Ameerah tells them Taylor is cleaning the kitchen with Brittany. In the have not room Pooch is telling Daniel that the whole group that was in the HOH room earlier is in there again. Pooch leaves and goes downstairs. The HOH gang continues to gossip and plot. Nicole tells them goodnight, Terrance says she needs to fall asleep before him (he is a loud snorer (new word, made it up myself)) Cameras move to the living room area. Kyle is talking to Pooch about past seasons.
  16. 8:54pm Jasmine and Pooch are talking in the living room, Pooch is fast talking, Jasmine is talking about her foot, Pooch is checking it out, looking at the swelling and bruising. Jasmine says she would have liked to compete in the veto. They are trying to count episodes, Pooch says the fact they are on tv three times a week is wild. Pooch is hoping he will get followers that open doors for him after this, he is interested in leaving football, but wants to continue to be involved in sports. Alyssa comes up and Pooch makes jokes. Daniel is in the chair laughing. Taylor and Ameerah are in the lavatory complaining about waiting for the loo while they call attention to the dirty carpet and question the decor. Ameerah says she has not used the bidet, she says it just gets one wet and they have to dry off anyway. They hear the bidet running, Ameerah asks if she knocked, Joe comes out, says he didn't know they were waiting. Joe joins Ameerah, she tells Joe that Michael will not use the veto. Talk changes to Joe's leg hair growth after shaving. Turner and Pooch are in the storage room, Pooch asks why Nicole told him not to worry. Turner says he talked to Michael and Michael told him Jasmine wants him to keep it the same so he probably won't use it. Turners tells Pooch that Jasmine said there is nothing to worry about and he can't see why she would lie. Pooch says earlier today he thought he had one flip flop out the door. Turner says he thinks they are good and Pooch leaves the storage room. He offers Ameerah a protein shake, she declines. Daniel says he is going to try to win the HOH, he is going back to back. Jasmine says Daniel looks really nice, but can whip your a**. Daniel says he is very loyal. Cameras move to kitchen/dining area where house guests are enjoying pasta while Daniel complains about house guests talking back to BOB. Indy plays on the phone, she has called God several times a day. Nicole hands the phone to Pooch, who is definitely talking to God. House guests are telling each other the phone is going to ring, and the tv in the back of the house is coming on. Indy and Nicole help Jasmine take her dinner to the table in the dining area, Inday says she prefers people eat at the table. General talk at the table about hiking experiences.
  17. 11:00pme General conversations continue in the HOH room. Nicole and Daniel are in the Tiki lounge, playing the bumper pool game and talking game. Daniel repeats his conversation with Jasmine, and is surprised that Monte is on a short list to leave.e They talk about a final three with Ameerah. Kyle and Allyssa are in the storage room, Kyle is repeating his conversation with Jasmine, Alyssa seems to be pushing the idea that Taylor may go. She tells him to wait until the veto is played, then a decision will be made but she is not sure about the schedule. House guests are in the kitchen, Ameerah is looking for ice, she doesn't find it, so she gets water to chill in the fr fidge overnight. 12:00am Darlings, it is time for me to say goodnight. The puppies are already snoozing, so I'll have thank the Lord for my day without their help. Do kind things today, eat the ookie, celebrate being you. Goodnight dears, hugs--Grannysue
  18. 11:04pm General chatter in the HOH room. Daniel goes downstairs, complains to the cameras that Taylor follows him around the house. He goes to the have not room and fixes his sleeping area Monty is already sleeping (or pretending) Daniel moves to the bench in the Tiki loft and is joined by Nicole. Nicole thinks Jasmine told Pooch and Taylor they are each safe. Nicole says Ameerah shot down their final 6 because Terrance isn't a strong player. Nicole also reveals that there was an alliance that was affected by Paloma leaving the game. Daniel repeats his conversation with Jasmine to Nicole. They decide to play the bumper pool game. Nicole repeats that Daniel is okay. Daniel says he believes her. Daniel asks if Ameerah has any other alliances, Nicole thinks she does. They talk about asking Ameerah about a final three.
  19. 10:30pm Several house guests come into the HOH room, Pooch flops onto the bed. Joe is also on the bed with Jasmine. (Jasmine doesn't react, but she has issues with the guys on the bed with her. Not that they mean anything by this, they are just clueless) General talk in the HOH. Pooch and Joe gossip about Taylor to Jasmine. General conversation Cameras move to bedroom Nicole, Alyssa, Daniel and Indy are fooling around, laughter and mimicking the HOH competition. They are talking about Michael, Indy doesn't believe he (Michael) works in an escape room. Daniel thinks he designs them. Other general talk about game schedule. General talk in the HOH room The HOH room is full of house guests. General talk, small conversations all over the room. Nicole and Monte go to the kitchen to "talk", they are alone downstairs. They are getting ice ready for Jasmine's ankle. They are whispering and the bag is rustling. The conversation is about jury management. They mention Jasmine being a solid choice for final 6. They return to the HOH with the rest of the house.
  20. 9:15pm Still general chatting in the HOH room. Taylor is shown downstairs in the bedroom alone. Nicole and Indy say their Instagram is private, Jasmine's is not. (just in case you want to follow) Several people are in the Tiki lounge, either playing the bumper pool game or watching. Daniel, Turner and Pooch are in the lavatory talking about the have not room, slop and cold showers. Brittany comes into the room, conversation remains non game related. Daniel jokes about Brittany getting them intel on girls' night. More general conversation. Pooch says he hopes to get himself off the block tomorrow, he says the guys all seem good "too good". He says he will feel better when he sees who is playing in the veto. He says he should have paid more attention to the competitions in previous seasons. Daniel says Michael and Terrance were replaced by Pooch and Taylor and he is p**sed. In the HOH Nicole is telling Jasmine and Indy that Monte was complaining and she asked him if he wants to go. Jasmine says the girls need to get their head in the game and win the HOH next week. They agree they will all be trying hard to win. Nicole says all the women in the game are together in this, they need to get Pooch out. Nicole says Taylor has been following Daniel around the house all day. Jasmine says she will lie to Pooch right to his face, she says women in prior seasons thought they needed a man in the game. Jasmine says Pooch literally offered himself up, and she will kiss everyone in the house right on the mouth if they get Pooch out. They think there will only be three votes to keep Pooch. Nicole says Kyle is very protective over Alyssa, Jasmine says Pooch has been flirty with her, so Alyssa needs to talk to Kyle. They think Taylor has a good chance to win HOH. Brittany comes into the room, the girls welcome her. Brittany asks Jasmine how she is doing. Brittany tells them that Pooch is freaking out downstairs, but the girls think it could be for show in front of Brittany. Indy says Jasmine should tell the veto winner if they take Pooch down she will put their "bro" up. Michael comes into the room, Jasmine discusses the strategy, Indy says they want to keep nominations the same after the veto. Indy plans to lie about her vote to Pooch if he asks, she will tell him she is voting Taylor out. Indy goes to wake Kyle up (was napping in the Tiki room) The room clears so Jasmine can talk to Kyle. Jasmine asks Kyle if he would vote to keep Pooch, Kyle says he never said that. She tells him she has "good votes", Kyle says he is open to it as well. Kyle says he knows Pooch is rubbing people the wrong way, he says when he heard he was a "thing" with Pooch he began distancing himself. Kyle says if Pooch picks him (Kyle) for the veto he will still keep it the same. Jasmine says if two votes go to keep Pooch she is okay, she just wants the votes to get him out. Kyle thinks Daniel is wanting Taylor out because he put her up and is worried about that. Kyle says he doesn't think Pooch is coming after Daniel, but Taylor may be. Jasmine thinks Taylor may have a different target. Kyle asks Jasmine to keep it low key that he is thinking about voting to evict Pooch. Kyle thinks having Pooch around and being tied to him (Kyle) is not good for his (Kyle's) game. Jasmine tells Kyle that she would appreciate knowing what he plans to do. He says he will think on it. Jasmine tells Kyle that people are coming to her wanting him out, she isn't sure if it is his behavior or that he is trying to form alliances all over the house. Kyle says Taylor could be a plan B if the target gets off the block Kyle says he doesn't want the house mad at him for using the veto. Jasmine asks Kyle to get Daniel for her. She tells the others she needs a few minutes with Daniel. Indy grabs a cupcake, teases Daniel, then leaves the room. Jasmine tells Daniel that she has been asking people to keep nominations the same. Daniel says he has been playing low key, he is allowing people to believe he will vote Taylor out. Jasmine tells Daniel that people in the house want Pooch out, she says as many as four guys in the house are on board with sending him out of the house. Daniel tells Jasmine he isn't interested in playing with the guys, he says he can be a number, not just for a ride, but to be a player. Jasmine says she likes him, Nicole and Alyssa more than most others. Daniel says he will go with what Jasmine wants this week, he can just let Taylor follow him around the house. Jasmine says Pooch has three solid votes to keep Pooch this week. She says she did not even bring up the subject of keeping Taylor with them. 10:00pm Conversation in the HOH room continues. Daniel says being HOH brings promises that are not kept. He says he will do what Jasmine wants. Daniel tells Jasmine that Pooch wants to pick Kyle to play if he gets house guest choice. Jasmine tells Daniel that Kyle said he does not want to do that. Daniel leaves the HOH and Taylor comes in. Jasmine tells her that she is working hard to get Pooch out of the house. Taylor asks if there is a girl alliance, Jasmine tells her not yet, nothing official. Jasmine tells Taylor people in the house are, in the majority, saying they want Pooch out. Jasmine says Pooch offered himself on a silver platter. Jasmine says she is thinking about having the veto winner take Taylor off and replace her with someone who might vote to keep Pooch. Jasmine asks Taylor if she will target a guy if she is HOH, Taylor says she will be doing that. She mentions Monte, but wonders if he will be better after jury or before. Taylor says if she is the one that takes a shot at Monte, she won't miss. Jasmine says she wants to be clear to Taylor that the target is Pooch. Indy comes in, tells them to be careful about hanging out. Taylor says "I am begging for my life right now" and "you come up to help her" Indy tells Taylor to cry, and do whatever she can here. Taylor laughs, says, "I got you girl" Jasmine and Taylor think about jury and which of the guys they will want on jury. They say they need four. They agree that they need a female to be HOH next week as well. Jasmine asks Taylor to send Michael up when she goes downstairs.
  21. 9:00pm Jasmine, Indy and Nicole are in the HOH, Jasmine is complaining about her appetite while she munches. Jasmine says it is lonely being HOH, the girls tell her after the veto she will be swamped with people. Nicole swears she will get Jasmine back for pretending she was putting her (Nicole) or Daniel on the block. Jasmine says they didn't react, but the look on their faces was funny. Nicole says she couldn't keep from laughing and telling them right away it was a joke. They all agree they like Kyle, they say he is a nice man they respect. General talk, nothing related to the game.
  22. 11:30pm House guests in the kitchen, general talk. Nicole and Jasmine are whispering in the lavatory. Jasmine is in the shower, the noise covers up what they are saying. Joe comes into the room, Nicole plays it off. Kyle comes in as well, then Monte. Nicole starts checking eyebrows. She says she is ocd about them. Nicole talks about her mother's illness. General talk in the kitchen and in the lavatory. The guys in one of the bedrooms are laughing about Pooch asking Alyssa if she would ever talk to him again if he had an option and sent her home this week as the first person evicted. Joe says he felt bad, but it was a joke, and he made her cry. The guys call him an idiot. They are all giving him a hard time about it, laughing and making jokes. Pooch is in the bed with Joe, holding him around his neck, calling him his "cuddle prisoner". 12:00am Darlings it is time for me to thank the Lord for my day, crawl under my quilt with my puppies, do a cuddle; tomorrow is a new day. Pay something forward today, we all have a past blessing. Make a call, send a text, share a smile, be joyful. goodnight and hugs--Grannysue



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