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Everything posted by grannysue1154

  1. 9:00pm Feeds have returned. Joe and Kyle are plotting the answers to votes so they can cover themselves. House guests are in the kitchen cooking and eating. Terrance takes a short breather in the storage room to pull himself together after the live vote. He takes his suitcase out of the storage room and returns to the bedroom. Joe follows him into the bedroom, says he gave Terrance his word on day one, that the people he was sleeping next to were against him. Joe tells him you can see who reacted, and how unhappy they are he is there. Terrance says he sees that, he names Jasimine, Alyssa, Indy and Nicole as the votes against him. (Daniel voted against him, Nicole did not) Kyle and Michael are in the storage room, they are getting their story straight. Kyle says he was confronted already. Kyle says he is saying he didn't know the votes were there. They plan to blame Alyssa for leaking it. Daniel comes into the storage room, Leftovers scatter. Daniel goes to bedroom with Nicole, she claims she knew something was wrong. Daniel claims he knew too. Nicole says she can't trust anybody, they were scheming. Nicole says they "made" her go to Terrance and tell him. They tell each other they had a feeling Ameerah was going home. Alyssa comes in, they ask her if she knew what happened, Alyssa says she does not know, she voted to evict Terrance. Nicole says "they" are in power now, she probably next, and Taylor is probably in with "them". Nicole says if she goes up against Taylor she (Nicole) will go home. Nicole regrets choosing Taylor as her partner, she continues to whine about her plight in the game.... Daniel is talking to Kyle in the bedroom, Kyle says "Po's Pack" was it for him, no one else came to talk to him. Kyle tells him people came asking him about it, and he (Kyle) chatted with Michael and Monte, then he didn't know what to do, he thought the house was flipping. He says he just went with his gut, he says the alliance wasn't good, multiple people knew and he had no plan B. Daniel says it just sucked not knowing, not that he had a real preference about who went. Daniel says he has no idea how to move forward, Kyle says he is in the same boat. Kyle says he questions how three people knew about the alliance. Brittany and Jasmine are whispering in the bedroom. There are a lot of pronouns thrown around, not sure who all the "he" and "she" words are referring to. Brittany says Ameerah "did not trust me and that is something I couldn't recover from." Jasmine is worried that the girls will start going out now, and she doesn't want to be on slop. Brittany tells Jasmine that there were too many confirmations, Terrance had never done anything to her, Ameerah didn't trust her, she had to evaluate that when she voted. Alyssa comes into the room visibly upset. Brittany offers to talk to them later, Nicole comes into the room. Flexes her muscle a little, tells them she needs to have conversations now. Then she fake kisses all three girls and waits to scare Kyle. Kyle walks through the door and Nicole pops up, yells and Kyle shouts, Oh My Gau.." They tease him for almost cursing. Brittany and Alyssa go into the other bedroom, Brittany tells her it was brought to her attention, and when she (Brittany) and Kyle were put on the block she was the target. Ameerah was said to have also mentioned other targets in the house. Alyssa says she did not know that to be true. Brittany says she went to Michael right before the vote, she had to make the choice when she voted. Alyssa gets emotional, tells Brittany if her vote changed she would have said something. She doesn't like being on the outside. Alyssa makes forgiveness noises..... Michael comes in, Brittany leaves Michael tells Alyssa that he wanted to give a sympathy votie, the guys freaked out. He says he was counting votes coming out and thought they didn't have the votes. Cameras move to Nicole and Kyle Nicole continues her "all about me whine tour." Nicole teases Kyle about scaring him, he says there were be a montage later. Nicole says Joe tried to scare her, but he failed. They agree to having one on one scares, but no whole house scares. Monte comes out of the diary room, says he needs everyone to the living room. (have nots) Indy and Alyssa are honored with selecting the new have nots. Alyssa asks for volunteers. They choose Brittany and Michael. Indy says she didn't want to choose Jasmine because of her foot. Then the selection is changed to Turner and Jasmine, since it is Michael's birthday Monday. Alyssa comes in to the bedroom and says "sorry" to Jasmine, who is not happy with the upcoming week. Jasmine asks what they take to the have not room, Alyssa tells her she just went in her pajamas and came downstairs all day. She tells Jasmine she will be downstairs during the day, not up there, she doesn't trust anyone. Jasmine insists she will be in the have not room all day. She puts on her sunglasses, plops down on the bed for a good pout. Nicole offers to make her slop specialties, Jasmine says she probably won't eat. (Jasmine say that all the time, so we will see.)
  2. 11:00pm Ameerah says when she gets to jury she will call people out. Nicole is called to the diary room. Turner tells Terrance he has something to tell him. Terrance says a conversation with Mike, Brittany and Taylor this morning. They had great conversation about moving forward. Terrance says Daniel and Nicole are shoveling him that no one wants him to be here. He thinks it is a ploy. Turner tells Terrance that he will indeed,be here tomorrow, there are individuals in the house, scattered. Turner says Nicole doesn't know. Terrance says that Nicole told him her people were Daniel, and Ameerah. He says he told her that he (Terrance) will be cool with Nicole, not Daniel. Terrance says there is an official alliance with Nicole, Daniel and Ameerah.Terrance says it doesn't measure. Turner asks about Taylor, Michael and Brittany, Terrance says they are the lowest on the totem pole, the others are trimming the fat before jury at the expense of Terrance, Michael and Brittany, and Taylor. Terrance says this will mess up the house tomorrow. Turner says some of the people they are counting on votes that aren't happening. Turner tells Terrance not to stress, and not to say anything, he says Nicole came from the nicest place and was sent by the girls. Terrance says he has already told people at one on ones he would not be talking game to them again. Turner says people he would never expect are voting to keep Terrance. Terrance says he will just be cordially happy. Turner says he never would have put Terrance on the block if he didn't know a hundred percent what would happen, he has known all week, he knows today, and he knows what will happen tomorrow. Terrance says Ameerah asked him if he was packed up, with the exception of his toiletries. She wanted to know if he is leaving it, he told her he needed it in the morning. Terrance says Turner has exposed a lot of "sh*t" about how people are moving with him. Terrance says he isn't interested in playing hot potato with the block, other people need to be uncomfortable. Turner hopes Terrance wins HOH, Terrance says he will ask Turner for help if he wins. Terrance is very relieved and excited. They plan to say Terrance is devastated, but is taking it well. Terrance says he is going to the loo, then to his bed to chill, pretend to collect himself,then he plans to play until he is ready for bed. In the bedroom Daniel, Nicole and Ameerah are talking in the bedroom. Daniel told Monte he had rumors about keeping Ameerah, Monte confirmed. Nicole says she talked to Monte as well, and he confirmed it to her. Daniel plans to vote to evict Terrance instead of Ameerah to insure the numbers. Nicole says Jasmine told Nicole she could tell Turner, Daniel says why would you even tell him. Daniel says he was hoping Turner would be blindsided when Ameerah stays. "He blindsided us.", Daniel says. Ameerah says Turner is pushing Jasmine to win HOH. The three of them say Terrance knew from day one he would be leaving the house, he wished Ameerah well, and want them to keep fighting. (somber group) Silence and staring in the room for a few minutes. Daniel asks if Nicole wants to give Terrance her vote, or should he (Daniel). Daniel says it doesn't matter, they just need to split it. Ameerah says she had a nice talk with Brittany today, she got to know her. Nicole says she didn't "get to say" the exact words, she just went in there and started crying. Daniel, "This is the dumbest thing he has ever done." Michael and Brittany are talking about whether Taylor is keeping her story straight, (she is voting Terrance out) Brittany says Taylor gets it. Michael says don't play too much with the sympathy votes, they want it to be 9-2. He also says Jasmine is saying she will throw the HOH to get Turner out. Brittany says the girls sent her looking for Michael, they saw him go in the storage room with Turner. Brittany says they are going crazy, he was in the diary room. Brittany says Nicole is inserting herself in situations she doesn't need to be in. Brittany says Ameerah likes Joe, a showmance has been mentioned. Michael says he will take a shot at Daniel, Brittany says Taylor will do that as well. Michael says Nicole doesn't trust Alyssa, she says she talks too much. They hear a noise outside, they start talking loud about Pooch's clothes. Indy comes in the storage room, they grab expired orange juice to pour out. Terrance is in the kitchen, he says it is hard to keep up with some of the things. House guests are in the kitchen and dining area. General talk. Taylor is getting fries for Jasmine to eat in bed. Terrance is in the room, standing by the dresser while Jasmine lays there eating. They are whispering (can't hear them). Terrance asks her if she is moving her foot. Terrance tells Jasmine that Nicole told him he was leaving, Jasmine says she did that to make it look like she wanted to keep him and no one else wanted to. She isn't happy to hear it. Terrance tells her that Nicole said she talked to the girls, and to the guys, and mentioned Monte by name. Jasmine says she did that in front of Turner, who denied knowing anything. Jasmine says she has never told Nicole where her vote is. Monte and Ameerah come into the room, Monte is off to take a shower, Terrance accepts a hug from Monte. Jasmine asks what they were talking about, Ameerah tells Terrance that Nicole and Daniel are going to vote to keep Terrance. They told her (Ameerah) so she would be prepared. Nicole and Daniel come into the room, talk turns to Indy's fries. Terrance says his grandma made french fries and told them they wanted McDonalds,this was McDonalds. She told them McDonalds didn't have kool aid, so they were getting something McDonalds didn't have. General talk in the bedroom General talk in the kitchen Daniel and Terrance are in the bedroom, Daniel tells Terrance it is his job to figure out what is going on outside Old School and it is his job to figure that out. Daniel says it won't be unanimous, he says a heartfelt goodbye to Terrance. Terrance tells him they will meet outside the house. Daniel tells him that he (Daniel) will just have to win HOH now, Terrance tells him to bring Turner in. Terrance tells Daniel to keep his eyes open Terrance tells Daniel that the conversation he had with Turner was hard. Turner is the reason he is going home. Daniel says he is jealous that Terrance will be drinking tomorrow night. Daniel says to send his love to Paloma and Pooch. They share a hug and leave the room 12:00am Indy and Alyssa are excited for their first meal this week. Darlings it is time for me to wander off, say my prayers, start negotiations with my puppies and cuddle up until the sun wakes me tomorrow. Every evening before I go I try to give you words that encourage you. Today I want you to use your words to encourage yourselves. Give yourselves permission to follow your dreams. Regrets come when you don't. goodnight Dears, hugs-Grannysue
  3. 10:00pm Nicole leaves to talk to the "girls". Off she goes bravely to tell them she is going to talk to Terrance. She cries, they all comfort her, even Brittany. Taylor watches. Nicole says she must tell him now, not tomorrow. She says she doesn't know what to tell him, Jasmine advises her to tell Turner, Indy says to tell Terrance. it isn't "happening." Nicole plans to be generic and direct,she will tell Turner that she has talked to Terrance. Nicole says, "I'm not gonna lie." (Grannysue eyeroll here) She wipes her eyes and continues her quest. Nicole takes Terrance upstairs to give him the news. They go to the HOH room. Nicole starts to cry, she tells him she loves him soooo much. Terrance tells her it is okay, this will further her game. Nicole tells him she wanted him to stay. Terrance says it is all right, he felt it all day, it was too hard to battle. Nicole says she was hoping after his conversations today it be different. She says Daniel is upset by this as well. Nicole says whatever Ameerah has going on is stronger than what Daniel and she have. Terrance seems to take this information well while Nicole cries. Nicole tells Terrance she thought he would be there til the end. Terrance says unless something happens, it will be how the numbers fall, he needed 6 votes and they were hard to come by. Nicole says there is no real womens' alliance, they don't trust each other. Nicole says she has thouroughly enjoyed being in the house with him, and she plans to stay in his life after the game. Terrance is forgiving of Turner's decision. Michael and Turner are in the storage room, they are happy if Daniel and Nicole vote to keep Terrance it will create an overlap and create chaos. Michael says they don't trust Indy and Nicole, think they have something going on with Monte. Michael suggested to Nicole that he will give Terrance a sympathy vote, she will believe it will be 8-3 for Terrance to go, but the reality is it would be 8-3 for Ameerah to stay. Michael says Nicole is telling Terrance he is leaving "right now". "He's gonna be real f**king happy tomorrow then", says Turner They leave the room to go make cookies,happy with their plan for the votes tomorrow. Nicole continues to talk to Terrance in the HOH room, possibly spilling information that will be useful to him later. Turner is cutting the cookie tube with a knife so he has rounds. Indy is cooking for her and Alyssa. (they can eat at midnight). She doesn't plan to make food for everyone. Alyssa comes in, asks for cookies for her for midnight, Indy tells her to make sure they can eat then. Indy tells Alyssa says there is steak for the two of them. Brittany comes in, she thinks her blood sugar is low, she grabs a sweet drink and sits at the table. Indy brings her crackers, Brittany says she forgot to eat dinner. Taylor is talking to Ameerah, Ameerah is counting votes. Ameerah says "he" really "f**ked up that whole thing." (Daniel) Ameerah says she hopes they show the talk they had later, Ameerah doesn't think they will. Ameerah says that day was crazy. NIcole hopes tomorrow's show will be about Daniel and her making ammends. Jasmine takes Ameerah and Michael into one of the bedrooms and question him about why he was in the storage room with Turner. He tells them Turner couldn't find the aluminum foil and Indy came in looking for potatoes or something. They talk about what the twist will bring tomorrow, Ameerah thinks she might join a duo. Michael mentions putting Kyle and Daniel or Nicole and Taylor. Ameerah says she is cool with whoever the house wants, Jasmine is afraid of going on the block against Turner. Jasmine gossips about Turner. Ameerah says if she gets to pick a new bestie, and the person who is kicked out goes straight to jury (pipe dreams). Ameerah says she would be comfortable to go up against Turner on the block. Michael asks who is the target next week, she mumbles. Michael says having Taylor and Daniel in the game to argue could be a good thing. Ameerah says she will not try to win HOH, she will step out of it. Jasmine says she will try to answer right, she just doesn't want slop. They continue to go over scenarios for the twist, and complain about Turner. Jasmine, "Tomorrow's the day, guys." Ameerah leaves for the loo, Jasmine and Michael follow. House guests are working on food for midnight. General talk. Camera moves to Ameerah, who is complaining about flat fizzie drinks. Cameras move to HOH room, Turner is talking to Nicole Nicole tells Turner that Terrance deserved to be told, and by her. Turner says "you don't seem very happy with the house right now." Nicole agrees, she complains about having to choose between two people she likes in the house. Turner says he did that last week. Nicole says Turner turned the house upside down. They see Brittany, try to guess if she is coming to the HOH. She complains about Brittany knowing about her having a conversation with Terrance. (Brittany doesn't come in). Nicole complains more about Brittany. Camera moves to lavatory area. Brittany comes in, whispers where people are. They are looking for Michael (who is in the diary room) Jasmine says Brittany might be "our room girl" They see Michael come out of the diary room. They laugh at themselves. They start new gossip about prior seasons.
  4. 9:00pm Kyle, Brittany and Taylor are in the lavatory going over competition dates. The girls are talking and giggling in the bedroom Daniel comes to the loo, doesn't speak. When he leaves Kyle asks if she okay with Daniel and Nicole, she says speaking terms. Taylor says after tonight's episode the world will not be kind to Daniel. Kyle says he was sitting next to Daniel when "it was announced". Monte comes into the room, says he cut his toe. Kyle says, "Daniel s**t a brick," he demonstrates Daniel's quick breathing. (no idea what the announcement was.) They leave the area and head to the kitchen/dining area. General chat in the kitchen. Lively talk about UNO rules and other card playing games. Nicole comes and gets Michael for a talk. They go to the have not room. Nicole tells Michael she is voting to keep Ameerah, she says a lot of people are giving her the run around on their votes. She says it is a hard vote for her this week, she is closest to them in the house. Nicole asks Michael what his thoughts are, Michael says Ameerah is acting very calm this week, he wonders if she has other things set up. Michael says Terrance has one on ones with people, she said she wasn't, she said she was "good". Nicole says Ameerah may just be counting on the alliance to keep her. Michael questions not getting together on this vote. Nicole says she spoke to Monte this week for the first time in two weeks. Nicole says "when" she wins HOH next week they will surround her. Nicole reassures Michael that he won't go on the block again. Nicole says Ameerah really thinks the 6 is the 6. Nicole says she doesn't trust Monte and Kyle 100%, but Alyssa has a "big mouth", she told Terrance she would miss him. Nicole says Alyssa talks to Jasmine all the time, she knows some of that is game talk. Nicole says Brittany has been talking "s**t", and Nicole thinks Brittany told someone Daniel and she are 50/50. (then Nicole says other people knew, ..confusing confusing). Nicole says if they are voting Ameerah out, she wants to know. She says Indy, Jasmine, Alyssa will vote Terrance out. She says Joe is fishy, but he seems to be leaning towards keeping Ameerah. She counts herself, Michael and Daniel. Brittany has said she will vote to keep Ameerah as well. She says the boys are only four votes. Michael denies that he is voting to evict Ameerah. Nicole tells him that Taylor won't vote out a black woman. Kyle comes into the room, Nicole verifies his vote, she doesn't mind telling Terrance he is leaving. Nicole tells Kyle and Michael they should tell Terrance they are voting him out tomorrow. Kyle says he wants to stay on the same page with Daniel. Nicole says if the two of them want to throw their votes it will be okay, it won't matter. She says they owe him more than a sugar coated answer. She wants to give Terrance the respect he deserves. (She can do that tomorrow night after the show... I cannot tell you how much I am enjoying this season my darlings-Grannysue) Kyle insists that the house is going to vote to evict Terrance, Nicole says she wants Daniel to give Terrance his vote, but she has to vote with the women. Nicole denies there is a womens' alliance, they just want to be strong together. (These guys know about Girls' Girls, Brittany and Taylor told them) Nicole wants their blessing to tell Terrance, there will be conversations after that. Kyle says "you don't want to be the last one to know." Nicole divulges her plan to rid herself of Taylor next week, she says she talked to Monte, she asks them is they are on board, "Sure", Kyle says. Michael is silent. Kyle leaves the have not room. Kyle says it is okay to throw some votes to keep Terrance. Now Nicole says she can't vote Terrance, but if she has a confirmation from everybody, she can vote Terrance out. Michael tells Nicole that Brittany will vote with the house if they are keeping Ameerah, he is sure of that. Kyle encourages Nicole to vote to keep Terrance, she plans to tell Terrance. It is up to her to tell him. Cameras move to the bedroom where the woman are gossiping about non game topics. Cameras move on around the house, land on Monte and Turner playing checkers at the table. Nicole hovering, Michael stopping by to watch and takes Turner's place after the game is finished. Monte has settled into the game, Nicole comes and interrupts him for a talk. Nicole says she has verified the votes and can she be the one to tell Terrance he is leaving. She wants to throw him a sympathy vote, Monte says it won't matter. Monte gives her another incorrect count for votes against Terrance, he says Daniel said the same thing earlier. Monte tells her he is fine with that, he would do it to if he could, Nicole, "nononono". Monte, "okay". Nicole asks if she should go talk to the girls, she wants to make sure she talks to Terrance. Monte tells her to go ahead and tell him, but the girls should know so they don't keep evading answers. Nicole says she talked to Kyle and Michael as well.
  5. 11:00pm Girls continue to gossip. Monte is still on the bicycle. (halfway to San Diego by now I think) We get a glimpse of Alyssa's nails, they are very pretty pink, long and pointy. Monte finishes his workout, goes to the lavatory area where Nicole meets him. Nicole tells him she is torn between voting for Ameerah and Terrance. She tells Monte she is trying figure out why Turner chose them. Monte tells her that Ameerah said it could be some kind of Team America thing where he was supposed to keep Taylor because of the bullying. Nicole says he may think the Oasis is still intact, Monte says it is only four people. Nicole says she is just trying to figure out what is best for her in this game, she saw herself and Ameerah going far in the game together. Nicole asks what Monte told Terrance, Monte says he has not told Terrance anything. Monte commiserates with the tough spot she is in. Monte says Turner didn't talk to anyone about it, he just did it. He says Turner hasn't said much, he isn't sure where the Alyssa/Indy thing came from. Monte says Indy rubbed Turner the wrong way when she called Taylor a "bitch", but he didn't put her on the block. He says it is confusing. Monte says he doesn't talk game to Taylor, she is still his target, he has discussed this with Daniel. Nicole asks Monte if he wins HOH, will she go on the block with Taylor, Monte tells her yes. Alyssa comes into the lavatory, shows off her nails. Nicole says she wants some now. Nicole says long nails are not a thing in the lesbian world, Monte laughs,o says "Ohhhh I get it." It takes Alyssa minute. Nicole says she would rather be back doored, Monte confirms. Nicole says she doesn't want to be put in the position of throwing a competition. Nicole says Taylor is gunning to win. Monte agrees. (of course he does!!!). Nicole actuallys says, "please". (I am loving this. Pooch 2.0?) Nicole says she told Taylor the reason she picked her is because Taylor is a bigger target. (she did, but she qualified it when she told Taylor by saying that was then, we are on a new page now.) Nicole says she has to work with Taylor, but it is a business relationship. (really, not much of this happened, most of what she is saying is fibs) Nicole insists "My word is golden here." (Nicole seems to indicates in this conversation that she is telling the truth and there is no room for anyone to call her out for what she says. Everyone else should be questioned that does not align with what Nicole says..-Grannysue) Monte says in the light of what has happened in the last few days... Nicole says maybe Turner decided to turn the tables on the people who told him what to do. She says he is playing like past HOH's who did the same thing. Nicole goes into "other house guests bother me when I am talking to people in the house and I don't like it mode". She also continues to throw Taylor under the bus and complain about being tied to her in the game. (Nicole chose Taylor). Terrance and Alyssa just look at her while she talks. (In my opinion Nicole is all over the place with these comments, she says she only has a working relationship with Taylor, but then she says she knows how it feels to be out of the loop, then she goes back to being angry that she is tied to Taylor, and so on.) Terrance leaves the room, Nicole continues to tell them they need to have conversations about possible competitions to get people prepared. Nicole complains because Taylor is still in the game, Monte says "she is really good, or really lucky." Nicole says that in order for Monte and Kyle to be safe, one of the three of them will have to win. Nicole tells them that if Taylor wins HOH one of the guys teams will go up. Nicole tells them if she wins HOH she will back door Turner. Alyssa comes into the lavatory area. No one acknowleges her. Monte says he needs to shower, Nicole says she is waiting for Taylor. Nicole catches Alyssa stealing her disposable flossers. Nicole tells Taylor they can't put Turner up immediately if they win HOH, but she will not put Jasmine on the block. Alyssa is tickled with herself for her theivery. She is enjoying herself and doesn't care at all that she has been caught. Nicole goes to the storage room, Kyle is in the room. She complains that Kyle is eating all the chocolate. He says its old he just wanted it out. Nicole leaves, Kyle says, "Nicole you're stupid." Ameerah comes in, asks Kyle if he will save her. Ameerah confronts him about people knowing about Google, he swears that he never told anyone. She says it's not a secret, she can't tell him who told her but she is going to get to the bottom of it. Ameerah tells him she didn't sign the new offer, she left to come on the show. She insists that he told someone, she never even told Alyssa. Kyle says she told him where there were other people, he didn't say a word. Ameerah says Turner told her he is broke. Kyle says Turner was talking about Teslas in the back yard and Michael picked up on it. Kyle says he told Alyssa there would be no showmance, they could look at things in the jury house or after the game. They need to just be friends. Kyle plans to talk to the people who make jokes about it, he wants it to stop. Jasmine opens the door, says "what are you talking about." Ameerah says "you know what we are talking about." Kyle tells Ameerah he thought she said him and Alyssa are not a good match, she says she said "not a good idea." Kyle says he needed to stop it before it got stupid, they have not cuddled or held hands or anything. Ameerah says Turner thinks she turned the vote on Pooch, and he is still mad about that. Kyle says maybe he feels dumb. Ameerah says he should. Kyle says Pooch didn't tell him he was offering himself last week as a pawn. Ameerah says Pooch told her. Kyle says Pooch wanted to talk to him too much, he would whistle to call attention and the whole house could hear it. Kyle asks if Daniel has a thing for Alyssa. He says Daniel acts differently when he is with Nicole than he does when they are by themselves in a room. Kyle says they are trying to get back on Taylor's good side. Ameerah says everyone is, she might be HOH next week. Kyle says Nicole told her not to talk to her until finals, Ameerah wonders why people don't get it in this house. Kyle says Daniel told Taylor they should go in different directions in the house, he didn't want to talk to her. Ameerah is laughing about Taylor calling it a "business relationship", Taylor is not dumb, but she will use them. Daniel screamed at her and now it's not a big deal. Ameerah says she has the number this week, she says Terrance doesn't think he has Daniel and Nicole,but Ameerah doesn't think she does either. Kyle says when people realize the votes are there to save Ameerah, then Daniel and Nicole will not want to vote against the house. Ameerah says Turner keeps asking Jasmine what she will do, he doesn't know Ameerah and Jasmine are close. Kyle says Turner doesn't really see, he is just playing pool and having fun. Ameerah wonders why she was put up. Kyle says someone may have said something about Taylor and p***sed Turner off. Kyle says Nicole was mad at Alyssa for talking in front of Indy. Ameerah says Alyssa covered it with a bad lie. Nicole stormed out and went outside. Ameerah says Alyssa stayed in the room, Ameerah goes outside and Daniel says Nicole didn't want to talk to anyone. Ameerah says Joe tried to go to Nicole, she chased him off, she let Monte talk to her, Brittany tried to talk to her, Nicole chased her off and made her cry because she wasn't involved in anything. Ameerah says 11 people cried. Ameerah says Nicole told Alyssa she couldn't do that, and it wasn't the first time she had done it (Oasis). Kyle says he had no idea any of that happened. Ameerah says they covered it, but Kyle wonders how she covered with Daniel. Ameerah tells him about some alliances that blew up, she says she doesn't need Daniel and Nicole to vote for her. Ameerah says Terrance was counting his votes with Brittany, who already said she was voting to keep her (Ameerah). Kyle says the first day the plan was to back door Taylor. He thinks it had something to do with his past, and he didn't feel comfortable putting her out. Kyle thinks Turner may have just put them up. He says Terrance was a target week one anyway. Kyle says Terrance was in the HOH with Turner, he told Turner he didn't want to go home. Kyle says he told Terrance they created a bond on day three when Terrance tapped him on the leg and asked him to play for him in the veto. Terrance left the room. Turner told Kyle that Terrance also tapped him on the leg and asked him the same thing. Turner told Kyle that three minutes earlier they (Turner and Terrance) were talking about how that bonded them. Monte comes in during the story. Ameerah says if the twist gives the remaining person on eviction night the right to choose a new partner she should choose Turner. Monte wonders what would happen to Jasmine in that case, Ameerah says maybe they would send Jasmine to jury. Ameerah says they may not be done with the back stage pass, Kyle says he thought they said that twist was over. Ameerah says maybe the remaining person could be put up as a third nominee. Ameerah says they had such an easy idea for the next few weeks, then it all blew up.onte says Brittany has talked to him more, Kyle says she hasn't talked to him for a week. Ameerah says they need to make Brittany feel included, she feels like she was brought in late. Kyle says even the diary room won't let Brittany in. He makes a comical move like he is pushing a button over and over and is met with a red light each time. They all laugh, Kyle says "sorry America", they says she is a sweet girl. Jasmine comes into the room, Kyle repeats the Kyle/Turner/Terrance story. 12:33am Darlings it is a little past my normal time, but this conversation has been fun to watch and to tell you about. The group in the storage room is still laughing and telling some funny tales other house guests' expense. It is time for me to thank the Lord for my day, (which was eventful, we seem to have a huge branch from our walnut tree spread out across the back yard, but we are blessed, it came near the roof but landed a few inches short) My puppies are getting in the habit of waiting for me and I have to negotiate for my quilt when I go to bed now. After the negotiation we will settle in and cuddle before we settle in for the night. Take care of each other dears, you are all so special to me. goodnight, hugs-Grannysue
  6. 10:30pm Nicole is reporting back to Daniel while standing in the doorway. Just general talk report. Monte is telling a story in the bedroom about a man that was hitting on his wife. He says he enjoyed it until she indicated it was time to step in. He says he doesn't interfere until she lets him know he should. Alyssa hears most of this. Room is full of giggles. Jasmine is putting press on nails for Alyssa. She says these nails are her own unique designs. Terrance is playing with the golf ball water toy. Taylor is explaining how to do it. Monte is on the exercise bike. Terrance manipulated the golf ball onto the tee in the water toy and carefully sits it down on the dresser. The girls cheer, say he has proven it can be done. Joseph seems to be sound asleep in the middle of these loud girls.
  7. 10:00pm Nicole tells Taylor to be ready for mental competitions. In the other bedroom Indy is giving Monte a shoulder massage. Daniel is in the room with them, Terrance is also in the room. General conversation Taylor has moved back to the other bedroom with Jasmine, and the group of girls. General talk 10:20pm Tomfoolery in the girls' bedroom. Monte alone in the lavatory doing some exercising th en relaxing on the bench. Taylor comes out of the loo. Monte asks Taylor what Nicole wanted to talk to her about. She repeats the relative parts of the conversation to him. Taylor says Nicole told her she was denying that Monte and Joe were her (Taylor's ) targets. Monte says, but Nicole is saying that Nicole has been saying several times, that Taylor's targets are Monte andJoe. Monte says Daniel or Nicole need to go next week. He wants to blindside Nicole if they can. Taylor says she is telling Nicole that all the girls have to be together, she wants to cover the 6/5 vote. Monte says they want to make friction next week, none of them have any idea Ameerah is going home. Terrance is politicing, but Ameerah isn't doing much at all Taylor says she has been dragged through the mud, please don't make "me look stupid". Taylor says she trusts him. Monte goes to the loo while Taylor washes her hands and starts her night time routine.
  8. 9 :00pm Jasmine, Alyssa, Taylor, Indy and Kyle in the bedroom, general talk. Terrance, Monte, Daniel, Ameerah, and Michael in the Tiki lounge. general talk. Jasmine shouts for Michael, who is upstairs, she wants cookies. Michael comes into the room amid laughter, they asked if he heard them,he says he did. He thought something may have been wrong. More laughter. Brittany joins the others in the bedroom. The bumper pool game continues. 9:25pm Nicole and Taylor go to separate bedroom. Nicole says she is torn, she is the only swing vote in the house, she says there is bulls**t in the house, like "Monte crying". Nicole says she has been distancing herself, Ameerah and Terrance are the two closest people in the house to her, they are both better for her game. Nicole says she is just glad her and Taylor are not on the block. Taylor says her happy place is lying in bed being comfortable, s blhe told Big Brother that during her interview. Taylor tells no one will judge her (Nicole) for the decision she makes. Nicole says she doesn't understand what is going on, she feels like she is on the loop, then not in the loop. Nicole repeats the fib that she is glad they are not on the block. (In fact Nicole is very angry that she is not on the block with Taylor leaving) Nicole asks Taylor who she is voting out, Taylor says "Terrance", Nicole says "okay" Nicole says Terrance thinks she has her (Taylor's) vote. Taylor says Terrance is aware that she is here to promote giving black women power, if Terrance thinks she will vote to keep him, that is from a conversation earlier in the game. Nicole probes a little, using words like "bombarded", "like a dad." Taylor mumbles "uh huh" Nicole fishes a little, asks Taylor what she is thinking about next week, Taylor tells her it is Monte. Taylor says she has offered to help Daniel after they leave the house, she knows that he might face some negativity for his behavior toward her, but that moment doesn't define him. Nicole tells Taylor she has her back, they just have to fight. Nicole asks if Taylor has something with Turner, Taylor denies. Nicole says she feels safe with Monte and Joe, she hasn't talked to them. Nicole tells Taylor they may be on the block again next week. Taylor denies talking game with Kyle. Taylor says "I know you are close with Daniel." Nicole says she is but she has to work to protect herself and Taylor. Taylor says the girls don't talk game to her, she says Brittany doesn't talk to her either, they just both know they are "for the girls". Nicole says she doesn't want any of the women on the block, Nicole asks if there is anyone she doesn't want on the block, Taylor says Brittany and Michael. Nicole says "no Daniel and Kyle" They agree. Taylor sets Nicole straight. Nicole says that Daniel is valid in his feelings, Taylor is valid in her feelings, and she (Nicole) is valid in her feelings. Taylor responds, telling her that they all know what will weigh heavier in those scenarios. (And a mic drop for Taylor!) Taylor does a count of votes for Ameerah to stay, (incorrectly), misdirects Nicole, now Nicole relaxes, says the girls do have the votes to keep Ameerah. Nicole says the vote will draw a line in the sand. (ohhh it sure will!) Nicole continues to rehash.
  9. 11:00pm In the HOH Monte, Turner and Kyle agree to continue to go under the radar. Kyle says the Old School alliance was confirmed today, Terrance said to Daniel "our side was all crying", and the girls were the ones crying. Kyle says they should be cautious around Terrance. He says he caught Alyssa crying, a few minutes later she was fine. Monte says he was at the pool, it got quiet. He realized they were all talking/conspiring again in the house. Monte says "they think we are not on to them." Monte says with a split vote this week they can put the house in shambles, but with the unanimous vote, they risk letting the house know about them. Turner says "plausible denial". Kyle says Alyssa gives him information, but goes to Daniel and tells him that Alyssa told him about the Old School alliance. That will be something to use. Kyle says the best move is to tell Alyssa that there can be no romantic relationship in the house, that can come along after jury or outside the house, but is dangerous in the house. Monte says she has been feeding a lot of information, they don't want to "cut that valve", but it is fair to stay as close friends. Kyle says hearing that him talking to Taylor makes Alyssa gets upset, bothers him. He has never hugged her or even held her hand. Kyle says he doesn't understand Alyssa being that invested that quickly. Monte warns them to check upstairs when they go outside. Monte, Turner and Joe went outside they yelled "Is anyone out here?" No one answered, then Monte backed up and saw Alyssa with her head down on the bar. He wonders if she was listening, or was upset with Kyle. Kyle talks about Alyssa's meltdowns related to jealousy. (his past girlfriends, conversations with Taylor...) Kyle says he is realizing how emotional she gets over things. She has told him she would "lose it" seeing a girl flirt with her boyfriend. Kyle says he will have the "friend zone" conversation with Alyssa. Monte says "when a girl has that kind of issue with conversations about ex girlfriends or flirting with you, that is a huge red flag. It is controlling, and they want to put you in a box...it shows insecurity(paraphrasing)" (Darlings, Monte is exactly on point, sometimes people we meet and begin building relationships with are very insecure, never let them make demands on you related to friendships or families.-Grannysue)rr 11:36pm Terrance is talking to Taylor, she is promising "we" are keeping him, he says he thinks he can swing Alyssa. He says Ameerah will not let any of them out of her sight. He says he will not let her hover, he will say he will say he wants to talk to some of them alone. Taylor names the people who might keep him, (wrong names), Taylor says she is going to do a "late night" load of laundry. Terrance tells her he will be up late. Joe comes by, tells Taylor to get out of bed, she has been there all day. Camera moves to lavatory area. Joe is modeling his sunglasses. He says they are his sister's, he took them by mistake. Everyone gets a good laugh. He tries Alyssa's they insult him. Cameras go to the HOH room. Turner is watching house guests downstairs. Brittany has joined Michael, Turner and Monte. Brittany wonders if their fight affects anything. (Nicole, Alyssa). Monte says when people who think they are in control lose control... Turner says Nicole told him she was happy she was not on the block, but he knew she was lying to him, and he knew what she expected to happen. They compliment him again on his speech. He was worried that he would not be able to express himself correctly to America as well as the house guests. He says everyone in their group loved it so... They know that Ameerah is expecting to stay with unanimous votes. Monte says if they do a split vote the house will go to another magnitude. Brittany says the Leftovers are seen as little pockets of groups who could not possibly work together. The girls will blame each other. They just need to ride out the bestie thing. Monte says they are always questioning Indy and Michael and general confusion. Then Daniel has come up several times, which looks bad to them as well. Kyle comes in for a shower. He gets excited about having two heads in the shower. He turns both the shower heads on to get the water warm. Kyle tells them almost everyone is in the lavatory. Brittany tells them that Ameerah thinks three people knew what Turner was doing. She thinks it was Daniel, Monte, and someone else, but none of it is coming together. She says Ameerah thinks Monte knew because he played billiards with Turner today. They talk about hearing a loudspeaker button pressed wrong that said "a new bed is available" Brittany says it could be Terrance's bed after eviction night. She thinks that person is going into back stage mode. She says she may have heard hammering while she was outside. 12:00am Darlings it is that time again. The puppies are already in the bed, they were impatient tonight. After I say my prayers I will get them all comfy under my quilt (they sleep like little people with their heads popped out on the pillow). Be kind, be gracious, be grateful. Remember that you are special for a reason. goodnight Dears, hugs- Grannysue
  10. 10:30pm Brittany, Daniel and Michael are at the hammock Daniel says this vote might set the tone. Terrance joins, says there is a little bit of misinformation in the house right now. Brittany asks how he is doing. Terrance says he tells the truth, he says him and Ameerah were not picked by accident. He says it wasn't because Terrance wasn't talking game to Turner, but because Ameerah doesn't talk to Turner. Terrance says Turner was supposed to pick Alyssa and Indy according to Ameerah. Terrance says he went back to Turner to verify and found out that was a lie. He is upset that he was ready to give up his game for her, then found this out. Alyssa joins them, Terrance stops talking. Alyssa starts a conversation about the weather. Alyssa says she wants to come to Chicago because they are known for their coffee. Terrance stares at her, "nooo". Alyssa says "what about the bean?" Terrance explains that the bean is just a piece of artwork that was donated to them. He tells her they are known for pizza. He tells her Seattle is known for coffee. (I have seen the bean in Chicago children, it is a giant silver orb. You can walk under it and your image turns upside down and sideways. A giant mirror. It is wonderful, but the pizza is better) Cameras move to the lavatory Nicole is fussing about her pores, Joe is laughing about not being able to shave his nipple hair. Ameerah is laughing, she is called out again for obstructing her microphone. Cameras move back to hammock gang. Indy has joined them They are talking about nicknames. Brittany says her nickname has been Britt, but she wants people wh)o like her to call her that, not those who don't. Terrance says Alyssa is Lady A, Indy says she is just Indy, Michael says he is just Michael. Daniel says he is called Dan sometimes. Terrance says he is always Terry or T. Brittany says saying a whole name can sometimes mean someone is close to you. Alyssa says Terrance's nickname for him comes from her Grandmother who is Sweet T. (nice association) Kyle and Turner are in the HOH room. Kyle asks Turner how he feels, Turner says he is feeling fine, he had to play up how bad he felt. Turner says he was nervous about the speech, Kyle says it was the best speech so far this season. Turner says he meant it. Kyle says all the people in the house who talked bad about Taylor were gut punched. Turner says sometimes people say what is politically correct, but these people forget there are cameras. Turner says he trusts the alliance. He says Taylor almost cried when he gave his speech. He says Taylor was ready to stand up and move to the chairs. Turner says Brittany and Michael both told him they were happy that he did this, Kyle says if he goes home after this play it won't matter. Turner says Joe is telling everyone he is gunning for Turner. (these kids are working like a well oiled machine. impressive game play!) They wonder if the partner left behind is attached to the next person who survives the block. They wonder who to put up next week. They say Indi and Alyssa have no overlap. They don't think Indy is a threat. Turner says Indy would have an erratic vote in jury. They agree that Daniel or Nicole are good to go out, Kyle says Jasmine is a social threat, and so is Alyssa. Kyle says whatever the HOH wants to do, he is okay with it. Turner says whoever wins HOH next week, as long as the don't put up the two dudes all will be okay. Kyle says even if they lose one, they move forward. Kyle says Ameerah is the biggest threat in the game, Turner agrees. Kyle says they need information about the girls' alliance, they are so tight. He says they never left the HOH for a week, but their leader is about to be gone. Kyle says after this week they will have 6. Kyle tells Turner he thinks the q tips in Ameerah's drawer are votes. Turner says they all need to meet either tonight or tomorrow. Camera moves to lavatory. Joe is planting seeds to Ameerah that maybe Nicole didn't want to be a pawn. Ameerah tells Joe that Jasmine told her to put up Turner next week if she wins. Daniel joins Ameerah and Joe. Nicole comes into the room. Joe gets called to the diary room. Cameras move back to the HOH. They are talking about Pooch putting himself on the block. They call it dumb, then say "sorry Pooch". Pooch had nothing in common with Jasmine. Monte comes up to take a shower. Kyle tells Monte that Ameerah believes she is safe, that his nomination was a mistake. Monte says "whatever the narrative is." Ameerah told Monte as well, that being nominated was a result of him not wanting Alyssa on the block. The three of them says Brittany is all in, Taylor almost crying during the speech, they are all in with this alliance (everyone).
  11. 9:40pm Turner and Alyssa are in the HOH room, Turner is telling Alyssa that Kyle likes Alyssa, but doesn't want to ruin his game. He tells her that things would be better in jury, or out of the house. Alyssa is relieved, he has not been talking to her because she made a mistake. Turner says that Pooch, Paloma and Alyssa are the only ones in the house he gravitated to. He says he would never put her on the block. Turner says he has trouble remembering who said what. Turner says the story that got back to him was Monte was crying because some one said something, Monte denied it. Turner says he heard it from Daniel, who gives a lot of misinformation. Alyssa says she made one comment, it became "Alyssa leaks information". Alyssa says she is feeling overwhelmed. Turner says he talked to Taylor and she seemed very grateful. Taylor says she has talked to Taylor in general, but she is jealous when Taylor talks to Kyle. She says Kyle seemed to have disappeared on her today. Turner says he is anxious about new relationships, even in the beginning with Meghan. Alyssa says she sat down by him today, said "hi", and he got up and left. Turner says it probably didn't mean a thing, Kyle is wholesome and not hurtful. Turner complains that Daniel came into the room "like 12 times", it bugged him. Kyle and Indy are on the loungers in the back yard. Kyle is talking about perception, he says he hasn't talked to her (Alyssa) at all today. Indy tells him she needs him to talk to Alyssa today, she needed him to come around, they don't want to campaign for Ameerah. Jasmine, Ameerah and Nicole are in the bedroom. Jasmine is listing her prayers. Ameerah tells Nicole that Turner told her he did not mean she (Ameerah) was not directly targeted because of bullying Taylor. It was someone in the house he could not get out this week. Nicole says Terrance doesn't know about the 6, he might think he has the numbers to stay. Ameerah says if the guys don't save her that means they have something going on. Nicole says "this votes scares me", she says this "sucks for me, really bad" She says she sees herself sitting with Ameerah in the end. Ameerah says she is a better player for Nicole than Terrance, Nicole agrees. Nicole says she wants Ameerah to stay, but it is difficult for her. When she sees Nicole with Terrance it is because she loves him so very much. Ameerah understands. Joe, Michael and Taylor are in the storage room, Joe tells them he is grateful for them. They immediately wander to different areas of the house. Taylor goes to the bedroom, Jasmine is in the room. Taylor says she is doing her laundry tonight and bedclothes in the morning. Taylor cuddles under her quilts, she plans to take a nap, then do her laundry. (it is 10:00pm) Jasmine goes to the bedroom where Alyssa and Ameerah are with Nicole. Alyssa relays the information to them that Turner was upset about comments that were made about Taylor. They all vehemently deny that anything was ever said. They wonder if Taylor said something. Nicole says Brittany offered Daniel her talent of being invisible in a room. Kyle comes into the room. He gives them a Bible verse, he starts again with one that is not "lame". (He must mean relevant). Indy comes in shortly after Kyle, she must have finished her "pep talk" with him. Joe comes and goes, the others also leave the room. Joe plans to take a shower but Michael is cleaning the shower. Nicole offers to clean the rest of the bathroom tomorrow, Joe says he will as well. They all call Michael an angel for doing what they won't do. Ameerah tells Joe she is looking out for him. Terrance and Turner are talking in the HOH room, Turner clears up that the first half of his speech was not related to do with the second half of his speech. Terrance says he was hoping Taylor would stay, and encouraged her to talk to Turner. He tells Turner that Ameerah is feeling salty. Kyle comes into the room, jokes about eating chocolate in front of Alyssa. Turner tells him to check out his chocolate, he doesn't like it, Turner says "I am not a snack guy." Kyle starts to leave, Terrance stops him. Terrance says even though they don't talk, he wants to stay. He would appreciate his vote this week. Kyle tells him it is a difficult week to make a decision, he is close to both of them, he won't make his decision fast. Kyle tells Terrance he feels good with him, he has never considered Terrance as a target. He says he will listen to both sides. Terrance says he has a lot of game left in him. Kyle says that's what he wants to hear, he hopes if Terrance is in this position he hopes Terrance will advise him as well. Terrance repeats that he has never considered Kyle or Turner, but he feels that he is behind in the game. Kyle says "I am close to Monte, and he is close to you." Kyle says it seems like everyone is on Terrance's side and that speaks to him. Kyle says when he was in the shower he was thinking of house guests, and tells Terrance he (Terrance) is the kind of man he would like to someday be. He calls Terrance a huge example. RE: Terrance saying he wanted to go home..Terrance, "that was a huge misstep for me, I worked hella hard to get on here." He says fitting in was a concern for him coming into the house. He compares the ambition he sees in them as things he would like his children to do. Terrance says, "you kids are making me a better father." Kyle tells him to keep doing what he does. His time is probably not done here yet. Kyle hugs him tells him he should be good. Turner also hugs Terrance, says it's too much emotion today.
  12. 11:00pm Still general talk in the kitchen and around the pool. Ameerah is pouring hot water into the hot tub, she says the guys loved it the first time, she is making more. Daniel realizes it is boiling water. Everyone leaves the kitchen, Brittany straightens the dining table chairs and the bar stools. Straightens up in general. Cameras move to pool area. General talk. Someone mentions Indy having ranch on slop yesterday, that is a no no. Alyssa says she didn't know, but will tell her. (party foul) 11:25 Turner appears on the stairs. He says he has been sleeping. In the bedroom Jasmine is munching on baked bbq chips and a popsicle. (This child is a snacking machine.) She drops the last of the popsicle, continues munching on the chips. Alyssa is laughing at her. Alyssa is complaining that Indy made her wash have not towels with her clothes. She is worried that she will be put on the block with Indy. Jasmine says they just have to get rid of the guys. Alyssa says it will be hard for Jasmine to see Joe go, Jasmine wants to keep him as long as she can. Jasmine says she was asking Ameerah "when does everyone go?" She was interrupted, and complains that "she" gets in the way. A group around and in the hot tub, general talk. 11:46pm Kyle noticed that all "7 of them" are out at the hot tub, so they can talk inside. Kyle says they might be onto something, he has walked in on them to silence several times. He thinks they might try to buy in to alliances within the house. Kyle thinks they might try to sabatoge or get information. Kyle tells them to just roll with it, like they are voting to evict Terrance. Kyle says they will tell stories to flip a vote. Kyle says they may think Turner had back up to do it. Kyle says they need to be solid. Michael says he doesn't care about the past anyway, he cares about the future. Turner is worried about what to say in his speech. The group splits up Taylor and Brittany go to the bedroom. Brittany says since day 1 the girls didn't like Taylor, they have said they are girls' girls, but Taylor is a boys' girl. Taylor says she gets the animosity. Brittany says she was never quite in there, but Nicole seems to be. The minute she was on the block the group went silent. Brittany said when she won veto no one was excited for her, and that just did it for her. Brittany is watching the door and listening carefully. Brittany tells Taylor she was a target they could get out later. Brittany starts fooling around with the ball cleaner in the bedroom as Nicole comes through. They start talking about the decor in the house. Taylor says she grew up playing junior golf, she was the junior golf champion, but she had to quit when she hurt her back. She says it is very expensive, but it is peaceful, takes a long time. She misses it. Brittany says they are not in an ideal situation but they can work with it. Taylor says they are both in a position where they had to determine whether they would betray each other. Taylor says Brittany will see it, and she hopes Brittany will see it later. Brittany says it was the same for her. Brittany tells Taylor tomorrow the s**t will hit the fan, and old news is old news. Michael comes in, Taylor tells him that the people are all saying the same words about how she communicates. Taylor tells him Nicole is positive that Taylor and she are going on the block tomorrow. Nicole has told her it will be only business because she believes Taylor is leaving so it doesn't matter. Michael says Nicole told him she was the only person Taylor has in the house. Taylor says a mental spiral is not because of one person, although she understands the struggle. Taylor feels distances from Monte, she hopes that will be resolved. 12:00am Darlings it is time for me to wander off and enjoy my cuddle time, although during the two hours I watched Big Brother this evening my puppies were overjoyed because they had uninterrupted attention. I am going to go say my prayers, curl up under my quilt, tomorrow (later today) is just past the sunrise. Remember how special you are and how much you mean to others. goodnight dearest ones, hugs-Grannysue
  13. 10:00pm They plan to keep it to themselves that they know Ameerah is being voted out, they plan to claim innocence. Michael says they need to get their story straight for the question, why Turner put up Ameerah and Terrance up without talking to anyone. They plan to talk to the group about that to be on the same page with that. Michael says it is possible that Turner will go back to the original plan, they just have to make him comfortable. Brittany wonders what kind of hold Daniel and Nicole might have on Turner. Michael confirms that the "Oasis" was a real thing, but he and Terrance were not invited. Brittany says Taylor really did want to make a girls' alliance but no one wanted to let you in. Brittany plans to let Taylor know that the girls had a plan to get her out. Brittany says the girls were in the HOH laughing last week because they were using Taylor and planned to get her out. They decided to see if they could use "Chen-bot" for their own two person alliance. They think if they shuffle partners they would like to pair Michael with Terrance. Brittany plans to play oblivious to the girls' shenanigans. She wants them to think she is still useful. They are talking about the veto competition, they wonder what happened with Taylor and Nicole. They only had four pieces and they were wrong. Michael says Nicole calls herself a strong competitor, but she has won nothing. They don't think Nicole can step into Ameerah's place. They continue to gossip for a few minutes then leave the have not room. 10:22pm General talk in the lavatory. Ameerah, Jasmine, Alyssa, Nicole joined by Brittany, Michael to loo, Daniel in the shower. Brittany tells them she knows how to french braid. No one knew she could do that, they say they went around asking, no one thought to ask her. She demonstrates on Nicole's hair and the girls are impressed. Camera moves to back yard around the hot tub. General talk Joe, Terrance, Taylor, Michael, Kyle Brittany joins. Nicole is braiding Jasmine's hair. Ameerah and Monte in the kitchen eating at the counter. Indy is making a shake, Michael is eating chicken Monte made, Ameerah decides air fried chicken is good. (she was reluctant to try it.) They say it is peaceful, all the hooligans are outside. People come and go in the kitchen. General chatter Indy is begging Big Brother to let her eat. Alyssa says no, Indy tells her to let Big Brother answer. Monte makes a Big Brother voice, "NO". He tells her she only has three more days. Alyssa says she is struggling too. They make jokes about unlocking the have not. Indy tells Big Brother, "you can use my credit card, I don't mind." Monte asks if Turner is outside,they tell him Turner is upstairs. Michael and Brittany are there as well, so they know where Turner is too now. Indy says she doesn't like pickles or olives. Alyssa says she doesn't like them either, she is struggling as well (she repeats it. She ate half a jar of pickles last night, counted zero calories as well) Monte realizes Pooch forgot his cup, Daniel says they should ship it to him when the show is over. Indy decides to try the fried pickles.
  14. 9:20pm Michael and Brittany are discussing who will take the lead in the veto. They plan to say something simple. Brittany says Turner seems okay with it. Michael says Taylor told her she had a one on one with Nicole. Michael says thats good. Brittany says Taylor is just awkward, but she has said she trusts them. Michael says it is good that everyone agrees that Nicole and Daniel go before jury. Everyone sees her not being a good competitor, she brags about "I would have kicked your a**" about competitions. He says she isn't as strong a player as she says she is. Brittany says Jasmine and Ameerah talked to her today. Michael tells Brittany that they put him as the sixth person in an alliance week one, he is worried that Ameerah will possibly blow that up. He says they renamed it "Po's Pack", he says he was just told it was renamed, he has had nothing to do with it. Brittany understands. Brittany says the girls are working together, they named it "Girls' girls", the two females not included were Taylor and Nicole. Brittany says they ghosted her, no one approached her when she was put on the block. She said they were not happy when they won veto either. They were excited to send Taylor out,though. Michael says it all goes back to Ameerah, she wanted something with the girls,but bragged about being in alliances all over the house. Brittany says when Jasmine won the girls' connection got tighter and Brittany was put aside, she was just told what to do. Brittany says they are making a smart move. Michael says they should both just agree that they would not vote her out. He says they might buy that Indy flipped her vote. Brittany says the girls have targeted Indy for not talking game. Michael says he was given a list of people who would be out before jury. He says it was decided. Michael says they tried to use the "Cookout" maneuver of everyone bringing in a side person, but he couldn't. Brittany says she wasn't invited to do that either. Sheasks if the "Leftovers" is more real, Michael says it is. The two of them talk aobut who they can trust most, how many votes they will have towards the majority, and removing themselves from alliances that are not relative. Brittany says she is worried about Daniel and Nicole. Michael says he plans to remain close to her this week. He wonders who Daniel and Nicole campaign for after the veto ceremony. They says that Ameerah has an unattractive side, and she enhances the truth a little. Michael says she is emotional, she changes her mind often. Michael says he feels less bad about Ameerah going if she was recruited, had not seen many seasons. They plan to enjoy the veto ceremony tomorrow, and they plan to claim they thought they were pawns to get Turner evicted. They are speculating that Daniel and Nicole will be very "mad". They talk about Taylor just not being socially aware, they know she doesn't mean anything by some of the things they say. Brittany says she wonders if Daniel and Nicole will gravitate toward her and Michael after this week. They wonder how Jasmine will be when she loses Ameerah, and she also thinks people will not put her on slop next week (she has avoided it so far). They say it will be hard for her to come up here and go to sleep, she will lose her bed downstairs, someone else will take it. Brittany says Jasmine reminds her of a "real housewife", she brags about her money. Brittany says Jasmine just doesn't want to be uncomfortable. (the veto competition). They both say they would fight for their partners in the alliance.
  15. 8:36pm Terrance, Michael and Monte are running laps in the back yard, Terrance taps out at 8, Michael and Monte go 10. Monte and Michael do burpees. Michael taps out early, Monte does 10. Turner has the camera, he is taking pictures of the house guests. In the kitchen general chat while Tucker works with the camera. Ameerah and Jasmine are whispering in the bedroom. Jasmine has no idea where the boys' heads are. Ameerah says Joe has a soft spot for the girls, she says she wouldn't mind taking Turner out. Jasmine says people don't really want Turner out, Ameerah acknowledges that. Brittany comes in with the camera, she is showing the bedroom she sleeps in, then goes off to record other things. Ameerah counts votes that could put Turner out of the house. She isn't sure about Daniel. Jasmine says she doesn't want to risk that is also worried that they would save Terrance. Alyssa comes in, Jasmine asks her how she feels about Turner, Alyssa likes him but he never talks game to her. Alyssa says everyone would vote out Turner over Jasmine. Jasmine worries about peoples' perception of her. Alyssa says she doesn't want Terrance to leave, and if they go up, Ameerah would stay. Alyssa says they have to see next week after Taylor leaves... Kyle comes in, Jasmine asks him if he would ever vote against her. Kyle groans, gives a half hearted denial. Camera moves to Indy and Turner. Indy is giggling at the table, Turner has the camera. Conversation continues in the bedroom, Taylor has come in, Kyle is still there. Jasmine is going over far out scenarios for the person left behind in a duo. Jasmine whines a little to Kyle, he says he doesn't even think about things like that, he asks if she feels like she is in trouble. He asks if she feels like she is a target. She says no but she is injured. Jasmine says there are some people she wouldn't vote out no matter what. Kyle takes the information on board. Camera moves to back yard. Terrance tells Nicole that she "went off the rails" Nicole argues back a little. Cameras move back to bedroom, once again avoiding coverage of the confrontation between Nicole and Taylor and the subsequent bad behavior of Nicole. General conversation in the bedroom. Indy comes into the room, Alyssa asks if she is ready to make some slop. Jasmine says she isn't hungry, she doesn't want the steak in the fridge, the girls decide to go to the kitchen, Jasmine decides she will "fry up the steak" anyway. Joe comes with the camera, showing the beds. Monte and Turner are with Joe, he says they told him they know the plan the boys have tomorrow. Joe says he talked to Indy, Indy told him Tucker was close to Alyssa so she would tell her what he talked about. Joe says he could see disappointment when Tucker won the HOH. He also mentions Jasmine's questions about safety. They leave the room and separate. Michael is in the shower, Monte approaches him whispering. Monte says that him and Joe have a plan to tell Turner tonight, they will tell Taylor later, he calls it "urgent". The shower interferes, can't hear much of it. Monte gets his things ready for a shower and sits on the bench to wait for Michael to finish. Monte says he is sore from the workout earlier. Cameras move to dining area. General chatter.
  16. 11:00pm In the bedroom Nicole and Daniel continue to discuss their theory that "he" is a cop. Ameerah comes into the room. Ameerah says she watched the competitions on Big Brother. She says she watched the whole seasons of 10 and 16. They wonder if there will be a hide n seek veto this year. In, the kitchen general talk. Monte tells them he talked to Taylor, he thinks they can work with her. He told her that Kyle, Michael, Joe, Turner and himself were not a part of anything. Monte tells Kyle to go see Turner. He says this week will change the trajectory of the game. As people pass by they talk about all kinds of things, the back yard, etc. Jasmine comes in, she says she has nervous flutters in her tummy. She is looking for crackers. Michael goes to look for Sprite and crackers. Kyle wanders toward the upstairs. Alyssa and Kyle are looking for her purple water bottle. Kyle comes downstairs, reports that Turner is asleep on his sofa instead of the bed. Kyle is playing with the vetos, clacking them together like chimes. In the bedroom Jasmine and Alyssa are gossiping. Jasmine says the stress will just get worse. Jasmine is worried about passing out. Joe comes into the room, Alyssa says, "Ok we get Joseph out next week, yeah?". He stops and looks at her, confused. Alyssa says, "Just kidding, I saw you come in." Jasmine continues to talk about what happened to her and what could have called it. They notice that Taylor has been in the diary room for quite some time. Joseph tells them Taylor has accepted that she is going home this week. He tells them that Taylor apologized if she upset him. He says she is just awkward and doesn't know what to say. Alyssa says she can't kiss Kyle, he has a cold sore. Joe says Taylor told him she did not come here to hurt feelings, she plans to make things right. He tells them Taylor knows she is going home. Joe comforts Jasmine because she is feeling bad. Taylor comes into the room, Jasmine whines that Taylor hasn't been here to make her feel good. Jasmine, who has been complaining of a stomach ache, says "Maybe I will go get a piece of that steak." The others tell not to do that, but to wait. General talk continues Brittany joins the group in the bedroom. Jasmine makes sure she tells Brittany about her tummy troubles. (I had an aunt like that, every time she felt mild discomfort of any kind she would repeat her troubles to everyone as they came into the room. My mama used to say she always tried to be last so she only heard it once. -Grannysue) Ameerah comes into the room, Jasmine's trouble repeated. General talk 12:00am Darlings it is time for me to say goodnight. Of course I will thank the Lord for my day, cuddle with my puppies and put the worries of the day behind me. Call someone you love today, do something nice for yourself.-hugs, Grannysue
  17. 10:00pm Still general talk in the HOH Still pillow talk between Nicole and Daniel (this might be a relationship to watch both now and in the future. Indy comes into the HOH. Ameerah, Brittany and Joe leave the HOH. Joe has to make steak, Ameerah says she is going to bed. General chat Turner tells them there is a stool in the shower. They talk about the ways the stool can be used. Quite a few jokes. They offer to give Kyle "the talk". When two people are really in love... When two people just meet... When two people are bored... When people are on slop....(Indy) Indy says she is going to bed. In the kitchen Joe is working on the steaks, Brittany, Ameerah are with him. Daniel comes into the room as well. They talk about Pooch, say he was the glue for the late night crew. They hope he is watching the feeds. Kyle was found in a game of hide n seek. Alyssa runs to hide. Michael and Kyle race off to find her. Joe and Brittany continue to talk and work in the kitchen, talk to Ameerah while the children play. They talk about their religions, and their relationships with God. Joe, Michael and Kyle wander off to the storage room. Joe tells Michael to work with Brittany to get her to buy in. They want to talk to Taylor, Kyle says Monte needs to have a conversation with Taylor because of the Paloma "stuff" Kyle will try to pull her into a room tonight with Monte. The three of them slide back to the kitchen with no one noticing they were just together in the storage room. Nicole and Daniel are still talking casually in the bedroom. General talk in the kitchen while Brittany washes dishes and Joe cooks.
  18. 9:00pm In the HOH room Kyle, Michael, Alyssa and Turner are playing some sort of game. They lay on the bed one by one, close their eyes and one of the other three touch their thumb. The blindfolded house guest guesses who did it. They give up the game quickly and try to think of dumb games. Joseph and Brittany are whispering in the gym room. Daniel says the outsiders were the last to know about Pooch last week. Nicole says Turner told her that she and Michael would come down after the veto "no matter what" Joe wonders what is the bigger picture happening. Joe says "all you did was buy another week" They hear movement nearby, so the talk goes to general workout talk. Danger of being over heard passes. Whispers continue, but hard to hear what they are saying. In the HOH Kyle is talking about the girls downstairs and how they sit in clusters. Kyle says last week the girls sat in the HOH with their backs to the guys. He says those girls won't break away. Kyle says even if the girls come after him next week the have the votes to keep him in the house. Turner says he needs a reason. Kyle thinks the girls would come after Joe and Monte. Kyle says the only other pair to put up is Alyssa and Indy and they don't want to do that. Turner says the only one he wants to do is Ameerah. Kyle says Ameerah has a job lined up with Google after Big Brother, she could be a super fan, she has placed second in several competitions. Kyle says when he was in the kitchen Ameerah was looking at the board, then she went to Taylor because she knew they need that vote. Kyle says he went to talk to Taylor and told her there was a possibility would be safe. Kyle says he is putting all his eggs in this basket. Kyle says Monte is wondering if Taylor was telling him the truth about Paloma and the all girls alliance, then it turned to blame Taylor. Michael says Brittany has not been offered anything in the house by anyone, and they can bring her in. Michael says he told Taylor there are people who want her here and something could be in the works Brittany comes into the room, they say "perfect timing" Turner asks her where she stands in the house right now. Joe comes into the room as well. Brittany says she was nervous in the house. Turner asks her if she is in with the girls, Brittany says arms length. Her win did not result in celebrating. Joe says when Turner won HOH it startled them because it wasn't in their plan. Brittany says last week she wanted to sit with them as a group, but that didn't happen. Kyle tells Brittany that they are all aware of the group of girls. Kyle says Alyssa has a crush on him so he gets information. He tells her that the older players have an alliance called Old School, he lists the players Brittany says she wasn't invited and she is an older player. Joe says he isn't part of the process, he gets the information about what they are doing after the fact. Joe says Alyssa and Ameerah are close, Kyle says they wouldn't vote for Jasmine to go either. Joe says all of us are sitting ducks here. Kyle says Alyssa told him the girls were hoping Taylor won HOH to take a shot at a strong guy. Joe says Ameerah questioned him about talking to Brittany. Kyle says they were questioning why Joe would talk to Taylor. Michael says they are being controlled and manipulated by them Brittany says nothing game wise comes from the girls, she is on the edge. She thinks they are using Taylor and she (Brittany) would be the next one used. Kyle says if Brittany and Michael had stayed it would have been a toss up Kyle says the OldSchool alliance is solid. Turner says he is up to speed, he says last week can't happen again. He says he is getting a grasp on who is working together. Kyle says the girls won't keep him over another girl, he is forced to this group. He adds that they are all in that position. He counts the votes to get Ameerah out. Joe, Monte, Taylor, Kyle, Michael and Brittany They agree that anything Taylor says is exploded, but if someone else said the same thing there would be no reaction. (Praise the Lord, these kiddos get it!!!-Grannysue) Kyle says when he talked to Taylor she was defeated. Michael agrees that is how it was. Joe says Taylor has been ostracised. Michael repeats what Taylor said as opposed to what Nicole claimed. (Cameras move--I think this might be a sensitive production issue because every time someone mentions it cameras move or we get Big Circles.) All cameras are in the bedroom with Daniel, Nicole and Indy. Indy tells them goodnight. Cameras return to the HOH Alyssa and Ameerah have joined the group. Alyssa beelines to the spot between Kyle and Michael. Ameerah lays on the end of the bed. General talk about the veto competition.
  19. 8:20pm Kyle, Daniel, Alyssa, Michael are in the Tiki lounge, Turner and Kyle are playing the bumper pool game. The boys are teasing Alyssa about being clumsy and causing a spill. Kyle explains a new game to Alyssa-strip bumper pool/checkers. Turner clarifies that socks count as an item of clothing. Michael lost the checker game, they tell him to tak off his pants. Kyle explains the game of "checkers" to Alyssa.. (watching Alyssa play, I would say she really didn't need an explanation) Indy joins the group, crawls up onto the bench and gets comfy. Alyssa makes Kyle take off his socks. Indy is enthusiastic, calls it "interesting" Monte and Terrance are at the dining table, Terrance says that wasn't the time to... We get Big Circles (They are probably discussing Nicole and Taylor. Earlier in the day, during the veto competition Nicole said angry things to Taylor when Taylor failed to work the puzzle correctly (that's the rumor). Nicole was called to the diary room and came out crying. (the rumor is that Nicole was "talked to sternly" by production.). Taylor saw Nicole crying, thought she was crying over her mother (cancer patient, who is very very ill). Taylor tried to comfort her, told her if she needed to leave the game, everyone would understand (about her mother). Nicole told Taylor that she was not crying over her mother, and said "It's you." Subsequently Nicole traveled the house telling a twisted story in which Taylor was the villian. The house seems not to believe this, and individuals have talked to Taylor, who is hiding in the bedroom. (Some of this I saw on the feeds, some of it I have pieced together from mini conversations around the house.-Grannysue) Monte tells Terrance he is concerned about where Pooch's name started, Terrance says it bothers him as well. Monte says Pooch dug his own grave, but the way it happened is hard to grasp for him. He says there was an obvious target, then he heard from Jasmine that Pooch was leaving. He says Taylor was unanimous to be voted out and it changed. Nicole and Daniel are talking in the bedroom, they are talking about Joseph. Nicole thinks he is a cop or fireman. Daniel tells her she can't ask. Daniel also tells her not to call the microphone a radio. Indy comes into the room, she just isn't "feelin' it." (she is on slop and sleeping in the have not room. now she is a grumpy gus. I understand, feed me oatmeal for a week I would tear off your eyebrows- Grannysue) Indy leaves the room Nicole tells Daniel her mother loves Elvis, Daniel promises to send her a video. More general talk. Daniel thinks Brittany is a psychic or a healer. (close) or she is an "extra" in theater or movies (Nicole mentions Xavier being an attorney last year. I smiled) Nicole thinks Monte is a cop or a SWAT member (he is a fitness trainer) and Turner is business savy. He has been in LIFE magazine, he is a YouTuber. (close enough for a point). Camera moves to strip checkers. Alyssa is down to her sports bra. Kyle has no socks on. Camera moves back to Nicole and Daniel again. Daniel says he thinks Michael designs escape rooms (Michael is an attorney, although when he was young he worked in an escape room with McCrae from a prior season). Indy comes into the room again, conversation goes to general chatter. Daniel says he hopes his exposure on Big Brother will propel his rates so he can pay his band (12 people) better. He is also the producer. Nicole says she deals with a groundskeeper and a housekeeper. Nicole says she dated a musician once, and it ended when he just drifted away. General conversation continues.
  20. 11:30pm General talk in the lavatory with Taylor and Michael. General talk in the bedroom with Ameerah, Nicole, Kyle, Daniel, Alyssa, Indy and Monte. Joe is working out on a mat in the gym room. Turner joins the group in the bedroom Alyssa and Kyle are having a "what are your red flags" conversation. Alyssa says hers is jealousy. (she is jealous). Alyssa says girls and guys cannot be best friends. Kyle says he has girls from college who are friends, but not close friends. Michael and Taylor continue to talk in the lavatory area. Cameras move to kitchen House guests are getting ready to celebrate Joe's birthday in just a few minutes. Turner comes to the kitchen with his HOH beer. The girls are getting ready at the mirrors. (who knew putting on a party hat could be so difficult). 12:00pm The party goers are getting ready for Joe's birthday party. Sadly I was not invited so I am going to go thank the Lord for my day, cuddle my puppies and rest my eyes. Remember my darlings, you are exceptional. Share your excellence with someone else today. hugs-Grannysue
  21. 11:00pm Nicole and Ameerah are whispering in the bedroom. Daniel comes in. Nicole tells them she has been encouraging Taylor today, making plans for next week. Nicole tells them Taylor wants to go after the girls next week, Nicole tells them she (Nicole) agreed with her. Taylor wants to bring on Monte and Joseph on board with Kyle and Daniel. Nicole tells them that Taylor said she could work on Kyle. Camera moves to HOH Monte and Turner are talking, Turner is telling Monte about Brittany standing outside the door this morning. Monte tells him he (Turner) can lock the door, Turner didn't know. Turner says he is picking and choosing his network. Monte says all Turner has is the headphones and a locked door. Turner says if Taylor is not in the veto comp, would he look like an a**hole if he went for a cash prize. He says if Taylor were up he could not do that. Monte says he would not have any ill will if Turner did that. Monte says whoever wins the veto will use it anyway. Turner demonstrates how dark the room is with no lights. Turner gives Monte some ice cream, it has nuts-he is allergic to anything but peanuts (and he says coconut). After Monte leaves Turner goes through his snacks and fridge, reading labels. In the bedroom house guests are talking about Joe wanting them to throw egg and flour on him. They think it is funny that he is asking them to do that to him. Nicole asks who will help him clean up, the general talk In the lavatory Taylor, Indy, Michael are talking about costumes, what they will do when they get home. In the storage room Nicole and Alyssa are laughing about Alyssa's earliert rather exceptionally strong poot" in the bedroom earlier. Nicole says she did not throw Alyssa under the bus when someone came and said the room smelled like "someone farted and they sprayed something." Joe comes to the HOH room Joe asks to host the veto competition if he is not selected to play.Turner says he plans to make the alcohol he has available, either downstairs, or in the HOH room. In the lavatory Taylor tells Michael if she plays, she is gunning for the veto.
  22. 10:00pm The guys are putting out the yoga mats in the living room. They lay down on the mats Terrance shares some flatuence. No one is excited. Monte leads (tortures) the group. Camera moves to Tiki lounge. We hear Monte in the background yelling, "hold it" over and over. No real conversation in the Tiki lounge, camera is on Brittany, she looks very tense. Brittany asks Nicole how she feels about this week, Nicole says she feels it is risky and she is scared of a Pooch 2.0 Nicole tells Brittany, "whoever you play against, they will take you down." Brittany thanks Nicole for helping her and Michael. She says if it weren't for Nicole they would be "screwed". Michael tells Brittany that Indy indicated she wanted to make it to the end, but if she didn't she wants to travel for the summer. Brittany tells him the girls were in the bedroom discussing body enhancements and such. She says all Jasmine talks about it how much money she has. Brittany repeats the conversation to him. (The girls want plastic surgery, to put a hold on babies, but worry the plastic surgery would be ruined if they have babies after--Brittany wants a child very badly.-(all I can do is shake my head at these girls...Grannysue) Michael says some of them are there for followers, some are there for other reasons, only a few are there for the game. Brittany hopes Jasmine's downfall is coming, she says the girls talk about their designer bags, expensive nails, 70k on plastic surgery. Brittany says she gets none of those things, she has no money for that kind of stuff and never thinks about it. Michael talks about the dating app Indy is on where certified rich men find young women. They are interrupted when Michael hears Ameerah leave the diary room. Brittany says she is very thankful for her husband, and if she gets anything from this game it will be a new bestie (Michael), confidence, and a new awareness. (what a young lady! Grannysue gives a big fist bump to Brittany.) Brittany goes to the HOH to talk to Turner. She tells him everyone seems okay downstairs. Turner asks what Brittany will do if she wins, she says if she cannot have a baby, adoption is an option. Turner tells her it is so much money, but he would invest it in a house and property. He says it would relieve stress in his life. They talk about the burdens of student loans and the value of alone time. Turner asks Brittany if she would ever use her talents in meditation as a way to make money. She says she doesn't even know if someone can make money with that. She says she has just a few followers on instagram, she doesn't post much. She has Tik Tok but doesnt' post on it. Brittany says she just wanted to touch base, she goes down to see what time it is for him. Brittany goes to the clock and tells Turner the time. Turner says he is going to go shower and get ready for Joe's little fiesta (Joe's birthday celebration is at midnight) Turner tells the camera Brittany freaked him out by standing at his door this morning. He gives a list of people he wants to talk to, he says Brittany is not on his list. Turner shows a photo of him and his girlfriend. He says he was 21, she would have been 20. He says he misses her, she is beautiful. Kyle comes into the HOH room. He is looking for his shoes. Turner decides to shower, he drinks cold coffee (not tasty). Cameras move to bedroom. The girls are giggling. One of them says no topic is off limit. (smelly nether regions). Cameras move back to HOH room. Turner is sipping his coffee, listening to his music. Terrance is headed to the shower. The girls are in the bedroom general chat.
  23. 9:00pm Brittany is slipping in a snooze in the have not room. House guests are in the kitchen cleaning up, cooking and chatting. Ameerah tells Michael everyone is on board this week, they don't even have to talk about it. Ameerah makes it clear, Michael and Brittany are on the block. Michael says he feels bad (about Brittany) because "I picked her." Michael and Ameerah are not sure if the veto will be played as duos or if each player plays for themselves. Ameerah says production told them it could be either way. Ameerah tells Michael that Brittany should just be chill tonight, not talk to anyone. Ameerah asks if Michael knows who the next three people are, Michael questions why they aren't taking Turner out, Ameerah says he is on her radar. Neither of them see Brittany as a competitor in competitions later, they agree that Turner will be hard to get out. Michael asks Ameerah if there is a "guys' thing", Ameerah says she doesn't think there is. Brittany joins Michael and Ameerah in the kitchen cleanup. In the bedroom Nicole, Taylor and Indy are talking about Indy needing to use the protein this week. Indy says she went to college and earned three majors to eat slop. Taylor (to camera),"somehow I become the villan. everybody in the house goes harder after each other. and still i am the villan." She continues to reveal her frustration with the house. Jasmine comes into the room looking for Alyssa. She leaves and Taylor talks again. She says the smallest comment will give you problems. She is assuming Brittany will be voted out this week for being "awkward". She says she keeps to herself and people think she is weird, she rubs people the wrong way in the house, but she has no idea what to do. Taylor says she hopes "you guys" don't hate me. She says she has been having a hard time in the house, she hasn't been able to play her own game. She feels that losing Brittany is losing an ally. Group in the kitchen is going over possible cuisines they may like to have. Alyssa is eating "squencher" powder in its dry form. She says Joe told her she could. Kyle and Alyssa are in the lavatory, Kyle is telling her he followed the recaps to figure out what happened. He says he has never watched a full season. Jasmine and Indy have joined Taylor in the bedroom, Taylor is "sleeping" Brittany is also in the room. Conversation revolves around Jasmine's injury. 9:40pm General conversation in the kitchen. Indy is telling the girls about the rules she has to follow (appearance) as a flight attendant. Michael and Nicole are whispering in the kitchen. She is reassuring him that Taylor is the target this week. Neither of them want to be on the block Thursday. Nicole says Indy and Taylor "had it out" earlier, they have apologized, but that may have made Indy a target as well. Nicole heads upstairs, Michael follows. In the bedroom the girls continue to chat. Freezing eggs, babies, weddings, travel.
  24. 9:30pm Turner, Michael and Taylor are in the bedroom discussing the HOH competition in general. Turner is called to the diary room, he will reveal the have nots soon. Michael wonders if Turner will put up the people he thinks are responsible for sending Pooch out. (he is already asking casual questions about it). Brittany joins Michael and Taylor, they are questioning Nicole's motivation to choose Taylor as her partner. In the other bedroom Nicole is telling Alyssa and Indy that she chose Taylor to "take one for the team", and also she knew no one else "would take her." Nicole says Jasmine is partnered with Turner and she doesn't think she (Jasmine) can compete for veto this week. In the lavatory area Joe is telling Taylor she might become the easy choice for the block. Taylor knows she won't stay if she is up with Nicole. Joe tells her to "work it" and "fight for it". He leaves her to search for her lotion In the dining room area house guests are talking about the competition. Several of them have mentioned not realizing they "let it go." Joseph said the handle on his chair broke.
  25. I may edit some of these couples, I am gaining this from listening around the house.



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