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Everything posted by grannysue1154

  1. 9:00pm Brittany and Terrance are on camera, Terrance is cleaning the kitchen. Jasmine seems irritated by something. Cameras move to the HOH Turner, Michael, Brittany, Kyle are in the room. Turner is asking who might be picked for veto and what is the plan? Michael says if he wins and uses it, it will be between Alyssa and Indy or Jasmine and Turner going up. Kyle says it came to mind immediately that he should join the boys, but that would be four and possibly interfere with the vote. (if Daniel is evicted). Turner tells him it would, indeed be a problem with voting. Michael says Taylor wants to host the Veto Competition. Kyle asks Taylor if there is an order in names of people who would not put him up. He says Alyssa, he is worried about what Terrance is thinking, Jasmine because she is his Bestie, Turner says he wouldn't mind Jasmine going home, Kyle calls her sneaky. Brittany tells him Jasmine is coming for his head (Turner's) when the Bestie is over. Cameras move back to the kitchen Terrance still cleaning, Jasmine cooking. Back in the HOH they are talking about "her", swearing on her dad often, that she does tell lies, although she denies that. (The topic of the conversation is Jasmine) Turner says he wouldn't mind her going before jury. Kyle says she flipped on a dime. Turner calls her high maintenance, Brittany says they need to get her out before her friends so they can continue to wait on her. Brittany, "she knows not to ask me for jack s**t". Alyssa comes into the room, she is wearing Michael's sweatshirt, she says she has to keep it, the diary room said it looked cute. Alyssa says Jasmine is on a tangent about the muffin. Alyssa said Indy could have told, but Indy may have. Turner says he moved Terrance's hats, Terrance said he used the plastic to keep the lint off. Turner says he was trying to help, he didn't know. Alyssa says Terrance is particular about things. Kyle says he was using shaving cream, Terrance told him it was his because it was the same brand. Turned out, it was not Terrance's. Downstairs Jasmine is walking without her cane, Taylor hands it to her. She says "I got all worked up." Jasmine says Turner doesn't wash dishes, he doesn't take baths, he didn't help make slop, he doesn't wash clothes. Oh why did he have to be her Festie Bestie? Jasmine has been grumbling about Turner, she wants to leave him a note, Terrance says no, leave it alone. Taylor hears all of the tirade. Camera focuses on Jasmine's very unhappy face. Jasmine says she has to go to the diary room to vent and get it off her chest. Terrance says he needs to do that too. Cameras move to HOH, The group in the room are playing chinese checkers. They ask if they should go get Taylor to play, Alyssa asks if they want to enter muffin central. Alyssa wishes them luck. Alyssa says Jasmine asked if it was Turner, Alyssa denied knowing anything. Kyle returns with Taylor, they wonder where Turner is, Michael looks for him on the camera. Turner stopped at the kitchen, he is confronted by Jasmine, who accuses him of eating her muffin. He denies it. He says someone approached him an hour ago, he says maybe he knows who did it and it wasn't him. He tells her he does not know, but it wasn't him. Turner insists it was not him and goes upstairs. Jasmine continues to cook her chicken wings, then sits at the table and munches on them. In the HOH the group is waiting for Brittany, who was called to the diary room. Jasmine asks Terrance how he feels being on the block, Terrance thinks it was a dumb move. Jasmine says Terrance is nowhere in their mind, he should trust her. Indy comes and sits beside Jasmine. Indy asks if Jasmine at the muffin, Jasmine says she did. "I didn't eat all of it though, it was a little sweet for my likin'" (Oh for Pete's sake, all this drama over a muffin and she complains....") Indy blows kisses at the camera, Jasmine tells her she is blowing kisses to the camera upstairs. (no one is watching the tv). Cameras move to the HOH room General talk about non game related topics. 9:45pm Jasmine screams for Alyssa to "come here". Turner says he will get her, Jasmine tells the diary room they can call her if they want to. Jasmine, Monte and Indy go to the lavatory. Indy makes Monte look in the shower, he sees bandages. Monte yells for Turner to come get his bandages from the shower. In the HOH Kyle is laughing about Turner sliding into Indy's bed. As soon as he got out she changed the sheets. They laugh about Turner being called to get his bandages from the shower. Back in the lavatory Jasmine is talking about the number of towels in the house now. Indy says she is only putting out 12 towels at a time, Monte says Nicole did that as well, she kept a trash bag full of them hidden. 10:00pm General talk in the lavatory about games in previous years, and this year. Chinese checkers resumes in HOH
  2. 10:45pm Game continues Turner tells the think he liked best about each house guest. Ameerah: When they would stay up until 5am talking about his store with pooch. Paloma: When she called herself a sewer rat and they stayed up late Nicole: When she made good food Pooch: Everything, playing bumper pool and 5 days in the have not room.
  3. 10:15pm Daniel has joined the group at the table. They tell him someone was supposed to go to him and tell him Elvis is over rated. Taylor, "It was almost me, I said, 'ohhhh nonononono'" They decide to play a game of "what are the odds" Terrance loses a round of the game they are playing and has to impersonate everyone on the memory wall. He does a fantastic job, everyone enjoys it. Daniel runs up and down the stairs in 10 seconds. Turner names the 50 states in 15 seconds, names are jumbled. But he does it. Monte has to name the three hottests house guests from previous seasons. (Bailey, Janelle, and Haydens' showmance-Kristen-) Terrance goes to the storage room and yells "we got condensed milk" until Indy hears it and runs Indy doesn't fall for it, they tell her to go see for sure. "If I get there and there is no condensed milk I will squeeze you until I get some and I don't know from where."
  4. 10:00pm House guests continue to chat around the table Michael and Turner are in the bedroom, they are wondering who should go on slop. Turner says he doesn't care if he is put on slop. (poor Jasmine if he does...) Camera moves to the dining area again, after the guys leave the room. Feeds go down at about 10:03pm, but back again at 10:10pm House guests still gathered around the table. Taylor stands on her head using the wall for support. (We used to do that when we were kids too! Now if I tried it we could make an award winning video) Terrance, Taylor and Alyssa are in the gym talking about playing checkers. Terrance says he will be back and leaves. Alyssa smiles awkwardly at Taylor, who leaves the room. Alyssa continues her journey to nowhere on the bicycle.
  5. 9:45pm The water bottle game continues but morphs into a game of "hot potato" Kyle, Alyssa, Joe and Monty are playing. Indy joins Orange circles appear and it seems production ended the "hot potato" game. Daniel fusses in the shower, he has already had a discussion with himself in said shower.
  6. 9:15pm Conversation and celebration continues. Michael is hoping for photos of his partner and their cats. They leave the bedroom and Taylor heads to the storage room for her luggage. Indy comes to the bedroom, Brittany tells her she did a great job in the competition. In the kitchen house guests are eating, no chatter. Daniel stomps off to another part of the house after filling his water bottle. Indy and Alyssa find an active camera and giggle and pose in front of it, Indy says she tried to win HOH but it wasn't the time. She gives a list of things she wants in her basket when she wins. Then Alyssa joins her in some family shout outs. Jasmine and Indy go through the refrigerator in the storage room, Jasmine says she is cooking something. Jasmine locates chicken wings. Kyle and Monte are talking in the bedroom, Kyle says Michael asked him if they were still good sending Daniel out. Kyle says he is okay with whatever Michael wants to do, Monte agrees. They continue to whisper. Daniel is sitting at the dining table, Taylor is there as well, but Daniel gets up and wanders off. Michael and Kyle are in one of the bedrooms, discussion is about how to handle evictions this week, more of what we have heard already. Turner and Joe are in the storage room, talk is about the competition. It must have been walking on a system of balance beams where they had to beat the best time Joe and Turner discuss the plan to back door Daniel. (Daniel fans, don't lose heart yet. It's early, everyone is excited, Daniel is still reeling from loss of his partner in the game. But this house can change on a dime and there is much left to play out this week-Grannysue) House guests return to the dining table for more snacking, general talk. Kyle and Turner are playing "slide the water bottle across the table". Joe joins in.
  7. 9:00pm Michael and Brittany are whispering in the bedroom, they are looking at the possible combinations of veto players. Michael does not want Taylor up this week, he plans to discuss it with the group. He mentions putting up Jasmine and Turner, then replace them with Daniel and Kyle, his target is Daniel. Brittany says they need Daniel out for both their games. Michael plans to talk to the Leftovers about what they wanted. There must have been a balance beam in the competition, Brittany had trouble with it but tried to do it. Brittany is giggling, Michael is taking big deep breaths. (They really needed to win this, they are the only duo not insulated) Taylor joins them for a celebration. Michael tells Taylor his goal is to back door Daniel. He says he might put up Jasmine and Turner, but is not interested in putting Taylor on the block this week. Taylor is very happy to hear this. Michael starts clearing up his items to get ready to take over the HOH room later tonight. Michael says he will tell Terrance there is a back door plan, but only if everyone is okay with it.
  8. 11:00pm General chat in the HOH and the kitchen. 11:26pm Daniel and Nicole are whispering in the bedroom. They are counting decor items. Daniel tells her not to let people see her doing this because "these people are not smart enough to..." Nicole continues counting items while they whisper. Nicole leaves the room soon after General talk in the living room area now. 11:30pm Still general talk Indy is telling Monte, Terrance and Joe about her family life growing up. In the living room there is a conversation that is very in depth about relationships, mens' roles and womens' roles. They talk about traditional roles and the roles they expect in their lives. Monte talks about the confusion of roles, what expectations are. They talk about social media and the unreal expectations that is created by influencers. Camera moves to HOH A very different conversation in this room, but very similar as well. They are talking about using social media to get information they may want to have about influencers. Camera moves back to living room area. More general talk about relationship confusion. Indy talks about cultural differences and how expectations are different. 12:00pm My darlings it is time for me to say goodnight. I plan to say my prayers, cuddle my puppies and refresh myself to meet a new day tomorrow. Find time for yourself today, sing with the radio in your car, wave your arms at the sun or dance in the rain. Today is a gift, unwrap it and see what you have received!!--goodnight Dears, hugs, Grannysue.
  9. 10:00pm Brittany, Kyle and Alyssa are in the lavatory area. General talk Daniel and Nicole go to the storage room. Daniel hugs Nicole, he tells her not to let "them" get to her. Nicole leaves the room. Daniel follows Terrance, Daniel and Nicole are the only house guests in the kitchen. Terrance talks about how being in the house puts a spotlight on one's sex life. He makes jokes about "working out". Alyssa comes in and goes to the sink for water. Terrance teases her by a mimic of her voice. Nicole goes to the bedroom, gives Indy a hug. She tells Indy "they" are playing a game and "they" are not making a personal attack on her (Indy). Indy tells her to stop talking to people other than her 6. Indy says people are overwhelmed. Nicole says Taylor has been sending other people to talk to "them" for her. She knows Monte has been calling her (Nicole) paranoid. Indy repeats her advice several times. Nicole tells Indy that "they" are flipping the house. Indy, "Just cut it up right now." Nicole says she made comment to Turner and Monte, she says the only way she can save herself is to lie and feed "them" information. If she doesn't do that they will pick Taylor over her. Nicole says she is only talking to Terrance, Indy, Alyssa and Daniel now. Indy tells Nicole to go, but only talk to who is important. Nicole leaves the room and returns to the kitchen. Daniel, Terrance and Nicole whisper, Nicole tells them that Indy told her to talk to her people again. Jasmine yells from another room to get a time check. They all start yelling silly things back to her. Nicole takes the muffins out of the oven, Kyle comes into the kitchen, Daniel strong arms him out while Terrance yells. They all laugh, Kyle says he is just goin' upstairs. Nicole asks who is upstairs, Daniel whispers back. Daniel whispers again, can't hear him at all. Daniel smells the muffins, says "I love you." to them. Alyssa comes to the muffins, Nicole says she wants to taste them with her. They decide they are good. Alyssa asks Daniel if he wants one, he declines. Jasmine sees the muffins, asks for one "to keep". Alyssa asks if it is a party in the HOH room, Daniel mumbles, 'we aren't invited." Nicole went up to see if Turner wants a breakfast sandwhich at midnight when the have nots expire. 10:30pm General talk about the muffins in the kitchen. Jasmine wonders if she could walk without the cane, they tell her to hold it, try to use it less. Jasmine walks without the cane. She says it doesn't hurt. In the HOH it is just general talk about music groups. Cameras show Jasmine hobbling up the steps. Jasmine comes into the room out of breath. She tells Turner she saved him two muffins, the best ones. Talk returns to Hollywood. In the kitchen Terrance, Daniel and Nicole are whispering. Daniel is telling them he told Kyle they were going to be back doored if they had not won the veto. He says he told Kyle to keep his head in the game. Nicole says Jasmine says she wants Taylor out, Daniel says Jasmine would tell him, that Jasmine "hates" Taylor. Daniel makes fun of Monte's goodbye message, mocks what he might be saying about not playing the game well. Nicole says Terrance is not a target, he is in a great spot. Daniel says Kyle got answers in the veto competition by guessing. Nicole says they have to watch out for Kyle if she leaves, Daniel says he is riding with the people that are with him. (so Indy) Nicole calls Monte the "head of the snake". (I disagree, it is Kyle who masterminded the Leftovers) Terrance says there are two houses now. Joe comes in, tastes a muffin, says they are "very good". Kyle comes to get a muffin, Joe tells him they can only have one, Kyle doesn't believe him. Kyle decides to eat his muffin with ice cream. Jasmine says they are talking about Marvel movies in the HOH, she decided to leave. Terrance is getting the chicken ready for Jasmine. Joe tells them he is going to tell everyone to come eat their muffins so he can have what's Leftover. In the HOH is just general conversation.
  10. 9:00pm Jasmine and Monte are discussing the upcoming eviction vote. Monte tells Jasmine that he would vote Nicole out in the event of a tie and Jasmine tells Monte she will vote to evict Nicole if the house goes in that direction. She also lets him know that she will discuss voting with the girls. She tells Monte she is just worried that she will become a target, but Monte tells her that is not likely. Jasmine wonders if this week will be a double eviction, or if the Festie Besties will end this week. She is hoping that is what happens. Monte tells Jasmine if they can get the whole house to vote out Nicole this week then next week would be a clear path to Daniel's exit. He says a whole house vote will not expose games. Monte tells Jasmine that Daniels take on the game is off kilter, it doesn't align with the game he sees unfolding. Jasmine thanks Monte for letting her know, she will talk to Alyssa to let her know as well. Monte will talk to Indy, Jasmine says there is more trust for Monty there. Monte tells her that he would appreciate it if word does not reach Nicole. Jasmine says she heard from another person that she is Nicole's target, and Monte confirmed it for her. Turner and Michael go to the HOH room. Turner asks if there were any informative conversations today. Michael says Alyssa has indicated that she doesn't trust Nicole. Indy comes in, yells "Hey everybody, I just wanted to let you know I'm not on the block anymore, wooooo." Kyle comes into the room as well. General conversation. Monte is headed to the HOH room, everyone runs to hide so they can scare him. Monty, "anybody home?" Monte isn't scared, he says he saw the curtain moving behind the sofa. Indy laughs, "It was me, sorry." Monte says he came to get the dark chocolate, Nicole is making muffins with it. Brittany comes into the room. Indy says she is going downstairs and leaves the room. Kyle checks the remote to see if she is gone from the hallway. Turner says Nicole said she is joining Michael and Brittany as Besties. Monte returns to the room, he says Terrance pulled him into the HOH room asking about where the votes were going, and Terrance also told him that Monte and Joe are Nicole and Daniel's targets next week. Monte says he told Terrance that would mean he (Terrance) would be on the block for the third time. Terrance wasn't happy, agreed to vote Nicole out. Monte repeats some of the conversation with Jasmine, and that Jasmine will approach Alyssa for them (not knowing she is doing it for the Leftovers, only that she is doing it for Monte). Turner tells them he told Jasmine that they (Jasmine and Turner) are Nicole and Daniel's targets. (Monte later verified this in his conversation with her). Brittany says hopefully Daniel will be mad at the people he believes flipped on him and bypass the Leftovers. Kyle asks if Alyssa gave him any indication o f what she is thinking, Michael says he listed people that would be at risk. Monte says he is using Nicole's lies against her, Taylor says Nicole is telling everyone she has never said anything bad about her (Taylor). The group says they realize she is lying. group separates, Turner, Taylor, and Michael remain in the HOH room. Taylor says she thought for a short minute about not giving her intended speech, the other two encourage her to give the speech. Turner says he is looking for the banana bread. they make jokes about using Nicole's talents before she goes tomorrow. Another conversation is happening in the bedroom with Jasmine, Brittany, Indy and Alyssa. Brittany is spilling the beans on Nicole making promises to join different groups, to target different people. Brittany says things might change, but it seems like Nicole might be voted out. She will do whatever the house wants. Indy says if "she" gets HOH, she will win the game. (Taylor). She argues that Taylor has managed to escape leaving too many times. Indy says she will vote for Nicole to stay no matter what. Brittany says they can all vote differently, but for her, she is leaning towards voting Nicole out because of things she has been told. Indy insists she will not vote to keep Taylor, that Daniel took her off the block, and she will vote with him. Everyone understands. 9:38pm Indy continues to passionately talk to the other girls about Taylor and the danger of keeping her in the game. Alyssa tells her if Taylor remains in the game she needs to be careful about how she is feeling about Taylor staying, Taylor could win HOH and get the idea that Indy is against her. Brittany says taking Nicole out weakens Terrance and Daniel. (we hear several rather loud burps from the camera human. healthy burps!--Grannysue) Brittany repeats she just doesn't want to be on the wrong side of the house. Alyssa leaves while Jasmine makes plans to cook at 11pm. She says she is drinking water and gatorade to make it. Talk changes to general talk about what happens after jury starts and gossip about Nicole. Jasmine leaves the room, Brittany asks Indy if she wants company, Indy says she just wants to read her Bible, she is scared. Indy wants to know what the promises are, and can they use that to get the girls out. Brittany says they will just have to win HOH, and she understands Indy's vote. She is concerned about the house, Indy says she will tell everyone, and will be honest about it. Brittany says Indy isn't a target, she should be okay. Brittany leaves the room and Indy is alone. Camera moves to kitchen area. General talk.
  11. 10:15pm Brittany says Michael always smiles and she can't picture him angry. Michael says he doesn't really get angry, but once during a breakup. Brittany talks about bullying, she says she is the confrontational sister. In the back yard Taylor is talking to Turner. Turner says he hasn't talked to anyone today, he knows who's going home, he doesn't want to talk to anyone. Taylor says she wonders what Nicole's pitch was to Michael. Turner asks her about her speech, she says he will hear it tomorrow. Turner leaves the back yard. Monte is bringing the checker board downstairs to the kitchen, he is also bringing the chinese checkers. Kyle says he will play as well after he eats. Turner says he will play. In the living room talk is still about being angry. Camera is on Alyssa, who keeps peeking up at it, but it moves to Jasmine, who is telling a story about getting in trouble at school. She was accused of throwing a book at another student who wanted to keep her from winning a high school home coming queen contest. Jasmine says she had a black belt when she was in high school. Terrance says he has trouble controlling his temper, he needs to learn to control it. He says his "boys" won't let anyone get around him, they chase them off. Jasmine says what they do for you, you do for us now??? Terrance laughs. They talk about how they deal with anger and how they deal with their partners when the partners get angry with them. In the dining area Turner and Monte are playing checkers. Michael is in the hammock. He is talking about a possible 5/5 vote where Monte makes the call. He says how Monte decides will expose himself to the house. He says the key is Kyle and Alyssa. Michael says he needs to win HOH, he continues to give a dialogue to the cameras. He says Michael gave him a non-answer and mentioned being close to Taylor. He says he needs to talk to Nicole and Terrance. He says he is leaving before anyone else comes out, he tells himself to stop and chill,he doesn't want to talk to Brittany if she comes out. Cameras go to the living room. Daniel has joined the house guests in the living room. Everyone is complaining about the trouble they encounter with slop. Daniel is whispering to Terrance about "he" back tracked, he is making gestures with his hands that make no real sense, he is mumbling. Daniel keeps talking about "he", calling it bad acting. He finishes his mumbling conversation, Terrance just stares around, Jasmine looks at Terrance. Michael and Brittany are talking in the Tiki lounge, he says he doesn't want to be a have not next week. They discuss the conversation withA Nicole, they say she talked about Ameerah too much because she didn't have enough truths to tell. Brittany says she would have called her out more, but she didn't want Nicole running to Daniel and tell him she is in trouble with the votes. Brittany says she retold the story about the apology in a different way. Brittany says Jasmine is primed to flip, Indy is not. Brittany says she isn't sure how much of what Jasmine has said is true. Michael says they need to work on their relationship with Jasmine. Michael says Brittany might have trouble with physical competitions since she hurt her ankle, they think that will make her hesitant to use the foot. Michael tells Brittany that Jasmine approached Monte for an alliance, (Monte, Jasmine, Terrance, Indy and Daniel) Brittany says she is surprised, Jasmine said nothing to her about that, she says she is a good liar. She woTking for a new alliance. (They are whispering, the noise downstairs is covering them up now) Daniel and Nicole are in the bedroom, Nicole is worried that Jasmine might be a problem to keep herself in the house. Daniel says Brittany started "shit", she was talking "shit" on her own alliance member (Jasmine?). Daniel says it might be a 5/5 vote, they are waiting for Kyle to make his move though. Nicole says she isn't going to confront Brittany after they had a talk about trust, that might blow it up. Daniel says people are telling him they don't talk game to Taylor, he thinks they are telling him lies about that. (It sounds like Daniel got wind of Taylor wanting to put him on the block.) Nicole says they are all setting them up with their vague promises so they can say "I had your back." Nicole also says she told Brittany that if she joined up with her (Brittany) and Michael they would have a strong player. Nicole knows Festie Besties are competing to take Taylor into their group. Nicole says everything she said to Turner got back to "them", that people already think her and Daniel are not 100% The two of them continue to plot to tell house guests things that will cause them to want to keep Nicole over Taylor. (They are telling people the stories they have been hearing but these are the same people who have made up the stories all over the house. Kind a like telling the author what's in the book.-Grannysue) Daniel says Monte won't even talk to him. Nicole says people are telling others things that make them not want to keep her. Nicole lies to Daniel, tells him she answered Brittany directly about her comment regarding making Brittany her target. She even lies about Brittany's reaction. Daniel says he has never seen Taylor upstairs with the others they think are in the alliance. Nicole counts votes. Daniels says he knows he is going on the block next week if Nicole goes. Nicole says if she stays and gets HOH the house will go nuts. Daniel plans to talk to Kyle right before the show goes live. Nicole plans to stop Taylor from walking anywhere around the house by hanging close to her Thursday. Daniel tells Nicole he plans to tell Kyle that Taylor in jury is a wild card, but Nicole plays by the book. He says they will run the house if Nicole stays. 11:40pm Daniel says Michael is the person he is most afraid of in the house. Nicole says it is good her and Daniel disappear together, people will think they are scheming, but 5 other people are out there scheming for them too. Cameras move to the kitchen area. People are milling around with the exception of Monte and Terrance who are playing checkers. Joe and Michael are in the storage room. Joe and Michael are getting their stories straight. Joe says Jasmine is asking him about votes, he thinks they need a meeting with the whole group. Joe says it is hard to know what she is really thinking, she says she doesn't trust Nicole, but then again he lies and says he doesn't trust Taylor. Joe says he is leaving the door open with Jasmine. Joe repeats the need for a meeting to share information, set stories straight, and get ready for Thursday. Joe says Indy has been talking game with him, but has quit so she must be talking game to someone else. Michael says Nicole denied that she planned to back door him (Michael) and Brittany, she blamed it on Ameerah. Joe says that was a lie, Ameerah had not part of that. Joe says he gave three conditions to Nicole that would get him to vote to keep her. Joe says he knows she plans to use him as a pawn and he plans to use that if he tells her he is voting her out. Joe expects things to get rowdy in the house Thursday. Brittany and Taylor are talking in the back yard. Brittany is reassuring Taylor. Brittany tells Taylor that Nicole is saying Ameerah's name in everything, but Ameerah is no longer there. 12:00am I have missed you for the last two days, but I will be with you again for the rest of the season, God willing. Sometimes real life takes center stage. It is time for me to say goodnight, say my prayers and follow my puppies to bed. Share a smile with someone today, shared smiles multiply! goodnight Darlings, hugs-Grannysue
  12. 9:30pm Nicole continues to blame Ameerah...... for her Big Brother woes, saying she believed everything Ameerah told her. Michael says that Brittany mentioned that she (Nicole) apologized to her for making her (Brittany) and Michael her next target. Nicole vehemently denies that Michael was her target, it was Brittany. She said those things changed when she began to trust Brittany. Michael asks her a great lawyer question, "when you were in a room with other people, was there a time when...." Nicole tosses out that Ameerah talking about who would be the target in several scenarios, Alyssa and Indy would be Indy to go, Michael and Brittany and Brittany would go. Nicole continues to back track, saying Brittany and Michael are playing the best games in the house. She continues to "pet" Brittany with her words while Michael listens. Michael says Ameerah was good at making people comfortable. Michael tells Nicole that she asked earlier if she could join him and Brittany, Michael says he sees no problem with that. Nicole says if she joins them she will not throw competitions. Brittany repeats the question, "who would you put up if you win HOH" Nicole deflects, she says she doesn't know who to trust. Nicole, "If you join MY team, I will talk to you about what to do." Brittany asks if she thinks she has the votes to stay, Nicole says it might be 50/50. Camera moves to Alyssa standing in the Tiki lounge with her face pressed up like a pound puppy. Back to Nicole Right before the camera moved Nicole said she only knew who she would not put on the block. She says if she goes, she is okay, if she stays she will continue to fight and play. Nicole says "we are the true fans." (Her, Michael and Brittany applied to play the game.) Nicole says she just wants to play her game, and win. Nicole says when things happen and you aren't part of them in this game, it's happening around you. If she felt safe she would not be having all these conversations with people. Nicole continues to trash talk Ameerah....... Nicole says she doesn't talk bad about Taylor, she is a clean politician. Michael says she has not talked bad about Taylor, "while she is campaigning". Nicole throws a little shade Taylor's way about "things that have been said." Nicole says everyone has smiled at her and told her they are evicting her (Taylor) Brittany says her vote is about who stays and who goes. Brittany says "whoever sits by her goes home." (referring to Taylor) Nicole asks them how safe they would feel if Taylor were their third person. Nicole continues to trash talk Ameerah........ (This is just an old lady opinion, but I think Nicole's motivation to join Michael and Brittany is planned as a way to make it far in the game using Michael's position in the game. She looks at Brittany as the third in the group and expendable if they were put on the block. She sees this as a path to a possible final two.--Grannysue) They leave the balcony and Brittany goes into the house. Nicole stops with Michael by the laundry area and continues her pitch, but just for a few minutes. Most of the pitch is more Ameerah trash talk, but is repetitive. Cameras move to the lavatory area where house guests are teasing Indy about getting the money to put her on a plane. (maybe to home). Jasmine and Alyssa are having a conversation about sharing bites of food, drinking after someone with a straw or their cup or bottle. Indy says she was on the beach and a friend asked if she could have some of her water. Indy said yes and the girl drank from the bottle, Indy says she thought, "well there goes my bottle." and told her to keep it. Talk changes to steak houses and what they like to have with steak. Desserts seem to be popular.
  13. 8:47pm Alyssa and her hero, Kyle are talking in the Tiki lounge, they are negotiating whether they will have a dog. The cuteness continues. In the back yard Jasmine, Indy and Brittany are discussing the upcoming vote. Maybe they should talk to Joseph, they were all over the place last week. Brittany tells them when she walks into the room conversations seem to be over, she is trying to talk to Monte more. She says Monte just says he did "his job" and the house can decide. Indy says the girls were Daniel's targets, they need to look out for each other (the girls do). She says there were alliances, if they were true, that were done behind her back. Brittany says she is close to Michael but didn't know about Po's Pack until it came out. She tells him she wants to be on the right side of the house this week, they didn't like the way that felt. Michael says he has no problem with either one, but he thinks Nicole is a bigger threat. Brittany says "who decides the page?" Jasmine, "exactly." Jasmine says it doesn't have to be like last week. She says she has talked to both Nicole and Taylor, Taylor was reassuring. Michael says he wants to talk to Nicole because there are rumors about her (Nicole) commenting that Michael and Brittany were people she would back door as HOH> Jasmine, "reallly??" Michael says he doesn't want to jump to conclusions. Jasmine says the only problem has is that there was an alliance, Nicole told Jasmine about it but left out some names. She says why, after it's already out, would you tell me. Brittany says that Nicole told her in person that she considered Michael and Brittany as a back door possibility and even apologized. They wonder, if Nicole's targets change, who would it be. Nicole comes into the back yard, talk changes to cookies someone made that were really good, Brittany has to go to the loo. Brittany is using her cane and her cast (earlier today she told the house that the Doctor told her it would be two and a half weeks before she could bear full weight. (Production took her scooter, but watching her with the cane, they did not teach her how to walk with it) Nicole tells Brittany she wants to talk to her, they allow Michael to stay. Nicole says she knows Taylor and Brittany are friends and doesn't expect her to vote against her. Brittany says that she does, indeed, consider Taylor as a friend, and in light of the things that have happened in the house, does not want her feel ostracized. Nicole says she didn't have a problem with Taylor, although she did pick her as a Festie Bestie as a sheild (strategic move). Nicole says she wanted to work with Taylor and didn't want Taylor to be evicted. (pffft). Nicole says she would like to join Michael and Brittany in their Festie Bestie group if they would agree to it. She tells them she wants to work with someone she gets along with. Nicole tells them she has resolve her conflict with Taylor and they are friendly. Nicole also claims she doesn't cause drama, doesn't lie, keeps information to herself, and is a competitor. Brittany asks who Nicole would choose as nominees, Nicole says she doesn't know, after the Ameerah eviction, things changed. Nicole says since she doesn't know who to put on the block working with Michael and Brittany would help her make that decision. Nicole says she doesn't want to go into Thursday knowing she didn't try. Brittany says she found out Ameerah was throwing out her name as being evicted and she voted her out. Brittany says Ameerah said other things as well, how can she (Brittany) fact check those things. Nicole, "ask me." The three of them move up to the balcony in the back yard. Nicole tells them that Ameerah told her Brittany was next to go home. Brittany says she is aware of things that were said. Nicole offers to answer questions if they have them. Brittany asks if Ameerah said her name, she said she was coming into conversations with no invitations, telling lies and twisting what she heard. Ameerah also said Brittany could not be trusted. (Nicole said all these things as well....) Brittany says that Ameerah told her (Brittany) not to trust Nicole Nicole says Ameerah told her she (Nicole) was her number one, but then later claimed the same about Jasmine. Brittany says she is gone, and what she said needs to be dropped, Nicole agrees. Then Nicole continues to trash talk Ameerah. Brittany says she doesn't want to continue the talk about what Ameerah said, the "he said, she said." Nicole agrees Then Nicole continues to trash talk Ameerah....
  14. 11:00pm Turner and Jasmine continue to enjoy Nicole's efforts with the slop Group still playing chinese checkers Guests have left the back yard. Jasmine and Turner continue to talk about their businesses and ideas for the future. (Turner's concepts are excellent.) Other general talk in the back yard, vape cigarettes, regional favorites, and so on. Turner and Jasmine tell Nicole about their real jobs. Jasmine goes first, Nicole acts shocked. Turner takes his turn, Nicole says she is not surprised, Terrance says when Turner got the go pro he was someone else. Nicole says she used to own a restaurant, it isn't a real secret though. Turner says out loud, the Tesla he talked about was his. Jasmine tells them she is a successful influencer, she creates content. She says she wants to help Michael increase his rates, she has helped other people and will help the others as well. Nicole tells them she has a secret but oh she just can't say it out loud on the feeds. She says she will tell them on Thursday during lockdown. She works for a billionaire as a chef though. (she was a "cop" for 10 years). Alyssa and Indy says Michael and Brittany must have different jobs than they say, neither of them know what it could be. General talk in the back yard. Chinese checkers continues. Indy talks about her situation in real life, she helps her family and takes care of herself as well. She has no back up or help if she fails. Terrance says he was not given a leave of absence, he just left his job. He says he has a CDL so he can work anywhere. Nicole says she called her boss, "Jim" and told him she had to go, but she couldn't tell him what it was. She has her job when she gets back. Indy says she told them at work that she would not be available for the next rotation. Her supervisor was happy for her. Turner says he told people he was going to try Big Brother again, he has tried in the past and nearly made the show. Turner and Jasmine both say they were one of the last people cut from the show last year. Big Circles covers the conversation..... 12:00am Darlings it is time for me to say goodnight again, I have enjoyed spending time with you all this evening. My plan is the same now, Thank the Lord, cuddle my puppies, I now have two quilts on the bed, the girls are very small (A pomeranian and a little chihuahua-they are both rescues that just came along and needed love) ;they insist they need an entire quilt for themselves. Tomorrow is a brand new day, Sundays are perfect days to give your family a call and spend some time rejuvenating yourselves. I know your day will have blessings. Goodnight dears, hugs, Grannysue.
  15. 10:00pm There is a towel folding party in the back yard. Monte, Joe and Nicole are cooking, people come and go, checking out the food. (Rice, roasted veggies, salmon and chicken. Joe is making something with mushrooms and onions.) Nicole is talking to Michael about "I can't believe I didn't see it" Dinner is ready and house guests start wandering to the counter. The house is at the dining table, coming in at their own pace. Only Indy says Grace before eating. 10:30pm Indy joins Turner and Jasmine in the back yard. Turner is explaining the odds of winning with 18 people coming into the house. Other people start joining in as they finish dinner. General talk. Turner tells them he owns a thrift store, Jasmine talks over him, says she owns a nail business, but she is also a nail tech. Turner says it is an art shop/studio as well, but 90% of his income is needed for bills. Turner calls himself an artist. Terrance say he is a DJ, he also works with a business that distributes cannibas. Jasmine says their family has land that can be used for that, Terrance says she can let him know, he will help. Terrance says his brother in law is a chef who makes dinners for people, they market for each other. Indy says her friend makes foods with mushrooms. Terrance says he does drive a bus, his wife runs a trauma area in a hospital Terrance says he works on the bus route for the insurance. Indy says she recently opened an online shop for crystals. Talk about what they actually do for a living continues, Indy tells them she is really a flight attendant. Turner tells them that he did have a Tesla, he sold it to use the money for renovations. Nicole brings Jasmine and Turner her specialty slop, they really appreciate it and enjoy it. Some of the house guests are in the living room gathered around the chinese checker board. Taylor, Monte, Michael, Brittany, Joe, and Kyle. General moaning and groaning over the game.
  16. 9:00pm They continue to talk about Brittany, how she is pushed to the outside. It is protective talk. Taylor comes into the room with her bag of Lay's chips. Joe tells Taylor that Nicole approached him and "let him know" she would do anything to protect him, she wants Taylor gone. Taylor says Nicole told Terrance she was nervous to go up after what happened to Ameerah. They laugh that Terrance threw off on Nicole a little. They also realize he is against them because they upset him. Nicole's reluctance to go on the block reveals that she would mess up the girls' plans for her own game. Monte tells Taylor that Nicole's plan is to put him and his trio on the block "so they can work together". Taylor tells Michael and Joe she is cooking a pack of chicken, she only made one because the whole house hates her, why should she cook for them. Taylor tells Monte she is impressed by Terrance. Monte tells Taylor if Nicole tells him she is afraid to go on the block, that means they can get her out unanimously. Monte says Jasmine and Indy have talked to him, things are moving toward Nicole out of the house. Nicole told him Jasmine lied to her about knowing of Po's Pack. Monte says in Po's Pack, Ameerah was dictating orders, no conversation or consultation. He says Alyssa was feeding information to Kyle. Taylor tells Monte she is good with this, she will have her moments, but she will find one of them during those moments. Monte says Kyle will come in like the super hero, saying "noooo, she will not stay on the block!" Monte says Taylor knows this week after the Ameerah eviction, what her position is this week Monte sees that Joe is working with the salmon, they head out of the room. While they leave, Monte tells Taylor that Turner is having a hard time (healthwise) with the slop. In the bedroom, Terrance is telling Joe that Nicole is worried about goingh home. Terrance says there was a conversation where Nicole left the room saying she couldn't trust anyone. Joe tells Terrance he heard her say that but she wouldn't share what it was about. Terrance says Nicole told him she thought people were "switchin" Terrance says Old School turned their back on him, after telling him, hey you're okay, we love you. Joe says they seemed to have a hard time choosing last week (Nicole and Daniel). Joe says from what he saw, Terrance was supposed to "go out that door." Terrance says that whatever was in place with Ameerah is still in place, he wants Monte to know that the second person is Nicole. Terrance says Nicole told him that she would put up the trio to get to Brittany and Michael. (Joe knows). Cameras move to Nicole and Brittany. Nicole asks Brittany, if she stays, could she choose Michael and Brittany s her festie besties. Brittany tells her yes, but then tells her she is confused about why Nicole would decide to do that. Nicole asks Brittany how she ended up voting Ameerah out. Nicole says she got information right before the vote that Ameerah had been throwing her name out. She was hesitant about her vote, but voted for her own game. Nicole says she was closer to Ameerah than the others, and that mayhave put a target on her. Nicole says Monte has reassured her. In the bedroom Terrance continues to relay what he knows. Joe knows some of it, but not all of it. Terrance says Nicole is dangerous, if he wins HOH next week he is getting her on the block. Joe tells him the votes that came to him last week (Terrance) were people he didn't even work with. They listened to Terrance when he came to them with concerns, and voted accordingly. Terrance tells Joe they need to get Nicole out, "what guns does Taylor have to shoot?" Terrance truly believes that Nicole wants him out, but they want to draw him in. Joe says there is an alliance they don't know about, but Nicole is trying to pull him in. Terrance says she only told him she was a cop when he was walking out the door. Joe says if she told him, then she wanted him to go. Terrance says he trusts Daniel, but just a little bit, he appreciates his vote. Joe tells Terrance that Monte is putting up Taylor for sure, the house may vote differently. Terrance continues to share information with Joe, Joe gives Terrance advice. In the Tiki room Nicole continues to talk to Brittany. Brittany is telling Nicole that people are hearing, after Ameerah left, some of the people in the house are sharing info on what Ameerah was saying in the house. Nicole does her share of complaining about Ameerah. Brittany calls it to Nicole's attention, "We don't really talk in this game." (referring to Nicole) Nicole tells Brittany if she had known all these things, she would have given Terrance her vote as well. Nicole tells Brittany she apologizes for saying she (Brittany) needed to be the first one to go. Nicole tells Brittany that she wasn't a part of the cuddle group of girls... Cameras move to the kitchen Monte, Michael, Kyle and Terrance are cooking, and goofing. Terrance says he is trying to get people to say, "Go crazy!" Kyle goes to check on the laundry, Monte's cooking salmon, Joe brings back pinto beans to add to dinner. They say they are breaking the stereotype of women in the kitchen. (Nicole is still talking, repeating, making excuses...) Camera returns to the kitchen. The guys are talking about streaming services turning into cable. Michael and Kyle talk about the possibility of going on Survivor Cameras move to back yard. Daniel and Indy are sitting on the sofa, Taylor comes over and just plops down between them, positioning herself between them (not overly close, u General talk. In the kitchen Monte continues to guide the cooking experience. Jasmine is on one of the sofas in the back yard, everyone is talking at once, all general conversation that covers over in audio. Brittany and Michael are in the storage room. He tells her that Kyle doesn't know how to act with Alyssa now, "they" don't want the veto used, Kyle might still do it. Brittany says he would rather Nicole on the jury than Alyssa, but he won't make it an issue. Brittany says Nicole told her "you are the strongest woman in the house, you should just go with it straight to the end." Brittany says she pretty much tuned out what she was saying, she didn't believe any of it, but she gave her no assurances. Brittany thanks Michael for telling her to talk to Monte, he tells her she is in with the guys, on the outside. Brittany thanks Joe (who comes in), for not caring when they "talk s**t" about her. Joe says money changes people. Brittany tells Joe that Nicole approached her about not voting her out over Taylor. She calls it a song and dance. Brittany mentions Indy, Joe tells her that he is trying to protect her and Michael right now. He knows she was alone, trying to start conversation. Brittany says she is still playing the outsider. Brittany says Nicole was asking if she could join her and Michael and that started ringing alarm bells. Brittany talks to the camera, "Feeling better 'bout this.", and camera moves. Camera moves back to kitchen where Nicole has joined the guys (they are in "her" kitchen after all).
  17. 8:42pm Joe and Monte are upstairs, Joe tells Monty that earlier Alyssa followed Kyle up to the HOH room, Kyle was worried he (Joe) would think he was more involved than he claims. They think if Daniel refuses to use the veto then Kyle might be able to use it anyway. Monte says their group will be good as long they play clean and insulate the information they will be fine. Joe tries a piece of Monte's spicy jerky. Joe says he came up to see if Monte wants to cook dinner with him, Joe says Nicole is on strike, she thinks the house won't function without her. Monte says Nicole loves to call attention to things that are wrong in the house. Joe says he informed her he was going to cook chicken, then realized he didn't really have to tell her. He feels like when he "does things" he feels her "mom" vibe. Joe says if you don't do something her way she takes it personally. Joe says she means well, it is just the delivery. Nicole, Turner and Michael are playing with the billiard balls, tossing them on the ground (maybe a form of bocce ball) In the HOH Kyle has jointed Monte and Joe, who continue to talk about Nicole's ownership of the kitchen. They think she is connected because it is her job in the real world. Kyle complains that "they" tell him all the time that Brittany needs to go for jury, even though they know he is close to her. .
  18. 11:00pm General talk and snacking in HOH room Laughter about pranking/scaring each other in the house. House guests begin leaving the HOH room for their respective beds. Alyssa leaves the HOH room. Kyle says he think she is onto them a little, but maybe not. Joe says she asked him to go with her, he told her 5 minutes. Michael says Brittany is worried, the girls are mad at her and if they win, the girls will put her up. Joe is waiting for the veto to play out. Monte says Indy talked to him today, he told her it was unlikely she would go home this week. He told her that was not his intention. Taylor says if the nominations have to stay the same, they can wait a week. (to get rid of Nicole). Michael might try to sell Indy on choosing him and Brittany with the story that they (Brittany and Indy) don't get along, so Brittany can't nominate Indy. Joe tells them that Brittany lost a real place in the girls group because she warned Pooch that Ameerah wanted him gone. Pooch confronted Ameerah, then Ameerah told the girls not to trust Brittany. Kyle says Alyssa cut him off completely. Monte says he told Daniel and Nicole he was thinking of putting Alyssa and Indy up, when Alyssa came upstairs she revealed that she knew. Monte says no matter how much they say they don't trust each other, they still talk. Michael says he was supposed to lure Nicole into the storage room so Kyle could scare her. Kyle was trapped in his hiding place while Nicole blurted out that she thought she was going home and was crying. Kyle says he was thinking "abort abort", he wanted her to get out of the room, his legs start going to sleep, he started moving around so she would catch him. He says when they went out of the room everyone in the house was standing around yelling, "How did it go" Joe says Jasmine and Alyssa told him Michael, Brittany, and Taylor are close. He says Daniel and Nicole don't clown with him now that he spends more time with Taylor. Kyle says Daniel and Nicole blew up at Taylor because they thought she was leaving. Taylor says the perfect revenge would be if Daniel won the veto, took Alyssa down, Morte puts up Nicole and Taylor and Nicole goes home. Monte doesn't think Daniel will do that, he thinks Daniel is starting to realize he isn't the big dog. The others in the Leftovers say Daniel and Nicole are more distant from them because they spend time with Taylor. Turner mentions Nicole offering his ice cream from his HOH to the other house guests. Kyle says she scarfed down three of them today. Turner is mad because she took it on herself to offer it. Michael says he could use protection for him and Brittany by having the leftover house guest choose their duo to join. Joe thinks Daniel and Nicole will buy the story that they all want rid of Taylor. He laughs and says if Daniel says he doesn't want to use the veto, but Kyle does. Joe tells them that Daniel believes Taylor is an actress that was hired to stir the pot in the house. He says the girls were buying it. He says the best thing was when Taylor didn't go on the block. Taylor laid back on the hammock eating grapes in her bikini. He has everyone laughing. No one is impressed with Nicole's plan to choose Taylor as her partner, lie to her, and all the while she plotted to get Taylor sent out and recieve some special power for herself. Everyone in the room heard her story to Taylor and her 180 to the other people in the house. Michael says they are bullying Brittany now, saying she followed them around, keeping her out of the loop. Joe says it has called Brittany stressed, he says he was so bothered by it, but when he spent time with Brittany, Ameerah and other would cross by, and it was a problem. Joe says he kept her secrets, he didn't tell. Joe says this room won't lose themselves or their humanity in this game. Stopping the Taylor bullying was reassuring. 12:00am Talk and gossip continues in the HOH. Darlings, it is time for me to say goodnight, I am going to go say my prayers, talk my puppies into sharing the quilt, and snooze til the sun comes up. Be gentle with others, we all have a story and our faces don't always show others what those stories are. Your gentle soul could heal a spirit. goodnight dears, hug, Grannysue.
  19. 10:00pm General talk in the kitchen Discussing the fate of the onion, he has become "squishy" Nicole offers a burial in the trash. Indy says she is taking it home. General talk in the lavatory area, Kyle, Taylor, Alyssa 10:15pm same 10:30pm Kyle and Alyssa in the bedroom alone. Kyle is trying to appease Alyssa, says he is sorry she lost her friend in the house, he knows she doesn't trust him as much now. He says America hates him now. Kyle says she just has to tell him stuff, he will miss little signs. Indy comes into the room and leaves. Alyssa says she will probably say they are making out. Alyssa tells him she is not mad at him, but is not as excited about him as she won, she just wants to focus on the game. She thanks him for letting her know he cares about her. Kyle continues to flirt with Alyssa, Alyssa continues to giggle. Indy is in the bedroom with Michael, she tells him she values whoever is on her side. Indy says she will always have Michael's back, and he agrees he will try to be better communicating moving forward. Indy asks him to let her know if he hears people talking about her, she knows it is a game, but as friends they should do that. 10:39pm Monte and Kyle are in the HOH room, Kyle says the house is split into bubbles in the house. He thinks the alliance is good, no one has caught on yet. Monte says he spoke to Indy and Jasmine this morning. Monte says people seem to think he co-ordinated the idea of removing Ameerah. He thinks the girls want to put it out there, but he believes they are starting to move on to the idea that Turner had information. Monte says he doesn't believe the bygones by bygones attitude. He says his best conversation was with Jasmine, who doesn't feel as close to Alyssa as she has in the past. Alyssa and Joe come into the room followed by Michael and Indy. Alyssa says she will be in bed by midnight, Indy says she hopes Alyssa remembers she has a veto competition tomorrow. Nicole also comes into the room. Turner is on the bed with Monte, (sorry missed him coming in) Monte tells the group they can have any snacks they want, with the exception of his smoked salmon. Indy is massaging Joe's shoulders she says it is "how to put a man down" Several people try "red vines", not a fan favorite for the HOH review group.
  20. 9:30pm Joseph wonders if Alyssa is catching on, Kyle says she has no idea. Joe says when he hung out with Alyssa earlier she questioned him over and over again about the possiblility of eviction. The wonder what Ameerah whispered to Jasmine when she left. Alyssa returns to the lavatory area. General talk about age naturally transitions. Michael and Monte in the kitchen. Michael says "she was just having a rough day." not sure who it is, Michael says she is laying down in "there". (Jasmine/slop?) General talk in the kitchen.
  21. 8:54pm Joe, Kyle and Taylor are in the lavatory talking about who might go home this week. Joe says Monte made it clear that there was a back door plan, but he might have done that to cover the nominations. It seems Kyle might be pressing the "evict Alyssa" plan he has in mind. Indy walks into the room on the way to the loo. While Indy is in the loo they talk about the back yard being open, when is the eviction ceremony, etc. and banana bread they love. Alyssa comes into the lavatory as well, she sits on the vanity chair. General talk. Alyssa says the group upstairs are just talking, Daniel is playing the bumper pool game alone to practice. Alyssa talks about the perfect wedding ring and her wedding dress style. Taylor dives into it as well, the boys snooze. They get a message from Bob, "House guests this is a reminder that sleeping is only permitted in the bedrooms." The girls nudge Joe and Kyle. Kyle mumbles a question, Joe changes position. Alyssa explains what lip enhancement is. Kyle says he kissed a girl who had hard lips once, he says he thought they weren't natural lips. Alyssa says once you start having "things done" it leads down a very dark trail. Kyle teases Taylor for hugging Pooch before he left. (he says hugging and kissing) She says they missed the first showmance. Talk moves on to how tequila motivates bad behavior. Monte and Michael in the kitchen, Monte shouts out the time. Monte says they are waiting for 10pm, but no one will go to bed then, he had a nap, he knows he won't go to sleep on time. General talk. Cameras move to the lavatory area, General talk in there as well.
  22. 11:30pm Monte is talking to Jasmine in the lavatory, he is talking about Pooch's eviction. Jasmine is telling him how it happened. They continue to share information, nothing we don't already know. 11:40pm Darlings, it is a little early, but I think I will call it a night. It is time for me to go thank the Lord for my day, cuddle with my sweet babies, and wait for a new day. Take time for yourself today, recharge. Take a break and relax. The world will be waiting when you are done. goodnight dears-hugs, Grannysue.
  23. 11:00pm Alyssa comes into the have not room, she says she is looking for everyone. She is followed by Turner, he is coming to set the room up. General talk about have not amenities (beds). Monte and Alyssa are left in the have not room alone. Mo ante repeats the story to Alyssa. Alyssa is whispering, can't hear her. Monte tells Alyssa that last week he was told what to do, that he felt like there was a meeting and he wasn't invited to it. He says now there is a leak, he hears Nicole and Daniel are tight, she may have told Daniel about Po's Pack, she may have leaked it. Alyssa tells Monte going forward she wants to work with him, now she has nobody. Cameras move to Daniel and Nicole. Nicole tells him if she doesn't win the veto she is going up as the replacement nominee. She wonders if Taylor ever was the target. Daniel leaves the room. Cameras move back to have not room Alyssa continues to explain the behavior of Po's Pack, she says she doesn't want to be on the outside of anything. Monte says he will have one on ones with the house, he will see who will tell him the truth and who won't. After a few minutes they leave the have not room. Nicole and Jasmine are in the lavatory area, Monte comes in, goes to the loo. (Jasmine sent for him while she relaxes and eats a pickle). Monte comes out, washes his hands, and sits beside Jasmine. Someone comes to the door of the lavatory, Jasmine actually chases them away. Jasmine says her feelings were hurt because no one told her how the votes were going. She says a few people came to her after and told her why they voted as they did. Alyssa is in the bedroom reporting back on her conversation with Monte. She says there must have been a conversation about 15 minutes before the vote that flipped the house. Joe and Terrance are talking in the bedroom. Terrance says he never told Jasmine about the alliance. Joe says for Terrance to be careful, if he is asked, he should just say he heard there was an alliance. Joe says Terrance should say he heard it from Taylor. Joe thinks Monte might put Taylor up. Terrance heads off on his mission of misdirection. Indy is fussing in the bedroom, it is messy and she says she doesn't like it. She says it is a girl's room and should look like it. Daniel comes in, tells them their room feels like home.
  24. 10:00pm Brittany and Taylor go to the Tiki room. Brittany says Indy won't talk to her, although Jasmine understood and Alyssa was upset. Terrance joins them in the room, he thanks them for voting for him. Terrance says Monte and Joe told him to pick them to avoid retribution. Alyssa and Kyle are in the bedroom, Alyssa says she is upset, she has never been on the outside of anything. She tells him that Taylor heard about Po's Pack and told everyone, so people changed votes. Kyle says he asked Daniel, and Daniel was vague, maybe to cover for Nicole. Kyle says he thinks one of the girls may have flipped, he is just acting confused. Alyssa asks why he didn't tell her, he says Alyssa told him she would never vote for Ameerah or Jasmine, and Ameerah said the same about Alyssa and Jasmine. He said that to him, seemed to be a final three. Alyssa pushed the question,"why didn't you tell me?" Kyle continues to act sorry. Joe and Daniel are in the storage room, Joe is telling Daniel he was shocked that Ameerah went home, he just voted that way because she had the votes and he thought it wouldn't matter. Joe insists that he is not in an alliance. He voted for Ameerah to go home, he thought Terrance was going. He planned to talk about it with Ameerah later. Daniel says "it is good she went home, i just wish i knew." Joe tells Daniel that an alliance turned on her, be careful who he trusts. Joe claims to be upset that Ameerah was in alliances and didn't bring him in, she laid in bed next to him, and he was just on a list to go. Joe says he just doesn't care, he isn't going to investigate, he is going to lay low, Daniel agrees he will do that as well. Joe says he doesn't think Nicole knew what was happening. Joe throws Taylor under the bus to Daniel, blames her for the whole vote going south. (Daniel eats it up like a warm slice of bread.) Joe sells the "we can protect Nicole" story. They leave the storage room. Alyssa and Jasmine are talking in the bedroom, Jasmine is repeating she doesn't trust anyone. In the Tiki lounge Michael, Kyle, Brittany and Taylor are whispering. Hard to hear, but they are giggling when Kyle walks away. Joe and Monty go to the hall upstairs by the have not room. Joe is reporting back to Monte (conversation with Daniel). After a quick report and further plotting, they head to the Tiki lounge. they report to Taylor and Brittany. Indy comes to to the Tiki lounge, general talk while Kyle and Monte play the bumper pool game. Daniel and Terrance are in one of the bedrooms, Daniel says he is sorry for how Ameerah walked out. Terrance tells Daniel he had no idea about a Paloma alliance. He says no one said, "I'm giving you my vote.", they all said it was a game time vote and he didn't want to vote. Monte, Michael, Kyle and Brittany go to the have not room. Kyle reports back to Monte, his conversation with Alyssa. He repeats it accurately. Kyle says they can't show they are pissed. Michael and Brittany laugh, say together, "Oh yes they can." Michael repeats his story to the group, again, accurately. Brittany shares her info as well, she says Jasmine seems to be okay. Alyssa and Indy won't talk to her (Brittany). They work their plan to cover the votes they cast. Brittany tells them the girls have been making noises about Daniel, later she tells them the girls didn't share information with Nicole, she might go tell Daniel. They all agree that when things don't go the way the girls want them to, they act up. Kyle says Nicole is not a game player, she gets all emotional. They plan to make Terrance feel welcomed and a part of the group, although they don't plan to share the alliance information with him.



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