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Everything posted by nicolemason

  1. Hmmmm....I didn't see some of that coming. I'd be pretty pissed if I was Shane. Wonder if he'll pull a Chima.
  2. He definitely seems to be pretty loyal. It will be interesting to see if he keeps it up this week or if the power goes to his head.
  3. I still can't remember anything about her. I remember she was on the season with that annoying guy from Lubbock, but did she make it that far?
  4. Is there anyone who actually doesn't think they are going back in? Every person on Earth could vote no, it's been set up like this from the start.
  5. I can't understand why she wouldn't be the very first target this week. Get rid of her and you have to force BB's hand to show what they are going to do with the coach's. Since there has been so much talk about coach's coming back in the game, I would want to know that sooner rather than later. That way you have enough newbie votes to pick off the coach's.
  6. I bet Joe had something to do with it. Just glad he didn't hurt anyone.
  7. bahahaha.....true, true! One point to you! Maybe the irony lies in you complaining about Janelle being a mean girl, but obviously you're the biggest fan of the ultimate mean girl in BB history? Or is it still hypocrisy? --------------- While I do like seeing Janelle on my screen again, I would like to see her in an All-Stars setting. I think this coaching thing is totally stupid, and it's not going to do any of them favors for their popularity. As far as her being catty and a little bitchy, well she's always been that way. I'm not seeing anything different than what she's always put out there. Fortunately for her, we were introduced to Janelle when she was up against the Nerd Herd so she looked like the saint. Now everyone just finally noticed that she's never been that nice.
  8. Ahhh....the good old "she asked for it" defense. If I'm allowed to go slightly OT this reminds of a wonderful skit on the now defunct Chapelle show....the player's ball.....hater, hater,hater...... Not trying to be super rude in my original posting, just pointing out the irony.
  9. I have to disagree I hate seeing super fans on this show, I really would like to see just regular people who don't know a lot about the show. I think it would be refreshing to see a group without any preconceived notions on how the game is played. It would be like BB starting over brand new, give it some life again.
  10. I come to this board to read people's opinions about how Janelle is playing the game, but instead I'm reading comment after comment about how mean and nasty she is to other people.....all while bashing her parenting, her looks, her weight. Oh the irony. Anyways, right now she seems to be playing a good game. At first I thought that it would come down to her and Boogie, but I do think if Danielle makes it through tonight it will be Dan and Janelle as the coaches left standing.
  11. There is no way that Janelle (or any of the coaches) are here just for a shot at $100,000. They are being paid EXTREMELY well, and the 100k would just be an added bonus. Two months of work and then 10 months off to spend every waking moment with her child (if that's what she wants), as far as I'm concerned that's a pretty great job. Janelle knows that she is one of America's favorites and I'm sure she is being paid accordingly. She's going to be able to spend a lot more time with her child this year than I will, plus she'll be getting paid a hell of a lot more than I do. It's called a job people.
  12. As a photographer I bet she has a great eye for detail and is very observant. May prove to do really well in some of those comps.
  13. I'm so excited to be back! I was on here a very very long time ago, but had to stop using this account because of a crazy ex. Luckily, he's no longer with us and I'm free to use it again. I've been lurking for a long time, butnim excited I remembered the password to this account!
  14. Me too....Me too....I'm back and can't wait for another fun summer. No life just BB and this forum!!!
  15. OMG.......Ivette finally said something smart. M: Janelle may win, but she will be the most hated HG I: No she won't, they love her or something like that
  16. The NH is insane....Maggot now thinks that Janelle is the creator of BB.
  17. The questions were dumb, but I don't think they had anything else to fill the time. Besides, who gives a crap what April thinks, she is a lunatic.
  18. Damn...I always forget how witty you are....I think you should be the new host.
  19. I do love to debate with you.



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